in what ways are the united states and mexico are similar


Answer 1

Here are a few ways the countries resemble each other: Geography: Both countries cover vast areas and have long coastlines, situated on two oceans. Both of their populations are large and ethnically diverse. The climates are equally varied, ranging from scorching desert heat to snow-covered mountain peaks.

Related Questions

what are some features that are formed due to melting ice from glaciers on Pakistan map?​



Climate change is causing most glaciers worldwide to shrink, but due to a meteorological anomaly, this is one of a few in Karakoram mountain.


There's another way melting ice can cause extreme floods: In the mountains of Pakistan, water from glaciers forms high-elevation lakes, which are often dammed by glacial ice. When there's too much runoff, those lakes quickly expand and the ice dams can break, producing what's called a “glacial lake outburst.” The Himalayan glaciers are melting, and Pakistan is drowning. How is this contributing to the flooding that we're seeing there? KAMP: So Pakistan - you mentioned that already earlier - has over 7,200 glaciers.

Which of the following are characteristics of lower standard of living and quality of life? (choose all that apply)

low infant mortality

high death rate

high life expectancy

low median age


The following are characteristics of lower standard of living and quality of life:

low infant mortalityhigh death ratelow median age

What is a standard of living?

Standard of living is the grade of income, satistafaction and services available, generally attributed to a society or location, rather than to an individual. Standard of living is relevant because it is considered to apply to an individual's quality of life.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Standard of living:


How does the racial makeup of the population in Haiti in 1789 help to explain why a rebellion started?


The rebellion started because of the unfulfilled hopes of and the harshness of slave masters, and inspiration from the French Revolution were among the factors that led to the Haitian Revolution.

Slaves had evolved into military commanders, then into full-fledged citizens. The Americas were affected by their acts. The Haitian Revolution developed into a crucial point of discussion in discussions about slavery, emancipation, and race throughout the 19th century and beyond. It served as inspiration for some.

The Haitian Revolution is the name given to the biggest and most successful slave insurrection in the Western Hemisphere. Slaves began the insurrection in 1791, and by 1803 they had been successful in ending both slavery and French rule in the colony.

To know more about slavery visit :


where did the indian civilization begin?



it was first discovered in 1921 near the Indus River


The freshwater and saltwater biomes are divided into different levels or zones. What are these levels or zones, and if stated, what kinds of organisms live in the different levels or zones?.


Fresh water has littoral and limnetic zone and sea water has aphotic zone and intertidal zone .

What kind of animals live in different zones of fresh and sea water?

The littoral zone is the highest area close to a lake or pond's coastline. Due to its shallowness and ability to absorb more heat from the Sun, this zone is the hottest. Several types of algae (including diatoms), rooted and floating aquatic plants, grazing snails, clams, insects, crabs, fishes, and amphibians are among the various community members that it supports. Only the egg and larval stages of insects, such as dragonflies and midges, are present in this area. Other species like turtles, snakes, and ducks consume the plants and animals that inhabit the littoral zone.

The intertidal zone is where the water and land meet; depending on the tides and waves, it may occasionally be submerged and other times exposed. Communities are continually evolving as a result of this. The zone is vertically stratified over rocky coastlines. There are just a few kinds of mollusc and algae that only the highest tides may reach. There is a wider variety of algae and tiny invertebrates, including herbivorous snails, crabs, sea stars, and small fish, in the regions that are often submerged during high tide. There are numerous crustaceans, fish, and seaweed at the bottom of the intertidal zone, which is only visible during the lowest tides. On sandier coasts, the intertidal zone is less stratified than in rocky places.

to learn more about fresh and sea water click:



Choose three possible solutions to the problem. (immigration to the us). Briefly compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages associated with these solutions. In the table below note three advantages and disadvantages for each solution. BE sure to use research to support your claims.



What are the advantages and disadvantages of immigration?

Immigration can give substantial economic benefits – a more flexible labour market, greater skills base, increased demand and a greater diversity of innovation. However, immigration is also controversial. It is argued immigration can cause issues of overcrowding, congestion, and extra pressure on public services.


assuming the impact hypothesis is correct, in what ways) was the impact important to our existence on earth today?


Assuming the impact hypothesis is correct, It seems unlike that we would have evolved by now without the extinctions caused by the impact.

