isobel is a veteran hr manager and she still prefers to solicit applications through newspaper advertisements. her argument is that she will get better candidates. is she correct? true false


Answer 1

The correct answer here is false. Isobel is incorrect in thinking that she will get better candidates.

The work of a human resource manager is to plan, organize, coordinate and direct the administrative functions of an organization. They supervise the interviewing, recruiting of candidates, and hiring of new staff. They also consult with the topmost executives of the company or firm on further strategic planning but their major role is to act as a medium or a bridge between the management of the company and its employees.

There can be multiple reasons why her plan to get better candidates can fail. Some of them are:

newspapers are deemed to be underread. with the invention of new media like mobiles, tablets and computers, newspaper advertisement seems outdated.newspaper advertisements, even if they do attract a few candidates do not guarantee a good crop of them.

Learn more about human resource managers here


Related Questions

due to the 2018 tax reforms, most tax filers can just take the____when filing their taxes.


Due to the 2018 tax reforms, most tax filers can just take the standard deduction when filing their taxes.

Most income groups will have reduced tax rates as of 2018. The seven rates are in the range of 10% to 37%. The average deduction almost doubled.

For single taxpayers in 2018, the standard deduction is $12,000; for heads of household, it is $18,000; and for married couples filing jointly, it is $24,000.

The bill increased the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly from $12,700 to $24,000 in 2018 (and to $27,700 in 2023). $12,000 as opposed to $6,350 for single filers (rising to $13,850 in 2023)

Learn more about to tax reforms visit here;


under the uniform securities act, the administrator may a) waive only those requirements of the act that are nonbinding b) make rules, orders, and forms the administrator considers necessary to carry out the provisions of the act c) waive any requirement of the act he deems inappropriate d) relax the antifraud provisions for investment adviser representatives not residing in the state


The administrator of the uniform securities act may create any regulations, orders, or forms that they see necessary to implement the act's provisions.

What does the Uniform Securities Act aim to achieve?

In addition to the federal Securities and Exchange Act, the Uniform Securities Act (USA) offers fundamental investor protection against securities fraud. Only securities that are not governed by the Securities and Exchange Commission are covered under the act.

What kinds of transactions are governed by the 1933 Securities Act?

An act to prevent fraud in the sale of securities, to give complete and fair disclosure of the nature of securities sold in mail-order and international commerce, as well as for other objectives.

To learn more about Uniform Securities here:


if output is less than full employment in the keynesian model, what is needed to restore full employment?


Changes in investment, government, or consumption expenditure can result in significantly larger changes in output and so help to restore full employment if output in the Keynesian model is below full employment.

Keynesians contend that because prices are somewhat rigid, changes in any aspect of spending, whether government, investment, or consumer spending, affect output. For instance, the output will rise if government expenditure rises while all other spending factors stay the same.

The major tenet of Keynesian economics is a short-run economic event like a recession is more likely to have aggregate demand as its main cause than aggregate supply. Second, in a downturn in the economy, unemployment may occur as a result of sticky wages and prices.

Keynes believed that full employment was impossible to achieve. According to Keynes' theory of economics, neither consumption nor investment can be increased by enough to hire more people. He advises the government to act accordingly to address the issue of unemployment as a result.

To learn more about Keynesian model, click here:


A sudden storm threatens the property of Marina Bay LLC. Ngoc, Marina Bay’s sales agent, is on site, but lacks the express or implied authority to bind the firm to the cost of appropriate protective measures. Unable to communicate with Marina Bay, Ngoc a. has emergency powers to deal with the situation. b. must await the principal’s express ratification to act. c. can imply a power of attorney to assume the needed authority.


Correct option is (a) has emergency powers to deal with situation because it  perceived need for the law arose from the scope and number of laws granting special powers to the executive in times of national emergency.

The Act empowers the President to activate special powers during a crisis but imposes certain procedural formalities when invoking such powers. The perceived need for the law arose from the scope and number of laws granting special powers to the executive in times of national emergency.

The need for powers that exceed ordinary limits emerged along with the concept of limited republican, or constitutional, government in ancient Rome. When confronted with a direct threat to the constitutional system itself, the Roman Senate could decide to appoint a dictator for a period of no more than six months. During that time, however, the dictator exercised unrestrained power, limited only by that individual’s own commitment to the republic itself.

