Lynn needs a large truck toMove some furniture. She found that the cost C of renting a truck is $20 per day plus $1 per mile mWrite an equation for the cost of one day in terms of the miles drivenGraph the equation for values up to and including 100 milesEstimate the cost of driving 20 miles in one day


Answer 1

We can set the following equation with the information given:

[tex]C=1\cdot m+20[/tex]

Notice that it is a linear equation and its graph is as follows:

which corresponds to option A.

The estimated cost of driving 20 miles in one day is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} C=1\cdot20+20 \\ C=40 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If C=$25, solving the first equation on the board for m we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 25=m+20 \\ m=25-20 \\ m=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the truck was driven 5 miles if the cost for one day is $25.

Lynn Needs A Large Truck ToMove Some Furniture. She Found That The Cost C Of Renting A Truck Is $20 Per

Related Questions

I would like to know the answer for this question it’s very confusing


As the first step, let us say that the velocity of the boat in relation to a fixed point in the map of this travel is equal to its velocity in relation to the water PLUS the water velocity in relation to the fixed point WHEN it is in the same direction (travel downstream), and MINUS when traveling in the opposite direction (upstream).

From this, we will remember the definition of velocity by:

[tex]V=\frac{\Delta S}{\Delta t}[/tex]

The ΔS is the distance ran by the boat, which is 60 miles. Δt is 4h for the upstream case, and 3h for the downstream case.

From this, we say that the value of V is for the boat in relation to the water (which is what we need here) and v for the water. Now, we have the following system of equations.

[tex]\begin{gathered} V-v=\frac{60}{4}=15 \\ V+v=\frac{60}{3}=20 \\ \\ V-v=15 \\ V+v=20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to proceed with the solution, we will sum up the equations, which will result in the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V-v+(V+v)=15+20 \\ 2V=35 \\ V=\frac{35}{2} \\ \\ V=17.5mph \end{gathered}[/tex]From the solution developed above, we are able to conclude that the rate of the boat in still water, what is the velocity the boat reaches in relation to the water, is equal to 17.5 miles per hour.

Lora rents a car while spending her vacation traveling in Brazil. When she returns the car, she has driven 1350 miles and used about 54 gallons of gas. If gas costs an average of $4.969 per gallon, estimate how much she spent on fuel.



distance Lora has driven = 1350 miles

amount of gas she used = 54 gallons

cost of gas per gallon = $4.969

The amount she spent o fuel can be calculated using the formula:

[tex]\text{Amount she has spent on fuel = cost per gallon }\times\text{ amount of fuel she has used }[/tex]

Substituting we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Amount she has spent on fuel = \$5 }\times\text{ 5}5 \\ =\text{ }275 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Hence, Lora has spent $275 on fuel by estimate

[tex] {a}^{12} {b}^{ - 9} \ \: {c}^{ - 6} [/tex]what is the answer ?


We have the following expression:


Now let's recall two properties of the exponents that will help to solve this exercise:

[tex]x^{-1}=\text{ }\frac{1}{x}\Rightarrow4^{-3\text{ }}=\text{ }\frac{1}{4^3}[/tex]

Then we have:


Now, we have all the exponents with positive sign

The base of the exponents is different (a,b and c), therefore there is no additional step we can take

Student became unresponsive. Closing the session

How to find the distance of a circle given points (-2.1,1.5) and (0.8771,0)



There are given the two points of the circle:

[tex](-2.1,1.5)\text{ and (0.8771,0)}[/tex]

Write a polynomial function of least degree with the given zeros: -2, 1,4


Since we want a polynomial p(x) with zeros -2,1 and 4, we have the following expression:


If we multiply these factors we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} p(x)=(x+2)(x-1)(x-4) \\ \Rightarrow p(x)=(x^2+x-2)(x-4) \\ \Rightarrow p(x)=x^3-4x^2+x^2-4x-2x+8 \\ p(x)=x^3-3x^2-6x+8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the polynomial function with the given zeros is p(x)=x^3-3x^2-6x+8

Given the function h(x) = x^2 + 3x - 1 determine the average rate of change of the function over the interval -7 ≤ x ≤ 5




Find: average rate of change of the function over the interval -7 ≤ x ≤ 5

Explanation: the average rate of change of the function is

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} f(b)=f(5)=5^2+15-1 \\ =25+15-1 \\ =39 \\ f(a)=f(-7)=(-7)^2-21-1 \\ =49-22 \\ =27 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}=\frac{39-27}{5-(-7)}=\frac{12}{12}=1[/tex]

Final answer: the required answer is 1.

