make a scatterplot of weight versus desired weight. describe the relationship between these two variables.


Answer 1

The relationship between the variable is the direction, strength, and linearity .

Scatterplots can be used when one continuous variable is under the control of the experimenter and the other is dependent on it, or when both continuous variables are independent. When one parameter is systematically increased and/or decreased by the other, it is called the control parameter or independent variable and is usually plotted along the horizontal axis. Measured or dependent variables are usually plotted along the vertical axis. In the absence of a dependent variable, any type of variable can be plotted on any axis and the scatter plot he only shows the degree of correlation (not causality) between the two variables.

Scatterplots can suggest different types of correlations between variables with specific confidence intervals. If the dot pattern slopes downwards from the lower left to the upper right, this indicates a positive correlation between the investigated variables. If the dot pattern slopes from top left to bottom right, it indicates a negative correlation. You can draw a line of best fit (also called a "trend line") to explore the relationship between variables. The formula for correlation between variables can be determined by established best-fit methods. For linear correlation, the optimal procedure is called linear regression, which guarantees a correct solution in finite time. There is no one-size-fits-all procedure that guarantees the correct resolution in any relationship. Scatterplots are also very useful for seeing how two comparable data sets match up to show non-linear relationships between variables.

Desired Weight:

A standardized table of desirable (or ideal) weight for adult height is based on life expectancy. Both malnutrition and obesity are associated with an increased risk of early death. A desirable weight corresponds to a body mass index (ratio of weight in kg/height in m2) between 20 and 25. Ideal weight charts based on actuarial data were first published in 1942 by the Metropolitan Life Assurance Company of New York and were replaced in 1959 by charts of average and desirable weights.

Learn more about variable:


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How much do you need to deposit into your account that pays 8% interest compounded quarterly to have a balance of $4500 after 10 years?


Answer: 810

Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:


= (-4)(-x+-8)

= (-4)(-x)+(-4)(-8)

= 4x+32

4x + 32 is the answer because you have to use distributive property which is multiplying -4 into -x and -8 when you multiply two negatives they become positive

Find the area of the surface. The part of the plane x + 2y + 3z = 1 that lies inside the cylinder x2 + y2 = 2.


The area of the surface = [tex]\pi \sqrt{14}[/tex] sq. units

As given in the question the part of,

plane ⇒ x + 2y = 3z = 1

cylinder = [tex]x^{2} + y^{2} = 3[/tex]

Let take P = projection on plane x + 2y + 3z = 1

The surface area of the equation is given by,

∫∫ₚ  √{1+(∂z/∂x)² + (∂z/∂y)²} dA

Using the coordinate of the cylinder,

x = n cos [tex]\alpha[/tex] , y = n sin [tex]\alpha[/tex]

= [tex]x^{2} + y^{2} = (n cos \alpha )^{2} + n sin \alpha ^{2}[/tex]

= [tex]n^{2} (cos^{2}\alpha + sin^{2}\alpha )[/tex]

= [tex]n^{2}[/tex] x 1 = [tex]n^{2}[/tex]

= [tex]n^{2}[/tex] = 2 ⇒ n =  [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Therefore, P =  {(r,θ)/ 0 ≤ r ≤ [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex], 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π}

x +2y + 3z =1

⇒ z = 1/3(1 - x - 2y)

∂z/∂x = -1/3 ; ∂z/∂y = -2/3

According to the formula of surface area,

= ∫∫ₚ √{1+ (-⅓) ² + (-⅔) ²} dA

= 14 /3 [tex]\int\limits_0^{2\pi } \int\limits_0^{\sqrt{3} }[/tex] dA is an area of region P