To learn more the Emergency powers


suppose the economy is in long-run equilibrium. in a short span of time, there is a large influx of skilled immigrants, a major new discovery of oil, and a major new technological advance in electricity production. in the short run, we would expect:______


With such a case where we find a large influx of immigrants and a major new discovery of oil, as well as technological advances in electricity production we would expect the price level to decrease and real GDP to move up in the long run equilibrium.

When prices have fully matched production costs and the economy is operating at its maximum capacity, a market is said to be in long-term equilibrium. Unemployment declines to its natural level in long-run equilibrium.

When this happens, an economy is operating at full capacity, and its actual GDP is equal to its potential GDP. In order to respond to long-term or permanent changes, firms must gradually modify their prices and wages (e.g., taxes, changes to health care costs, government spending).

Since aggregate supply and demand are always fluctuating, an economy's actual GDP frequently differs from its potential GDP. As a result, rather than always being equal to potential GDP, short-run equilibrium is more likely to fluctuate around it.

The output gap, which is the difference between the actual and potential GDP, causes short-run equilibrium to change to long-run as it narrows.

Learn more about equilibriums in the economy here:


on december 31, strike company sold one of its batting cages for $21,398. the equipment has an initial cost of $237,750 and had accumulated depreciation of $213,975. depreciation has been recorded up to the end of the year. what is the amount of the gain or loss on this transaction?


A loss of $2,377 has been calculated on this transaction if depreciation has been reported up to the end of the year.

When the business sells the asset to a third party, the gain or loss on the transaction is calculated. When the sale price of an asset is higher than the book value at the time of sale, or vice versa, the company benefits.

Value of batting cages as of December 31 calculated:

Particular                                           Amount

Purchase cost                                $237,750

Less: Accumulated Depreciation      ($213,975)

Book value as of December 31          $23,775

Consequently, the book value is determined to be $23,775

Calculating profit or loss from sales:

Particulars                                                Amount

Sale value                                                $21,398

Less: Book value as of December 31         ($23,775)

Gain/(Loss) on sale                                $(2,377)

Therefore, there is a loss of $2,377 on the sale.

To know more about Profit/Loss, refer to this link:


the stock market of country a has an expected return of 5 percent, and a standard deviation of expected return of 8 percent. the stock market of country b has an expected return of 15 percent and a standard deviation of expected return of 10 percent. calculate the expected return of a portfolio that is half invested in a and half in b.


A). Expected return = 10%

B). Standard deviation = 4.58%.

The term "standard deviation" (or "") refers to a measurement of the data's dispersion from the mean. A low standard deviation implies that the data are grouped around the mean, whereas a large standard deviation shows that the data are more dispersed.

The anticipated profit or loss on an investment with known historical return rates is known as the expected return (RoR). It is determined by dividing possible results by the likelihood that they will occur, adding the results, and then subtracting the results.

a) Expected return equals the sum of the weights invested in A and B.

Expected return = Weight invested in A * Expected return of A + Weight invested in B * Expected return of B

This equates to 0.5*5 + 0.5*15 = 2.5+7.5 = 10%.

= 0.5*5 + 0.5*15

= 2.5+7.5

= 10%

b) Standard deviation = Sq.root of (Wa)2*(Standard deviation of A)x2 + (Wb)2*(Standard deviation of B)x2 + 2*Wa*Wb*Standard deviation of A * Standard deviation of B * Correlation coefficient between A and B

= Sq.root of (0.5)2*(8)*2 + (0.5)*2*(10)*2 - 2*0.5*0.5*0.5*10*8

= Sq.root of 16+25-20

= Sq.root of 21

=  ([tex]\sqrt{21}[/tex])

= 4.58%

Learn more about expected return visit this link :


this year jeff earned $830,000 and used it to purchase land in joint tenancy with a right of survivorship with mary. has jeff made a taxable gift to mary and, if so, in what amount? what is your answer if jeff and mary are married?


The answer is $38,800.  The tax rate keeps rising when more presents are given because the total amount of gifts enters new, higher marginal rates.

Therefore, it is impossible to consider each gift in isolation from the others amount. The correct way to get the total amount of tax that would be due is to use the cumulative gift  ($85,000 + $65,000 = $150,000). This sum would be deducted from the applicable unified tax credit. Note that John has only given these as gifts. Every additional gift would be subject to tax rate at the same rate once the highest marginal rate of 40% (in 2018) is achieved.

