Juanita lists expenses in a pivottable field named expenses. She wants to filter the pivottable to display data only for expenses greater than $1,000. What type of filter should she use?


Answer 1

Juanita should use to filter Value on the PivotTable to display data only for expenses greater than $1,000.

In PivotTable use the following steps:

Select Greater Than under Row Label Filter > Value Filters.

Choose the values you want to use as filters in the Value Filter dialogue box. It is the expense in this instance (if you have more items in the values area, the drop-down would show all of it). Choose the circumstance.

Then, Press OK.

Now, choose the values you want to apply as filters. It is the expense in this instance (if you have more items in the values area, the drop-down would show all of it).

• Choose the circumstance. Select "is larger than" because we want to find every expense with more than $1000 .

• Fill out the last field with 1000.

In an instant, the list would be filtered and only display expenses with more than 1000.

Similar to this, you can use a variety of different conditions, including equal to, does not equal to, less than, between, etc.

To learn more about PivotTable click here:



Related Questions

Mickey mantle played for the new york yankees for 18 years. Here is the number of home runs by mantle per year: 13, 23, 21, 27, 37, 52, 34, 42, 31, 40, 54, 30, 15, 35, 19, 23, 22, 18 compute the five-number summary of the data and determine which boxplot would best represent the data. A. A box-and-whisker plot. The number line goes from 0 to 55. The whiskers range from 13 to 54, and the box ranges from 15 to 50. A line divides the box at 28. B. A box-and-whisker plot. The number line goes from 0 to 55. The whiskers range from 13 to 54, and the box ranges from 30 to 50. A line divides the box at 40. C. A box-and-whisker plot. The number line goes from 0 to 55. The whiskers range from 13 to 54, and the box ranges from 21 to 37. A line divides the box at 28. D. A box-and-whisker plot. The number line goes from 0 to 55. The whiskers range from 5 to 50, and the box ranges from 10 to 20. A line divides the box at 15.


Based on these values, the best boxplot to represent the data would be a box-and-whisker plot with the number line going from 0 to 55, the whiskers ranging from 13 to 54, and the box ranging from 21 to 37, with a line dividing the box at 31. Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

A box-and-whisker plot, also known as a box plot, is a type of graphical representation of a dataset that shows the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum of the data. It is a way to visualize the distribution of the data by showing the range, interquartile range, and the symmetry or skewness of the data. Box plots can be useful for comparing multiple datasets or for identifying potential outliers in a dataset. To create a box plot, a horizontal number line is used to represent the range of the data, with the minimum and maximum values marked on the line. A box is then drawn around the middle 50% of the data, with the median marked in the center of the box. The first quartile is marked at the bottom of the box, and the third quartile is marked at the top of the box. Whiskers are then drawn from the bottom and top of the box to the minimum and maximum values, respectively.

The five-number summary of a set of data is the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum of the data. To compute the five-number summary, we first need to sort the data in ascending order: 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 23, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35, 37, 40, 42, 52, 54.

The minimum of the data is 13, the first quartile is 21, the median is 31, the third quartile is 40, and the maximum is 54.

Learn more about box-and-whisker plot, here https://brainly.com/question/11859288


upon import, you notice the column headings are number instead of the field name but row 1 had the correct names, what should you do?


When importing in Spreadsheets, we see that the column headings are numbers, not field names, but row 1 has the correct names, all we have to do is Double click on each column name and rename the column (D).

Definition of Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet is a computer program that is used to store, display, and process data in the form of rows and columns. Rows usually use the number labels 1,2,3 and so on.

While columns use alphabetic labels such as A, B, C, and so on. Data processing in a spreadsheet is stored in a cell. The cell naming corresponds to the use of labels in the columns and rows used, for example A1, A2, A3 and so on.

The definition of a spreadsheet itself is tables on a computer that contain rows and columns that can be used to manipulate and organize data. The meeting between rows and columns is called a cell.

Each cell contained in the spreadsheet is very closely related and interrelated. So when one cell is changed, the other cells will also change.

Number processing is the meaning of the word spreadsheet itself, because the spreadsheet functions to process the numbers contained in the cells.

