Let A={1,2,3,4,5,6} and B={4,6,8}. Which of the following is an element of A∩B?Select the correct answer below:3682

Let A={1,2,3,4,5,6} And B={4,6,8}. Which Of The Following Is An Element Of AB?Select The Correct Answer


Answer 1

Given the following set:

A = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

B = {4,6,8}

∩ means "intersection" of two sets. In other words, the data that the two sets have in common.

Checking the given sets,

A = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

B = {4,6,8}

A∩B or A and B have a common data of 4 and 6. These two are the intersections of A and B.

Among the given choices, only Choice B is correct which is 6.

Therefore, the answer is CHOICE B : 6

Related Questions

Geometry Translation Please help me. This is worth alot of point.


The answer is X+7 and Y-5

At a sale this week, a suit is being sold for $145.60. This is a 74% discount from the original price. What is the original price?


$145.60 ---> 74%

x -------------> 100%

[tex]\begin{gathered} x\times74=145.60\times100 \\ 74x=14560 \\ \frac{74x}{74}=\frac{14560}{74} \\ x=196.76 \end{gathered}[/tex]

answer: $196.76 is the orginal price

Jones, JacobTranslation T maps the point (1, 3) to (2,6). Which of the following rules describes the translation T?OT: (x, y) (2., 2y)OT: (0,y) – (a, fu)OT:(,y) - (x-1,7 - 3)OT:(,) ( + 1, y + 3)


The given points are (1,3) and (2,6).

The pre-image is (1,3) and the image is (2,6).

As you can observe, the image is double than the pre-image, this means the transformation used was a dilation with a scale factor of 2, the rule is

[tex]OT\colon(x,y)\rightarrow(2x,2y)[/tex]Therefore, the right answer is the first choice.

The radius of a cylindrical water tank is 6.5 ft, and its height is 12 ft. What is the volume of the tank? Use the value 3.14 for T, and round your answer to the nearest whole number. Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer. Continue 6.5 ft 12 ft 0 K ft X ft² 5 ft3 ?



The volume of a cylinder is expressed as

[tex]\begin{gathered} volume=\pi r^2h \\ where \\ r\Rightarrow radius\text{ of its circular end} \\ h\Rightarrow height\text{ of the cylinder} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given the cylindrical water tank below:


[tex]\begin{gathered} r=6.5\text{ ft} \\ h=12\text{ ft} \\ \pi=3.14 \end{gathered}[/tex]

By substitution, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} volume\text{ = 3.14}\times(6.5)^2\times12 \\ =1591.98 \\ \Rightarrow volume\approx1592\text{ ft}^3\text{ \lparen nearest whole number\rparen} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the volume of the cylindrical water tank, to the nearest whole number, is

[tex]1592\text{ ft}^3[/tex]

In a proof what is the reason that justifies this statement:

Segment BP is congruent to segment BP.


Answer: I believe that the BP segment is equal to BP segment because of the reflexive property.

Step-by-step explanation:

The required reason is that segment BP is congruent to segment BP that  Segment BP is the common side among both triangles.

What is congruent geometry?

In congruent geometry, the shapes that are so identical. can be superimposed on themselves.

The necessary explanation is that segment BP and segment BP are congruent because segment BP is the common side of both triangles BPS and BPY, as shown in the figure.

Thus, the required reason is that segment BP is congruent to segment BP and that  Segment BP is the common side among both triangles.

Learn more about congruent geometry here. https://brainly.com/question/12413243


Harper learned to play a total of 4 pieces over the course of 2 weeks of piano lessons. After 4 weeks of piano lessons, how many total pieces will Harper be able to play? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.​


Step-by-step explanation:

Harper learned to play a total of 4 pieces over the course of 2 weeks of piano lessons. After 4 weeks of piano lessons, how many total pieces will Harper be able to play? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

4 pieces / 2 weeks = 2 pieces per week

after 4 weeks:

4 weeks * 2 pieces per week  = 8 pieces after 4 weeks


8 pieces will be learnt in 4 weeks

Step-by-step explanation:

please mark as brainliest

10 Daphne is making bows for extra money. For every 3 feet of ribbon she has, she can make 5 bows. Which table shows the possible values of the number of bows she can make and the amount of ribbon she will use? 3 15 33 5 15 20 55 В. 3 18 27 36 5 60 45 50 3 6 15 30 5 10 25 50 11 3 18 27 5 10 30 40


Daphne makes 5 bows for every 3 feet of ribbon, this means that for every 3 feet increase in length of ribbon the bows increases by five. So,

For 3 feet, bows are 5,

For 6 feet bows are 10,

For 9 feet bows are 15,

For 12 feet bows are 20

For 15 feet bows are 25,

for 18 feet bows are 30,

For 21 feet bows are 35,

For 24 feet bows are 40.

