In the united states for the year​ 2020, the federal government had a​ ________ so the national debt was​ ________.


Answer 1

The federal government in the United States ran a budget deficit in 2012, which resulted in an increase in the country's debt.

How does a budget deficit start?

People's salaries decrease in a bad economy, which results in the government collecting less tax revenue and spending more on social safety net services like food assistance or unemployment insurance. One reason why deficits often increase (or surpluses decrease) during recessions is due to this.

What occurs when the fiscal deficit widens?

The amount of public sector debt rises as a result of a budget imbalance. National debt will rise as a percentage of GDP in countries with large deficits. Interest on debt has an opportunity cost. A greater deficit will also result in a higher percentage of the nation's income going toward paying interest on the debt.

Learn more about budget deficit:


Related Questions

which document provides information about the estimated risks and the effects of those risks on the ability of an organization to continue doing business when key processes or technology become unavailable?


The business continuity plan is the document that provides information about the estimated risks and the effects of those risks on the ability of an organization to continue doing business when key processes or technology become unavailable.

What is the business continuity plan?

A mechanism for protecting against and recovering from potential risks to a business is called a business continuity plan (BCP). In the event of a disaster, the plan makes sure that people and property are safeguarded and can operate rapidly.

Plans for business continuity (BCPs) are mechanisms for protecting against and recovering from potential hazards including natural disasters and cyberattacks.

BCP is intended to safeguard people and property while ensuring their timely functionality in the event of an emergency.

BCPs should be evaluated to make sure there aren't any vulnerabilities that need to be found and fixed.

Read more on business plans here:


which is not an example of altruism? donating blood or bone marrow volunteering at a soup kitchen donating money to the homeless working for a nonprofit organization


An appropriate choice is option (d). Working for a nonprofit is not a good example of altruism.

An altruistic individual is what?

Altruism is a moral principle that promotes both material and spiritual quality of life by showing concern for the welfare and/or pleasure of other people or animals. It is a cherished virtue in many societies and a fundamental component of many religious and nonreligious worldviews.

When we take actions to advance the well-being of others, even at risk or expense to ourselves, we are being altruistic.

Altruism is the practice of acting in a way that benefits another person at the expense of oneself. Giving someone else your lunch, for instance, is altruistic since it satisfies their need while also leaving them hungry.

Learn more about altruism:


Darius, a site manager for a construction company, learns that a hurricane is headed towards his town. According to maslow, what will he prioritize first?.


According to Maslow and his hierarchy of needs, Darius, will first ensure that he has shelter from the storm when it arrives.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological health theory that places self-actualization at the top of the list when meeting basic human needs. Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist who lived from April 1, 1908, to June 8, 1970. It is for this theory that he is most well-known. Maslow taught psychology at Brandeis University, Columbia University, Brooklyn College, and the New School for Social Research. In contrast to viewing someone as a "bag of symptoms," he emphasized the importance of focusing on their positive qualities. A 2002 review of general psychology study ranked Maslow as the tenth most cited psychologist of the 20th century.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology that depicts a five-tiered model of human desires as tiers within a pyramid.

The needs are ranked from the bottom of the hierarchy up, starting with biological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and belonging (friendship), esteem, and self-actualization.

Needs lower on the hierarchy must first be met before those higher up can receive attention.

Learn more about Maslow, here

Complete question:

Darius, a site manager for a construction company, learns that a hurricane is headed towards his town. According to Maslow, what will he prioritize first?

- ensuring his construction site is prepared for the storm

- creating plans for how he can be better prepared for storms in the future

- ensuring that he has shelter from the storm when it arrives

- ensuring his insurance policy is in place to reimburse his home for storm damage

- inviting friends to stay with him during the storm

a method that management uses to focus attention on the most significant differences between actual costs and standard costs is called:


Management by exception requires managers to concentrate on the most important discrepancies between actual and standard costs.

What is the significance of management by exception?

Management by exception enables managers to efficiently lead their companies by allocating work. Managers concentrate on attaining the company's vision, while other staff work on day-to-day operations to keep the organization running.

This enables all corporate personnel to remain productive while specializing in specific activities. The goal is to highlight substantial variations between expected and budgeted amounts.

Therefore, Management by exception necessitates managers focusing on the most significant differences between actual and standard costs.

