In which region did biomass production increase by the highest percentage between 2005 and 2015?


Answer 1

Midwest region did biomass production increase by the highest percentage between 2005 and 2015.

Our ability to produce and process biomass could provide us with a remarkably sustainable source of organic chemicals, organic materials (like biopolymers), and liquid transportation fuels. Despite the fact that there are many alternative sustainable sources of electricity, biomass can aid in the production of electricity sustainably. Biomass is a particularly useful source of both animal and human nourishment.

Bio based industrial products have the ability to serve as the foundation for local and global economic systems that are considerably more just and fair because biomass production is geographically broadly distributed. Additionally, because biomass production occurs all over the world, conflicts over resources like oil may be reduced or perhaps eliminated.

To know more about Biomass visit:


Related Questions

imitri is measuring the amount of oxygen released by a venus flytrap plant. he determines that his plant has released 600 molecules of oxygen (o2). if this is correct, how many molecules of glucose did the venus flytrap create?


Flytraps sincerely get a bargain in their sustenance like different plant life do, thru the method of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plant life use the electricity of the solar to force a response that converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar and oxygen.

From 600 molecules of oxygen, the wide variety of molecules of glucose generated could be one hundred molecules.From the equation of photosynthesis:6CO_2 + 6H_2O --- > C_6H_1_20_6 +60_2The mole ratio of glucose to oxygen molecules is 1:6. This method that for each 6 molecules of oxygen produced, 1 molecule of glucose is produced.Thus, for six hundred molecules of oxygen, the molecules of glucose produced could be:molecules600 *1 / 6 = 100.

Read more about photosynthesis:


differentiate between hematocrit and hemoglobin. how will we determine the hematocrit level of blood in lab?


Red blood cells include the protein hemoglobin, and the term “hematocrit” refers to a measurement of the proportion of red blood cells to all other blood cells in the body.

Anemia is diagnosed using both hematocrit and hemoglobin. Standard blood tests can be used to assess hemoglobin and hematocrit, and both results are routinely provided when a clinician requests a blood count.

The volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood is known as the hematocrit (hct), and it is reported as a percentage. A hematocrit of 25%, for instance, indicates that there are 25 milliliters of red blood cells in every 100 milliliters of blood.

Measure the length of the packed red cells column and divide it by the length of the entire blood column using a hematocrit reader or any other ruling device (cells and plasma). The hematocrit is obtained by multiplying this amount by 100%. Example: The hematocrit is 20/50 = 0.4 or (0.4 x 100%) = 40% if the packed red cell column is 20 mm and the total blood column is 50 mm

To learn more about hemoglobin, refer:-


in wild barley, mutations in the eibi1 gene cause plants to have a reduced capacity to retain leaf water. where is the eibi1 gene likely to normally function?


In wild barley, mutations in the eibi1 gene cause plants to have a reduced capacity to retain leaf water. Plants on land have evolved a cuticle to stop unchecked water loss.

We report that both wild barley and rice need an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) subfamily G (ABCG) complete transporter for the conservation of leaf water. In wild barley, eibi1.b is a spontaneous mutation that results in a thin cuticle and reduced cutin deposition, as well as a limited ability to retain leaf water. It was discovered through map-based cloning that Eibi1 encodes a complete HvABCG31 transporter. The gene product was localised in developing tissue but not in mature tissue, and it was significantly expressed in the elongation zone of a growing leaf (the site of cutin synthesis). "eibi1.c," a de novo wild barley mutant, and two transposon-inserted rice lines with HvABCG31 ortholog mutations.

To learn more about eibi1 gene, refer:


[100 PTS] What is a cloning vector? How are cloning vectors used? Give three examples of cloning vectors, indicating which ones are better for small fragments of DNA and which are better for large fragments.



A cloning vector is a small piece of DNA that can be stably maintained in an organism, and into which a foreign DNA fragment can be inserted for cloning purposes. Cloning vectors are utilized to insert foreign DNA into another cell and create multiple copies of the same. Examples of cloning vectors are plasmids, cosmids, bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), and yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs).plasmids- small, BACs- large, YACs- large, cosmids- large


hope this helps

osseous tissue is also called osseous tissue is also called cartilage. bone. ligament. fat. cellulite.


osseous tissue is also called osseous tissue is also called bone.

In most vertebrate creatures, the skeleton is made up of bones, which are stiff organs. The body's other organs are shielded by bones, which also manufacture red and white blood cells, store minerals, give the body structure and support, and permit motion. Bones contain intricate internal and external structures and exist in a variety of sizes and forms. They have a number of uses and are both light and robust.

