john maxwell mentioned situations in which a task becomes greater and the need for teamwork increases. this situation calls for a focus on which teamwork law?


Answer 1

Teamwork encouraging individual gains is not an important aspect of team work.

Explain about focus on which teamwork law?Teamwork refers to a collaborative effort of workers with an aim to achieve a common goal.It is well-proven that teamwork among workers helps achieve goals in an effective and efficient manner.This efforts helps workers have a collective belief in their-selves.Benefit of teamwork includes: Its helps to builds confidence and respect among staffs. Its helps to holds members more accountable.Its directs competitive spirit in the group. In conclusion, teamwork does not encourage individual gains because members eye are fixed are attaining common goal,Under a functional type of organization, an organization is divided into departments based upon functional area of specialization.For instance, a company may have different departments based upon functions performed therein such as accounting and finance, human resources, marketing and sales, etc.The disadvantage of this form being an individual reports to multiple heads since purchase department for instance would manage the purchases of the entire organization.Lack of coordination is one of the major disadvantages of this form of organization since departmental goals assume precedence over organizational goals and individuals get restricted to the operations of their own department rather than the organization as a whole.

To learn more about team work refer to:


Related Questions

Alisha is preparing an email for an internal audience. Who would be most likely to receive that email?.



Based on the audience that Alisha is preparing the email for, the person that would probably receive this email is one of her coworkers.


Who comprises the internal audience?

The email by Alisha is being prepared for an internal audience. An internal audience in a company refers to all the people within the company including employees, employers, managers, board of directors, and executives.

The fact that Alisha is sending the email to an internal audience means it would likely go to a coworker who would be an employee like Alisha as opposed to customers and vendors.

The management of Kunkel Company is considering the purchase of a $27,000 machine that would reduce operating costs by $7,000 per year. At the end of the machine�s five-year useful life, it will have zero scrap value. The company�s required rate of return is 12%.
Click here to view Exhibit 13B-1 and Exhibit 13B-2, to determine the appropriate discount factor(s) using table.
1. Determine the net present value of the investment in the machine. (Any cash outflows should be indicated by a minus sign. Use the appropriate table to determine the discount factor(s).)
2. What is the difference between the total, undiscounted cash inflows and cash outflows over the entire life of the machine? (Any cash outflows should be indicated by a minus sign.)


1) The machine's investment's net present value is (-1,767).

2) There will be an $8000 difference between cash inflows and outflows over the machine's lifetime, which hasn't been discounted.

A strategy used by businesses to assess the value of a project is capital budgeting. The profitability of the potential project or investment is evaluated using this method. It assesses the risks and potential returns of the investment. In capital budgeting, there are several approaches to evaluating a project. Internal rate of return, payback time, and net present value are a few of the techniques.

1. Calculation of the net present value of the investment:

Year   Cash Flows       Present Value         Present Value

                                      Factor (12%)

(a)              (b)                     (c)                              (b * c)

0           (-$27000)                 1                        (-$27000)

1                 $7000                 0.8929                  $6250

2                $7000                 0.7972                   $5580

3                $7000                 0.7118                     $4982

4                $7000                 0.6355                   $4449

5                $7000                 0.5674                   $3972

        NET PRESENT VALUE                              (-$1767)  

The investment in the machine has a net present value of (-1,767).

The device would save operating costs by $7,000 per year, based on the information in the question; as a result, it generates an annual cash inflow. The cash flows are multiplied by the value in accordance with the designated discounting factor for each phase of the machine's life. The net present value of the machine is ($1,767), which is a negative amount. The machine investment plan ought to be rejected as a result.

2) Calculate the difference between undiscounted cash inflows and outflows over the machine's lifetime as follows:

Difference = Undiscounted Cash Inflows - Undiscounted Cash Outflows

Difference = $35000 - $27000

Therefore, the difference = $8,000

The undiscounted cash inflows are calculated as follows:

Undiscounted Cash Inflows =  Cash Inflow during each year * Number of periods (years) of cash inflow

Undiscounted Cash Inflows = 7000 * 5 = $35,000

As a result, there will be an $8 000 difference between undiscounted cash inflows and outflows over the period of the machine's lifetime.

