1. Column C. should be type asset liabilitt revenue equity or expense
2. Coloumn D OR E should have a YES OR NO.
3. Fill in debit or credit- which is normal balance of the account, (INCREASE SIDE)
4. Fill in which type of account is it? Temporary or permanent.
Account Name Type: Asset, Will be Will be Normal Temporary or
liability, equity, on the on the Balance Permanent
revenue or Income balance is Debit
Expense statement Sheet or Credit
Capital Stock
Mortgage Payable
Interest Receivable
Account Payable
Short Term Investments
Repair Expense
Unearned Service Revenue
Depreciation Expense
Interest Revenue
Salaries Expense
Retained Earnings
Accumulated Depreciation
Utilites Expense
Salaries Payable
Account Receivable
Notes Payable
Service Revenue"


Answer 1


I attached a picture of an Excel table I used to work this. I also attached the proper format of the question that I found that helped answer this.

Instructions 1. Column C. Should Be Type Asset Liabilitt Revenue Equity Or Expense2. Coloumn D OR E Should
Instructions 1. Column C. Should Be Type Asset Liabilitt Revenue Equity Or Expense2. Coloumn D OR E Should

Related Questions

When the accounts of Sunland Inc. are examined, the adjusting data listed below are available on December 31, the end of the annual period.
1. Interest has accrued on a $28,800, 6% note payable, issued on May 1.
2. On September 1, Rent Revenue was credited for $7,800, representing revenue from a subrental for a 6-month period beginning on that date.
3. Purchase of supplies for $2,110 during the year was recorded in the Supplies Expense account. On December 31, supplies of $540 are on hand.
Prepare the adjusting entry for each item. (Credit account titles are automatically indented when the amount is entered. Do not indent manually.) No. Account Titles and Explanation Debit Credit 2. 3.
Prepare the reversing entry for each item where appropriate. (Credit account titles are automatically indented when the amount is entered. Do not indent manually.) No. Account Titles and Explanation Debit Credit



Sunland Inc.

Adjusting Journal Entries:

Account Titles and Explanation     Debit      Credit

Interest Expense                            $1,152

Interest Payable                                          $1,152

To record accrued interest for 8 months.

Rent Revenue                               $2,600

Deferred Revenue                                       $2,600

To record deferred rent revenue for 2 months.

Supplies Expense                         $1,570

Supplies                                                       $1,570

To record supplies expense for the period.


a) Data and Calculations:

1. Interest Expense $1,152 Interest Payable $1,152 ( $28,800 * 6% * 8/12)

2. Rent Revenue $2,600 Deferred Revenue $2,600 ($7,800 * 2/6)

3. Supplies Expense $1,570 Supplies $1,570 ($2,110 - $540)

b) The above adjusting journal entries are made in order to reverse the earlier entries made.  The purpose is to bring the accounts in line with the accrual concept and the matching principle of generally accepted accounting principles.  These require that expenses and revenues for the period are matched and recognized whether or not cash is exchanged.

Do It! Review 9-2a On January 1, 2017, Salt Creek Country Club purchased a new riding mower for $17,500. The mower is expected to have a 10-year life with a $600 salvage value. What journal entry would Salt Creek make on December 31, 2017, if it uses straight-line depreciation



Salt Creek should make a journal entry to record full one year depreciation expenses relating to the mower at 31st December 2017 as followed;

Dr Depreciation expenses - Machinery $1,690

--------Cr Accumulated depreciation - Machinery $1,690


Depreciation refers to the fall in the value of an asset. The annual depreciation expenses relating to Mower would be calculated as;

Annual depreciation expense = (Initial cost of Mower - Estimated salvage value) / Expected useful life.

= ($17,500 - $600) / $10

= $16,900 / $10

= $1,690

Since the Mower is purchased on January 1st, 2017, at 31st December 2017, Salt creek should make a entry to record full year depreciation expense.

What term is used for the extent to which an individual within an organization displays different behaviors in different situations?


Answer: distinctiveness


The options to the question include:

A. Continuity

B. Integrity

C. stability

D. flexibility

E. distinctiveness

The term that is used for the extent to which an individual within an organization displays different behaviors in different situations is refered to as distinctiveness.

Distinctiveness is the quality that one possesses which makes one standout and different from others. It allows the individual to be easily recognized due to the different behaviors displayed.

