Is there no danger for global warming? Why or why not?


Answer 1

Answer: There is a danger of global warming.

Explanation: It eventually More frequent and intense droughts, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities. As climate change worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent or severe.

Related Questions

What is called when companies combine data from multiple sources and create electronic?


When companies combine data from multiple sources and create electronic  is called Data integration.

The process of merging data from several source systems to produce uniform sets of information for both operational and analytical usage is known as data integration.One of the key components of the overall data management process is integration, which has as its main goal the production of consolidated data sets that are clear and consistent and satisfy the information requirements of various end users within an organization.The majority of businesses have a variety of data sources, frequently including external ones. Business applications and operational staff frequently require access to data from several sources to carry out transactions and other operations. For instance, a contact center employee needs access to the same mix of data that an online order entry system needs to fulfill orders: customer, product inventory, and logistical databases.

Thus this is the meaning of data integration.

Refer here to learn more about data integration:


What is that theme or lesson and how does the jacket embody or symbolize that theme?


Because it demonstrates Santiago's readiness for change, the jacket reflects or represents the concept of transition

The child spends a lot of time thinking about his flock. He observes that the sheep are satisfied to follow his instructions and are only concerned with getting food and water. On his trip, he will encounter both helpful and harmful things. The jacket is viewed as a representation of the hero's journey. He had to carry his jacket the entire time because the heat persisted till dusk. When he started to grumble about its weight, however, he realized that he had survived the morning's chill thanks to his jacket.

To learn more about jacket please click on below link


What are Reuters and the Associated Press?
internet-only news sources
unreliable sources of information
small, locally owned news agencies
American and British news agencies


Reuters and the Associated Press are the American and British news agencies. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

What is Reuters?

Reuters may be characterized as a global information and news provider headquartered in London, England, that serves professionals in the financial, media, and corporate markets. It was a standalone global news and financial information company until it was bought by Thomson Financial Corporation in 2008.

The Reuters and the associated press now are already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world.

Therefore, Reuters and the Associated Press are American and British news agencies. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

To learn more about Reuters, refer to the link:


What are the 5 types of concepts?


The five main ideas in psychology are behavioral, cognitive, biological, and psychodynamic.

We base concepts on our experiences. Concepts are a generalized concept of anything meaningful and might be based on actual phenomena. Common demographic metrics like income, age, education level, and sibling count are examples of notions.Thoughts are constructed from concepts. They are therefore essential to cognitive functions including classification, inference, memory, learning, and decision-making. Concepts deemed "key" are those that are seen to be particularly significant in a certain context. The phrase "huge notions" is equivalent. This involves an understanding of the subject's scope and importance.By choosing words crucial to the understanding of your research issue, you may pinpoint its essential ideas. Leave out any terms, such as adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and, often, verbs, that aren't helpful for the search.

Thus these are the five types of concepts.

Refer here to learn more about concepts:


(50 POINTS FRANKENTEIN) (PLS WRITE A GOOD PARAGRAPH OR 2 CER RESPONE CLAIM, EVIDENCE, REASONING)Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein contains three embedded narratives: Robert Walton’s letters to his sister, Victor Frankenstein’s telling of his life story to Walton, and the creature’s telling of his own story to Frankenstein. Why might Shelley have decided to use this nested narrative structure? How does it impact the reader’s experience or interpretation of events in the novel? How does it affect our view of each narrator?



In a series of letters, Robert Walton, the captain of a ship bound for the North Pole, recounts to his sister back in England the progress of his dangerous mission. Successful early on, the mission is soon interrupted by seas full of impassable ice. Trapped, Walton encounters Victor Frankenstein, who has been traveling by dog-drawn sledge across the ice and is weakened by the cold. Walton takes him aboard ship, helps nurse him back to health, and hears the fantastic tale of the monster that Frankenstein created.Victor first describes his early life in Geneva. At the end of a blissful childhood spent in the company of Elizabeth Lavenza (his cousin in the 1818 edition, his adopted sister in the 1831 edition) and friend Henry Clerval, Victor enters the university of Ingolstadt to study natural philosophy and chemistry. There, he is consumed by the desire to discover the secret of life and, after several years of research, becomes convinced that he has found it.


