jade is a single mother with two qualifying child dependents, ages 10 and 18, both of whom are claimed on her tax return. she and her children lived in the u.s. for all of 2021, all are u.s. citizens, and all have ssns that are valid for employment. which of the following is true about jade's child tax credit/other dependent credit/additional child tax credit? jade's child tax credit and other dependent credit will be fully refundable for 2021. jade's child tax credit will be fully refundable for 2021 and her other dependent credit will be nonrefundable. if jade's child tax credit is limited by her tax liability, she will be eligible for the additional child tax credit. if jade's child tax credit and other dependent credit are limited by her tax liability, she will be eligible for the additional child tax credit.


Answer 1

The following is true about Jade's child tax credit/other dependent credit/additional child tax credit if Jade's child tax credit is limited by her tax liability, she will be eligible for the additional child tax credit.

Thus, the correct answer is C.

The child tаx credit is unique becаuse if а tаxpаyer cаnnot benefit from the nonrefundаble credit, the tаxpаyer mаy be аble to quаlify for the refundаble аdditionаl child tаx credit. The child tаx credit is а nonrefundаble credit thаt аllows tаxpаyers to clаim а tаx credit of up to $2,000 per quаlifying child, which reduces their tаx liаbility.

Tаxpаyers who аre not аble to clаim the full аmount of the child tаx credit mаy be аble to tаke the refundаble аdditionаl child tаx credit. To be eligible to clаim the child tаx credit, the tаxpаyer must hаve аt leаst one quаlifying child. If tаxpаyers clаim the child tаx credit or аdditionаl child tаx credit but аre not eligible for the credit, they cаn be bаnned from clаiming the credit for either two or ten yeаrs

For more information about child tax credit refer to the link:



Related Questions

saving for education expenses is an important financial goal for many families. taxpayers often seek tax-advantaged ways to fund education costs for their children, grandchildren, or other beneficiaries. all of the following are savings vehicles that enable investment earnings to grow tax-free when the funds are used to pay qualified education expenses except: coverdell education savings account. education savings bond program. qualified tuition program. target-date mutual fund held in a standard investment account.


Answer: Target Date mutual fund held in a standard investment account.

Explanation: Target Date Funds

A number of companies offer “target date retirement funds,” sometimes referred to as “target date funds” or “lifecycle funds.” Target date funds, which are often mutual funds, hold a mix of stocks, bonds, and other investments. Over time, the mix gradually shifts according to the fund’s investment strategy. Target date funds are designed to be long-term investments for individuals with particular retirement dates in mind. The name of the fund often refers to its target date. For example, you might see funds with names like “Portfolio 2030,” “Retirement Fund 2030,” or “Target 2030″ that are designed for individuals who intend to retire in or near the year 2030.  Most target date funds are designed so that the fund’s mix of investments will automatically change in a way that is intended to become more conservative as you approach the target date. Typically, the funds shift over time from a mix with a lot of stock investments in the beginning to a mix weighted more toward bonds. Target date funds are often available through 401(k) plans. Some 401(k) plans use these funds as the default investment for plan participants who have not selected their investments under the plan. Both before and after investing in a target date fund, consider carefully whether the fund is right for you.


If an increase in the demand for reserves causes a deviation in the federal funds rate from a target rate, the Fed can maintain the target by. A.causing the supply curve of reserves to shift to the left B.causing a downward movement along the supply curve of reserves C.causing the supply curve of reserves to shift to the right D.causing an upward movement along the supply curve of reserves


The Federal Reserve can maintain the target rate by increasing the supply of reserves to meet the increased demand. To do this, the Federal Reserve would need to shift the supply curve of reserves to the right.

Maintaining the Federal Funds Rate Target with Increased Supply of Reserves

The Federal Reserve can maintain the target rate by increasing the supply of reserves to bring the actual rate back in line with the target rate. Increasing the supply of reserves will cause the supply curve of reserves to shift to the right, which will increase the quantity of reserves available and lower the federal funds rate back to the target rate.

Learn more about Federal Reserve at: https://brainly.com/question/382312


an emergent strategy is one: question 14 options: that relates to emergent markets such as china that occurs when a firm sees an unexpected opportunity and takes advantage of it


An emergent strategy is one: that occurs when a firm sees an unexpected opportunity and takes advantage of it.