Jan is a music teacher at an elementary school. She writes a play for her students to perform.
The next year, she learns that another elementary school copied and is performing the same
play. Jan never registered or published the play. Which of the following is true?
O A. Jan can sue for copyright infringement.
None of the above
O c.
Jan can sue for an injunction to stop the other school from performing her play
Jan can't do anything since she didn't publish the play
O E.
Jan can't do anything since she didn't register her copyright





E. because if she report it people will say she listen to the play and copied it to make it look like her's.

c. In 2018, preferred shareholders elected to convert 4.58 million shares of preferred stock ($39 million book value) into common stock. Rather than issue new shares, the company granted 4.58 million shares held in treasury stock to the preferred shareholders, with a total cost of $33 million. Prepare a journal entry to illustrate how this transaction would have been recorded. (Hint: use the cost per share for 2018 determined in b.) Enter answers in millions. Round to the nearest million.



Dr Preferred stock 39

    Cr Treasury stock 33

    Cr Additional paid in capital 6


Since the value of preferred stock is lower than the value of treasury stock, then the difference must be recorded as additional paid in capital. Additional paid in capital = $39,000,000 - $33,000,000 = $6,000,000

Naranjo Company designs industrial prototypes for outside companies. Budgeted overhead for the year was $345,000, and budgeted direct labor hours were 23,000. The average wage rate for direct labor is expected to be $30 per hour. During June, Naranjo Company worked on four jobs. Data relating to these four jobs follow:
Job 39 Job 40 Job 41 Job 42
Beginning balance $26,200 $32,800 $16,700 $0
Materials requisitioned 18,000 21,000 8,400 13,300
Direct labor cost 9,100 18,100 3,050 4,200
Overhead is assigned as a percentage of direct labor cost. During June, Jobs 39 and 40 were completed; Job 39 was sold at 110 percent of cost. (Naranjo had originally developed Job 40 to order for a customer; however, that customer was near bankruptcy and the chance of Naranjo being paid was growing dimmer. Naranjo decided to hold Job 40 in inventory while the customer worked out its financial difficulties. Job 40 is the only job in Finished Goods Inventory.) Jobs 41 and 42 remain unfinished at the end of the month.
1. Calculate the overhead rate based on direct labor cost.
% of direct labor cost
2. Set up a simple job-order cost sheet for all jobs in process during June. If an amount is zero, enter "0".
Naranjo Company
Job-Order Cost Sheets
Job 39 Job 40 Job 41 Job 42
Balance, June 1 $ $ $ $
Total $ $ $ $
3. What if the expected direct labor rate at the beginning of the year was $20 instead of $25? What would the overhead rate be?
New budgeted direct labor cost = $
New overhead rate = % of direct labor cost
How would the cost of the jobs be affected?



1. Budgeted direct labor cost = Average wage rate for direct labor * Budgeted direct labor hours

Budgeted direct labor cost = $30 * 23,000

Budgeted direct labor cost = $690,000

Overhead rate = Budgeted overhead costs/Budgeted direct labor cost

Overhead rate = $345,000 / $690,000

Overhead rate = 0.5

Overhead rate = 50%

2. Applied Overhead = Direct labor cost * Overhead rate


                                          Job 39       Job 40       Job 41     Job 42

Beginning balance         $26,200     $32,800    $16,700    $0

Material requisitioned    $18,000      $21,000     $8,400     $13,300

Direct labor cost             $9,100        $18,100      $3,050     $4,200

Applied Overhead          $4,550       $9,050      $1,525       $2,100

Total Cost                        $57,850     $80,950   $29,675    $19,600

3. Budgeted direct labor cost = Average wage rate for direct labor * Budgeted direct labor hours

Budgeted direct labor cost = $20 * 23,000

Budgeted direct labor cost = $460,000

Overhead rate = Budgeted overhead costs/Budgeted direct labor cost

Overhead rate = $345,000 / $460,000

Overhead rate = 0.75

Overhead rate = 75%

Waupaca Company establishes a $410 petty cash fund on September 9. On September 30, the fund shows $120 in cash along with receipts for the following expenditures: transportation costs of merchandise purchased, $59; postage expenses, $74; and miscellaneous expenses, $144. The petty cashier could not account for a $13 shortage in the fund. The company uses the perpetual system in accounting for merchandise inventory.
Prepare (1) the September 9 entry to establish the fund, (2) the September 30 entry to reimburse the fund, and (3) an October 1 entry to increase the fund to $440.
1-Prepare the journal entry to establish the Petty Cash fund.
2-Record the reimbursement of the petty cash fund.
3-Record the increase of the petty cash fund.
Date General Journal Debit Credit
Oct 01



1. Sep 09

Dr Petty cash $410

Cr Cash $410

2. Sep 30

Dr Merchandise inventory $59

Dr Postage expense $74

Dr Miscellaneous expenses $144

Dr Cash short and over $13

Cr Cash $290

3. Oct 01

Dr Petty cash $30

Cr Cash $30


1-Preparation of the journal entry to establish the Petty Cash fund

Sep 09

Dr Petty cash $410

Cr Cash $410

2- Preparation of the journal entry to Record the reimbursement of the petty cash fund.

