is this statement true or false? the aegean sea is an arm of the mediterranean between turkey and greece.


Answer 1




Answer 2

Answer: true


Is This Statement True Or False? The Aegean Sea Is An Arm Of The Mediterranean Between Turkey And Greece.

Related Questions

The american revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the british government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies.a. trueb. false


Answer: True


what stores, views, and analyzes geographic data creating multidimensional charts or maps. for example, gis are monitoring global warming by measuring the speed of glaciers melting in canada, greenland, and antarctica? group of answer choices cartography. automatic vehicle location. edge matching. geographic information system.


The suit excerpt is "Geographic Information System" (D) because, GIS is a computer application that used to store, view, and analyzes geographical data creating, multinational charts or maps.

What is geographic and information system?A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that analyzes and displays information that is geographically referenced. It makes use of data that is linked to a specific location. The usability majority of GIS is to collect the information we have about our world includes a location.From 2000 to 2019, glaciers melted faster than expected, from 36 metres per year to 69 metres per year. The fastest melting glaciers occurred in Antarctica. Antarctica is losing ice mass (melting) at an average rate of about 150 billion tonnes per year, while Greenland is losing about 280 billion tonnes per year, which has the effect of increasing sea level rise. in Canada, annual measurements taken show the rise is about 5 metres more than expected.

Learn more about geographic and information system here:


this environment is found on a polar continent on a pretend world. what combination of temperature, precipitation, and humidity best describe environment d's climate?


A desert is the combination of temperature, precipitation, and humidity that most accurately describes the climate of an area. The social and environmental determinants of health are impacted by climate change.

A desert is a desolate region of the landscape with minimal precipitation, making living circumstances unfriendly for both plant and animal life. The absence of vegetation exposes the exposed ground surface to denudation. Arid or semi-arid regions make up around one-third of the Earth's geographical surface. This comprises a large portion of the arctic regions, which are frequently referred to as polar deserts or "cold deserts" because they receive minimal precipitation. The amount of precipitation that occurs, the temperature that prevails, the reasons for desertification, or the geographic location of a desert can all be used to categorize it. Large temperature differences between day and night impose stress on the rocks, causing them to fracture in fragments, which is how deserts are produced. Although deserts rarely see rain, there are sporadic downpours that might cause flash floods. Hot rocks can break when exposed to rain, and the shattered pieces and rubble that are left on the desert floor are further eroded by the wind. This gathers sand and dust particles, which can stay in the air for a long time and occasionally result in the creation of sand storms or dust storms. The surface can be worn away by wind-blown sand grains striking any solid item in their path. The wind flattens down rocks and creates consistent sand deposits.

Learn more about desert here


Rank the following modes of preservation according to their ability to preserve an organism’s original living condition and body details.
a. carbonization b. casts c. original preservation d. recrystallization


Ranking the following modes of preservation according to their ability to preserve an organism’s original living condition and body details is

C. original preservation B. casts A. carbonization D. recrystallization

Details of each process,

Original preservation is the most typical method of preservation since it largely or completely preserves the organism's remnants. This may occur in conditions when the creature is swiftly covered in tar or dirt or frozen in ice.Casts are created when an organism's surrounding silt or other material dissolves away, leaving a shadow of the organism's outline behind. This may be a useful method for maintaining an organism's general shape, but it offers little information on the internal organization of the creature.Carbonization is the process by which carbon is created from organic materials in an organism. An organism may experience this if it is buried in silt that contains a lot of organic material. Although an organism's general form can be preserved with carbonization, the internal structure of the organism is not.Recrystallization is a process where new minerals are added to the hard components of an organism to replace the old minerals. As the silt surrounding the creature is heated and compressed over time, this may occur. The initial form of an organism's hard components can frequently be obscured by recrystallization.

Hence, original preservation is the most representative method of preservation since it preserves the organism's physical remnants and offers the most information about its original form.

