In what way were the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali similar?
A. Both kingdoms practiced their native religions instead of
converting to Islarating
B. Both kingdoms grew wealthy from taxing and controlling trade
C. Both kingdoms developed close relationships with the Tang
D. Both kingdoms converted to Christianity because of contact with


Answer 1

The kingdoms of Ghana and Mali were similar in that both kingdoms developed close relationships with the Tang Dynasty. Option C is correct.

What was the Tang dynasty?

Corresponds to the Chinese Li Yuan dynasty that ruled China in the period 618-906. It stood out as a period of great developments in Chinese society in respect of the economy, culture, stability and world influence.

Considered the golden age of China, the Tang dynasty had several conquests in the world, such as territorial expansion and alliances with various kingdoms, such as the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali.

Therefore, the period ruled by the Tang dynasty in China is marked by international alliances, economic prosperity and the pacification of the country.

Find out more about Tang dynasty on:


Answer 2


Both kingdoms grew wealthy from taxing and controlling trade routes

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The Cold War began after the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945, when the uneasy alliance between the United States and Great Britain on the one hand and the Soviet Union on the other started to fall apart.

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After the Civil War, during the period known as Reconstruction (1865–77), the amendment was successful in encouraging African Americans to vote. ... Many African Americans were even elected to public office during the 1880s in the states that formerly had constituted the Confederate States of America.


~Hope this helps

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i hope this helps your question, mark me brainliest if Im righttt

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Women because women were meant for looking after kids and cleaning

sun yat-sen believed that china will should...
a. adopt communism
b. build a democratic republic
c. institute fascism
d. support the emperor



B. Build a democratic republic


I guessed and it was right!!

Hope this helps! :D

Sun Yat-sen believed that China will should build a democratic republic. He believed that a democratic republic was the best form of government for China. Thus option (b) is correct.

What is democracy?

Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, either directly or through elected representatives. In a democratic system, the people have the right to participate in the decision-making process of the government and have a say in how they are governed.

Some of the key characteristics of a democratic system include free and fair elections, protection of individual rights and freedoms, separation of powers between the different branches of government, and a system of checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power.

Sun Yat-sen was a Chinese revolutionary and believed that china will should build a democratic republic. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about democracy here:


one of the accomplishment of the Maya empire was


Should be the third answer

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A pls tell me if its wrong but hoped i helped



bill of rights


the bill of rights consists of the amendments, the fifth amendment is "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the military." which in in simple terms innocent until proven guilty.

Which statement BEST explains why the rate of deforestation has increased in Brazil? ​



The upward trend in deforestation has been catalysed by a series of environmental setbacks that started with controversial changes in the Brazilian Forest Code in 2012 (ref. 9), and have been intensified by recent weakening of the Ministry of the Environment’s deforestation enforcement actions, disregard of related climate change policies, and law bills that may regularize illegally grabbed public lands


illeagel logging


1.How did Malcolm X believe change would come in the Civil Rights Movement?
2.What are the four types of actions that helped to bring change in the Civil Rights movement? *



well, he thought violence was the best way to do things I don't know about the other part.

True or False
George H.W. Bush was able to keep his promise when he said “Read my lips, no new taxes?



I think True will be the answer.

Expansion of islamic caliphates Historical Context refers to the historical circumstances (what, who, when, where, why) that led to this event/idea/historical development.

Pls i have till 6 pm



it might be

Explanation: The response to the context ... turning point associated with the events, ideas, or historical developments ... Explain the historical circumstances that led to the development of the Treaty of Versailles.

A corporation can continue to exist after the death of its owners? True or false





Its existence goes on even after an owner dies or otherwise leaves the company.

Imagine living in Europe as the Renaissance was beginning. What are some of the problems you might have? Can you think of ways to solve the problems?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Some of the problems that I might have at the beginning of the Renaissance could have been the frequent attacks of the Catholic Church due to my ideas of freedom of speech, questioning the existence of a supreme god, and my constant search to find more and better truths to answer questions that in the past were only answered by the church's view and teachings.

Can you think of ways to solve the problems?

Yes, trying to inform and educate more people that the dark ages were gone. The Medieval Age was gone and that humans are able to use reason to learn new things, be free, and grow. The more people would learn to read and have access to education, the better. No more control through religious beliefs.