For 27 feet bows are 45

For 30 feet bows are 50.

Thus option C is correct.

2A professional pyro technician shoots fireworks vertically into the air from the ground with an initial velocity of 192
feet per second. The height in feet of the fireworks is given by h(t) = -16t² + 192t.
a. How long does it take for the fireworks to reach the maximum height?
b. What is the maximum height reached by the firework?



See below

Step-by-step explanation:

Maximum height will be found at the t value = - b/2a  

  b = 192    a = -16  

      so max height will be at   t = - 192/(2 * -16) = 6 s

Max height will be   h = -16(6^2) + 192(6)   = 576 ft

A. "Describe the trend in vehicle sales over time" - Should I use a regression model or just a linear model?



A) We can see the graph and through the data that the most indicated form is to find the regression model since there is not much uniformity among the data to describe it as a purely linear model.

Plotting that scatterplot, and generating the equation we know that the equation is:


9.3 divided by 3.8 HELP ME



Step-by-step explanation:

0 0. 4 0

9 3 3 8. 0 0

 − 0      

   3 8    

 −   0    

   3 8 0  

 − 3 7 2  

       8 0

     −   0

       8 0


2.45 is the answer to 9.3 divided by 3.8

Amir drove from Jerusalém to the lowest place on the earth Dead Sea. His latitude to sea level as a function of time is graphed.What was amir altitude at the beginning of the drive?



440 meters.


At the beginning of the drive, time (on the x-axis) is 0.

The value of y when x=0 is 440 meters.

Therefore, Amir's altitude at the beginning of the drive is 440 meters.

What is the value for y?​




Step-by-step explanation:

x - 5 = 34, meaning 39 = x

34 + 34 = 68

All triangles add up to 180

180 - 68 = 112

112/4 = 28

In a college there are 16 times as many students as professors. If together the students and professors number 42,500, how many students are there in the collego?The number of students in the college is


Let the number of professors be x.

If there are 16 times as many students as professors, then the number of students will be:


If the number of students and professors is 42,500, then we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+16x=42500 \\ 17x=42500 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving by dividing both sides by 17, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{42500}{17} \\ x=2500 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, we can calculate the number of students in the college to be:


Therefore, there are 40,000 students in the college.

Use the long division method to find the result when 6x4 +423-7x²+3x-7 is
divided by 2x2 + 2x-3. If there is a remainder, express the result in the form
q(x) +5(2).



Step-by-step explanation: −6x4−3x3−2x2−4x−7x2+3. The Long Division method: −6x2−3x+16

In a recent study on world happiness, participants were asked to evaluate their current lives on a scale from0 to 10, where 0 represents the worst possible life and 10 represents the best possible life. The meanresponse was 5.2 with a standard deviation of 2.4.(a) What response represents the 95th percentile?(b) What response represents the 60th percentile?(c) What response represents the first quartile?...



[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Given} \\ \operatorname{mean},\text{ }\mu=5.2 \\ \text{standard deviation, }\sigma=2.4 \\ \\ \text{Recall the formula} \\ Z=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} \\ x-\mu=Z\sigma \\ x=Z\sigma+\mu \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} Z-\text{score for 95 percentile = 1.645} \\ x=Z\sigma+\mu \\ x=1.645(2.4)+5.2 \\ x=9.148 \\ x=9.15\text{ (2 decimal places)} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} Z-\text{score for 60 percentile = }0.253 \\ x=Z\sigma+\mu \\ x=0.253(2.4)+5.2 \\ x=5.8072 \\ x=5.81\text{ (2 decimal places)} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} Z-\text{score for first quartile (25\%) = }-0.674 \\ x=Z\sigma+\mu \\ x=-0.674(2.4)+5.2 \\ x=3.5824 \\ x=3.58\text{ (2 decimal places)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line with a slope of -1 and a y-intercept of -2.



y = -x - 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line with a slope of -1 and a y-intercept of -2.

slope-intercept form: y = mx + b where m = slope and b = y-intercept


slope of -1

y-intercept of -2


y = -1x + (-2)

y = -x - 2


y= -x-2

Step-by-step explanation:



y intercept=b

m= -1

b= -2

input values of m and b to get equation:


y= -1x-2

y =  -x-2

y= -x-2

pls mark as brainliest

The measure of an angle is 74° what is the measure of its complementary angle



16 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Complementary angles = 90 degrees

If the measure of one angle is 74 degrees, that means that the measure of the other angle that is complementary to it is 16 degrees.

