in the thermodynamics experiment, why was it necessary to filter the hot calcium hydroxide solution?


Answer 1

In a thermodynamics experiment, filtering the hot calcium hydroxide solution is necessary to removes any impurities or particulates that may be present in the solution that can affect the outcome of the experiment by introducing errors in the results.

In addition to this, filtering the hot calcium hydroxide solution also helps to ensure that the concentration of the solution remains consistent throughout the experiment. This is important because the concentration of the solution affects the thermodynamic properties of the solution, such as the temperature at which the reaction occurs. Without filtering, the concentration would vary depending on the amount of impurities present, and this could lead to inaccurate results.

Finally, filtering the hot calcium hydroxide solution also helps to prevent clogs or blockages in the equipment used for the experiment. If impurities are able to pass through the equipment, it could cause a disruption in the flow of the solution, which could affect the accuracy of the experiment.

Learn more about thermodynamics at :


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gold can be plated out of a solution containing au(no3)3 . what mass of gold (in grams) can be plated by a 10.0 minute flow of a 5.50 amp current?


The mass of gold (in grams) can be plated by a 10.0 minute flow of a 5.50 amp current is 26070 g.

Electroplating is the system of the usage of electrodeposition to coat an item in a layer of steel(s). Engineers use controlled electrolysis to switch the favored steel coating from an anode (a element containing the metallic as a way to be used because the plating) to a cathode (the component to be plated).

Electroplating, also known as electrochemical deposition or electrodeposition, is a technique for producing a metal coating on a solid substrate thru the discount of cations of that metallic by way of an immediate electric powered modern.


mass = ZIT

        = 79 × 5.50 × 600

        = 26070 g

Learn more about electrolysis here:-


if 20.1 grams of an aqueous solution of manganese(ii) chloride, mncl2, contains 2.37 grams of manganese(ii) chloride, what is the percentage by mass of manganese(ii) chloride in the solution?


The percentage by mass of manganese(ii) chloride in the solution is 11.79 %.

What is mass percentage?

One method to show the concentration of an element in a compound or component in a combination is as a mass percentage.

Mass percentage

= Mass of solute/Mass of solvent .100

= 2.37/20.1*100

= 11.79 %

∴ Mass percentage of MnCl2 = 11.79 %

Therefore, the percentage by mass of manganese(ii) chloride in the solution is 11.79 %.

To learn more about mass percentage from the given link.


I wanted to know if this answer is correct.
A hockey puck with a mass of 0.16 kg travels at a velocity of 40 m/s toward a goalkeeper. The goalkeeper has a mass of 120 kg and is at rest. Assuming a closed system, find the total momentum of the goalkeeper and puck after the puck is caught by the goalkeeper. In 3-4 sentences, identify the object with the greater momentum after the puck is caught and explain your reasoning.

My answer:
A hockey puck with a mass of 0.16 kg travels at a velocity of 40 m/s toward a goalkeeper. The goalkeeper has a mass of 120 kg and is at rest. Assuming a closed system, find the total momentum of the goalkeeper and puck after the puck is caught by the goalkeeper. The object with the greater momentum after the puck is caught is the goalkeeper. This is because when the puck is caught by the goalkeeper, the velocity of the puck changes from 40 m/s to 0 m/s. However, the velocity of the goalkeeper does not change because it was already at rest. Therefore, since momentum is equal to mass times velocity, and both the mass and velocity of the puck decrease when it is caught by the goalkeeper, while the mass and velocity of the goalkeeper remain constant, it follows that momentum must also decrease for the puck but remain constant for the goalie. Thus, since momentum cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred or changed, after catching the puck, all of its momentum must be transferred to the goalie, making them have greater momentum than before.