What is impact hypothesis?In the mid-1970s, researchers put forward the giant impact hypothesis. A new collision hypothesis would have required the Earth to collide with another planet-sized object at the end of its extinctions . This created a large amount of debris in Earth orbit that coalesced to form the Moon.Scientists have proposed many ideas about the formation of the Moon. The leading contender, the giant impact hypothesis, speculates that when Earth was a young planet  just beginning to form, it was hit by another nearby emerging planet called Theia. The Giant Impact Hypothesis is one of the theories about the formation of the Moon. In this theory, a Mars-sized object collided with the Earth at an angle about 4.5 billion years ago, ejecting a large amount of material and forming a disk around the Earth. Out of this disk emerged a giant moon.

To learn more about impact hypothesis from the given link :


Given a topographic map explain how you would determine the elevation of a mountain using key terms contour, contour line, contour interval, elevation and relief


True, topographic map explain how you would determine the elevation of a mountain using key terms contour, contour line, contour interval, elevation and relief.

What is topographic map ?

According to Suparno and Endy (2005) , the definition of topographic map is a map that depicts the shape of the Earth's surface through a number of elevation lines related to the slope of the land and the slope of the interior slopes of the planet Earth.

This map also describes about relief, hydrography, vegetation, transportation, and regional toponymy.

Elements contained in a topographic map include:

title, map coordinates, geographic coordinates, grid coordinates, map number, map scale, map year, map direction, declination, contour lines

In conclusion, topographic map is a map that give us an explanation of the elevation of a mountain using key terms contour, contour line, contour interval, elevation and relief.

Learn more about topographic map at :

HELPPP Which of the following principles in political geography describes Hawaii in relation to the distribution of U.S. national territory?

Perforated state
Fragmented state
Sovereign nation


The principle in political geography which would describe Hawaii in relation to the United States territory is C. Fragmented state.

What is a Fragmented state?

A Fragmented state refers to a nation that has its national territory not completely together. In order words, some of the territory that belongs to the nation are separated either by land belonging to another country, or by the ocean or some other body of water.

Hawaii is a state in the United States but it is located in the pacific ocean and away from the United States. This means that in terms of political geography, Hawaii makes the United States a Fragmented state.

Find out more on Fragmented states at


How can the interconnected nature of these religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) be used to improve the relationship between them?



The connection between these three monotheistic belief systems may be greater than the common eye sees them to be. They share quite a lot of similarities that can be often overlooked. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a resemblance with each other when it comes to harmony and peace. They all take these factors very seriously and hold these values very true to themselves in their practice.


which of the following statements about global climate patterns are true? select one: a. temperatures increase as you move closer to the equator b. air rises and precipitation occurs at the equator c. air falls at 30 degrees north and south latitude (the tropics of cancer and capricorn), resulting in dry conditions d. all of the above statements are true e. all of the above statements are false


All the statements about Global Climate Patterns are True.

What is Global Climate Patterns?

Global climate patterns are dynamic; as a result of solar radiation, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, and other climate forcing variables, they are always changing. Cycles in the amount of solar radiation reaching the poles are among the more predictable of these shifts. The long-term pattern of the weather in a place is called the climate. Hour by hour, day by day, month by month, or even year by year, the weather might change. A region's climate is determined by its weather patterns, which are typically monitored for at least 30 years. The northern hemisphere is very chilly in January, but the southern hemisphere is very warm. Next, July's average temperature is significantly higher than January's. The hemispheres are yellow to represent temperatures between 10 and 21 degrees Celsius in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

To learn more about Climate Patterns click,


What is the flat stretch of rich soil and multiple rivers that starts in France and moves
eastward across Europe?
A. Northern European Plain
B. French Coastal Basin
C. French Piedmont
D. Central European Grassland


The answer is Northern European Plain

Why is beach nourishment considered mostly a short-term strategy for fighting beach erosion?.


Answer: The erosive forces of waves, storms, and rising sea levels do not disappear after nourishment takes place.

Explanation: i just got it right

the outcrop below is labeled with four events. these events are responsible for the present appearance of the outcrop. the events in the outcrop are not ordered chronologically. the events are labeled by the geologic laws that lead to the event. order the events by the geologic law that are used to determine the relative order of the four events that are labeled in the drawing of the outcrop below.


The correct order is :

Law of superposition

Principle of Inclusions

Principle of Cross Cutting Relationship

Law of Original Horizontality.

A key stratigraphic principle known as the law of superposition states that the oldest layer in a series of sedimentary rock layers is at the bottom and that the layers get younger as they move up the sequence. But occasionally, deformation might have led to the tilting or even overturning of the crustal rocks. Furthermore, it might not be at all obvious which edge of a given layer is the initial top and which is the originally bottom if erosion has muddled the record by removing significant amounts of the deformed sedimentary rock.

