lizards also thermoregulate and, as in humans, thermoregulation in lizards involves negative feedback. lizards, however, are ectotherms and gain most of their heat from external sources. therefore, they often use behavioral mechanisms to adjust their body temperature. for example, if a lizard's body temperature drops below its normal range, the lizard may seek a sunny resting spot to warm up. what are the stimulus and the response in this example? drag the phrases on the left to complete the sentence on the right. not all phrases will be used.


Answer 1

The behavior of looking for a sunny area is the response to the stimulus of decreased body temperature.

What physiological reaction occurs in many animals when they become too hot?

Water from the skin, mouth, and nose of land animals is frequently lost to evaporation into the atmosphere. Evaporation can serve as a cooling technique by removing heat. For instance, many mammals have the ability to improve evaporative cooling in response to high body temperatures by triggering systems like sweating and panting.

How does the body temperature of lizards fluctuate?

Many ectotherms move to warmer or cooler areas of their surroundings to control their body temperatures. For example, in order to maintain their body temperatures within a certain range, lizards and snakes alternate between lazing in the sun and resting in the shade.

To know more about lizards visit:-


Related Questions

When mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?


The type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance is primary succession.

Fifty seven humans misplaced their lives and loads of homes, homes and systems had been destroyed. After the eruption, the summit of Mount St. Helens turned into gone, forests had been obliterated and rivers observed new courses. More than a hundred and fifty new lakes and ponds had been formed, and current lakes full of sediment, flooding their banks. A huge debris avalanche, an explosive, laterally direction "blast", lahars, and a Plinian eruption column. This powerful eruption had a profound impact on the Pacific Northwest – and on volcano studies as well.

To learn more about forests check the link below:


the most recently discovered phylum in the animal kingdom (1995) is the phylum cycliophora. it includes three species of tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. the feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster via an adhesive disk, and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia. the body is sac-like and has a u-shaped intestine that brings the anus close to the mouth. cycliophorans are eucoelomate, do not molt (though their host does), and their embryos undergo spiral cleavage. on the basis of the cleavage pattern of cycliophoran embryos, which of these should be true?


Based on the cleavage pattern of cyclophore embryos, the real issue is that they are ectoderm.

A) ectoderm

What is Cycliophora?

Cycliophora are microscopic, metazoan animals, of which only the genus Symbion is described. They are obligatory commensals of arthropods.

Cycliophora are microscopic, metazoan animals, of which only the genus Symbion is described. They are obligatory eaters of arthropods, such as lobster. They are acoelomate organisms, with the region between the digestive system and the body wall filled with mesenchyme cells. The body is divided into the buccal funnel region, an oval trunk and a posterior adhesive disc through which it attaches to the host organism.

Learn more about Cycliophora in


The most recently discovered phylum in the animal kingdom (1995) is the phylum Cycliophora. It includes three species of tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. The feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster via an adhesive disk and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia. The body is sac-like and has a U-shaped intestine that brings the anus close to the mouth. Cycliophorans are coelomates, do not molt (though their host does), and their embryos undergo spiral cleavage.

Cycliophorans have two types of larvae. One type of larva is produced when the digestive system of a female is impregnated by a male. The digestive system then collapses and develops into a larva, which swims away in search of a new host after the surrounding female dies. Which is the embryonic tissue that is apparently most important in forming this type of larva?

A) ectoderm

B) mesoderm

C) endoderm

D) mesohyl

why is there a limit to the amount of shortening that can occur in a sarcomere during muscle contraction?


Moreover, a maximal shortening of the muscle only reduces sarcomere length by around 10% (to just under 2 mm). A sarcomere will create less force if it is stretched too far since there won't be enough myofilament overlap. Over-contracted muscles have a reduced capacity for subsequent contractions, which lowers the force generated. Contraction is impaired if the resting length is either too short or too long. The length-tension connection describes how the length of a muscle fiber at rest affects its ability to contract. The amounts of tension and sarcomere length measured during the plateau were used to establish a sarcomere length-tension relation. Between 1.9 and 2.6 micrograms, tension was independent of sarcomere length, and it decreased to 50% of its maximum at 3.4 micrograms.

learn more about sarcomere here;


semi-permeable membrane which encloses the cytoplasm and all of the cellular organelles


Cell membranes act as boundaries and checkpoints. Because of their semi-permeability, some molecules can diffuse across the lipid bilayer but not others. A membrane that is selectively permeable encloses every cell. This membrane serves as a partition between the internal and external environments in addition to enclosing the cellular organelles.