1. The total momentum of the goal keeper and puck after the puck is caught is 6 Kg.m/s

2. The object with the greater momentum is the goal keeper.

1. How do I determine the total momentum of the goal keeper and puck?

We'll begin by obtaining the final velocity of the goal keeper after the puck is caught. This is shown below:

Mass of puck (m₁) = 0.16 KgInitial velocity of puck (u₁) = 40 m/sMass of goal keeper (m₂) = 120 KgInitial velocity of goal keeper (u₂) = 0 m/sFinal velocity of puck (v₁) = 0 m/sFinal velocity of goal keeper (v₂) = ?

m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = m₁v₁ + m₂v₂

(0.16 × 40) + (120 × 0) = (0.16 × 0) + (120 × v₂)

6.4 + 0 = 0 + 120v₂

6.4 = 120v₂

Divide both sides by 120

v₂ = 6.4 / 120

v₂ = 0.05 m/s

Finally, we shall determine the total momentum of the goal keeper and puck after the puck is caught. Details below:

Mass of puck (m₁) = 0.16 KgMass of goal keeper (m₂) = 120 KgFinal velocity of puck (v₁) = 0 m/sFinal velocity of goal keeper (v₂) = 0.05 m/sTotal momentum after collision =?

Momentum = mass × velocity

Total momentum after collision = m₁v₁ + m₂v₂

Total momentum after collision = (0.16 × 0) + (120 × 0.05)

Total momentum after collision = 6 Kg.m/s

Thus, the total momentum after the puck is caught is 6 Kg.m/s

2. How do I know which object has the greater momentum after the puck is caught?

To know which object has the greater momentum after the puck is caught, we shall determine the momentum of each object after collision. Details below:

Mass of puck = 0.16 KgFinal velocity of puck = 0 m/sMomentum of puck after collision =?

Momentum = mass × velocity

Momentum of puck after collision = 0.16 × 0

Momentum of puck after collision = 0 Kg.m/s

Mass of goal keeper = 120 KgFinal velocity of goal keeper = 0.05 m/sMomentum of goal keeper after collision =?

Momentum = mass × velocity

Momentum of goal keeper after collision = 120 × 0.05

Momentum of goal keeper after collision = 6 Kg.m/s

From the above calculation, we can conclude that the goal keeper has the greater momentum.

Learn more about momentum:


What is the pressure of a tire at 25°C if the pressure is 1.5 m when the temperature is 15°C?


Ideal gas law is valid only for ideal gas not for vanderwaal gas. Therefore, the pressure of a tire at 25°C if the pressure is 1.5 atm when the temperature is 15°C is 1.55 atm.

What is ideal gas equation?

Ideal gas equation is the mathematical expression that relates pressure volume and temperature. There is no force of attraction between the particles.

Mathematically the relation between Pressure, temperature and volume can be given as


Rearranging the equation we get



P = pressure

T =temperature

R = Gas constant = 0.0821 L.atm/K.mol

Substituting all the given values, we get


1.5 ÷288=P₂÷298K

P₂=1.55 atm

Therefore, the pressure of a tire at 25°C if the pressure is 1.5 atm when the temperature is 15°C is 1.55 atm.

To learn more about ideal gas equation, here:


What is the volume of STP?


The volume at STP is 22.4 L.

By using the ideal gas equation we get :

P V = n R T

V = n R T / P

given that :

pressure, P = 1 atm

n = moles = 1 mol

R = gas constant = 0.0823 atm L / mol K

T = temperature = 273.15 K

putting the values in the formula , we get :

V = n R T / P

V = (1 × 0.0823 × 273.15 ) / 1

V  = 22.4 L

Thus, the volume at standard temperature and the pressure condition is is 22.4 L.

To learn more about ideal gas equation here


A 12-ounce can of soda contains 14 grams of sugar. How many grams of sugar are in 1 ounce of soda?.


In 1 ounce of soda, there are 1.17 sugar grams. if 14 grams of sugar are present in a 12-ounce a can soda

Describe the division method.

A bunch of items are divided into equal portions using the division method. Multiplications are the exact opposite of divisions. For instance, dividing by two (20) means dividing it into two (10-piece) equal groups. The inverse of multiplication is division. When you multiply three groups of four to produce twelve, you get four in each group when you split twelve into three equal groups.

In light of this, a 12-ounce a can Coke has 14 sugar grams.

Considering that, a 12-ounce soda can has 14 sugar grams. So, 1 ounce of soda has 14/12 = 1.17 grams of soda.

As a result, 1.17 sugar grams are present in 1 ounce of soda.

