Is that you up there, laughing like a loon?"

Lizzie. Lizzie Bright.

He put his head out the window. "What are you doing here?" he called down.

"Well, I've missed you, too. I'm stealing chickens."

"We don't have any chickens."

"Your dog, then."

"We don't have a dog."

"I figured you didn't have a dog—or he was deaf as a post. What does a minister have to steal?"

"Books. Preaching books."

She paused. "I guess you can keep those. I'll try somewhere else."

In this excerpt, a reader can conclude that Lizzie is playful based primarily on her



Answer 1




Look above.

Answer 2




Related Questions

Read the paragraph.
In fact, teenagers contribute a great deal to their community. This is another reason why they must be taken into account when public policy is debated. Over eighty percent of teens spend time volunteering at their schools and other organizations.
This is an example of _____.
-point of view
-statistical analysis
Gradpoint, will mark brainliest


Answer: Statisical Analysis.

Explanation: "This is another reason why they must be taken into account when public policy is debated. "Over eighty percent of teens spend time volunteering at their schools and other organizations"


Statisical Analysis.


Researcher Joshua Goodman investigated how school closings for snow and student absenteeism in Massachusetts affect student achievement. His analysis reveals that, overall, there is “a strong relationship between student absences and achievement but no relationship between school closures and achievement.” However, when Goodman examined the data more closely, he found evidence of a link between school closures and lower test scores at public schools where a high percentage of students live in low-income households. “Closures generally have little effect on achievement except in poor schools,” writes Goodman, now an associate professor of economics at Brandeis University. Each day of closure, the study finds, is associated with a drop in scores on the math and English language arts sections of the Massachusetts state exam.
What is most likely the author’s purpose? *

A. to persuade
B. to inform
C. to entertain
D. to explain

Short Answer: What conclusion can be drawn about the author’s relevance of evidence regarding school closures? Support your answer with evidence from the text. *



Option D


Since professor Goodman is not trying to explain this to any one. Hence, option B is incorrect.

He also not persuading the idea to anyone and hence option A is also incorrect.

Option C is incorrect because no where it is mentioned in the passage that he is entertaining any one.

Hence, only option D is correct because it defines the purpose of the passage i.e to explain how Closure leads to drop in marks

Please help me i need help



with wat???


What is the effect of the authors use‘ in the poem 85



The author´s use of apostrophe in the poem "85", engages readers by addressing them directly.


why are school dress codes bad? (its for a argument essay)​



Because it doesn't allow people to freely express themselves and it comforms to society's standards


for example, if a guy walks around school shirtless its fine, but lets just say a girl were to wear a short dress, mini skirt, crop top, bikini, sports bra etc. it'd be the end of the wprld

18. Which of the following statements about using humor in your writing is true?

A. Humor is best used in fact-based writing like reports and research papers.

B. Using humor will let your reader know that you're taking your topic seriously.

C. Be sensitive to cultural differences when choosing what kind of humor to use.

D. Trust that your reader will always make the connection between the humor you use and your thesis statement.



C. Be sensitive to cultural differences when choosing what kind of humor to use.


The correct answer is C. Be sensitive to cultural differences when choosing what type of humor to use.


Humor is a subgenre of texts, television programs, comics, films, plays, among others. Generally, the humor genre takes the defects or characteristics of a specific group of people to make notes that make the recipients laugh.

According to the above, when an author writes a humorous text, he must take into account cultural differences when choosing what type of humor to use because this can cause rejection in the public or be considered offensive as each culture of community mocks different aspects of life, in the same way each culture has different beliefs, customs, etc. Moreover, humor should not be used in formal or seriouspapers such as reports, and the use of humor should be explicitly connected to your thesis statement.

Learn more in:

What does Stevenson's mother make him do when he makes fun of a child 1 point
who stutters? *
a. Say "I'm sorry"
b. Hug him
c. say "I love you"
d. All of the above


Answer: a- say sorry

Read the excerpt from “The Lady, or the Tiger?”

In the very olden time there lived a semi-barbaric king, whose ideas, though somewhat polished and sharpened by the progressiveness of distant Latin neighbors, were still large, florid, and untrammeled, as became the half of him which was barbaric.