What is a Emergent Strategy?

An emergent strategy is one that results from spontaneous internal organizational actions and efforts.The organization is given a feeling of purposeful direction by deliberate strategies. Emergent strategy suggests that a company is still figuring out what works in the real world. Combining emergent and deliberate tactics in some way will aid in course control and promote learning inside the organization.The economy is the most obvious example of an emergent system developed by people; it manifests characteristics that no one person could control. We frequently consider markets to be little more than the location where buyers and sellers conduct business.

To know more about Strategies here



jose is starting a mexican restaurant. he plans to borrow money to buy a building to house the restaurant. which of the following will jose most likely use to finance the building?


According to the declaration, Jose would probably utilize a secured, long-term bank loan to pay for the structure.

What is finance?

The method of generating cash or finances for any type of spending is known as finance. It's the act of directing different financial resources—such as credits, loans, and invested capital—to that sectors of the economy that most require them or can use those best effectively.

Is college finance challenging?

A major in finance may be extremely challenging. It is significantly more difficult than other degrees in the liberal arts, including history and philosophy but it isn't as difficult as majors in "STEM" (science, technology, engineering, and math).

To know more about Finance visit:



Which of the following would be considered a key position within a company?
A. Customer
OB. Stockholders
OC. Sales associate
OD. Chief executive officer (CEO)

Answer: D. Cheif executive officer


Chief executive officer (CEO) would be considered a key position within a company. The appropriate response is option D.

What is the role of a Chief executive officer?

The chief executive officer (CEO) holds the highest position within an organization and is in charge of putting into action the organization's current plans and policies, enhancing its financial stability, assisting with the ongoing digital business transformation, and establishing its long-term strategy.

A CEO oversees and guides the business in achieving its main goals and objectives. oversees hiring choices made at the company's top level. oversees a group of executives in the consideration of key choices, including as large-scale expansion, joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions.

To learn more about Chief executive officer



since contingent workers are already specialists in a particular task, the hiring firm does not customarily incur which of the following?


Because contingent workers are already specialists in a particular task, the hiring firm doesn't customarily incur training costs.

Contingent workers are the ones who work for organizations without being hired as employees. Contingent workers may temporarily provide their services under a contract or on an as-needed basis. Contingent workers are often hired to complete a specific project, rather than accepting an ongoing and open-ended workload as a permanent employee does.

Independent contractors, freelancers, consultants are all examples of contingent workers.

Training is usually minimal for contingent workers since they are already experts or experienced in their own fields.

The question's multiple choices are probably these:

a) relocation expensesb) start-up costsc) training costsd) travel expenses

In that case, option c is the correct option.

Learn more about contingent workers at https://brainly.com/question/18187275.


indirect expenses are costs incurred for the joint benefit of more than one department; they cannot be readily traced to only one department.


True. Indirect expenses are costs incurred for the joint benefit of more than one department and are not associated with producing a specific product or service.

Benefits of Sharing Indirect Expenses Across Departments

Indirect expenses are costs incurred for the joint benefit of more than one department and are not associated with producing a specific product or service. Examples of indirect expenses include utilities, office supplies, rent, and insurance. These costs cannot be easily traced to a single department and are instead shared by the entire organization.

Learn more about Indirect expenses at: https://brainly.com/question/5343120


True orfalse : in the case of installment notes, interest expense is calculated as a constant percentage of the carrying value.


True, in the case of installment notes, interest expense is calculated as a constant percentage of the carrying value.

What is interest expense?

An interest expenditure is the cost incurred by a company to borrow money. The income statement item of interest expenditure is a non-operating item. It denotes the interest owed on all outstanding borrowings, including bonds, loans, convertible debt, and credit lines. To put it simply, it is calculated by multiplying the interest rate by the outstanding principle balance of the debt.

The amount of interest expenditure on the income statement represents interest accumulated over the reporting period as opposed to the amount of interest paid during that time. For enterprises, interest expenses are tax deductible; however, depending on the jurisdiction and the loan's purpose, it may not be the same for individuals.

to learn more about interest expense click:



a single-payment cash flow is received multiple choice question. one time in the future. multiple times in the future, but only one time a year. multiple times in the future.


