It is ____ as bright as the sun​


Answer 1
It is not as bright as the sun

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Read the following thesis statement, then answer the question below.
The purchase of an iPad for every student in the school will distract students from academics instead of
advancing their education, and the idea should be abandoned.
In what context is the author looking at the topic?



i think it is social i am sorry if it is wrong !!

Answer: The correct answer is social.

Mark the person above brainliest please.

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We need to have the whole question to help you I’m sorry but this isn’t gonna get you help


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Multiple Choice References to the Battle of Vicksburg and General Lee are examples of what literary device?



What are literary devices? Literary devices are various elements and techniques used in writing that construct the whole of your literature to create an intended perception of the writing for the reader. You probably remember learning about literary devices like personification, foreshadowing, and metaphors in school.

Which type of sentence is this?
At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the Americans had no existing army, so
American troops were formed from militia-groups of citizens from the thirteen colonies
who were trained for local defense.



Compound,Throughout most of U.S. history, pants were considered shocking attire for women, but the mid-twentieth century saw increased acceptance of this once-controversial clothing item.


Please answer me please guys please ​


3. Dentist
4. b
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. C

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition
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n the second and third sentences of the second paragraph, the author implies which of the following about the differences between men and women?





Differences between men and women exist but are limited only to particular attributes.

Women tend to be more contrasted and are more outlandish with stroll up and to talk somebody contrasted with men contrasts among men and women exist.

How men are differnt than women?

In Ancient Greek men were occupied with legislative issues and public occasions, while women were urged to remain at home.

Likewise the Olympic Games were just for men at that point. The women worked at the house cooking and cleaning while men then again got to do numerous things.

Presently everything orientations can take an interest in the Olympic Games. We as a whole can work for similar measure of cash and we don't need to remain at home as a housewife as we are allowed to do anything that we want.

Other than actual contrasts, men and women are different on account of the various parts of affection, Men are solid, defensive, and the firm side of adoration while women are the milder side, seriously mindful, thoughtful.

For more information about men and women, refer the following link:

According to Pangloss, why was the Bay of Lisbon created?
For the ships to dock for trade
For merchants to transport their wares
For James to drown in
For the citizens to be able to fish for their own food


B. For James to drown in

what is a dairy queen and burger king joke? 100 points



How did Burger King get Dairy Queen pregnant?

He forgot to wrap his Whopper.

  °   •  .°•    ✯

  °   •  .°•    ✯   ★ *     °      °·                            

  °   •  .°•    ✯   ★ *     °      °·                             .   • ° ★ •  ☄

  °   •  .°•    ✯   ★ *     °      °·                             .   • ° ★ •  ☄▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▇▆▅▄▃▁▂

What can be concluded about Zeus?

Zeus is the speaker’s only dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive.
The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive.
Zeus is the speaker’s only dog, because Zeus is a nonrestrictive appositive.
The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a nonrestrictive appositive.



The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive.





What does the masquerade mentioned in line 9 represent in the poem



The word "masquerade" represents the people who stand behind a false mask, who pretend and put up appearances for others to see while hiding their true selves, feelings behind a mask.


Nikki Grimes' poem "Jabari Unmasked" revolves around an unnamed speaker's frustration at the injustice her people are treated with. The poem is a strong expression of discontent of discrimination and the efforts of the blacks to try to blend in while hiding their true feelings just to evade any trouble.

In line 9, the speaker says "We despise the masquerade". The masquerade here seems to suggest the 'made-up' appearance, the fake show that the people have to put up to hide their true feelings. The word also represents the people who had to put on a pretend face for others to see, hiding their true selves behind a mask.

3. Scientists working away from the station often get their water by breaking up chunks of ice. What
does this tell you about the ice in Antarctica?


They are comaparing the water from other places


The wife of bath most likely retells the story of midas to show that



"The Wife of Bath" most likely retells the story of Midas to show that women cannot be trusted with secrets.