Learn more about the divide visit:


How do you predict the number of bonds?


Covalent bonds are made by sharing of electrons to complete the octet or doublet of the atom to attain stability.

Covalent bond refers to the mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms.

These electrons simultaneously attract the atomic nuclei of the two atoms participating in the covalent bond.

A covalent bond is formed only when the electronegativity difference of two atoms is too small so that an electron transfer to form ions will not occur.

Number of bonds for a neutral atom = (Number of electrons in the complete valence shell i.e. 2 or 8 electrons) - (Number of valence electrons of the atom)

for example:

Number of bonds for a neutral carbon = (Number of electrons in the complete valence shell i.e. 2 or 8 electrons) - (Number of valence electrons of the carbon)

which means,

Number of bonds for carbon atom = 8 - 4

Number of bonds for carbon atom = 4

To know more about covalent bonds:


will a precipitate form when 20.0 ml of 0.10 m ba(no3)2(aq) and 50.0 ml of 0.10 m na2co3 (aq) are mixed together? ksp baco3


A precipitate will form when 20.0 ml of 0.10 m ba(no3)2(aq) and 50.0 ml of 0.10 m na2co3 (aq) are mixed together.

What is a precipitate?

In aqueous solution, precipitation is the process of turning a soluble substance into an insoluble solid from a supersaturated solution.Precipitation of a compound can occur when its concentration exceeds its solubility. This may be due to temperature changes, solvent evaporation, or mixing of solvents. Precipitation occurs faster from a highly oversaturated solution.Chemical reaction forming a precipitate. When the barium chloride solution reacts with sulfuric acid, a white precipitate of barium sulfate is formed. Potassium iodide solution reacts with lead(II) nitrate solution to form a yellow lead(II) iodide precipitate.

To know more about precipitate, click the link given below:


integrating concepts the reaction of vanadium(ii) oxide with iron(iii) oxide results in the formation of vanadium(v) oxide and iron(ii) oxide. write the balanced chemical equation.


The balanced chemical equation:

2VO + 3fe2O₃ → V2O₅ + 6FeO

What is balanced chemical reaction?

A chemical equation is said to be balanced if the same amount of atoms of each type are involved in the reaction on both the reactant and product sides. A chemical equation that is in balance will have an equal amount of mass and change.

On the left and right sides of the reaction arrow in a balanced equation, the same number of each type of atom is present. The products go on the right side of the arrow when writing a balanced equation, and the reactants go on the left.

To learn more about balanced chemical reaction



the solubility product constant for ammonium acetate is > 1. if ammonium acetate is dissolved in water you can say that the equilibrium concentrations of ammonium and acetate ions are:


You can state that the equilibrium concentrations of ammonium and acetate ions are high if ammonium acetate is dissolved in water.

The solubility product expression shows an inverse relationship between the equilibrium concentrations of the cation and anion. The system is not in equilibrium and no solid can exist if the ion product is less than the solubility product. A salt of a weak acid and a weak base is ammonium acetate. If a system has many salts, they all ionize in the solution. If these salts contain a common cation or anion, they increase the concentration of the common ion. The computation of the common ion concentration must account for contributions from all salts.

To learn more about solubility click here


Describe the physical characteristics of water that make it a valuable resource for agricultural, industrial, and domestic uses.


Water is a vital component of agricultural productivity and is crucial to the security of our food supply. 20% of the total is made up of irrigated agriculture.

What role does water have in agriculture and humans?

We can grow fruits, vegetables, and cattle, which makes up a significant portion of our diet, thanks to the usage of agricultural water. Agricultural water is used for irrigation, the application of pesticides and fertilizers, cooling the crop (for instance, light irrigation), and frost management.

What residential uses does water have?

Drinking, cooking, washing hands and bodies, washing clothes, cleaning cooking utensils, cleaning the house, watering animals, irrigating gardens, and frequently for business activities are just a few of the various uses of water in households.

To know more about physical characteristics of water visit :-


a penny has a total of 3.1g. Zinc makes up 2.9g of the penny. What is the % by mass of zinc in the penny?