A single-payment cash flow is received one time in the future. A single payment (received or made) made today or at a later date.

What is lump sum cash flow?

A term commonly used in present value calculations to distinguish between a lump sum cash payment and an annuity (or series of equal payments).

What is the present value of a one-time payment?

The present value of an individual amount is defined as the present value of a single payment or series of payments to be received at a future date, subject to certain timing adjustments based on assumptions about interest rates and inflation.

What is the future value of a single cash flow?

The future value of an individual cash flow is its value after accumulating interest over a period of time. The future value of a series of cash flows is the sum of the future values ​​of the individual cash flows.

Learn more about cash flow:



[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]
Raphael Corporation's balance sheet shows the following stockholders' equity section.
Preferred stock-5% cumulative, $ par value, 1,000 shares authorized, issued, and outstanding
Common stock-$ par value, 4,000 shares authorized, issued, and outstanding
Retained earnings
Total stockholders' equity
$ 50,000
$ 280,000
2. If two years' preferred dividends are in arrears at the current date and the board of directors declares cash dividends of $11,500,
compute the total amount paid to (a) preferred shareholders and (b) common shareholders.
Total amount paid to the preferred shareholders
Total amount paid to the common shareholders


If two years' preferred dividends are in arrears at the current date and the board of directors declares cash dividends of $11,500, The total amount paid to preferred shareholders is $5,000 and the Total amount paid to the common shareholders is $6,500.

How to find the preferred and common stock?

Preferred Stock dividend = $50,000 x 5%

Preferred Stock dividend= $2,500

Preferred Stock:

Preferred Stock = $2,500 + $2,500

Preferred Stock = $5,000

Common stock:

Common stock = Cash dividend - Preferred stock

Common Stock = $11,500 - $5,000

Common Stock = $6,500

Therefore the total amount paid to the preferred shareholder is $5,000 and  common shareholders is $6,500.

Learn more about preferred and common stock here:https://brainly.com/question/10718788


number 4 thank you. nn jb


The unpaid balance after 1 year to the couple who borrow $ 90, 000 for 25 years, with monthly payments of $579.87 is $ 88, 140.24.

The amount of interest paid by the couple in the first year is $ 5, 356.21.

How to find the unpaid balance ?

To find the unpaid balance, first convert the periods to months:

= Total months for loan - months in first year

= ( 6 x 12) - 12

= 288 months

The interest is :
= 6 % / 12

= 0.5%

The amount remaining after the first year is :

= (579.87 x ( 1 - ( 1 + 0.5%) ²⁸⁸ ) ) / 0.5%

= $ 88, 140.24

The interest to be paid for the year is therefore :

= ( 12 x 579. 87 ) - ( 90, 000 -  88, 140.24)

= $ 5, 356.21

Find out more on unpaid balance at https://brainly.com/question/15201063


The opportunity cost of holding money Suppose you've just inherited
from a relative. You're trying to decide whether to put the
in a non-interest-bearing account so that you can use it whenever you want (that is, hold it as money) or to use it to buy a U.S. Treasury bond. The opportunity cost of holding the inheritance as money depends on the interest rate on the bond. For each of the interest rates in the following table, compute the opportunity cost of holding the
as money. What does the previous analysis suggest about the market for money? The quantity of money demanded decreases as the interest rate rises. The supply of money is independent of the interest rate. The quantity of money demanded increases as the interest rate rises.


The opportunity cost of keeping the inheritance as cash is influenced by the bond's interest rate. in each area of interest. Let's say you recently received $10,000 from a relative.

Whether or not to deposit the $10,000 in a non-interest bearing account is something you must determine. Opportunity costs are by definition invisible, making it simple to ignore them. Recognizing potential missing chances for businesses. The Guide should be used to create your payee system and the savings or checking account that a representative payee maintains.

Treasury note The opportunity cost of keeping the inheritance as cash is influenced by the bond's interest rate. Calculate the opportunity cost of retaining the $5,000 in cash for each interest rate in the accompanying table.