Sep 30

Dr Merchandise inventory $59

Dr Postage expense $74

Dr Miscellaneous expenses $144

Dr Cash short and over $13

Cr Cash $290


3- Preparation of the journal entry to Record the increase of the petty cash fund

Oct 01

Dr Petty cash $30

Cr Cash $30


which of the following articles of the US Consitution created the executive branch



Article II


Article 2 of the constitutions vests  executive power to the President of the USA

Assume that on September 1 Office Depot had an inventory that included a variety of calculators. The company uses a perpetual inventory system. During September these transactions occurred.
Sept. 6 Purchased calculators from Green Box Co. at a total cost of $1,620, terms n/30.
9 Paid freight of $50 on calculators purchased from Green Box Co.
10 Returned calculators to Green Box Co. for $38 credit because they did not meet specifications.
12 Sold calculators costing $520 for $690 to University Book Store, terms n/30.
14 Granted credit of $45 to University Book Store for the return of one calculator that was not ordered. The calculator cost $34.
20 Sold calculators costing $570 for $760 to Campus Card Shop, terms n/30.



Sept. 6 Purchased calculators from Green Box Co. at a total cost of $1,620, terms n/30.

Dr Inventory 1,620

    Cr Accounts receivable 1,620

9 Paid freight of $50 on calculators purchased from Green Box Co.

Dr Inventory 50

    Cr Cash 50

10 Returned calculators to Green Box Co. for $38 credit because they did not meet specifications.

Dr Accounts payable 38

    Cr Inventory 38

12 Sold calculators costing $520 for $690 to University Book Store, terms n/30.

Dr Accounts receivable 690

    Cr Sales revenue 690

Dr Cost of goods sold 520

    Cr Inventory 520

14 Granted credit of $45 to University Book Store for the return of one calculator that was not ordered. The calculator cost $34.

Dr Sales revenue 45

     Cr Accounts receivable 45

Dr Inventory 34

    Cr Cost of goods sold 34


20 Sold calculators costing $570 for $760 to Campus Card Shop, terms n/30.

Dr Accounts receivable 760

    Cr Sales revenue 760

Dr Cost of goods sold 570

    Cr Inventory 570

Which one of the following is the reason that bonds may sell at a discount or premium?
A. The market yield rate fluctuated between the time the bond agreement was written and the date the bonds were actually issued to investors
B. Market conditions caused the coupon rate of interest to change between the time the bond agreement was written and the date the bonds were actually issued to investors
C. The bond issuer failed to consider the market yield rate when the bond agreement was created
D. The bond issuer adjusted the coupon rate to match that of other bond issues



A. The market yield rate fluctuated between the time the bond agreement was written and the date the bonds were actually issued to investors


Interest rate changes and changes in the market price of outstanding bonds have an inverse relationship. If the market rate of interest is more than coupon rate than the bonds are sold at discount to match the market interest rate and if the coupon rate is more than market rate than bonds are sold at premium for match the market rate of interest.

Coupon rates one decided than there is no change in the life time of the bonds but market rate are always changing and because of this the bonds are sell at discount or premium.

Westan Corporation uses a predetermined overhead rate of $23.10 per direct labor-hour. This predetermined rate was based on a cost formula that estimated $277,200 of total manufacturing overhead for an estimated activity level of 12,000 direct labor-hours. The company incurred actual total manufacturing overhead costs of $266,000 and 12,600 total direct labor-hours during the period. Required: Determine the amount of manufacturing overhead that would have been applied to all jobs during the period.



the applied manufacturing overhead is $291,060


The computation of the applied manufacturing overhead is shown below:

= Predetermined overhead rate × total direct labor hours

= $23.10 × 12,600

= $291,060

Hence, the applied manufacturing overhead is $291,060

Find the amount to which $600 will grow under each of these conditions: 8% compounded annually for 3 years. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest cent. $ 8% compounded semiannually for 3 years. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest cent. $ 8% compounded quarterly for 3 years. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest cent. $ 8% compounded monthly for 3 years. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest cent. $ 8% compounded daily for 3 years. Assume 365-days in a year. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest cent.