In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," which is part of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales," the Wife retells the story of Midas to a knight, but she twists it. In the original story, the person who reveals Midas secret is the barber. In the Wife's story, it is Midas's own wife, who whispers his secret to the water of a marsh. The water then spreads it - Midas has two donkey ears growing under his hair.

Her purpose in doing this is to show that women cannot be trusted with secrets. She goes to the extent of changing what happened in the story in order to convey this lesson to the knight. What is worse is that Midas could not trust his own wife. He begged her not to tell anyone, but the secret burned inside her.

For franchisees, which of these is a disadvantage of franchising?
1 They have to pay for their advertising campaigns.
2 They have to start their business from scratch.
3 They enjoy limited independence in the business,
4 They do not get any share in the business's profits.



C. They enjoy limited independence in the business


They have to do things the way the franchisor wants.

How do the subheadings contribute to the organization of the article?



This response provides valid inferences from the text to explain how the subheadings contribute to the organization of the article (The subheadings help to organize each paragraph into groups and tells the readers what exactly the gist, main ideas, or central idea are in that section and It gives the readers a better


what is the purpose of including reasons in your report?​



A is the answer


Have a great day!


to provide details and information relating to the text or story and what the authors purpose, claim, reasons, text details, language/spelling, the mood, the setting, characters/place that it takes place in /time year/time of the day. And to show that you understood what you have read.


(I provide this extra typed information/answer to help anybody else who don't understand the question) to provide details and information relating to the text or story and what the authors purpose, claim, reasons, text details, language/spelling, the mood, the setting, characters/place that it takes place in /time year/time of the day. And to show that you understood what you have read.

Is Unless you clean your room a :
independent clause
dependent clause





it cant stand on is own

PART A: Which of the following identifies the tone of the poem below?
A. honest
B. pessimistic
C. mournful
D. affectionate
It is not a five star stay. It is not

compliments and it is never ever


It is solid. Not sweet but always


always herb, always salt. Sometimes


It is now and till the end. It is never a

slither, never a little

it is a full serving

it is much

too much and real

never pretty or clean. It stinks — you can

smell it coming

it is weight

it is weight and it is too heavy to feel

good sometimes. It is discomfort — it is

not what the films say. Only songs

get it right

it is irregular

it is difficult

and always, always






Why is act 3 scene 1 so important in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet ?



Hamlet suggests that beauty can transform honesty into a “bawd,” but honesty cannot make a sinful woman pure once more. “I did love you once,” Hamlet tells Ophelia, and she retorts that Hamlet only made her believe that he did.


what is the difference between before and now​



See explanation!


When using the term before, you are referring to something that has most likely happened in the past, specifically prior to another event. For example, your 15th birthday would happen before your 16th birthday because your 15th birthday would come first. Another example would be when you think about how you get ready for your day. You would most likely get dressed before you leave your house in the morning.

When using the term now, you are referring to what is happening at this exact moment in time. For example, if I was driving at the moment then I would say, "I'm driving right now." If you were in math class and someone called you and asked what you were doing, you'd say, "I'm in math class now." Hope this helps!

8. Which type of Informational text is most likely to sound like fiction in places? a report on sports that are no longer played
a booklet of rules for playing a sport
a book about famous American athletes
a magazine article on how baseballs are made​





a report on sports that are no longer played

Read the following claim. Is it supported or unsupported? Explain why or why not.
According to a recent survey of students, incidents of bullying at our school have dropped 27 percent in the past three





The defintion of a supported claim is (A supported claim is a statement of truth that has evidence to show the audience that the statement is valid. It's something that the audience can believe in). The claim has support from a survey from students about incidents of bullying and has a percentage over amount of time.

in the book the giver what does the assignment of the birthmother reveal about the community's ideas about family​


Answer: the birth mothers role in the community reveals about the communities on the Isabel family because they have a family unit which is one Dad one Mom one boy and one girl and in the family unit they don’t have their real mothers and fathers and they don’t know who the real parents were. Show it is like foster parents.