To learn more about  interest rate   from given link



The Drogon Co. just issued a dividend of $3.05 per share on its common stock. The company is expected to maintain a constant 6.3 percent growth rate in its dividends indefinitely If the stock sells for $61 a share, what is the company's cost of equity? (Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) Cost of equity 11.62%


The Drogon Co. just issued a dividend of $3.05 per share on its common stock. If the stock sells for $61 a share. Required rate or cost of equity is 11.62 %

Expected Div after 1 year = Just Paid Div (1 + growth rate)

= $ 3.05 * (1 + 0.063) = $ 3.24

Expected Div after 1 year is $ 3.24

Required Ret = [ Expected Div after 1 year/ Price Today] + Growth Rate

= [ 3.24 / 61] + 0.063 = 0.1162

What is cost of equity?

The return needed by either a business or an individual to justify an investment in equity is known as the cost of equity. Either the CAPM or the dividend capitalization model is used to calculate the cost of equity.

How is the cost of equity determined?

Divide the annual dividends per share by the current stock price to obtain an estimate of the cost of equity, and then include the dividend growth rate. The capital asset pricing model, in contrast, takes into account the investment's beta as well as the predicted market and real rates of return.

To know more about cost of equity, click here- brainly.com/question/13086476


which of the following ratios indicates the percentage of each sales dollar that is available to cover fixed costs and to provide a profit


The ratios that indicates the percentage of each sales dollar that is available to cover fixed costs and to provide a profit is Margin of safety ratio. The correct answer is A.

First off, the term "Margin of Safety" refers to a ratio used in the business and accounting worlds to identify the point at which a company knows it must sell as a matter of obligation because at that time, the company can be certain that its fixed costs have been covered and every subsequent sale will result in a profit. Because of this, the ratio shows what portion of each dollar of sales can be used to pay for those expenses.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Which of the following ratios indicates the percentage of each sales dollar that is available to cover fixed costs and to provide a profit?

A. Margin of safety ratio

B. Costs and expenses ratio

C. Profit ratio

Learn more about Margin of Safety at https://brainly.com/question/13413495


A firm is more likely to engage in horizontal foreign direct investment if



a form is more likely to engaging horizontal foreign direct investment if ...

The three models of corporate Governance and which one is the best


Three models of corporate governance models across the globe are distinguished as Anglo-american model, the German model and the Jampanese model.

in the behavioral approach to managerial control, a company's widely shared values and beliefs guide worker's behavior and decisons. true or false?


False, In the behavioral approach to managerial control, a company's widely shared values and beliefs guide worker's behavior and decisions.

What is the central concept of the behavioral approach?

Because human behavior is learnt, it is possible to unlearn it and adopt other behaviors in its stead. Behaviorism is primarily concerned with observable and measurable aspects of human behavior. As a result, when some habits become inappropriate, they can be unlearned. Positive reinforcement is a common example of behaviorism. If a student scores 100% on their spelling test, they get a tiny treat. Students will work hard and study for their tests in the future in order to receive the reward. Behavioral Learning Theory is a school of thinking that holds that individuals learn by connecting a stimulus with either a reward or a punishment. This learning theory is useful in understanding how to inspire humans to learn (your staff).

To know more behavioral approach visit:



In the long run, government subsidies that promote the development of technology with widespread business applications will have which of the following effects?A. A negative supply shock and lower price levelB. A negative supply shock and lower economic growth rateC. A positive supply shock and lower price levelD. A positive supply shock and lower economic growth rateE. A lower aggregate demand and lower price level


In the long run, government subsidies that promote the development of technology with widespread business applications will have a positive supply shock and lower price level.

What are supply and demand shocks?

A demand shock happens when demand changes unexpectedly and suppliers are unable to adapt soon enough. A supply shock, on the other hand, occurs when supply changes unexpectedly (often a sudden reduction, although supply shocks also exist when there is a glut). A beneficial supply shock is a sudden surge in supply that causes the short-run aggregate supply curve (SRAS) to move to the right, resulting in lower prices and higher real GDP. Lower costs derive from favorable supply shocks. Price reductions. Monetary inflation is one positive supply shock that might have a negative impact on output.

To Know more about supply shock visit:



a limited liability company (llc) combines the tax advantages and management flexibility of a blank with the limited liability of a(n) blank . multiple choice question.


A limited liability company (LLC) combines the tax advantages and management flexibility of a partnership with the limited liability of a corporation.