Which types of descriptive language are used in the excerpt?

metaphor and hyperbole
strong verbs and simile
sensory details and precise adjectives
precise adjectives and strong verbs



Precise adjectives (polished, sharpened, large, florid, untrammeled) and strong verbs would be my guess.


Polished, sharpened, large, florid, and untrammeled are all good adjectives. The use of verbs is more prominent than the application of sensory details in my opinion, but that would also work.

Descriptive language is used in the excerpt for precise adjectives and strong verbs.

What do you mean by descriptive language?

Descriptive language refers to the technique that is used in writing and speaking involving a detailed description of a person.

The types of descriptive language that are used in the excerpt are precise adjectives and strong verbs.

Therefore, D is the correct option.

Learn more about descriptive language here:


I need a hook, and the Guiding Question is: When should people be considered an adult, and at what point should they attain the legal rights of adulthood?



Over 21 million adolescents currently live in America, but should that number really be lower?


General age most developed countries of the world consider someone an adult, this is usually set at 18 years.

Which word refers to the surroundings?
A. environment
B. natural
C. accident​


the answer is environment


See explanation for answer.


I believe the correct answer to this question is the term, "environment" ( Option B. ) The surroundings around us are referred to as the environment.

I hope this helps!

Have a lovely night!

Look at the painting The Great Wave by Katsushika Hokusai. Block print of Hokusai’s The Great Wave. Which excerpt from the poem "The Great Wave: Hokusai" best supports the conclusion that the artist intended the wave to feel threatening? It is because the sea is blue, Because Fuji is blue, because the bent blue Men have white faces, like the snow On Fuji, like the crest of the wave in the sky the color of their Boats. It is because the air Is full of writing, because the wave is still: that nothing Will harm these frail strangers, That high over Fuji in an earthcolored sky the fingers Will not fall In the painter's sea All fishermen are safe. All anger bends under his unity. But the innocent bystander, he merely 'Walks round a corner, thinking of nothing': hidden He stands half in and half out of the world; he is the men, But he cannot see below Fuji The shore the color of sky; he is the wave, he stretches His claws against strangers.



He stands half in and half out of the world; he is the men,

But he cannot see below Fuji

The shore the color of sky; he is the wave, he stretches

His claws against strangers.


The excerpt that supports the theme that the artist intended the wave to feel threatening is D. He stands half in and half out of the world.

What is a theme?

It should be noted that a theme simply means the main idea that's contained in a literary work. It's the underlying message in the story.

Here, the excerpt that supports the theme that the artist intended the wave to feel threatening is that he stands half in and half out of the world; he is the men, But he cannot see below Fuji The shore the color of sky; he is the wave, he stretches His claws against strangers.

Learn more about theme on:

which of the following are five prevention guidelines​



The answer is the 2nd option, option B.

can someone give me a short summary and evaluation for this article?


Answer: On a late March day in 1848, Margaretta “Maggie” Fox, 14, and Kate, her 11-year-old sister, waylaid a neighbor, eager to share an odd and frightening phenomenon.

The Fox family deserted the house and sent Maggie and Kate to live with their older sister, Leah Fox Fish, in Rochester.

Community leaders Isaac and Amy Post were intrigued by the Fox sisters’ story, and by the subsequent rumor that the spirit likely belonged to a peddler who had been murdered in the farmhouse five years beforehand.

“I suppose I went with as much unbelief as Thomas felt when he was introduced to Jesus after he had ascended,” Isaac Post wrote, but he was swayed by “very distinct thumps under the floor… and several apparent answers.” He was further convinced when Leah Fox also proved to be a medium, communicating with the Posts’ recently deceased daughter.

The idea that one could communicate with spirits was hardly new—the Bible contains hundreds of references to angels administering to man—but the movement known as Modern Spiritualism sprang from several distinct revolutionary philosophies and characters.

Seventy-five years later, the 19th-century American seer Andrew Jackson Davis, who would become known as the “John the Baptist of Modern Spiritualism,” combined these two ideologies, claiming that Swedenborg’s spirit spoke to him during a series of mesmeric trances.