To know more about bone, click here,


Which structure or component of the small intestine is important to antimicrobial defense?
A) salivary glands
B) stomach acid
C) Paneth cells
D) gall bladder
E) crevicular fluid


The structure or component of the small intestine that is important to antimicrobials are Paneth cells. So option c. is correct.

Paneth cells were first described in the late 19th century by Gustav Schwalbe and Josef Paneth as columnar epithelial granules in their cytoplasm. Decades later there is continued interest in Paneth cells as they play an integral role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis and modulating the physiology of the small intestine and its associated microbial flora.

Paneth cells are highly specialized secretory epithelial cells located in the small intestinal crypts of Lieberkuhn. The dense granules produced by Paneth cells contain an abundance of antimicrobials.

Learn more about the Paneth cells here:


if we use a cscl gradient to test the density of various nucleic acids, both rna and dna-rna hybrids are more density than just dna. explain why this might be the case.


RNA and DNA-RNA hybrids are more dense than simply DNA if the density of different nucleic acids is tested using a CsCl gradient.

The primary technique employed in molecular biology is the extraction of DNA, RNA, and protein. Scientists can separate materials according to size, shape, and density by using density gradient centrifugation. Isopycnic centrifugation, a sort of density gradient centrifugation that Meselson and Stahl developed, employed a cesium chloride solution to separate DNA molecules solely on the basis of density. Because DNA has hydrogen bonds between its strands, which makes it less dense than RNA, RNA has a far larger density than DNA. RNA can be obtained at the test tube's bottom using a CsCl density gradient and high centrifugation, whereas DNA can be recovered in the middle layer.

To learn more about nucleic acids click here


the flow of highly energetic electrons through the electron transport chain changes the of the pump proteins, which causes them to transport protons across the membrane.


The flow of highly energetic electrons through the electron transport chain changes the of the pump proteins, which causes them to transport protons across the membrane is true.

The electrons in the electron transport chain (ETC) pass through a chain of proteins that raises its reduction potential and results in an energy release. A proton gradient is produced by pumping hydrogen ions (H+) from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space with the majority of this energy being lost as heat. This gradient generates an electrical difference with a positive charge outside and a negative charge inside, increasing the acidity in the intermembrane gap. Here, the citric acid cycle oxidizes the NADH provided by glycolysis, converting two electrons from NADH to FMN. After that, they move on to the Fe-S clusters, and lastly from Fe-S, they move on to coenzyme Q. The electrochemical gradient is aided by the passage of 4 hydrogen ions from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane gap.

To know more about energy check the below link:


a self-regulating association of living plants and animals and their nonliving physical environment is termed a(n)


A self-regulating collection of biotic communities of organisms is referred to as an ecosystem. Exchanging matter and energy with their inanimate surroundings.

Ecology is the study of ecosystems, or it is the study of how living things interact with their environment in their natural habitat. A community of creatures and their physical environment make up an ecosystem. Broad groupings of terrestrial ecosystems are referred to as "biomes." Ecology is the study of interactions between living things, such as humans, and their natural surroundings. Ecosystems maintain processes that support life and offer ecosystem services like biomass production (food, fuel, fiber, and medicine), climate management, global biogeochemical cycles, water filtering, soil formation, erosion control, and others.

To learn more about ecology click here


a colorless, odorless, gaseous element that is found in air and water. it is necessary for humans, animals and plants to live.





Oxygen is found in air comprising about 21%

It is also found in water, with the chemical formula [tex]H_{2} O[/tex]

Oxygen is necessary to life  

At short focusing distances, ciliary muscles contract. what effect do these contractions have on the suspensory ligaments?


The suspensory ligaments relax at short focusing distances, and ciliary muscles contract.

Whilst the ciliary muscle contracts, its diameter becomes smaller the suspensory ligaments slacken inflicting the lens to go back to its ordinary thicker shape. This occurs while focusing on a close-by object.

The ciliary muscle tissue can contract and boom the curvature of the lens so that the lens thickens. The multiplied curvature of the lens lets the eye be cognizant of a close object. while the character then has to have a look at a remote object, the muscle tissues relax and the focal point of the lens changes to an object further away.

Learn more about  muscle contracts here


The contractions have on the suspensory ligaments relax.

