in the story the glass castle explain its significance to Jeanette and to the family as a whole in pages 136-170


Answer 1


Jeannette and her family react to their new relatives? The family smokes and drinks a lot of alcohol. The grandma is cold and snappy towards them, she tells them to call her Erma. Jeanette thinks they are weird and dirty.


Related Questions

Read this sentence.
“I miss talking to you.” Her face became sad.
Which option correctly describes this sentence?
Select one:

It uses a dialogue tag correctly to show the speaker is sad.

It uses an action tag incorrectly to show the speaker is sad.

It uses an action tag correctly to show the speaker is sad.

It uses a dialogue tag incorrectly to show the speaker is sad.



The third One it uses an action tag


It uses an action tag correctly to show the speaker is sad.

hope it is helpful to you

please help me for God please or i will fail my class please help me please i really need help please
There have been several instances of deception (lying) and miscommunication involving Romeo, Juliet, Friar Lawrence, the Nurse and Lady Capulet throughout the play. Describe at least TWO examples and how it ultimately propels the plot of the play in a complete MEAL paragraph.
In other words, how did this add to the conflict in the story?



Main Idea: Your topic sentence stating the concrete claim the paragraph is advancing.

Evidence: Paraphrase or direct quotations from the source material you are using to support your topic sentence's claim.

Analysis: Your explanation and evaluation of the evidence; explaining the evidence you provided and its relevance in your own words.

Lead Out: Concluding; preparing your reader to transition to the next paragraph (and the next claim).


There is no reason for the friar's plan to go wrong. But an outbreak of plague forces Friar John into quarantine and prevents him from delivering Friar Lawrence's letter to Romeo, while Balthasar seeks out Romeo with news of Juliet's death.

While Friar Lawrence does not directly lie to anyone in the play, he does deceive the entire community of Verona by marrying Romeo and Juliet in secret, helping hide Romeo, and giving Juliet a potion that allows her to fake her own death. ... One such action is his decision to secretly wed Romeo and Juliet.

hagar in the bible about Islamic black stone​






don't troll next time :)

Which of these statements provides a rule for integrating digital media into an oral presentation?

Never use voice over in a classroom.
Always include graphs and charts.
Don’t read aloud text that appears on screen.
Use only one form of media at a time.

tysm I just do not understand the question if u could explain it would help so much!



Answer: C Don't read text aloud word for word

Which word is an ANTONYM for the word gradually?






I would say suddenly i'm sorry if i'm wrong but  gradually means in a gradual way slowly. And suddenly means fastly

all strange links or nonsense words will be reported
can you help me please my english is very bad​



very bad english first what you can do is


Which of the following resources would be considered nonrenewable?
A steam
B. natural gas
C. ethanol fuel made from com
D. wind



D. Wind


Which conclusion is supported by the following statement?

Bacteria often grow in contaminated and soiled areas.

O Many diseases can be avoided with proper hygiene and cleaning.

O It is the responsibility of farmhands to clean and maintain pens.

O Vaccines are the most important preventative care tool.

O There are no preventative measures to control diseases in baby animals.


Answer: The first choice is the correct answer.

Many diseases can be avoided with proper hygiene and cleaning.

Try These questions out and I’ll give you brainliest no links posted on My question or I will report you



1) c

2) b

3) b

4) b

5) a

6) b

7) b

8) a

The accuracy of this experiment will depend largely upon how much heat is lost or gained to the surroundings or environment when done in person. Briefly list and describe several possible sources of errors of this type that could be encountered in the experimental procedure and how they might affect the specific heat. Write out your answer in a clear and well supported paragraph.


Hello. You did not inform the experiment to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

Specific heat is the term that refers to the amount of thermal energy needed to affect the temperature of 1 gram of a homogeneous material, that is, a material that is composed entirely of the same substance. In this case, if we imagine an experiment that evaluates the specific heat of different materials, we can consider that the presence of impurities in that material can alter the specific heat, causing errors in the experiment. The intensity of thermal energy can also cause this change, as well as the presence of water in the tested materials because the water has a very high specific heat, which can interfere in the experiment.

What would you like to do this Memorial Day to remember and honor those who have served in the military?



1.Volunteer to lay flowers or plant flags at your local Veterans cemetery.

2.Sponsor a thank-you bouquet.

3.Watch the National Memorial Day Concert (Sunday, May 26, at 8:00 pm ET on PBS).