Answer: 93.54%Explanation: Divide the mass of the zinc by the total mass of the penny. 2.9/3.1=0.9354To get to a percent, multiply by 100.


93.54% of zinc in the penny when a penny has a total mass of 3.1 grams and zinc makes up 2.9 g of the penny.

What is mass?

Mass is simply the measure of the amount of matter in a body.

Divide the mass of the zinc by the total mass of the penny.


To get to a percent, multiply by 100.

0.9354 x 100 = 93.54

Thus, the mass of the zinc in the penny is 93.54%.

Learn more about mass here:


nitrogen gas can be prepared by passing gaseous ammonia over solid copper(ii) oxide at high temperatures. the other products of the reaction are solid acoper and water vapor. if a sample containing 18.1 g of nh3 is reacted with 90.4g of cuo whcih is the limiting reactant? how many grams of n2 will be formed?


10.6g of N2 will be produced as a result when  a sample containing 18.1 g of nh3 is reacted with 90.4g of CuO which is the limiting reactant.

2 NH3(g) + 3 CuO(s) ⟶ N2(g) + 3 Cu(s) + 3 H2O(g)

To calculate moles as

18.1g NH3 X 1mol NH3/17g NH3 = 1.06mol NH3

90.4g CuO x 1mol CuO/79.5g CuO = 1.14mol CuO

Given the limiting reactant 1.06mol NH3 x 3mol CuO/2mol NH3 = 1.59mol CuO is required

Since 1.14mol CuO is present it is limiting

Required is 3mol CuO/2mol NH3 =1.5 and obtained is 1.14mol CuO/1.06mol NH3 = 1.08

Mass of N2 produced = 1.14mol CuO x 1mol N2/3mol CuO x 28g N2/1mol N2= 10.6g N2  

To learn more about limiting reactant click here


The different geometries that a molecule can attain by bond rotations and bends are called conformations.T/F


The different geometries that a molecule can attain by bond rotations and bends are called conformations: True.

A molecule is a collection of  or greater atoms held together by means of appealing forces known as chemical bonds; depending on context, the time period may also or may not consist of ions which satisfy this criterion.

The smallest particle of any substance that could exist independently and retain the physical and chemical homes of the substance, made up of 1 or unique elements is a molecule. Molecules are divisible into atoms similarly. as an instance, oxygen atom is represented as O, oxygen molecule is represented as O2.

Learn more about molecule here:


3.45 x 10^24 molecules of Ba(OH)2 is how many liters


Its original definition of molecule is, "the smallest unit of a substance that yet preserves the qualities of that substance," was intended to be encompassed by this designation. 3.45 x 10²⁴ molecules of Ba ( OH )₂ is 5.9 liters.

What is molecule ?

According to the context, the term may or may not include ions that meet this requirement. A molecule is a collection of two or more atoms held together by the attractive forces known as chemical bonds.

"An atom is a body that cannot be cut in two; a molecule is the smallest conceivable component of a specific substance," wrote James Maxwell in 1873 when defining atom and molecule.

1 moles Ba ( OH )₂ = 171.34168 gram


3.45 x 10²⁴ molecules of Ba ( OH )₂

= 591.1 mole

= 5.9 liter

Thus, 3.45 x 10²⁴ molecules of Ba ( OH )₂ is 5.9 liters.

To learn more about molecules, follow the link;


isotopes are atoms of a particular element that contain a different number of neutrons. protons. electrons.


Answer:  Neutrons


Isotopes have the same number of protons but have different number of neutrons

the titration of 25.00 ml of 0.2215 m hcl required 28.84 ml of naoh for neutralization. what is the molarity of the naoh?


The molarity of sodium hydroxide is  0.192 M

This is a acid-base titration between a strong acid and a strong base, therefore, this reaction is completely done, and the reaction is the following:

NaOH + HCl -------> NaCl + H2O

Assuming a 1:1 mole ratio, the following is true:

1 mole NaOH = 1 mole HCl

Expressing in concentration and volume:

Mb * Vb = Ma * Va

We have the concentration and volume of the acid, and the volume of the base, so we can solve for the concentration:

Mb* 28.84 = 0.2215*25

Mb = [tex]\frac{0.2215*25}{28.84}[/tex]

Mb = 0.192 M

This is the concentration of the NaOH solution

To learn more about acid click on the below link:


for a given molecule, when the molecule deviates from its non-ideal geometry, the non-ideal geometry is lower in energy than the ideal geometry


The structure of a molecule like CH 2O (AX 3), whose double bond repels single bonds more potently than single bonds repel each other, is given below. As a result, the geometry is not perfect.

