Is acetic acid soluble in isopropyl alcohol?


Answer 1

Acetic acid and isopropyl alcohol are fully soluble in water

What makes acetic acid and isopropyl alcohol-water soluble?

The form of acetic acid and isopropyl alcohol are: The acidic hydrogens are appeared by the arrow in the two systems. As we can see, the O-H bond is attending in both these compounds. Since the O-H bond is highly polar, these compounds are also highly set off, and hence, they are soluble in water.

Acetic acid, however, is quite soluble. This is easy to describe using the small alcohol vs large alcohol argument: hydrogen bonding alcohols are usually more soluble in water than alcohols of the same molecular mass.

So we can conclude that Isopropyl alcohol is soluble in water because it can form strong hydrogen bonds with the water.

Learn more about acetic acid here:


Related Questions

How many bonding electrons does chlorine have?


Chlorine has 7 valence electrons

A 3. 92-g sample of magnesium nitrate, mg(no3)2, contains ________ mol of this compound.


A sample of magnesium nitrate contains 0.026 mole of the compound which is calculated from the expression of Moles of the compound.

magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 containing volume of 3.92g.

Moles = grams of sample * 1 mole of compound /  molar mass

The molar mass of a compound tells you the mass of 1 mole of that substance. In other words, it tells you the number of grams per mole of a compound.

Molar mass of magnesium nitrate is 148.3 g/ mole.

Moles of Mg (NO3)2 = 3.92 g * 1 mole of Mg 9NO3)2 / 148.3 g /mole

                                    = 3.92 / 148.3  mole

                                    = 0.026 mole

so the mole of the compound Mg(NO3)2 is 0.026 mole .

To learn more about Moles of compound please visit:


all of the following may change during a chemical reaction except a) the total number of atoms in the system. b) the temperature of the system. c) the color of the system. d) the total number of molecules in the system. e) the physical state of the system.


All the following may change during a chemical reaction except (a) the total number of atoms in the system.

Chemical reactions follow the law of conservation of mass which states that mass is neither destroyed nor created during a chemical reaction. This means that the total number of atoms during the reaction remains constant.

In physics and chemistry, the Law of Conservation of Mass, or the Principle of Conservation of Mass, states that in a system that is closed to all transfers of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time. increase. The system cannot be changed. In other words, you cannot add or remove quantities. Mass is therefore conserved over time. [1]

This law implies that mass can be rearranged in space and change the shape of the entity associated with it, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

Learn more about  law of conservation of mass here :


which of these is not a typical property of metallic solids? a. electrical conduction b. low melting point c. ductility d. maleability e. high thermal (heat) conductivity


The correct answer is Option b

b. low melting point

What is Melting point?

The typical definition of the melting point is the temperature at which a substance transforms from a solid to a liquid.

The melting point of a liquid is the temperature at which the liquid transforms from a solid to a liquid under atmospheric pressure. This is the location where the liquid and solid phases are equally present. The substance's melting point changes with pressure as well and is reported at standard pressure.

The temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid is referred to as the "freezing point," which is the opposite of the phrase "melting point." However, it is possible to chill substances below their freezing temperatures without a solid developing. These fluids are referred to as supercooled liquids.

Learn more about Melting Point from given link


What type of reaction is Ch₄ 2 o₂ → Co₂ 2 H₂o?


It is a combustion process where the reaction CH₄ + O₂→ CO₂ + H₂O occurs.

The balanced chemical equation for the interaction between methane and oxygen gas, which results in the production of carbon dioxide and water, is,

CH₄ + O₂→ CO₂ + H₂O

As you can see from the process above, methane is being burned since oxygen is present. Along with water, methane also produces carbon dioxide.

We may infer from this that the reaction described above is a combustion reaction. It should be noted that the formation of new products as a result of the combination of two distinct reactants indicates that this reaction is likewise a type of combination reaction.

To know more about combustion reaction, visit,


glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __________.


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting generally less than 3 minutes.

