light of wavelength 587.5 nm illuminates a slit of width 0.75 mm. (a) at what distance from the slit should a screen be placed if the first minimum in the diffraction pattern is to be 0.85 mm from the central maximum? (b) calculate the width of the central maximum


Answer 1

A 0.75 mm-wide slit is illuminated by light with a wavelength of 587.5 nm. If the initial minimum in the diffraction pattern is to be 0.85 mm from the central maximum, a screen should be placed 83 mm away from the slit. The width of the central maximum should be 45 m.

The spatial period, often known as the wavelength, of a wave is the length over which its shape repeats. Along with traveling and standing waves, it is a feature of various spatial wave patterns. It is the distance between two successive wave positions that have the same phase, such as two nearby crests, troughs, or zero crossings. The spatial frequency is the wavelength's reciprocal. Greek letter lambda is typically used to represent wavelength. The term wavelength is occasionally used to describe modulated waves, their sinusoidal envelopes, or waves created by the interference of several sinusoids. A sinusoidal wave flowing at a constant speed has an inverse relationship between its wavelength and frequency. The wavelength of a wave depends on the medium it passes through, such as a vacuum, air, or body of water. Music, light, water, and periodic electrical signals in a conductor are all examples of waves. Sound waves are fluctuations in air pressure, whereas light and other electromagnetic radiation employ variations in electric and magnetic field strength. Water waves are variations in the height of a body of water. A crystal lattice shakes, causing changes in atomic positions.

To know more about wavelength please refer:


Answer 2

If the initial minimum in the diffraction pattern is to be 0.85mm from the central maximum, a screen should be positioned 1.1m from the slit.

b) the width of the central maximum is 47×[tex]10^{-5} m[/tex]

Wavelength of light = 587.5nm

Single slit width 'a' = 0.75mm

y1  = 0.85mm

[tex]L=Y_{1} \frac{a}{\lambda}[/tex]

a) The distance from the center  of the central maximum is:

[tex]Y_{1}= \frac{\lambda}{a}[/tex]

Required distance to the screen is:

[tex]L=Y_{1} \frac{a}{\lambda}[/tex]

=[tex]0.85 *10^{-3}m*(\frac{0.75*10^{-3}m }{587.5*10^{-9} m } )[/tex]


b)  The width of the central maximum is

There are dark bands (minima) where,


For the first minimum, the value of m=1


=[tex]\frac{587.5*10^{-9}m }{0.75*10^{-3} m}[/tex]

=[tex]47*10^{-5} m[/tex]

To know more about Wavelength refer to the link:


Related Questions

communication satellites are placed at an altitude of about 25,000 mi above the surface of the earth. find the acceleration due to gravity at this altitude. (


The acceleration due to gravity at this altitude is  1.26×10¹⁹m/s².

What kind of acceleration results from gravity?

Gravitational acceleration is the acceleration that an object experiences as a result of the gravitational field. It has the SI unit m/s². It is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction. g is a unit used to measure gravitational acceleration. 9.8 m/s² is the standard value of g at sea level on the surface of the earth.

Newton's law of gravitation states that the acceleration can be calculated by

a = G M/r², where G is the Universal Gravitational constant 6.67 x 10⁻¹¹, M is the mass of the Earth 5.97 x 10²⁴ kg, and r is the distance from the center of the Earth 6.38 x 10⁶ m.

The attitude above the surface must be multiplied by the Earth's radius to determine r.

r = 25km + 6.38 x 10⁶ = 31.38x10⁶

a =  6.67 x 10⁻¹¹ × 5.97 x 10²⁴/ 31.38x10⁶

a = 3.98×10¹⁴/ 31.38x10⁶

a = 1.26×10¹⁹m/s².

To know more about acceleration due to gravity visit:


The threshold of hearing is defined as the minimum discernible intensity of the sound. It is approximately 10?12W/m2. Find the distance d from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned. Assume that the windows are rolled down and that each speaker actually produces 0.06 W of sound, as suggested in the last follow-up comment.Express your answer numerically in meters.


The distances d from the car, in meters, at which it is still possible to hear the stereo sound is 97720.5m

what is distance?

Distance is an object's overall movement, regardless of direction. Distance can be characterized as the quantity of ground covered, regardless of the starting or finishing points of an object.


Sound intensity heard at distance is related to the distance with the relation = (power of sound at the source)/(surface area of the wall of an imaginary sphere at the distance in question)

I = P/4πd²

Assuming the car has 2 speakers,

P = 0.06 W × 2 = 0.12 W

d = ?