Learn more about superposition here:


Explain why red giants have very high luminosity even though they have very low surface temperatures:


Due to its extreme coolness and distance from the center compared to earlier stages of star evolution, the surface will appear red. The red giant has a relatively large surface area, which makes it incredibly bright despite its cooler surface temperature.

What are red giants?

A star that is nearing death is a red giant. It slowly grew to be many times larger than it was initially. A star may remain on the red giant stage for up to a billion years.

The star will then gradually shrink and cool to become a white dwarf, which is an ultra-dense, Earth-sized star corpse that emits only a small portion of its original energy. After many billions of years, these stars will eventually turn completely cold and stop emitting any energy.

They'll pass away as a so-called "black dwarf," a tiny, scorched-out cinder that is essentially invisible.

Learn more about red giants, from:


How did the economies of Cuba and Puerto Rico develop after independence from Spain?


The economies of Cuba and Puerto Rico developed after independence from Spain advancing industrial development and modern infrastructure.

With the end of the Spanish-American War, Americans liberalised Cuba and transformed it into a magnet for US and foreign capital. Puerto Rico became increasingly reliant as it was passed from coloniser to coloniser as a spoil of war.

Due to its dual importance as a maritime enclave and a Spanish colony, the Cuban economy was in a better position after independence to compete in the world market. Alternatively, the Puerto Rican economy faces enormous difficulties, such as severe unemployment and a lack of industry, as a result of the subservient role's ingrained dependency.

Know more about Cuban economy here


Both human and animal wastes are sometimes used as fertilizer. How are the two types treated differently before they are used to fertilize
O Human waste is used directly; animal waste goes through physical and chemical treatment.
O Human waste is used in solid form, animal waste is used in liquid form
O Human waste goes through physical and chemical treatment, animal waste is used directly.
O Human waste is used in liquid form, animal waste is used in solid form


Human waste goes through physical and chemical treatment, animal waste is used directly as fertilizer.

Animal waste can be used as fresh manure directly on the soil whereas human waste should be properly recycled so that it contains no harmful bacteria.

Human waste can be used with right heat treatment like composting, all dangerous bacteria can be removed. Bio-solids can also be used.

Animal waste include variety of organic fertilizers like poultry and cattle manure which provides nutrients in soil.

Thus option C is correct.

To know more about fertilizers


Human waste goes through physical and chemical treatment; animal waste is used directly.

What are the three main jobs of congress ?


Answer: Raising revenue, declaring war, and making all laws necessary for executing these powers.


Complete the sentences about earth’s early biosphere. after earth formed, the emerging biosphere had several effects on earth’s lithosphere. for example, rocks and minerals showed evidence of caused by the presence of oxygen in air. in a second example, actually created new rock after being dissolved in water or buried underground.


After earth formed, the emerging biosphere had several effects on earth's lithosphere. For example, rocks and minerals showed evidence oxidation caused by the presence of oxygen in air.

In a natural process known as oxidation, molecules have their electrons taken away during a specific chemical reaction. Rocks undergo oxidation when they interact chemically with oxygen, changing the makeup of the rock. On a geological scale, fossilisation causes deceased species (such as plants and animals) to transform into rocks. In conclusion, oxidation was visible in rocks and minerals. Additionally, after being dissolved in water or buried underground, ORGANISMS really produced new rock.

Learn more about oxidation here:



I believe the first blank is oxidation; and the second blank being minerals.


sorry if I'm wrong.

what feature is not associated with karst regions? losing streams sinking creeks caverns subterranean drainage systems rock towers meandering floodplains


The feature that is not associated with karst regions is meandering floodplains. Thus last option is correct.

What is the significance of the Karst region?

As soluble rocks like limestone, dolomite, and gypsum dissolve, a terrain known as karst is created. In addition to sinkholes and caverns, it has subsurface drainage networks.

The features associated with the karst region include losing streams, sinking creeks, caverns, subterranean drainage systems, and rock towers. When the bottom rock is soluble, karst landscapes with particular hydrology and morphologies develop.

Therefore, the last option is appropriate.

Learn more about the Karst region, here:


Why did nationalist desires for independence destabilize Austria-Hungary in the period leading up to World War I?
because the military lacked strong leadership
because the country lacked an efficient bureaucracy
because groups wanted to create multiple independent states
because people wanted to end Church rule and influence


The correct answer is C

Question 2 (1 point) Which landform lies to the east of the Rocky Mountains? Black Hills Cascade Range Sierra Nevada Range Columbia Basin​


Answer: Black hills


The Black Hills lie to the east of the Rocky Mountains. Thus, option A is correct.

What are the Rocky Mountains?