To learn more about tax rate, click here.


when a bank decided to invest in cash-counting equipment and new cubicles for its loan officers, they were recorded on the bank balance sheet as:


When a bank made the decision to invest in new cubicles for its loan officers and cash-counting equipment, they were noted as follows on the bank balance sheet: Assets

Any resource that a company or other economic organization owns or controls is considered an asset in financial accounting. Anything that can be used to generate positive economic value, whether it be tangible or immaterial, qualifies. Assets indicate ownership value that may be sold for money (although cash itself is also considered an asset). The monetary value of an organization's assets is shown on its balance sheet. It protects cash and other assets that belong to a person or a company. Tangible and intangible assets are the two main categories into which assets can be divided. Current assets and fixed assets are just two of the many subclasses that make up tangible assets. Cash, inventories, and accounts receivable are examples of current assets, whereas land, structures, and machinery are examples of fixed assets. Non-physical resources and rights known as intangible assets are valuable to a company because they give that company a competitive edge. Goodwill, copyrights, trademarks, patents, computer programs, and financial assets including financial investments, bonds, and stocks are examples of intangible assets.

Learn more about Assets here


on november 1, alan company signed a 120-day, 10% note payable, with a face value of $18,000. what is the adjusting entry for the accrued interest at december 31 on the note? (use 360 days a year.)


Interest Expense= Principal * Interest Rate * Time, Interest Expense= 18,000 *0.10*120/360= $600 Interest Expense account debit $600 to cash account $600

The fee incurred by a business for borrowed cash is known as an interest expenditure. A non-operating item that appears on the income statement is interest expense. It stands for the interest due on all borrowings, including bonds, loans, convertible debt, and credit lines.

The total amount of interest owed on a loan is shown in the account for interest expenditure on a company's income statement. The amount of interest due on a loan but not yet paid is shown in an account called "Interest Payable" on a company's income statement.

To learn more about interest expense account refer here:


To create an effective IMC program, marketers need to move consumers through a series of mental stages for which there are several models, the most common being the ___________ model


To create an effective IMC program, marketers need to move consumers through a series of mental stages for which there are several models, the most common being the sender

To successfully talk with the target marketplace, IMC must be carefully deliberate and implementation. The implementation includes the use of the four components of the promotional There are three elements in any integrated advertising conversation approach: the purchaser being targeted, the channels via which the message is communicated, and assessment of the consequences of the communication.

Public relations, sales proIntegrated advertising and marketing communications (IMC) is the manner of unifying a brand's messaging to make it regular throughout all media that the logo makes use of to reach its target audience. it's a strategic approach that courses communication and methods used across all advertising and marketing channels.

The communication procedure is made from four key components. those components encompass encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There also are  other factors within the method, and people  factors are present within the shape of the sender and the receiver.

Learn more about IMC program here


which type of analytics is used to identify customers that spend a lot of money and purchase frequently?


The correct answer to the given question about type of analytics is option c) Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is the phrase used to describe the application of statistics and modeling strategies to forecast future results and performance. In order to evaluate if certain trends are likely to recur, predictive analytics examines both recent and previous data patterns. In order to take advantage of potential future developments, this enables businesses and investors to change where they allocate their resources. Additionally, predictive analysis can be utilized to increase operational effectiveness and lower risk. There are a variety of uses for predictive models, such as:

climate predictionsMake video gamesconverting voice messages for mobile phones to textCustomer careportfolio development for investments


which type of analytics is used to identify customers that spend a lot of money and purchase frequently?


a) Descriptive Analytics

b) Forecast Analytics

c) Predictive Analytics

d) Prescriptive Analytics

To learn more about Predictive analytics click here


when retailers establish specific outcomes and then estimate the amount of advertising funds that are needed to achieve these results, it is called the:


When retailers establish specific outcomes and then estimate the amount of advertising funds that are needed to achieve these results, it is called the: task-and-objective method.

What is called the Task and objective method?

The objective task method, also referred to as the "objective and task" method, is a procedure where a business allocates a certain sum of money to its marketing budget based on particular objectives as opposed to picking a random amount or basing its marketing budget solely on sales revenues or projections.The goal of advertising is to help a business build its brand and establish a connection with its customers through that brand in order to start and maintain sales to those customers.