Future values:

a. $755.83

b. $759.19

c. $760.95

d. $762.14

e. $762.75


a) Data and Calculations:

Present value = $600


1. 8% compounded annually for 3 years:

N (# of periods) = 3

I/Y (Interest per year) = 8

PV (Present Value)  = $600

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $ 0

FV = $755.83

Total Interest = $155.83

2. 8% compounded semiannually for 3 years.

N (# of periods) = 6

I/Y (Interest per year) = 4

PV (Present Value)  = $600

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $ 0

FV = $759.19

Total Interest $159.19

3. 8% compounded quarterly for 3 years.

N (# of periods) = 12

I/Y (Interest per year) = 2

PV (Present Value)  = $600

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $ 0

FV = $760.95

Total Interest $160.95

4. 8% compounded monthly for 3 years.

N (# of periods) = 36

I/Y (Interest per year) = 0.66667%

PV (Present Value)  = $600

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $0

FV = $762.14

Total Interest = $162.14

5. 8% compounded daily for 3 years. Assume 365-days in a year.

N (# of periods) = 1,095

I/Y (Interest per year) = 0.02192%

PV (Present Value)  = $600

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $0

FV = $762.75

Total Interest $162.75

Taylor Company began manufacturing operations on January 2, 20X1. During 20X1 Taylor reported pre-tax book income of $150,000 and had taxable income of $200,000. Taylor had a temporary difference relating to accrued product warranty costs which are expected to be paid as follows: 20X2$30,00020X3$15,00020X4$5,000 The enacted tax rates are 21% for 20X1 and 20X2; and 25% for 20X3 and 20X4. The deferred tax asset at the end of 20X1 is:





The computation of the deferred tax asset is shown below:

= 21%(20X2 Expense) + 25%(20X3 and 20X4 Expense)

= 21%($30,000) + 25%($15,000) + 25%($5,000)

= $6,300 + $3,750 + $1,250

= $11,300

Desjarlais Corporation uses the following activity rates from its activity-based costing to assign overhead costs to products.
Activity Cost Pools Activity Rate
Setting up batches $ 87.25 per batch
Assembling products $ 6.38 per assembly hour
Processing customer orders $ 53.91 per customer order
Data concerning two products appear below:
Product S96U Product Q06F
Number of batches 34 45
Number of assembly hours 105 820
Number of customer orders 17 29
a. How much overhead cost would be assigned to Product S96U using the company's activity-based costing system?
b. How much overhead cost would be assigned to Product QO6F using the company's activity-based costing system?



Results are below.


To allocate overhead, we need to use the following formula:

Allocated MOH= Estimated manufacturing overhead rate* Actual amount of allocation base


Setting up batches= 87.25*34= $2,966.5

Assembling products= 6.38*105= $669.9

Processing customer orders= 53.91*17= $916.47

Total allocated costs= $4,552.87


Setting up batches= 87.25*45= $3,926.25

Assembling products= 6.38*820= $5,231.6

Processing customer orders= 53.91*29= $1,563.39

Total allocated costs= $10,721.24

The daily cost of producing pizza in New Haven is C(Q) = 4Q + (Q2/40); the marginal cost is MC = 4 + (Q/20). There are no avoidable fixed costs. What is the market supply function if there are 10 firms making pizza? If 20 firms are making pizza? What is the market supply curve under free entry? [HINT: As the first step, find the AC and show that AC is at its minimum when Q = 0.]



[tex]q_{10}[/tex] = 200P - 800

[tex]q_{20}[/tex] = 400P - 1600


let the supply function be : P = MC

P = 4 + Q/20

therefore Q = 20P - 80 ( supply function )

For 10 firms

Q = 10( 20P - 80 ) = 200P - 800

for 20 firms

Q = 20(20P - 80 ) = 400P - 1600

next determine market supply curve under free entry

AC = 4 + Q/40

Hence ; when Q = 0 , AC = 4   and this is for unlimited number of firms

Many employment contracts have mandatory arbitration clauses.