Complete Question:

a. Remove Row 1 and I will make it the column names

b. Start the query over because you did something wrong

c. Select the Use First Row as Headers option

d. Double click on each columin name and rename the column

Learn more about Spreadsheets at: brainly.com/question/26919847


Write a for loop to print the numbers 76, 70, 64, ...34 on one line.

Expected Output
76 70 64 58 52 46 40 34


A loop is a programming construct that is used to repeatedly run a given section of code. We loop from 1 to that number, for instance, to verify each student's grade in the class.

What loop to print the numbers in different program?

Change the condition such that it evaluates to false after the increment expression has executed ten times if you want the loop to run ten times. A loop is repeated ten times. The condition evaluates to false after ten times.

You could use nested loops, the inner one being the loop you already constructed inside, and the outer for loop to instruct it to execute five times. That'd repeat it five times.

Therefore, One inner loop to count from 0 to the last element of the array, and one outside loop to count from 1 to 5.

Learn more about loop here:



we want to save the keys of a bst into an array. then later we want to rebuild exactly the same bst by reading in the keys sequentially from the saved array. describe a way to save the keys systematically.


To save the keys of a binary search tree (BST) systematically, you can perform a traversal of the tree and save the keys in the order that they are visited. There are several different traversal algorithms that you can use to visit the nodes of a BST in a specific order, such as in-order traversal, pre-order traversal, and post-order traversal.

What is an example of the above?

For example, if you want to save the keys of a BST using an in-order traversal, you can perform the following steps:

Start at the root node of the tree and visit the left subtree, saving the keys of the left subtree in the order that they are visited.Save the key of the root node.Visit the right subtree, saving the keys of the right subtree in the order that they are visited.

By following this process, you can save the keys of the BST in the order that they would be visited by an in-order traversal, which is known as the "natural" order for a BST. You can then rebuild the BST by reading in the keys from the saved array and inserting them into the tree in the same order that they were saved.

Learn mroe about Binary Search Trees:

__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Location analytics are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.

What is location analytics?

Location analytics extract additional insights from a business data by adding a layer of geolocation information. Typically used for transactional data such as sales, logistics, and supply chain, this allows for new dimensions that help contextualize specific numbers.

More importantly, we can visualize the flow of goods, sales and deliveries by depth and distance. In general, most of the information generated across industries today already has at least a geographic component. Product route, origin, and point of sale information are already partially used for data classification and segmentation.

Learn more about location analytics brainly.com/question/29422971


Is iOS a proprietary OS?


On mobile devices like the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, Apple iOS, a proprietary mobile operating system, is used. The desktop and laptop operating system Mac OS X serves as the foundation for Apple iOS.

Apple's iPhone operating system is used by the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad,Apple iOS among other products. The Mac is expressly left out. Also known as a "iDevice" or a "iThing." Check out the iOS and iDevice versions. The iPhone and iPod Touch use Apple's iOS mobile operating system. Up until 2019, it served as the iPad's operating system as well. The iPhone OS has the ability to multitask. The iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS were where it all began. Using an iOS device's multitasking feature or an iPad's multi-finger gesture, you can swiftly go from one app to another. A cloud-based data storage service, iCloud is offered by Apple. An overview of Android and iOS for mobile devices is provided here. Both rely on UNIX or UNIX-like operating systems with a graphical user interface.

Learn more about Apple iOS here:



using the what-if function in excel to make a decision is considered a type of __________.


Using the what-if function in Excel to make a decision is considered a type of decision support system.

For, this type of system uses analytics techniques such as data mining and predictive analytics to help decision makers identify trends and correlations in their data that they can use to make better decisions.

What is the What-If function in Excel?

The What-If function in Excel is a powerful tool that enables decision makers to input different values in a formula and see the results to analyze various scenarios and predict the effects of changes, thus enabling them to make more informed decisions.

Learn more about What-If function in Excel:



a packet of gum, an office cleaning, lawn care maintenance, payroll management, and telecommunications are all examples of what?


A packet of gum, an office cleaning, lawn care maintenance, payroll management, and telecommunications are all examples of goods and services.

Products or materials are examples of tangible commodities that can be purchased and sold as goods. They are touchable, transportable, and have physical characteristics. Items like a pack of gum, a car, or a piece of furniture are examples of goods.

Services are intangible goods that one party does or offers to another. They are not touchable or graspable since they lack physical attributes. Services can be provided for things like office cleaning, lawn care, payroll administration, and telecommunications.