Three teachers handed out mathand science textbooks for theirclasses. Two teachers had21 students each, and the lastteacher had 22. How manytextbooks were handed outaltogether?


Given Data:

The number of teachers is, 3.

Two teachers had 21 students each.

The last teacher had 22.

Since, two teachers had 21 students each, the number of textbooks handed out by these two teachers can be calculated as,


Therefore the total number of text books handed out is,


Thus, 64 textbooks were handed out altogether.

find the median of 79,27,24,11,14,11


To get the median of the distribution, we need to re-arrange the data in either ascending or descending order

Re-arranging the data in ascending order, we have

11, 11, 14, 24, 27, 79

There are two numbers that falls in the midle of the distribution, that is 14 and 24

The median = (14 + 24)/2 = 38/2


The answer is 19

The following triangles are scaled copies of each other. What is the scale factor? The scale factor is? What is the length of x? What is the length of y?


If we divide corresponding sides, we can obtain the scale factor:

24/6 = 4

Lenght of x

x/8 =4

Solve for x

x=4 (8)

x= 32

Lenght of y:


Solve for y



9) A notebook costs $3.50 and a binder costs $6.70. Jessica bought m binders. She also bought 4 fewernotebooks than binders. Write an algebraic expression for the total amount she spent.



We are told that a notebook costs $3.50 and a binder costs $6.70

If we represent the number of notebooks to be n and binders to be m

Also, we are told that she bought 4 fewer notebooks than binders

Then, we can say that


The total amount spent can be obtained using the basic principle

[tex]Amount=cost\text{ per unit}\times quantity\text{ sold }[/tex]


we have

[tex]Total\text{ Amount}=3.50(n)+6.70(m)[/tex]

But, we have established that n = m-4


[tex]Total\text{ amount =3.5\lparen m-4\rparen+6.7\lparen m\rparen}[/tex]

The total amount in terms of the binders will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3.5m-14+6.7m \\ 3.5m+6.7m-14 \\ 10.2m-14 \end{gathered}[/tex]


we can also express the total amount in terms of the binders as

[tex]Total\text{ amount }=10.2m-14[/tex]

6in 4in 3in 8in 3in 4in area of irregular figures


I don’t know, but, if I’m wrong it’s ok, the answer is 60

Identify the center of the circle defined by the equation (x + 4)² + (y - 1)² = 32



The centre of the circle is (-4,1).


Given the equation of the circle:


Comparing with the standard form of the equation of a circle:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=r^2 \\ Where\; Centre=(h,k) \end{gathered}[/tex]

We see that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-h=x+4 \\ \implies h=-4 \\ \text{Also:} \\ y-k=y-1 \\ \implies k=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The centre of the circle is (-4,1).

A new model of shirt at the clothing store comes in 4 colors: black, white, red, and blue


The data provided of the 16 sold shirts can be used to count the frequency of each color.

The results are shown below:

White = 5

Black = 2

Blue = 4

Red = 5

We can check the total is 5 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 16

Now we are ready to draw the bar graph, where each color must have a height that equals its frequency.

How many quarts of pure antifreeze must be added to 3 quarts of a 50% antifreeze solution to obtain a 60% antifreeze solution?quart(s) of pure antifreeze must be added(Round to the nearest tenth as needed.)