This answer is True

Suppose the town of Boone has a total population of 70,000 people. Of those, 65,000 people are employed. There are 1,000 full-time students who are not employed or actively seeking work. The rest of the people are out of work but have been actively seeking work within the past four weeks.
Instructions: In part a, round your answer to 1 decimal place. In part b, enter your answer as a whole number.
a. What is Boone’s unemployment rate?
b. Suppose there are 1,000 people who are unemployed as a result of frictional unemployment and 2,000 people who are unemployed as a result of cyclical unemployment. How many people are unemployed as a result of structural unemployment?



A. 5.8%

B. 1,000


Calculation for Boone’s unemployment rate

Unemployment rate=[(70,000-1,000)-65,000]/(70,000-1,000)*100

Unemployment rate=(69,000-65,000)/69,000*100

Unemployment rate=4,000/69,000*100

Unemployment rate=5.8%

Therefore Boone’s unemployment rate will be 5.8%

B. Calculation for How many people are unemployed as a result of structural unemployment

Unemployed people=[(70,000-1,000)-65,000]-1,000-2,000

Unemployed people= 4,000 - 1,000 - 2,000

Unemployed people=1,000

Therefore the numbers of people that are are unemployed as a result of structural unemployment will be 1,000

Annenbaum Corporation uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. This month, the beginning inventory in the first processing department consisted of 1,400 units. The costs and percentage completion of these units in beginning inventory were:
Cost Percent Complete
Materials costs $6,700 65%
Conversion costs $7,800 45%
A total of 8,500 units were started and 6,900 units were transferred to the second processing department during the month. The following costs were incurred in the first processing department during the month:
Materials costs $126,500
Conversion costs $208,000
The ending inventory was 50% complete with respect to materials and 35% complete with respect to conversion costs. The cost per equivalent unit for conversion costs for the first department for the month is closest to:_____.
a. $18.42.
b. $19.02.
c. $19.91.
d. $17.60.


Answer: $27.14


First find the ending inventory:

= Beginning inventory + Units started - units transferred

= 1,400 + 8,500 - 6,900

= 3,000 units

Conversion EUP = Units transferred + (50% * ending inventory)

= 6,900 + (35% * 3,000)

= 7,950 units

Conversion cost per EUP:

= (Beginning conversion cost + month conversion cost) / EUP

= (7,800 + 208,000) / 7,950

= $27.14

The options are probably for another variant of this question.

The City of Lora issued $5,000,000 of general government, general obligation, 8%, 20-year bonds at 103 on April 1, 2017 20X7, to finance a major general government capital project. Interest is payable semiannually on each October 1 and April 1 during the term of the bonds. In addition, $250,000 of principal matures each April 1. If Lora's fiscal year-end is December 31, what amount of debt service expenditures should be reported for this DSF for the 20X7 fiscal year





The value of the government obligation = $5,00,000, 8%, 20 years bonds payable at 103

Interest expenses = $5,000,000 * 8/100 * 6/12 = $200,000.

Thus, $200,000 will be reported as debt service expenses in the fiscal year 20X7.

You have just purchased a municipal bond with a $10,000 par value for $9,500. You purchased it immediately after the previous owner received a semi-annual interest payment. The bond rate is 6.6% per year payable semi-annually. You plan to hold the bond for 4 years, selling the bond immediately after you receive the interest payment. If your desired nominal yield is 3% per year compounded semi-annually, what will be your minimum selling price for the bond?



Minimum selling price for the bond = $11350.38


Given - You have just purchased a municipal bond with a $10,000 par

             value for $9,500. You purchased it immediately after the previous

             owner received a semi-annual interest payment. The bond rate is

             6.6% per year payable semi-annually. You plan to hold the bond for

             4 years, selling the bond immediately after you receive the interest

              payment. If your desired nominal yield is 3% per year compounded


To find - What will be your minimum selling price for the bond?

Proof -

Formula for Bond value is -

Bond value = [tex]\frac{Coupon Amount}{( 1+ Interest rate)^{1} } + \frac{Coupon Amount}{( 1+ Interest rate)^{2} } + \frac{Coupon Amount}{( 1+ Interest rate)^{3} } + .....\frac{Coupon Amount}{( 1+ Interest rate)^{n} }[/tex]

As given,

Coupon Rate = 6.6%

⇒Coupon Rate for semi-annual = 3.3%

and hereby time period becomes double i.e 8 years.