Learn more about the management by exception, refer to:


a. find the duration of a 6% coupon bond making annual coupon payments if it has three years until maturity and a yield to maturity of 6.5%. (do not round intermediate calculations. round your answers to 4 decimal places.) b. what is the duration if the yield to maturity is 10.5%? (do not round intermediate calculations. round your answers to 4 decimal places.)


a. The duration of a 6% coupon bond making annual coupon payments if it has three years until maturity and a yield to maturity of 6.5% is 2.8334.

b. The duration if the yield to maturity is 10.5% is 0.8215

What is bond?

In finance, a bond is a type of security under which the issuer owes the holder a debt, and is obliged - depending on the terms - to repay the principal bond at the maturity date as well as interest over a specified amount of time.

Now, let's working on the calculation to answer question A.

Duration = (1+y)/y - ((1+y) + t * (c-y)) / c *((1+y)^t - 1) + y

y = YTM (Yield to maturity)

t = time until maturity

c = coupon rate

YTM = 6.5%

= (1+0.065)/0.065 - ((1+0.065) + 3 * (0.06 - 0.065)) / 0.06 * ((1+0.065)^3 -1) + 0.065

= 17.5167 (rounded into 4 decimal places) (for question a)

Now, let's working on the calculation to answer question B.

YTM = 10.5%

= (1+0.105)/0.105 - ((1+0.105) + 3 * (0.06 - 0.105)) / 0.06 * ((1+0.105)^3 -1) + 0.105

= 11.5793 (rounded into 4 decimal places) (for question b)

Learn more about bond


g a. three months after the sale, at the balance sheet date, there was a foreign currency exchange gain of $1100. what is the journal entry? b. three months after the sale, at the balance sheet date, there was a loss on the contract of $520. what is the journal entry?


The profits and losses arising from foreign money transactions that might be recorded and translated at one fee after which result in transactions at a later date and distinctive rate are recorded in the equity phase of the balance sheet.

Unrealized overseas forex translation gains or losses as of the stability sheet date are commonly accounted for under monetary prices or profits on debts 563 or 663  this relates to receivables, payables, stamps and vouchers, overseas foreign money treasury, and overseas forex money owed.

In monetary accounting, a balance sheet is a precis of the financial balances of a character or employer, whether it's a sole proprietorship, an enterprise partnership, an employer, a personal restricted organization, or a different organization that includes a government or no longer-for-earnings entity.

Learn more about balance sheets here


according to this laffer curve, should the government increase the tax rate from 40% to 60%? a.) yes, because the government will receive a higher tax revenue. b.) no, because the tax revenue is no longer maximized. c.) yes, because the tax revenue continues to increase after a tax rate of 40%. d.) no, because the government should increase the tax rate to 100%.


Yes, government increase the tax rate from 40% to 60% because the tax revenue continues to increase after a tax rate of 40%. Option (c) is correct.

What is Revenue?

The total income derived from the sale of products or services pertaining to a business's core operations is referred to as revenue. Because it appears at the top of the income statement, revenue, which is also known as gross sales, is frequently referred to as the "top line."

The Laffer curve depicts a potential correlation between taxation rates and the amount of tax revenue that results. According to the Laffer curve, there is a tax rate between 0% and 100% that maximises government tax revenue because it is assumed that no tax income is generated at the extreme tax rates of 0% and 100%.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct. Government should increase the tax rate from 40% to 60% because the tax revenue continues to increase after a tax rate of 40%.

Learn more about Revenue, here;


Which of the following marketing messages are consumers most likely to trust?
A. ATV commercial
B. An article about the company in a city newspaper.
C. An Internet advertisement
D. A phone conversation with an employee of the company


B) an arrivals about the company in a city newspaper.

An article about the company in a city newspaper would be more trusted by the consumers.
The article or news in the newspaper is a reliable source for gaining information as people usually perceive that information on TV and the internet is mostly comprised of fake news.
Thus, newspapers are trusted for their accurate and unbiased information especially in rural regions and elderly people as newspapers have a wide distribution channel.

Can someone write a 5 paragraph of a writing an argument and it gotta be two things to argue about


A argument that can be written about two things in the United States include the issue of gun rights and social security spending.