What leads to a departure from the optimal bond angle?

A molecule shape's actual bond angles can differ for a variety of reasons. The size of the participating atoms, the presence of lone pairs, numerous bonds, and big groups bound to the core atom

Why does a molecule experience distortion in perfect geometry?

Since a lone pair of electrons requires more space than a bonding pair does, the molecular geometry is altered to provide the lone pair with more room, which leads to narrower bond angles than in the ideal geometry.

To know more about bond angle visit:-


What type of reaction is CH2O O2?


It is a combustion reaction where CH₂O + O2 → CO2 + H2O occurs.

The balanced chemical equation for the interaction between formaldehyde and oxygen gas, which results in the production of carbon dioxide and water, is,

CH₂O + O2 → CO2 + H2O

As you can see from the process above, methane is being burned since oxygen is present. Along with water, methane also produces carbon dioxide.

We may infer from this that the reaction described above is a combustion reaction. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that the formation of new products as a result of the combination of two various reactants indicates that the reaction is also a type of combination reaction.

To know more about combustion reaction, visit,


How many moles of O2 are in a
container with a volume of 67 L
at STP?


Hey, divide by 22.4, 67/22.4 = 2.99 moles of O2

the transition metal, copper, has two stable isotopes. one of the isotopes has a mass of 64.92779 amu and constitutes 30.85% of the copper isotopes. what is the mass of the other stable isotope of copper?


The mass of the other stable isotope of copper is 62.92086 amu.

given that :

the mass of one of the isotope = 64.92779 amu

the percent of abundance = 30.85 % = 0.3085

the average atomic mass of the copper = 63.54 amu

mass of the other isotope, M2 = ?

the average atomic mass = 64.92779 amu × 0.3085 + M2 ( 1 - 0.3085)

63.54                                  = 20.03022 + M2 ( 0.6915)

M2 = 43.50978 / 0.6915

M2 = 62.92086 amu

Thus, the transition metal, copper, has two stable isotopes. one of the isotopes has a mass of 64.92779 amu and constitutes 30.85% of the copper isotopes.  the mass of the other stable isotopes of copper is 62.92086 amu.

To learn more about isotopes here


draw the orbital diagram for a group 5a(15) element. how many unpaired electrons are present in the ground state of the atoms in group 4a(14)?l


There are two unpaired electrons present in the ground state of the atoms in group 4A(14) in the periodic table.

Electronic configuration explains the arrangement of the electrons in each subshell and each orbital of an atom. The general electronic configuration of group 4A elements is written as ns2np2. The total number of valence electrons in group 4A elements is four. Two electrons are present in s-orbital which is paired and two electrons are present in p-orbital which is unpaired. Therefore, the number of unpaired electrons present in the ground state of the atoms in Group 4A(14) is two. The electrons cannot be in the same orbital because of Hund's Rule which states that in a set of degenerate orbitals.

To learn more about Group 4A(14) please visit:


35. 0 ml of 0. 255 m hno3 is added to 45. 0 ml of 0. 164 m mg(no3)2. What is the concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution?.


The concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution is 0.1116 M.

To find the concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution, you need to know the volume and concentration of the two solutions before they are mixed. The volume of the HNO3 solution is 35.0 mL and the concentration is 0.255 M. The volume of the Mg(NO3)2 solution is 45.0 mL and the concentration is 0.164 M.

To find the concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution, you need to use the formula for dilution of a solution. The formula is:

C1V1 = C2V2

Where C1 is the concentration of the first solution, V1 is the volume of the first solution, C2 is the concentration of the final solution, and V2 is the volume of the final solution.

