Justificacion de apendicitis en pacientes pediatricos abordando la importancia de dar un diagnostico adecuado para evitar alguna complicacion.


Answer 1


La apendicitis es una inflamación bacteriana del apéndice del ciego, parte del intestino grueso. El diagnóstico de apendicitis por parte de los médicos es a veces sencillo, pero a menudo muy difícil de realizar, dado que la inflamación en dicha zona puede deberse a dicha causa como a otras muy diversas. En caso de duda, el apéndice se suele extirpar porque es mucho peor no operar un apéndice inflamado (con riesgo de perforación, seguido de una peritonitis potencialmente mortal y formación de abscesos) que un apéndice sano (en retrospectiva) innecesario extraer. Aproximadamente la mitad de los apéndices eliminados resultan no estar infectados.

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A 31 y.o. African-American female collapses at mile 20 of a marathon. Although the temperature is in the 60’s she was advised by her coach to drink as much water as possible. She vomits a large volume of clear fluid and has a seizure. Her BP is 134/74. A serum sodium is found to be 122 mmol/L. What would your next step would be?



1 liter of 3% saline


Which national professional organization is an advocate for physicians and their patients?



the American Medical Association or AMA


The American Medical Association “AMA”

When a body needs to be examined, the Medical Examiner's job begins,
O at the crime scene
in the transport vehicle on the way to the morgue
as soon as the body arrives at the morgue
after the police have prepped the body at the morgue



Explanation:im sorry i dont know try looking it up on the internet

Medical Examiner's job begins to examine the body at the crime scene in situations where it i necessary.

What is a Morgue?

This is a room which is used to store human corpses which are awaiting identification, autopsy etc.

Medical Examiner known as forensic pathologist study the body at the crime scene to get details such as the time of death.

Read more about Morgue here https://brainly.com/question/13143512



The first person I correct. I agree so it shouldn’t be wrong lol



Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is:

Select one:
a. A form of punishment or neglect
b. Child abuse involving the shaking of a baby
c. Always seen with visible bruises
d. Caused by birth, CPR, or genetic disorder



b. child abuse


cause by some shaking the baby when caretaker or parent overwhelmed

what are the typical stages in the drowning process?



The typical stages in the drowning process are the following:

1. Surprise.

2. Involuntary Breath Holding.

3. Unconsciousness.

4. Hypoxic Convulsions.

5. Clinical Death.

6. A Preventative Strategy.


Hope this is correct because I did in fact do some outside research and correct me if I am incorrect. Have a good one! ;)

Essentially you panic which makes you hyperventilate, you then start to take in water as you breath and eventually you go unconscious which further leads to death.

Following a motorcycle crash, a 29-year-old man has pain and deformity to both of his femurs. He is conscious but confused, and his
vital signs indicate shock. EMTs are en route to the scene. You should:



You should secure his legs together with cravats


what is red blood cell osmometry​


Answer:  This in vitro study arose from observations made in

the intensive therapy unit. It had been noted that

a raised mean corpuscular volume (MCV), as

measured by the Coulter Counter Model S,* could

coexist with hypernatraemia in certain states of


The postulated underlying mechanism was that

the rate of movement of osmotically active particles,

particularly d-glucose, into the intracellular compartment exceeded their removal by normal intracellular metabolism. The result of this state would

be water shift to produce an expanded intracellular

space, a depleted extracellular space, and a rise in

plasma sodium, reflecting the overall rise in

osmolality. The observed rise in MCV would

therefore reflect this pattern, and the MCV would

function as an indicator of intracellular osmolality.

The Coulter S Counter is a widely used instrument

in haematology laboratories. The MCV is measured

by determination of the mean pulse height generated

during the period of electronic cell counting calibrated by reference to known blood specimens. The

'Coulter Principle' of one-by-one counting and

sizing of particles is now well estab


it is midday at the clinic and sarah......



what do you need to do I don't understand it does not make sense


wut happen to sarah -v-

How does the thoracic cage assist in breathing?
O Muscles in between the ribs can change the
shape of the chest during breathing.
0 The thoracic cage contains tissues that warm,
moisten, and filter the air we breathe.
o The thoracic cage contains cartilage that
assists in moving the chest when we breathe.
O Muscles in the thoracic cage are directly
attached to the lungs, which open during



They breathing clean and pure

Answer: A.) Muscles in between the ribs can change the shape of the chest during breathing.


Muscles in the thoracic cage cause the chest to expand and contract when people breathe. These muscles are located in between the ribs.

Katherine, a 30-year-old woman, has had difficulty recalling certain time frames from her childhood, and she becomes anxious when returning to her grandparents’ home to visit. Katherine is most likely suffering from __________.
dissociative amnesia
dissociative identity disorder
dissociative fugue


Answer: A. dissociative amnesia

According to the symptoms of Katherine, she is most likely suffering from dissociative amnesia.

Dissociative amnesia is a functional amnesia, usually partial and selective, characterized by the inability to recall information related to traumatic or stressful events.

It usually appears as a consequence of the experience of a highly traumatic or stressful event.

The main symptom of dissociative amnesia is a significant impairment in the ability to remember important personal information.

Therefore, we can conclude that dissociative amnesia originate as a reaction to an extremely stressful situation and arise as a defense mechanism.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/4566966

A2 year old boy was brought to the emergency department by his mother for oozing blood from his mouth following a fall neatly 6 hours ago. His mother related that he tended to bleed for prolonged periods from his immunization sites, but there was no history of bruising or hematomas The patient was on antibiotics for a recent car infection. There was no known family history of a bleeding disorder



He may have some form of internal bleeding following the fall and the fact that he sometimes has prolonged bleeding could indicate hemophilia or some other blood clotting disorder. Also, since the patient was recently on antibiotics this could be a factor of the bleeding as it's possible he could have developed thrombocytopenia which is causing the excessive bleeding.

According to the question, there might be a chance of haemophilia or some other blood clotting disorder.

What do you mean by Haemophilia?

Haemophilia is a rare disease that affects the blood's ability to clot.

It's usually inherited. Most people who have it are male. Generally, when you cut yourself, substances in your blood known as clotting factors mix with blood cells called platelets to make your blood sticky and form a clot.

Thus, there is a  chance of haemophilia or some other blood clotting disorder.

To learn more about haemophilia click here:


2.3 Discussion: E-cigarettes
Graded Discussion
Discussion Topic
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The discussion is where you discuss a specific health topic with the rest of the class.
Read through the topic thoroughly, then post your thoughts on the appropriate discussion
board. Write at least one well-developed paragraph. As this is a discussion, don't forget to
respond to at least two other students. Please be courteous and use proper netiquette.
Discussion 2.3 E-cigarettes
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E-cigarettes are becoming a popular alternative to smoking. Do you feel that E-cigarettes
should be subject to the same laws and restrictions as regular cigarettes? Why or why
Exit Graded Discussion



To round a number to the nearest tenth , look at the next place value to the right (the hundredths). If it's 4 or less, just remove all the digits to the right. If it's 5 or greater, add 1 to the digit in the tenths place, and then remove all the digits to the right.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that is often confused with __________ disorder.
dissociative identity



Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that is often confused with dissociative identity disorder.

it’s A i hope that helps!

Analyze and explain how Morphine can be both helpful and harmful depending on the circumstances.



It can build up in the pancreas and liver, it can mess up the heart too


Morphine can be helpful when you are experiencing physical pain and need a way to numb. But because it numbs pains people may become addicted to it which then they become drug addicts. Cons of having Morphind include: stomach pain and cramps, drowsiness mood changes , and difficulty urinating
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