About Limited Liability Company

Limited Liability Company ( LLC) , Dutch: Naamloze Vennootschap) is a legal entity to run a business that has capital consisting of shares, whose owners have as many shares as they own. Because the capital consists of tradable shares, changes in company ownership can be made without dissolving the company.

A limited liability company is a business entity and the amount of the company's capital is listed in the articles of association. The company's assets are separate from the personal assets of the company owner so that they have their own assets. Everyone can have more than one share which is proof of company ownership. Shareholders have limited liability, namely the number of shares owned. If the company's debt exceeds the company's assets, then the excess debt is not the responsibility of the shareholders. If the company makes a profit, the profit is distributed according to the stipulated conditions. Shareholders will receive a share of profits called dividends, the amount of which depends on the size of the profits earned by the limited liability company.

Apart from coming from shares, LLC capital can also come from bonds. The advantage that bond owners get is that they get fixed interest regardless of the profit or loss of the limited liability company.

Learn more about LLC at https://brainly.com/question/9503055.


A salesperson wanting a more insightful classification method should use single-factor analysis rather than portfolio analysis. *


In contrast to portfolio analysis, which is true, a salesman seeking a more insightful categorization approach should employ single-factor analysis.

A salesman does what sort of work?

A sales position is trying to persuade clients a purchase a product or service. Many companies rely need sellers to market their goods and services, so individuals who desire to work in sales have a variety of job options at their disposal.

Is working in sales a good job?

Yes, a job in sales is fantastic. Salespeople frequently have just a clearly defined career path inside their firms and the chance to achieve a high pay. The best part is that anyone can work in sales. All that need is the motivation to improve your sales abilities and also the desire to be successful.

To know more about Salesperson visit:



Characterize the following decision as either tactical or strategic:
"To operate make-to-stock or make-to-order" Also explain in 1 or 2 sentences why you choose Tactical or Strategic?
a. Tactical
b. Strategic


The best choice is B. Strategic decisions are those that have an impact for years, decades, or even beyond the project's lifespan.

What are an example of a strategic decision?

Strategic choices are based on a firm's mission, goal, and/or objectives. An instance. A cat restaurant chain manager observes that his consumers prefer fresher, higher-quality food to cat food that is sold in cheap, big amounts.

What three strategic choices are there?

Any organization employs these three layers to determine its strategy. The level at which strategies work in a firm is what distinguishes the three tiers of policy in an organization. Strategic planning process, corporate planning strategy, and functional level strategy are the three levels.

To know more about Strategic decisions visit:



managers are involved in traditional performance management process, while are involved in continuous performance management.


Managers are involved in traditional performance management process, while managers, peers, and direct reports are involved in continuous performance management.

What is performance management?

Performance management (PM) is the process of ensuring that a collection of actions and outputs effectively and efficiently achieves the objectives of an organization. A department, a person, a full company, or the systems in place to handle certain tasks can all be the subject of performance management. Senior leadership at an organization and task owners typically organize and communicate performance management standards, which may include outlining the duties and results of a job, giving prompt feedback and coaching, contrasting actual performance and behavior with desired performance and behavior, implementing rewards, etc. The effectiveness of performance management depends on clearly defining each person's job within the company in terms of their duties and responsibilities.

To learn more about performance management from the given link



managers are involved in traditional performance management process, while             are involved in continuous performance management.

which of these hud programs allows mortgage lenders to obtain a better price for their mortgage loans in the secondary mortgage market?


These HUD programs allows mortgage lenders to obtain a better price for their mortgage loans in the secondary mortgage market by mortgage insurance for house loans is provided by the FHA (Community Development Block Grant).

What is a mortgage?

A mortgage is a contract between you and a lender that grants the lender the right to seize your property in the event that you are unable to repay the loan amount plus interest.

The value of an existing property may be used as collateral for a mortgage loan to help you purchase a new home.

Seven criteria to check for when getting a mortgage

The loan's size is one.The interest rate and any points attached to it.The expenses paid to the lender as part of the loan's closing costsThe Annual Percentage Rate (4.0%) (APR)The interest rate type and its flexibility (is it set or adjustable?)The loan duration, or the amount of time you have to pay back the loanWhether the loan includes any additional dangerous provisions, including a pre-payment penalty, a balloon clause, an interest-only period, or negative amortisation

To learn more about mortgage from the given link



which of these hud programs allows mortgage lenders to obtain a better price for their mortgage loans in the secondary mortgage market?