In chemistry, energy is the capacity to carry out work. It can take on a variety of shapes, including potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, radioactive, etc. Heat and work are two additional instances of how energy can be transferred from one body to another. After being transported according to its type, energy is always distributed. Thus, while work may produce mechanical energy, heat transfer may produce thermal energy. All forms of energy share the characteristic of motion. Kinetic energy, for instance, is present when a body is in motion. A tensioned object, like a spring or bow, can move even when at rest because of the object's design, which incorporates potential energy.

To know more about  energy visit :









Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible. But it has a major effect on the solubility of gases.


Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids but has a major effect on the solubility of gases is a correct statement.

The definition of pressure is force/area. For instance, the weight of the snow divided by the area of the roof would be used to represent the pressure from snow on a roof. In chemistry, gases are a common source of pressure. The lack of pressure is referred to as a "vacuum." Since "nature abhors a vacuum," humans have long believed that vacuums are both impossibly rare and unnatural. This isn't actually the case. The quantity of pressure units is absurd. The torr or mmHg is a frequently used unit. All that is being discussed here is a mercury column's height. There are 760 torr, or mmHg, in the atmosphere. You could also take a look at mmH2O, which employs a related concept.

To know more about  pressure visit :


The citric acid cycle is a stage of catabolism that oxidizes acetate into carbon dioxide and generates energy. there are eight enzymes involved in the citric acid cycle.
a. True
b. False


True.A due to the fact that 8

consider the chemical equations shown here. two equations. first: upper c upper h subscript 4 (g) plus 2 upper o subscript 2 (g) right arrow upper c upper o subscript 2 (g) plus 2 upper h subscript 2 upper o (g). second: 2 upper h subscript 2 upper o (g) right arrow 2 upper h subscript 2 upper o (l). what is the equation for the overall reaction obtained by adding these equations?


CO should be eliminated since it occurs as a product in one intermediate process and a reactant in another.


The final chemical reaction:

C(s) + 1O₂ → CO₂ (g)

step 1:

C(s) + 1/2 O₂(g) → CO(g)


CO(g) 1/2 O₂(g) → CO₂(g)

The final equation is obtained by combining equations [1] and [2]:

C(s) + 1/2O₂(g) +1/2O₂(g) +CO(g) → CO(g) + CO₂(g)

CO (g) on both sides will cancel, resulting in the following final equation:

C(s) + 1O₂ → CO₂(g)

In the final chemical reaction, CO is written as both a reactant and a product as follows:

C(s) + 1O₂(g) +CO(g) → CO₂(g) + CO(g)

To know more about chemical equations visit:-



✔ –802 kJ – 88 kJ


edge 2023

Rank the following compounds from largest to smallest according to their expected magnitude in lattice energy.a. Cslb. KIc. MgS d. KBre. BeO


The following compounds from largest to smallest according to their expected magnitude in lattice energy : BeO , MgS, KBr, KI, CsI.

The lattice energy can be defined as the amount of the energy that is required to change the one mole of an ionic solid in to the gaseous ions. the lattice energy is used to measure the amount of the strength of the ionic bonds in the ionic compounds.

As we move from the left to the right in the periodic table in the period the lattice energy will be increases. in the given compounds the the largest to smallest according to their expected magnitude in lattice energy is given as : BeO , MgS, KBr, KI, CsI.

To learn more about lattice energy here


Why does the atomic radius increase across a group?


Higher principal energy levels consist of orbitals which are larger in size than the orbitals from lower energy levels. The effect of the greater number of principal energy levels outweighs the increase in nuclear charge, and so atomic radius increases down a group.

Atomic radius is defined as the distance from the centre of the nucleus of the atom to its outermost shell.

Atomic radii of elements gradually increases in a group from top to bottom. As we go down a group, the atomic number increases, thus, the number of shells increases. Also, as we move down the group, the valence electrons are present in a higher shell and thus, the distance of valence electrons from the nucleus increases. As a result of this, the force of attraction between the nucleus and the valence electron decreases. Therefore, the atomic radius increases on moving down a group.

As we move across a period from left to right, the atomic radii decreases gradually. In a period, there is gradual increases in the nuclear charge from left to right. As the atomic number increases in a period, the electron enters in the same shell. Thus, they are more and more strongly attracted towards the nucleus. As a result of this force of attraction from the nucleus, the atomic radii gradually decreases.