When the ciliary muscle contracts, its diameter decreases. The hanging strap will loosen and the lens will return to its normal thick shape. This happens when you focus on nearby objects. The ciliary muscles may contract and increase the curvature of the lens, causing it to thicken.

The greater the curvature of the lens the more it can focus on nearby objects. Then when a person needs to see a distant object the muscles relax and the focus of the lens shifts to the more distant object. When the ciliary muscle contracts, the lens becomes more spherical and focuses better.

Learn more about The suspensory ligaments here:-


Drag each label into the appropriate bin depending on whether it applies to primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure.Proteins have a complex structure that can be described at the four levels of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure (click on the figure on the left). Because proteins are assembled using the instructions coded in DNA, mutations in DNA often affect protein structure. A point mutation changes a single nucleotide in DNA, either by substituting one nucleotide for another or through the insertion or deletion of a single nucleotide (click on the figure on the right). Point mutations can have a range of effects on protein structure--some have no effect at all, whereas others disrupt protein structure completely.


Each label has been placed into the appropriate bin depending on whether it applies to primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure in the image below.

The primary structure is the linear sequence of amino acid.

In secondary structure -NH and -CO group of peptide bonds interact with each other by H-bond.  Example of Secondary structure is alpha-helix and beta-sheet

Tertiary structure  - It is stabilize by various non-covalent interactions between the R-group of amino acids, such as H-bond, salt bridge, hydrophobic interaction within a polypeptide chain.

Quaternary structure is stabilize by non-covalent interactions between the R-group of amino acids, such as H-bond, salt bridge, hydrophobic interaction between different polypeptides.

To learn more about amino acids check the link below:


Identify the following statements about resilient people as either true or false.
a. Anorexia has a significant mortality rate.
b. Anorexia may follow failure to lose weight in a more controlled fashion.
c. Anorexia is far more prevalent in Europe and North America than elsewhere.
d. Anorexia primarily affects upper-class Caucasian girls.
e. Between 5 and 10 percent of adolescent girls suffer from anorexia at some point.


a)  Anorexia has a significant mortality rate is true.

b) Anorexia may follow failure to lose weight in a more controlled fashion is true.

Anorexia nervosa, more commonly known as plain "anorexia," is a severe eating disorder. Anorexic people don't eat enough and have a strong dread of gaining weight. Although the word "anorexia nervosa" refers to "no appetite, brought on by uneasiness," the majority of anorexics experience hunger, but they go to great lengths to suppress it, frequently to the point of starving.Although it isn't always the case, anorexia typically starts around adolescence, frequently as puberty begins and body types alter. Adolescent girls and young women are more likely to get it, but young men can also get it.

To know more about anorexia check the below link:


the motor functions of the alimentary canal are movements that combine food with digestive fluids and movements that move materials along the digestive tract. t or f


True. The motor functions of the alimentary canal refer to the movements that combine food with digestive fluids and move materials along the digestive tract.

The alimentary canal, also known as the digestive tract or gastrointestinal (GI) tract, is a long tube that extends from the mouth to the anus. It is responsible for the digestion and absorption of food, as well as the elimination of waste. The motor functions of the alimentary canal are essential for these processes to occur, as they help to mix and break down food and move it through the digestive tract to allow for proper digestion and absorption. These movements are controlled by a combination of smooth muscle contractions and the coordination of various muscles and organs within the digestive system.

Learn more about motor functions here:


the functional unit of the kidney is called question 9 options: the nephron. the pyramid. the renal pelvis. the renal cortex. the hilum.


Option A, The functional structural and operational component of the kidney is the nephron. because it is the kidney's smallest structure capable of performing its duties.

The nephron is the name for the kidney's functional unit. Each kidney has hundreds of thousands of nephrons, which have the capacity to absorb, resorb, and expel chemicals. The glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, and Henle's loop make up this structure. It functional consists of a coiled renal tubule and a peritubular capillary vascular network. The tubule is divided by many sections, each nephrons of which serves a crucial purpose. Each kidney has a little over a million nephrons.

learn more about kidney here:


Explain the interrelationship of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.



The reactants and the products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the same but switched around.


For photosynthesis light energy, carbon dioxide, water are needed to create glucose and the waste product is oxygen. But for cellular respiration the things needed to create energy to move around are oxygen and glucose. Mitochondria (aka the powerhouse of the cell) breaks down the glucose to make ATP energy (Adenosine Triphosphate). Plants store some leftover oxygen for cellular respiration. So basically, photosynthesis and cellular respiration kinda depend on each other.