The two basic types of economic production are goods and services, which are frequently produced and consumed simultaneously. Many businesses produce and sell both goods and services, and consumers often purchase a combination of goods and services in order to meet their needs and wants.

To know more about payroll management kindly visit


a nondeterministic turing machine accepts a language that a deterministic turing machine cannot. group of answer choices true false


A nondeterministic Turing machine can accept languages that a deterministic Turing machine cannot, which is false. Every state and symbol in a non-deterministic Turing machine has a set of possible actions. Thus, the transitions, in this case, are not deterministic.

A tree of configurations leading from the initial configuration can be achieved by a non-deterministic Turing machine's computation.

If the tree contains at least one accept configuration node, then the input is considered accepted; otherwise, it is not. The non-deterministic Turing machine is known as a Decider if all branches of the computational tree halt on all inputs, and the input is also rejected if all branches of the computational tree reject some input.

To learn more about Turing machine click here:



which type of software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time?


The 'concurrent license' type of software license permits a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time.

A concurrent license is a type of software license that is based on the maximum number of people who will use the software or account simultaneously. For instance, if an organization purchases five concurrent licenses, it means that up to five number of its employees can use the software at any given time simultaneously; the sixth user is prohibited from the use of this software which is being allowed to use for only the five users. A concurrent license typically deals with software that runs on the server where users connect via the network

You can learn more about concurrent license at



How do you find maximum volume at STP?


One mole of gas has a 22.4 L volume at STP. 1 mole of any gas will take up 22.4 L of space at Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP).

0°C (273.15 K) and 1 atm of pressure are considered standard temperature and pressure (STP). The volume of one mole of a gas at STP is its molar volume. A mole (6.02 1023 typical particles) of any gas at STP takes up 22.4 L of space. In other words, the gas that has the most moles of a given gas molecule at a given temperature and pressure will take up the most space. We discover that Ar contains the most moles of gasatSTP based on the calculations mentioned above.

Learn more about Calculations here-



which is not true of mapping individual keyword phrases to individual pages? site developers are reminded which keywords need to be incorporated into the page content


The one that is not true about individual keyword phrases on individual pages is keyword mapping can ensure a website isn't accidentally optimizing multiple pages for the same keyword. The correct option is d.

What is mapping?

It should be emphasized that mapping is crucial because it serves as a reminder to site developers about the keywords that will be utilized.

The part of the question that doesn't apply to mapping specific keyword phrases is that it can prevent a website from optimizing several pages.

Therefore, the correct option is d. Keyword mapping can ensure a website isn't accidentally optimizing multiple pages for the same keyword.

To learn more about mapping, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

a.Site developers are reminded which keywords need to be incorporated into the page content

b.The developer ensures that the right webpage is displayed for the right search

c.Search engines calculate keyword relevance to a website instead of to webpages within a websited.

d. Keyword mapping can ensure a website isn't accidentally optimizing multiple pages for the same keyword

when does your computer need to know the mac address of a host you are connecting to, how does it determine it?


Your computer needs to know the MAC (Media Access Control) address of a host when it wants to communicate with that host over a network.

Each device on a network is given a specific identifier called a MAC address, which is used to identify the device and initiate contact with it.

A computer can find the MAC address of a host it wants to connect to in a number different ways. One method is for the computer to broadcast a request over the network for the host's MAC address. All networked devices receive this message, but only the host with the desired MAC address will reply.

A computer can also use the Address Resolution Protocol to find out a host's MAC address (ARP).A computer can use ARP to identify the MAC address of a host based on its IP address when it wishes to interact with a host on the same network.

The MAC address of a host can also be found by a computer by looking up the address in a cache or table of previously known MAC addresses. In order to search up a host's MAC address fast in the future without having to broadcast a message or utilize ARP, a computer caches the host's MAC address when it connects with it.

To know more about MAC (Media Access Control) address kindly visit



How do you resize a window?


Hit the right mouse button once you have located the window's tab in the Window Menu. Resize is an option in the Window Menu. For window resizing, use the arrow keys.

Select one of the two procedures to update a window:

Draw attention to the window's corner. You may resize the window by seeing a transition there in computer mouse. To change the window's dimensions, grasp the edge and drag it. When you wish to expand an area, middle-click while holding down the Alt key. If you're able to rearrange out from corners, the mouse pointer moves to show you can do so. Drag from said location where you middle-clicked to resize the window. A window can be resized diagonally by pointing to one of its limited to a fixed.