To learn more about atomic radius visit:


The payload of a rocket includes fuel and oxygen for combustion of the fuel. Reactions 1 and 2 describe the combustion of dimethylhydrazine and hydrogen, respectively.

Calculate the energy change for the below reaction in kJ per pound.

ΔHrxn = -1694 KJ
Calculate the energy change for the below reaction in kJ per pound.
H2​(g)+1/2​O2​(g) = H2​O(g)



-12833.33 kJ/lb is the energy change for the first reaction in kJ per pound. -65000 kJ/1b is the energy change for the second reaction in kJ per pound.

Energy change in chemistry refers to the variation in a system's overall energy between two states or circumstances. It is a crucial idea in comprehending how matter behaves and how chemicals react.

Dimethyl hydrazine gives 1694 kJ of energy per mole of compound

molar mass = 60.01g/mol

mass of Dimethyl hydrazine, m = 1 mol x60.01g/mol

= 60.01gx{1lb/453.59 g}

= 0.1321b

calculate the energy change for 1st reaction in kJ/lb as follows:


=-1694 kJ/0.132lb

=-12833.33 kJ/lb

molar mass of [tex]\rm H_2[/tex] = 2 gm/mol

mass of [tex]\rm H_2[/tex] = 1molx 2 gm/mol

           = {2 gm x 1lb/453.59 g}

            = 0.00441b

calculate the energy change for 2nd reaction in kJ/lb as follows:


=-286 kJ/0.0044lb

=-65000 kJ/1b

To know more about energy change, here:


The difference in the amounts of chemical energy that are stored in the products and reactants accounts for the energy change in a chemical reaction. The energy change for the first reaction is -12833.33 kJ/lb and that of the second is -65000 kJ/lb.

Usually, energy shifts are connected with phase transitions. For instance, carbon dioxide molecules take in energy when solid dry ice vaporizes (physical change). Energy is released when liquid water freezes.

Dimethyl hydrazine gives 1694 kJ of energy per mole of compound

Molar mass = 60.01g/mol

Mass of Dimethyl hydrazine, m = 1 mol x60.01g/mol

m = 60.01gx[1lb/453.59 g]

m = 0.132lb

The energy change for 1st reaction in kJ/lb as follows:

Energy change = ΔΗrxn/m

E = -1694 kJ/0.132lb

E = -12833.33 kJ/lb

Molar mass of H₂ = 2 gm/mol

Mass of H₂  = 1molx 2 gm/mol

m = [2 gm x 1lb/453.59 g]

m = 0.0044lb

The energy change for 2nd reaction in kJ/lb as follows:

Energy change = ΔΗ/m

E = -286 kJ/0.0044lb

E = -65000 kJ/lb

To know more about energy change, here:


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(0 votes)

you have a buffer solution that contains 0.150 m hclo and 0.250 m naclo. ka for hclo is 3.0 x 10-8. what is the ph of the solution?


The pH of the buffer solution is 7.743.

What is the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation?

The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation establishes a relationship between the pKa and pH of acids.  When the concentration of the acid and its conjugate base and the associated conjugate acid, are known, the pH of a buffer solution can be determined with the use of this equation.

We use Henderson-hasselbalch equation,

pH = pKa + log [Base] / [Acid]

pKa = -log Ka = -log (3.0 x 10^-8) = 7.46

pH = 7.52 + log [0.250] / [0.150]

pH = 7.52+ 0.2227

pH = 7.743

Therefore, the ph of the solution is 7.743.

To learn more about Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation from the given link.

draw the major product formed when the given epoxide reacts with aqueous acid. an epoxide where carbon 1 has an ethyl and hydrogen substituent and carbon 2 has two methyl groups. this reacts with h 3 o plus and water.


An epoxide is a heterocyclic organic compound with an oxygen ring. The acid protonates the oxygen, which opens the ring and starts the process.

What exactly is carbocation?

A carbocation is a molecule with three bonds and a positively charged carbon atom. To put it simply, they are essentially carbon cations. It was previously known as carbonium ion. A carbocation is any even-electron cation having a significant positive charge on the carbon atom.

Because of an incomplete octet, carbon cations are particularly reactive and unstable in general.