“It is a truth,” he asserted, predicting the rise of Spiritualism, “that spirits commune with one another while one is in the body and the other in the higher spheres…all the world will hail with delight the ushering in of that era when the interiors of men will be opened, and the spiritual communication will be established.” Davis believed his prediction materialized a year later, on the very day the Fox sisters first channeled spirits in their bedroom.


Select the correct answer.
Read this excerpt about the children Ignorance and Want. What do these characters represent in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol?
From the foldings of its robe, it brought two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. They knelt down at its feet, and clung upon the outside of its garment.

"Oh, Man! look here. Look, look, down here!" exclaimed the Ghost.

"They are Man's," said the Spirit, looking down upon them. "And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers . . ."

They represent the wisdom of the poor and wealthy alike.
They represent the ineffectiveness of government services.
They represent the poor who have been abandoned by society.
They represent the fears and insecurities that prey upon humanity.
They represent the deepest, darkest desires of the working class.



C. They represent the poor who have been abandoned by society.


When it says "From the foldings of its robe, it brought two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. They knelt down at its feet, and clung upon the outside of its garment." That most likely is implying the poor.


your answer is C


In “Hills Like White Elephants,” how does the writing style relate to the content of the story? Select all that apply.

The style is direct, and the content is direct.
The style is direct, while the content is indirect.
The style is simple, while the content is complex.
The style is complex, and the content is complex.





Part B
Which phrase from the excerpt provides a clue to the meaning of pseudo?
A "feels like someone"
B "spends a long time"
C “not afraid to push on late"
D "doesn't actually accomplish much"


Answer: D "doesn't actually accomplish much"


Things that are pseudo are not genuine and so will generally not accomplish what it is that they are supposed to accomplish and if they do, they would not do much of a good job of it.

Based on this passage about pseudo-working, the best answer would therefore be D because the method of studying did not accomplish much simply because it was not genuine.

How does Robin resolve the conflict with the foresters in Robin Hood?
by taking action
by asking for help
by changing his attitude
by avoiding the situation​



By taking action so A


Who is the “The Ten dollar founding father who got alot farther by work alot smarter?





Alexander Hamilton

The answer would be Alexander Hamilton. I hope this helps.

The phrase "the pen, or the scaffold, or the sword" symbolizes



The phrase symbolizes the tools that can be used to threaten.


Mary Harris Jones, also known as Mother Jones, was a prominent activist during her lifetime.  She worked as a schoolteacher and dressmaker. But after the Yellow fever epidemic hit her city and took away her family and her shop, she began organizing for the Knights of Labor and the United Mine worker.

She quotes that, "I am not afraid of the pen, or the scaffold, or the sword." This phrase symbolizes the tools that can be used to threaten her to stop her work. With pen, someone can write about her, with a sword someone can kill her, or with the scaffold, she could be executed.

But she asserts that she is not afraid and she will continue to spread the truth.

put the word renew into the right order and write down the word needed to make sentence


free 10 points lollolollolo im cool

50 POINTS !!


just comment “ill help.”



Okay so in order to write a poem you need to get a idea of what your writing about that interests you.


Summer, history, winter, etc.

Then you describe what you want the subject to be doing or describe a scene in which your subject is in.

Kids in Summer

Then you have to decide what kind of pattern you want to the poem to be laid out in, whether the words rhyme after the next line or rhyme with the next line.

Next line rhyming:                             Every other line rhyming:

Dog has a dish                                            What a dog

Where he ate Fish               or                   he loves fish

                                                                 he sure is a hog

                                                             when he eats out of that dish!

Example of a poem:

Its called the Ancient Evil

The winter winds dance upon the ice-capped plains

as a ballerina dances across the stage, free and serene  

the winter winds ice-cold figures danced but in vain

for just as joy flowed through their actions, an evil was left behind.

An evil that devours the ground upon the winds passing.

Frigid winter wind oblivious to the wreckage left in its wake

yet even the simple remnants; left behind is not wanting

the frozen land beholding crystals of ice upon the icy plains.