Which of the following techniques listed below are not appropriate to use during a passive reconnaissance exercise against a specific target company?​A.BGP looking glass usage​B.WHOIS lookups​C.Registrar checks​D.Banner grabbing


The following banner grabbing methods should not be used in a passive spying operation against a particular target company.

What does the term "company" mean?

A collective of individuals can form a legal entity called a corporation to run and manage a commercial or industrial business. A firm may be formed up in a number of ways for tax and potential obligation reasons depending on the corporate law of its jurisdiction.

When was a company established?

The following measures are all required during the registration phase and include: Association Articles: A Understanding Memorandum must be signed by the company's founders (MoA). A public company must employ a minimum of ten employees, whereas a private company just needs two.

To know more about company visit:



Choose the term that best matches the description given.
to sell the assets of a business, pay the bills and divide the remainder among stakeholders
O reorganization
O default
O liquidation


The term that refers to sell the assets of a business, pay the bills and divide the remainder among stakeholders liquidation. The option D is correct.

What is liquidation of company?

In order to raise money, a corporation will typically liquidate its inventory by selling it off at a steep price. A liquidation sale typically precedes a business closing. The company is shut down once all the assets have been sold.

Due to order of court of voluntarily as per the prevailing corporate law, a company may went into liquidation because the fundamental accounting assumption going-concern may be questionable.

Further a company not able to generate future economic benefits from its operations then shareholder with the help of directors demand for liquidation.

Thus assets are sold , the realized amount of sale distributed to the stakeholders.

Learn more about liquidation of company refer:



fill in the blank: by borrowing $2500 less per year for four years of college at 6% interest on a standard repayment plan, you can save roughly in total student loan costs


$15,500, by borrowing $2500 less per year for four years of college at 6% interest on a standard repayment plan, you can save roughly in total student loan costs

Calculate student loan interest rate:
To calculate the amount of interest that is accrued everyday, multiply the yearly interest rate on your loan by 365. Take the example of a $10,000 loan with a 5% yearly interest rate. To get a daily interest rate of 0.000137, divide that rate by 365 (i.e., 0.05 365).

Calculate 6% interest on a loan:

You would divide 0.06 by 12 to obtain 0.005 if you had a monthly payment schedule and an interest rate of 6%. To calculate the amount of interest you will be required to pay that month, multiply that amount by the outstanding loan balance. The initial interest payment for a loan with a $5,000 amount would be $25.

Use a calculator to figure out daily interest:

The daily periodic rate may be calculated by multiplying the annual percentage rate (APR) by 360 or 365, depending on your issuer. 19.99% divided by 365 equals 0.0548%.

Learn more about student loan costs:



which of the following would be allowed during the cooling off period allocating shares to investors


The following might be allowed for the duration of the cooling off duration allocating stocks to investors: B- Taking warning signs of interest.

The required details for Shares in given paragraph

A percentage is a unit of fairness possession in the capital inventory of a corporation, and might confer with devices of mutual funds, restrained partnerships, and actual property funding trusts. Share capital refers to all the stocks of an enterprise. The proprietor of stocks in a employer is a shareholder (or stockholder) of the corporation. A percentage is an indivisible unit of capital, expressing the possession dating among the employer and the shareholder. The denominated cost of a percentage is its face cost, and the overall of the face cost of issued stocks constitute the capital of a employer, which might not replicate the marketplace cost of these stocks.

The profits obtained from the possession of stocks is a dividend. There are one-of-a-kind forms of stocks which include fairness stocks, choice stocks, deferred stocks, redeemable stocks, bonus stocks, proper stocks, and worker inventory choice plan stocks.

To know about Shares click here



Complete question

Which of the following would be allowed during the cooling off period?

A) Taking orders

B) Taking indications of interest

C) Allocating shares to investors

D) Distributing a prospectus

which of the following taxpayers may qualify for the premium tax credit? each purchased health care coverage through the healthcare marketplace, and each received form 1095-a, health insurance marketplace statement. none received unemployment income. alanis. she files single and her tax liability is zero. caleb. he and his spouse file married filing separately, but live in the same house. jordan. he files head of household and was eligible for employer-sponsored coverage, but he chose not to enroll in the plan because it would have cost him 5% of his household income. sydney. she files single and will be claimed as a dependent on her grandmother's return.