In this case, you want to find the concentration of the final solution (C2). To do this, you need to rearrange the formula to solve for C2:

C2 = (C1V1)/V2

Plugging in the values from the problem, you get:

C2 = (0.255 M * 35.0 mL) / (35.0 mL + 45.0 mL)

C2 = (8.9275) / (80.0 mL)

C2 = 0.1116 M

Therefore, the concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution is 0.1116 M.

Learn more about concentration, here


what property of water causes water molecules to resist evaporation and to pool together? group of answer choices density adhesion electronegativity cohesion


Because they can create hydrogen bonds with one another, water molecules have powerful adhesive forces. The tendency of a liquid's surface to resist rupture when put under tension or stress is known as surface tension and is caused by cohesive forces.

What is cohesive force?

In physics, cohesion refers to the attractive force between two neighboring molecular segments of a substance, especially a solid or liquid. An object's constituent parts are held together by this force. A phenomenon known as adhesion occurs when two substances that are chemically different to one another come into contact.

To learn more about cohesive force



In aqueous solution, classify the compounds as strong acids, weak acids, strong bases, weak bases other. H3PO4, HF, LiOH, Ba(OH)2, (CH3)3N, NH3, CH3, COOH, NaCl, HNO3, HCl, CsOH, H2CO3, H2SO4,HCN, Ca(OH)2, Hi, NO3, HCN, H2CO3.


Here is the classification of each compound:

Strong acids: HI, HNO₃, HCl, and  H₂SO₄Weak acids: H₃PO₄, HF, CH₃COOH, HCN, and H₂CO₃Strong base: LiOH, Ba(OH)₂, CsOH, and Ca(OH)₂Weak base: (CH₃)₃N, NH₃, and NO₃Others: NaCl

Acid is a substance that, in an aqueous solution, is ionized and gives  H⁺ ions when dissociates. Strong acids are substances that are completely ionized in solution, while weak acids are only partially ionized.

Base is a substance that, in an aqueous solution, is ionized and gives OH⁻ ions when dissociates. Strong bases are completely ionized, while weak bases are only partially ionized.

Since weak acids and weak bases don't go 100% to completion, their reactions are reversible reactions (written using ⇄ symbols instead of the usual arrow).

Learn more about acids and bases at


Which of the following will dissociate into the largest number of ions in solution?A) Li2SO4B) KIC) LiC2H3O2D) Na3PO4E) C6H12O6


Na₃PO₄ will dissociate into the largest number of ions in solution.

A dissociation reaction is defined as a reaction where larger molecules dissociates to form new molecules by the use of some energy. The required energy is found in the form of heat or electricity after the reaction. Dissociation reaction is reversible in nature, where a single reactant will break down to form two or more products and vice versa.

The formula for a dissociation reaction is follows as: AB → A + B.

When Na₃PO₄ is dissolved in water, it is broken down into its constituent ions. Constituent ions of Na₃PO₄ are sodium ions and phosphate ions.

Conclusively, The chemical equation for showing the change is given as:

Na₃PO₄(s) → 3Na+(aq) + PO₃⁻⁴(aq)

Learn more about dissociation reaction from the link given below.


A metalloid acts as a conductor at what temperature


Answer: high temperatures


It varies.

you are using a geiger counter to measure the activity of a radioactive substance over the course of several minutes. if the reading of 400. counts has diminished to 100. counts after 60.1 minutes , what is the half-life of this substance?


The half-life of this substance is 30.13 minutes.

Half-life is the duration of time it takes for a radioactive element to decay to half of its initial value. This suggests that a source's activity has a half-life when it takes time for it to decrease to half its initial value.

Expression for rate law for first order kinetics is given by:

K = 2.303/t log a/a-x


k = rate constant  = ?

t = time passed by the sample  = 60.1 min

a = initial amount of the reactant = 400

a - x = amount left after decay process = 100

Therefore, K= 2.303/60.1 log 400/100

k= 2.3 x 10^ -2 min-1

Now we have to calculate the half-life of substance, we use the formula :

k = 0.693 / t

t = 30.13 min

Therefore, the half-life of this substance will be, 30.13 minutes.

To learn more about Half-life of elements visit:


rutherfordium-257 was synthesized by bombarding cf-249 with c-12 . enter the nuclear equation for this reaction. express your answer as a chemical equation.