To put it simply, carbocations do not meet the octet rule because they lack eight electrons.

According to the question, carbon hybridization in carbocation will be sp2 with a trigonal planar structure. There is also an empty p orbital, suggesting that it is electron-deficient. Carbon contains six electrons in its valence shell. As a result, it is an electron-deficient species, also known as an electrophile.

An epoxide is a heterocyclic organic compound with an oxygen ring. The acid protonates the oxygen, which opens the ring and starts the process. A carbocation is now generated, which is quickly attacked by a water molecule.

To learn more about hybridization follow the given link:


An epoxide is a heterocyclic organic compound with an oxygen ring. The acid protonates the oxygen, which opens the ring and starts the process.

What exactly is carbocation?

A carbocation is a molecule with three bonds and a positively charged carbon atom. To put it simply, they are essentially carbon cations. It was previously known as carbonium ion. A carbocation is any even-electron cation having a significant positive charge on the carbon atom.

An epoxide is a heterocyclic organic compound with an oxygen ring? The acid protonates the oxygen, which opens the ring and starts the process. A carbocation is now generated, which is quickly attacked by a water molecule.

To know more about hybridization visit;


(b) a 2.251 g sample of barf dissolved in a 347 ml of solution produces a 0.01267 m solution. what is the molecular formula of barf?


The molecular mass of barf is  177.67 grams, and the formula is BaRf.

The molar mass of a chemical compound is described as the mass of a sample of that compound divided by using the amount of substance that is the wide variety of moles in that pattern, measured in moles. The molar mass is a bulk, no longer molecular, an asset of a substance.


mass of BaRf = 2.251 g

volume = 347 ml

molarity = 0.01267

molarity =  mole/ volume

mole = molarity * volume

        = 0.01267 * 0.347

        = 0.044

mol = mass/molar mass

molar mass = mass/mole

                   = 2.251 / 0.01267

                   = 177.67 gram.

The molar mass of a substance is the mass in grams of one mole of the substance. As shown in this video, we are able to attain a substance's molar mass by summing the molar hundreds of its thing atoms. we will then use the calculated molar mass to convert among mass and variety of moles of the substance.

Learn more about molar mass here:-


How many moles are at STP?


No. of moles at STP = Volume at STP (litres) / Molar volume at STP (litres)

The temperature of 273 K and pressure of 1 atmosphere are known as standard temperature and pressure. At STP, one mole of any gas will have a volume of 22.4 L. This volume is known as molar volume of a gas at STP. The formula to find out the number of moles at STP is

No. of moles at STP = Volume at STP (litres) / Molar volume at STP (litres)

Example: How many moles are in 224mL of CO2 at STP?

Standard volume=22.4 L

It means that 1 mole of any atom, molecule or ion occupies 22.4 L of volume at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure)

1 mole of CO2 = 22.4 L

Given volume = 224 mL = .224 L ( 1 L = 1000 mL)

No. of moles in .224 L = Given volume/Standard volume

= .224/22.4 = 0.01 mole

To learn more about STP visit:


A student walks to school in the morning when the outside temperature is 60°F. When the same student walks home after school, the outside temperature has dropped to 35°F. In this situation, how is thermal homeostasis maintained?




When the same student walks home after school, the outside temperature has dropped to 35 degrees. In this situation, how is thermal homeostasis maintained? answer choices The student's heart rate drops as a negative feedback mechanism to deliver less oxygen to the lungs


The student's heart rate drops as a negative feedback mechanism to deliver less oxygen to the lungs


The temperature has declined by 25 degrees Farenheit from 60 to 35.

how many moles of carbon dioxide are produced from the combustion of 6.12 moles of ethane gas with 2.69 moles of oxygen gas?


We can determine the moles of carbon dioxide produced  from the combustion by 5.3 moles of ethane using the Unitary Method. Therefore, 10.6 moles of carbon dioxide would be produced.

Define combustion.

Combustion, or combustion, is an exothermic, high-temperature redox chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidant (usually atmospheric oxygen) that produces oxidized, often gaseous products in a mixture called smoke. generate.

