it is possible for an excited hydrogen atom to return to the ground state by the emission of a single photon. regardless of the initial excited state, this electron transition produces a spectral line in which region of the electromagnetic spectrum?
1. ultraviolet
2. infrared
3. visible light
4. radio waves


Answer 1


1. Ultraviolet


This is called the Balmer series. Transitions ending in the ground state (n = 1) are called the Lyman series, but the energies released are so large that the spectral lines are all in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

Answer 2

It is possible for an excited hydrogen atom to return to the ground state by the emission of a single photon. Regardless of the initial excited state, this electron transition produces a spectral line in ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The correct option is 1.

What is electromagnetic spectrum?

An electromagnetic spectrum is the spectrum consisting of the colors of radiation of a white light with different wavelengths.

It is possible for an excited hydrogen atom to return to the ground state by the emission of a single photon.

The transitions which ends in the ground state (n = 1) are termed as Lyman series. Energy released is large in amount so that the spectral lines fall in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

Thus, regardless of the initial excited state, this electron transition produces a spectral line in ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The correct option is 1.

Learn more about electromagnetic spectrum.


Related Questions

Two parallel plates have an area of
0.00100 m^2. How much charge
must you place on them to create a
1000 N/C field between the plates?
(The answer is *10^-12 C. Just fill
in the number, not the power.)





The computation of the charge that must place on them in order to create 1000 N/C field between the plates is shown below:

We know that

E = (Q/A) ÷ E_o

1000 = Q ÷ 0.01×8.85× 10^-12

Q = 8.85 × 10^-12


The answer is 8.85

The above formula should be applied so that the correct value could come

And, the same would be relevant





why are nuclear reactions used in nuclear power plants



Nuclear reactors are the heart of a nuclear power plant. They contain and control nuclear chain reactions that produce heat through a physical process called fission. That heat is used to make steam that spins a turbine to create electricity.


A nuclear power plant's heart is made up of nuclear reactors. They contain and regulate nuclear chain reactions, which produce heat via a physical process known as fission. This heat is converted to steam, which powers a turbine to generate energy.

A crane lifts a load of 15000N to a height 40m in 50 seconds. Calculate the power of the crane​



P = 12000 W


General data:

F = 15000 N d = 40 mt = 50 sP = ?

Work is force times unit of distance. So in order to calculate the power we must first calculate the work.



Replace and solve

[tex]\boxed{\bold{W=\frac{15000\ N}{40\ m}}}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\bold{W=600000\ J}}[/tex]

once the work is found, we proceed to find the power according to the formula:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{P=\frac{W}{t}}}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\bold{P=\frac{600000\ J}{50\ s}}}[/tex][tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{P=12000\ W}}}[/tex]

The power of the crane is 12000 Watts.


what are the two
factors in which weight of object depends?​



An object's weight depends on its mass (the amount of matter it consists of) and the strength of the gravitational pull.

Two factors that affect the weight of an object is mass and constant gravitational force.

The density of silver is 10.49 g/cm3. If a sample of pure silver has a volume of 12.993 cm3, what is the mass?






X=10.49 X12.99



I hope it helped.

A prism is often used to show the different wavelengths of light or colors that can be found in white light. In one paragraph, using your own words, explain how the prism causes these colors to appear. Be sure to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.



A prism causes the different wavelengths of light or colors that can be found in white light because the prism is white, and white light contains all colors in the visible light spectrum. So an object that reflects all the colors in the visible light spectrum will appear white in color because white light contains all colors in the visible light spectrum.


I hope this helps! I just did a test with this question and I got the answer right! This is the answer that I put. Good luck :)

Which two types of electromagnetic waves have higher frequencies than the waves that make up ultraviolet light?
o radio waves and infrared light
O visible light and X-rays
O microwaves and gamma rays
gamma rays and X-rays



Gamma rays and x rays

Explanation: just took the test

Gamma rays and X-rays have higher frequencies than the waves that make up ultraviolet light. Hence option D is correct.

What is Electromagnetic Spectrum ?

Electromagnetic spectrum is nothing but the range of wavelengths or frequencies on which electromagnetic radiation extend. it is whole distribution of electromagnetic waves according to frequency or wavelength. Electromagnetic wave is nothing but a photon which carries energy. Photon wave has frequency, wavelength as well as amplitude.

Electromagnetic spectrum is show in figure.

There is inverse relation between wavelength and frequency as υ = c/λ

where υ is the frequency, λ is the wavelength and c is the speed of light.

as wavelength increases, frequency decreases vice verse.

In this figure we can see that radio waves has highest wavelength hence it has lowest frequency. X ray and gamma rays has lowest wavelength hence it has highest frequency.

Hence option D is correct.