The Premium Tax Credit is only available to those who purchase insurance through the Marketplace. You should receive a Form 1095-A, often known as the "Health Insurance Marketplace Statement," if you purchased your policy there.

A copy of the form is also given to the IRS. If you or a member of your family is enrolled in health insurance through the Marketplace, you may be eligible for a premium tax credit. Each will utilize the solitary filing status. Each person bought health insurance.

For years other than 2021 and 2022, your household income must not exceed 400 percent of the federal poverty level for your family size in order to qualify for the premium tax credit, though there are two exceptions for people with disabilities.

To learn more about Human Insurance from given link



In our study of economic history we learned that price controls and market regulation were causing markets to stall. It led to a decision by government to deregulate markets. Review the selections below and choose the one which best describes market deregulation. Select the correct answer below: The removal of government controls over setting prices and quantities in certain industries. The legal, technological, or market forces that may discourage or prevent potential competitors from entering a market. A government rule that gives the inventor the exclusive legal right to make, use, or sell the invention for a limited time.The body of law including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secret law that protect the right of inventors to produce and sell their inventions.


The  one which best describes market deregulation--The legal, technological, or market forces that may discourage or prevent potential competitors from entering a market.

Option B is correct.

What is market deregulation?

Deregulation is the reduction or elimination of government powers in a particular industry, usually enacted to promote competition within the industry. Over the years, the battle between proponents of regulation and proponents of government non-interference has changed the landscape of the market.

Who benefits from deregulation?

It generally lowers the barriers to entry into the industry, helping to increase innovation, entrepreneurship, competition and efficiency. This translates into lower prices and better quality for customers. Manufacturers have less control over their competitors, which may facilitate market entry.

Why is deregulation good for the economy?

Increased competition spurs increased efficiency, leading to lower costs and prices for consumers. In some markets, such as airlines and telecoms, deregulation has enabled more business and lower prices for consumers.

Learn more about deregulation of market:



with blank selling, the salesperson is an expert on problem recognition and resolution, and novel solutions often arise, thereby creating unique value for the customer.


In partnership selling, the salesman is an authority on identifying and solving problems, and new solutions frequently surface, producing special value for the client.

What does a salespeople do?

Simply said, a sales representative promotes a company's brand while selling their goods or services. From the sales lead outreach until the actual purchase, they manage client connections and function as the primary point of contact.

What makes a good salesperson?

A competent salesperson has much more to give customers than just an engaging pitch; they are upbeat, resilient individuals who spend the time to learn about their clients' requirements, demonstrate empathy, then trade in a product with assurance.