Therefore, We can determine the moles of carbon dioxide produced  from the combustion by 5.3 moles of ethane using the Unitary Method. Therefore, 10.6 moles of carbon dioxide would be produced.

To learn more about combustion refer the given link:-


the rate of effusion of h2 as compared to an unknown gas is 4.673 times faster. calculate the molar mass of the unknown gas. the rate of effusion of h2 as compared to an unknown gas is 9 times faster. calculate the molar mass of the unknown gas. he diffuses 4 times faster than an unknown gas. what is the molar mass of the unknown gas? a carbon dioxide molecule travels at 45.0 m/s at a certain temperature. at the same temperature, find the velocity of an oxygen molecule. what is the molar mass of a gas that diffuses 2.16 times faster than xenon? what diatomic element is it?



How do you calculate the rate of effusion of h2?

From Graham's law, we can use the molar mass of each gas: rate of effusion of hydrogenrate of effusion of oxygen=√32g mol−1 √2g mol−1 =√16√1=41 rate of effusion of hydrogen rate of effusion of oxygen = 32 g mol − 1 2 g mol − 1 = 16 1 = 4 1 Hydrogen effuses four times as rapidly as oxygen.


Terminal Velocity is the _
Speed that a _ object reaches when the force due to gravity
_the force of air resistance.




The faster the object falls the greater the air resistance. Terminal velocity is reached when the force due to air resistance (upward) equals the force due to gravity (downward). At terminal velocity there is no net force and therefore no further acceleration.

Classify the following phase changes as endothermic or exothermic.1) liquid to solid2) solid to liquid3) gas to liquid4) solid to gas5) liquid to gas6) gas to solid


Exothermic and endothermic process are involved in changing of the state which is given below.

Conversion of a liquid into a solid is an exothermic process because all the particles come closer to each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance decreases.Conversion of a solid into a liquid is an endothermic process because all the particles go far apart from each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance increases, which requires the absorption of heat.Conversion of a gas into a liquid is an exothermic process because all the particles come closer to each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance decreases.Conversion of a solid into a gas is an endothermic process because all the particles go far apart from each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance increases.The conversion of a liquid into a gas is an endothermic process because all the particles go far apart from each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance increases.Conversion of a gas into a solid is an exothermic process because all the particles come closer to each other, and also the thermal energy of the substance decreases.

Learn more about endothermic or exothermic reactions from the link given below.


What naturally produces formaldehyde?


Formaldehyde is present naturally in wooden goods including plywood and table boards.

The first member of the aldehyde family of alkanes is formaldehyde.

It has two bonds, one single bond with each of the two hydrogen atoms and one double bond between the carbon and oxygen atoms.

A naturally occurring chemical called formaldehyde is present in everyday household items made of wood like plywood and table boards.

In addition to this, formaldehyde is also present in paints, cosmetics, and some synthetic textiles.

Another essential component in the creation of many polyesters is formaldehyde.

Therefore, it is also present in items made of polyester.

To know more about Formaldehyde, visit,


According to the law of conservation of mass, why is the addition of calcium considered a mistake in a particular chemical equation?.


According to the law of conservation of mass, it is considered a mistake to add calcium to the product side if it is not in the reactant side of a particular chemical equation because the masses of the products and reactants must be the same.

What is a Chemical equation?

This is referred to as the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction in the form of symbols and formulae and depicts the compounds and states of matter involved.

According to the law of conservation of mass, the masses and elements of the products and reactants must be the same. Therefore, adding calcium to the product side is considered a mistake if it is not in the reactant side of a particular chemical equation because it is impossible to produce calcium from nowhere.

Read more about Chemical reaction here


The full question is:

According to the law of conservation of mass,why is it considered a mistake to add calcium to the product side if it is not in the reactant side of a particular chemical equation

what volume of methane () is required to react with 155 liters of carbon tetrachloride according to the following reaction? (all gases are at the same temperature and pressure.)


The volume of methane (CH4) is required is 131 L.

What is methane?

Having only one  carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms, methane is the most basic hydrocarbon. Effective greenhouse gas is methane. Here, four illustrations of methane used by chemists are displayed. Carbon appears light grey and hydrogen white in the coloured models. Worldwide, methane is used as fuel despite being flammable.