Initially we have 3 quarts of a 50% antifreeze solution

We want to obtain a 60% antifreeze solution by adding x quarts of pure antifreeze

Therefore we can set the following equation,


where x are the quarts of pure antifreeze added

let's solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+1.5=0.6x+1.8 \\ x-0.6x=1.8-1.5 \\ 0.4x=0.3 \\ x=\frac{0.3}{0.4} \\ x=0.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

rounding to the nearest tenth, 0.8 quarts of pure antifreeze must be added

if given the function y=-3x+5,what is the output if f(x)=4


To solve this problem, we have to evaluate when f(x) = 4. Remember that y = f(x)

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-3x+5\rightarrow f(x)=-3x+5 \\ 4=-3x+5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4-5=-3x \\ -3x=-1 \\ x=-\frac{1}{-3} \\ x=\frac{1}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, th

Select the correct answer. 3(r + 4) – 2(1 - 1) Which is the simplified form of the expression OA. - 1 OB. 67 101 + 9 O C. 3 Tot + 5 2 76 OD. 15 + 101 Undo Next


We have the expression:


We simplify it as follows:


From this, we have that the solution is the B option.

If we consider only the cost of gasoline, how much does it cost ( in dollars) to drive each mile ? Round to the nearest cent.



The cost of gasoline, c=$2.20/gallon.

The car gets x=26 miles per gallon.

The cost to drive each mile if gasoline costs $2.20/gallon is

[tex]\begin{gathered} T=\frac{c}{x} \\ =\frac{\frac{2.20\text{ dollars}}{1\text{ gallon}}}{\frac{26\text{ miles}}{1\text{ gallon}}} \\ =\frac{2.20\text{ dollars}}{1\text{ gallon}}\times\frac{1\text{ gallon}}{26\text{ miles}} \\ =0.08 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the two fractions for obtaining the solution is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2.20\text{ dollars}}{1\text{ gallon}} \\ \frac{1\text{ gallon}}{26\text{ miles}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The cost in dollars to drive each mile is $0.08 per mile (rounded to nearest cent).

Sandy was shopping and saw that 4lbs of meat costs $8.00. Calculate the unit price for 1 oz of the meat. $____


To answer this question first we convert from lbs to oz.

Recall that:

[tex]1\text{ lb = 16 oz.}[/tex]


[tex]4\text{ lbs= 64 oz.}[/tex]

Now, since 64 oz cost $8.00, then the cost of 1 oz of meat is:

[tex]\frac{8.00}{64}\text{dollars}\approx0.13\text{ dollars.}[/tex]

Answer: $0.13.

Use the given cost table for the same product from two different companies to create alinear system. Then solve the system to determine when the cost of the product will be thesame and what the price will be.Two online spice retailers sell paprika by the pound using the following pricing chart.Paprika (lb)iSpicei(x)SpiceMagics(x)1$19.75$65.252$34.50$49.25$76.50$87.7534$64.00$99.00i(x) =x + 5Sim)s(x) = 11.25x +forBoth iSpice and Spice Magic charge $pounds of paprika.


g(n) = 2n+6

c(n) =  2.25n+4

Both Chef Mate and Grocery Gourmet charge $22 for 8 ounces of vanilla extract.

From the question, we have

g(n) = 2n+6

c(n) =  2.25n+4

g(n) = c(n)

2n+6 = 2.25n+4

0.25n = 2

n = 8

g(n) = 2n+6




Finding the product of two or more numbers in mathematics is done by multiplying the numbers. It is one of the fundamental operations in mathematics that we perform on a daily basis. Multiplication tables are the main use that is obvious. In mathematics, the repeated addition of one number in relation to another is represented by the multiplication of two numbers. These figures can be fractions, integers, whole numbers, natural numbers, etc. When m is multiplied by n, either m is added to itself 'n' times or the other way around.

To learn more about multiplication visit:


A ferris Wheel has a radius of 65 feet. What is the circumference of the wheel?


Circumference of the wheel = 408.2 ft


radius = 65 ft

Circumference of the wheel = circumference of a circle

Circumference of a circle = 2πr

π = 3.14

Circumference of a circle = 2 × 3.14 × 65

Circumference of a circle = 408.2 ft

Circumference of the wheel = 408.2 ft

1593 concert tickets were sold for a total of $22,491. If students paid $11 and nonstudents paid $17, how many student tickets were sold?