Atp is an abbreviation for adenosine triphosphate, a complex molecule that contains the nucleoside adenosine and a tail consisting of three phosphates. It is the energy currency of the cell. Atp is used by organisms as energy. The energy needed to move, grow, digest, and all other processes that require energy.


ATP synthesis takes place in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells (most ATP synthesis occurs there, but not 100%), ATP is regenerated from ADP through the process of phosphorylation (phosphorylation means "to add a P") and Energy is stored in the covalent bonds between phosphates, with the greatest amount of energy in the bond between the second and third phosphate groups.

An organic substance known as a nucleotide is composed of three different subunits: a nucleobase, a sugar with five carbons, and a phosphate group. Either ribose or deoxyribose may be the sugar. So a nucleoside with a phosphate group is a nucleotide. A nucleotide can be referred to as nucleoside monophosphate (if it only has one phosphate group), nucleoside diphosphate (if it has two phosphate groups), or nucleoside triphosphate (if it has three phosphate groups) (when with three phosphate groups).

A nucleoside can be either a ribonucleoside or a deoxyribonucleoside depending on the pentose sugar it contains. A nucleoside that contains ribose sugar is known as a ribonucleoside. The ribonucleoside can be adenosine, guanosine, cytidine, uridine, or 5-methyluridine depending on the nucleobase component.

To know more about ATP visit:


What are the four Importance of meiosis?


Meiosis is in charge of the generation of gametes, which are responsible for sexual reproduction. - It activates genetic information for gamete development.

It cuts the number of chromosomes in gametes cells in half and aids in maintaining a steady number of chromosomes.

Due to the fact that cell division happens twice during meiosis, a single beginning cell can create four gametes (eggs or sperm).

Cells go through four stages throughout each cycle of division: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Meiosis is critical because it guarantees that all creatures formed through sexual reproduction have the right amount of chromosomes. Meiosis also causes genetic diversity through the recombination process.

Learn more about to meiosis visit here;


in addition to the uterus and the ovaries, what do the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle affect?


Appetite and mood regulates menstrual cycle in addition to the uterus and the ovaries.

How appetite and mood affect menstruation? In the days preceding a period, fluctuating hormone levels may result in an increase in appetite or a longing for certain foods. Many individuals can stop or lessen these urges by implementing certain tactics.Low levels of serotonin are associated with PMS symptoms like moodiness and irritability, as well as difficulty sleeping and odd food cravings. One of the most prevalent and harmful PMS symptoms is mood swings.Although not always, the cyclical pattern of food cravings is commonly but not always linked to depression. During the menstrual cycle, fluctuations in hunger, desires, and energy consumption may take place concurrently with cyclical rhythms in serotonin, which can be accompanied by emotional symptoms.

For more information on menstruation kindly visit to


A patient who has experienced previous jaw and face trauma now reports difficulty tasting with the tip of her tongue: Which cranial nerve was likely damaged in that injury? A. Hypoglossal (XII) B. Glossopharyngeal (IX) C. Vagus (X)D. Trigeminal (V)E Facial (VII)


The hypoglossal cranial nerve was possibly harmed in that injury.

The Hypoglossal Nerve is the twelfth Cranial Nerve (Cranial Nerve XII). It is mostly an efferent nerve for the tongue muscle structure. The nerve starts from the medulla and voyages caudally and dorsally to the tongue. Taste misfortune is accepted to be brought about by demyelination of chorda tympani, a part of the facial nerve. Nonetheless, creature studies have shown that there exists a frill pathway of tongue innervation through the trigeminal nerve, which is likewise liable for loss of taste. It innervates every one of the outward and inborn muscles of the tongue, with the exception of the palatoglossus which is innervated by the vagus nerve. It is a nerve with a sole engine capability.

To learn more about the human body,


help me Discussion Topic
In May 2016, scientists discovered a eukaryote organism from a group known as Monocercomonoides that lacks functional mitochondria. Research this organism, and answer these questions:

Does this organism still meet the definition of a eukaryote? Why or why not?
Why can this organism survive without mitochondria?
Without mitochondria, does this organism still carry out all the basic functions of life?
Should the organism be considered a life-form?



Yes. A eukaryotic organisms have mitochondria or some degenerate form of mitochondria. Monocercomonoides is an unusual organisms that does not have the slightest indication that it has a mitochondria nor have at least an abbreviated form of mitochondrial proteins. However, scientist conclude that mitochondria must have once been present in this organism and later lost them.