Is a phospholipid bilayer semi-permeable?

As a result, the phospholipid bilayer serves as a semipermeable membrane that enables cells to maintain their internal monolayers in isolation from the outside world and other cells. The tonicity of the fluid bound by a semipermeable membrane can be used to determine the concentration in relation to the surroundings or other cells.

What is the name for a membrane enclosed?

Organelles are membrane-enclosed spaces found in eukaryotic cells. Like organs in people and other animals, organelles have a specialized purpose for the cell. The Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum are examples of organelles.

To know more about semipermeable membrane visit


Which reaction releases enzymes such as hyaluronidase and acrosin that allow sperm to penetrate the corona radiata of the secondary oocyte?
a. cortical reaction b. sperm migration c. acrosomal reaction d. capacitation


Acrosomal reaction releases enzymes such as hyaluronidase and acrosin that allow sperm to penetrate the corona radiata of the secondary oocyte. Before entering the ovum proper, spermatozoa must pass through the zona pellucida and corona radiata. To do this, they release hydrolytic enzymes from the acrosome called acrosin and hyaluronidase, which penetrate the corona (a trypsin-like protease which digests the zona pellucida).

What factor allows sperm to penetrate the corona radiata?

Some sperm experience an acrosomal reaction known as a spontaneous acrosomal reaction, which is one that is not brought on by contact with the zona pellucida. The corona radiata extracellular matrix is broken down by the digestive enzymes that are generated during this event.

What part of the sperm releases hydrolytic enzymes that allow it to penetrate the layers of the egg?

A distinctive membrane organelle that covers the sperm nucleus' proximal region called the acrosome has undergone significant evolution. Numerous hydrolytic enzymes found in this acidic vacuole, when produced, aid the sperm in penetrating the egg coverings.

To know more about acrosome visit


a clinical microbiologist makes serial dilutions of several antimicrobial drugs in broth and then incubates each drug dilution with a standard amount of a patient's isolated pathogen. what is this microbiologist setting up?


The Minimal inhibitory awareness (MIC) is the setting that microbiologist is setting up for the dilutions of several antimicrobial drugs.

It defines in vitro degrees of susceptibility or resistance of particular bacterial traces to implemented antibiotic. Reliable evaluation of MIC has a considerable effect on the selection of a healing strategy, which influences performance of an contamination therapy.

Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) are described as the bottom awareness of an antimicrobial on the way to inhibit the seen increase of a microorganism after in a single day incubation, and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) as the bottom awareness of antimicrobial on the way to save you the increase of an organism.

Read more about dilution:


infrared spectroscopy is particularly good at detecting functional groups such as...


Specific functional compounds in polymers can be sensitively detected using infrared spectroscopy (IR). Functional groups like hydroxy, especially when working with hydrocarbon polymers like polystyrenes

Where does polystyrene come from?

Appliances, medical equipment, and automotive components all use polystyrene. While its rigid form is employed for housings and casings, polystyrene foam is used as insulation in appliances. The stiff version of this material is also used for housings & casings in electronics.

What sort of material is polystyrene?

Polystyrene is a material that comes in three main varieties: foam, normal plastic, and film. Expanded polystyrene (Ps) and extruded polystyrene are two of the various foam kinds (XPS). Styrofoam or packing peanuts are among the most popular and well-known varieties of polystyrene that are included in EPS.

