Leann determines the volume of the cylinder shown using the formula V=Bh.

Leann Determines The Volume Of The Cylinder Shown Using The Formula V=Bh.


Answer 1

We have that the base of the cylinder is a circle, and the area of a circle can be calculated with the following equation:

[tex]B=\pi\cdot r^2[/tex]

In this case, we have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \pi=3.14 \\ r=\frac{d}{2}=\frac{6}{2}=3 \\ \Rightarrow B=(3.14)(3)^2=(3.14)(3)(3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the area of the base is B=(3.14)(3)(3) = 28.26 cm^2

Related Questions

you Owens 15 books before Christmas,but after Christmas you now own 21 books. is this a decrease or increase explain.find the percent of change


Let's begin by listing out the given information:

Before Christmas: 15 books

After Christmas: 21 books

This is an increase

The percentage increase is given by % increase = Increase ÷ Original Number × 100:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{\%}increase=Increase\div OriginalNumber\times100\text{\%} \\ \text{\%}increase=\frac{21-15}{15}\times100\text{\%} \\ \text{\%}increase=\frac{6}{15}\times100\text{\%}=40\text{\%} \\ \text{\%}increase=40\text{\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

a sea turtle can swim at rate of 20 miles per hour. How many feet per hour can a sea turtle swim


The rate at which turtle can swim is 20 miles per hour or 20 miles in one hour.

For conversion, 1 mile is equal to 5280 foot.

Convert 20 miles per hour in foot per hour.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 20\text{ mile per hour=20 miles per hour}\times\frac{5280\text{ foot per hour}}{1\text{ mile per hour}} \\ =20\cdot5280\text{ foot per hour} \\ =105600\text{ foot per hour} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So answer is 105600 foot per hour.

Don Stone obtained an $8.500 installment loan at 14% for 42 months. The loan's balance after 26 payments is 3.733.55. What is the interest for payment 27?



The unpaid balance after the 26 payments is $3,733.55.

Therefore, the interest for payment 27 will be

[tex]14\text{ \% of \$3733.55}[/tex]


[tex]\frac{14}{100}\times3733.55=0.14\times3733.55=522.697\approx522.70(nearest\text{ cent)}[/tex]

Hence, the interest for payment 27 is $522.70.

Question 3 of 102 PointsWhat is the midpoint of the segment shown below?(-1,2)(73)O A. (6,3)O B. (3,3)O C. (3.)O D. (6,5)10



A line is graphed on the coordinate plane below.Line y = -2 +2 will be graphed on the same coordinate plane to create a system of equations.What is the solution to that system of equations?4A (-2,4)B (0-4)C (2,-4)0 (4,-2)Rod End TeeFlagOptionsBackNext



Step 1: Find the equation of the line in the graph.

Two points the line pass through are (0, -4) and (2, -3)


[tex]\begin{gathered} x_1=0,y_1=-4 \\ x_2=2,y_2=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} The\text{ equation of the line can be calculated with the formula} \\ \frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}=\frac{y-y_1}{x-x_1} \\ \\ \frac{-3-(-4)}{2-0}=\frac{y-(-4)}{x-0} \\ \\ \frac{-3+4}{2}=\frac{y+4}{x} \\ \frac{1}{2}=\frac{y+4}{x} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 2(y+4)=x \\ 2y+8=x \\ 2y=x-8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation of the graph is 2y = x - 8

Step 2:

Solve the two equations simultaneously to detemine the solution to the systems of equations

2y = x - 8 ------------------------equation (1)

y = -x + 2 ----------------------equation (2)

Add both equations to eliminate x

2y + y = x - 8 + (-x) + 2

3y = x -8-x+2

3y = -8 + 2

3y = -6

y = -6/3

y = -2

Substitute y = -2 into equation (2)

y = -x + 2

-2 = -x + 2

-2 -2 = -x

-4 = -x

-x = -4

Divide both sides by -1

x = 4

Hence, the solution to the system of equations is (4, -2)

The correct option is option D

7:20 A.M to 9:49 A.M


We can add the minutes from 7:20 AM to the next hour (8:00 AM), that is 40 minutes.