Learn more about original preservation, here:


What happens at the pacific ring of fire which circles the pacific ocean from the west coast of north and south america to the east coast of asia? question 1 options: a. it provides heat for the region surrounding the ring. b. it produces volcanoes as a result of tectonic plate movement. c. sedimentary rocks are produced as a result of the heat produced. d. it produces hurricanes.


Tectonic plate was a movement causes as a result of volcanoes produce, and its happen when the Pacific ring of fire which circles the Pacific Ocean from the west coast of North and South America to the east coast of Asia. Then the suit one is option B.

How does the Ring of Fire affect Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands?East and Southeast Asia lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of high tectonic activity along the Pacific Ocean basin. As a result, East and Southeast Asia is the most earthquake-prone part of the world compared to other parts of the world, with about 90% of eastern Asia being earthquake-prone along a geologically unstable region.More than 80% of all tsunamis in the world occur in the Pacific along the subduction zone of the Ring of Fire. When a large earthquake ruptures, the faulting can cause vertical slip large enough to disturb the overlying ocean, resulting in a tsunami that spreads in all directions.The Ring of Fire, also known as the Circum Pacific Belt, is a path that runs around the Pacific Ocean that is marked by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes. The Ring of Fire is where the majority of Earth's volcanoes and earthquakes occur.

Learn more about Ring of Fire here:


explain why flooding in river systems is a natural process. discuss some of the measures humans have taken to avoid flooding. are these measures a good idea or not? explain your answer (5 points).


Floods happen in the wild. The ecology has been prepared for flooding, and they are a component of the water cycle. Floodwaters are absorbed by wetlands along riverbanks, lakes, and estuaries.

Floods, the most common sort of natural disaster, happen when an excess of water submerges normally dry ground. Floods are frequently brought on by prolonged periods of heavy rain, quick snowmelt, or storm surges from tropical cyclones or tsunamis in coastal locations. When rivers overflow their banks, the surrounding region experiences riverine flooding. Heavy rainfall is the main cause, but king tides, storm surge, snowmelt, and dam releases can also contribute to it. Flooding occurs naturally along every river and coastal locations. Sediments that are rich in nutrients can be carried by flood waters, helping to create a fertile habitat for plant life. Floodplains are useful for biodiversity by generating a range of habitats for fish and other creatures. The most vulnerable areas to flooding are river floodplains and coastal regions, although flooding can also happen in places with exceptionally lengthy periods of heavy rain.

Learn more about Floods here


who was the first european explorer to make permanent contact with the americas?


The primary Europeans to arrive in the central area of North America were the Viking voyager Leif Eriksson and his party. Leif was one of Erik the Red's children and had gone with him to Greenland.

A portion of a thousand years before Columbus "found" America, those Viking feet might have been the primary European ones to at any point have contacted North American soil.

The primary reported European contact with the Americas happened in North America when the Vikings laid out a settlement in Newfoundland on the east shore of Canada around 1000 A.D. Norse legends, or adventures, describe a connection among Vikings and Local Americans characterized by savagery and regular assaults.

Learn more about Americas:


describe what percentage of the hydrosphere is freshwater and what percentage of freshwater is groundwater


Icecaps and glaciers contain more than 68% of the fresh water on Earth, and groundwater makes up a little over 30%. Lake, river, and marsh surface water only make up around 0.3 percent of our fresh water.

Any naturally occurring liquid or frozen water that contains little amounts of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids is referred to as fresh water or freshwater. Although seawater and brackish water are officially not included, the word also covers non-salty mineral-rich waters such as chalybeate springs.

Water that is found in soil, rock, and rock formation fissures below the surface of the Earth is known as groundwater. Groundwater makes up around 30% of all the freshwater that is readily available worldwide. When it can produce a usable amount of water, a unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is referred to as an aquifer.

Learn more about freshwater here


How did the cultivation of winter wheat help create the dust bowl in the great plains?.


By replacing natural grasses to plant winter wheat led to topsoil erosion.