Usually a eukaryote has some genes in their nuclear DNA needed to assemble mitochondria but that genes were not present in Monocercomonoides. It also does not have a gene for making the energy extracting enzymes. Thus, this extraordinary organism refuses to adhere to the basic requirement of a eukaryotes.

However, scientist classify Monocercomonoides to be a eukaryotes though it does not show evidence of having a mitochondria simply because it is now commonly accepted that mitochondrion-related organelles (MROs) are essential composition in all newly discovered eukaryotes and that mitochondrial endosymbiosis takes place before radiation of all extant eukaryotes. It means that evolutionist assume that the mitochondria evolved in the common ancestor of all eukaryotes and conclude that mitochondria must have once been present in this organism and later lost them.

Monocercomonoides can still carry out all of its basic functions of life by obtaining energy from glucose using anaerobic metabolic pathways that operates in the cytoplasm of its cell. They utilize glycolysis, the same non-oxygen-requiring, energy-generating biochemical pathway found in the cytoplasm of all cells to metabolize glucose. It gets more energy by using a series of enzymes that breaks down arginine, an amino acid.

The organism could be considered a life form because evolutionist believed that it started out its existence with mitochondria, received a gene for iron-sulfur cluster synthesis from bacteria and lost its mitochondria. With their strange ways to energize their life and build structures for survival, Monocercomonoides live inside a mammalian intestine, a low oxygen environment.

This protist is a remarkable organism that surprises scientist and pushes the limits of what is actually known in biology.

I agree with this explanation above ⬆️ hope this helped you

Match each word or phrase to identify whether or not each word or phrase represents a
reason for the change in chimpanzee hands.
Crossbreeding between gorillas and
Mutations in chimpanzee DNA
Differences in the ways chimpanzees
use their hands
Sexual reproduction
Differences in enhancer sequences


The reason for the change in the hands of the chimpanzee include:

Crossbreeding between gorillas and chimpanzees( Represents a reason for the change)Mutations in chimpanzee DNA ( Represents a reason for the change)Differences in the ways chimpanzees use their hands ( Doesn't represents a reason for the change)Sexual reproduction ( Doesn't represents a reason for the change)Differences in enhancer sequences( Represents a reason for the change).

What is mutation?

Mutation is defined as the alteration in the genetic makeup of a living organism which may occur due to the following:

When there is spontaneous break down of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).Change in a single nucleotide of the DNA.when there is additions or deletions of nucleotide in a DNA strand.

A change can be noticed in an animal such as Chimpanzee when the following occurs:

Mutations in chimpanzee DNA: This can alter both that anatomy and the physiological features of the organism involved.

Crossbreeding between gorillas and chimpanzees: When there is cross breeding between a chimpanzee and a gorilla, it will lead to a genetic diversity which can be observed as a change in the hands of the chimpanzee.

Learn more about mutation here:


Which extra-embryonic membrane is formed from the trophoblast after implantation?


Chorion is the extra-embryonic membrane formed from the trophoblast after implantation.

Implantation is the degree within the embryonic improvement of mammals wherein the blastocyst hatches as the embryo, adheres, and invades into the wall of the girl's uterus. Implantation is the first degree of gestation, and whilst a success the female is taken into consideration to be pregnant.

A few girls do note signs and symptoms and symptoms that implantation has happened. Signs and symptoms may encompass light bleeding, cramping, nausea, bloating, sore breasts, headaches, temper swings, and probably an alternate in basal body temperature.

At 4 weeks, the blastocyst has made a 6-day ride from the fallopian tubes to the womb.

Learn more about Implantation here:-


What is interesting about the digestive system?


It's fascinating to note that even while you're standing on your head, your body can still pass food through the digestive system. Since it uses muscles, it has nothing to do with gravity.

The nutrients in the food and drinks you ingest are broken down and absorbed by your digestive system for use in vital processes including cell development, repair, and energy production.

Your digestive system is specially designed to carry out its function of converting food into the nutrients and energy you require to exist. After that, it conveniently compresses your solid waste, or stool, for disposal the next time you have a bowel movement.

Here, digestion and nutrient absorption account for almost 90% of the process. Your digestive system as a whole is just about 30 feet long. Enzymes are produced by your liver and pancreas to aid in the digestion of meals.