I = 10⁻¹² W/m²

10⁻¹² = 0.12/4πd²

d = 97720.5 m

To learn more about distance visit:


How do you calculate frequency?



divide the number of times the event occurs by the length of time.


A 2. 0 kg body is initially traveling at a velocity of 40 m/s east. If a constant force of 10 n due east is applied to the body for 5. 0 s, the final speed of the body is.


The final speed of a 2.0 kg body that is initially traveling at 40 m/s east and has a constant force of 10 N applied to the object for 5.0 s is 65 m/s.

The concept of momentum-impulse

This problem can be solved using the concept of momentum-impulse. Where the magnitude of the impulse is equal to the change in momentum.

The equation is:

F x Δt = m x v

We have,

The constant force = 10 N ⇒ F

Δt = 5.0 s ⇒ t

Mass of the body = 2.0 kg ⇒ m

And, the change in velocity is:

10 x 5 = 2.0 x v

v = 25 m/s

so, the final speed of the body is:

Initial velocity + change in velocity

= 40 m/s + 25 m/s

= 65 m/s

Learn more about impulse and momentum here:


A uniform beam of length L and mass M has its lower end pivoted at P on the floor, making an angle θ with the floor. A horizontal cable is attached at its upper end B to a point A on a wall. A box of mass M is suspended from a rope that is attached to the beam one-fourth L from its upper end.
25% Part (a) Write an expression for the y-component Py of the force exerted by the pivot on the beam.
Py = 25% Part (b) Write an expression for the tension T in the horizontal cable AB
T = |
25% Part (c) Write an expression for the x-component Px of the force exerted by the pivot on the beam, in terms of T.
Px = |
25% Part (d) What is the tension in the horizontal cable, in newtons, if the mass of the beam is 48 kg, the length of the beam is 8 m, and the angle is 36°?
T = |
Please answer all the parts


A uniform beam is suspended horizontally through two same vertical springs which can be connected among the ceiling and quit of the beam.

In physics, a force is a power that may trade the motion of an object. A pressure can purpose an item with mass to alternate its speed, i.e., to boost up. pressure can also be described intuitively as a push or a pull. A force has both importance and course, making it a vector quantity.

Pv = 2Mg

T = 0.5cos(0)Mg + 3/4 Mg cos0/sin0

Px = T

M = 48 kg, L = 8 m , 0 = 36°

T = 0.5 cos 36° × 48 * 9.8 + 3/4 × 48 × 9.8 cos 36°/sin36°

T = 875.84 N.

Force is defined as an external cause that adjustments or has a tendency to change the kingdom of the frame as soon as implemented. If the body is in motion, it comes to relaxation, and if at rest, then it's going to come to motion.

Learn more about theta here :-


Weighing a Bacterium Scientists are using tiny, nanoscale cantilevers 4 micrometers long and 500 nanometers wide-essentially miniature diving boards-as a sensitive way to measure mass. The cantilevers oscillate up and down with a frequency that depends on the mass placed near the tip, and a laser beam is used to measure the frequency. A single E. coli bacterium was measured to have a mass of 710 femtograms = 7.10×10−16 kg with this device, as the cantilever oscillated with a frequency of 17.1 MHz .Required:Treating the cantilever as an ideal, massless spring, find its effective force constant.


The effective force constant while Treating the cantilever as an ideal, massless spring is 8.19 N

What is the effective force constant?

The term "spring constant" refers to the proportional constant k. It gauges the stiffness of the spring. A spring exerts a force F = -kx in the direction of its equilibrium position when it is stretched or compressed to a length that differs by an amount x from its equilibrium length.

This question requires us to find the effective force constant.

The frequency f is given as

[tex]f=\frac{1}{2\pi } (\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}) }[/tex]

from the equation that we have above, we have

[tex]k = 4\pi ^2*f^2*m[/tex]

we have the values as

f =  17.1 MHz

m = 7.10×10−16 kg

put these values in the equation

[tex]k = 4 * 3.14^2 * (17.1*10^6)^2*(7.10*10^-^1^6)[/tex]

k = 8.19N/m

The effective force constant has been calculated as 8.19N/m

Read more on effective force constant here:


Weighing a Bacterium Scientists are using tiny, nanoscale cantilevers 4 micrometers long and 500 nanometers wide-essentially miniature diving boards-as a sensitive way to measure mass. The cantilevers oscillate up and down with a frequency that depends on the mass placed near the tip, and a laser beam is used to measure the frequency. A single E. coli bacterium was measured to have a mass of 710 femtograms = 7.10×10−16 kg with this device, as the cantilever oscillated with a frequency of 17.1 MHz .