What are some pressing issues in the United States?

When writing an argument and you need a good topic, look at the pressing issues in your country at that time. For the United States, gun rights and social security spending are quite notable.

For the issue of gun rights, there are those who support gun rights because they believe that it allows them to protect themselves. Some even argue that the more people have guns, the less there will be gun violence because people will be more conscious of using their guns fearing they could be shot.

Then there are those against rights. They argue that nations that have fewer guns have fewer mass shootings and instances of gun related violence. They therefore want that for the United States.

Another argument would be that of social security spending. Those who support it say it is only right to provide for the elderly in society.

Those opposed to social security spending believe that it is costing the nation much too much. They argue that these are funds the government could use in other sectors. They advocate for more private retirement saving.

Find out more on arguments at


What tax form will you receive from an
employer if you are hired as an
independent contractor?
A. 990 form
B. W2 form
C. 1099 MISC form
D. Child Tax Credit form



see the answer


I think it's B

Follow and like me

The _____ market includes food, clothing, transportation, banking services, credit services, and entertainment.


The consumer market includes the food, clothing, transportation, banking services, credit services, and entertainment.

What is a consumer market?

In a consumer market, buyers purchase goods and services to use themselves or to share with others as opposed to reselling them. In this sector, consumer necessities for daily life make up the majority of the products. It is possible for people to buy goods and services in the consumer market. Customers have a lot of purchasing power because they typically buy goods for their own consumption in this market. Products used by people every day make up the majority of it. An individual enters the consumer market and joins it when they buy a product for their own usage. Both goods and services are sold in a consumer market. By paying for a massage, car wash, sporting event, or sports trainer, a consumer might take part in the context of services.

To learn more about consumer market, visit:


a machine that cost $120,000 has an estimated residual value of $12,000 and an estimated useful life of nine years. the company uses straight-line depreciation. calculate its book value at the end of year 8. (do not round intermediate calculations.)


Book value at the end of year 8 is $24000 .Cost of the asset minus book value in year one.

Depreciation costs for the first year

Book value in the following years

= the prior year's book value minus -expense for depreciation

Useful life divided by (cost of asset - salvage value) equals straight line depreciation expense.

($120,000 - $12,000)/ 9 = $12000

The depreciation expense each year would be $12,000.

Book value in year 1= $120,000 - $12,000

= $108000

Book value in year 1= $108,000 - $12,000


Book value in year 1= $96,000 - $12,000

= $84000

Book value in year 1= $84,000 - $12,000

= $72,000

Book value in year 1= $72,000 - $12,000

= $60,000

Book value in year 1= $60,000 - $12,000

= $48,000

Book value in year 1= $48,000 - $12,000

= $36,000

Book value in year 1= $36,000 - $12,000

= $12000

To know more about Straight-line depreciation visit:


what is the document called that is distributed to potential bondholders and provides detailed information on the financial position and operations of the bond issuer?


The document called that is distributed to potential bondholders and provides detailed information on the financial position and operations of the bond issuer is prospectus.

The providing document (“Preliminary Official Statement” or “POS”) need to comprise particular facts approximately the securities, which includes an in-depth description of the reason of the issue, and criminal reviews concerning the issuer's authority and the tax repute of the securities.

The 3 reasserts of go back on a fixed-price bond bought at par price are: (1) receipt of the promised coupon and major bills at the scheduled dates, (2) reinvestment of coupon bills, and (3) ability capital gains, in addition to losses, at the sale of the bond previous to maturity.

Learn more about bondholders here:


susan invests 2 times as much money at 12 % as she does at 9 % . if her total interest after 1 year is $ 1980 , how much does she have invested at each rate?


She has invested $6000 at 12% and $12,000 at 9% rate.

Let x stand in for the amount she put into the account that earned 12% interest.

Let y stand in for the amount she put into the account that earned 9% interest.