The cultivation of winter wheat was one of the factors that contributed to the creation of the Dust Bowl in the Great Plains.

Wheat is a type of grass that is grown in the Great Plains region, and it was one of the crops that was heavily cultivated during the early 20th century.

The use of winter wheat allowed farmers to plant their crops earlier in the year, which allowed them to harvest their crops earlier as well.

This increased the amount of wheat that was being produced in the region, but it also led to a depletion of the soil.


What can you do as a teacher to become your students knowledgeable and quality in the near future?


Communication, listening, teamwork, adaptation, empathy, and patience are some traits of an effective teacher.

Create conducive learning spaces with resources to accommodate the curriculum and required skills. Assign a problem/project that highlights the content that you want students to learn in your curriculum. Allow time for research to learn how to troubleshoot the project at hand.To this end, the following methods can be suggested: presenting brief lectures that explain the lesson concepts through posing questions; brainstorming activities to encourage students to think about the lesson and present their opinions about the lesson in group discussion;

To learn more about Communication click the link below:


How did early settlers adapt to their environment? And, how did settlements develop into cities?



Using Natural Resources American Indians learned to use the natural resources in their environments for food, clothing, and shelter.

Settlements grow and become cities for three reasons:

1. A settlement is reclassified as a city.

2. Natural increase (birth rate is higher than death rate) causing the settlement to grow into a city.

3. Migration into a settlement makes it grow into a city.


Use the list to answer the following question.- Utilized a labor tax system- Flourished in the 15th Century- Located near the Andes Mountains- Emperors considered descendants of the sunWhich of the following cultures is being described?A. IncanB. MayaC. OlmecD. Aztec


Utilized a labor tax system, flourished in the 15th Century, located near the Andes Mountains where Emperors considered descendants of the sun is a description of Incan culture. Option A is correct.

What is Incan Culture?

The Inca, also known as the Inka, were South American Indians who controlled an empire that stretched from the northern boundary of present-day Ecuador to the Maule River in central Chile at the time of the Spanish invasion in 1532.

Further the society was very stratified in Inca Culture. The emperor exercised power through strict and frequently oppressive rules with the assistance of an aristocratic bureaucracy. The architecture and technology of the Incas were highly advanced but not particularly inventive. Throughout the Andes, you may still see remnants of their irrigation systems, palaces, temples, and defenses.

Thus the culture which is related to he Andes Mountains where Emperors considered as descendants of the sun is Inca.

Learn more about Incan Culture refer:


if an earthquake is 600000000 times as intense as a 0-level earthquake, what is the richter scale ranking of this earthquake? round off your answer to one decimal place.


If an earthquake is 600000000 times as intense as a 0-level earthquake, what is the Richter scale ranking of this earthquake is 8.8  Richter scale.

A/Q    I/ IO =  600000000

M= log( I/ IO) = log ( 600000000)

=  8.8 Richter scale

The primary earthquake measuring instrument is a seismograph. The seismograph records the ground motion caused by seismic waves as a digital graphic. Charles F. Richter created the first widely used method, the Richter scale, in 1934. It calculated the magnitude of the earthquake using a calculation based on the amplitude of the largest wave documented on a specific type of seismometer as well as the range between the earthquake and the seismometer.

Learn more on earthquake


if the climate were changing, what data do you think you would need to collect in order to see evidence of climate change? why that data?


The global average temperature. Scientific information taken from natural sources (such as ice cores, rocks, and tree rings) and from modern equipment (like satellites and instruments) all show the signs of a changing climate. From global temperature rise to melting ice sheets, the evidence of a warming planet abounds.

