Listen again and complete the opinion

Listen Again And Complete The Opinion


Answer 1


1. Important

2. Right

3. Cruel

4. Racist

5. Good

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Which line BEST expresses the theme of the
poem? ( from the poem moods)

Young adults should seek to experience a
wide range of moods each day.

Humans cannot avoid all mood shifts but
should work to limit their effect.

People naturally cycle through many different
moods throughout their daily lives.

Children cannot be expected to manage
many mood changes in a brief time.



I think it is C or people naturally cycle through many different moods.



I have a strong feeling about number. 2 , but it can also be 3

What American leader is flawed in Jewish history? Why is this?

* talking about the holocaust



Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


Roosevelt was inaugurated only five weeks after Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany, on January 30, 1933.  Discrimatory laws and physical attacks on Jews in Germany were headline news in the US. Thousands of Americans participated in marches and signed petitions, for Roosevelt administration to protest Nazi Germany. FDR didnt want to interfer though, because Germany owed money to the US.

How does Frederick Douglass show leadership in this excerpt? What motivates him to take on these leadership roles? What specific (2) examples from the text support your thinking?



Douglass shows leadership by leading a group of slaves as they plan an escape to freedom.


Douglass shows leadership by leading a group of slaves as they plan an escape to freedom. ... Douglass showed courage and leadership in this excerpt. He was a selfless man, who would takes great risks to better the lives of fellow slaves.

my room which is usually in_____order was in total disarray after the party



My room, which is usually in complete order, was in total disarray after the party.


Are there any set answers? Any word could go in the blank, but "complete" would be my best guess.




because it fits the sentence




art is something you  capture on a canvas and literature is refers to writing



Art can be defined as the expression of creative skill in a visual form. On the other hand, Literature refers to written works regarded as having artistic merit. The key difference between art and literature is that while art generally tends to be visual and auditory, literature is not. It is based on texts.


Brainliest pls

How do the images help the reader understand how to
perform the final steps of the procedure? Select
three options.
correct answers “the image shows where to hold the filter case when removing it.” “the image shows the difference between a clean filter and dirty one.” “the image shows that it is helpful to wear gloves when removing the filter.”



The correct answers are the following:

A) The image shows where to hold the filter case when removing it.C) The image shows the difference between a clean filter and dirty one.E) The image shows that it is helpful to wear gloves when removing the filter.


You are asked to select three options that help the reader understand how the graphics help the reader perform the final steps of the vehicle air filter replacement procedure.

If you carefully examine the six answer choices along with the instruction document (attached below ⬇️), you will be able to eliminate answer choices B & D, as the images do not specify the size and type of filter or the type of car the document is intended for.

Thus, you are left with answer choices A, C, & E - all aspects that are explicitly shown in the graphics.

Hope this helps!


It's ACE


trust me because I will ACE this test


Revenge is to charity as depression is to



I would say happiness.

What the correct answer question





Can anyone write a paragraph about Isaac Newton in your own words!!!

Will mark brainless



Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer and theologian who worked on many practical experiments and laid the foundation for the principles of classical mechanics. He was one of the best minds of all time.


Which one describes cherry in the outsiders


Answer: Can't see the pic. Ill still try to answer. Cherry is nice. She likes the greaser group, but she is in the rich kid group. She doesnt have a side.


Someone please help me I’ll give out brainliest please dont answer if you don’t know





What is the gist of chapter 6 and 7 to kill a mockingbird ?



love that book i read it last year

Explanation: I  would love  to read it again



Atticus tells Jem to get his pants from Dill and come home. ... These two chapters mark several endings and beginnings for Jem and Scout in terms of understanding. Chapter 6 concludes their second summer with Dill, while Chapter 7 begins Scout's second year of school.

A wrestler's ranking is based on his performance in the elite tournaments that are held six times a year. Each
wrestler has fifteen bouts per tournament, one per day over fifteen consecutive days. If he finishes the
tournament with a winning record (eight victories or better), his ranking will rise. If he has a losing record, his
ranking falls. If it falls far enough, he is booted from the elite rank entirely. The eighth victory in any tournament
is therefore critical, the difference between promotion and demotion; it is roughly four times as valuable in the
rankings as the typical victory.
Based on the excerpt, which of the following statements best summarizes the incentive system that ranks sumo
O The incentive system penalizes elite sumo wrestlers.
The incentive system rewards elite sumo wrestlers.
The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers equally.
The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers like royalty.


The statement that best summarizes the incentive system that ranks sumo wrestlers is B, The incentive system rewards elite sumo wrestlers.

What is a Summary?

This refers to the concise representation of the main points of a text without the use of bias.

Hence, we can see that from the given excerpt, there is the narration of the many incentives that are given to sumo wrestlers and used to rank them and how this only rewards elite sumo wrestlers.

Read more about summary here:



B - The incentive system rewards elite sumo wrestlers.


Edge 2023

(1) After our trip, the skyscraper visit was unanimously voted as our favorite. (2) The museum was supposed to be the highlight of the trip. (3) But those works of art were completed a long time ago. (4) At the skyscraper, we watched them in action building their masterpiece.

Which sentence in the paragraph is in the active voice?

Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Sentence 3
Sentence 4



Sentence 4


Just did the test.


sentence 4


edge 2021

Will mark as brainlist if answered correctly and fastly!! and 10 points​






Pretty sure it's B or 2. :)


Have a nice day!

this is the biological process of creating a new organism​













Before entering the Capulets' party, Romeo reveals his belief that something
bad will happen as a result of this evening. As the audience, we understand
that this night will eventually trigger a series of events that will end with his
death. What dramatic device is the author using in this passage?
O Monologue
O Dramatic Irony


answer: dramatic irony

3. ‘I saw him motion like a man who is in need of air.’ Here ‘I’ and ‘him’ refer to ____ *
1 point
b. Sherlock Holmes and Godfrey Norton
d. Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes.
a. the narrator and Godfrey Norton
c. King of Bohemia and Sherlock Holmes.


D. Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes.

"There is a place where the sidewalk ends and before the street begins, and there the grass grows soft and white" is what type of imagery is that? A. sight , B.sound, C.smell, D taste, E. touch



................A. Sight

the answer is a sight

The girl in brown frock is my sister. Phrase



adjecitve adverb


Write a journal entry, and use at least three complex sentences.Think about how you can use complex sentences to show relationships between your ideas.





we leave them to have what they must have yo live life

what type of sentence is this

b) People saw shop figures as old-fashioned, so shopkeepers
stopped using them.​



Compound Complex Sentence


Compound Complex Sentence


In Chapter One the TWO things the men in the room suggest as benefits to time travel are verify and invest .



The men discuss how one could explore great historical moments or invest money into enterprises that they know will succeed in the future.


What is the antonym for beginning introduction



The opposite of beginning is end

the opposite of introduction is conclusion

Timon bent the old, rusty hanger back into shape.

punctuation ?



Heyaa!! Im Pinky!! Im here to inform you that your answer is...


!!! "Timon bent the old, rusty, hanger back into shape." !!!

       That is the best way for this particular sentence to be written.

                                     Have An Amazing Day!!


Timon bent the old rusty hanger back into shape.

No commas needed.

what part of human nature does boo radley repersent



Symbolically, Boo represents both Scout's childish understanding of the lives of people around her, and also the genuine risks and dangers that face children as they grow up in the world. As a ghost-like figure, Boo also symbolizes aspects of the town's past, such as intolerance, inequality, and slavery.


Symbolically, Boo represents both Scout's childish understanding of the lives of people around her, and also the genuine risks and dangers that face children as they grow up in the world. As a ghost-like figure, Boo also symbolizes aspects of the town's past, such as intolerance, inequality, and slavery.

Emission factor of a number line is located actually halfway between 3/6 and 5/6 what is the missing fraction can you help me





This question should be in the math section but here's some help with it.

Since it is halfway between 3/6 and 5/6, combine these numbers together to get 8/6.

Then, split this 8/6 in half, breaking it apart into two equal sections, each of these sections will be 4/6.

Can someone plz help me with this one problem plz!!



I think the answer is roots.

Select all that apply.

The use of flashback is a technique that allows the author to: _____.

explain a character's current actions or attitudes
build suspense and mystery into the opening of an account
confuse the reader
put events in any order of his choosing
supply missing information



Explain a characters current actions, Build suspense or mystery and supply missing info.


That should be the answer.

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Round your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary,12 m4 m4 m4 m4 m208 m2O177 m2224 m2Od158 m2 help appriciated plz Help pls... 100points 1 Answer: The pitch of a sound depends on a. frequency b. intensity c. amplitude d. quality2 Answer: The loudness of a sound depends on a. frequency b. intensity c. overtones d. timbre3 Answer: The number of sound waves per unit time is called a. amplitude b. wavelength c. speed d. frequency4 Answer: The blending of fundamental tone and overtones produces a sound's a. intensity b. pitch c. timbre d. loudness5 Answer: Sonar is used a. to locate objects in water b. to determine underwater distances c. for both a and b d. for neither a nor b6 Answer: Sounds of frequencies below 20 Hz are called a. fundamentals b. overtones c. ultrasonic sounds d. infrasonic sounds7 Answer: A sound is music if it has a. a definite pitch b. a pleasing quality c. rhythm d. all of these characteristics8 Answer: The stirrup is a part of the a. outer ear b. middle ear c. inner ear d. cochlea9 Answer: An example of a percussion instrument is a (an) a. trumpet b. harp c. drum d. flute10 Answer: The speed of sound depends on a. temperature b. density c. elasticity d. all of these factors11 Answer: Sounds with frequencies above 20,000 Hz are called _____.12 Answer: The science of sound is called _____.13 Answer: High-frequency waves are used in a sound navigation and ranging system called _____.14 Answer: Sounds produced when sections of a string vibrate separately are called _____.15 Answer: Sound without pleasing quality, identifiable pitch, and repeating patterns is called _____.16 Answer: The speed of sound decreases with increasing temperature. a. true b. false17 Answer: Sound waves are transverse. a. true b. false18 Answer: The decibel is a unit of pitch. a. true b. false19 Answer: A change in the pitch of a sound due to motion of source or receiver (observer) is called the Doppler effect. a. true b. false20 Answer: Guitars and cellos are examples of percussion instruments. a. true b. false