What does infinitive mean for kids?


adverb; part of speech: Noun; definition: the straightforward form of a verb without a subject or indicative past, present, or future tenses.

Basic, unconjugated form of a verb, such as "to be" or "to walk"; can be used in grammar as a noun ("to err is human") and as an auxiliary verb ("I want to be alone"); in some cases, the "to" is omitted ("we heard him arrive"); should generally avoid having an adverb wedged in the middle of it ("to err is human," "to err is human," "to err The verb form known as an infinitive can be employed as a noun, adjective, or adverb. The prefix "to" is typically added before the underlying verb to create them, and they can be beneficial when expressing desires to do something without actually doing it, as in "I want to go home" or "To err is human." They are the uninflected, fundamental form of a verb that is not restricted to any certain subject or tense. The verb "eat," for instance, is used as an infinitive in the sentences below: To eat, we headed inside. Let her consume.

To learn more about indicative  please click on below link


What is the best known traditional music of Korea?


"Arirang" is the most well-known traditional song in both North and South Korea.

Gugak, which literally translates to "national music," is the name used to describe traditional Korean music as well as other associated art forms such songs, dances, and ceremonial gestures. Probably the most well-known traditional instrument from Korea is the gayageum. The type displayed above, which is distinguished by its "ram's-head" extension, is connected to jeongak court music. In the eighteenth century, a distinct variation of the instrument was created for solo playing with drum accompaniment. Traditional Korean music can be distinguished between music enjoyed by the royal family and music by the common people, with each having a very different style. The royal court music played during the ancestral rites of the Joseon kings, known as Jongmyo Jeryeak, was solemn and magnificent.

To learn more about accompaniment please click on below link


Is this a run-on sentence?
The honey mushroom, a fungus spreading over more than two thousand acres across
eastern Oregon's Malheur National Forest, is thought to be the largest living organism on

is it a run on sentence



No, the sentence is not a run-on sentence. A run-on sentence is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses that are not joined by a conjunction or a punctuation mark. An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete sentence.

In the sentence "The honey mushroom, a fungus spreading over more than two thousand acres across eastern Oregon's Malheur National Forest, is thought to be the largest living organism on Earth," there are two independent clauses: "The honey mushroom, a fungus spreading over more than two thousand acres across eastern Oregon's Malheur National Forest" and "is thought to be the largest living organism on Earth." These two independent clauses are separated by a comma, which acts as a conjunction and connects the two clauses into a single sentence. Therefore, this sentence is not a run-on sentence.





What is the number one unsafe behavior that contributes to collisions and violations?


The risky driving practice that increases the risk of crashes and infractions is overspeeding.

As we all know, an object's speed is directly proportional to the distance it travels in a unit of time, so driving any vehicle at an excessive speed reduces the driver's reaction time before a collision and can lengthen the time it takes for the vehicle to stop. As a result, a car traveling at a higher speed will take longer to stop and is more likely to collide with roadside objects. To have control over a car on the road, one must drive it within the speed limit.

Therefore, driving too fast is a dangerous practice that increases the risk of crashes.

To learn more about collisions refer to this link:


What are the two types of splits?


Which split is simpler, the front or the side? Fewer muscles need to be stretched for the side split from an anatomical ,standpoint.

However, the majority of people assert that getting the front splits is simpler. Standard stretches like lunges and hamstring stretches work the muscles required for the front split A Chinese split, often called a middle split, is a stretch position in which both legs are extended out to the sides. Due of the move's importance in martial arts training and performance, the stance is occasionally referred to as a Chinese split. In a pancake straddle, the knees are pointed straight up while the hips are rotated out of the socket. You might then attempt to flatten your mouth after that.