Then, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM we have 60 more minutes.

Then, from 9:00 AM to 9:49 AM we have 49 additional minutes.

We add all three segments as:


As 60 minutes is 1 hour, 120 minutes is 2 hours. Then, 149 minutes are 2 hours and 29 minutes.

Answer: the time elapsed us 149 minutes (or 2 hours and 29 minutes)

the amount of money a worker earns is directly proportional to the number of hours worked.at this rate.thag worker makes $104 in an 8 hour shift.weite a direct variation equation that relates the earnings (e) of the worker to the number of hours (n) worked. use the correct lowercase variables given ,and use no spaces


the amount of money a worker earns is directly proportional to the number of hours worked.at this rate.thag worker makes $104 in an 8 hour shift.weite a direct variation equation that relates the earnings (e) of the worker to the number of hours (n) worked. use the correct lowercase variables given ,and use no spaces​

we know that

A relationship between two variables, x, and y, represent a proportional variation if it can be expressed in the form e=kn

In this problem we have

e -----> amount of money a worker earns

n -----> number of hours worked

k is the constant of proportionality


Find the value of k

we have

For n=8 hours, e=$104



k=$13 per hour

The linear equation is


At the independent record company where Gwen works, the vinyl format has been experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Record sales are increasing by 11% each year. If 19,360 records were sold this year, what will annual sales be in 2 years?If necessary, round your answer to the nearest whole number.


Step 1:

Write the given data

r = 11% = 0.11

P = 19360

t = 2

Step 2:

Apply exponential increase or growth formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=P(1+r)^t \\ A\text{ = future value} \\ P\text{ = present value} \\ r\text{ = rate} \\ t\text{ = time} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3:

Substitute in the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} A\text{ = 19360 }\times(1+0.11)^2 \\ A\text{ = 19360 }\times1.11^2 \\ A\text{ = }23853.456 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer


2. The total sales for June at Jim's Candy Store were $7,785. The total sales for June and Julywere $12,603, what were the total sales for July?ExplorerPlanSolve:Examine:Answer:


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{June sales = 7785, } \\ \text{ June sales + July sales = 12603 } \\ \text{July sales = 12603 - june sales} \\ \text{July sales = 12603 - 7785} \\ \text{July sales = }4818 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the line with the slope of 1/5 and passing through the point D(2,2)



Y = 1/5 x + 8/5


The equation of a line in slope intercept form is


we are told that the slope of the equation is 1/5; therefore,


Furthermore, we are also told that the line passes through (2,2), meaning it should satisfy the condition when y = 2, x = 2

Putting in x =2 and y = 2 in the above equation gives


subtracting 2/5 from both sides gives


Hence the equation of the line is


The graph of the equation is given below.

Differentiatey = -8 In x




Let's differentiate the equation.

To differentiate since -8 is constant with resppect to x, the derivative will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{d}{dx}(-8lnx) \\ \\ =-8\frac{d}{dx}(ln(x)) \end{gathered}[/tex]


derivative of ln(x) with respect to x = 1/x

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -8\frac{1}{x} \\ \\ =-\frac{8}{x} \end{gathered}[/tex]



During 7 1/2 months of hibernation, a black bear experienced a weight loss of 64.4 lbs. on average what was the bears weight change per month. Round to the nearest tenth.


Hibernation time: 7 1/2 months = 15/2 months

Weight loss: 64.4 lbs

We can calculate the average weight change per month using the equation:

average_weight_loss = weight_loss / time

We know that:

weight_loss = 64.4 lbs

time = 15/2 months = 7.5 months

Then, using the equation above:

average_weight_loss = 64.4 lbs / 7.5 months

average_weight_loss = 8.5867 lbs/month

To the nearest tenth, the average monthly weight loss of the black bear was 8.6 lbs/month.