An area where two plates converge is referred to as a convergent border. The borders of one or both colliding plates may bow up into mountain ranges as a result of the impact, or one plate may bend downward into a deep undersea trench. At the surface of the Earth and above, scientists, unpaid observers, and automated instruments from all around the world measure climate variables. Air chemistry, temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, and wind speed are some of the data gathered. Since 1901, the average global surface temperature has increased at a pace of 0.17°F each decade, which is comparable to the rate of warming in the contiguous 48 states (see Figure 2). But since the late 1970s, the United States has warmed up more quickly than the rest of the world. Temperature and precipitation are the two main determinants of a region's climate. Of course it matters what the area's average annual temperature is, but it also matters what the annual temperature range is. The difference between the highest and lowest temperature is substantially greater in some places than in others.

Learn more about global average temperature here


when mountains form, the order of rock layers can be disturbed. how could radiometric dating be used to sort out the relative ages of such rock layers


Rock layers can be dated using radiometric dating because it can change how we think about them. This allows us to determine the relative ages of these rock layers.

Rock is a naturally occurring, cohesive aggregation of one or more minerals in geology. These aggregates often form recognisable and mappable volumes and make up the fundamental component of the solid Earth. According to the processes that led to their formation, rocks are typically categorized into three major classes.

These three categories of rocks are: (1) igneous rocks, which have crystallized from molten rock known as magma; (2) sedimentary rocks, which are made up of pieces of other rocks or of substances that have precipitated from solutions; and (3) metamorphic rocks, which have been created from either igneous or sedimentary rocks under conditions that have changed their mineralogical composition, texture, and internal structure. These three classes are further divided into multiple groups and types based on a variety of variables.

Learn more about Rock  here


How does water clarity affect animals?


Water clarity influences visibility and thus catchability. When most fish species cannot see the approaching peripheral gear (sweeps and doors), they are less likely to be herded into a bottom trawl net. When the water is darker, pollock are less likely to be on the bottom.

Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water based on its usage standards. It is most commonly used to refer to a set of standards against which compliance, generally achieved through water treatment, can be assessed.

The most common water quality standards convey the health of ecosystems, the safety of human contact, the extent of water pollution, and the condition of drinking water. Water quality has a significant impact on water supply and frequently determines the source of supply.

Learn more about Water quality to visit this link


Which one of the following is an indicator of the quality of teaching?


Effective teaching not just to makes learning entertaining, but it also inspires students to study more. the influence would be carried over to kids' autonomous learning at home and in various contexts.

Entertainment is a type of action that holds the interest and attention of an audience or provides pleasure and delight. It can be a concept or a task, but it is more likely to be among the events or activities that have evolved through thousands of years expressly to maintain an audience's attention. Although diverse activities hold people's attention since everyone has varied preferences, many forms for entertainment are recognised and recognizable. Storytelling, music, theatre, dance, and other forms of performance occur in cultures and were encouraged in royal courts before evolving into complex forms that were eventually open to all residents. The process has been hastened in contemporary days by an entertainment business that records & sells entertainment content.

Learn more about contemporary here


There are _____ countries in the region of South America, which includes the continent of South America and also _____.

A.18; the Caribbean

B.12; the Falkland Islands

C.10; Mexico

D.20; Central America


Answer:The correct anserw is A.


it is A. because im smart

a gas-filled balloon having a volume of at at and is allowed to rise to the stratosphere (about above the surface of the earth), where the temperature and pressure are and , respectively. calculate the final volume of the balloon in liters. round your answer to significant digits.


The final volume is 990.8 L.

Combined gas law is the combination of Boyle's law, Charles's law and Gay-Lussac's law.

Let calculate the moles of gas in the first situation:

P . V = n . R . T

1.20 atm . 2.90 L = n . 0.082 . 293K

(1.20 atm . 2.90 L) / (0.082 . 293K) = 0.145 moles

This are the same moles in the second situation:

P . V = n . R . T

0.003atm . V = 0.145 moles . 0.082 . 250K

V = (0.145 moles . 0.082 . 250K) / 0.003atm

V = 990.8 L

Learn more about balloon gas to visit this link


FULL question :A gas-filled balloon with a volume of 2.90 L at 1.20 atm and 20°C is allowed to rise to the stratosphere (about 30 km above the surface of the Earth), where the temperature and pressure are −23°C and 3.00 × 10−3 atm, respectively. Calculate the final volume of the balloon.