To learn more about anatomical please click on below link


Creosote Inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set maximum levels of emission. The plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. Under the Clean Air Act, this is most likely a. a violation. b. not a violation because a "major source" is exempt. c. not a violation because the plant does not use any equipment. d. not a violation because the plant is not a mobile source.


Based on the provided information, under the Clean Air Act, the plant not using equipment to reduce its emission is most likely a violation. (Option A)

The Clean Air Act is the primary federal air quality law in the United States, which focuses to reduce and control air pollution nationwide. The act was initially enacted in 1963 and amended several times. It is one of the United States' first and most influential modern environmental laws. The act provides the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the necessary guidelines and tools to protect individuals from a number of harmful pollutants that can cause health issues, especially in children. It also EPA to establish emissions standards based on technology performance for major sources of hazardous air pollutants, also called air toxics. A plant that does not attempt to reduce its emission is most likely in violation of the standards.

Learn more about Clean Air Act:


What is the BEST estimate of the expression 398÷9.9⋅1 5/6+|−22|?


The answer to the expression above using PEDMAS is 122.505

What is PEDMAS?

Note that PEDMAS is an acronym that stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right). It is a mnemonic used to remember the order of operations in mathematics, which specifies the order in which calculations should be performed when evaluating mathematical expressions.

Thus, using PEDMAS, the problems is solved using as follows:

= 398/9.9*15/6+|-22|

= 398/9.9*15/6+|-22|

= 40.202*15/6+|-22|

= 40.202*15/6+|-22|

= 603.03/6+|-22|

= 603.03/6+|-22|

= 100.505+|-22|

= 100.505+22

= 122.505

Hence, the best estimate of the expression 398÷9.9*15/6+|−22| using PEDMAS is 122.505

Learn more about PEDMAS:

The ballerina leapt and pirouetted in one lithe movement, the same way a swan effortlessly glides across a lake. Using the comparison context clue provided, what does lithe most nearly mean in this sentence? gawky and heavy-footed graceful and fluid patient and passive quick and disconnected.


Using the comparison context clue provided, the lithe most nearly means in the sentence is graceful and fluid.

What is the comparison context clue?

Compаrison clues аre words аnd phrаses thаt hаve the sаme or similаr menаning аs аn unfаmiliаr wors. Words аnd phrаses such аs like, аs, аnd in the sаme wаy often signаl compаrisons.

What does lithe mean?

The term lithe means "(of а body) thin аnd аttrаctive, аnd аble to move eаsily аnd grаcefully, or (of movements) eаsy аnd grаceful". In the sentence аbove, the word “the same way” signаls the compаrison between the clue “lithe”, аnd the meаning glides - to move or progress without difficulty or effort.

Thus, the correct answer is C (graceful and fluid).

For more information about comparison clues refer to the link:


What happened to the people of Malaga Island, Maine?

Check all that apply.

1.Authorities evicted them from the island.
2.The state gave them new homes to live in.
3.Authorities depicted them as inferior due to racist ideas.
4.The state compensated them fairly for their lost homes.
5.The state institutionalized them and performed medical procedures without consent.



Explanation:it's never evicted from the island


Authorities evicted them from the island.

Authorities depicted them as inferior due to racist ideas.

The state institutionalized them and performed medical procedures without consent.


Which sentence in this excerpt from Ambrose Bierce's “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” refers to the reality of Farquhar’s situation in the dream sequence he envisions?
They tore it away and thrust it fiercely aside, its undulations resembling those of a water snake. "Put it back, put it back!" He thought he shouted these words to his hands, for the undoing of the noose had been succeeded by the direst pang that he had yet experienced. His neck ached horribly; his brain was on fire, his heart, which had been fluttering faintly, gave a great leap, trying to force itself out at his mouth. His whole body was racked and wrenched with an insupportable anguish! But his disobedient hands gave no heed to the command. They beat the water vigorously with quick, downward strokes, forcing him to the surface. He felt his head emerge; his eyes were blinded by the sunlight; his chest expanded convulsively, and with a supreme and crowning agony his lungs engulfed a great draught of air, which instantly he expelled in a shriek!