The ancient evil abhors the honest winter wind,

with it comes the scorching heat, the killer of ice, and all that is frozen

the ancient evil holds the winter dancers within its blistering grasp

and obliterates it with absolute detest.

With the ancient evil comes the gentle caresses of the sun and the reviving rain; Spring has arrived and with it draws near the hope of another year.

Add a appositive
Mars orbits the sun



Mars, the red planet, orbits the sun.


An appositive is a noun or a noun phrase that renames the noun or subject in the sentence. In other words, appositives are used to describe or write something about the noun in the sentence.

The given sentence "Mars orbits the sun" can be rewritten as "Mars, the red planet, orbits the sun". Here, the phrase "the red planet" is an appositive and describes or says something about the noun/ subject "Mars".

Thus, the appositive is "the red planet".

How does Churchill begin his "Their Finest Hour" speech?



This is what he said


The disastrous military events which have happened during the

past fortnight have not come to me with any sense of surprise. Indeed,

I indicated a fortnight ago as clearly as I could to the House that the

worst possibilities were open; and I made it perfectly clear then that

whatever happened in France would make no difference to the resolve

of Britain and the British Empire to fight on, “if necessary for years, if

necessary alone.” During the last few days we have successfully

brought off the great majority of the troops we had on the line of

communication in France; and seven-eighths of the troops we have

sent to France since the beginning of the war–that is to say, about

350,000 out of 400,000 men–are safely back in this country. Others

are still fighting with the French, and fighting with considerable success in their local encounters against the enemy. We have also brought

back a great mass of stores, rifles and munitions of all kinds which had

been accumulated in France during the last nine months.


He summarizes a "colossal military disaster."


its right

Print Assessment
Based on the information in paragraphs 11-13, what inference can be drawn about school-car
Teachers only taught elementary-aged children due to limited desk availability,
Special certifications were required for teachers to be able to teach on and operate trains.
Teachers made significant sacrifices in order to teach children unable to attend traditional schools.
The families of the teachers would plan parties for the students when they arrived and departed from town,


the answer would be A
The answer is A teachers only taught elementary aged children due to limited desk availablity

Help FAST *15 pts*

As Quin prepares to write an essay, he asks himself: "What people are important in my life? What issues affect these people? Which of these issues do I feel strongly about?"

Which prewriting strategy is Quin using?

A. Freewriting
B. Blueprinting
C. Self-interviewing
D. Coding


I think it’s D hope that helped

is it good crazy house

May: 19 1966. bye mom i'm going to the party “ok greg but don't go near that house you know the house”. Ya ya there's a haunted house in those woods and if you go in you will never come out. It has been haunted by the previous owner who died. That house has been haunted since 1956. That house has been abandoned since.

I reached the woods and there were a bunch of signs reading “stay out” “stay away don't take the risk” I walked right by those signs. But then I feel uneasy. I start to hear whispers saying “get out get out” “get out” I start running and the voices are getting louder “GeT OuT!! GeT OuT!!” I slip and start rolling down a cliff and bang!! I hit my head on a rock and I blacked out.
I see bright lights. It was comfy but wait whose house is this I just see blur but I can read cra- crazy hou- house no I wipe my eyes and I read it again crazy house OH NO NO NO NO this is the haunted house my mom was talking about. I saw a super fast blueish greenish light fly by me. I was hungry but all I saw in the house's fridge was a bunch of wooden bull heads. And all over the wall was a bunch of newspapers and posters saying missing kid missing person they were all last
seen in these woods. Ohh wait what is that poster!! It has my name on it I quickly read it says “missing kid greg caldwell” so I tear it up and I look every around the room and a bunch of my posters are up I start running up the spiral flight of stairs im running up the stairs but it feels like i'm not even going up I have been running up for 10 minutes strait. And it all still looks the same. It's like I'm in one of those carnival mazes where you feel you're at the end but youre right where you started. I went back

downstairs to use the phone and I dialled 911 but all I got was a bunch of static and a fainted voice which said “get out of my house'' and the voice got louder. “Get out, get out!!” That voice I heard in the woods, I ripped that phone from the wall and all the voices stopped… But 1 minute later I heard “you come to my house and rip my posters, step on my stars, sleep in my house and rip my phone from my house”. and I hear some strange noises coming from the hall.

