It's easy please help!!5. .....brass is a useful metal.

3) the


Answer 1

Answer: 4)nothing


Related Questions

it is a process of interactive information searching and even computers based information retrieval using different and databases that need internet access​



information processing. hope this helps!


Please help, this is due today.



What do you want help with. What Can I do for you?


I really want to help but I don't understand. I will keep editing answer to help you if you help explain.

The raven by Edgar Allen poe what is your reaction is to the poem



I quite liked it, it makes me think we could be watched over by those who have passed. I actually like Ravens a lot, they seem dull and boring, but if you look at them in the sunlight, they seem as if they are covering their true colors with a coat of black.


Who is the “The Ten dollar founding father who got alot farther by work alot smarter?





Alexander Hamilton

The answer would be Alexander Hamilton. I hope this helps.

Which version of the song "Beauty and the Beast" (sometimes referred wrongly as "Tale as old as Time") do you think is better?



i will forever be an original stan


all the remakes are good, but i just prefer the originals


I like both...


because i like the originals because its, well, original. but i also sometimes like the remakes because it gives a new spin to the first.

Which word refers to the surroundings?
A. environment
B. natural
C. accident​


the answer is environment


See explanation for answer.


I believe the correct answer to this question is the term, "environment" ( Option B. ) The surroundings around us are referred to as the environment.

I hope this helps!

Have a lovely night!

Read this sentence from paragraph 3,
If a worker used one hundred
pounds of wood, he or she would
most likely only produce about
twenty pounds of charcoal.

What impact does this sentence have on the
overall meaning of the text?

A. It emphasizes the value of charcoal.
B. It clarifies the process for creating charcoal.
C. It highlights the negative effects of making
D. It conveys the benefits of converting wood to


The reason why is because it's talking about how much would it takes to make charcoal, which is a lot to yield so little charcoal. So, it's negative.

The overall meaning of the text impacts to "highlight the negative effects of making charcoal." So, option (C) is the correct answer.

What effect does this sentence have on the text's overall meaning?

The process of producing charcoal is quoted in a negative way because creating only twenty (20) pounds of Charcoal would demand a hundred (100) pounds of wood.

This explains that there is a need for a hundred pounds input to result in just twenty pounds output.

Therefore, the sentences highlight the drawbacks of making charcoal. So, option (C) is the correct answer.

Check out the link below to learn more about producing Charcoal;


18. Which of the following statements about using humor in your writing is true?

A. Humor is best used in fact-based writing like reports and research papers.

B. Using humor will let your reader know that you're taking your topic seriously.

C. Be sensitive to cultural differences when choosing what kind of humor to use.

D. Trust that your reader will always make the connection between the humor you use and your thesis statement.



C. Be sensitive to cultural differences when choosing what kind of humor to use.


The correct answer is C. Be sensitive to cultural differences when choosing what type of humor to use.


Humor is a subgenre of texts, television programs, comics, films, plays, among others. Generally, the humor genre takes the defects or characteristics of a specific group of people to make notes that make the recipients laugh.

According to the above, when an author writes a humorous text, he must take into account cultural differences when choosing what type of humor to use because this can cause rejection in the public or be considered offensive as each culture of community mocks different aspects of life, in the same way each culture has different beliefs, customs, etc. Moreover, humor should not be used in formal or seriouspapers such as reports, and the use of humor should be explicitly connected to your thesis statement.

Learn more in:

How can writers use pictures on the Internet for inspiration?
A. By writing captions for them
B. By copying them
C. By reading descriptions of them
D. By ignoring them



C. reading descriptions


Answer: A


Which of the following is NOT an informational text?
(A) textbook
(B) poem
(C) biography
(D) magazine article



In "The Story of an Hour," what was the reported way that Mr. Mallard had died?
World War I
A railroad accident
Murdered by his wife


B. A railroad accident

please answer correctly ​



a good friend should help you when you need it, a good friend should not hurt you, a good friend should always look after you, a good friend should not hurt your fellings and a good friend should always be there for you





False claims




It is option A or D


Most probably A

How does Robin resolve the conflict with the foresters in Robin Hood?
by taking action
by asking for help
by changing his attitude
by avoiding the situation​



By taking action so A


is it good crazy house

May: 19 1966. bye mom i'm going to the party “ok greg but don't go near that house you know the house”. Ya ya there's a haunted house in those woods and if you go in you will never come out. It has been haunted by the previous owner who died. That house has been haunted since 1956. That house has been abandoned since.