The sentence that shows the reality of Farquhar's situation is "His neck ached horribly; his brain was on fire, his heart, which had been [...] at his mouth."

Who is Farquhar?

Peyton Farquhar is the main character in the short story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce. The reason why we are being asked about the reality of his situation is the fact that Farquhar hallucinates while he is being hanged to death.

So, part of what we read in the excerpt is simply his vision, his hallucination. It is not really happening to him. The part that is real is the one that mentions how his neck ached and how his heart gave a great leap. Those are his body's reaction to his being hanged.

As we can see, Farquhar's imagination is strong and vivid, but not enough to keep the real pain of being killed away. Therefore, we can conclude we have chosen the correct answer.

Learn more about Farquhar here:


What is the message given in the last two lines of the poem?


The poem's final two lines represent acceptance of reality. The poet made a decision and chose the difficult way.

He chose an uncharted road in his life. He wanted to try something new in his life, so he chose the less traveled path.

The last two sentences are included in square brackets since they do not constitute the voice of the rain or the poet.

They merely contain the poet's basic observation regarding the progression of a song.

A couplet is a two-line stanza with end rhyme - rhyming of the last word in each line. The couplet structure is commonly used at the end of a sonnet. An ending couplet is typically used to summarize.

Learn more about to two lines of the poem visit here;


the first scene in the play is brief, but rich in its hints about the kind of world we shall encounter as the play unfolds. what effect would the initial setting and lighting have on the viewing audience?


Answer: what is the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?


Read these stage directions from The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I:
A match suddenly flares in the attic. We dimly see Mr. Van Daan. He is getting his bearings. He comes quickly down the stairs, and goes to the cupboard where the food is stored. Again the match flares up, and is as quickly blown out. The dim figure is seen to steal back up the stairs. As described in the stage directions and from what you’ve learned about Mr. Van Daan, which sentence best explains his behavior and what it reveals about him?
a. He is getting a snack for his wife, which shows that he is kind and considerate
b. He is sneaking food for himself, which shows that he is greedy and selfish.
c. He is figuring out how much food is left, which shows that he is careful and organized.


He is sneaking food for himself, demonstrating his greed and selfishness, describes the behavior about Mr.Van Daan.

What is the behavior of Mr. Van Daan?If you read Anne Frank, you'd realize from Mr. Van Daan's situation that he's not being greedy with this action. However, even if you didn't know anything about him, you could tell from the text that he's being sneaky, giving the impression that he's greedy and selfish.Mr. Van Daan's selfishness is obvious from the beginning of the play and grows until he starts taking food from the Annex storage bin.He sells his wife's beloved fur coat to buy cigarettes and is cruel and callous to his son, Peter.Mr. van Daan's diary entry. According to Anne, he is intelligent, opinionated, pragmatic, and slightly narcissistic. Mr. Van Daan is a volatile individual who freely expresses his views and is not afraid to incite conflict.

To learn more about Mr. Van Daan refer to :


1. They haven't shown this film in Cannes. (passive voice)
2. Jane tries not to watch Tommy race competition.
Jane avoids
3. The students must give the answer before Friday. (passive voice)
4. We are discussing the solution. (passive voice)
5. My brother repainted the wall last week. (passive voice)
6. My parents never let me forget to do my homework. (remind)
7. Children put their hands into sockets. That is very dangerous. (mustn't)
8. It took her nearly an hour to do the crossword.
She spent................................
9. The house was so bad that it couldn't be repaired. (
10. They hear about the plan to collect the used boxes. They are surprised.


We can rewrite the sentences by either changing them into the passive voice or using the word in parentheses, as seen below:

This film hasn't been shown in Cannes (by them).Jane avoids watching Tommy's race competition.The answer must be given by the students before Friday.The solution is being discussed by us.The wall was repainted by my brother last week.My parents always remind me to do my homework.Children mustn't put their hands into sockets.She spent nearly an hour to do the crossword.The house was too bad to be repaired.They are surprised to hear about the plan to collect the used boxes.