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Maple Elementary recently won local recognition for their new co-teaching initiative.What are they MOST likely doing to achieve this success and attract this attention?(1 point)Both co-teachers do not have access to IEPS so they are not constrained by pre-conceived notions.Co-teaching is only implemented in special education classrooms rather thaninclusive classrooms.Their curriculum reviews skills from all preceding grades (i.e., kindergarten throughfourth grade skills in fifth grade).The co-teacher helping students one-on-one during the lesson is a special educationteacher. the amount of time a client spends in psychotherapy is determined by the clients needs as well as his or her ________. how is the amount of variability between groups quantified? group of answer choices comparing the standard deviations of each group to each other comparing the sample means of each group to each other. comparing the sample means of each group to the grand mean comparing the standard deviations of each group to the grand standard deviation the data model refers to the structure of tables where all the data of the sap applications are stored. true false When a cell is infected by a virus, synthesis of begins and this protein diffuses away from the infected cell to protect nearby uninfected cells by binding to surface receptors and initiating synthesis of antiviral proteinsa) endonucleaseb) streptokinasec) interferond) interleukin Objective:This assignment will introduce you to interprocess synchronization mechanisms in UNIX using named POSIX semaphores, pthread mutex semaphores, and pthread condition variables.Problem:You must write a C++ program to implement a parallel Fibonacci code generator you created for programming assignment 1 using synchronization mechanisms.Your program will read the input from STDIN.This program reads the information about the alphabet (symbols and frequencies) from STDIN, sorting the symbols in the alphabet in decreasing order based on the frequency. If two or more symbols have the same frequency, you will use the symbol's ASCII value to break the tie (the higher the value, the higher the priority).After assigning a positive integer value (starting from 1) to the symbols in the sorted alphabet, your program must create a child thread per number of symbols in the alphabet. Each child thread will determine the Fibonacci code based on the received integer value from the main thread. After the child threads calculate the Fibonacci code, they will print the information about the symbol, its frequency, and the Fibonacci code, writing the Fibonacci code into a memory location available to the main thread. Finally, the main thread will use the codes generated by the child threads to decompress a file.Each child thread will execute the following tasks:Receive the integer value needed to calculate the Fibonacci code from the main thread.Calculate the Fibonacci code.Print the information about the symbol (symbol, frequency, Fibonacci code). You must use the output message provided in the example below.Write the received information into a memory location accessible by the main thread.Finish its execution.Input Format: The Moodle server will use input redirection using the following input file format:The number of symbols in the alphabet (integer value)n lines (where n is the number of symbols in the alphabet) with the information about the symbols in the alphabet. Each line has one character and one integer representing a symbol and its frequency (separated by a single white space).The name of the compressed file.Example Input File:7C 2O 1S 113 26 10 1compfile1.txtYour program must print the information about the symbols based on their order in the input file. Therefore, you must use synchronization mechanisms to guarantee that child threads print the information about each symbol in the correct order.After receiving the Fibonacci codes from the child threads, the main thread decompresses the contents of a file (sequence of bits represented as a string) and prints the decompressed message.Given the previous input file and the following compressed file:111011001111010110110110001110011The expected output is:Symbol: C, Frequency: 2, Code: 11Symbol: O, Frequency: 1, Code: 1011Symbol: S, Frequency: 1, Code: 0011Symbol: , Frequency: 1, Code: 01011Symbol: 3, Frequency: 2, Code: 011Symbol: 6, Frequency: 1, Code: 00011Symbol: 0, Frequency: 1, Code: 10011Decompressed message = COSC 3360 What are 2 continuing benefits of the New Deal? an analyst is interested in assessing both the efficiency and liquidity of spherion plc. the analyst has collected the following data for spherion: fy3 fy2 fy1 days of inventory on hand 32 34 40 days sales outstanding 28 25 23 number of days of payables 40 35 35 28 problems based on this data, what is the analyst least likely to conclude? a. inventory management has contributed to improved liquidity. b. management of payables has contributed to improved liquidity. c. management of receivables has contributed to improved liquidity ______consists of all the activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively. if an ideal gas initially at 5 bar and 12.5 l is compressed at constant temperature to 2.5 l, what is the final pressure of the gas? g -35 represents the starting location of a race car that is 35 yards behind the starting line. 35 represents the ending location of a race car that is 35 yards in front of the starting line.What does zero represent in this situation?A. The location of the starting lineB. The time it takes the race car to go from the starting line to where it stopsC. The time it takes the race car to go from its original location to the starting lineD. The speed at which the race car travels can someone please help me 1.does the data from your group provide evidence that you have asymmetric brains? explain your answer. a mutual fund that invests in investment-grade corporate debt with maturities between 3 and 10 years is called a(n) To best implement a claim in a policy speech, a writer must state a clear_____. consider the following. (a) draw a tree diagram to display all the possible outcomes that can occur when you flip a coin and then toss a die. maple generated plot maple generated plot maple generated plot maple generated plot (b) how many outcomes contain a head and a number greater than 4? (c) probability extension: assuming the outcomes displayed in the tree diagram are all equally likely, what is the probability that you will get a head and a number greater than 4 when you flip a coin and toss a die? (round your answer to three decimal places.) you have recently purchased a new, foldable smart phone.which of the following types of mobile device display technologies is most likely being used for the foldable display? The Hulk smashed enemy robot has a constant rate . He needs 35 minutes to smash a total of 15 robots . Write an equation to describe the relationship between t , for time , and r , for the total number of robots . 3 True or false? The heart rapidly turns on in exercise by decreased parasympathetic and increased stimulating input from the brain's central command A) True B) False during the civil war, union soldiers treated white southerners according to the laws of the war. they showed the same respect to native americans in the indian wars of the 1870s.