The mouse cursor adjusts to show the ability to move the display. To modify the browser's dimensions, hold one corner or drag it. By pointing there at bottom border of the screen, you can resize a window vertically. You may resize the window by seeing a movement inside the mouse cursor. The window can be resized by grabbing a side and dragging it.

To learn more about RESIZE A WINDOW visit here :



what is the purpose of an index? group of answer choices increasing the speed of queries increasing the speed of update operations


An index is a type of data structure that accelerates database update and query operations. In general, the main function of an index is to give a way to rapidly discover specific records in a table without having to browse through the entire table. There are various types of indexes that can be used for different purposes.

Here are several specific methods via which indexes might boost a database's performance:

Speeding up queries: Instead of having to scan the entire table, an index enables the database to quickly find the rows that meet a certain search criterion. By doing this, queries that require to retrieve enormous volumes of data can operate much more quickly.

Enhancing update performance: Update operations, such as inserting, deleting, or updating records, can be made faster by using an index. Instead of having to search through the entire table, the database may rapidly find the records that need to be updated by utilizing an index.

To know more about Index kindly visit


a port in what state below implies that an application or service assigned to that port is listening for any instructions?


Any TCP or UDP service port that receives traffic and provides services at that port address is said to be open.

Virtual points where network connections begin and stop are called ports. Ports are controlled by the operating system of a computer and are software-based. Each port is connected to a distinct procedure or service. Computers can quickly distinguish between different types of traffic thanks to ports: despite using the same Internet connection, emails go to a different port than webpages.
All network-connected devices use the same ports, and each port has a unique number. The majority of ports are set aside for specific protocols; for instance, port 80 is the designated location for all HTTP transmissions. Port numbers enable the targeting of particular services or applications within those devices, whereas IP addresses enable messages to move to and from specific devices.

To know more about Port kindly visit


Which of these should a company consider before implementing cloud computing technology?.


The options that  a company consider before implementing cloud computing technology is  is  I, II, and III

I: Employee satisfaction

II: Potential cost reduction

III: Information sensitivity

What technology is used in the cloud?

In order to bring about quicker innovation, adaptable resources, and scale economies, cloud computing, in its simplest form, is the supply of computing services via the Internet ("the cloud"), encompassing servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence.

Therefore, the Steps for Implementing Cloud Computing Successfully are:

Establish the objectives.Determine the current situation.Consider Things Beyond Technology.Start off cautiously.Pick Your Cloud Migration Partner Carefully.Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.

Learn more about computing technology from


See full question below

7. Which of these should a company consider before implementing cloud computing technology. I: Employee satisfaction, II: Potential cost reduction, III: Information sensitivity

• Only I

• Only II

• Only III

• I, II, and III

What is the first step of integrating security in the SDLC?


Answer: Gathering requirements and analysis.


ttl value was set to 64 at the beginning, what is the value of the ttl once it reaches its destination?


Each time an Internet Protocol (IP) packet passes through a router or gateway, the Time-To-Live (TTL) field's value is reduced by one. When a packet successfully reaches its destination and the TTL value, which was initially set to 64, is reduced by one, it will have the value 63.

In the event of routing loops or other issues, the TTL field is a time-based value that is used to stop IP packets from being transmitted endlessly. The sender sets the TTL value of an IP packet to a certain value (like 64) before it is sent. The router or gateway reduces the TTL value by one each time the packet goes through it.

The packet is rejected and a "Time Exceeded" message is issued back to the sender if the TTL value drops to 0 before it reaches its destination. As a result, routing loops and other issues that can develop when packets are transmitted endlessly are avoided.

To know more about Time-To-Live (TTL) kindly visit


Differentiate ways to stay safe online by matching each question about security to its answer.


Being safe online includes avoiding risks and harms that could jeopardize personal information, result in dangerous communications, or even have a negative impact on one's mental health and wellness.

What to stay safe online about security?

Most people store a lot of sensitive information on their laptops. If you don't properly safeguard your computer when you're online, confidential information might get stolen or unintentionally deleted. Your computer could be attacked in a number of ways online.