Which city in florida was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there?


The city in florida which was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there was Ybor City, now a neighbourhood within Tampa.

Floral or fruity scents may come from a cigar with a light body. Spice, wood, and leather odours can be found in medium-bodied cigars, while the flavours of wood, earth, and spice can be strong and even abrasive in full-bodied cigars.

Smoking cigarettes and cigars increases the risk of lung and oral cancer, respectively. Tobacco is present in both products. Cigarettes are wrapped in paper or a substance that does not contain tobacco, whereas cigars are wrapped in tobacco leaves or other tobacco-containing materials.

Ybor City, currently a neighbourhood in Tampa, was the first city called after the cigar manufacturer who established a factory there.

Learn more about cigar from here:


In what us state would you find a zip code that starts with number 1


1 = Delaware (DE), New York (NY), Pennsylvania (PA) 2 = District of Columbia (DC), Maryland (MD), North Carolina (NC), South Carolina (SC), Virginia (VA), West Virginia (WV).

What is zip code?

The United States Postal Service uses postal codes called ZIP codes. The fundamental format was unveiled on July 1st, 1963, and consisted of five digits. An expanded ZIP+4 code was introduced in 1983; it had the five-digit ZIP Code, a hyphen, and four more digits that indicated a more precise location.

1. A system of codes used as part of mailing addresses and assigned by the postal service; each code identifies a delivery area. 2. [often zip c-] A code number with five digits that is frequently increased to nine.

To know more about zip code, refer:


What strategies do you implement in the classroom to ensure that you can help students to reach their full potential?


Ways to Assist Students in Realizing Their Full Potential Identify and activate student strengths; emphasize excellent intellectual performance; build on current skills and knowledge; and recognize the impact culture.

Knowledge can be described as factual awareness or practical abilities, and it can also relate to familiarity with objects or circumstances. Knowledge of facts, also known as propositional knowledge, is frequently described as true belief that is distinguishable from opinion or guessing by virtue of justification. While most philosophers agree as propositional knowledge is a type of genuine belief, many philosophical debates center on justification: if it is required at all, how to define it, and whether something else is required in addition to it. These problems have been exacerbated by Edmund Gettier's series of thought experiments, which have resulted in a variety of alternative definitions.

Learn more about distinguishable here


which island bore the brunt of the december 26, 2004 earthquake and subsequent tsunami which killed more than 100,000 people locally?


Sumatra island bore the brunt of the december 26, 2004 earthquake and subsequent tsunami which killed more than 100,000 people locally. The Indonesian archipelago's Sumatra island is renowned for its harsh tropical topography and numerous active volcanoes. Sumatra Island Tourism benefits greatly from the quiet beaches and opulent natural beauty.

Sumatra and Java are divided by the constricting Sunda Strait in the southeast, which is home to the Krakatoa Archipelago. Sumatra's northernmost point lies close to the Andaman Islands, and its southernmost shore is bordered by the islands of Bangka and Belitung, the Karimata Strait, and the Java Sea. The island's spine is formed by the Bukit Barisan mountains, which have a number of active volcanoes, and its northeastern region is made up of vast plains and lowlands with swamps, mangrove forests, and intricate river systems. At the island's center, in the provinces of West Sumatra and Riau, the equator passes through. The island has a tropical climate that is hot and humid. The area used to be covered with a lush tropical rain forest. One of the western Indonesian Sunda Islands is Sumatra. With 473,481 km2, it is the sixth-biggest island in the world and the largest island that is entirely inside the borders of Indonesia.

Learn more about Sumatra island here


countries from what region of europe have become members of nato since 1994


Kosovo & Afghanistan are the correct answer

What is an example of a displacement?


An object's position changes if it moves in relation to a reference frame, such as when a passenger moves to the back of an airplane or a professor moves to the right in relation to a whiteboard. Displacement describes this shift in location.