I reached the woods and there were a bunch of signs reading “stay out” “stay away don't take the risk” I walked right by those signs. But then I feel uneasy. I start to hear whispers saying “get out get out” “get out” I start running and the voices are getting louder “GeT OuT!! GeT OuT!!” I slip and start rolling down a cliff and bang!! I hit my head on a rock and I blacked out.
I see bright lights. It was comfy but wait whose house is this I just see blur but I can read cra- crazy hou- house no I wipe my eyes and I read it again crazy house OH NO NO NO NO this is the haunted house my mom was talking about. I saw a super fast blueish greenish light fly by me. I was hungry but all I saw in the house's fridge was a bunch of wooden bull heads. And all over the wall was a bunch of newspapers and posters saying missing kid missing person they were all last
seen in these woods. Ohh wait what is that poster!! It has my name on it I quickly read it says “missing kid greg caldwell” so I tear it up and I look every around the room and a bunch of my posters are up I start running up the spiral flight of stairs im running up the stairs but it feels like i'm not even going up I have been running up for 10 minutes strait. And it all still looks the same. It's like I'm in one of those carnival mazes where you feel you're at the end but youre right where you started. I went back

downstairs to use the phone and I dialled 911 but all I got was a bunch of static and a fainted voice which said “get out of my house'' and the voice got louder. “Get out, get out!!” That voice I heard in the woods, I ripped that phone from the wall and all the voices stopped… But 1 minute later I heard “you come to my house and rip my posters, step on my stars, sleep in my house and rip my phone from my house”. and I hear some strange noises coming from the hall.

I check on the hall and I see this pale 10ft super skinny man. He was as skinny as a skeleton. This thing said it again “you come to my house and rip my posters, step on my stars, sleep in my house and rip my phone off the wall GEEET OUT!!” Now he starts to chase me and he tackles me and he says “you will pay” he opens his mouth he had teeth like a shark he probably had 1 million of them.

Then boom we both hear an old guy screaming and starts attacking the monster and says “run!! Greg” So I ran off behind the coach and watched him fight. He kills the monster and the monster says you will pay in a fainted voice. I was hiding behind the couch and I am thinking how did he know my name greg how!! He steps up to me covered with green slime from the monster and says “get up son it's all over you're okay” wh- who are you and how do you know my name “kid stop talking and get up” ok I got up and he says “follow me”.

He take me to this secret room with a bunch of cameras and monitors he told me “how did you get here young man” I tell him everything and I say “my name is greg how do you know that” “I saw the posters” oh right well do you know how to get out of here “yes but it’s very complicated its like a maze. I have been studying this place for 70 years since I was 19.

“I now know this place is like it's my own house” wow!! Ok can you show me the exit please “sure but you have to pay” I got money “no I want your belt” what! why “trust me we will need it” ok but only if I can get out of here. hey do we need a key “oh ya thanks for reminding me” he grabbed a key out of the monsters stomach and his hand I covered with slime “ok all we need to do to get to the exit is walk down the stairs open this door and the exit is right ahead”.

ok are you coming “ya i'm just putting something on the house” “oh and take this” this is my poster of me missing ya watch it. We walked out of the house and the thing he put in the house was a bomb he set it off and BAAM!! It exploded. He says “look at the poster” I look at it and it starts to say Greg Caldwell, hero destroying the crazy house, how did you make that bomb? “From your belt son told ya we needed it”. I went home
and my mother ran up to me and started hugging me “thank you son now no more missing kids thank you”.



cool I like the story.......,.,.

which of the following are five prevention guidelines​



The answer is the 2nd option, option B.

Hello my name is commonlit
Plss I really need it



what is it that you need


i might be able to help

Select the correct answer.
Read this excerpt about the children Ignorance and Want. What do these characters represent in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol?
From the foldings of its robe, it brought two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. They knelt down at its feet, and clung upon the outside of its garment.