To know more about electromagnetic waves, click :


which feature is used to classify galaxies



I took the quiz



I took the quiz

Un automóvil se mueve 80 m en 40 s con una velocidad constante. ¿Cuál es la velocidad del automóvil? Ayuda plissssssssssssssssssssss



Velocidad = 2 m/s


Dados los siguientes datos;

Distancia = 80 m

Tiempo = 40 s

Para encontrar la velocidad del automóvil;

La velocidad se puede definir como la tasa de cambio en el desplazamiento (distancia) con el tiempo.

La velocidad es una cantidad vectorial y, como tal, tiene magnitud y dirección.

Matemáticamente, la velocidad viene dada por la ecuación;

[tex] Velocidad = \frac {distancia} {tiempo} [/tex]

Sustituyendo en la fórmula, tenemos;

Velocidad = 80/40

Velocidad = 2 m/s

Please help me ; - ;
Match the food choice with its potential long-term result.
1. eating a piece of cake with 8 grams of fat
2. eating an egg salad sandwich on whole grain bread with 9 grams of fat
3. eating a cheeseburger with 48 grams of fat

A. heart disease
B. obesity
C. weight loss



2 = C

3 = B

1 = A


You have viewed multiple unknown astronomical objects in this lab activity. In all tests, what was your test variable (independent variable)?

The amount of an element in each object
The type of elements in each spectrum
The astronomical object viewed by the spectrometer



Could you give information about the lab



The spectrum of each astronomical object


I took the test and got it right

What would make oppositely charged objects attract each other more? increasing the positive charge of the positively charged object and increasing the negative charge of the negatively charged object decreasing the positive charge of the positively charged object and decreasing the negative charge of the negatively charged object increasing the distance between the positively charged object and the negatively charged object maintaining the distance between the positively charged object and the negatively charged object





I did the test :D


1. Given a force-displacement curve as shown in the figure, what does the area of the region enclosed by the curve represent?

A. The force acting on the object

B. The displacement of the object

C. The magnitude of the coefficient of static friction

D. The work done on the object by the force



work done is equals to force into displacement in the direction of force

Ans: D

Define Initial velocity.​



Initial velocity is defined as the velocity at time t=0.

Its Unit is m/s.

represented by u.

calculated by using formula.




Initial velocity is the velocity which the body has in the beginning of the given time period

Hope it helps


You have your headphones turned all the way up (100 dB).

a. If you want them to sound half as loud, to what decibel level must the music be set?

b. If you want them to sound 1/4 as loud, to what decibel level must the music be set?



a. 90 dB

b. 80 dB


The given parameter of the sound is as follows;

The level to which the headphones are tuned = All the way up

The intensity of the sound of the headphones when tuned all the way up = 100 dB

a. The relationship between level change in loudness, ΔL, and the ratio of loudness, 'x', is presented as follows;

ΔL = 10·log₂(x) ≈ 33.22·log(x)

Therefore, for a sound to be half as loud, we have x = 1/2, therefore;

ΔL = 10·log₂(1/2) = 10·log₂(2⁻¹) = -10 ≈ 33.22·log(1/2)

The change in the intensity level for a sound half as loud, ΔL = -10 dB

Given that the sound was initially at 100 dB, the new level for a sound half as loud = 100 dB + ΔL = 100 dB - 10 dB = 90 dB

The decibel level the music must be set for a sound half as loud = 90 dB

b. In order for the sound to be 1/4 as loud, we have;

ΔL = 10·log₂(1/4) = 10·log₂(2⁻²) = -20

Therefore, the change in the level of the sound intensity level, ΔL by -20 dB will given a sound that is 1/4 as loud

The initial intensity level = 100 dB

The intensity level for a sound 1/4 as loud = 100 dB - 20 dB = 80 dB

Read the text again


i think it is 1.F2.T3.T4.F5.T

Our founding fathers got many of their ideas about a republican
government from the Romans.
A: True
B: False


True, give brainliest to the person above/below me! They deserve it.

Which wave has the lowest amplitude?


Wave D has the lowest amplitude. The highest point of a wave is called amplitude.

What is amplitude?

The distance between from the crest of a wave to the next crest is known as the amplitude. It is denoted by a.

The standard equation for the SHM is found as;

[tex]\rm y = asin \omega t[/tex]

Where, a represent the amplitude of the wave.

In the wave D it is observed that the distance from center axis to the highest point of the wave is smallest. Hence, wave D has the lowest amplitude.

To learn more about the amplitude, refer to the link;



To summarize what the expert answer said, it's the last box.


Te agrada realizaTe agrada realizar actividades físicas?, ¿por qué?r actividades físicas?, ¿por qué?


Danabausysjlddh dkd dhdudbd

Why is the EM important?



It is important because it furnishes information about the composition, the temperature and maybe the mass or relative velocity of the body that emits or absorbs it.


An astronaut lands on an alien planet. He places a pendulum (L = 0.200 m) on the surface and sets it in simple harmonic motion, as shown in this graph.