During the Renaissance, the Catholic Church was increasingly seen as a corrupt institution with too much power.

That is when the concept of "Humanism" was introduced, which meant more respect for the human being and his possibility to increase knowledge through reason.

Where did the Exodusters migrate to?


The exodusters left the South to migrate to Kansas and other western states.


The Exodusters left the South to migrate to Kansas and other Western states.


how did the rome finally destroy cathage once it penetrated the walls of carthage


The Romans burned the city to the ground after stifling the walls. The Roman general was adamant to stifle the walls.  

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The Communist regime believed that collectivization would improve agricultural productivity and would produce grain reserves sufficiently large to feed the growing urban labor force. ... Forced collectivization helped achieve Stalin's goal of rapid industrialization, but the human costs were incalculable


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i hope makatulong Ito sa asignatura mo

What effect did wwi have on the Great War?



The First World War destroyed empires, created numerous new nation-states, encouraged independence movements in Europe's colonies, forced the United States to become a world power and led directly to Soviet communism and the rise of Hitler.

1pt The first test for Odysseus on his journey is
A. to ignore the songs of the Sirens
B. to sail past the whirlpool and the Scylla
C. to survive on the island of the Cyclops
D. to survive on the island of Ithaca



The answer is C. to survive on the island of the Cyclops.

It's all in the story. After Odysseus was blown off course with his men, he comes across the cave of a giant, and survives this encounter by tricking the cyclops.

I read this a couple years ago, so forgive me for not remembering what exactly happened.

Also PLEASE give me brainliest.  

What factors influence voters and election campaigns?


It really depends how your are raised but some people TrueType have they’re own opinions, and it all comes down to what you believe is right


Patrick Moynihan served in all of the following positions except
A. US Ambassador to India
B. US Ambassador to the United Nations
C. Press Secretary to President Johnson
D. Senator from New York





Daniel Patrick 'Pat' Moynihan was born on March 16, 1927, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was a political scientist, advocate, U.S.  Senator, and whatnot.

He served in many positions in the United States. The positions held by Daniel Patrick 'Pat' Moynihan include the U.S. Ambassador to India (1973 to 1975), the US Ambassador to the United Nations, also known as the permanent representative to the United Nations (1975-1976), Democratic Senator fromNew York (1977-2001).

The post incorrectly mentioned in the given options is Press Secretary to President Johnson. Moynihan served as an Assistant Secretary of Labor under the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson and Kennedy.

Therefore, option C is the answer.

How did Jonathan Dillon feel about the attack on fort Sumter? REWARDING 20 POINTS



Here's how the story went: Jonathan Dillon was working for M.W. Galt and Co. in ... that the first shot of the Civil War had been fired at Fort Sumter. ... Museum volunteer and master watchmaker George Thomas did the honors of ... of the room: “Jonathan Dillon April 13, 1861 Fort Sumpter [sic] was attacked


answer for points and brainilest



the answer is number one


it make sense to me that way but

Which issue is most likely to involve deciding between individual rights and the common good.

Please help me!!!!!!!



Maybe c


During the Cold War, the Soviet Union led _________ nations, while the United States led ________ nations.

democratic; communist

communist; democratic

colonial; communist

democratic; colonial


Communist then democratic


Supporters of the Union looked to Article VI of the Constitution for support for their argument. Read the excerpt from Article VI and then choose and defend a point of view regarding whether the Constitution corroborates (supports) a view that the Union is permanent.

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."



The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2), establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.

hope i helped.



give him brainliest


it was right

Jimmy Carter was an incumbent (define):



incumbent means that he was/is the holder of an office or postion


if ur asking for the definition of incumbent in this instance

Question in pic! help asap, will give brainliest


Trade would decline due to roads not being safe and the fall of Rome so True

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LBJ said that there was a unprovoked naval attack at the Golf of Tonkin by the North Vietnamese.

what is the equal right amendment​




La enmienda de igualdad de derechos o Equal rights amendment (Era) fue o es una enmienda propuesta a la constitución de los Estados Unidos diseñada para garantizar la igualdad de derechos legales para todos los ciudadanos estadounidenses sin importar el sexo

Busca terminar con las distinciones legales entre hombres y mujeres en asuntos de divorcio, propiedad, empleo y otros asuntos.

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