"Oh, Man! look here. Look, look, down here!" exclaimed the Ghost.

"They are Man's," said the Spirit, looking down upon them. "And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers . . ."

They represent the wisdom of the poor and wealthy alike.
They represent the ineffectiveness of government services.
They represent the poor who have been abandoned by society.
They represent the fears and insecurities that prey upon humanity.
They represent the deepest, darkest desires of the working class.



C. They represent the poor who have been abandoned by society.


When it says "From the foldings of its robe, it brought two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. They knelt down at its feet, and clung upon the outside of its garment." That most likely is implying the poor.


your answer is C


Read the paragraph.
In fact, teenagers contribute a great deal to their community. This is another reason why they must be taken into account when public policy is debated. Over eighty percent of teens spend time volunteering at their schools and other organizations.
This is an example of _____.
-point of view
-statistical analysis
Gradpoint, will mark brainliest


Answer: Statisical Analysis.

Explanation: "This is another reason why they must be taken into account when public policy is debated. "Over eighty percent of teens spend time volunteering at their schools and other organizations"


Statisical Analysis.


What motif common to 100 100 points

folktales is best reflected in this
a moral
special powers
trickery a journey or quest



she or he is correct



im doing my exam 2023 see yu in 7th grade sorry


Look at the painting The Great Wave by Katsushika Hokusai. Block print of Hokusai’s The Great Wave. Which excerpt from the poem "The Great Wave: Hokusai" best supports the conclusion that the artist intended the wave to feel threatening? It is because the sea is blue, Because Fuji is blue, because the bent blue Men have white faces, like the snow On Fuji, like the crest of the wave in the sky the color of their Boats. It is because the air Is full of writing, because the wave is still: that nothing Will harm these frail strangers, That high over Fuji in an earthcolored sky the fingers Will not fall In the painter's sea All fishermen are safe. All anger bends under his unity. But the innocent bystander, he merely 'Walks round a corner, thinking of nothing': hidden He stands half in and half out of the world; he is the men, But he cannot see below Fuji The shore the color of sky; he is the wave, he stretches His claws against strangers.



He stands half in and half out of the world; he is the men,

But he cannot see below Fuji

The shore the color of sky; he is the wave, he stretches

His claws against strangers.


The excerpt that supports the theme that the artist intended the wave to feel threatening is D. He stands half in and half out of the world.

What is a theme?

It should be noted that a theme simply means the main idea that's contained in a literary work. It's the underlying message in the story.

Here, the excerpt that supports the theme that the artist intended the wave to feel threatening is that he stands half in and half out of the world; he is the men, But he cannot see below Fuji The shore the color of sky; he is the wave, he stretches His claws against strangers.

Learn more about theme on:

What factual evidence does this commercial provide about the product it's trying to sell?

Durex commercial- Water balloons


Protection and what could happen in the future if not safe

If Shakespeare had a sister who also wanted to write or act,how diffrent would her life be from her brothers?



In the Elizabethan period, only women belonging to the nobility had access to education. Shakespeare’s father was a merchant, and his family did not belong to the noble class. Given the social codes of the time, his sister would have no access to education and, therefore, writing would be out of the question. Acting would not be possible, either, because women were not allowed on stage. She would instead be trained in how to be a good wife, a good cook, and a good mother.

If Shakespeare’s sister wanted to break the mold and pursue her dreams, society would be hostile to her. She likely would not have the support of family members. She also would have been unlikely to find work as an actor in London. In short, it would be nearly impossible for a single woman of Shakespeare’s time to succeed in the male-dominated world of acting and writing.


hope this helps :)

what is the general's motivation in the drummer boy of shiloh



What is the central idea of the Drummer Boy of Shiloh?

Courage comes from overcoming fear. This story is set in a Tennessee peach orchard on the night before the Civil War battle of Shiloh. A young drummer boy can't sleep because he's thinking about what will happen the next morning. He briefly considers staying behind when the fighting begins.


How ,fill in the blank, did you study for the ,fill in the blank, test?