How to form the passive voice

When a sentence is in the active voice, the subject is the performer of the action. To change it into the passive voice, we must follow the steps below:

Identify the subject and change it into the agent, following the preposition "by". The agent is only mentioned when it is important for the sentence to make sense.Identify the object and change it into the subject.Maintain the verb tense, but add the auxiliary "be".

An example is the following:

Active voice: My mother cleaned the windows.Passive voice: The windows were cleaned by my mother.

As for the other sentences, we must modify them to include the words that appear in parentheses. In sentence 6, for example, we must change "let me forget" into "remind".

Learn more about the passive voice here:


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which detail foreshadows the central idea that Frantz's world about to change?
(1) For a moment I thought of staying away from school and wandering about the fields. It was such a warm, lovely day. I could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood,
and in the Rippert field, behind the sawmil, the Prussians going through their drill All that was much more tempting
me than the rules concerning participles; but I had the strength to
resist, and I ran
last as / could to school. As I passed the Mayor's office, I saw that there were people gathered about the little board on which notices were posted. For two years all
our bad news had come from that board-battles lost, conscriptions, orders from headquarters; and I thought without stopping:
(2) What can it be now?"
(3) Then, as I ran across the square, Wachter the blacksmith, wha stood there with apprentice, reading the placard, called out to me: tO
(4) "Don't hurry so, my boy, you'll get to your school soon enough!"
(5) I thought that he was making fun of me, and I ran into Monsieur Hamel's little yard all out of breath.


For the past two years, all of our bad news had come from that board: battles lost, conscriptions, and orders from headquarters, and I thought without pausing to consider how each detail foreshadows the central idea that Frantz's world is about to change.

Who was Franz Marc?

Franz Moritz Wilhelm Marc was a painter and printmaker from Germany who was a key figure in German Expressionism.

Franz Marc's 1910 term for the "animalization of art" lays the groundwork for the most fertile and fruitful years of his career.

Marc used animal artwork to express a pantheistic vision of animal and herbal harmony earlier than his early demise in international warfare.

All of our bad news had come from that board for the past two years: battles lost, conscriptions, and orders from head office, and I did think without pausing to consider how each detail foreshadows the central idea that Frantz's world is about to change.

Thus, this is the detail that foreshadows the central idea that Frantz's world about to change.

For more details regarding Franz Marc, visit:


Which of the following occurs when a writer splits his or her sentence into two parts and the second part provides a mirror image of the first part?


Chiasmus. When two or more elements of a phrase are turned around, it's called chiasmus. In reverse sequence, the second half of the statement is a mirror version of the first.

The tone of a piece conveys the author's attitude. The distinctive features or qualities of a piece of writing are referred to as its style. The genre of poetry, stanza arrangement, line length, rhyme pattern, and rhythm all reveal its shape. Explanation: Reading comprehension can be aided by prior knowledge, context cues, and word structure, particularly the use of root words. Finding the meaning of an unknown word by reading it backwards is NOT useful. How may the language and formal environment of a text influence how readable it is? Right now, we are used to.

To learn more about Chiasmus please click on below link




The contour interval of the map is 47.5

The terrain is a hilly terrain and not flat

What is meant by contour interval?

The vertical separation or elevation difference between contour lines is known as a contour interval. Every sixth contour line has an index contour, which is a bolder or thicker line. The height of the terrain also rises if the numbers corresponding to particular contour lines do.

In the previous illustration, 200 divided by 5 lines equals a distance of 100. 200 divided by five equals forty, or forty-unit contour intervals. A 20-unit contour interval would be used if, on the other hand, the elevation difference between the index lines was 100 feet.

1280 - 1090 = 190 /4

= 47.5

The terrain that we have in the question can be said to be a hilly terrain and not a flat terrain from the interval

Read more on contour intervals here:


please help i will give brainliest

Find one more news story from one of the publications used earlier (The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, The Atlantic, Harper's Magazine, etc.) and complete one expository paragraph describing the information and providing one response to the event.