To know more about polystyrene visit:


A certain species of wildflower that grows yearly in a city park produces pale pink and bright pink blooms. One year a disease kills most of the bright pink flowers. How can the park employees BEST increase the population of bright pink flowers? Responses Interbreed the remaining bright pink flowers to produce more bright pink flowers. Interbreed the remaining bright pink flowers to produce more bright pink flowers. Interbreed the pale pink flowers with one another to produce some bright pink flowers. Interbreed the pale pink flowers with one another to produce some bright pink flowers. Remove all of the pale pink flowers and allow the bright pink flowers to grow and reproduce freely. Remove all of the pale pink flowers and allow the bright pink flowers to grow and reproduce freely. Remove all of the bright pink flowers and allow the pale pink flowers to grow and reproduce freely. Remove all of the bright pink flowers and allow the pale pink flowers to grow and reproduce freely.



Interbreed the pale pink flowers with one another to produce some bright pink flowers.


which body system(s) is (are) dedicated to maintaining stable internal conditions by detecting and responding to stimuli?


The body system dedicated to the maintenance of stable internal conditions by detecting and responding to stimuli is the nervous system.

Nervous system and homeostasis

Homeostasis refers to the maintenance of relatively constant internal processes such as temperature, pressure, etc. The normal range of operation of processes is referred to as the set point. When these setpoints are breached, it may result in irreversible damage to the body or even death.  

Thus, when setpoints are breached, the breach is quickly reported to the control center (the brain) and the brain sets mechanisms in motion to counter whatever is causing a breach to the setpoints.

All these feedbacks happen between the sense organs and the nervous system. The sense organs are able to sense a breach by picking up stimuli, this is conveyed by the nervous system to the brain. The brain then sends messages to muscles, cells, or tissues to counter the breach and return to normalcy.

In other words, the body system that is dedicated to the maintenance of stable internal conditions, otherwise known as homeostasis, is the nervous system.

More on homeostasis can be found here:


anthro which of the following likely explains the lack of neandertal bones and remains after 30,000 years ago? group of answer choices a measurable degree of genetic assimilation into modern human populations. rapid extinction due to climate change. migration into parts of asia where they were not well adapted, and thus, died out. isolation into small groups that eventually disappeared one by one.


According to one theory, habitat deterioration and fragmentation took place in the Neanderthal homeland long before modern people showed up, and as a result, Neanderthal populations were decimated and eventually exterminated.

What part of the world have Neandertal remains been found in?

All evidence of Neanderthals disappeared about 40,000 years ago. Western Europe and the Near East, which was likely the last known location for this early human species, are the regions where the most recent Neanderthal fossils have been discovered.

How many years did Neanderthals live?

Few adults over the age of 40 are found in Neanderthal paleodemographic mortality distributions by age, but the quasi-biological continuum of mammals suggests much higher potential longevity.

To know more about neandertal visit:-


we consider both mineral resources and energy resources to be resources, many of which have a geologic origin.


Mineral resources are naturally occurring substances that are mined from the Earth for economic benefit. These resources can include:

Metals such as: copper and ironIndustrial minerals, such as: limestoneNon-metallic minerals, such as: salt and gemstones

Mineral and Energy Resources: A Geologic Perspective

Energy resources are substances, such as fossil fuels and renewable sources of energy, that can be used to generate power.

Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Renewable sources of energy, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, are generated from natural processes that occur on a regular basis.

Learn more about Mineral energy:


Many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. these types of neurons are classified as _____________________ neurons.


These are called proprioceptors, roughly meaning “receptors for self.” The purpose of proprioceptors is primarily to give detailed and continuous information about the position of the limbs and other body parts in space (specialized mechanoreceptors also exist in the heart and major vessels to provide information about.

What are the 4 proprioceptors?

The most common types of proprioceptors are: muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs (junction between muscle and tendon), joint receptors, vestibular system, and skin.

Where are proprioceptors found in the body?

Receptors involved in proprioception are located in skin, muscles, and joints. Information about limb position and movement is not generated by individual receptors, but by populations of afferents.