Therefore, which could put their personal information in danger, result in hazardous communications, or even have an impact on their mental health and wellness.

Learn more about online here:



How many locker combinations are possible if it has 3 number and lock spins from 0 to 39?


Answer: There are 3,960 possible locker combinations if the lock spins from 0 to 39. This is because each number can have 40 different possible values (0 to 39), and the total combinations are 40 x 40 x 40 = 3,960.

There are 1,560 possible locker combinations if it has 3 numbers and the lock spins from 0 to 39.

Step 1: We can calculate the total number of combinations by multiplying the number of possible values for each digit.

Step 2: For the first digit, there are 40 possible values (from 0 to 39).

Step 3: For the second digit, there are 40 possible values (from 0 to 39).

Step 4: For the third digit, there are 40 possible values (from 0 to 39).

Step 5: We can calculate the total number of combinations by multiplying the number of possible values for each digit. 40 x 40 x 40 = 64,000.

Step 6: Since each digit must be unique, we can divide the total number of combinations by 6. 64,000 / 6 = 10,600.

Step 7: Since we are only interested in combinations with 3 digits, we can subtract 10,600 - 6,400 = 1,560 possible combinations.

Find More: https://brainly.com/question/28042664?referrer=searchResults


what means fake code, an information description of how the computer program should work? group of answer choices object-oriented language. scripting language. fourth-generation language. pseudocode.


Pseudocode implies fake code, it is an information description of how the computer program should work.

What do you mean by pseudocode?

Whether we're working on apps, data research, or websites, we employ pseudocode in many different programming disciplines. Pseudocode is a technique used to explain the many parts of an algorithm in a way that anyone with a basic understanding of programming can comprehend.

Although pseudocode is a syntax-free description of an algorithm, it must fully describe the logic of the algorithm so that translating from pseudocode to implementation only requires translating each line into code using the syntax of any particular programming language.

Pseudocode can represent the following six programming structures: SEQUENCE, CASE, WHILE, REPEAT-UNTIL, FOR, and IF-THEN-ELSE. These six constructions are always expressed in uppercase.

To learn more about Algorithms refer to:



during digital forensic analysis phase where can you find hidden information? a. deleted files b. slack space c. post it d. all of the above


During Digital Forensic analysis phase you can find the information in all of the above options i.e. deleted files, slack space, post it, etc.

Hidden data can be discovered in a variety of locations during the digital forensic examination phase, including:

Unallocated space on a hard disk is the area that was once utilized to store data but has since been cleared off. Using specialist forensic tools, data can be recovered from this area.

The unused space on a hard disk that is not a part of any file or directory is known as slack space. Using forensic technologies, data can be recovered from this area.

Alternative data streams: It is possible to store data in a file in some operating systems in a fashion that is not apparent to the user. It is possible to recover this data using forensic techniques.

Files that have been encrypted cannot be opened or read without the proper decryption key. To try to decrypt the file, forensic analysts might either try to retrieve the key or utilize brute force methods.

Devices with hidden partitions: These partitions are not visible to the user on some devices. These partitions can be located and examined using forensic tools.

Deleted records: Records from databases and other sources of structured data can be recovered using forensic technologies.

It is significant to highlight that forensic analysis involves specific knowledge and equipment in order to uncover buried information. It is not something that a layperson could perform with ease.

To know more about Digital Forensic analysis kindly visit


what is the main reason a dvd can hold more information than a cd, aside from the number of layers of data storage medium?


Compact discs (CDs) contain larger pits spaced farther apart, whereas digital versatile discs (DVDs) have smaller pits. The 1s and 0s a player converts into sound and/or visuals are encoded in the pattern of these pits etched onto a disc's surface.

The technological instruments sometimes seem an impenetrable alphabet soup. The methods available for storing and transferring information, ranging from text to audio to full-length films, are sometimes referred to by terms like ZIP, CD, or DVD. The most well-liked and dependable method for storing data, notably high-quality digital video, is DVD, which stands for "digital versatile disc." DVDs are quickly becoming the cutting-edge entertainment choice for watching Hollywood movies in American homes.
In other words, why is the industry replacing existing storage-unit standards, notably the CD (short for compact disc)? Simply put, the DVD has far more storage space. As a result, the DVD serves the video industry and other sectors in a way that the CD never could.