4.Fly the American Flag using proper mourning etiquette.

5.Visit a military memorial, museum, or monument.

6.Watch the National Memorial Day Parade (Monday, May 27, at 2:00 pm ET)

7.Attend a Memorial Day parade near you.

8.Observe the National Moment of Remembrance at 3:00 pm local time.

9.Post a tribute to a fallen hero on social media.

10 Provide financial support for families of the fallen.



How to describe being underwater



See explanation for answer.


It's like time stops and nothing else matters. You can hear blurs of noises from above but you are at one with yourself, the water pressure, that cold refreshing feeling, the bubbles flying at your face, and the resistance of the water pulling and pushing you around.

I hope this helps!

Have a lovely day!


w e t


it is cheaper to repair the old car than to buy a new one. rewrite in positive degree.


It’s already positive since it uses a positive term, cheaper
In negative degree it would be
Buying a new car would cost more than repairing an old one
yes the positive degree is correct for this one

Blake knows he should start his speech in a way that gets listeners interested in this topic--the history of environmental disasters. Which of the following is the BEST tool to achieve this goal?
several examples of disasters that listeners probably already know about
a careful explanation of what an environmental disaster is
a clincher that summarizes what major disasters over time have in common
a hook that describes a major disaster from a hundred years ago



a hook that describes a major disaster from a hundred years ago


To grab listeners’ attention, Blake will have to start his speech with something dramatic or intriguing.

A hook that describes a major disaster from a hundred years ago would be the best tool to achieve the goal of getting listeners interested in the history of environmental disasters. A hook is a technique used to grab the audience's attention and engage them in the topic at hand.

What is a hook in speech ?

In public speaking, a hook refers to a technique or strategy used to grab the audience's attention and engage them in the topic at hand. The hook is typically delivered at the beginning of a speech or presentation and is designed to make the audience curious or interested in what the speaker has to say.

A hook can take many different forms, such as an intriguing story, a surprising fact or statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful statement.

The purpose of the hook is to capture the audience's attention and create a sense of anticipation for what is to come. A hook that describes a major disaster from a hundred years ago would be the best tool to achieve the goal of getting listeners interested in the history of environmental disasters.

Find more on hook in speech:


According to "Making Money," why must designers create the appearance of paper money before engravers can do their jobs? Engravers arrange several "identical printing plates," so that a design can be created on each one. Engraving requires the use of "green and black as well as metallic and color-shifting inks," which designers create in their labs. Engraving is the "cutting of a design into a hard surface," so the design must be complete before engraving can occur. Engravers work on "steel forms called dies," which designers build with various carving tools.



Engraving is the "cutting of a design into a hard surface," so the design must be complete before engrsving can occur


Since engraving involves "cutting a design into a hard surface," the design must be finished beforehand. So, the correct option is C.

What is Engraving?

By using a burin to carve grooves into a hard, typically flat surface, engraving is the process of embossing a design onto it. The outcome can be a decorative object in and of itself, as when engraving is done on silver, gold, steel, or glass, or it can produce an intaglio printing plate made of copper or another metal that can be used to print engravings—also known as prints or illustrations—on paper. One of the earliest and most significant printmaking processes is engraving.

A historically significant way to create images on paper for artistic printmaking, mapmaking, as well as for commercial copies and drawings for books and periodicals, is through engraving. In its commercial applications, other photographic techniques have long since supplanted it.

Thus, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Engraving, here:


Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

According to "Making Money," why must designers create the appearance of paper money before engravers can do their jobs?

Engravers arrange several "identical printing plates," so that a design can be created on each one. Engraving requires the use of "green and black as well as metallic and color-shifting inks," which designers create in their labs. Engraving is the "cutting of a design into a hard surface," so the design must be complete before engraving can occur. Engravers work on "steel forms called dies," which designers build with various carving tools.

The moral of this story is putting another’s happiness above oneself. Which evidence from "The Lady, or the Tiger” best supports the conclusion that the princess’s choice will reflect this moral?

Her right arm lay on the cushioned parapet before her. She raised her hand, and made a slight, quick movement toward the right. No one but her lover saw her.
Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity?
How her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman, with her flushing cheek and sparkling eye of triumph. . . .
How in her grievous reveries had she gnashed her teeth, and torn her hair, when she saw his start of rapturous delight as he opened the door of the lady!