To know more about Budget here


Can you Accenture client has implemented an enterprise platform and is looking for a tool that will help monitor?


Accenture client has implemented an enterprise platform and is looking for a tool that will help monitor the ongoing performance.

The enterprise another word for a for-profit business or company but it is most often associated with entrepreneurial ventures. The enterprise is a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one.

Accenture MyConcerto Platform Enterprise is the best technology which a client can use to monitor the ongoing performance of the platform.

The market value of firm is calculated as the sum of the market value of all outstanding securities which consists of common shares, preferred shares and debt.

To know more about enterprise here,


the quantity of labor demanded in an imperfectly competitive factor market is determined by the intersection of which two curves?


At the point where the marginal revenue product curve interacts with the marginal factor cost curve, the quantity of labor demanded in an imperfectly competitive environment is identified.

It is not optimal for a corporation to pay its workers more than it will make in revenues from their labor, according to economic theory, therefore profit-maximizing enterprises would hire people up to the point where the marginal revenue product is equal to the wage rate.

The increased production brought about by adding an extra unit of work is known as the marginal product of labor.

The income produced by increasing output by one more unit is known as marginal revenue. The marginal revenue product of labor is equal to the price of the good in a market with perfect competition.

Learn more about to curves visit here;


Horizontal integration through m&a can help firms strengthen their competitive position by increasing the differentiation of their product and service offerings.
a. True
b. False


TRUE By improving the differentiation of a product and service, horizontal integration via M&A can aid businesses in strengthening their competitive position.

What sort of merchandise is that?

In one of the, to, an an a . a There are both real and virtual ones. Durable things (such as automobiles, furniture, or computers) and nondurable items are examples of physical products (like food and beverages).

What exactly are simple goods?

When it comes to online shopping, a simple product is one that does not need shoppers to select extra features (such size or color) before adding it to their cart. It must be a tangible object that can be delivered to customers. As a result, any service, including digital downloads, is not considered a basic product.

To know more about product visit:


Whose duty is it to ensure that policies are created to guide employees of an alcohol establishment?


The holders of ABC licenses make sure that policies are developed for staff members of alcoholic beverage establishments.

Policy is a deliberate set of guidelines designed to guide decisions and yield rational outcomes. An intention declaration that is put into action by a procedure or routine is called a policy. Usually, policies are adopted by a governance body within a corporation. Policy-making has advantages for both rational and irrational decision-making.

Policies employed in subjective decision-making usually assist senior management with decisions that must be made on the relative merits of a range of aspects and are therefore generally challenging to evaluate objectively. The work-life balance policy is an illustration of how such a rule might be applied. Laws, rules, guidelines, administrative processes, financial inducements, and voluntary activities are all examples of policies that are used by governments and other institutions. Resource allocation patterns frequently reflect political decisions.

Learn more about policies here


the argument for an independent central bank is based upon the idea that: a. independence makes it easier for the bank to coordinate its monetary policy with the government's fiscal policies b. all of these c. independence from the political cycle allows the bank to focus on long term price stability d. independence and unaccountability allows a central bank to accumulate wealth and power


Option b is the correct answer since all the option is related to the argument for an independent central bank.

Absent political intervention, central banks are independent. This independence may include a number of complimentary and cumulative elements, including institutional independence from the executive branch and/or the legislature, operational and functional independence, and personal independence, without which other types of independence are impossible. In reality, however, the majority of political economists and social scientists define a "independent central bank" as one that is "both operationally and functionally independent from government" and has an inflation aim. For a complete generation, economists and the general public supported and accepted such central bank independence; nevertheless, over the past two to three years, it has come under fire and received unfavorable reviews.

To learn more about central bank please click on the given link:


Which resource management task establishes and maintains the readiness of resources and ensures providers are paid in a timely manner?
Possible Answers:
a. Mobilize
b. Order and Acquire
c. Reimburse and Restock
d, Track


The reimbursement and Restocking resource management task establishes and maintains the readiness of resources and ensures providers are paid in a timely manner.

The payment of expenses spent by resource providers for particular activity is included in reimbursement. Reimbursement procedures play a crucial role in developing and maintaining resource preparedness as well as the ability to pay suppliers on time. Invoice collection procedures, cost verification against the scope of the operation, equipment replacement or repair, and access to reimbursement schemes are all examples of processes. In agreements for mutual help and support, reimbursement policies are frequently spelled out. Restocking means refilling used-up supplies.