= [tex]\sqrt{14}[/tex] / 3 [tex]\int\limits_0^{2\pi } \int\limits_0^{\sqrt{3} }[/tex]r. dr. d[tex]\alpha[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{14}[/tex] / 3 [tex]\int\limits_0^{2\pi }[/tex] [tex][r^{2} / 2 ]^{\sqrt{3} }_0[/tex] .d[tex]\alpha[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{14}[/tex] /3 [tex]\int\limits_0^{2\pi }[/tex]3/2. d[tex]\alpha[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{14}[/tex] /2 [tex][\alpha ]^{2\pi }_ 0[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{14}[/tex] /2[[tex]2\pi[/tex] - 0]

= [tex]\pi \sqrt{14}[/tex]

Therefore, the area of the surface = [tex]\pi \sqrt{14}[/tex] sq. units

To learn more about surface area,


Sarah has $12000 to invest and decides to invest it in a
mutual fund that has averaged a compound rate of return of
15.2% for each of the last 6 years. How many years will
it take for her money to grow to $600 000 if this fund
continues to average 15.2% during the time invest? Round
off your answer to the nearest year.
O 15
0 28
0 45
0 43



Step-by-step explanation:

Josh's father is paying for a $20 meal. He has a 15%-off coupon for the meal. After
the discount, a 7% sales tax is applied. What does Josh's father pay for the meal?


The amount paid for meal is obtained as $18.19.

What is percentage?

A percentage is a value that indicates 100th part of any quantity.

A percentage can be converted into a fraction or a decimal by dividing it by 100.

Given that,

The price of the meal is $20.

The percent discount is 15%.

And, the percent tax is 7%.

Now, the final amount paid can be calculated as follows,

(20 - 15% of 20) + 7% of (20 - 15% of 20)

= (20 - 15/100 × 20) + 7/100 × (20 - 15/100 × 20)

= 17 + 7/100 × 17

= 17 + 1.19

= 18.19

Hence, the amount paid by the father for meal is $18.19.

To know more about percentage click on,


Find ℎ(−5) when ℎ(x) = −3|x − 1| + 4



ℎ(−5) is −14.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the value of ℎ(−5), we plug −5 in for x in the expression for ℎ(x):

ℎ(−5) = −3|−5 − 1| + 4

To evaluate the absolute value, we need to find the distance between −5 and 1 on the number line. Since the absolute value function is always non-negative, the distance between −5 and 1 will be positive.

To find the distance between −5 and 1, we subtract the smaller number from the larger number:

|−5 − 1| = |−6| = 6

Now we can plug this value into the expression for ℎ(−5) to find its value:

ℎ(−5) = −3 * 6 + 4

ℎ(−5) = −18 + 4

ℎ(−5) = −14

Therefore, the value of ℎ(−5) is −14.

Is this a false or true statement? Extrapolation is the use of the regression line to estimate a mean of y-values ​​for an x-value that is far outside the x-range of data


This is False in light of the stated statement. Due to the employment of a regression line to calculate the mean of y for x that are outside the x-range of the data.

How is regression calculated?

Y = mX + b, where X is the predictive (independent) factor, m is really the approximately slope, and b is the expected intercept, is the methodology for simple linear regression.

The relationship between scattered data points in any set is shown by a regression line. When there is a linear pattern, it displays the relationship between the dependent y variable and independent x variables.

The correlation between the independent variables (IVs) and the dependent variable is described by a linear regression equation (DV). The DV for the IV values you indicate can also be predicted for new values.

Hence we get the required answer.

Learn more about Regression lines  here:


Please help asap this is my last class I need to finish and I’m super behind!!

The table below represents a linear function.

What is the rate of change?
(Picture below)


The rate of change of the linear function represented by the table is a = 4.

What is the rate of change of the linear function?

A general linear function is written as:

f(x) = a*x + b

Where a is called the slope and is also the rate of change of the function, and b is the y-intercept.

If we know two points on the line, (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂), then the rate of change can be computed with the following formula:

a = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

In this case we have a table with some points on that line, we can use any two we want.