Treating the cantilever as an ideal, massless spring, find its effective force constant.

what can you say about the drop in potential energy (per unit mass or volume) of water traveling through either pipe?


The drop in potential energy (per unit mass or volume) of water traveling through either pipe, the drop is the same for both pipes.

What is the analogy between water pressure, water flow, voltage, and current?

Both the pressure created by the pump at the top of the pipes and the pressure at the bottom of the pipes are equal (taken to be zero). Since the fluxes vary, the pressure drop across each pipe is also variable. This circuit is an analog of parallel resistors, where the voltage for each resistor is the same, but the currents vary if the resistances are not equal.When water flows from a small pipe to a large pipe, the flow (measured, for instance, in gallons per minute) is the same in both pipes, because the amount of water entering one pipe must equal the amount leaving the other. Otherwise, water would build up in the pipes. For the same reason, circuit components connected in series have a constant total electric current.

Water pressure and total electric potential (voltage) are comparable, and a pump is comparable to a battery. Similar to how electricity going through a resistor decreases in voltage, water traveling through pipes lose pressure. In a battery, chemical reactions cause charges to flow against the average due to the pump's utilization of mechanical work to increase the potential energy of the water.

To learn more about potential energy here:


d.consider the temperature changes over the last 130 years. has the temperature increased, decreased or stayed the same?


The temperature of the Earth has risen by 0.14° F per decade. In the recent decade, the degree of warming has accelerated by more than twice that, to 0.32° F (0.18° C) per decade.

Scientists start by using temperature readings collected at various sites across the world to determine the global average temperature.

Absolute temperature readings are converted to temperature anomalies, or the discrepancy between the measured temperature and the long-term average temperature for each site and date, in order to track temperature changes.

The surface temperature data are independently analyzed by numerous independent research groups worldwide, and they all reveal a similar rising trend.

To know more about Absolute temperature, click the below link


true or false: although wood is an insulator, lightning can travel through a tree to reach the earth.


The correct answer to the statement; "although wood is an insulator, lightning can travel through a tree to reach the earth" is; false.

Why light cannot travel through a wood or a tree

Light cannot pass through or travel through a wood or a tree simply because wood is completely a poor conductor of heat and electricity. In order words, wood cannot conduct electricity in any manner.

That being said, substances which are good conductors of electricity are not insulators and are metals such as iron, nickel, zinc and so on and so forth.

In conclusion, it can therefore be deduced from the explanation given above that only metals call allow light to pass through them and can conduct electricity.

Read more on woods:


Mechanical energy is select one because the roller coaster select one energy due to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track.State True or False your answer:a. Trueb. False


Mechanical energy is indeed select one because the roller coaster selects one energy due to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track

When a ball is thrown onto the ground, it typically begins to roll with a certain velocity. However, due to Newton's first law, the ball would theoretically keep rolling without any force acting against it. In reality, the ball eventually stops after a certain distance, which implies that a force is being applied to it; this force is known as friction. Friction provides the necessary grip to allow us to walk without slipping and can be beneficial in many cases. On the other hand, friction can also be a major hindrance to motion, and around 20% of the power from a car engine is used to overcome friction in its moving parts.

To know more about mechanical energy refer to the link


Q1 What is the velocity of the "Right" ball after the elastic collision below? Left ball heading rightwards btw.
Before: Left Ball Velocity= 2.0 m/s Left Ball Mass 0.25 kg; Right Ball Velocity= 0 m/s Right Ball Mass= 0.25 kg




In an elastic collision, the total momentum of the two objects before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two objects after the collision. This means that we can use the conservation of momentum to determine the velocity of the right ball after the collision.

The momentum of an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its velocity, so the initial momentum of the left ball is 0.25 kg * 2.0 m/s = 0.5 kgm/s. Since the initial velocity of the right ball is 0, the total initial momentum of the two balls is 0.5 kgm/s.

After the collision, the total momentum of the two balls must still be 0.5 kg*m/s. Since the mass of the two balls is the same, this means that the velocity of the right ball after the collision must be 2.0 m/s, which is the same as the initial velocity of the left ball.

Therefore, the velocity of the right ball after the elastic collision is 2.0 m/s.