A dairy produced 8.1 liters of milk in 2 hours. How much milk, on average, did the dairyproduce per hour?


To answer this question, we need to find the unit rate in this case. For this, we need to divide the given liters by the hours. Then, we have:


Then, the dairy produces 4.05 liters per hour.

Question 1 Business Analytics


The responses to the linear optimization questions are;

Question 1

The optimal daily profit is $380

Question 2

The combination of x and y that yield the optimal value is the option;

x = 0, y = 3

What is linear optimization or optimization?

Linear programming is a method by which the optimal solution can be obtained from a model represented mathematically and in which the constraints of the model have linear relationships.

Question 1

Let B represent the number of bear claws, C the almond-filled croissant, F represent the flour, Y represent the amount of yeast and A represent the number of almonds.

The amount of ingredient per each produce is therefore;

B = 6·F + 1·Y + 2·A

C = 3·F + 1·Y + 4A

The amount of ingredient available for the days production is as follows;

Ingredient available; 6600·F + 1400·Y + 4800·A

The constraints are therefore

6·B + 3·C ≤ 6,600

B + C ≤ 1,400

2·B + 4·C ≤ 4800

The maximizing function is therefore;

Profit = 0.2·B + 0.3·F

The equations of the lines are therefore;

B = 1,100 - 0.5·C

B = 1400 - C

B = 2400 - 2·C

The vertices of the feasible region are;

(0, 1100), (600, 800), (1000, 400), 1200, 0)

The values of the maximizing function at the vertices of the feasible region are;

Profit, P = 0.2×1100 + 3×0 = 220

At point (600, 800), P = 0.2×800 + 0.3×600 = 340

At point (1000, 400), P = 0.2×400 + 0.3×1000 = 380

At point (1200, 0), P = 0.2×0 + 0.3×1200 = 360

The maximum profit is $380, obtained when 400 Bear claws and 1000 almond filled croissants are produced

Question 2

Maximize $3·x + $15·y

Subject to the following constraints;

2·x + 4·y ≤ 12

5·x + 2·y ≤ 10

x, y ≥ 10

The equations are therefore;

4·y ≤ 12 - 2·x

y ≤ 3 - 0.5·x...(1)

5·x + 2·y ≤ 10

2·y ≤ 10 - 5·x

y ≤ 5 - 2.5·x...(2)

x ≥ 10, y ≥ 10

The coordinates of the vertices of the feasible region are;

(0, 3), (1, 2.5), and (2, 0)

The values of the maximizing function are therefore;

At (0, 3), M = $3 × 0 + $15 × 3 = $45

At (1, 2.5), M = $3 × 1 + $15 × 2.5 = $40.5

At (2, 0), M = $3 × 2 + $15 × 0 = $6

The combination of x and y that yield the optimum is therefore;

(x, y) = (0, 3)

x = 0, and y = 3

Learn more about linear optimization or programming here:



I have an advanced trig equation it's a word problem about non-right triangles it's just for practice not for a graded homework or a quiz. it is a word problem and a picture is included.


Using trigonometric equations we calculate the length of the guy wire from the tower is approximately 1306.5 feet .

The given information about the Tower are :

ED = 175 feet

∠DAB = 57°

∠CED = 30°

Now in the triangle ADB we have ∠ABD = 90° (refer to diagram below)

Therefore ∠ADB = 180° - (57° + 90°) = 33°

Now ∠ EDC = 180° - 33° = 147 °

Hence in triangle EDC ,

∠ECD = 180° - (147°+ 30°) = 3°

Now we will use the law of sines to find the height of the tower.

We know from the law of sines that in ΔEDC

[tex]\frac{ED}{sin\angle C} =\frac{CD}{sin\angle E} =\frac{CE}{sin\angle D}[/tex]

now we will use this to find the height of the tower which is CD

∴ CD = sin °30 × 175 ÷ sin 3°

CD = 1671.8907...