The process of forcing a group of people to move from their homes unintentionally due to a war, government regulations, or other social actions, whether it be official or unofficial.

In addition to these immediate causes of displacement, structural causes such as poverty, inequality, discrimination, poor governance, resource shortages, environmental degradation, and food insecurity have been developing over time.

Learn more about displacement to visit this link


a meteorite with a composition similar to basalt is called: group of answer choices iron meteorite stony-iron meteorite tektite chondrite achondrite


A meteorite with a composition similar to basalt is called stony-iron meteorite. Nickel-iron alloy and silicate minerals are both present in stony-iron meteorites. Stony meteorites resemble volcanic rocks found on Earth, such as basalt.

Siderites, also known as stony-iron meteorites, are meteorites that contain silicates and meteoric iron in almost equal amounts. This sets them apart from stony meteorites, which are primarily silicates, and iron meteorites, which are primarily composed of meteoric iron. All stony-iron meteorites exhibit indications of modification and are distinguished. They are achondrites as a result. Mesosiderites and pallasites are two categories for the stony-irons. Pallasites have a matrix of meteoric iron with imbedded silicates (most of it olivine). Mesosiderites are breccias that exhibit metamorphic characteristics. The meteoric iron does not occur in a matrix, but rather in clasts. They are at the very top of all Meteorite classification systems, which are typically referred to as "Type." Common iron meteorite costs often fall between $0.50 and $5.00 per gram. Stone meteorites are much rarer and cost between $2 and $20 per gram for the more prevalent type. The truly rare substance frequently sells for more than US$1,000 per gram.

Learn more about stony-iron meteorite here


what geological techniques could you use to explore whether the chuckanut formation formed at tropical latitudes and shifted northward via tectonics, or whether it formed near its current latitude? group of answer choices paleomagnetism; measure the orientation of magnetic minerals to find the latitude at which the rock formed at rock texture; use grain size, rounding, etc, to infer the environment of deposition fossil record; find fossils of other species to compare survivability ranges geologic dating; narrow down the date of formation through absolute or relative dating better compare to global temperature reconstructions


This peculiar rock was produced during the Eocene epoch (34–55 million years ago), when ancient streams transported sediments (sand, silt, and clay) into floodplains. These sediments cemented and ascended as earthquakes transformed the low-lying plains into the Chuckanut Mountains and hills that we now recognise.

How do sediments form?

Because of erosion and weathering, boulders and even mountains turn into sediments like sand or mud. One kind of weathering is chemical weathering, often known as dissolution. This technique progressively removes stone by rinsing it in slightly acidic water. These three processes result in the raw elements for new, sedimentary rocks.

What are the similarities between weathering and erosion?

The Earth's surface is broken up during the weathering process. Variations in wind, water, ice, vegetation, and temperature are frequent

To know more about chuckanut formation formed visit:


What are 5 factors that affect water quality?


5 factors that affect water quality are :Policy. Information,Engineering and Design ,Materials,Equipment.

Water quality, in my opinion, describes the state of water, including its chemical, physical, and biological characteristics, typically with regard to its suitability for a specific purpose such as drinking or swimming.

It is a measurement of the state of water in relation to the needs of one or more living species as well as human need or purpose. Determine the concentrations of organic and inorganic chemicals, such as nutrients, trace metals, and dissolved organic matter,

as an example of water quality assessment; additional chemical parameters indicative of habitat suitability, such as pH and dissolved oxygen; and physical parameters, such as water temperature and turbidity.

Learn more about Water quality, to visit this link


archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?



archaeologist discovered a new set of mumies in Egypt with this unique features. A golden tongue or amulet placed in the deceased's mouth


hope it helps

most magmas are dominantly molten rock (a liquid called melt) what are the other two smaller percentage compoennts of msot magmas



Magmas are complex mixtures of various components, including molten rock, solid crystals, and dissolved gases. The exact composition of a magma can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the type of rock it is derived from and the conditions under which it is formed.


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