Answer options with 4 options
good, big

well, big

goodly, badly

hardly, bad





it flows better

how well did you study for the big test?

why does it help to work in a research team?


help what??? please give more context lol

What is the effect of the authors use‘ in the poem 85



The author´s use of apostrophe in the poem "85", engages readers by addressing them directly.


my grand mother always used to say , "if it rains, it ______ (pour)​



If It Rains, It Pours...

What did Skeeter report on the serial numbers of Jesse's hundred and Mo's
five-dollar bill ?



I think he was just wary of humans especially his creator


1. Always allow to complete a writing project. A. just enough time B. about one week C. more time than you think you'll need O D. at least one day​



I don't know what others says but in C.about one week I would have already completed the project work!!

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Social Security provides income to retired, unemployed, and disabled workers. Benefits are based on how long a worker was employed. The comments below are from a discussion between two speakers with different perspectives on the future of Social Security.Speaker A: Social Security is now facing a real problem. Soon the system will be paying more in benefits to retirees than it is collecting from payroll taxes. If we dont fix this situation, the system will soon have nothing left. The best solution is to stop paying benefits to retirees with high incomes. Speaker B: What you propose is unfair. Workers pay into Social Security their whole working lives. After they retire, they are entitled to receive benefits based on what they have paid into the system. Even if they have high incomes, they are entitled to benefits from their own payments.How do Speakers A and B differ?Immersive ReaderSpeaker A believes too much money is paid to rich individuals; Speaker B sees the wealthy as the main drivers of the economy.Speaker A fears Social Security will soon not have enough money to pay anyone; Speaker B feels retirees are entitled to benefits they have paid for.Speaker A would rather invest in schools than pay retirees; Speaker B believes retirees are more in need of government help.Speaker A believes the current system is unfair; Speaker B argues the system is basically fair. PLSSS HELP ME THIS IS FOR SIENCE PLLLLSSSSSThe passing of heat through a material is called ________. A. vibration B. conduction C. radiation D. convection Ksp for potassium chloride, KCl, is 21.7. A 5.0-liter container filled with otherwise-pure water, at standard temperature and pressure, contains 21.5 moles of dissolved KCl. (A) Write a chemical reaction describing the dissolution of KCl. (B) Write an equation for Ksp in terms of the reactants and products from part (A). (C) Find the solubility of KCl, in moles/liter. (D) Is the above solution undersaturated, supersaturated, or at equilibrium with respect to KCl Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help find mHK please help Matilda is practicing her marching band skills on the football field. she starts in the center if the field walks 80 feet south then 60 feet west how far is she from the center of the field where she started Im confused in the wording on this question can someone tell me how to solve it with clear steps Ten years ago, Scott bought a board game for $30. That board game has now increased it's value by 83% If the length of a rectangular television screen is 40 inches and its height is 30 inches, what is the length of its diagonal, in inches?Pls help me its due in a hour :( 3a+5b-9: a=2, b=3 that is my question I need help WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST! HELP ASAP!The solution to an inequality is x < 3.5. Which of the following statements and graphs are true? Select all that apply. There are two tables shown below. Which table shows a constant rate? I need sum help legit answers ONLY!!! also sho word pls IM GIVIN MAX PTS N BRANLIEST Large amounts of traffic in many cities in the regiona. cause air pollutionb. is an issue only in a few isolated areasc. is not a problem since governments work to limit pollution In what ways did World War I set the stage for Lenin and the Russian Revolution?umber of casualties Need help solving this problem. -30x+147=-171-24x A windshield wiper turns through an angle of 150. The top of the blade traces the are with a 20-inch radius. How long is thearc?A. 52.36 inchesB. 75.4 inchesC. 0.1308 inchesD. 3000 inches Contrast Shermans campaign through Georgia & the Carolinas to Grants campaign through Virginia. I need help with the ones I didn't do and did I do them right too? Will Give Brainlist if Right Imagine you are surveying a population of a mountain range where the inhabitants live in the valleys with no inhabitants on the large mountains between. If your sample area is the valleys, and you use this to estimate the population across the entire mountain range, will you overestimate or underestimate the actual population size?a. need more informationb. overestimatec. underestimated. neither