To know more about proprioceptors visit;


Rats colonize an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean where no rats previously existed. The rats can have white fur, gray fur, or black fur. Predict what type of selection is likely to occur when each of the following phenotypes have the greatest fitness.
- grey fur
- dark fur
- dark fur in fields and light fur in forests
- light fur
- dark fur on one island, light fur on another


light fur phenotypes have the greatest fitness.

What is phenotype ?As was already said, an organism's phenotype refers to the variety of qualities it possesses. Examples include the observable traits or characteristics of an organism that are produced by the interaction of the genotype and environment: the physical expression of one or more genes, such as blue eyes (for eye color character), brown skin (for skin color character), long tails (for tail character), and five-petaled flowers (for flower character).Observable characteristics like height, weight, eye color, hair color, horn size, hoof color, etc. are examples of phenotypic features. A crucial element of livestock characterization is evaluation of the population traits of the designated breed.

To learn more about phenotypic features  refer,


Name the organelles that store neurotransmitter molecules within the distal end of a motor neuron axon.


Synaptic vesicles are organelles found within the distal end of a motor neuron axon which specialize in storing neurotransmitter molecules. These molecules are released when the neuron is activated, allowing them to cross the synaptic cleft and communicate signals to the post-synaptic cells.

The Role of Synaptic Vesicles in Motor Neuron Communication

Synaptic vesicles.

Synaptic vesicles are organelles that are found within the distal end of a motor neuron axon. They are specialized membrane-bound sacs that are filled with neurotransmitter molecules. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that carry signals from the neuron to other cells. When the neuron is activated, the synaptic vesicles fuse with the axon membrane to release the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, which then bind to receptors in the post-synaptic cell to transmit the signal. This process is known as synaptic transmission and is critical for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Learn more about Synapsis:


If an organism has two different alleles for a given trait (like attached and free earlobes), they are considered ____________, and in __________ traits we automatically know the genotype.


Two different alleles for a given trait are considered heterozygous and in dominant condition automatically know the genotype.

What are heterozygous traits?

For recessive characteristics, we know the genotype automatically if an organism possesses two copies of the same allele.

The person is homozygous for the allele if the two alleles are the same. The person is heterozygous if the alleles are distinct from one another.

Therefore, an allele is one of a gene's two or more variants, for every gene, a person receives two alleles one from each parent.

Learn more about traits, here:


What is similar between all nucleotides?


The few nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups is common in the nucleotides.

Nucleotides are of two types namely DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic acid). Functioning as storage of genetic information, they are responsible for development of the cell and hence body and formation of proteins.

Nucleotides are made of nitrogenous base, sugar and phosphate groups. Both the nucleotides have common nitrogenous base adenine, guanine and cytosine. But, DNA contains thymine and RNA contains Uracil.

Now, DNA contains deoxyribose sugar while RNA contains ribose sugar. The difference lies in hydroxyl group at third carbon of the ring structure.

Learn more about nucleotides -


Question 4Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(03.03 MC)
The central nervous system consists of the

A:Brain and spinal cord

B:Spinal nerves only

C:Brain only

D:Spinal cord only



it's the brain and the spinal cord

What is the source of energy for deep sea organisms?


Chemosynthesis. It is a bacteria using chemicals as energy rather than the sun.

Free radicals produced during biochemical reactions can serve as carcinogens if they are not neutralized by? a. mutator genes b. growth factors c.antioxidants enzymes e. proto-oncogenes


Answer: C. Antioxidants neutralises free radicals produced during biochemical reaction serve as carcinogens

Antioxidants displace some of their own electrons to counteract free radicals. They serve as a natural "off" switch for the free radicals by making this sacrifice. This aids in stopping a chain reaction that may have an impact on other cellular molecules and other cells across the body.


What are the free radicals in biochemical reactions.

Free radicals are chemical entities that can be thought of as fragments of molecules because they have an unpaired electron and are frequently very reactive. They are continuously created in cells, either unintentionally as waste products of metabolism or on purpose, for example, during phagocytosis.

The oxygen atom and its radical derivatives (superoxide and hydroxyl radical), hydrogen peroxide, and transition metals are the most significant reactants in free radical biochemistry in aerobic cells.