John is swinging a 100 g mass on a string around his head.
On one end of the string is a spring scale that says he is
exerting 5 N of centripetal force. Attached to the mass is a
speedometer that tells him the mass is moving at 4 m/s. How
long is the string?


Answer:25 feet


consider two cylindrical capacitors with the same inner conductor radius. capacitor 1 has twice the length and twice the outer conductor radius compared to capacitor 2. we apply v1 on capacitor 1 and v2 on capacitor 2 such that the amount of charges in the two capacitors are the same. which one needs to be larger, v1 or v2?


Because capacitor 1 is longer by two times, V1 has more charge.

What makes us utilize cylinder-shaped capacitors?

The storage of electric charge frequently uses a cylindrical capacitor. It is a particular kind of capacitor with the outline of a cylinder with an inner radius of "a" and an outer radius of "b."

Describe the series capacitor.

Capacitors are said to be in series when they are connected in a row. The total capacitance of a series of capacitors can be calculated by adding the reciprocals of each capacitor's individual capacitances and then taking the reciprocal of the total.

To know more about series capacitor visit:-


3. if the rock is projected horizontally at the same speed (2.5 m/s) from a different cliff, and it lands at a point 7.5 m from the base of the cliff, how high is the cliff?


The height of cliff is 44.1 m .

What is the relation between height and horizontal projectile?

An item launched into space on which gravity is the only force at work is referred to as a projectile. Some well-known instances of projectile motion are throwing a ball or firing a gun's bullet. A projectile's motion may be thought of as the result of two different motions occurring at once. In the motion of a projectile, we can see one component acting horizontally without producing any acceleration and another component acting vertically while experiencing continual acceleration due to the pull of gravity. The highest vertical location along the object's flight is considered to be its greatest height. The range of the bullet is defined as its horizontal displacement. The starting velocity of the item affects the projectile's range.If v is the starting speed, g is the gravitational acceleration, and H is the highest point that may be reached in meters, then is the beginning speed's angle from the horizontal plane (radians or degrees).

Time of flight = 7.5/2.5 = 3 seconds

Taking motion along vertical,

h = 0.5gt^2 = 0.5 x 9.8 x 3 x3 = 44.1m

For more info on heights refer:


What is the acceleration of a 1500 kg car when 3000 N of force are applied?


The acceleration of a 1500 kg car when 3000 N of force is applied is

2 m/s².

According to Newton's second law of motion, acceleration of a body depends on two variables, the net force acting on the object and mass of the object. The acceleration of the body is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body and inversely proportional to the mass of the body.

If the force acting on an object increases, the acceleration of the body also increases. Likewise, if mass of an object is increased, the acceleration of the body decreases.

The equation of Newton's second law of motion is given as,

F = m*a

where, F is net force

m is mass

a is acceleration

Given that, m = 1500 kg

F = 3000 N

Making ' a ' as subject for the above equation, we have

a = F/ m = 3000/1500 = 2 m/s²

Thus, the acceleration of the car is 2 m/s².

To know more about acceleration:


a hollow spherical iron shell floats almost completely submerged in water. the outer diameter is 60.0 cm, and the density of iron is 7.87 g/cm3. find the inner diameter.


Thus inner diameter of hollow sperical iron shell is 57.3 cm.

How is density and diameter of sperical iron shell related?

We use the formula 4/3r3 to calculate the volume of a sphere. The volume of the hollow area must be subtracted from the total volume of the sphere in order to get the volume of a hollow sphere. Call the sphere's overall radius r1 and the radius of the hollowed-out area r2. As a result, we have 4/3π*r1^3 – 4/3π*r2^3.

When you know the radius, you may use the formula volume = (4/3) r3 to calculate the sphere's volume. The mass may then be calculated by multiplying the density and volume, as in mass = volume density, using the density formula density = mass/volume. The following formula might also be used: mass = (4/3) r3 density.

Estimate of V we interpret "almost completely submerged" to mean

V ≈ 4 πR^3 / 3

​here R =60cm.

Thus, equilibrium of forces (on the iron sphere) leads to

F = m (iron).g

ρ (water)gV  =ρ (iron) g( 4πR^3/ 3 - 4πr^3/ 3)

r is the inner radius (half the inner diameter).

Substituting in our estimate for V as well as the densities of water (1.0g/cm ^3) and iron(7.87g/cm ^3) we get the inner diameter:

[tex]2r = 2R(1 - \frac{1.0}{7.87})^{\frac{1}{3} }[/tex] =57.3cm.