To know more about DVD kindly visit



which major types of access involving system resources are controlled by acls? (choose all that apply.)


The major type of access involving system resources controlled by ACLS is system access, user access, and application access. The correct options are A, C, and D.

What is ACLS?

One of the important ligaments that aid in stabilizing the knee joint is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL joins the shinbone to the thighbone (femur) (tibia).

Sports with abrupt stops and changes in direction, such as basketball, soccer, tennis, and volleyball, are the most likely to cause it to tear. Even though some people can recover, an ACL tear is extremely painful and can leave a person permanently unable for months or even for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, the correct options are A system access, C User access, and D, application access.

To learn more about ACLs, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

A system access

B)remote access.

C User access

D application access

Which command is used to enlarge the window?


Pressing Windows, Control, and M at the same time will bring up the Magnifier appropriate frameworks where you may adjust the amplification degree.

Head into the Magnifier options section when the settings window opens, and then under "Focus level intervals," choose a value beyond the standard 100%

The lengthy route involves opening the Start screen, choosing the options symbol on the left, picking the Accessibility of Access icon, and then making a choice Magnifier.

A window can be moved or resized solely with the keypad. To resize or relocate a window, use Alt + F8 or Alt + F7, respectively. To rotate or modify, use the arrow keys. Once you're done, enter or press Esc to go back to the previous size and location. Drag a window to enlarge it. By dragging it to the top of the screen, you could maximize a window.

To learn more about MAGNIFIER  visit here :

write a statement that calls the function addtostock with parameters computerinfo and addstock. assign computerinfo with the value returned.


A statement that calls the function addtostock with parameters computerinfo and addstock is:


What is parameters?

In computer programming, a parameter is a particular type of variable that is used to pass data between functions or procedures. Arguments are exchanges of actual information.

The system and the programming language both have rules that govern how arguments are passed to functions. These rules specify whether the arguments will be passed using the stack, machine registers, or any other method.

It details the order of the arguments (from left to right or right to left); whether the arguments will be passed by value or by reference; and other details. Furthermore, only one argument is permitted per function in languages like Haskel and HL; in these languages, extra arguments must be passed through multiple functions.

Learn more about parameters



which utility is used to prepare computers for imaging by removing specific information, such as the computer name and computer sid?


The utility that is used to prepare computers for imaging by removing specific information, such as the computer name and computer sid, is known as Sysprep.

Microsoft Windows operating systems come with an utility called Sysprep that is used to get a system ready for imaging or cloning.

The computer name, the security identification (SID), and other system-specific data are all removed from the system when Sysprep is executed on the machine. This eliminates conflicts and issues and enables the system to be imaged or cloned and distributed to other computers.

System administrators and other IT experts frequently utilize Sysprep to get systems ready for deployment in a big environment. When setting up a new network or adding new systems to an existing one, it can be used to create a standard image that can be quickly deployed to numerous computers, which can save time and effort.

To know more about Imaging kindly visit


it is a good idea to use a select command to display the data you changed to verify that the correct update was made. a. true b. false


Yes, it is true that use a select command to display the data you changed to verify that the correct update was made.  An update query is a type of action query that updates numerous records simultaneously.

We use databases to store data in tables. It is typical to need to update particular fields at some point after the data is written to such tables during the data's lifetime. The SQL language's UPDATE statement can be used for this.

The command most frequently used in Structured Query Language is the SELECT statement. Access to records from one or more database tables and views is made possible by using it. Additionally, it retrieves the data that has been chosen and meets our requirements.

We may also access a specific record from a certain table column by using this command. A result-set table is one that contains the record that the SELECT statement returned.

To learn more about select command click here:



question 9 :you want to see what is being loaded during the boot process. you have enabled boot logging through the advanced boot options menu. where will the log file be stored?


Where you want to see what is being loaded during the boot process, and  you have enabled boot logging through the advanced boot options menu. Note that he log file be stored at: C:\Windows\ntbtlog.txt

What is Boot Logging?

The boot log is saved in the file C:Windowsntbtlog.txt and may be accessed with any text editor software, such as Notepad. This functionality can be enabled or disabled in two ways. The first technique is to utilize msconfig, a graphical user interface tool for configuring different OS launch parameters.