Rutherfordium-257 was synthesized by bombarding Cf-249 with C-12 .  the nuclear equation for this reaction is :

²⁴⁹Cf₉₈   +   ¹²C₆    --->      ²⁵⁷Rf₁₀₄  +  4¹n₀

carbon :

atomic number = 6

mass number = 12

californium :

atomic number = 98

mass number = 249

Rutherfordium :

atomic number = 104

mass number = 257

The nuclear reaction is given as :

²⁴⁹Cf₉₈   +   ¹²C₆    --->      ²⁵⁷Rf₁₀₄  

                                    reactant         product

atomic number                104                   104

mass number                   261                   257

the mass is not balance to balance the mass number we have to add with mass number 1 and atomic number 0.

²⁴⁹Cf₉₈   +   ¹²C₆    --->      ²⁵⁷Rf₁₀₄  +  4¹n₀

Thus, the above nuclear reaction is called as nuclear fission.

To learn more about nuclear reaction here


a gas is enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a light frictionless piston and maintained at atmospheric pressure. when 254 kcal of heat is added to the gas, the volume is observed to increase slowly from 12.0 m3 to 16.2 m3. a. Calculate the work done by the gas. b. Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas.


The work done by the gas for question A will be 4.2 * 10^5 J.

The change in internal energy of the gas for question B is 6.43 * 10^5 J.

What is work (in gas)?

For a gas, it is the product of the pressure P and the volume V during a change of volume. The formula for work done in gas is W (work) = P (pressure) * V (volume)

Now, let's calculate the work done by gas to answer question A.

Work = Pressure * (Volume 2 - Volume 1)

= 1 atm * (16.2 - 12)

= 10^5 Pa * 4.2

= 4.2 * 10^5 J

So the work done by the gas is 4.2 * 10^5 J.

Now, let's find the change in internal energy of the gas.

The heat energy added to the system is

Q = 254kcal

= 254kcal * (4184J / 1 kcal)

= 1.063 * 10^6 J

The change in internal energy of gas is

ΔU = Q (the heat energy added) - W (work done by gas)

= 1.063 * 10^6 J - 4.2*10^5 J

= 6.43 * 10^5 J

Therefore, the change in internal energy of the gas is 6.43 * 10^5 J

Learn more about work (in gas)


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Table 6.1 shows the total utility derived from hamburgers by an individual. The individual experiences disutility from the consumption of the _____ hamburger.Table 6.1Number of hamburgers consumed Total Utility 0 01 102 203 254 22a. second b. first c. fourth d. third Are the gifts that Jim and Della give each other worth a lot of money? Explain. 12. How could you write a system of inequalities using the quadratic functions inthe graph so that (6, 6) is a solution to the system but (6, -6) is not a solution tothe system. what are the 3 regions that 13 colonies are grouped into A snack food company decreases the size of their single-serving size tortilla chips bag to 3. 0 ounces, which is 10% less than the original size. an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers compensation law.a. True b. False The _______________ Church was centered in Constantinople. A solid dressing recipe includes 4/5 cup of lime juice for every 2 cups of Greek yogurt. How many cups of lime juice does Marquez need for 3 cups of Greek yogurt? Find the value of each variable. / pls help me out!! I'd appreciate it which contains more alcohol, 80 proof whiskey or the same volume of vodka that is 35 percent alcohol by volume? many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. these types of neurons are classified as _____________________ neurons. since the winter shows both positive and negative aspects of acupuncture, we can conclude that the winter The wavelength of blue light is greater than red light and its energy is greater. (True or False) why can a monopoly make a positive economic profit even in the long run? a monopoly can make positive economic profit in the long run because _____. Animals breathe in air containing oxygen and breathe out air containing less oxygen. the consumed oxygen is used? What mental illness does the narrator in the raven have? involves relationships inside and outside the firm that help in efforts to accomplish tasks that help to create value for stakeholders. an object has an acceleration of 15.7 m/s/s. if the mass of the object is increased by a factor of 13.6, what would be the new acceleration of the object? ______ defines who and what we are in relation to others.