For example, I will use the first two, these are:

(-4, -21) and (-3, -17)

Then the rate of change of the linear function is given by:

a = (-17 + 21)/(-3 + 4) = 4/1 = 4

The rate of change is a = 4.

Learn more about linear functions:


im stuck on itt


4. Definition of midpoint

5. Definition of an equilateral triangle

6. SSS

Sofia is dividing 8 by 22. If she continues the process, what will keep repeating in the quotient?.


The integer numbers that will be repeating in the quotient is 36, the decimal representation of the fraction is 0.3636...

When 8 is divided by 22 we get the fraction 8/22 , when simplified this fraction gives 4/11 .

Now we will divide the numerator by the denominator we get:

4 ÷ 11 = 0.363636...

Thus, it is a repeating decimal .

Hence the numbers 36 will constantly repeat itself.

A quotient is the result of dividing two numbers. The quotient is a mathematical phrase that can also be used to refer to the integer component of a division, fraction, or ratio.

The term "quotient" has been used in many mathematical disciplines to depict structures generated by disassembling larger structures. Given a set with an equivalence relation specified on it, a "quotient set" having particular equivalence classes as items can be formed.

A quotient group is generated by dividing a group into numerous comparable co-sets, and a quotient space is formed by dividing a vector space into numerous comparable linear subspaces.

To know more details about quotient visit:


Can someone help with a step by step answer to This?

And a an answer to what the end behaviors are, Thank you to whoever helps.


The end behaviours of the functions are f(x) = x⁴ - x³ - 16x³ + 4x + 48

As x ⇒ +∝, f(x) ⇒ +∝ and as x ⇒ -∝, f(x) ⇒ -∝

How to determine the end behaviours of the functions?

The equation of the function is given as

f(x) = x⁴ - x³ - 16x³ + 4x + 48

Calculate f(∝) and f(-∝).

So, we have

f(∝ ) = ∝ ⁴ - ∝ ³ - 16∝ ³ + 4∝  + 48

So, we have;

f(∝) = ∝

Also, we have

f(-∝ ) = -∝ ⁴ - (-∝) ³ - 16(-∝) ³ - 4∝  + 48


f(∝) = -∝

This means that the end behaviours of the functions are;

As x ⇒ +∝, f(x) ⇒ +∝

as x ⇒ -∝, f(x) ⇒ -∝

Read more about end behaviours at;


5,2,4/5 find the 10th term


The tenth term is


What is the mass of an object on the moon when its mass on the earth is 20kg?


The mass of an object on the moon will be same that is 20 Kg when it's mass on the Earth is 20 Kg .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the mass of the object on the Earth is 20 Kg .

we have to find the mass of the same object on the moon ,

We know that Mass is defined as the numerical measure of its inertia ,

and weight is calculated as

weight = mass × gravity ,

and mass is a constant quantity ,

So , the mass remain unchanged that is 20Kg .

Therefore , the mass of the object on the moon will be same as of Earth that is 20 Kg .

Learn more about Mass Of Object here


a control chart for a bottled product requires that a sample consisting of a single bottle contain between 350 and 360 milliliters of product. sample data, taken when the bottling process was in control, indicate that bottles contain an average of 355 milliliters, and you know that the bottling process has a standard deviation of 4 milliliters when in control. given that the bottling process is in control, what portion of its output will fall outside the limits of the chart?


So, bottling process is in control thus .0124 portion is fall outside the limit.

What is standard deviation ?

In statistics, the standard deviation measures how widely distributed or how much a set of values might vary. While a high standard deviation denotes that values are scattered throughout a wider range, a low standard deviation suggests that values are normally close to the set's mean.


A sample consisting of a single bottle contain between 350 and 360 milliliters of product is taken

Since ,

bottles contain an average of 355 milliliters, has Standard deviation = 4 milliliters

using fomula

Sd= 4 milimeters

upper bound 360

an lower bound = 350

So, bottling process is in control thus .0124 portion is fall outside the limit.