It is important to note that Boot Logging may only be activated from Safe Mode. It only logs during the current boot if it is enabled. Unless you activate it again from Safe Mode, it will not log during the next reboot.

The Windows 11 Boot Log is a text file that is created automatically when your machine boots. The text file provides a list of all drivers loaded and those that failed to load during boot. The boot log file is deactivated by default in Windows 11, but it may be enabled in a few simple steps.

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6 multiply by 3 subtract 2 divide by 4 add 7 In what ways is the wireless signal between the cell phones similar to the light that travels from the cell phone to your eyes?. Complete the linear equation in slope-intercept from with the slope -8 and the y-intercept (0,10)y=______x+______ Harry's mother makes cakes for a local restaurant. She buys flour and sugar in large amounts. She has 157.86 pounds of flour and 82.69 pounds of sugar. If she uses 15 pounds of flour and 8 pounds of sugar each day, for about how many days will the flour last? Classical melodies are considered to be fill in the blank with the spanish word that best completes the following sentenceme gusta _______ ropa.a. comerb. comprarc. leerd. visitar Which of the following statement describes the coriolis effect? Coriolis effect causes the air moving into a low pressure system to bend to the left in the northern hemisphere Coriolis effect causes the air moving out of a high pressure system to bend to the left in the northern hemisphere. Coriolis effect causes the air moving into a low pressure system to bend to the right in the southern hemisphere. Coriolis effect causes the air moving out of a high pressure system to bend to the left in the southern hemisphere. All of the above _____ of bias occurs when individuals with certain characteristics are less likely to respond to surveys than others. according to the data sheet, the maximum data transfer rate of this drive is 2,370 mbps. what is the average number of sectors per track of the drive? what gland is not working properly in both cushing syndrome and addison disease? a t test can be used to compare results from two different methods. of the difference in the results is significant, it means that 4. In the sentence below, the word disrupt (dis-rupt') meansA. interfere with.B. attend.C. understand.D. skip."There were times I felt no teacher cared, as long as I didn't disrupt theclass." (Paragraph 23) During most of its lifetime, a star maintains an equilibrium size in which the inward force of gravity on each atom is balanced by an outward pressure force due to the heat of the nuclear reactions in the core. but after all the hydrogen fuel is consumed by nuclear fusion, the pressure force drops and the star undergoes a gravitational collapse until it becomes a neutron star. in a neutron star, the electrons and protons of the atoms are squeezed together by gravity until they fuse into neutrons. neutron stars spin very rapidly and emit intense pulses of radio and light waves, one pulse per rotation. these pulsing stars were discovered in the 1960s and are called pulsars.A star with the mass (M=2.010^30kg) and size (R=3.510^8m) of our sun rotates once every 35.0 days. After undergoing gravitational collapse, the star forms a pulsar that is observed by astronomers to emit radio pulses every 0.200 s. By treating the neutron star as a solid sphere, deduce its radius. upon review of the client's orders, the nurse notes that the client was recently started on an anticoagulant agent. what is an appropriate consideration when assisting the client with morning hygiene? solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario? In an experiment, equal amounts of water and sand were heated under a lamp. The initial and final temperatures of each were recorded. A partial record of the temperature is shown.Experimental RecordSubstanceInitial TemperatureFinal TemperatureSand20 C26 CWater20 C?Which statement about the final temperature of water is correct? It will be less than 26 C as sand has a relatively higher specific heat than water. It will be less than 26 C as water has a relatively higher specific heat than sand. It will be more than 26 C as sand needs relatively higher energy than water to raise its temperature. It will be more than 26 C as water needs relatively higher energy than sand to raise its temperature. refer to exhibit 17.8, which shows the demand, the supply, and the marginal social benefit curves. the socially efficient level of output is a. 40 units. b. 20 units. c. 10 units. d. 50 units. A worker is filling out his timesheet. He worked 8 hours on Monday, 7 hours and 30 minutes on Tuesday, 8 hours on Wednesday, 4 hours on Thursday, and 8 hours on Friday. If he earns $14.35 per hour, what will be his gross pay for this week? (Enter numeric value only. Round your answer to the nearest penny.) Given a rectangle with an area of 40 x 6y9z and a side of 10 x y , findthe length of the other side. since online customers browse frequently, which are the two aspects to be considered in keeping the content current?