As long as the product is undamaged and within its expiration date, the front desk can reimburse and replenish the product supply when customers return items. When a consumer returns a product, businesses occasionally charge them a "restocking fee." Restocking fees are often levied to cover different costs connected with a product return, including shipping and repacking fees.

learn more about restocking here:


the balanced scorecard measures a.only nonfinancial information b.only financial information c.both financial and nonfinancial information d.external and internal information


The balanced scorecard measures Option c. each monetary and nonfinancial information is the actual measurement for balanced score card.

The required details about balanced score card is mentioned in below paragraph.

A balanced scorecard is a approach overall performance control tool – a nicely structured document, that may be utilized by managers to maintain tune of the execution of sports with the aid of using the body of workers inside their manage and to screen the outcomes springing up from those actions.

The phrase 'balanced scorecard' mainly refers to a overall performance control document utilized by a control group, and generally this group is centered on handling the implementation of a approach or operational sports – in a 2020 survey 88% of respondents pronounced the use of Balanced Scorecard for approach implementation control, 63% for operational control. Balanced Scorecard is likewise utilized by people to tune non-public overall performance, however that is uncommon – most effective 17% of respondents within side the survey the use of Balanced Scorecard on this way, but it's miles clean from the equal survey that a bigger proportion (approximately 30%) use company Balanced Scorecard factors to tell non-public aim putting and incentive calculations.

To learn about balanced score card visit here.


the increasing cost and volatile prices of natural resources is a key driver of sustainable marketing. the increasing cost and volatile prices of natural resources is a key driver of sustainable marketing. true false


the increasing cost and volatile prices of natural resources is a key driver of sustainable marketing. the statement is True.

In order to improve the quality of life for both the present and future generations, sustainable marketing entails creating and advertising goods and services that cater to the demands of both consumers and business users. This chapter's goal is to provide students with a greater understanding of what sustainable marketing is and how it varies from conventional marketing. Sustainable marketing is more than just making efforts to appear more socially and ecologically concerned and telling customers about it. It has more depth and significance. An rising number of customers base their purchases in some manner on the social and environmental effects of the goods and services they choose as well as the businesses they work with.

learn more about sustainable marketing here


the __________ method is a framework for operationalizing a firm’s strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firm’s performance.


The balanced scorecard method is a framework for operationalizing a firm’s strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firm’s performance.

What is a balanced scorecard?

In management, the balanced scorecard is a strategy tool that can be used by managers to keep track of the execution of activities by the staff within their control and as well monitor the consequences arising from these actions.

The phrase 'balanced scorecard' means the performance management report used by a management team, and typically this team is focused on managing the implementation of a strategy or operational activities.

In essence, the balanced Scorecard is also used by individuals to track personal performance, some firm use the corporate Balanced Scorecard elements to inform personal goal setting and incentive calculations.

Read more about Balanced Scorecard


which combination of accounts and exchange rates is correct for the translation of a foreign entity's financial


For the accurate translation of a foreign entity's financial statement, the weightage average is the combination of accounts and exchange rates.

The process of converting the functional currency financial statements of a foreign entity to the reporting entity's financial statements is known as currency translation.

Assets and liabilities are converted at current exchange rates rather than historical ones when using the current rate approach as opposed to the temporal (historical) method. As a result, there is a significant chance that the current exchange rate will change.

Gains and losses related to this translation are recorded on a reserve account rather than the consolidated net income account, which is utilized in the temporal method, in order to assist reduce this volatility.

To know more about exchange rates click here,


What level of inflation will a healthy and stable economy have?


The majority of experts currently concur that a moderate bit of inflation, between 1% and 2% annually, is more advantageous than harmful to the economy.

As assessed by the yearly change in the price index for personal consumption expenditures, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) believes that inflation of 2% over the longer term is most compatible with the Federal Reserve's objective for maximum employment and price stability. The broad word for an increase in the cost of goods and services throughout an economy in the study of economics is inflation. As the general price level rises, each unit of currency may buy fewer goods and services,  inflation is related to a reduction in the purchasing power of money. The opposite of inflation is deflation, which is a persistent rise in the overall level of prices for goods and services.