To know more about  standard deviation  , visit


20 pionts if you help me!!!! and brainlest !!!!
in the GIF TYSM ⇅


a. The solution to the system of equations is: (4, 12).

b. The graph is shown below.

c. (4, 12) is the point of intersection. It confirms the solution from part a.

What is the Solution of a System of Equations?

The solution of a system of equations can be described as the value of x and y of a point, that makes both equations true. It is the point where the two lines of the equations of the system intersect.

If we are given two tables, the ordered pair that appears in both table is considered the solution of the system.

a. The ordered pair, (4, 12) appears in both tables. Therefore, the solution is: (4, 12).

b. The graph of the ordered pairs from each table are sketched in the image shown below, where the green line is for the first table, and the blue line is for the second table.

c. The point of intersection of the graph is (4, 12), this confirms the solution from part a.

Learn more about the solution of system of equations on:


On a sunny fall day, Paul and his family go to an orchard to pick apples for their famous apple
pies. First, they pick enough Golden Delicious apples to fill a bag. Then, they pick enough
Honeycrisp apples to fill another bag. The bag of Honeycrisp apples weighs 18 pounds. In all,
Paul's family picks 22 pounds of apples.
Which equation can you use to find the weight w of the Golden Delicious apples?
w + 18 = 22
Type here to search
= 22
Solve this equation for w to find the weight of the Golden Delicious apples.
w 18 = 22
18w = 22
Work it out


The equation that can use to find the weight w of the Golden Delicious apples w + 18 = 22.

The weight of the Golden Delicious apples is 4 pounds.

What is a linear equation?

The equation for a linear equation in one variable is written as ax+b = 0, where a and b are two integers, and x is a variable. This equation has only one solution. For instance, the linear equation 2x + 3 = 8 only has one variable.

Given that, Paul's family picks 22 pounds of apples.

They pick a bag of Honeycrisp apples weighs 18 pounds.

Assume that they take Golden Delicious apples with weight w.

Then the total weight of the bag is 18 + w.

The equation is

18 + w = 22

Subtract 18 from both sides:

18 + w - 18 = 22 - 18

w = 4

To learn more about solution of an equation, click on below link:


Given f (x) = -2x+1 and g(x) =3x determine the value of f (4) + g(-1)




Step-by-step explanation:


f(4)= -8+1

f(4)= -7

g(x)= 3(-1)

g(x) = -4

f(4)+g(-1)= -7+(-4)



hopes this helps


-11 just took the test and that was mine

Step-by-step explanation:

A shipping container will be used to transport several 50-kilogram crates across the country by rail. The greatest weight that can be loaded into the container is 27500 kilograms. Other shipments weighing 9500 kilograms have already been loaded into the container. Write and solve an inequality which can be used to determine xx, the number of 50-kilogram crates that can be loaded into the shipping container.



To write and solve an inequality that can be used to determine the number of 50-kilogram crates that can be loaded into the shipping container, we need to first find the total weight of the crates that can be loaded into the container. The maximum weight that can be loaded into the container is 27500 kilograms, and other shipments weighing 9500 kilograms have already been loaded, so the total weight of the crates that can be loaded is 27500 kilograms - 9500 kilograms = 18000 kilograms.

Next, we need to divide the total weight of the crates that can be loaded by the weight of each crate to find the number of crates that can be loaded. Since each crate weighs 50 kilograms, the number of crates that can be loaded is 18000 kilograms / 50 kilograms = 360 crates.

To express this as an inequality, we can use the following equation:

x <= 360

This inequality states that the number of crates that can be loaded into the shipping container (x) must be less than or equal to 360. Therefore, the number of 50-kilogram crates that can be loaded into the shipping container is x <= 360.

Step-by-step explanation:

there were 425 guests at a hotel. 170 guests ordered food. what percentage of the guests ordered food?