To stop the generation of free radicals or to reduce their destructive effects, cells have evolved a wide range of antioxidant defences. These include proteins that bind transition metals, enzymes that break down peroxides, and a variety of substances that "scavenge" free radicals. Biomolecules can be oxidised by reactive free radicals produced inside of cells, which can cause cell death and tissue damage. Due to these species' short lifespans, it is very challenging to prove that they are involved in the pathogenesis of a disease.

To know more about Biochemical reaction visit ;


Of these events, the first to occur when a motor neuron stops sending an impulse to a muscle is _____.


The first to occur when a motor neuron stops sending an impulse to a muscle is the pumping of calcium ions out of the cytoplasm and back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

When a nervous impulse stops, these things happen:

The membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is no longer permeable to calcium (the calcium gates closed). Therefore, no calcium diffuses out.The calcium pump in the membrane starts transporting the calcium BACK into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.Calcium ions leave the binding sites on toponin molecules, making the troponin returns to its original shape and position. So does the tropomyosin. That makes the myosin head no longer in contact with actin, which leads to the muscle stops contracting (relaxing).

Learn more about sarcoplasmic reticulum at


Which statement is true regarding animal organs?
A. The function of each tissue in an organ changes over time.
B. Each organ is made of tissues that work together so the organ can
carry out its functions.
OC. All of the tissues in an organ carry out the same function for the
D. Each organ is made of tissues that work independently of one





Organ — a group of tissues precisely arranged so that they can work together to perform specific functions

ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. four different levels of complexity exist in the interactions studied in ecology. arrange the levels of study in ecology from the most comprehensive level to the least inclusive level.


The "organism, population, community, and ecosystem" are the four primary research levels in ecology. The processes that maintain and control the environment are called ecosystem processes.

Ecosystem. It is a collection of every living thing and abiotic element that coexists and communicates in a certain space. Both live and nonliving elements of the environment are interacted with. Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and their environment. Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and their ecosystem . There are several approaches to studying ecology. Landscape ecology, population ecosystem , and behavioral ecology are a few examples. Large-scale spatial distribution, trends, and behaviors are the focus of landscape ecosystem .

learn more about ecosystem here:


Which most clearly shows evolutionary relationships between species?binomial nomenclaturephylogenetic treecommon namemorphological data.


The evolutionary relationships between species are shown by phylogenetic trees

Evolution is an inherited change in the body structure of living things that takes place slowly over a very long time. Traits that pass through natural selection will be passed on to their offspring and will vary within a population.

A chart that shows how living things evolved from a common ancestor is called a phylogenetic tree. A phylogenetic tree shows which species are more related to each other through evolution, and which are less related based on shared traits. The roots of the phylogenetic tree show the evolution of ancestors. The roots then form a tree which shows the lineage of these ancestors. The lineage continues to extend and form branches that show evolutionary relationships.

Learn more about phylogenetic tree at:


How far (in terms of a ) is this mass from the equilibrium position of the spring when the elastic potential energy equals the kinetic energy?.


0.58 A  far is this mass from the equilibrium position of the spring when the elastic potential energy equals the kinetic energy

If the amplitude = A

The total energy of the system will be (TE) = 0.5 × K × A²

Assume x is the distance from the equilibrium position

The potential energy of the system = 1/2 × K.E

the potential energy = 1/2 × kinetic energy

P.E = 1/2 × (T.E - P.E)

3 × PE = TE

3 × 0.5 × K × x² = 0.5 × K × A²

x = 0.58 × A

The distance from the equilibrium position is 0.58  A

You can also learn about kinetic energy from the following question:


do organisms make different proteins?



All the cells of higher organisms have the same DNA but not the same proteins.

during cell injury caused by hypoxia, why is there an increase in the osmotic pressure within the cell?


Due to entry of sodium inside the cell, during cell injury caused by hypoxia, there an increase in the osmotic pressure within the cell.