The undiscounted cash inflow is calculated by multiplying the period of cash inflows by the cash inflow for each period. The machine's acquisition price, or the undiscounted cash outflow, has been fixed at $27,000. The difference between the two is calculated by taking the cash outflow and subtracting it from the undiscounted cash inflows.

To know more about Capital Budgeting, refer to this link:


your company has recently initiated a new system in which to develop its game capsules. you want to find out how users of that new system are reacting to it. how will you find out?


Your business has lately started using a new technology to create its game capsules. Discuss at the steering committee how users of that new system are responding to it if you want to learn more.

What verb is develop?

To cause anything to progressively get bigger, more developed, more powerful, etc. This youngster is maturing regularly. (From something) develop (into something) This area has quickly transformed from a sleepy fishing village into a flourishing tourist destination.

What is an example of develop?

To grow in size, growth, and development Jessica has been regularly working out to build up her back muscles. This story was then turned into a book. This island's economy is centered on tourism. Its goal of the course is to foster.

To know more about develop visit:


helmer's rockers manufactures two models, standard and premium. weekly demand is estimated to be 100 units of the standard model and 70 units of the premium model. the following per unit data apply: standard premium contribution margin per unit $18 $20 number of machine-hours required 3 4 if there are 600 machine-hours available per week, how many rockers of each model should jim helmer produce to maximize profits?


The demand for 100 units of the Standard model per week may be satisfied by Helmer's Rockers while using the remaining 196 hours to make 49 units of the Premium variant.

Data and Calculations:

                                                 Standard     Premium

Estimated weekly demand      100 units      70 units

Contribution margin per unit    $18              $20

Machine-hours required           3                    4

Total machine-hours required 300 hrs       280 hrs

Contribution per machine hour $6 ($18/3) $5 ($20/4)

Total Machine-hours available = 496

To maximize profit, produce   100 units      49 units

Machine-hours used                 300 hrs        196 hrs

By generating all 100 units of the Standard model's weekly demand and 49 units of the Premium model in the remaining 196 hours (496 - 300), Helmer's Rockers may optimize profitability.

Learn more about maximize profits Visit :  


what is the main goal of project cost management? group of answer choices to complete a project within an approved budget to complete a project for as little cost as possible to provide truthful and accurate cost information on projects to ensure that an organization's money is used wisely


Option A is correct, the main goal of project cost management is to complete a project within an approved budget.

Project price management (PCM) is a way that makes use of technology to measure price and productiveness through the overall life cycle of organization degree projects.

Real historic statistics are used as it should be planning all aspects of the mission. as the project maintains, job control makes use of records from the estimate with the facts mentioned from the field to the degree of the fee and manufacturing inside the venture. From venture initiation to completion, project cost management has an objective to simplify and cheapen the venture's enjoyment. This technological method has been a massive challenge to the mainstream estimating software program and undertaking control industries.

This approach is essential for engineering inside the purchaser marketplace fashion: the marketplace charge is constantly fixed and has opposition. Early buying Involvement philosophy may be one of the solutions in destiny.

To learn more about Project cost management visit here:


the economy consists of two consumers, kevin and hilary. they have ordered a pizza and are deciding how to divide it between themselves. they have brainstormed a few solutions, and now they want to consult an economist to determine if their solutions are efficient and fair. assume that a pizza consists of eight slices, and the more pizza kevin and hilary eat, the happier they are. one of their solutions is for kevin to take the entire pizza and devour it himself, leaving nothing for hilary. an economist would say this solution is .


One of their solutions is for Kevin to take the entire pizza and devour it himself, leaving nothing for Hilary. An economist would say this solution is neither efficient nor fair.

The social science field of economics has professionals and practitioners. In addition, the person can research, create, and use economic ideas and concepts, as well as write on economic policy.

Macroeconomic analysis, microeconomic analysis, financial statement analysis, mathematical finance, and philosophical economics are just a few of the many sub-fields that fall under this umbrella. These sub-fields use analytical tools and methods like econometrics, statistics, economics computational models, financial economics, and mathematical economics.