DISTILLATION IS A PROCESS that relies on evaporation to purify water. Contaminated water is heated to form steam. Inorganic compounds and large non-volatile organic molecules do not evaporate with the water and are left behind. The steam then cools and condenses to form purified


DISTILLATION IS A PROCESS that relies on evaporation to purify water. Contaminated water is heated to form steam. Inorganic compounds and large non-volatile organic molecules do not evaporate with the water and are left behind. The steam then cools and condenses to form purified


What are 4 types of context clues?


For instance, instances, synonyms, antonyms, and overall sense of a sentence are just a few of the four categories of context clues introduced by Nist and Mohr (2002).

clarifications or definitions


opposites or antonyms.

Use examples or justifications.

A word or phrase in the same sentence or another nearby sentence that can help the reader understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word is known as a context cue. All the words and phrases that are close to a word make up context clues. A word's definition can frequently be determined based on the words around it.

The most frequent type of context clues is a general sense context clue, which enables the reader to deduce a word's meaning from whatever information is provided. The connections between the words are inferred rather than overt.

To learn more about connections  please click on below link


What are some of the values of the Filipinos that can be helpful in becoming an entrepreneur?


Filipino values that are for entrepreneurs are, focused at keeping social harmony, encouraged commonly with the aid of using the choice to be conventional inside a group.

The predominant sanction towards diverging from those values are the principles of Tagalog: hiya, more or less translated as 'a feel of shame', and 'amor propio' or 'self-esteemFinally, the Filipino entrepreneur has a hard and fast of values that publications him in doing commercial enterprise.

The finest price for a Filipino entrepreneur is his family.To be an embodiment of the values that each neighborhood agency must uphold, each Filipino commercial enterprise chief need to be an exemplar of 5 precise traits: empathy, humility, curiosity, passion, and servant leadership.

Read more about entrepreneur;


Read the student thesis, then answer the question. a. recent trends suggest that there are negatives and positives for requiring teens to complete community service. how could you improve thesis a?


The best way to improve the student thesis, read it clearly and then answer the question.  Recent trends suggest that there are negatives and positives to requiring teens to complete community service. The purpose of this thesis is to provide direction and make a claim.

All of an argument's components should be stated in a thesis statement. The most persuasive argument for the advantages of the thesis is that it helps reduce stress and fosters individual growth, which benefits for students as a whole. The thesis statement must therefore inspire the student's writing.

Must follow the following steps to improve the student thesis.

Firstly, read the introduction of the thesis clearly. Check every statement clearly with evidence and authentication.Secondly, Read the Methodology along with the literature review for authentication of new knowledge or research.Then check the result and future direction of the thesis.

Learn more about the thesis




In the short-run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a ______ ______ than in the long run.a .greater shortageb. greater surplusc. lesser shortaged. lesser surplus


In the short-run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a Greater shortage than in the long run.

Would a cap on gas prices result in a shortage of the fuel?A gasoline price cap will worsen the short-term scarcity than the long-term one.Given that the supply of gasoline is very inelastic in the short run, a price cap on it causes a shortage that is more severe than one that would exist in the long run.This implies that gasoline producers are unable to raise their output in order to satisfy the increased demand brought on by a decrease in price. Due to this, there is a lack of fuel and an excess demand.In the long run, gasoline manufacturers can raise their output and supply to satisfy the rising demand, so alleviating the shortfall. As a result, the price cap on gasoline causes a bigger scarcity in the short term than it does in the long term.

To learn more about price ceiling refer to:


What core values are open-minded?


Be creative, adventurous, and open-minded.

Be curious to learn other people's opinions.

be capable of having their ideas refuted.

not become enraged when they are incorrect.

Empathize with other individuals.

Think about what other individuals could be thinking.

Be modest about their own competence and knowledge.

a want to learn what other individuals think.

