Latasha deposits 250$ into a account savings. The simple intrest rate paid is 3.5%. how much interest does Latasha earn in one year?


Answer 1
Multiply $250 by 3.5% = 8.75
250 + 8.75 = 258.75
Answer 2

The amount of interest that Latasha earns in one year will be $8.75.

What is simple interest?

Simple interest is the concept that is used in many companies such as banking, finance, automobile, and so on.

The formula for interest is written as,

I = (PRT)/100

Where P is the principal, R is the rate of interest, and T is the time.

Latasha deposits $250 into her account savings. The simple interest rate paid is 3.5%.

Then the amount of interest that Latasha earns in one year will be given as,

I = ($250 x 3.5 x 1) / 100

I = $875 / 100

I = $8.75

The amount of interest that Latasha earns in one year will be $8.75.

More about the simple interest link is given below.


Related Questions

Please help me with this question



56 and 7 its going by 5

Step-by-step explanation:

it is what it is yes ma’am

A bakery had 3 dozen eggs. The baker made 3 batches of cookies. Each batch required 3/4 dozen eggs. What fraction of a dozen eggs


Baker had 36 eggs
Baker made 3 batches of cookies
Each batch required 9 eggs
9 eggs x 3 batches =27
9eggs out of the dozen
=3/4 dozen eggs remaining
So one way you can do it is to multiply 12 by 3/4 which equals 9. Then you can multiply 9 by three since one dozen is 12. So once you multiply 9 by three you get your answer.

Please evaluate the expression below.

Select the answer with BOTH correct answers (the quotient in Scientific Notation and the quotient in standard form).


A) 1.71568627451×10^11;171,568,627,451

B) 1.7156863×10^7;17,156,863

C) 1.72×10^2;172

D) 1.72×10^−2;.0172



scientific notation: 1.71568627×10^11

Step-by-step explanation:

look up math-way and click on the calculator if that is not what you are looking for :)

c 1.72×10^2;172 homie

I made this meme myself but got the pictures offline.. :(


Answer: Hope you feel better bub. ⊂(・﹏・⊂)

Aww hope you feel better soon

Yall what is 10+9x please help thanks shawty



19x I believe

Step-by-step explanation:

Added 10 and 9, left the x


10+9x can't be combined to make a number

Step-by-step explanation:

This is because the 10 doesn't have the variable x so we can't combine them together

If the 10 had an x beside it, it would've become 19x, but it doesn't so it stays as is

Sorry if this is incorrect!!!!!

Bella was here :)

An algebraic expression that contains three terms is called?
None of these

(Free po,,ints)



Step-by-step explanation:

T[tex]ri \: means \: three.[/tex]


My father

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Say hi

2. Say hello

3. Be polite

4. Be humble

5. Now you got money from you father

A cylinder has a height of 13 feet and a radius of 11 feet. What is its volume? Use a ~ 3.14
and round your answer to the nearest hundredth.



4939.22 feet cubed.  

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V=3.14*r^2*h

First we square the raidus, which is 11 in this problem.  11 squared is 121.

Next we multiply everything together.

3.14*121 is 379.94.  Then, 379.94 * the height, which is 13, is 4939.22.

Since our answer is already rounded to the nearest hundredth, the answer to this problem is 4939.22

First place in the food chain

Second place in the food chain

Third place in the food chain

Last place in the food chain



1st in the food chain is the grass (producer) since it doesn't eat anything  2nd is the grasshopper since the grasshopper eats the grass 3rd it the toad since the toad eats the grasshopper 4th is the fungi since it eats the toad by decomposing it

Step-by-step explanation:

I learned it

~Plz tap the crown ~

~ Thank you~

I really need help! If the answer is correct, I'll give ya a brainliest ;)


Answer: What is the question-? :D

Step-by-step explanation:

whats the question?
step-by-step equation.

Help again lololololololol



<B = 110°

Step-by-step explanation:

The interior angles formed by the sides of pentagon sum up to 540°.

So <A + <B + <C + <D + <E = 540°

130° + (x - 5)° + (x + 30)° + 75° + (x - 35)° = 540°

3x + 130 + 30 + 75 - 5 - 35 = 540

3x + 195 = 540

3x = 345

x = 115°

<A = 130°

<B = x - 5 = 115 - 5 = 110°

<C = x + 30 = 115 +30 = 145°

<D = 75°

<E = x - 35 = 115 - 35 = 80°

Hope it helps......

Yup there geometry is it

Landon used a half circle and a square to form the figure shown. Which is the best estimate of the area of the figure in square meters?
A 138 m²
B 175 m²
C 125 m²
D 75 m²


138 is best estimate. The half circle is smaller than half a square so it cant be more than 150.
138 is the best possible answer

help me out! Write an equation for line p :



x = -4

Step-by-step explanation:

Since P is a straight vertical line, We know that the answer has to be about the x axis

Therefore, since the line is placed on -4 the equation will be

x = -4

Hope this helped :D

Please solve; x³+y³+z³=k



It's called a Diophantine Equation, and it's sometimes known as the “summing of three cubes”: Find x, y, and z such that x³+y³+z³=k, for each k from 1 to 100. One answer is x = 1, y = -1, and z = 2.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which graph shows a proportional relationship with a unit rate of -2? no links please :(



not totally sure but I think its C



Step-by-step explanation:

Simply put, the line intersects on -2, -4, -6 and 2, 4, 6. So basically, the coordinates match up on each side of the origin.

I rlly hope I helped, good luck :)

Find the measure of each angle.