Interest rate = 3%

For semi-annual , interest = 1.5%


Coupon amount = 10,000×3.3% = 330


Bond value = 330 ×PVIF(1.5% , 8) + 10,000×IVAF(1.5%, 8)

                   = 330×7.486 + 10,000×0.888

                   = 11350.38

∴ we get

Minimum selling price for the bond = $11350.38

At December 31, 2020 and 2021, Oriole Company had outstanding 4000 shares of $100 par value 6% cumulative preferred stock and 18800 shares of $10 par value common stock. At December 31, 2020, dividends in arrears on the preferred stock were $13000. Cash dividends declared in 2021 totaled $44600. What amounts were payable on each class of stock



See below


2020 2021

Allocation to preferred stock

Nil 44,600

Remainder to common stock

Nil 20,000

Umatilla Bank and Trust is considering giving Splish Brothers Inc. a loan. Before doing so, it decides that further discussions with Splish Brothers Inc.’s accountant may be desirable. One area of particular concern is the Inventory account, which has a year-end balance of $247,680. Discussions with the accountant reveal the following.
1. Splish Brothers Inc. sold goods costing $50,590 to Hemlock Company FOB shipping point on December 28. The goods are not expected to reach Hemlock until January 12. The goods were not included in the physical inventory because they were not in the warehouse.
2. The physical count of the inventory did not include goods costing $100,920 that were shipped to Splish Brothers Inc. FOB destination on December 27 and were still in transit at year-end.
3. Splish Brothers Inc. received goods costing $25,880 on January 2. The goods were shipped FOB shipping point on December 26 by Yanice Co. The goods were not included in the physical count.
4. Splish Brothers Inc. sold goods costing $54,220 to Ehler of Canada FOB destination on December 30. The goods were received in Canada on January 8. They were not included in Splish Brothers Inc. physical inventory.
5. Splish Brothers Inc. received goods costing $43,380 on January 2 that were shipped FOB destination on December 29. The shipment was a rush order that was supposed to arrive December 31. This purchase was included in the ending inventory of $247,680.
Determine the correct inventory amount on December 31.



the  correct inventory amount is $284,400


The computation of the correct inventory amount is shown below:

= End year balance + FOB shipping point + fob destination - fob destination

= $247,680 + $25,880 + $54,220 - $43,380

= $284,400

Hence, the  correct inventory amount is $284,400

A company expects to pay a dividend of $3.50 per share one year from today. the dividend is expected to grow at 30 percent per year for three years. Thereafter, the dividend will grow at 4 percent per year in perpetuity. if the appropriate discount rate for the stock is 13 percent, what is the price of the stock today


Answer: $70


Price = Present value of year 1 dividend + Present value of year 2 dividend + Present value of year 3 dividend + Present value of year 4 dividend + Present value of year 4 price

Year 4 price = Year 4 dividend / ( Required return - Growth rate after 3 years)

= (3.50 * 1.30³ * 1.04) / (13% - 4%)

= $88.856

Price = (3.50 / (1 + 13%)) + ( (3.50 * 1.3) / 1.13²) + ( (3.50 * 1.3²) / 1.13³) + ( (3.50 * 1.3³) / 1.13⁴) + 88.856/1.13⁴

= $69.97

= $70

Brian has a job. The first place he should look for health care coverage is because the costs will probably be the for the generous terms and coverage. Darnell does not have a job. He is a member of the alumni association of his alma mater. Darnell will probably find better coverage for a lower cost through plans offered by because plans spread the costs and risks among more people than plans do. To begin their research, Brian and Darnell should look at in order to .



the company he works for
his alumni association
indemnity and managed care plans
be thorough


Shen has a job. The first place he should look for health care coverage is his employer because the costs will probably be the most affordable for the generous terms and coverage. Yakov does not have a job. He is a member of the alumni association of his alma mater. Yakov will probably find better coverage for a lower cost through plans offered by health insurance exchanges because these plans spread the costs and risks among more people than individual plans do. To begin their research, Shen and Yakov should look at the websites of health insurance providers in order to compare different plans, costs, and coverage options.

In their pursuit of health care coverage, Shen and Yakov have distinct options based on their employment status. With a job, Shen's best initial choice lies with his employer-provided health insurance, likely offering affordable premiums and comprehensive coverage. Conversely, Yakov's absence of employment leads him to explore health insurance exchanges

As an alumnus, he may access plans with better coverage at lower costs since these plans distribute expenses and risks across a larger pool of individuals. Both should commence their research by reviewing the official websites of local health insurance providers, where they can compare various plans to make informed decisions that align with their specific needs and financial capabilities.