CD ≈  1671.9 feet.

length of the guy wire = CE

∴CE = sin 157° × 175 ÷ sin 3°

CE = 1306.5195...

CE ≈ 1306.5 feet

Hence the height of the tower is 1671.9 feet and the length of the guy wire is 1306.5 feet.

To earn more about tower visit:



If Ellen's gross pay for a two-week period is $1680.00, what is her net pay?O $1606.92O $168.00O $1341.48O $1478.40


It's important to know that the gross pay refers to money before taxes, while the net pay refers to money after deductions.

Hence, the net payment must be less than $1,680.

Hence, the answer is $1,606.92.

Which scenario has more arrangements?:2:• 5 letter arrangements using the letters from the word CHAMPION.• 4 letter arrangements using the letters from the word ABRUTPING.. The total number of ways the word EDMONTON can be arranged.Prepare your work on paper, take an image and post in the answer box provided.s:ParagraphVB1UAVLato (Recom19pxVEa5 с:


This is a simple question to solve. Let's first calculate all the arrangements for the first case to understand the logic:

As we can see above, once we have 8 letters, and we need to calculate the numbers of arrangements with 5 letters, for the first letter we have 8 possible letters, for the second letters we have 7 possible letters once one letter was used for the first one. For the third letter we have 6 possible letters, for the fourth, 5 possible letters and for the fifth, 4 possible letters. So, we just multiply 8*7*6*5*4 = 6720 possible arrangements.

For the second situation we can follow the same logic:

And finally for the third situation we have:

As we can see above, the third scenario has more arrangements.

Rewrite each equation in slope intercept form, if necessary. Then determine whether the lines are parallel. Explain3x+4y = 86x+3y = 6Are these lines parallel?A.B.C.D.(look at image for answer choices)


We can rewrite the next equations in the slope-intercept form:

The first equation:

[tex]3x+4y=8\Rightarrow4y=8-3x\Rightarrow y=\frac{8}{4}-\frac{3}{4}x\Rightarrow y=2-\frac{3}{4}x\Rightarrow y=-\frac{3}{4}x+2[/tex]

The second equation:

[tex]6x+3y=6\Rightarrow3y=6-6x\Rightarrow y=\frac{6}{3}-\frac{6}{3}x\Rightarrow y=2-2x\Rightarrow y=-2x+2_{}[/tex]

As we can see, the slope of the first line is m = -3/4, and the slope of the second line is m = -2. Then, since the slope is different, these lines are not parallel (Option C).

Tilusorativ dhernatcs 8. Here is a graph of the equation 3x-2y = 12. 2 Select all coordinate pairs that represent a solution to the equation. O A. (2,-3) B. (4, 0) C. (5,-1) D. (0, -6) E. (2, 3)



Let's evaluate every pair:



(2,-3) represent a solution




(4,0) represent a solution




(5,-1) Don't represent a solution




(0,-6) Represent a solution




(2,3) Don't represent a solution

Section 1- Question 1Ryan is solving the equation - 6x = 12 by completing the square. What number should be added to both sides of the equation to complete the square?



Given the equation below


Applying the completing the square method

Where the general form of a quadratic equation is


For the completing square method,

[tex]Add\text{ }(\frac{b}{2})^2\text{ to both sides of the equation}[/tex]



The number that should be added to both sides of the equation to complete the square is


Hence, the number is 9 (option B)

1 + z/3 + 2w. Which part of the expression is a product of two factors? Describe it's part e form quotient of two factors? Describe its parts. ​


2w is the part of two factors.

The part of the expression is a product of two factors.

The expression we have is:

[tex]1 + \frac{z}{3}+2w[/tex]

Let's analyze the parts of this expression.

The first term of the expression is a constant term: 1.

1 is not a product of two factors, so this is not the answer.

The second term of the expression is: z/3.

This part of the expression is a division or quotient between z and 3. Thus, since it is a division and not a product, this is also not the answer we are looking for.