10x - 20=
7x + 4


Answer:x=8 so 60 for both aswers

Step-by-step explanation:10x-7x = 4+20 -> 3x=24 -> x=8

Guy on the top is cap
First one -200
Second one 28

1: Create an equivalent expression that includes a set of parentheses that make the value of the expression 5. Remember, you can have two or more numbers within the set of parentheses.


2: Create an equivalent expression that includes a set of parentheses that make the value of the expression 13. Remember, you can have two or more numbers within the set of parentheses.

1/2 X 12 + 2 - 2 + 11



32 / (10 - 8) / 2 - 3

1/2 * (12 / 2 - 2) + 11

Note: The mention of parentheses makes me believe they are asking for one-line expressions with no fractions. If this is incorrect, replace the slashes with fraction lines with the addition and subtraction outside of said fractions.

Save me from this nightmare of a content that I have to question



It would be A

Step-by-step explanation:


Hoped this helped! lmk!!


C. 97

Step-by-step explanation:

What if did was:

2,320/120 = approx. 19

19 • 5


Hopefully this is correct! Good luck

OMG PLLS HELP!!! EXRA POINTS AND BRAINLEIST!Also don't comment if you don't know or you claim you'll 'send me the link!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

7.5 miles in 1/4 hour
What is the constant speed
Will be marked BRAINLIEST



I believe the answer is 30 miles per hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

Ok, I may be dangerously very super-duper wrong about this question, but even still, please don't hate me!!!!!!

So to find the constant speed of a moving object you divide distance by the time:

7.5 divided by 1/4 = 1.875

Since this answer doesn't really make since for the question, I decided to change 1/4 to a decimal number, which is 0.25, to see if this makes more since:

7.5 divided be 0.25 = 30

I believe the answer is 30 miles per hour.

Also, I would greatly appreciate brainly if I'm correct!!!!!!!

Have a nice day!!!!!✨

the person above is correct

What is the surface area of the figure? Use 3.14 for π.

847.8 cm 2

2,402.1 cm 2

3,108.6 cm 2

12,717 cm 2



Option 3

Step-by-step explanation:

We want to work out the surface-area

This is a cylinder and the formula for the surface area of a cylinder is :


^ means to the power of

The radius is 15

The length is 18

2(3.14)(15)(18) + 2(3.14){15}^2

Part 1:




Part 2:

First, we do the exponents,

15^2 = 225



Part 3:

1695.6 + 1413 = 3108.6

Answer: 3108.6

Hope this helps :)

Answer 847.8cm2 because first you have to multiply 18 by 15 to get 270 then multiply 270 by 3.14 to get 847.8cm2

Help me answer this question!!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 0 hope it helps

If you place a 34-foot ladder against the top of a building and the bottom of the ladder is 25 feet from the bottom of the building, how tall is the building? Round to the nearest tenth of a foot.



23.0 ft to nearest 1./0.

Step-by-step explanation:

By Pythagoras:

34^2 = h^2 + 25^2      where h = the height of the building

h^2 = 34^2 - 25^2 = 531

h = 23.04 ft.

The answer is 23.0 ft

Hope this helped!

What is the value of x and the measure of ∠DBC, respectively?

A. x = 3; ∠DBC = 9
B. x = 36; ∠DBC = 108
C. x = 18; ∠DBC = 36
D. x = 18; ∠DBC = 54



Hmm i don't know is A B C D

CBA should be hmm 90 degrees I think

Then you should be able to calculate

it's so easy

Step-by-step explanation:


D. x = 18; ∠DBC = 54

Step-by-step explanation:

m∠ABD + m∠CBD = 90°

2x + 3x = 90°

5x = 90°

x = 18°

m∠DBC = 3x

m∠DBC = 3(18°)

m∠DMC = 54°

Please help with no links +100 POINTS.


The answer is 44. Yea it’s 44

please help asap! brainliest to best answer! how do you do this???? and what are the answers!



8953.5 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the challenger descends at a rate of 4 feet per second, divide 35,814 by 4 to get the answer


it took James 8953.5 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

7th grade math plsssssss help




Step-by-step explanation:









Everytime your X goes up by 1, your Y goes up by 4

making the space between 6 and 14 = 10

the exponential factor equation would look something like this


meaning every time x goes up by 1, your exponential factor gets multiplied by 3, making 14y have an exponential factor of 1.

what the dude above me said

what is 20000x4000 to the pwer of 2+x+4=?




You multiply than add the 2 and 4 in the exponent.


20000*4000 to the power of x+6

Step-by-step explanation:

Add the 2 and 4

This is the most you can simplify too

A machine can produce a maximum of 600 parts per day. Yesterday, it produced 75 % of its maximum capacity. How many parts did the machine produce yesterday?




Step-by-step explanation:

here is a fast way:

1- 75% = 75/100 = 3/4

2- 600 × (3/4) = 450



Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Convert 75% to fraction

[tex]\frac{75}{100} = \frac{3}{4}[/tex]

[tex]=\frac{3}{4}\times \:600[/tex]

Step 2: Convert 600 to a fraction


Step 3: Set it up

[tex]=\frac{3}{4}\times \frac{600}{1}[/tex]

Step 4: Cross Divide

[tex]600 \div 4 = 150\\3 \div 1 = 3[/tex]

Step 5: Multiply the results

[tex]150 \times 3 = 450[/tex]

Therefore, the machine produced 450 parts yesterday

The double box-and-Whisker plot shows the test scores earned in Ms. Ricks’ first and second period classes.Based on the information presented, select all the statements that correctly compare to the two classes



Step-by-step explanation:

1. 2 period


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