Answer: 40%

Step-by-step explanation:

Take 170 divided by 425, then times 100% = 40%

So 40% of the guests ordered food!

The area of a rectangle is 105 sq in and the length of one side is 7 in. what is the length of the perimeter?



Step-by-step explanation:

yall weird ok

What is the relationship between the points on the line and solutions to the linear equation?


The relationship between the points on the line and solutions to the linear equation is, the equation has a solution at each point along the line.

In the given question, we have to find the relationship between the points on the line and solutions to the linear equation.

The equation has a solution at each point along the line. This simply means that it is easy to tell whether an ordered pair is a solution to an equation. The ordered pair is a solution to the equation if it lies on the line drawn by the linear equation.

To learn more about linear equation link is here


Mrs.Galicia dropped a ball from the top of a tower. At the same time, her son, Antonio, launches a rocket from a different level of the tower.
The height of the tennis ball in feet after t seconds can be represented by the quadratic function: b(t)=-t^2-4t+22.
The height of Antonio's rocket after t seconds can be represented by the linear function: p(t)=-2t+12.
What are the two solutions to this system? Show your work algebraically.
Explain which solution is not reasonable in this situation.
After how many seconds do the rocket and the ball reach the same height.


The system's two potential fixes are

t = 3.099 tennis ball

launch of a rocket, t = 6

Antonio's rocket's height is the unreasonable solution, because the path was followed should not be a linear function.

At 2.32 seconds, the rocket and tennis ball both reach the same height.

How can the two systems be solved?

The two equations of motion are

b(t) = -t² - 4t + 22.

p(t) = -2t + 12

The answer to the quadratic equation is

b(t) = -t^2 - 4t + 22.

t = 3.099 OR t = -7.099

use positive hence t = 3 seconds

The linear equation's answer is

t = 6

The linear equation is the answer that is unreasonable in this case. because projectile motion does not follow a linear path

duration to reach the same height

-2t + 12 = -t^2 - 4t + 22.

-t^2 - 2t + 10

When the equation is solved,

t = 2.3166 OR -4.3166

select the positive number.

t = 2.32 s

2.32 s is needed to reach the same height.

Learn more about quadratic functions at:


What’s the equation for this graph




Step-by-step explanation:

as he walked along the beach, johnny counted seashells and starfish that washed up in the sand. johnny counted 9 seashells. that is 3 more than the number of starfish he counted. which equation can you use to find how many starfish johnny counted?



There’s 3 starfish and 9 seashells.

Step-by-step explanation:

3 x _ = 9

9 / 3 = 3

3 starfish

Please help me I don’t know the answer. :(

Maria spent $12.50 at the post office. She bought three times as many $0.41 stamps as $0.02 stamps. How many of each did she buy?


The numbers of  $0.02 stamps and numbers of $0.41 stamps, if Maria spent $12.50 at the post office. Three times as many $0.41 stamps were purchased by her as $0.02 stamps are 10 and 30 respectively.

What is the equation?

The equals sign is used in equations to indicate the equality of two expressions in a formula.


Maria spent $12.50 at the post office. She bought three times as many $0.41 stamps as $0.02 stamps.

Write the equations as shown below,

3x = y  and 0.02 x +  0.41 y  = 12.5

Here, x = number of 0.02 stamps and y = number of 0.41 stamps.

Solve the equation by substituting the value of x,

x = 10 and y = 3 × 10 = 30

As a result, there are 10 and 30 $0.02 stamps and $0.41 stamps, respectively.

To know more about equation:


Find the value of sin K rounded to the nearest hundredth, if necessary.
Answer: sin K =
Submit Answer sin k=



Step-by-step explanation:


solve the following counting problems: (a) a spider has one sock and one shoe on each of its eight legs, in how many different orders can the spider put on its socks and shoes? (assume that a shoe must be on top of a sock). (b) an elevator starts at the basement with 10 people and discharges them all by the time it reaches the top ??oor, number 6. in how many ways could have the people get o?? the elevator if it only ma??ers the number of people that le?? on each ??oor?