Being open-minded is a virtue that fosters critical thinking and rational reasoning in individuals who possess it. Being open-minded refers to how people engage the thoughts and information of others. Jason Baehr defines an open-minded person as one that "characteristically extends beyond their comfort zone to investigate different ideas and perspectives, especially in this day and age.

To learn more about perspectives  please click on below link


How many three digit numbers are there between 99 and 1000?


There are 900 three digit numbers in between 99 and 1000.

For the solution, we can apply In the concept of A.P here

Last number =a+(n-1)d

we can directly apply the concept of a=1 here. Number=100 (in the given question)

Last number=999

d= A.P series difference = 1

So our solution is

999 = 100 + (n-1)1

899 = n -1.

n = 900

So the three digit number between 99 and 1000 is 900.

A 3-digit number consists of any 3 digits below the \(10\) digits with or without complements. The only restriction is that the 3-digit number cannot start with the digit \(0\).

Learn more about 3-digit number here;


What are the 3 purposes of short story?


The purpose of a short story is to impart morale, capture the moment and evoke a certain mood.

Short stories are tiny windows of fiction that pave the way into another person's mind, dreams, and world. It is either told or written in brief words. It is shorter in length with only a few scenes and usually deals with a few characters.

They did not gain much consideration during the olden times. The short story usually has a single concept explained using various scenes. Even though it has limited scope, a short story is often judged by its ability to provide a “complete” or satisfying treatment of its characters and subject.

It is a compact package which normally people prefer nowadays. It highlights only important keywords, is easily readable and shareable, and can attract a larger crowd.


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what is the name of the flap of cartilage that closes to prevent food and liquid from entering the air passages during swallowing? What is the easy amendment process? What is the relationship between 5 and 20 What does Claudius now decide to do to Hamlet Act 4? A person working on the roof of a two-story house drops a paintbrush. It is 35 feet to theground. When the brush falls, the worker on the roof shouts "Look Out!". A 6 feet tallperson is standing directly below where the brush falls.If the reaction time needed for the person on the ground to move away is 1.85 seconds,will they be hit by the paintbrush before they can move out of the way? What are the 5 elements of theme? Classical composers fully explored which large-scale form of instrumental music? What are the coordinates of the point on the directed line segment from (3,4)(3,4) to (3,8)(3,8) that partitions the segment into a ratio of 1 to 3? a. firms that do not have the ability to price discriminate will sell units equal to the intersection of which two curves? denver, incorporated, has sales of $29 million, total assets of $27.1 million, and total debt of $9.3 million. assume the profit margin is 11 percent. a. what is the company's net income? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer in dollars, not millions of dollars, e.g., 1,234,567.) b. what is the company's roa? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) c. what is the company's roe? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) If i = -1, then (i)(1 + 2)(2-3i) = ? the division of the autonomic nervous system that is anatomically known as the thoracolumbar division is the_____division. how much do you pay for $55 textbook with 7.5% tax? which event at the beginning of the war significantly swayed u.s. opinion against germany? Use the list to answer the following question.- Utilized a labor tax system- Flourished in the 15th Century- Located near the Andes Mountains- Emperors considered descendants of the sunWhich of the following cultures is being described?A. IncanB. MayaC. OlmecD. Aztec a rectangle has a fixed area of 100 units^2 and its length l is increasing at 2 unit/sec. find the length l at the instant the width is decreasing at .5 units/sec. ap calc related rates What is the y-intercept of the line y=-2/3 x ?a. -2/3c. 1b. 0d. 3/2DACB a football team socred 80 percent of a total 500 points in the first 11 games of the season how many points did the team scored you are offered a free play at the following game: ten balls are numbered 1 through 10. three are selected at random (each combination equally likely). before balls are drawn, players try to guess which three numbers are drawn by filling out a ticket. neither the order that the player selects the numbers nor the order in which the balls are drawn matters. how many outcomes are in the sample space for this experiment? When did mandated reporting start in Illinois?