At 12%, Susan invests twice as much as she does at 9%. It follows that

x =2y

The calculation of simple interest follows the following formula:

I = [tex]\frac{P X R X T}{100}[/tex]

Taking into mind the account's 12% interest rate,

P = x, T = 1 year, R = 9℅

I = (x × 9 × 1)/100 = 0.09x

Taking into mind the account's 9% interest rate,

P = y, T = 1 year, R = 5℅

I = (y × 5 × 1)/100 = 0.05y

If after a year her total interest is $1980, it means that

0.12x + 0.09y = 1980    (equation 1)

When x = 2y is substituted into equation 1, it results in

0.12x × 2y + 0.09y = 1980

0.24y + 0.09y = 1980

0.33y = 1980

y = 1980/0.33

y = 6000

x = 2y = 2 × 6000

x = 12000

To learn more about investments:


the fact that output gaps will not last indefinitely, but will be closed by rising or falling prices is the economy's:


The economy's self-correcting property is the fact that output gaps won't last indefinitely, but will be closed by rising or falling prices.

The output gap is the difference, expressed as a percentage of gross domestic product, between an economy's actual output and its highest potential output. An output gap can be either favorable or negative for a nation.

A negative output gap indicates that the economy's actual output is below its maximum capacity, whereas a positive output gap indicates that the economy is beating expectations because its actual output is higher than its acknowledged maximum output. The output gap helps paint a picture of how the economy is doing because the gross domestic product is used in its computation.

To learn more about output gaps, visit the link below:


in-sourcing is defined as reverting to in-house production when external quality, delivery, and services do not meet expectations. in-sourcing is defined as reverting to in-house production when external quality, delivery, and services do not meet expectations. true false


In-sourcing is defined as reverting to in-house production when external quality, delivery, and services do not meet expectations. in-sourcing is defined as reverting to in-house production when external quality, delivery, and services do not meet expectations is true.

The act of having something, particularly merchandise or materials, from a specific place: sourcing of Seth Last year, the enterprise centralized its sourcing of uncooked materials.  Product sourcing is quite selective.

Sourcing is constantly collect facts on availability of providers and goods, prices, and new merchandise and technology. Maverick Buying. Practice wherein inner customers strive to shop for immediately from providers and skip the sourcing function.

Learn more about production here:


cora wants to run ads in the amazon dsp that integrate amazon customer reviews. which creative type should she choose?


Displaying ads with e-commerce creative type should be chosen by Cora to run ads in the amazon DSP that integrate amazon customer reviews.

The Amazon DSP is a demand-side platform that enables programmatic ad purchases to reach both existing and new audiences both on and off of Amazon. E-commerce creatives for display ads let managed and self-service advertising clients quickly and easily create creatives that highlight product attributes like availability, price, coupons, and star ratings. Additionally, these ads are accessible on a variety of screens, allowing businesses to reach potential and current customers wherever they are with pertinent messages.

It showcases advertisements with e-commerce creative, a new premium ad product that delivers optimized ad creative to enhance customers' shopping experiences. This solution automates the creation of ad creative that maximizes campaign performance at scale by combining multiple data points so that Cora makes use of this type.


Learn to know more about Customers on


louis, 55, and rita, 52, have a large investment portfolio concentrated in individual stocks and stock mutual funds. they maintain cash reserves in a money market deposit account. louis is employed as a senior nuclear engineer and earns an annual salary of $350,000. he is expecting to retire in five years. select the investment that would be most suitable for the couple if they are seeking capital preservation and diversification. a) special opportunities fund b) biotechnology fund c) high-yield bond fund d) tax-free municipal bond fund


Tax-free municipal bond fund because the objective of an investment is capital preservation and diversification which can be achieved by investing in tax-free municipal bonds because it guarantees the safety of investment with assured return. The rest of the investment options do not guarantee the preservation of capital and involve the risk of default.

A bond is debt protection, much like an IOU. debtors issue bonds to elevate cash from traders inclined to lend them money for a sure amount of time. while you purchase a bond, you're lending to the provider, which can be a central authority, municipality, or enterprise.

Bonds are issued by way of governments and businesses once they want to raise cash. by way of shopping for a bond, you are giving the company a loan, and they comply with paying you again the face price of the mortgage on a selected date and paying you periodic interest payments along the manner, normally two times a year.

Learn more about bonds here:


Sergei’s boss has very strong opinions and often frowns upon questions from the team. This creates an environment where everyone just agrees with the boss decisions without questioning them


Knowing and comprehending each team member's opinions personality type will enable you to assign tasks in a way that best suits their interests and passions.