74 + x = 90

x = 16

a. A company has a policy of retiring company cars; this policy looks at number of miles driven, purpose of trips, style of car and other features. The distribution of the number of months in service for the fleet of cars is bell-shaped and has a mean of 45 months and a standard deviation of 3 months. Using the empirical rule (as presented in the book), what is the approximate percentage of cars that remain in service between 48 and 51 months?b. The physical plant at the main campus of a large state university recieves daily requests to replace fluorescent lightbulbs. The distribution of the number of daily requests is bell-shaped and has a mean of 64 and a standard deviation of 7. Using the empirical rule (as presented in the book), what is the approximate percentage of lightbulb replacement requests numbering between 57 and 64?c. A population of values has a normal distribution with μ=153 and σ= 39.5You intend to draw a random sample of size n=196Find P2, which is the score separating the bottom 2% scores from the top 98% scores. P2 (for single values) = Find P2, which is the mean separating the bottom 2% means from the top 98% means. P2 (for sample means) = Enter your answers as numbers accurate to 1 decimal place. round your answer to ONE digit after the decimal point! Answers obtained using exact z-scores or z-scores rounded to 3 decimal places are accepted.d. A population of values has a normal distribution with μ= 117.8 and σ=73.1You intend to draw a random sample of size n=59Find the probability that a single randomly selected value is greater than 113. P(X > 113) = Find the probability that a sample of size n= 59 is randomly selected with a mean greater than 113. P(M > 113) = Enter your answers as numbers accurate to 4 decimal places. Answers obtained using exact z-scores or z-scores rounded to 3 decimal places are accepted.



For this to make sense, we will plot the bell curve of the distribution.

It is general convention that:

65% of the values in the distribution lie between

[tex]\begin{gathered} \bar{x}\pm\sigma \\ Where\colon \\ \bar{x}=\text{mean} \\ \sigma=s\tan dard\text{ deviation} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 48\pm3=51\text{ or 45} \\ \text{This means that }65\text{ \% of the values lie within the range 45 and 51.} \\ Therefore,\text{ the range between 48 and 51 will be a half of 65\%} \\ \frac{65}{2}\text{ \% = 32.5\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

35% is the percentage of cars that remain in service between 48 and 51 months


We also plot the distribution curve as in a above,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 64\pm7=71\text{ or }57 \\ \text{This means that }65\text{ \% of the values lie within the range 57 and 71.} \\ Therefore,\text{ the range between 57 and 64 will be a half of 65\%} \\ \frac{65}{2}\text{ \% = 32.5\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

32.5% is the approximate percentage of lightbulb replacement requests numbering between 57 and 64

Please help me 2/3+ (-1/3)



The answer is 1/3.

Step-by-step explanation:

The plus sign before the parenthesis means that everything inside keeps it's signal. So


The answer is 1/3.




see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

If the ratios of two pairs of corresponding sides of the 2 triangles are equal and the included angles are congruent then the triangles are similar by the

SAS postulate.

[tex]\frac{AC}{DF}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5.1}{1.7}[/tex] = 3

[tex]\frac{BC}{EF}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{3.3}{1.1}[/tex] = 3

∠ C = 180° - (36 + 67)° = 180° - 103° = 77° , then the included angles

∠ C and ∠ F = 77° are congruent


Δ ABC and Δ DEF are similar by the SAS postulate

make a tree diagram to show the sample space. then, give the total number of outcomes. question 1. making a meal with chicken or steak and broccoli, carrots, potatoes,or green beans.


The sample space which is the total possibilities is 4

What is the answer we need the answer


To earn exactly $252, madison needs to work for 21 hours.

Time         money

worked      earned

5                    60

8                    96

12                  144

15                  180

We need to find how many hours should madison work to earn exactly $252

For 5 hours she earns $60

So in 1 hour she earns $ 60/5 = 12

For $1 she needs to work for 1/12 hour

For 252 she need to work for (1/12) 252

For 252 she need to work for 21

Therefore, to earn exactly $252, madison needs to work for 21 hours.

To learn more about unitary method refer here



solve the quadratic equation 3x^2+x-5=0 give your answer to 2 significant figures​


The resultant answer of the given quadratic equation is x₁,₂ = -1 ± √61/6.

What is a quadratic equation?An algebraic equation of the second degree in x is a quadratic equation. The quadratic equation is written as ax² + bx + c = 0, where x is the variable, a, and b are the coefficients, and c is the constant term.

So, solve  3x²+x-5=0 as follows:

Quadratic formula: x = -b ± √b²-4ac/2a

Now, evaluate as follows:

x = -b ± √b²-4ac/2ax₁,₂ = -1 ± √1² - 4×3(-5)/2×3x₁,₂ = -1 ± √61/2×3x₁,₂ = -1 ± √61/6

Therefore, the resultant answer of the given quadratic equation is x₁,₂ = -1 ± √61/6.

Know more about quadratic equations here:



x/0.6= 9/0.5 Solve for x please


The solution of the equation given as x/0.6= 9/0.5 is x= 10.8

How to determine the solution of the equation?