Thus inner diameter is 57.3 cm.

To know more about hollow spherical iron shell visit:


gas is confined in a tank at a pressure of 10.0 atm and a temperature of 15.0oc. if half of the gas is withdrawn and the temperature is raised to 65.0oc, what is the new pressure in the tank?


The new pressure in the tank is 1.17 P.

A perfect gasoline is a theoretical gasoline composed of many randomly shifting issue particles that are not tough to interparticle interactions. the pleasant gas concept is useful as it obeys the precise gas regulation, a simplified equation of united states of america, and is amenable to evaluation beneath statistical mechanics.

An ideal gas is defined as one for which each the volume of molecules and forces between the molecules are so small that they have no effect on the behavior of the gasoline. The real gas that acts nearly like a simply best fuel is helium. this is because of the truth helium, in contrast to most gases, exists as an unmarried atom, which makes the van der Waals dispersion forces as little as feasible.

Using the ideal gas equation:-


P₁ = P

V₁ = V

T₁ =15°C

P₂ = 2P

V₂ = V/2

P₁/T₁ = P₂/T₂

P₂ = P₁T₂/T₁

    = P * 338 / 288

   = 1.17 P

If the volume becomes half than the pressure becomes = 1.17 P

Learn more about ideal gas here:-


find the net gravitational force fnet acting on the earth in the sun-earth-moon system during the full moon (when the earth is located directly between the moon and the sun).


During the new moon, the net gravitational force acting on the Earth in the Sun-Earth-Moon system is approximately 3.502 × 10²² Newtons.

Given data:

Mass of the Sun (M(S)) = 1.989 × 10³⁰ kg

Mass of the Earth (M(E)) = 5.972 × 10²⁴ kg

Mass of the Moon (M(M)) = 7.342 × 10²² kg

Distance between the Sun and the Earth (r(SE)) = 1.496 × 10¹¹ meters

Distance between the Moon and the Earth (r(ME)) = 3.844 × 10⁸ meters

The gravitational force between two objects is given by Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation:

F = (G × (m₁ × m₂)) ÷ r²

Gravitational force due to the Sun on the Earth:

F(SE) = G × (M(S) × M(E)) ÷ r(SE)²

Gravitational force due to the Moon on the Earth:

F(ME) = G × (M(M) × M(E)) ÷ r(ME)²

The net gravitational force on the Earth during the new moon is the vector sum of these forces:

F(net) = F(SE) - F(ME)

Gravitational force due to the Sun on the Earth

F(SE) = (6.67430 x 10⁻¹¹) × ((1.989 × 10³⁰) × (5.972 × 10²⁴)) ÷ (1.496 × 10¹¹)²

F(SE)= 3.52 × 10²² N

F(ME) = (6.67430 x 10⁻¹¹) × ((7.342 × 10²²) × (5.972 × 10²⁴)) ÷ (3.844 × 10⁸)²

F(ME) = 1.98 × 10²⁰ N

F(net) = F(SE) - F(ME)

F(net) = 3.52 × 10²² - 1.98 × 10²⁰ N

F(net) =  3.502 × 10²²

So, during the new moon, the net gravitational force acting on the Earth in the Sun-Earth-Moon system is approximately 3.502 × 10²² Newtons.

To know more about the gravitational force:


The Table Below Gives The Masses Of The Earth, The Moon, And The Sun. Name Mass (Kg) Earth 5.97×10²⁴ Moon 7.35×10²² Sun 1.99×10³⁰ The Average Distance Between The Earth And The Moon Is 3.84×10⁸ m. The Average Distance Between The Earth And The Sun Is 1.50×10¹¹ m. Use

The table below gives the masses of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.

Name Mass (kg)

Earth 5.97×10²⁴

Moon 7.35×10²²

Sun          1.99×10³⁰

Find the net gravitational force Fnet acting on the Earth in the Sun-Earth-Moon system during the new moon (when the moon is located directly between the Earth and the Sun).

Express your answer in newtons to three significant figures.

what term describes the error in refraction resulting from altered focus on an image in front of the retina due to lens thickness?


When a disease called myopia (near-sightedness) goes untreated, the picture of a distant object is centred in front of the retina, resulting in fuzzy distance vision. Myopia is a result of an imbalance between the eye's optical axial length and refracting power.