To know more about Economist here-


gomez is considering a $235,000 investment with the following net cash flows. gomez requires a 12% return on its investments. (pv of $1, fv of $1, pva of $1, and fva of $1) (use appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided.) year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 net cash flows $66,000 $46,000 $79,000 $162,000 $48,000 (a) compute the net present value of this investment. (b) should gomez accept the investment?


Yes, Gomez should accept the project because the net present value is positive.

What is net present value and why is it important?

Net present value is the present worth of an investment's after-tax cash flows less the initial investment. The net present value of a project or investment indicates how much money it will make or lose in terms of today's money. Due to the effects of factors like inflation and lost compound interest, future cash flow of a project does not accurately reflect current cash flow, hence NPV is adjusted accordingly.

Year       Net Cash Flows       Present value at 12%    PV of Net Cash Flows      

1                 $66,000                   0.893                             $59,824

2                 $46,000                   0.7972                            $47,035

3                 $79,000                   0.7118                              $57,656

4                 $162,000                  0.6355                            $85,157  

5                 $48,000                    0.5674                            $20426

Total           $401000                                                           $270098



NPV = $35098

To learn more about net present value, visit:


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.a. Trueb. False


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employee’s health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. True

Information is defined as knowledge gained through learning, communication, research, or education. In essence, information is the result of analyzing and interpreting a piece of data. Data is a single number, figure, or graph, whereas information is the perception of these pieces of knowledge. Information plays an important role in almost everything we do in today's society. Information is any fact, data, number, image, document, sound or human action that must be communicated to a recipient in order to explain, inform and confirm that the recipient may use the information for a specific purpose.

Information can come from almost anywhere: media, blogs, personal experiences, books, journals and journal articles, expert opinions, encyclopedias, web pages, etc. The type of information you need depends on the question you are trying. Answer. This information helps avoid duplication of studies. Information stimulates the thought processes of users, especially scientists. This information helps scientists, engineers, researchers, and others stay up to date with the latest advances in the subject matter.

Learn more about Information here:


what factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in georgia during reconstruction?


The factor that played significant role in

the increase in sharecropping and tenant

farming in Georgia during Reconstruction is the large amounts of worthless Confederate money. Option C is correct.

After the American Civil War (1861-1865)

and generally continuing until the Compromise of 1877, the Reconstruction era was a period in American history. The abundance of worthless Confederate

currency was a major contributor to the

growth of sharecropping and tenant farms in Georgia during Reconstruction.

After the bloody Civil War, efforts were

undertaken to rebuild the country, accept

the former Confederate states back into the union, and address the political, social, and economic outcomes of slavery. The factor that played significant role in.the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during Reconstruction is the large amounts of worthless Confederate money. Option C is correct.

To know more about Reconstruction visit:


Complete question: What factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during Reconstruction?

A. the redistribution of private farmland to former enslaved people

B. provisions attached to federal loans provided to landowners Charge amounts of worthless Confederate money

D. the passage of a minimum wage law by state leaders

an economics graduate student in the united states earns an $18,000 stipend per year. the u.s. sees significant inflation. how might the student react?


US business students earn $18,000 in scholarships annually. There is massive inflation in the US. students respond by asking for an increase in the cost of living on scholarships.

What is inflation and its causes?

The rate of price growth over a period of time is known as inflation. Inflation is usually a broad measure, such as a general rise in prices or an increase in the cost of living in a country.

There are three main causes of inflation: Demand pull, Cost increase. Inflation expectations.

Who benefits from inflation?

Historically, collectibles such as fine art, wine, and baseball cards can benefit during periods of inflation when the dollar loses purchasing power. When inflation is high, investors often look to real assets that are likely to retain value through market volatility.

To learn more about inflation visit:



D) Ask for a cost-of-living increase to her stipend


I got it right on the test

We can calculate the issue price of a bond as the face amount plus the total periodic interest payments.
a. True
b. False


False, We can calculate the issue price of a bond as the face amount plus the total periodic interest payments.