The equation is given as

x/0.6= 9/0.5

There are no constants to add or subtract in the equation

So, we have

x/0.6= 9/0.5

Multiply through the equation by 0.6

This gives

0.6 * x/0.6= 9/0.5 * 0.6

Evaluate the products

0.6 * x/0.6= 10.8

Evaluate the products, again

x= 10.8

Hence, the solution is 10.8

Read more about equations at



The number of murders and robberies per 100,000 population for a random selection of states is shown.


The equation of the regression line has the following shape:


Where m is calculated through the following equation:


And b is calculated through the following equation:


N is the number of samples. 8 for this case.

The values of all the sums present in the above equation are reported in the last row of the table:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sum ^{}_{}x=31 \\ \sum ^{}_{}y=680.1 \\ \sum ^{}_{}xy=3202.71 \\ \sum ^{}_{}x^2=142.52 \\ \sum ^{}_{}y^2=80033.99 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we can begin calculating m by replacing the values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{8\cdot3202.71-31\cdot680.1}{8\cdot142.52-31^2} \\ m=25.333 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The slope of the equation is m = 25.333.

Now, we can calculate b:

[tex]\begin{gathered} b=\frac{680.1-25.333\cdot31}{8} \\ b=-13.153 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now that we know the parameters m and b for the linear regression, we can build the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ y=25.333x-13.153 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where x represents the murders and y the robberies per 100,000 population.

Then, (a): the equation of the regression line is y = 25.333x - 13.153.

To predict the robberies per 100,000 population when x = 4.5 murders, we just need to replace that 4.5 in the equation that we just found:


Finally, (b): according to the linear regression, the number of robberies per 100,000 population when x = 4.5 murders is approximately 100,85.

Graph the function by first finding the relative extrema. f(x) = x3 + 4x2 - X - 4 $ HI 4 M 2 4 a 2 4 2 WHATS


The relative extrema of the function  f(x) = x³ + 4x² - x - 4 is at

( [tex]-\frac{4+\sqrt{19}}{3} ,\frac{56+38\sqrt19}{27}[/tex] )and the graph of the function is attached below.

The given function is f(x) = x³ + 4x² - x - 4

For the relative extrema we will first have to find the first derivative of the function:

f'(x)  = 3x² + 8x - 1

Now for4 the function to have an extremum, f'(x) = 0

3x² + 8x - 1 = 0

Solving we get :

the values of x using the quadratic formula  are [tex](-\frac{4-\sqrt{19}}{3} , -\frac{4+\sqrt{19}}{3} )[/tex] .

Now we will substitute the values of x in the function f(x) to get the local extremum.

The maximum value of f(x) is [tex]\frac{56+38\sqrt19}{27}[/tex].

The minimum value of f(x) is [tex]\frac{56-38\sqrt19}{27}[/tex] .

Now we will use various points to find the values of f in the function.

At x = -3 , y = 8

At x = 0 , y = -4

At x =-1 , y = 0

Hence the relative extremum of the function is at [tex](-\frac{4+\sqrt{19}}{3} ,\frac{56+38\sqrt19}{27})[/tex] .

To learn more about function visit :



Use the diagram to the right to determine whether BC. DE. Justify your answer. AD = 15, DB = 12, AE = 10, and EC = 8. The cut part is BC (top to bottom)



AD = 15, DB = 12, AE = 10, and EC = 8

To determine if line BC is parallel to line DE, we will find the ratio of thier corresponding sides. if it is equal, they are parallelf

Juan had $3.50. Julian had 2 1/2 times as much as juan how much money did julian have


$3.50 times 2.5 = 8.75 so therefore Julian has $8.75

V ABCD - EFGH. What is the value of k? Your answer may be exact or rounded to the nearest tenth. Note: Images are not to scale. A E 4 mm k 8 mm B 6 mm H D 6 mm F 8 mm 4 mm C С


Since rectangles ABCD and EFGH are similar, we can take the ratios of the corresponding sides of the rectangles



cross multiplying

8 x 6 = 4 x k

48 = 4k

4k = 48

Divide both sides by 4

k = 48/4

k = 12

[{12 - 6 (5 - 3) + 2} + 5 (6-71]


[tex]\mleft[\mleft\{12-65-3+2\mright\}+56-71\mright]​\text{ = -323}[/tex]

Here, we want to evaluate the expression

We use the order of operations here PEDMAS ( parentheses, exponents (roots and powers) , division, multiplication, addition and subtraction)

We start out with the parentheses, then move on with the terms outside by multiplication

We have this as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} ((12\text{ -6(2)+2)) + 5(-65))} \\ =\text{ ((12-12+2)-325)} \\ =\text{ 2-325 = -323} \end{gathered}[/tex]

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