Myopia, a disease that affects many people, causes near objects to appear clear while far-distant objects to appear blurry. It happens when light rays incorrectly bend (refract) due to the shape of the eye or specific portions of the eye. When images enter the eye and focus in front of the retina, myopia is the result.

To know more about the Myopia :


monochromatic light falls on a screen 1.75 m from two slits separated by 2.10 mm. the first- and second-order bright fringes are separated by 0.552 mm. what is the wavelength of the light?


The wavelength of light is calculated to be 662.4 nm.

Monochromatic light is nothing but the single wavelength light where mono refers to single and chroma refers to colour. Visible light of a narrow band of wavelengths is classified as monochromatic lights.

Given that, width of fringe β = 0.552 * 10⁻³ m

Distance of screen, D = 1.75 m

Separation of slits, d = 2.10 mm = 2.1 * 10⁻³ m

The formula for fringe width is:

β = (λ* D)/d

Making λ as subject,

λ = β*d/D

λ = (0.552 * 10⁻³ * 2.1 * 10⁻³)/ 1.75 = 0.6624 * 10⁻⁶ = 662.4 nm

Thus, the wavelength of light is 662.4 nm.

To know more about wavelength:


Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit/find the current across 4 ohm / find the potential difference across 10 ohm


The current across 4 ohm is 2 ampere.

The potential difference across 10 ohm is 10 volt.

What is electric current?

The rate of electron passage in a conductor is known as electric current. The ampere is the electric current's SI unit.

Let the unknown resistance is 10 ohm, then equivalent resistance of the circuit = 4 ohm + 10 ohm║10 ohm

=  4 ohm + { 10 ×10/(10+10)} ohm

= 9 ohm.

Then current passing through 4 ohm = V/R

= 18/9 ampere

= 2 ampere.

The potential difference across 10 ohm = [tex]ir_{eq[/tex]

= 2*{(10*10/(10+10)} volt.

= 10 volt.

Learn more about electric current here:


how much energy (in j) must the shock absorbers of a 1140 kg car dissipate in order to damp a bounce that initially has a velocity of 0.850 m/s at the equilibrium position? assume the car returns to its original vertical position.


-384 jewels energy (in j) must the shock absorbers of a 1140 kg car dissipate in order to damp a bounce that initially has a velocity of 0.850 m/s at the equilibrium position

In a damped system, oscillatory motion is suppressed by frictional forces. The increase in the internal energy of the damping system makes up for the decrease in kinetic energy connected to oscillatory motion according to the law of conservation of energy.

We specify that the car's vertical equilibrium position is where the potential energy zero is located. The car's initial total mechanical energy is There has been a decrease of -384 jewels in energy.

To learn more about equilibrium Please click on the given link:


a string (with uniform mass density) is attached to a wave generator with variable frequency to create standing wave patterns. the string goes over a pulley and is connected to a mass (which can be varied) to create tension in the string. 1) if the frequency is changed (while the mass is held fixed), what else will change? the wavelength of the wave will change. the speed of propogation of the wave will change.


The speed at which a wave travels is unaffected by its wavelength. Waves C and D move forward at the same rate. Only changes in the characteristics of the medium a wave travels through can change its speed.

Does wavelength depend on propagation rate?

In a particular medium, the speed of propagation is constant; only the wavelength varies as the frequency does.

What influences a wave's propagation speed?

The characteristics of the medium have an impact on most waves' wave propagation speed in addition to frequency and wavelength variations. Tension, density, rigidity, and temperature are some of the variables that influence the speed of wave propagation.

To know more about wavelength visit:-


94. at what angle is light inside crown glass completely polarized when reflected from water, as in a fish tank?


Light reflected at 55.6 ° from a window is completely polarized.

Fully polarized – At the other extreme, some sources can be 'fully' polarized(or plane-polarized), meaning that all of the photons have their electric fields oriented in the same direction. Many types of laser have this property.A reflected light becomes completely polarised when corresponding incident angle is 60⁰.Polarization, property of certain electromagnetic radiations in which the direction and magnitude of the vibrating electric field are related in a specified way.The term 'polarization' derives from the early 19th-century discovery that electrolysis causes the elements in an electrolyte to be attracted towards one or the other pole— i.e. the gasses were polarized towards the electrodes.

Find out more about Polarisation


What is the frequency of a 2 meter wavelength radio wave?


The frequency of a 2 meter wavelength radio wave is 149,668,992Hz .The range of the radio waves is considered to be 3 kHz up to 300 GHz.