The present value of the face amount plus the present value of the regular interest payments can be used to determine a bond's issue price. The present value is computed using the market rate of interest. For medium- to long-term financing, bonds are a different choice from issuing stock. Bonds are either issued or sold at a discount if they pay less than their face value or par. Bonds typically yield interest at the current market rate of interest or a premium if they yield more than the current market interest rate twice a year or semi-annually. The price of a bond is expressed as a proportion of its face value.

Know more about the Bonds at:


What are 5 things federal taxes pay for?


The five things federal taxes pay for social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans affairs The benefits and services.

The federal taxes is the largest source of revenue for the U.S. government.  federal taxes are based on your income and tax rates apply to everyone, regardless where they live or work.

The  federal taxes are collected by the federal government, while state income taxes are collected by the individual states in which a taxpayer lives and earns income.

The federal taxes money uses to improve infrastructure, provide public health care services and develop rural areas.

To know more about federal taxes here,


what is the present worth of a project that requires 100,000 investment now and receives 30,000 every year


The current value of a project with a current investment requirement of 100,000 and annual funding of 30,000=130000.

Present value= future value(1/1+ rate of return)number of periods

= 100,000 (1/1+30,000 )=130000

The value of an anticipated income stream as of the valuation date is known as the present value (PV), commonly referred to as the present discounted value (PDV), in economics and finance. Because money has the ability to earn interest, a quality known as the time value of money, the present value is often less than the future value, with the exception of periods of zero- or negative interest rates, when the present value will be equal to or greater than the future value. "A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow" is a condensed way to explain time value. 'Worth more' in this context denotes that its value exceeds that of tomorrow. A dollar can be invested and generate a day's wages, thus a dollar now is worth more than a dollar tomorrow.

Learn more about present value from


mr. dowdy invests $2 million in a hedge fund with a 2/20 fee structure. the fund has a total of $33 million of assets under management and the return in the first year is 23%. assume that management fees are paid at the beginning of each year and performance fees are paid at the end of each year in which they are applicable. what is the amount of the performance fee that mr. dowdy will pay in the first year?


28160 is the amount of the performance fee that Mr. dowdy will pay in the first year.

What are performance fees?

A performance fee is money paid to an asset manager for making money. Most commonly, it is expressed in terms of investment returns, which are frequently both recognized and deferred.

The given the amount:

invests $2 million

2/20 fee structure

$33 million of assets

first year is 23%

performance fee that Mr. dowdy = ?

performance fee that Mr. dowdy = 2mil- 40,000= x1

performance fee that Mr. dowdy = x1 × (1+.23)=X2

performance fee that Mr. dowdy = X2-2mil= X3

performance fee that Mr. dowdy = X3×.2= 28160

As a result, the 28160 is the amount of the performance fee that Mr. dowdy will pay in the first year.

Learn more about on performance fee, here:


When prices of outputs in an economy become sufficiently high, causing production to exceed potential GDP, the results is that
A) higher wages will encourage workers to take more leisure time
B) the long run aggregate supply curve will shift to the right
C) hyper-intense production will be unsustainable in the long run
D) lower prices will lead to a lower quality of demand


When prices of outputs in an economy become sufficiently high, causing production to exceed potential GDP, the results is that C) hyper-intense production will be unsustainable in the long run.

For the GDP to remain stable, the prices of outputs should always be in the potential GDP limit.

When the prices of output become extremely high, then in such a case the production will become unsustainable as the government cannot afford to produce products with such costs. In such a case, either strategy needs to be formulated for decreasing the prices of output or the production will become unstable in the long run.

To learn more about GDP, click here:


the procedure used by accountants to convert data about individual transactions to financial statements is called


It is known as the process through which accountants turn information about specific transactions into financial statements. the cycle of accounting.

An accountant is a person who engages in the practice of accounting or accountancy. After passing certification exams provided by the relevant professional bodies, accountants may use titles like "Chartered Accountant," "Chartered Certified Accountant," "Certified Public Accountant," or "Registered Public Accountant." These experts are subject to disciplinary action for professional misconduct and have legal authority to certify financial statements for organizations, among other responsibilities. Non-qualified accountants are free to work independently or in the employ of a qualified accountant because they have no legal rights or obligations. The personal characteristics of accountants may have a significant impact on the audit process, as well as on audit fees and audit quality, according to Cahan & Sun's analysis of archival data. A misunderstanding about practitioners has crept into popular culture.

