In what two ways were the Crusades considered successful?
They reopened trade with the Middle East during the fourteenth century.
They permanently reclaimed the Holy Land for the Catholic Church.
They allowed the exchange of ideas and learning with the Arabs.
They united all of Europe as the Holy Roman Empire.
(look for my other 5 questions!!!)


Answer 1
The first one and the third one

Related Questions

Will give brainliest need ASAP
Societies developed mediums of exchange in order to:

create a barter system of trade.
help people trade more easily.
stop trading with paper money.
stop trade with foreign countries.


B because c and d don’t make sense and it’s not a

What is one reason Florida set up the state university system?
A. to replace private colleges
B. to employ workers
C. to benefit Florida's citizens and economy
D. to benefit surrounding states





I think so

Answer: C
I believe so

What does it mean to be a “Renaissance man”?



It means a person who has wide interests and is expert in several ideas.

To be a Renaissance man OR FEMALE
you have to be good at a multiple things

So the answer is a very useful person

According to Chief Joseph, how did white settlers view American Indians?



Early Years

The leader of one band of the Nez Perce people, Chief Joseph was born Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt in 1840 in the Wallowa Valley in what is now Oregon. His formal Native American name translates to Thunder Rolling Down a Mountain, but he was

the answer is “early years”.

Who robbed banks to support the Bolsheviks, had trouble dealing with farmers, held the Moscow Show Trials, and had many people that disagreed with him disappear or die including his wife? Question 4 options: Joseph Stalin Nikita Khrushchev Vladmir Lenin


Joseph Stalin


Multiple Select Question
Select all that apply
A Frankish king named Charles, later called Charlemagne, expanded the kingdom of the Franks to include parts of modern-day

1. Germany.

2. England.

3. France.

4. Spain.

5. Italy.


The answer js England.

All of the following are characteristics of a plantation except

operated like a small farm

work was done by enslaved laborers

Produced one to two cash crops

operated like a small self-sufficient community



its the third one


it’s the third one! produced one to two cash crops :)

I NEED HELP FAST (question(S) in the picture


For the second question the one that is incorrect is Choctaw

Purchasing stock on credit is called



Margin trading


it’s called margin training

In the United States government, which of the following would have the power to send soldiers to a foreign country but does not
have the power to declare war?
A. Supreme Court
OC. Attorney General



B. The President.


Congress can declare war.

The President. Congress is the one aloud to declare war

What is Food Insecurity?



I think food insecurity is a lack of access to affordable and nutritious food.


plz give me brainliest

plz plz hury plz plz hury plz



Like the 2020 census in the US
In my personal opinion “Census” would be the best way to describe the official count of people living in one place. Have a good day:)

recall one detail from the passage above that you found interesing about martha washington



Martha married Daniel Parke Custis on May 15, 1750 or Unlike most women in Virginia in the early 1700s, Martha learned to read and write. ..



Martha Washington learned how to read and write unlike most women in Virgina. (in 1700s)


Sparta was an a__c__e__t Greek p__l__s that was always p__e__a__ed for w____. Male Spartans would begin their t__a__n__ng as soldiers at age s________. Soldiers faced rigorous training and harsh d__s__i__l__ne while often being u__d__r__ed. Spartan w__m__n were in charge of many of the *d__i__y routines of the polis because the men were t__a__ni__g for war. Spartan women were known for their ability to endure p______ and h__r__s__ip and were prized for their ability to b______ strong Spartan w__r__i__rs. The Spartans e__s__a__ed many neighboring farmers the Spartans called h__________. Helots led harsh lives filled with *c__u__l__y. The Spartans forced the helots to turn over h______ of their crops to f______ the Spartan a______. Each year, Sparta would declare w____ on the helots and r__w__rd the s__l__i__rs who k__l__ed helots. Sparta was a d__s__i__l__n__d society that built a strong a______, but Sparta d__s__o__r__g__d new ideas and v__s__t__rs from other poli. Sparta would eventually come into conflict with A___________, a polis that *t__a__ed with others and e__c__u__a__ed new ideas. Sparta won the brutal P__l__p__n__e__i__n War with Athens, but Sparta eventually fell to a R________ army in 146BCE. .

YOU HAVE TO ANSWER IT ALL BEFORE NOT JUST A WAY TO GET THE ANSWER i will also give the right answer brainliest


Ancient, polis, prepared, war, training, seven, discipline, underfed, woman, daily, training, pain, hardship, become, warriors, enslaved, helots, cruelty, harvest, feed, army, war, reward, soldiers, killed, disciplined, army, discouraged, visitors, Athens, traded, encouraged, Peloponnesian, Roman.

Sorry, took me a while to find the answers but hope this helps! :)

Which branch of government is involved when the State Department warns American travelers to avoid dangerous countries?
OA. executive
OB. judicial
OC. congressional
OD. legislative



the answer is A (executive)


9.2 NOTES Challenges to the New Government

Northwest Territory & Southeastern US
Native Americans in these regions were resistant to settlers coming into their areas.
The strongest resistance came from tribes in the Northwest Territory.
Washington sent troops into the ________ ________.
Tribes such as the __________, ___________, & ___________ joined together to fight the white men.
On ________ ____, 1794, a group of 2,000 Native Americans clashed with US troops led by Anthony Wayne in what is called the _________ ___ _________ ___________.
Treaty of ___________ (1795) the Native Americans surrendered their lands in Ohio and Indiana.

Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
US government put a tax on whiskey to raise revenue.
Whiskey product was important to farmers because customers would pay much more for whiskey than they would for _______ or _______.
Farmers also used whiskey to trade for ______, ________, and other goods.
Urged by Hamilton, George Washington sent General __________ ______ to put down the rebellion and enforce the tax.

French Revolution (1792) grew violent.
France soon declared war on ___________, ____________, & ____________.
The U.S. was caught in the middle of its allies.

April 1793, George Washington declared that the United States would remain ____________.


Jay’s Treaty

Pinckney’s Treaty


If you look up 9.2 challenges to the new government quizlet it tells you the answers!!
Hi i need help can some on help me

how did you feel when people stormed the capital this is just an opinion question no answer is right or wrong.


I think it was uncaused for and a lot of things was uncaused for like the past year and stuff and I don’t know what they gained for that just a little bit of rep

Which of these helped connect the continents by making ocean voyages even faster?

A. New Amsterdam
B. Caravels
C. Textile Workshops
D. Slaves


Answer: B caravels

Explanation: they are fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship

Out of the choices provided above, it can be concluded to state that the caravels helped improve the trade connectivity between the continents by making ocean voyages even faster. Therefore, the option B holds true.

What is the significance of trade connectivity?

Trade connectivity can be referred to or considered as the process wherein two or more geographical regions come in close contact with each other by the way of establishing exchanges and transactions of trading goods and services between them.

During the period of colonization, the Spanish and Portuguese sailors started to use caravels, which are large sailing ships that can hold cargo. These caravels were able to efficiently carry goods of trade as a part of developing trade connections.

Therefore, the option B holds true and states regarding the significance of trade connectivity.

Learn more about trade connectivity here:


May someone please write a free verse poem about the country turkey in the middle east for me plzz. Include facts about the country! Also i am giving out brainliest! Do only the coutry turkey in the middle east!



i will just in case


no i dont think but

Which of the following were not one of the major cash crops for plantations?












Prominent crops included cotton, rubber, corn, sugar cane, tobacco, figs, rice, kapok, sisal, and species in the genus Indigofera, used to produce indigo dye.


Corn and Hemp were not one of the major cash crops for plantations.


I hope this helps.

On the Political Spectrum scale, Republicans are _______, while the Democrats are ____

a) Liberals; Conservatives
b) Left wing; Right Wing
c) Right wing; Left Wing
d) Federalists; Anti-Federalists


C right wing left wing
C would be the correct answer

4. In a short paragraph, describe the transition of Rome from a republic to an empire. What was the republic like, and what caused it to become an empire?



Over a period of nearly 200 years, however, the plebeians fought for and gained power within the government.

At the heart of the Roman Republic was the Senate. The Senate advised on matters pertaining to rules governing the city and population. In the republic, members of the patrician class served as advisers to the other governing bodies of the republic. Although the Senate did not formally make laws, the prestige of its members gave the Senate great influence over Rome’s law-making bodies.

The Senate lasted as a sole governing body for the republic for only a brief time, lasting from the republic’s founding in 509 B.C.E. until 494 B.C.E., when a strike orchestrated by the plebeians resulted in the establishment of the Concilium Plebis, or the Councilof the Plebs. This gave the plebeians a voice in the government. As a result, new legislative, or law-making, bodies of the Roman Republic were formed. Called assemblies, these legislative bodies shared power in the following ways:

           Comitia Centuriata — This body decided about war, passed laws, elected magistrates (consuls, praetors, and censors), considered appeals of capital convictions, and conducted foreign relations.

           Concilium Plebis — This body elected its own officials and formulated decrees for observance by the plebeian class; in 287 B.C.E., it gained the power to make all decrees binding for the entire Roman community.

           Comitia Tributa — The tribal assemblies, open to all citizens (who only could be free, adult males), elected minor officials, approved legislative decisions often on local matters, and could wield judicial powers but could only levy fines rather than administer punishment.

Leading the republic were two consuls who were elected by legislative assemblies. They served for one year, presided over the Roman Senate, and commanded the Roman military. Though their power was somewhat limited by the establishment of other magistrate positions, the consuls were effectively the heads of state.


what is something that you wish that you could do in 2020 before the rona



Go to Florida and visit my family


I love them


hang out more with my friends I guess I have strict parents

Help please i have a 65 in her class


Answer: It made Americans overcome the fear of the depression


The last sentence of the passage hints of what outcome?
There is no battle.
Alexander wins the battle.
Darius wins the battle.
They fight, but neither sid




answer is a of your question

Why does the article state that "the people" establish a state university, rather than "the government"?
F. because the state derives its power from the people
G. because the university system is a public service
H. because public universities benefit the people
I. because the state universities are intended only for Florida's citizens


The answer is either h or g

Please help i will give brainlesit





These are all part of the way guilt is established

Answer: B i think




The correct answer choice is C

plz plz hury plz hury plz plz





Have a great day/night!

Answer: gladiator :)

plz plz hury plz plz hury plz The main purpose of the census was to ___________________. a. register the number of people c. monitor the wealth of the city b. register the number of slaves and slaveholders d. determine how many wives each man had.


I’m pretty sure it’s A
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