Radio waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation with the longest frequencies in the electromagnetic range, commonly with frequencies of 300 gigahertz (GHz) and underneath. At 300 GHz, the relating frequency is 1 mm (more limited than a grain of rice); at 30 Hz the comparing frequency is 10,000 kilometers

For electromagnetic wave ,we know an expression

c=ν × λ

where c is the defined as the speed of wave  in any medium,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Now, we know that speed of radio wave is 186,000 miles per second

We also know that 1mile= 1609.344 meters

Therefore,186,000 miles=186,000×1609.344 meters

So, speed of radio wave is 299,337,984m/sec.

Using the above formula, we get




or v=149,668,992Hz

Hence, frequency of radio wave is 149,668,992Hz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:


Object A has a mass of 6 kg and is moving at a velocity of 5 m/s. Object B has
a mass of 4 kg and is moving at a velocity of 3 m/s. What is the Pnet of the
two objects?


∴ p = 13.2 kgms⁻¹. As a result, the ball has a momentum of 13.2 kgms1.

What is the Pnet of the two objects?

Given conditions ⇒

Mass of the ball = 6 kg.

Velocity = 2.2 m/s.

Using the Formula,

Momentum = mass × velocity

∴ p = mv

⇒ p = 6 × 2.2

∴ p = 13.2 kgms⁻¹.

Hence, the momentum of the ball is 13.2 kgms⁻¹.

∴ p = 13.2 kgms⁻¹. As a result, the ball has a momentum of 13.2 kgms1.

Velocity (v) is a vector quantity that measures displacement (or change in position, Δs) over the change in time (Δt), represented by the equation v = Δs/Δt.

momentum = 5x2 = 10 kg m/s.

Any object's velocity is a measurement of how swiftly it moves. Therefore, it can be described as the change in an object's position divided by time.

Both a magnitude (a value) and a direction are associated with velocity. Meters per second (meter/second) is the unit used to measure velocity.

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you are using a microscope with a 10x eyepiece. what is the approximate focal length of an objective lens which will give a total magnification of 200x? assume a tube length of 160 mm.


The approximate focal length of an objective lens which will give a total magnification of 200x is 0.8 cm.

What is the focal length of a lens?

The focal length of a lens is the distance from the principal focus of a lens to the center of curvature of the lens.

The focal length of the objective lens of the microscope is calculated as follows:

total magnification is 200x

tube length is 160 mm

eyepiece = 10x

magnification of the objective lens = 200 / 10

magnification = 20

the focal length in cm is 160 / 10 = 16

The focal length of the objective lens = assumed length / total magnification.

the focal length of the objective lens = 16 / 20

the focal length of the objective lens = 0.8 cm

Learn more about focal length at:


a 900 kg car moving at 10 m/s takes a turn around a circle with a radius of 25.0 m. determine the centripetal force acting on the car.


The centripetal force acting on the car is  36,000 N.

Centripetal force is the force that is directed towards the center of a circle and is necessary to keep an object in a curved path.

Step 1: Find the mass of the car.

Mass = 900 kg

Step 2: Find the velocity of the car.

Velocity = 10 m/s

Step 3: Find the radius of the circle.

Radius = 25.0 m

Step 4: Calculate the centripetal force.

Centripetal force = m*v2/r

Centripetal force = 900 kg * (10 m/s)2 / 25.0 m

Centripetal force = 36,000 N

Centripetal force is the force that is directed inward and is responsible for the circular motion of an object. It is directed towards the center of the circle and is perpendicular to the velocity of the object. It is usually caused by a combination of gravitational and/or electro-magnetic forces. It is the force that keeps an object in orbit around a larger object and keeps the moon in its orbit around the Earth.

to know more about Centripetal force click here:


What is the energy in a moving vehicle of mass 1500 kg at 60km hr?


The energy of the moving vehicle is 208.41 KJ.

The energy of a moving object or the energy possessed by an object in motion is called as the kinetic energy.

The kinetic energy formula is formulated as K.E. = (1/2)*m*v²


mass of the object/vehicle = m,

the speed at which the body is moving is v.

Kinetic energy is expressed in Kgm²/s²It has the SI unit as joule(J).

Mass of the vehicle = 1500 kg

Velocity of the vehicle = 60 km/hr

1 km/hr = 0.277 m/sec

60 Km/hr = 16.67 m/sec

Kinetic energy of the vehicle =  (1/2)*m*v²

K.E. =  (1/2)*1500*(16.67)²

K.E. = (1/2)*1500*277.88

K.E. = 208416.67 J

K.E. = 208.41 KJ

The energy in a moving vehicle of mass 1500 kg at 60km/hr is 208.41KJ.