Therefore , a)different orders can the spider put on its socks and shoes is  [tex]\frac{16!}{(2!)^{8} }[/tex]  and b)the total no of ways for people to discharge from lift is 14112 ways.

What is combination?

Selections are another name for combinations. Combinations represent the choosing of items from a predetermined group of items. We're not trying to arrange anything here. We're going to pick them. We write n C r to represent the number of distinct r-selections or combinations among a set of n objects. Compared to arrangements or permutations, combinations are different.


Each dressing sequence may be uniquely characterized by a series of two 1s, two 2s,..., and two 8s; the spider is said to put the sock on leg x in the first instance, and the shoe on leg x in the second instance.

The solution would be 16! if each number were unique.

However, because 8 words appear twice, the solution is

=>  [tex]\frac{16!}{(2!)^{8} }[/tex]

Thus different orders can the spider put on its socks and shoes is  [tex]\frac{16!}{(2!)^{8} }[/tex]


Part A: When the elevator operator can't tell who is who.

Currently, there are 6 floors and 10 persons, and each floor loses one.

so 8+6-1=13

applying combination

=>[tex]C^{13} _{5}[/tex] =  1287 ways.

Part 2: When the elevator attendant separates males from ladies.

There are 3 females and 5 males.

The formula for choosing five men is (5 + 6)-1= (10).

Applying combination  

=> .[tex]C^{10} _{5}[/tex]= 252 ways

techniques to choose ladies = 3+6-1=8

Applying combination  

=> [tex]C^{8} _{5}[/tex] = 56 ways

Total no. of ways

=>  252*56 = 14112 ways.

Therefore , the total no of ways for people to discharge from lift is 14112 ways.

To know more about combination , visit


Two sisters have decided to watch all the episodes of a popular TV show on DVD. Ella has already watched 4 episodes and will continue to watch the show at a rate of 2 episodes per day. Sophia, who hasn't yet seen the show, will start watching 4 episodes per day. Once the two sisters get to the point where they have watched the same number of episodes, they plan to finish the series together. How long will that take? How many episodes will each sister have watched at that point?​


Answer: 8 episodes it would have been 2 days

so 8 episodes will be watched for them to be caught up with each other

the dolphins at the washington aquarium are fed 1/2 of a bucket of fish each day. the sea otters are fed 2 1/3 times as much fish as the dolphins. how many buckets of fish are the sea otters fed each day?


The number of buckets of fish that the sea otters fed each day is  7/6 buckets .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the number of buckets of fish that the dolphin are fed at the Washington aquarium = 1/2 bucket

the sea otters are fed [tex]2\frac{1}{3}[/tex] times as many as fish .

So , the number of buckets that are fed to otters is = (7/3) × (number of buckets eaten by fish)

Substituting the values of number of buckets eaten by fish ,

we get

= (7/3) × (1/2)

Simplifying further ,

we get ,

= 7/6 buckets .

Therefore , the sea otters are fed 7/6 buckets of fish each day .

Learn more about Fractions here


question 171 pts a random sample from a normal population is obtained, and the data are given below. find a 90% confidence interval for . 114 157 203 257 284 299 305 344 378 410 421 450 478 480 512 533 545 what is the lower bound of the confidence interval (round off to the nearest integer)?


The information is provided below using a random sampling from a healthy population. a 90% confidence interval for . 114 is the lower bound of the confidence interval.

To find the lower bound of the 90% confidence interval, we need to calculate the 5th percentile of the data. To do this, use the formula that goes like this:

5th percentile = 114 + (0.90 * (512 - 114))

= 114 + (0.90 * 398)

= 114 + 358.2

= 472.2

Therefore, the lower bound of the 90% confidence interval is 472 (rounded to the nearest integer).

Learn more about confident interval here


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