By doing this, you will raise team morale and productivity to their highest levels. Therefore, I always let my manager know when I'm having an issue. I jot out a list of my annoyances. I request a meeting with my employer opinions and explain these issues in detail. I want to be sure I'm not coming out as rude or sounding like I'm making any accusations against my supervisor. Good staff knowledge results in higher output and results.

To learn more about team, click here.


what are the primary differences between traditional and activity-based costing? and provide an example of when activity-based costing system is better than a traditional allocation system.


The two methods' complexity and accuracy differ from one another. ABC is a more precise method of pricing than traditional costing, which often allocates overhead costs to items based on an arbitrary average rate. ABC is more intricate and precise than conventional costing. As an illustration of activity-based costing, take Company ABC, which pays $50,000 in power costs annually. The number of labor hours directly affects the electricity bill. The cost driver in this example is the 2,500 labor hours that were put in for the year.

What is a traditional allocation system?

The traditional costing methodology, which is focused on allocating overhead (or indirect) production expenses, is an accounting technique used to calculate the cost of producing goods to generate a profit. For this system to work, fixed overhead rates must be calculated and then applied to a certain metric.

To learn more about traditional allocation system click on the given link:


what are recommended actions for managing your career? (choose every correct answer.) multiple select question. network with others in your profession. stay informed. make every day count. do not engage in self-promotion.


Stay informed, Make every day count, and network with others in your profession are recommended actions for managing your career.

A career means staying in the same kind of job. A career can be one job or multiple jobs. You can work for one company or multiple companies. A career is sometimes called a "career path." A career includes education, training, and work experience.

A career means working as a doctor, lawyer, teacher, carpenter, veterinary assistant, electrician, cashier, teacher, or cosmetologist. Teacher/Educational Professional. A teacher is considered one of the best-paid jobs for an Indian girl. A career is a person's metaphorical "journey" through studies, work, and other aspects of life. There are several ways to define a career and the terms are used in different ways.

Learn more about career here:


question content areawhat is one of the potential disadvantages of not allocating support department costs to production departments? costs would not be accumulated. b.managers will use a support service at a more efficient level. c.managers may tend to overconsume these services. d.this would encourage managers to monitor support department performance.


Cost allocation can occasionally result in favoritism, with one department receiving significantly more if cost managers care for it more.

This kind of bias can also lead to a number of related problems, like rivalries, competition for resources, and the expansion of departmental requirements and ideas.

What justifies the allocation of support costs?

The management can use the important data that cost allocation provides about how costs are used to make decisions. It helps determine whether the departments or products are profitable enough to justify the costs allocated by displaying the cost objects that account for the majority of the costs.

Which procedure is used to allocate costs to the support department?

There are three ways to divide costs for the support department: the direct, the reciprocal, and the step-down. The assumptions regarding how services provided by one support department are distributed to other support departments are the primary distinctions between the methods.

Learn more about Cost allocation here:


balanced scorecards used in performance management mean that for each negative feedback given there is also a positive feedback offered. question 2 options: true false


Managers need to focus on those critical internal operations that enable them to satisfy customer needs. The second part of the balanced scorecard gives  True.

Management (or managing) is the management of an employer, whether or not it's far a business, a non-income corporation, or a government frame. it's far the artwork and technology of handling assets of the commercial enterprise.

Management consists of the sports of placing the strategy of an agency and coordinating the efforts of its personnel (or of volunteers) to perform its objectives through the utility of to-be-had sources, which includes financial, herbal, technological, and human sources. "Run the commercial enterprise"[1] and "exchange the commercial enterprise" are two ideas that are used in control to differentiate between the continuing delivery of products or services and adapting of products or offerings to fulfill the converting needs of customers.

learn more about Management  here:


the demand curve for the perfectly competitive industry is part 2 a. horizontal. b. indeterminate without more information. c. downward sloping. d. vertical.


Option C is the correct answer. The demand curve for the perfectly competitive industry is Downward Sloping.

The demand curve of a competitive industry is always represented by a curve that is downward-sloping. It is basically a graph that represents the relation between the price of the goods or the commodity with the quantity of its demand in the market.

Demand in the market is considered for the graph to go downward. The more the demand is in the market the higher its price is. At higher prices, customers buy less. This is why the graph starts to slope downward.

Hence, Option C is the correct answer.