Learn more about accountants from


if total revenue increases when a firm sells more units, then marginal revenue is:____.


If total revenue increases when a firm sells more units, then marginal revenue is positive.

The relationship between marginal and overall revenue is favourable. This implies that marginal revenue is positive as overall revenue rises.

Revenue is the sum of money that a company makes by charging a set price for its products or services. It is the beginning point of an organization's income statement that establishes how much net income it generates after deducting costs, taxes, and interest. It is one of the most crucial line items for a firm as a result.

Total revenue is significant because, in order to increase profits, firms want to maximise the gap between their total revenues and total costs. The finest company managers are those who have an understanding of the nuances of how revenues and costs interact.

To know more about MR and TR:


a loss on impairment of an intangible asset is the difference between the asset’s:___.


A destruction on disorder of an intangibles is the distinction between the asset's carrying value and its fair market value.

What else do you mean by assets?

An asset is an object with corporation or country owns, private company, or country controls or owns with the expectation of future benefit. A firm's balance sheet shows its assets. They are divided into current, repaired, financial, and intangible. Personal assets include cash and its equivalents, bank deposits, checking and term deposits, money market accounts physical cash, and Treasury bills.

What are instances of assets?

Asset Examples

Cash and its equivalents.Accounts receivable (AR)Securities that are tradeable.Trademarks.Patents.Product design.Distribution rights.Buildings.

To know more about Assets visit:


two things to remember when looking at a potential cost savings provided by an information system are that fixed costs don't usually go down, and each hotel, restaurant, or club has a unique cost structure. group of answer choices true false


The statement is true: two things to remember when looking at a potential cost savings provided by an information system are that fixed costs don't usually go down, and each hotel, restaurant, or club has a unique cost structure.

The advantage gained from taking steps to lower an organization's overall expenditure on assets, which has a direct influence on its bottom line, is known as cost savings. Cost-saving measures can include increasing productivity and obtaining reduced supply purchasing costs.

You can assess the cost savings as reported by Realize Operations Cloud using the Potential Cost Savings Dashboard. You can monitor recommendations and raise cost effectiveness over time by evaluating the possible savings. The dashboard displays capacity and cost reductions for powered-off and idle virtual machines, snapshots, orphaned disks, oversized virtual machines, and reclaimable hosts.

Two Methods for Calculating Potential Cost Savings

1) Calculate the possible cost at both the low and high ends. Verify these figures intuitively, and if the multiplier seems excessively high or low, change it.

2) Calculate possible savings.

To know more about Potential Cost Savings:


the t-shirt factory purchased 12 futures contracts on cotton at a quoted price of 55.50 as a hedge against its inventory needs. at the time it actually needed the cotton, the spot price was 56.10. cotton futures are based on 50,000 pounds and quoted in cents per pound. how much did the shirt factory save by hedging cotton?


The shirt factory saved $550 by hedging cotton.

A business contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms of a business relationship. It typically contains details such as the parties involved, the goods or services being exchanged, and any applicable timelines or conditions

To calculate this, take the difference between the quoted price of the futures contract (55.50) and the spot price (56.10) and multiply it by the quantity of cotton in the futures contract (50,000 lbs):

(56.10 - 55.50) x 50,000 lbs = $550

So, the shirt factory saved $550 by hedging cotton.

For more questions like Cotton click the link below:


henry, a perfectly competitive wheat grower in southern california, notices that the market price of wheat is greater than his marginal cost. what should henry do?


Henry, a perfectly competitive wheat grower in southern California, notices that the market price of wheat is greater than his marginal cost expands his output to increase profits

In economics, marginal cost is the change in total cost that occurs when output increases, the cost of producing additional quantity.

Marginal cost refers to the increase in production costs caused by the production of additional product units. Also called the marginal cost of production. By calculating marginal cost, firms can see how output affects costs and, ultimately, profits.