How are novels and short stories different?
A. One contains numerous changes of setting; the other does not.
B. One begins with exposition while the other jumps right to rising action.
C. One focuses on many more characters than the other.
D. One is much longer and more complex than the other.

again I'm pretty sure its D but I just not sure.


yes, your answer is the fourth option, D)

One is much longer and more complex than the other are novels and short stories different. The correct option is D.

Thus, The main differences between novels and short stories are their length and intricacy. In general, novels are larger works of literature with complex plots, in-depth character development, and several subplots.

They enable a deeper investigation of the themes, settings, and characters. Novels often have a long page count and offer a rich narrative experience.

Short stories, on the other hand, are condensed literary works that concentrate on a particular plot or theme. They usually have a more constrained scope, are shorter in duration, and concentrate on a single moment or event.

Thus, One is much longer and more complex than the other are novels and short stories different. The correct option is D.

Learn more about longer, refer to the link:


Which of these is not an adverb?



finally isn't an adverb




which topic would be most appropriate for an argumentative essay
A. How I was a picky eater as a child, but now I will try and almost enjoy everything
B. What new foods have become commonly available in the United States over the past 40 years
C. Why parents should introduce their children to as many foods as possible while their taste buds are still developing
D. Whether foods must be intense, flavorful, and highly spiced to be truly delicious.





it is the only answer that could have a rebuttle


D. Whether foods must be intense ,flavorful, and highly spiced to be truly delicious

In the text box below,


Main argument

Main supporting arguments

The evidence line used for each supporting argument



Main argument:

Music should be a part of every school's curriculum at every grade level. The reason is because of the benefits that it brings.

Main supporting arguments:

Students would be much smarter and develop skills. It lets children use their imagination.It gives children something positive to do.Music builds self-confidence. It gives children a sense of accomplishment and success.

The evidence line used for each supporting argument:

Argument 1: lines 5 to 7, "A study by the College Entrance Examination Board reported, "students with 20 units of arts and music scored 128 points higher on the S.A.T verbal and 118 points higher in math". A Rockefeller Foundation study states that music majors have the highest rate of admittance to medical school."Argument 2: line 8 -"It provides students a chance to try out their own ideas" according to the California Educator.-Argument 3: line 12, "...on her website "The Musician's Brain" Lois Svard explains how music stimulates "mirror neurons" them emphasize with each other. Argument 4: line 16 and 17 -As reported in the California Educator, "it gives [students] self-confidence and a feeling of importance to have a skill someone appreciates. They are also learning how to accomplish something from beginning to end and actually come out with a product that they can be proud of"-


The arguments are at the beginning and the end of each paragraph.

The pieces of evidence that support the arguments are always studies, or things said by remarkable institutions, magazines, or websites that specialize in music, education, and assessment.

We can see that the text does give the reasons and credible prove with each of them, making the text reliable.

Lucy: "Mr. Smith is refusing to accept my science project because he says my paper isn't long enough! I just don't
understand; I worked so hard on that and now it was all a waste of time."
Peter: "Don't worry, you can always enter again next year."
Lucy: "I don't know why I bother talking to you, you don't listen to a word I say!"
What adjustments can Lucy and Peter each make to their communication, in order to avoid misunderstandings like this
in the future?


Answer: See explanation


Based on the information that have been given in the question, the adjustments that can be made by both Lucy and Peter to their communication, so that misunderstandings like this will be avoided in the future will be for Lucy to tell Peter to listen to her, support her and show empathy regarding her situation.

Peter, on the other hand doesn't necessarily have to offer her an advice but at least he should show empathy towards her and show that he's concerned.

The bird sang a song. what is the subject
The bird sand a song. What is the verb
The bird sang a song. What is the direct object



The subject is the bird. the verb is sang. and  the direct object song. I think ;)


Which passage most clearly uses imagery?
O A. "You've got the wrong person!" Phoebe shouted at the cops. "I'm
O B. The biting tang of vinegar assaulted Walter the second he bit into
the pie.
C. Step 1: Apply to at least three jobs a day. Step 2: Prepare for the
D. Emotions tore at Guy's insides. Was it O.K. to ask your boss out on
a date?





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