The third term of the expression is: 2w

In this case, the term 2w is a product between "2" and "w". Thus, 2w is a product of two factors. The parts of this product are 2 and which when multiplied result in 2w.

Hence the answer is 2w is the part of two factors.

To learn more about factors click here https://brainly.com/question/15824403


Given a triangle ABC at points A = ( - 6, 3 ) B = ( - 4, 7 ) C = ( - 2, 3 ), and a first transformation of up 2 and right 3, and a second transformation of down 1 and left 6, what would be the location of the final point B'' ?



B'' = (-7, 8)


The points of the triangle are:

A = ( - 6, 3 ) B = ( - 4, 7 ) C = ( - 2, 3 )

The first transformation:

2 units up and 3 units right

B' = (-4+3, 7+2)

B' = (-1, 9)

Second transformation:

1 unit down, 6 units left

B'' = (-1-6, 9-1)

B'' = (-7, 8)

Simplify the expression. 2m - 8 - 2m - 1


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2m-8-2m-1 \\ 2m-2m-8-1 \\ -8-1 \\ -9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the missing the side length leave the answer as radical form. Question 3.


In order to calculate the value of x, we can use the cosine relation of the angle 60°.

The cosine is equal to the length of the adjacent leg to the angle over the length of the hypotenuse.

So we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos(60°)=\frac{2}{x}\\ \\ \frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{x}\\ \\ x=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to calculate the value of y, we can use the tangent relation of the angle 60°.

The tangent is equal to the length of the opposite leg to the angle over the length of the adjacent leg to the angle.

So we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan(60°)=\frac{y}{2}\\ \\ \sqrt{3}=\frac{y}{2}\\ \\ y=2\sqrt{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

WZ = 32, YZ = 6, and X is the midpoint of WY. Find WX.


We are given the length of two segments:

WZ = 32

YZ = 6

and we are told that x is the midpoint of the segment WY

We are asked to find the length of the segment WX

Notice that the total length of the segment WZ is 32. from the point Y to the point Z we have 6 units. therefore, between W and Y there is 32 - 6 = 26 units.

SInce X is the midpoint of the distance between W and Y, then it has to cut the segment WY (26 units long) in two equal parts, each of length 13 units (half of 26).

Therefore, WX must be of length 13 units.

Using the data in the image could you help with this question State some possible causes of the error in your measured value. What techniques could be used to correct it?



Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that f is an even function whose domain is the set of all real numbers. Then which of the following can we claim to be true?


If f is an even function, then f can't have an inverse, because even functions don't have inverses. Therefore the correct answer is A.

write (2 to the power of -1) to the power of 3 with the same base but one exponent




Step 1



[tex]\begin{gathered} a^{-n}=\frac{1}{a^n} \\ (a^n)^m=a^{n\cdot m} \\ (\frac{a}{b})^m=\frac{a^m}{b^m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2


[tex]\begin{gathered} (2^{-1})^3 \\ (2^{-1})^3=(\frac{1}{2^1})^3=(\frac{1^3}{2^3})=\frac{1}{8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Content attributionQUESTION 5.1 POINTTranslate and solve: 6 greater than b is greater than 84.Give your answer in interval notation.Provide your answer below:


6 greater than b is


6 greater than b is greater than 84. is represented as


Step :Subtract 6 from both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} b+6>84 \\ b+6-6>84-6 \\ b>78 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathrm{Solution\colon}\: & \: b>78\: \\ \: \mathrm{Interval\: Notation\colon} & \: \mleft(78,\: \infty\: \mright)\end{bmatrix}[/tex]


The interval notation is (78,∞)

A box contains four red marbles three green marbles and to blue marbles one marble is removed from the box and it's not replaced another marble is drawn from the box does the following represent in and a independent event


The correct option is Yes, which is option A


The reason is that the probability that marble is removed from the box does not affect the probability that a marble is drawn from the same box. i.e the two events do not affect each other

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