To learn more about the digestive system


in nucleotide excision repair, damaged dna is excised by what enzyme(s)?in nucleotide excision repair, damaged dna is excised by what enzyme(s)?helicasedna polymerasesnucleaseligaseprimase


A method of repairing DNA is called nucleotide excision repair. Chemicals (such as intercalating agents), radiation, and other mutagens continuously cause DNA damage.

Nucleotide excision repair (NER), base excision repair (BER), and DNA mismatch repair are the three excision repair processes that can fix single stranded DNA damage (MMR). The BER pathway can identify particular non-bulky lesions in DNA, but it can only repair damaged bases that have had specific glycosylases remove them. Similar to this, the MMR pathway only targets Watson-Crick base pairs that are mismatched.

The removal of DNA damage brought on by ultraviolet radiation is accomplished by the crucial excision mechanism known as nucleotide excision repair (NER) (UV). Bulky DNA adducts are produced as a result of UV DNA damage; the majority of these adducts are thymine dimers and 6,4-photoproducts. Once the damage is recognized, the brief section of single-stranded DNA that contains the lesion is removed. The single-stranded DNA that is still intact is used as a template by DNA polymerase to create a brief complimentary sequence.

To learn more about nucleotide excision repair, refer:


Place each label in the proper position to designate the organ system it describes.

1. Nervous
2. Endocrine

1. slower communication
2. basic life support (breathing regulation)
3. electrical
4. gamete (sex cell) production
5. blood transport
6. utilizes hormones
7. chemical only
8. growth
9. faster communication
10. cell-to-cell communication


The each label in the proper position to designate the organ system is given below.


Faster communication


Basic life support (breathing, circulation are largely regulated by nervous system)

Cell to cell communication (neuron connect to other neurons/cell by synapse)

The CNS is made of the mind and spinal wire. The peripheral apprehensive gadget is made of nerves that department off from the spinal wire and amplify to all components of the body.



Chemical only

Blood transport

Utilize hormone



To learn more about organ system check the link below:


where do the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division originate in the cns?


Answer:the lateral horns of the 12 thoracic and the first 2 or 3 lumbar segments of the spinal cord.


for Mendel's studies, why was it important that his subjects, pea plants, could reproduce quickly and produce many offspring?


It is important for Mendel's subject to reproduce quickly so that he could complete many experiments in a short period of time. Many offspring are needed so as to study the phenotypes and genotypes in detail.

Mende's Experiment

Mendel carried out several breeding experiments using the pea plant. Through his series of experiments, Mendel was able to formulate the laws of genetics, otherwise known as the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment respectively.

Mendel made use of the pea plant for his breeding experiments for a couple of reasons:

The pea plant shows distinct and contrasting characters. It is either one or the other, no in-betweens.The pea plant reproduces quickly. With this, Mendel was able to conduct several experiments within a short period.The pea plant produces many offspring in a single generation. This enable Mendel to study the traits in details. Both the physical and genetic traits were studied using enough population.

Thus, it is quite important that the subject used by Mendel reproduced quickly and produced many offspring so as to be able to conduct several breeding experiments within a short period as well as study the traits in detail.

More on Mendel's experiment can be found here:


you are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class.


As a representative of public health, you are looking into a salmonella outbreak. You decide to check the IgM antibody type in patients' blood to identify current cases.

What do antigen and antibody mean?

Any chemical that causes your immune system to react negatively to it is referred to as an antigen. Among the antigens are germs, viruses, and allergies. The body makes Y-shaped proteins called antibodies when it recognizes an antigen. B cells, an immunological cell type, create antibodies.

Which antibodies are harmful?

It is recognized that the "bad" antibodies react against by the brain's own tissues and can lead to autoimmune illness. It was previously believed that they were eliminated by the immune system or rendered dormant over time because of this.

To know more about antibody visit:


that absorbs sunlight needed to power the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.


The photosystem, which is in charge of photosynthesis, receives energy from the sun through the chlorophyll in plants. In addition to producing oxygen, water also serves as a source of hydrogen ions and electrons.

What is a good example of photosynthesis?

Plants are the most well-known example because, with the exception of a very small number of parasitic or mycoheterotrophic species, they all have chlorophyll and can manufacture their own sustenance. The second most abundant class of eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms is algae.

Why is it referred to as "photosynthesis"?

The phrase "photosynthesis" comes from the Greek words "light" and "synthesis," which mean "putting together." Some of the chemical energy is kept in carbon compounds, such as sugar and starch molecules, which are created from carbon dioxide and water.

To know more about Photosynthesis visit:


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