It's hardly surprising that Rocky Mountain is known across the planet for its breathtaking views given its soaring panoramas that transport tourists to new levels.

The Black Hills, located in South Dakota, are a separate highest mountain that is not a member of the Rocky Mountains. The state's surrounding plains give way to the wooded highlands.

These hardwood hillsides rise several hundred meters above the nearby grassland, seeming dark from a distance. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Rocky Mountains, here:


A family group in which many generations live together in one home is known as a(n) __________.
A.extended family
B.mixed family
C.nuclear family
D.secondary family

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A. extended family


Question 2
Use the chart to answer the following question:
In which of the following countries is industry a cause of water pollution?



Burundi , Uganda , sudan

18. Island with snow-covered mountains year-round
Mark only one oval.
Papua New Guinea
New Zealand


Despite the fact that the Zermatt Matterhorn Ski Resort offers a "snow guarantee," the region always has snow.

Is there a island that gets snow?

Namiseom, Chuncheon, South Korea Namiseom is a self-described micronation. It is a tiny island in the North Han River. Even though the island's unique passport, currency, and fierce local pride are all worth seeing, winter is the best time to visit for the pristine snow and magical landscapes.

Which of the mountains has snow all year long?

The Greater Himalayas or Himadri are the names given to these mountain ranges. Along India's northern boundary, it is a massive wall. It rises approximately 5000 meters above sea level on average. This range's summits remain snow-covered throughout the year.

Learn more about island here:


how did darwins observations support lyells theory of an ancient earth undergoing continual geologic change


Based on the scientific research evidence, Darwin's observations support Lyell's theory of an ancient earth undergoing continual geologic change through his observation of marine fossils in the mountains and the uplift of land by an earthquake.

What is Lyell's theory of ancient earth undergoing continual geologic change

According to Lyell's theory of ancient earth undergoing continual geologic change, he argued that the formation of Earth's crust occurred through countless minor changes happening over huge periods

In Lyell's accounts, he suggested that the forces molding the planet today have operated continuously throughout its history.

Hence, when Darwin observed marine fossils in the mountains and the uplift of land by an earthquake which occurred as a gradual and continual process, thus, it is believed that Darwin's observation supports Lyell's theory of evolution.

Learn more about Lyell's theory here:


Which of the following are characteristics of higher standard of living and quality of life? (choose all that apply)

low life expectancy

low infant mortality

high literacy rates

high median age



low infant mortality

high literacy rates

high median age


uhhh meow

Then your tragedge Now, use your right angle template and straightedge to construct a line parallel to the first line you drew.


Answer: Two lines are said to be parallel in a plane if they do not intersect each other even if extended till infinite in both the directions.

Steps to construct a parallel line using ruler and compass are:

Draw a line segment AB and mark any point P above the line AB

Draw a line that intersects the first line using a straightedge and mark it as Point X.

Now we get a line AB and a transverse PX.

Open a compass more than half of the distance between PX. Using this, place the compass on Point X and scribe an arc MN on the transverse PX.

Similarly, using the same distance, scribe an arc by keeping the compass on Point P and mark it as EF. The point where EF cuts PX is Q.

Using this Q as a center, draw an arc marked R on EF.

Join this R and P and extend the line segment and mark is as C and D.

The resultant image is given below.


What is a common issue among asylum seekers, refugees, and other

A. Shelters are overcrowded because of the increasing numbers of migrants,
asylum seekers, and refugees, which increases homelessness for these

B. Countries cannot keep up with the increased need for services for these

C. Rejection from locals pushes foreign people to live under precarious

D. There are not enough educational opportunities for migrants, refugees, and
asylum seekers.

E. Many landlords ask for proof of identity before renting, increasing home-
lessness among asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees.



A range of comorbid psychological disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and psychosomatic disorders, are particularly prevalent among asylum seekers and refugees.


Hoped it helped u pretty please give meh brainiest plsss

what development occurred in the 3rd millennium bce to improve cuneiform


Initially created circa 3200 B.C. Cuneiform writing was produced by Sumerian scribes in the ancient city-state of Uruk, in modern-day Iraq, as a method of recording transactions by making wedge-shaped indentations in clay tablets using a reed stylus.

The Sumerians, who lived in large towns with centralized economies in what is now southern Iraq, are said to have invented writing in approximately 3000 B.C.E. The first tablets with written inscriptions are the product of administrators, may be of significant temple organizations, who recorded the transit and storage of items as well as the distribution of rations.

It became hard for temple officials to rely on memory when they needed to keep track of the grain, sheep, and cattle entering or leaving their stocks and fields.

Learn more about Egyptian civilization here:


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