Moving fluid and ions into the cell causes immediate failure of metabolism and a reduction in ATP synthesis in hypoxic damage. Normally, the active-transport enzyme ATPase and the presence of ATP maintain the pump that removes sodium ions from the cell. Reduced ATP and ATPase levels enable sodium to accumulate in the cell while potassium diffuses outward in metabolic failure brought on by hypoxia. More water is drawn into the cell when osmotic pressure rises as intracellular sodium levels rise. The other choices fall short of adequately describing the cell damage brought on by hypoxia, which leads to an increase in osmotic pressure.

To know more about hypoxia, click here,


Consider the reaction in chemical equilibrium.

COCl2(g) Double headed arrow. CO(g) + Cl2(g)

Which is the correct equation for K?

Upper K = StartFraction left-bracket Upper C Upper O Upper C l Subscript 2 Baseline right-bracket Superscript 2 Over left-bracket Upper C Upper O right-bracket left-bracket Upper C l Subscript 2 Baseline right-bracket EndFraction
Upper K = StartFraction left-bracket Upper C Upper O Upper C l Subscript 2 Baseline right-bracket Over left-bracket Upper C Upper O right-bracket left-bracket Upper C l Subscript 2 Baseline right-bracket EndFraction
Upper K = StartFraction left-bracket Upper C Upper O right-bracket left-bracket Upper C l Subscript 2 Baseline right-bracket Over left-bracket Upper C Upper O Upper C l Subscript 2 Baseline right-bracket EndFraction
Upper K = StartFraction left-bracket Upper C Upper O right-bracket left-bracket Upper C l Subscript 2 Baseline right-bracket Over left-bracket Upper C Upper O Upper C l Subscript 2 Baseline right-bracket Superscript 2 EndFraction


The correct equation for equilibrium constant is K = [CO][Cl₂] / [COCl₂].

What is equilibrium constant?

For a chemical reaction, the equilibrium constant can be defined as the ratio of reactant to product that is utilized to determine chemical behavior. The rate constants are constant at a given temperature.

How to calculate equilibrium constant?

By allowing a single reaction to reach equilibrium and then measuring the concentrations of each chemical participating in that reaction, one can determine the numerical value of an equilibrium constant. Calculated is the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations.

According to the given question:

COCl₂(g) ⇄ CO(g) + Cl₂(g)

In the equilibrium state, equilibrium constant will be written as:

K = [CO][Cl₂] / [COCl₂]

The correct equation for equilibrium constant is K = [CO][Cl₂] / [COCl₂].

To know more about equilibrium constant, check out:


which of the following is not a biome: a. temperate rainforest b. taiga c. tropical rainforest d. tropical dry forest e. temperate dry forest


A biome is a large area characterized by flora, fauna, soil, and climate. Temperate dry forest is not a biome, though.

Biomes can be categorized as: Land biomes, often known as terrestrial biomes, include tundra, taiga, grasslands, savannas, deserts, tropical forests, etc.are examples of freshwater biomes. They are frequently referred to as various biomes. The distance between them and the poles and the equator is one of their significant disparities. The rainforest, temperate forest, and taiga forest are the three main types of forest biomes. Tropical dry forest, albeit less well recognized, is the third major biome in the lowland tropics. Forests, meadows, and chaparral are among the temperate biomes. In regions with continental temperate climates, temperate deciduous woods can be found, while in regions with coastal temperate climates, temperate rainforests.

To learn more about biome click here


Help fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The purpose of cell proliferation process when managing the scrape from the task given in the image above simply is for growth and development.

The correct answer choice is option a.

What is meant by cell proliferation?

Cell proliferation can simply be defined as that biological process which occurs in living organisms and involves the growth of cells in living organisms by means of cell division which results to the production of two daughter cells. In order words, cell proliferation results to an increase in the cell numbers, thereby leading to growth and development of cells and tissues. In addition to the explanation given, this process works by means of mitotic division which leads to growth and increases the number of cells in an organism.

In conclusion, we can now confirm and deduce from the explanation given above that cell proliferation is a function of tissue growth and development of mechanism.

Read more on proliferation:





crystallization d.


i hope it helpps u

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