765 student tickets were sold


Let the number of student tickets be represented by x

Let the number of nonstudent tickets be represented by y

1593 concert tickets were sold

x + y = 1593....................(1)

The total amount made = $22491

Cost of each student ticket = $11

Cost of each nonstudent ticket = $17

This can be interpreted mathematically as:

11x + 17y = 22491...............(2)

Mulitipy equation (1) by 17

17x + 17y = 27081...........(3)

Subtract equation (2) from equation (3)

6x = 4590

x = 4590/6

x = 765

765 student tickets were sold

How many weeks are in 259 days



We want to find the number of weeks in 259 days

Now, 7 days make a week. So to get the number of weeks in 259 days, we divide the 259 by 7, we get


So the answer is 37 weeks

What is the slope of LaTeX: f\left(x\right)=3x-1


To find the slope of the expression:


We need to remember that this is the Slope-intercept Form of the line equation:



m = slope

b is the y-intercept.

Therefore, the slope of the line equation above is m = 3.

6. Which of the following statements are true? 4 is a perfect cube 8 is a perfect square 100 is a perfect square 35 is a perfect cube


First statement: 4 is NOT a perfect cube, because it cannot be written as the cube of a rational number.

Second statement: 8 is NOT a perfect square because it cannot be written as the square of a rational number.

Third statement: 100 IS a PERFECT square, because ic can be written as 10^2 *the square of the number 10)

Fourth statement: 35 is NOT aperfect cube because it cannot be written as the cube of a rational number.

Therefore the only TRUE statement is the third one:

"100 is a perfect square".

What is the image of (-8, -1) when it isreflected across the line y=x?A (-1, -8) C (1,8)B(1-1)D8


Give the object with a coordinate (-8,-1)

The transformation of an object with coordinate (x,y) reflected across the line y=x is given by

T(x,y) => (y,x)

So for the question given

If (-8,-1) is reflected across the line y = x


T(-8,-1) => (-1, -8)

Answer = (-1,-8)

Are The Ratios 2:4 and 1:3 equivalent?Yes or No


Equivalent ratios

The ratio 2:4 is equivalent to and 1:3 if both numbers are obtained by the same multiplication:


1 x 2 = 2 and

3 x 2 = 6 (instead of 4)

then they are NOT equivalent

For questions 6 – 10, find the unknown side length. number 10


Answer: [tex]\begin{gathered} s\text{ = 10}\sqrt{2}\text{ \lparen exact answer\rparen} \\ s\text{ = 14.142 \lparen decimal approx.\rparen} \end{gathered}[/tex]


10) Given:

hypotenuse = 20

angle = 45°

To find:

length of s

angle = 45

opposite = side opposite the angle = s

To find the value of s, w will apply sine ratio (SOH)

[tex]sin\text{ 45 = }\frac{opposite}{hypotenuse}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} sin\text{ 45 = }\frac{s}{20} \\ s\text{ = 20sin45} \\ sin\text{ 45 = }\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \\ \\ s\text{ = 20}\times\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \\ s\text{ = 10}\sqrt{2}\text{ \lparen exact answer\rparen} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} s\text{ = 20sin45} \\ s\text{ = 20\lparen0.7071\rparen} \\ s\text{ = 14.142 \lparen decimal approximation\rparen} \end{gathered}[/tex]

If f(5)=2 and g(5)=9, what is (f+g)(5)




Step-by-step explanation:

You have an equation [tex]f(x)[/tex] and you set [tex]x=5[/tex], and the result is 2.

You have another equation [tex]g(x)[/tex] and you set [tex]x=5[/tex], and the result is 9.

Therefore, if you add both equations, represented by [tex](f+g)(x)[/tex], and you set [tex]x=5[/tex], the result is simply 2 + 9 = 11.

In JKL, LJ K L and mZK = 26Find mZJ.


From the information given, we can draw a triangle.

A rough drawing of the triangle is shown below:

A committee has seven men and four women. If four people are selected to go to a conference, what is the chance that the group is two men and two women?



A committee has seven men and four women.

four people are selected to go to a conference

We will use the combinations as follows

the number of ways to choose the four people are:


The rule of combinations is:

[tex]\text{nCr}=\frac{n!}{(n-r)!\cdot r!}[/tex]

so, the number of ways will be:


The number of ways to make a group of two men and two women will be:


So, the chance that the group is two men and two women =


so, the answer will be 7/33

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