Marginal cost is the additional cost of producing an additional good. For example, say that to make 100 car tires, it costs $100. To make one more tire would cost $80. This is then the marginal cost: how much it costs to create one additional unit of a good or service. The costs of production determine the marginal cost.

Learn more about marginal cost


Supply chain optimization includes minimizing the total costs of manufacturing and transportation.
a. True
b. False


False: Supply chain optimization does not take into account the whole expenses of production and transportation.

Why is transportation important?

Few economic resources—raw materials, fuels, food, and manufactured goods—are found where they are needed, necessitating transportation. Every region or location on Earth produces more of some products and services than it consumes, while producing less of other goods and services.

What is introduction to transportation?

The goal of a introductory course Introduction to Transportation is to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts underlying the land, sea, air, and space transportation modes, as well as the fundamental mechanical concepts and procedures involved in moving people, goods, and cargo from point A to point B.

To know more about transportation visit:


corporate fund started the year with a net asset value of $15.70. by year-end, its nav equaled $13.70. the fund paid year-end distributions of income and capital gains of $3.50. required: what was the rate of return to an investor in the fund? (round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


The fund's rate of return to investors is 9.55%.

Debt mutual fund schemes known as "Corporate Bond Funds" invest at least 80% of their assets in highly rated corporate bonds that have a high level of safety. These funds invest largely in non-convertible debentures or corporate bonds with ratings of AA+ and above.

A return on investment is a profit. It includes any variation in the investment's value as well as any cash flows that the investor receives as a result of the investment.

Rate of Return = (Year-end NAV - Beginning NAV + Income and capital gains) / Beginning NAV

rate of return = (13.7 - 15.7 + 3.5) / 15.7

Rate of return = (17.2 - 15.7) / 15.7

Rate of Return = 1.5 / 15.7 = 0.0955

Therefore, the Rate of return = 9.55%

To know more about Corporate Funds, refer to this link:


Trading stock or selling stock, selling real estate for profit, and selling other assets that gain value over time.a. Wagesb. Passivec. Earnedd. Portfolio


Trading stock or selling stock, selling real estate for a profit, and selling other assets that gain value over time is a portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of assets that an individual or organisation holds, like stocks, real estate, or other investments. A portfolio is a way of organizing and managing investments, allowing the tracking of the performance of different assets and making decisions about how to allocate resources. Trading stock or selling stock is one way that individuals and organizations can add to or change the composition of their portfolios.

When someone buys or sells the stock, they are essentially buying or selling a share in a company. If the value of company increases over time, the stock will gain value, and the entity owning the stock will see a corresponding increase in the value of its portfolio. Similarly, selling real estate for a profit can also add to the value of a portfolio. Real estate can be a valuable asset, and if the property value increases over time, the entity owning it can sell it for a profit, adding to the value of its portfolio.

Read more about portfolio on:


(a) what is the annual payment? (b) of this amount, how much represents interest in year 1? (c) how much principal is included in the year 1 payment? (d) how much interest is included in the year 2 payment? (e) over time, has the interest become a smaller or larger component of the annual payment?


A. 9160

B. 2640.00

C. 6520

D. 1858

E. Smaller

In accounting, amortization refers to expensing the acquisition price minus the residual price of intangible belongings in a scientific way over their envisioned "useful financial lives" that allows you to mirror their consumption, expiry, obsolescence, or any other decline in price due to the use or the passage of time. The term amortization can also seek advice from the completion of that method, as in "the amortization of the tower turned into expected in 1734".

Depreciation is a corresponding concept for tangible assets. Methodologies for allocating amortization to every accounting period are normally similar to the ones for depreciation. but, many intangible properties including goodwill or positive manufacturers can be deemed to have an indefinite useful life and are consequently not concerned with amortization (despite the fact that goodwill is subjected to an impairment take a look at each year).

To learn more about Amortization visit here:


Complete Question:

Access An Online Loan Calculator With Annual Payments, Such As The One At Mycalculators.Com, To Produce An Amortization Schedule for Welton corp.'s installment note that has the original principle of 22,000, the interest of 12% compounded annually, and a term of 3 years.