To know more about Demand Curve, Click here:


How has digital media and the advent of online shopping affected the retail landscape?.


Digital media and the advent of online shopping affected the retail landscape as it has led to the closing of many brick-and-mortar stores. The internet has also impacted retailers in ways that go far beyond their physical space or their online presence.

E-commerce will not be the death of the in-store shopping experience, but already its advent has had far-reaching effects. Most importantly, it has given consumers a greater number of purchasing options and created a higher expectation of convenience.

E-commerce and digital innovation have influenced consumer behavior to the point that the department store experience feels out of sync with the way we prefer to shop now.

Learn more about digital media and e-commerce here


valley view chicken coop's costs went from $0.05 per egg when they harvested from 50 chickens to $0.08 per egg when they harvested from 80 chickens. which of the following describes this scenario? a.) economies of scale b.) both diseconomies and economies of scale c.) constant scale d.) diseconomies of scale


The increase in the cost of the egg when 80 chickens are harvested is an example of diseconomies of scale. (option d)

What is diseconomies of scale?

Economies of scale is when the average cost falls as output increases. Diseconomies of scale is when the average cost increases as output increases. Constant scale is when the average cost remains the same regardless of the level of output.

Average cost is the total cost divides by the total unit of output.

Average cost = total cost / total output

The cost increases from $0.05 to $0.08 per egg when the number of chickens harvested from 50 to 80 chickens. Thus, the average cost increases. This is an example of diseconomies of scale.

To learn more about diseconomies of scale, please check:


a situation in which a buyer has limited supplier options, is procuring a critical item, needs technology innovation, or is concerned about the availability of supply is described by what relationship? group of answer choices arms-length relationship transactional relationship warm relationship collaborative relationship


A collaborative connection arises when a buyer has few supplier options, is purchasing a necessary item, requires technological innovation, or is concerned about the supply of a product.

Collaboration occurs when two or more individuals work together to achieve shared objectives. Working with people who hold different opinions has given way to collaboration as the preferred approach.

In order for varied groups of individuals to complete activities that could not be completed alone, collaborative connections are essential. This is especially true in schools. Assuming everyone has the best of intentions helps build trust among team members and lowers judgment. Respect, open-mindedness, and variety are a few qualities that are crucial for productive working partnerships.

Learn more about collaborative relationships here:


marta owns a food truck. which of the following would limit marta's ability to price discriminate? marta has little understanding of how much each customer values her product. marta's product is good only if it is consumed immediately, making it difficult to store for resale. marta has considerable market power because she is the only seller in town of of that kind of food. marta is facing rising costs.


Marta has little understanding of how much each customer values her product.

In income, trade, and economics, a patron (now and again called a customer, purchaser, or patron) is the recipient of a good, carrier, product or an idea - acquired from a vendor, seller, or provider via a monetary transaction or alternate for money or some different valuable consideration. Early societies depended on a present economy based totally on favours. Later, as trade developed, less permanent human family members were formed, relying greater on transitory wishes as opposed to enduring social goals.

Learn more about customer here


why should i buy property insurance



Purchasing homeowners insurance can help protect your new home from disasters like burst pipes or fires. This safety net will definitely help homeowners in case of an accident. Instead of paying cash for expensive repairs, insurance covers the cost of repairs by eliminating a deductible.

The difference between a gross material requirements plan and a net requirements plan is that.


A net material requirements plan (net MRP) differs from a gross material requirements plan (gross MRP) in that. In contrast to the net MRP, the gross MRP takes into account the inventory on hand. While the net MRP need not be computerized, the gross MRP cannot be.

What are net requirements?

Although they can be challenging to calculate, net requirements are crucial for guaranteeing that a company has the proper stock on hand. It's simple to have too much or too little stock on hand without precise net need estimations. Missed sales opportunities and shortages may result from this.

Using the tool Net-Requirement, you may quickly and precisely determine your company's net requirements. With the help of this technology, you'll always have the data you need to keep your supply chain operating efficiently. Net requirements are the quantities needed for a given item based on its gross requirements (derived from forecasts, customer orders, or upper-level demand), less any stock that is currently in stock and any scheduled receipts. The immediate production demands or previous data can be used to determine the net requirements.

To learn more about gross requirements, visit:


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