What is reaction?

One or more chemicals, sometimes referred to as reactants, are transformed into one or more distinct compounds, known as products, during a chemical reaction. Chemical elements and compounds are both substances.

CH4(g) + CCl4(g) 1  2CH2Cl2(g)

At same temperature and pressure, the moles of gases are proportional to their volumes.

Thus, at same temperature and pressure, 1 L of CCl4 react with 1 L of CH4

131 L of CCl4 react with 131 L of CH4.

the volume of methane (CH4) is required = 131 L

Therefore, the volume of methane (CH4) is required is 131 L.

Learn more about methane from the given link.


How do you find moles of gas at STP?


No. of moles at STP = Volume at STP (litres) / Molar volume at STP (litres)

The temperature of 273 K and pressure of 1 atmosphere are known as standard temperature and pressure. At STP, one mole of any gas will have a volume of 22.4 L. This volume is known as molar volume of a gas at STP. The formula to find out the number of moles at STP is

No. of moles at STP = Volume at STP (litres) / Molar volume at STP (litres)

Example: How many moles are in 224mL of CO2 at STP?

Standard volume=22.4 L

It means that 1 mole of any atom, molecule or ion occupies 22.4 L of volume at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure)

1 mole of CO2 = 22.4 L

Given volume = 224 mL = .224 L ( 1 L = 1000 mL)

No. of moles in .224 L = Given volume/Standard volume

= .224/22.4 = 0.01 mole

To learn more about STP visit:


if 30.7 grams of bromine trifluoride react to form 17.9 grams of bromine, how many grams of fluorine must simultaneously be formed?


if 30.7 grams of bromine trifluoride react to form 17.9 grams of bromine, 10.32g of fluorine must be formed simultaneously.

What is mole concept?

In chemistry for the calculation of large amounts of very small quantities such as atoms or molecules or other objects generally we use mole chemistry.

2BrF3 + Br2 → Br2+3F2

1mole Br2 formed = 3 mole F2 formed

159.80g Br2 formed = 3 × 30.7 g F2 formed

than 17.9 g Br2 formed = 3×30.7×17.9/ 159.80 g of F2

10.32 g of F2 is formed

For more information about mole concept please visit:


What do you think are the conditions needed to cause a molecule to be polar? How about nonpolar?


Answer: Polar molecules occur when there is an electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms. Nonpolar molecules occur when electrons are shared equal between atoms of a diatomic molecule or when polar bonds in a larger molecule cancel each other out.


Arrange the following substances in order of decreasing magnitude of lattice energy. Rank the compounds in order of decreasing magnitude of lattice energy.a. MgOb. CaOc. NaFd. KCl


The lattice energy of the compounds is distributed in the following decreasing order of magnitude: MgO > CaO > NaF > KCl.

KCl or NaF, which has a higher lattice energy?

The lattice energy increases with increasing charge and decreasing ion size.(Refer to Coulomb's Law.)MgF2 > MgO.Following that, we can examine NaF and KCl (both of which have 1+ and 1-charges), as well as atomic radii.NaF will have a larger LE than KCl since Na is smaller then K and F was smaller than Cl.

MgO or CaO, which has a larger lattice energy?

MGO is more difficult than CaO, hence.This is because "Mg" (two-plus) ions are smaller than "Ca" (two-plus) ions in size.MgO has higher lattice energy as a result.

To know more about compounds visit:


What electron configuration represents an atom in the excited state?


An atom's excited state electron configuration shows that a valence electron has been promoted to a higher energy level.

A valence electron that has been elevated to a higher energy level can be observed in an electron configuration that represents an atom in its excited state.

For example,

The sodium ’s electron configuration is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s¹.

The 3s sublevel's valence electron is promoted to the 3p sublevel when it is excited, resulting in the following electron configuration:

1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3p¹.

A specific color of light, in this case is yellow, will be produced when the excited electron returns to the 3s sublevel, which is a very unstable situation and where the same amount of energy that was absorbed will be released.

So, The valence electron has been elevated to a higher energy level, as seen in the excited state electron configuration of an element.

To learn more about Electron configuration, here :


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