To know more about energy,


what would be the height of the atmosphere if the air density were uniform and decreased linearly to zero with height assume that at sea level the air pressure is 1atm


The height of the atmosphere would be 7951.33 m.

We are given that,

Pressure = P = 1 atm

Air density = ρ = 1.3 kg/m³

P = ρ g h

We know that pressure at sea level = 1 atm = 101300 Pa

Thus , putting the values in the above equation,

h = (101300 Pa)/(1.3 kg/m³)(9.8m/s²)

h = 7951.33 m

Therefore, the height of the atmosphere would be 7951.33 m, when the air density is constant.

The atmosphere of Earth extends upward from the planet's surface to a height of 10,000 kilometers (6,214 miles). After that, the atmosphere disappears into space. Although scientists disagree on the location of the atmosphere's upper border, they can all agree that the majority of the atmosphere is found near to the planet's surface, up to a distance of around eight to fifteen kilometers (five to nine miles). Although most life on Earth requires oxygen, oxygen does not make up the bulk of the planet's atmosphere. About 78% of the gases in the Earth's atmosphere are nitrogen, 21% are oxygen, 9% are argon, and 1% are other gases. The remaining gases include trace amounts of neon, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.

Learn more about height here:


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Choose Yes or No to tell whether the first number is a multiple of the second number64,429, 3 16,242,831,7 This passage is excerpted from Edith Wharton, House of Mirth, originally published in 1905.Selden paused in surprise. In the afternoon rush of the Grand Central Station his eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Lily Bart. It was a Monday in early September, and he was returning 5 to his work from a hurried dip into the country; but what was Miss Bart doing in town at that season? Her desultory air perplexed him. She stood apart from the crowd, letting it drift by her to the platform or the street, and wearing an air o irresolution which might, as he surmised, be the mask of a 10 very denite purpose. It struck him at once that she was waiting for someone, but he hardly knew why the idea arrested him. There was nothing new about Lily Bart, yet he could never see her without a faint movement of interest: it was characteristic of her that sh always roused speculation 15 that her simplest acts seemed the result of far-reaching intentions.An impulse of curiosity made him turn out of his direct line to the door, and stroll past her. He knew that if she did not wish to be seen she would contrive to elude him; and it 20 amused him to think of putting her skill to the test. "Mr. Seldenwhat good luck! She came forward smiling, eager almost, in her resolve to intercept him. One or two persons, in brushing past them, lingered to look; for Miss Bart was a gure to arrest even the 25 suburban traveller rushing to his last train. Selden had never seen her more radiant. Her vivid head, relieved against the dull tints of the crowd, made her more conspicuous than in a ball-room, and under her dark hat and veil she regained the girlish smoothness, the purity of tint, 30 that she was beginning to lose after eleven years of late hours and indefatigable dancing."What luck!" she repeated. "How nice of you to come to my rescue!"He responded joyfully that to do so was his mission in 35 life, and asked what form the rescue was to take."Oh, almost anyeven to sitting on a bench and talking to me. One sits out a cotillionwhy not sit out a train? It isn't a bit hotter here than in Mrs. Van Osburgh's conservatoryand some of the women are not a bit uglier." She broke off, 40 laughing, to explain that she had come up to town from Tuxedo, on her way to the Gus Trenors' at Bellomont, and had missed the three-fteen train to Rhinebeck. "And there isn't another till half-past ve." She consulted the little jewelled watch among her laces. "Just two hours to wait. And45 I don't know what to do with myself. My maid came up this morning to do some shopping for me, and was to go on to Bellomont at one o'clock, and my aunt's house is closed, and I don't know a soul in town." She glanced plaintively about the station. "It IS hotter than Mrs. Van Osburgh's, after all. If 50 you can spare the time, do take me somewhere for a breath of air." He declared himself entirely at her disposal: the adventure struck him as diverting. As a spectator, he had always enjoyed Lily Bart; and his course lay so far out of her orbit 55 that it amused him to be drawn for a moment into the sudden intimacy which her proposal implied."Shall we go over to Sherry's for a cup of tea?" She smiled assentingly, and then made a slight grimace."So many people come up to town on a Mondayone is 60 sure to meet a lot of bores. I'm as old as the hills, of course, and it ought not to make any difference; but if I'M old enough, you're not," she objected gaily. 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