To know more about health insurance, click here.


------------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:


Shen has a job. The first place he should look for health care coverage is _____ because the costs will probably be the ______ for the generous terms and coverage. Yakov does not have a job. He is a member of the alumni association of his alma mater. Yakov will probably find better coverage for a lower cost through plans offered by ________ because ________ plans spread the costs and risks among more people than _______ plans do. To begin their research, Shen and Yakov should look at _______ in order to _____________."---------------

which of the following is an example of greenwashing



An example of greenwashing is the American multinational oil and gas corporation ExxonMobil indicating they were reducing greenhouse gas emissions while they were actually increasing


The example of greenwashing is a food company changes its packaging to look more natural in order to sell more.

In greenwashing, company do creates a small product that is eco-friendly to draw customers into their store.

Example: A doormat company sells one product made out of recycled material. The recycled material is overpriced but still makes them look good.

Unilever is also one type of business going green with an eco friendly strategy.

Conclusively, Greenwashing is simply the use of deceptive marketing techniques to persuade consumers that an organization's products and vision are environmentally-friendly.

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The full question is below

Which of the following is an example of greenwashing

A. A large office starts a recycling campaign to cut down on waste.

B. An event company uses recycled paper products instead of plastic


C. A hair product company cuts back on certain chemicals.

D. A food company changes its packaging to look more natural in order to sell more.

A municipal bond has yield to maturity of 4.83 percent. An investor with a marginal tax rate of 35 percent is indifferent between this municipal bond and an otherwise identical taxable corporate bond. What is the yield to maturity of the corporate bond


Answer: 7.43%


The yield to maturity simply refers to the total return that is expected on a bond as long as the bond is held till it matures.

In this case, since the investor is indifferent between this municipal bond and an otherwise identical taxable corporate bond, the yield to maturity of the corporate bond will be:

4.83% = Corporate bond YTM × ( 1- 35%)

4.83% = Corporate bond YTM × 65%

Corporate bond YTM = 4.83% / 65%

Corporate bond YTM = 0.0483/0.65

Corporate bond YTM = 7.43%

The yield to maturity of the corporate bond is 7.43%

Companies recognize revenue when goods or services are transferred to customers for the amount the company expects to be entitled to receive in exchange for those goods or services. That core principle is implemented by (1) identifying a contract with a customer, (2) identifying the performance obligations in the contract, (3) determining the transaction price of the contract, (4) allocating that price to the performance obligations, and (5) recognizing revenue when (or as) each performance obligation is satisfied.



1. Identifying a contract with a customer.

First step is to identify that a contract has been made with a customer to supply some form of goods or service.

2.  Identifying the performance obligations in the contract.

Second step is to identify what is required of the company by the customer via the contract.

3. Determining the transaction price of the contract.

After identifying the performance obligations, the company must now decide the price they can satisfy these obligations with.

4. Allocating that price to the performance obligations.

Company should then allocate the price to the performance obligations to properly trace costs and revenue.

5. Recognizing revenue when (or as) each performance obligation is satisfied.

As each obligation is satisfied, the company will be able to know what revenue to recognize because they assigned prices to each obligation.

The 2021 income statement of Adrian Express reports sales of $20,710,000, cost of goods sold of $12,600,000, and net income of $1,980,000. Balance sheet information is provided in the following table.
Balance Sheets
December 31, 2021 and 2020
2021 2020
Current assets:
Cash $840,000 $930,000
Accounts receivable 1,775,000 1,205,000
Inventory 2,245,000 1,675,000
Long-term assets 5,040,000 4,410,000
Total assets $ 9,900,000 $8,220,000
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities $ 2,074,000 $1,844,000
Long-term liabilities 2,526,000 2,584,000
Common stock 2,075,000 2,005,000
Retained earnings 3,225,000 1,787,000
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity
$9,900,000 $8,220,000
Industry averages for the following profitability ratios are as follows:
Gross profit ratio 45 %
Return on assets 25 %
Profit margin 15 %
Asset turnover 8.5 times
Return on equity 35 %
1. Calculate the five profitability ratios listed above for Adrian Express. (Round your answers to 1 decimal place.)
2. Do you think the company is more profitable or less profitable than the industry average?
More profitable
Less profitable



Adrian Express

1. Five Profitability Ratios:

Gross profit ratio: = 39.2%

Return on assets = 20%

Profit margin = 9.6%

Asset turnover = 2.1 times

Return on equity = 37.4%

2. I think the company is:

Less profitable

than the industry average.