(a) What is the period and frequency of the pendulum’s motion?
(b) How many seconds out of phase with the displacements shown would graphs of the velocity and acceleration be?
(c) What is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet in? Determine the number of g-forces.
Show any necessary calculations.


I think b or c sorry

how is an earthquake's origin and intensity identified?



using a seismograph


why transparent object don't form a shadow​



Transparent objects do not form shadows. The light passes completely from the transparent objects thus these objects will not form shadow. ... In such objects, the light gets refracted thus, such objects forms shadow. The refraction is also the reason why we can see such objects.


cause it pass the light coming from the source of light

Pravat exerts a force of 30 N to lift a bag of groceries 0.5 m. How much work did Pravat do on the bag?



15 J


Work = Force x Distance

15= 30 x 0.5

Have a blessed day!

Answer:Pravat did 15 J of work


A 2800 kg truck moving at 12 m/s to the right hits a stopped 1100 kg car. What is the combined velocity the moment they stick together?



The combined velocity is 8.61 m/s.


Given that,

The mass of a truck, m = 2800 kg

Initial speed of truck, u = 12 m/s

The mass of a car, m' = 1100 kg

Initial speed of the car, u' = 0

We need to find the combined velocity the moment they stick together. Let it is V. Using the conservation of momentum.

[tex]m_1v_1+m_2v_2=(m_1+m_2)V\\\\V=\dfrac{m_1v_1+m_2v_2}{(m_1+m_2)}\\\\V=\dfrac{2800\times 12+0}{2800+1100}\\\\V=8.61\ m/s[/tex]

So, the combined velocity is 8.61 m/s.

Which statement best describes the relationship between an object's density and its index of refraction?

A. As the mass per unit volume of the substance increases, the refractive index decreases.

B. As the mass of the object increases, the refractive index decreases.

C. As the physical density of the substance increases, the refractive index increases

D. As the optical density increases, the refractive index increases​



D. As the optical density increases, the refractive index increases

Answer: the answer is D

Explanation: I took the test

measure the thickness of the brake rotor. how thick is the brake rotor? please help I've Kittery spent forever trying to do this​




its reading the caliper

as the 0 lines up w the 1/8" mark, it is 1 1/8"


The minimum thickness will be stamped somewhere. You see there's part numbers and other things here you might need to use a wire brush to kind of clean it up but that's the thicknessUse a micrometer at the thinnest point on the surface of the rotor where it meets the pads to measure the minimum operational thickness. If your rotor needs to be cut or has worn passed this thickness, you'll need new rotors. You may also discover your rotor has Disc Thickness Variation.

how does current flowing through a resistor affect the temperature​


The answer is... When electrical current flows through a type or kind of material, the electrons come in contact with the small atoms of the material and their collision produces heat. When the flow is through or going through a resistor, the resistance is offered to the flow and the collisions will generate heat. This is the reason why temperature rises. Hope this helps!

A pressure of 7x10^5N/m is applied to all surfaces of a copper cube (of sides 25 cm) what is the fractional change in volume of a cube? ( for copper B= 14x10^10N/m)



The correct solution is "[tex]5\times 10^{-4}[/tex] %".


The given values are:


[tex]\Delta P=7\times 10^5 \ N/m[/tex]

for copper,

[tex]B=14\times 10^{10} \ N/m[/tex]

As we know,

The Bulk Modulus (B) = [tex]\frac{\Delta P}{-\frac{\Delta V}{V} }[/tex]


The decrease in volume will be:

= [tex](\frac{\Delta V}{V})\times 100 \ percent[/tex]


= [tex]\frac{\Delta P}{B}\times 100 \ percent[/tex]

On putting the values, we get

= [tex]\frac{7\times 10^5}{14\times 10^{10}}\times 100 \ percent[/tex]

= [tex]5\times 10^{-4} \ percent[/tex]

16) A student pushes four students on skateboards. She pushes as hard as she can each time. She measures how far each student
goes before stopping. Which is most likely to happen?
A) The biggest student will go the furthest.
B) The smallest student will go the furthest.
c) Each student will go further than the last.
D) All four student will go about the same distance.





It would be diffrent if on a downward slope but assuming your going straight it would be the smallest student.

The smallest student will go furthest if all the students push with the same amount of force. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is Newton's second law of motion?

According to Newton’s second law of motion, the force equals the mass of the body times the acceleration of that body when the body has constant mass.

This law states that the acceleration of a body depends on two variables. The first one is the mass of the body and the force acting on the body. The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body and inversely proportional to the mass.

Newton’s second law can be expressed in the equation as shown below:

[tex]F= ma[/tex]



Acceleration or gaining speed of a body happens when a force acts on it.

When all four students are pushed by the same amount of force then the acceleration of the smallest student will be greatest as the mass of the smallest student will be least.

Therefore, the smallest student will go furthest in comparison to all other students.

Learn more about Newton's second law of motion, here:


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