I check on the hall and I see this pale 10ft super skinny man. He was as skinny as a skeleton. This thing said it again “you come to my house and rip my posters, step on my stars, sleep in my house and rip my phone off the wall GEEET OUT!!” Now he starts to chase me and he tackles me and he says “you will pay” he opens his mouth he had teeth like a shark he probably had 1 million of them.

Then boom we both hear an old guy screaming and starts attacking the monster and says “run!! Greg” So I ran off behind the coach and watched him fight. He kills the monster and the monster says you will pay in a fainted voice. I was hiding behind the couch and I am thinking how did he know my name greg how!! He steps up to me covered with green slime from the monster and says “get up son it's all over you're okay” wh- who are you and how do you know my name “kid stop talking and get up” ok I got up and he says “follow me”.

He take me to this secret room with a bunch of cameras and monitors he told me “how did you get here young man” I tell him everything and I say “my name is greg how do you know that” “I saw the posters” oh right well do you know how to get out of here “yes but it’s very complicated its like a maze. I have been studying this place for 70 years since I was 19.

“I now know this place is like it's my own house” wow!! Ok can you show me the exit please “sure but you have to pay” I got money “no I want your belt” what! why “trust me we will need it” ok but only if I can get out of here. hey do we need a key “oh ya thanks for reminding me” he grabbed a key out of the monsters stomach and his hand I covered with slime “ok all we need to do to get to the exit is walk down the stairs open this door and the exit is right ahead”.

ok are you coming “ya i'm just putting something on the house” “oh and take this” this is my poster of me missing ya watch it. We walked out of the house and the thing he put in the house was a bomb he set it off and BAAM!! It exploded. He says “look at the poster” I look at it and it starts to say Greg Caldwell, hero destroying the crazy house, how did you make that bomb? “From your belt son told ya we needed it”. I went home
and my mother ran up to me and started hugging me “thank you son now no more missing kids thank you”.



cool I like the story.......,.,.

Part 4 of 4 - Irrelevant sentences
Select the irrelevant sentence in each of the paragraphs below.
Question 20 of 23
2 Points
(1) Worrying news comes from Britain about the high school curriculum. (II) In the country that discovered gravity, evolution and DNA, the popularity of Maths and Scienc
are on the decline. (Ill) In the short term, it may be necessary to make use of the universities' resources. (IV) The number of secondary school pupils who choose to stud
these subjects is falling due to their difficulty. (V) The authorities' response is to make the courses a lot easier starting next year.
A. V
c I​





Irrelevant sentences are those sentences that have no use in the passage they are put or inserted in. In other words, irrelevant sentences are those sentences that can be removed without changing the meaning or intention of the author or passage.

In the given passage, the speaker talks about the declining importance of Math and Science in the British education system. Amidst the failing high school curriculum, the inclusion of the statement "In the short term, it may be necessary to make use of the universities' resources" is unnecessary as it does not add or take away any meaning or importance to the whole passage.

Thus, the correct answer is option B (sentence III).

The irrelevant sentence in the paragraph provided that should be removed from the passage is sentence III. (option B)

Why is sentence III irrelevant?

To understand which sentence is irrelevant, we must identify the topic or subject of the paragraph, that is, what the paragraph is about. This particular paragraph is about the fact that students are losing interest in Math and Science, which will end up causing changes in curriculum and course planning.

For that reason, sentence III is the one we can choose as irrelevant. It is not directly related to the topic - at least, not in this paragraph. It mentions universities' resources, but does not connect this idea to the others.

Learn more about irrelevant sentences here:

Compare forgotten to something.





Which of the following is NOT an informational text?
(A) textbook
(B) poem
(C) biography
(D) magazine article



What motif common to 100 100 points

folktales is best reflected in this
a moral
special powers
trickery a journey or quest



she or he is correct



im doing my exam 2023 see yu in 7th grade sorry


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