Learn more about  inflation from


the spot price for a non-dividend-paying stock is $24. the risk-free rate is 2.8% and the market rate is 10.6%. what is the 6-month futures price of this stock if spot-futures parity exists?


The answer to the given question about 6-month future price if spot-futures parity exists is: Future price = $24 (1 + 0.028)^(1 / 2) = $24.33.

The current price in the market at which a certain asset—like a securities, commodity, or currency—can be bought or sold for immediate delivery is known as the spot price. While spot prices are location- and time-specific, they tend to be reasonably consistent around the globe in a global economy when currency rates are taken into account. A futures price, in contrast to the spot price, is the established cost for the asset's upcoming delivery. The most frequent use of the term "spot price" refers to the price of commodity futures contracts, such as those for oil, wheat, or gold. Stocks always trade at spot, which explains this that you buy them at the given spot.

To learn more about Future price click here


What act set the requirements for tamper evident packaging for some over the counter products to avoid risk of contamination?


The federal anti-tempering act set the requirements for tamper evident packaging for some over the counter products to avoid risk of contamination.

The federal anti-tempering act, offense to maliciously cause or attempt to cause injury or injury to any business reputation by adulterating a food, drug, cosmetic or other product.

The Food and Drug Administration has the authority under the federal food, drug and cosmetic act to establish a uniform national requirement for tamper-evident packaging of OTC drug products

That will improve the security of OTC drug packaging and help assure the safety and effectiveness of OTC drug products.

To know more about federal anti-tempering act here,


through a series of court decisions, a hierarchy of brand protection based on brand type has been created. these brand types include all but which of the following? a. descriptive b. generic c. symbolic d. fanciful e. arbitrary


Through a series of court decisions, a hierarchy of brand protection based on brand type has been created. these brand types include all symbolic .

It might be a name, a term, a design, a symbol, or anything else. In business, marketing, and advertising, brands are used to build and preserve brand equity for the recognized product, which benefits the brand's customers, owners, and shareholders. Brand names are occasionally distinguished from generic or shop brands. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians, who are renowned for branding animals as early as 2,700 BCE, were the first to engage in the process of branding, Through the application of a distinctive mark burned into the animal's skin, branding was used to distinguish one person's livestock from another.

Learn more about brand from


how much would it cost for chester corporation to repurchase all its outstanding shares if new brokerage fees totaled 1% of the underlying transaction?


The cost for Chester Corporation to repurchase all its outstanding shares would depend on the number of shares it has outstanding and their current market value.  Assuming that the total number of outstanding shares is N and the current share price is P, the total cost of the repurchase would be N x P x 1%, which is the 1% brokerage fees of the underlying transaction.

For example, if Chester Corporation has 10,000 shares outstanding and their current market price is $10, the total cost of the repurchase would be 10,000 x $10 x 1% = $1,000.

To know more about Brokerage click here


a free rider is a person who a. can produce a good at no cost. b. rides public transit regularly. c. receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it. d. will only purchase a product on sale


A free rider is someone who benefits from something without paying for it.

The free rider problem occurs when individuals use or abuse a common resource without paying their fair share of the price or making any contribution at all.

The lack of profitability brought on by the free rider problem inhibits private companies and entrepreneurs from producing collective goods in the free market and forces them to focus exclusively on private goods, leaving the provision of public goods to the government's discretion. Taxes pay for large-scale public services like roads and public transit, while free ridership can thwart community campaigns for smaller-scale projects.

To know more about free riders click here,


jackie enjoys garage sales and the bargaining process. she finds an old record player and some records for $25 at one garage sale. in negotiating with the owner, she was able to pay $12 for the entire bundle. which desire as a customer did this experience fulfill for jackie?


The customer experience of finding a price that is as little as possible or the bundle was fulfilled for Jackie.

A sort of negotiation called bargaining or haggling occurs when the buyer and seller of a commodity or service argue over the cost and the specifics of the transaction in an effort to reach an understanding.

Through the process of collective bargaining, the union and employer can discuss proposals, share ideas, work together to address difficulties, and come to a written agreement. The majority of the time, negotiations take place just before a contract is about to end.

In collective bargaining, a deal between employers and employees is the goal. While negotiations are going on, members can participate in the conversation by speaking with their representatives. Building a strong local union is another excellent opportunity provided by workplace bargaining and negotiation.

Learn more about bargaining here:


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