a) Data and Calculations:

Sales Revenue        $20,710,000

Cost of goods sold $12,600,000

Gross profit                $8,110,000

Net income               $1,980,000


Balance Sheets

December 31, 2021 and 2020

                                                                          2021                  2020


Current assets:

Cash                                                              $840,000            $930,000

Accounts receivable                                     1,775,000            1,205,000

Inventory                                                      2,245,000            1,675,000

Current assets                                          $4,860,000          $3,810,000

Long-term assets                                        5,040,000            4,410,000

Total assets                                             $ 9,900,000         $8,220,000

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Current liabilities                                     $ 2,074,000          $1,844,000

Long-term liabilities                                   2,526,000           2,584,000

Common stock                                          2,075,000           2,005,000

Retained earnings                                    3,225,000             1,787,000

Total Equity                                               5,300,000           3,792,000

Total liabilities & stockholders' equity   $9,900,000         $8,220,000

Industry averages for the following profitability ratios are as follows:

Gross profit ratio 45 %

Return on assets 25 %

Profit margin 15 %

Asset turnover 8.5 times

Return on equity 35 %

Gross profit ratio: = Gross profit/Sales * 100

= $8,110,000/$20,710,000 * 100

= 39.2%

Return on assets = Net income/Assets * 100

= $1,980,000/$9,900,000 * 100

= 20%

Profit margin = Net Income/Sales * 100

= $1,980,000/$20,710,000 * 100

= 9.6%

Asset turnover = Sales/Total Assets

= $20,710,000/$9,900,000 = 2.1 times

Return on equity = Net Income/Total Equity * 100

= $1,980,000/$5,300,000 * 100

= 37.4%

akashi plans to save $30,000 per year until he retires. His first savings contribution to his retirement account is expected in 1 year from today. Takashi plans to retire in 6 years from today, immediately after making his last $30,000 contribution to his retirement account. He then plans to be retired for 6 years. Takashi expects to earn 8.0 percent per year in his retirement account, both before and during his retirement. If Takashi receives equal annual payments from his retirement account during his retirement with the first of these annual retirement payments received in 1 year after he retires and the last of these annual retirement payments received in 6 years after he retires, then how much can Takashi expect each of his annual retirement payments to be





future value of Takashi's savings = $30,000 x 7.3359 (FVIFA, 8%, 6 periods) = $220,077

the value of each distribution payment = $220,077 / 4.6229 (PVIFA, 8%, 6 periods) = $47,605.83

These are ordinary annuities, therefore, so we can find their annuity factors using a table.

Consider an economy described by the following​ equations: Y​ = C​ + I​ + G, G​ = 2,000 T​ = 2,000 C ​ = 250​ + 0.75YD I​ = 750 ​a) Is there a government budget​ deficit, budget​ surplus, or balanced​ budget? A. budget deficit B. budget surplus C. balanced budget ​b) Calculate the equilibrium value of Y. Y​ = ​$ nothing ​c) What is the value of autonomous consumption​ (c0)? autonomous consumption​ = ​$ nothing ​d) What is the value of​ MPC? What is the value of​ MPS? MPC​ = nothing MPS​ = nothing ​e) Calculate the value of APC and the value of APS. Round your answers at 2 decimal places. APC​ = nothing APS​ = nothing ​f) Calculate private​ saving, public saving and national saving. Private Saving​ = ​$ nothing Public Saving​ = ​$ nothing National Saving​ = ​$ nothing


Answer: See explanation


a. This is a balanced budget. A balanced budget is when the government expenditure and the revenue generated are thesame. In this case, government expenditure (G) and revenue gotten from taxes (T) are both 2000.

b. The equilibrium value of Y will be:

Y = C + I + G

Y = 250 + 0.75(Y - 2000) + 750 + 2000

Y = 250 + 0.75Y - 1500 + 750 + 2000

Y - 0.75Y = 1500

0.25Y = 1500

Y = 1500/0.25

Y = 6,000

c. The value of the autonomous consumption​ (c0) will be:

c0 = 250

d. MPC = 0.75 ,

Note that MPS = 1 - MPC

= 1 - 0.75

= 0.25

e APC = C/YD

= 3250/4000

= 0.8125


= 750/4000

= 0.1875

f. Private Saving = 750

Public saving = 0

Then, the National Saving will be:

= Public savings - private savings

= 750 - 0

= 750

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