(a) what is the annual payment? (b) of this amount, how much represents an interest in year 1? (c) how much principal is included in the year 1 payment? (d) how much interest is included in the year 2 payment? (e) over time, has the interest become a smaller or larger component of the annual payment?

what type of chart typically displays the critical path? group of answer choices gantt chart. pert chart. three interdependent variables. work breakdown structure.


Gantt chart displays the critical path.

A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that shows a project timetable. It was created by Henry Gantt, who popularized the format between the years of 1910 and 1915. The dependency structures between activities and the state of the current schedule are also displayed in modern Gantt charts. Teams may better plan their work around deadlines and manage resources when they use Gantt charts. Gantt charts are another tool used by project planners to keep an overview on their initiatives. They show, among other things, how dependent tasks, milestones, and tasks with different start and end dates relate to one another.

A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that displays the tasks or events that make up a project's scheduled schedule between the start and finish dates.

Learn more about Gantt Chart here:


Which of these is the process of estimating expected future cash flows of a project using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements?​a. Pro forma analysis ​b. Substitutionary analysis ​c. Incremental cash flows ​d. Cash flow analysis


By using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements to estimate expected future cash flows is the process of (A) pro forma analysis.

What Is Pro Forma Analysis?

Pro forma analysis is a form of budgeting method that can be used in a company. The main purpose of using pro forma analysis is to estimate the future cash flows that occur in the company. This analysis is carried out using assumptions from projects that have already occurred and also only uses data references from the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statement. The usage of results of this analysis can be used as a basis for consideration for potential investors and also for top management to make business decisions.

Learn more about pro forma analysis


1. which of the following causes a negative supply shock? a. a technological advance b. increasing productivity c. an increase in oil prices d. a decrease in government spending e. a decrease in consumption


The causes of negative supply shock are: A technological advance, increasing, and an increase in oil prices.

A negative supply shock causes manufacturing costs to increase and the quantity provided to decrease at any level of the total price, which causes the curve to move to the left. Any aggregate price level will see a rise in supply and a fall in production costs, which will cause the curve to move to the right. shock in demand.

Supply shocks are brought on by unanticipated occurrences like natural catastrophes or geopolitical events that lower output or disrupt the supply chain. Due to the political and socioeconomic unpredictability of its source in the Middle East, crude oil is a commodity that is thought to be susceptible to negative supply shocks.

Hence the correct option is A, B, and C

To know more about Negative Supply Shock here


sharmilla works for shasta lumber, a local lumber supplier. the company annually provides each employee with a shasta lumber shirt so that employees look branded and advertise for the business while wearing the shirts.are shasta's employees required to include the value of the shirts in income?


No, Shasta's employees are not required to include the value of shirts as a part of their income.

Income can be referred to or considered as the amounts earned by an individual during a particular period of time against the physical and/or mental exertion undergone with a view to gain fruitful returns out of it. An employment generates income for an individual. However, an employee shall not consider the value of shirts in their income, because they would not be wearing that shirt had they not been employed.

Learn more about income here:


when angela wanted to provide financial security for her dependents, she considered purchasing a product that would provide income replacement in the event of her untimely death and also provide a savings/investment component while she is alive. which company would she most likely do business with?


The company would most likely do business with the life insurance company.

The act of placing money into a business or corporation to earn a profit is called making an investment. With a small business, an investor takes on the extra danger of making little to no profit because the commercial enterprise may additionally or may not succeed. making an investment is a powerful way to position your cash to paintings and potentially construct wealth. clever making an investment might also allow your cash to outpace inflation and growth in fees. The extra increased ability to make an investment is often because of the strength of compounding and the chance-return tradeoff.

Every time we've got invested in our personal commercial enterprise, we've got reaped the rewards tenfold. investing in startup companies is a completely risky enterprise, but it is able to be very worthwhile if and whilst the investments do repay. the general public of new groups or merchandise definitely do now not make it, so the chance of dropping one's whole funding is a real possibility.

To learn more about investment visit here:


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