See explanation for answer.


I think that the correct answer is, "how her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman, with her flushing cheek and sparkling eye of triumph.". I'm not sure if this is correct but I hope it helps!

Have a lovely day!


A:Her right arm lay on the cushioned parapet before her. She raised her hand, and made a slight, quick movement toward the right. No one but her lover saw her.  


I did the test

Can someone give me the answer to this question?Williams's poem and Brueghel's painting share the same subject. In your
opinion, which creates a more powerful emotional response in the reader or
viewer? Provide at least two pieces of evidence to support your argument,
establishing reasons for your claims. Explain why you have chosen the poem
or the painting, and why the other is less powerful. Use specific details from
the poem and the painting to support your arguments. (15 points)



The poem creates a much more powerful response.


It describes what happens to Icarus far more than in the painting. While the painting may give a sense of sadness at the fact that nobody is noticing the boy drowning. The poem creates a much stronger feeling, and that feeling is dread, about what is happening to Icarus, rather than what the people around are doing.

PLS HELP WILL GIVE YOU BRAINLETS! Pls help to qrite an essay about losing someone need at least a thousand words
will give 23 points ​


Please don't think that im a hacker or anything. But brainly didn't allow me to send over 5000 characters. Please trust me on this. I sent the whole essay here:

Please re-read it just to make sure it is all correct.

Please help I’m so grateful for anyone taking there time to answer!


I think the answer is verb because verbs describe nouns.


I think is a pronoun


The other person said verb, but a verb it the action being done. I don't think its a noun because nouns are people, objects or places. Adjectives are descriptor words, so I don't think its an adjective. Pronouns are words that take the places of nouns, so I think its a pronoun. Im so sorry if this is wrong, I haven't done this in a while

1. Biting your nails or shaking your leg describes what part of your personality.*
a. Actions
b. Feelings
c. Thoughts
d. Habits


The answer is d hope this helps :)
D. Habits.

Biting your nails or shaking your leg are both habits that people can develop. Hope this helps!!

How is the poster effective in achieving its purpose?
O It inspires pride in the navy by emphasizing a large
O It uses an image to show that there is a type of job
for everyone.
O It uses a white font to stress the importance of
England's expectations.


B is it I think i dont know




anybody want to help me write a free verse poem ?

•at least 10 stanzas
•at least 4 lines per stanzas .

anybody ? ill give 50 points .





glue is sticky

glue helps fix some things

glue can be any color

glue is weird

glue can be solid or liquid

glue is glue


Heartbreak is an amazing emotion truly.
At first your chest starts to hurt.
You start to be at the mercy of your heart as you tremble.
Your ears can hear your heart pounding as thought waves hitting an ocean.

Tears pour constantly like a river that could never run dry.
Your head pounding as thought your in a club.
Deep stabbing pain makes it way through your whole body.
You feel helpless like at any given moment you’ll fall.

Your whole body limp.
As you feel your stomach drop as though on a scary rollercoaster ride that makes you feel treacherous.
Your body feels struck by lighting.
Your whole reality turned upside down.

You feel yourself let go of all reality.
Suddenly your consciousness is sucked out of your body.
You can now look over your lifeless body.
You look so sad a hopeless embodied soul.

Sorrow fills your head.
As you think about your dread.
You regain consciousness in a flash.
As you begin being rash.

The agony of tomorrow.
Makes You feel even more sorrow.
You become paralyzed with numbness.
Shielding ones tears makes the numbness intensify.

Numbness only lasts for so long.
Then comes all the fear that’s prolong.
Bitter coldness hurts Ones chest.
Consumes a person truly.

Soon comes the overthinking.
The pain you seek from doing so.
Broken disheartening pain, even worse that ones self loathing.
You try to cut it off my slumber.

Slumber really helps with the heartbreak.
Or so a person would think that it would.
But no getting Ones brain to shut off is difficult.
Trying not to let the loneliness consume you is a difficult task for sure.

Though once you do everything falls into place.
The last tear is shedding as peace fills your body.
A very uneasy feeling to just shut off all the strong emotions you just felt.
You then doze off into a deep slumber that lets you rest and forget for the time being.

Is there a website on how to pass the Tsi reading/writing test?



yes of course


I hope this helps

Which is one way that swift criticizes Society in “A modest Proposal”


One way that "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift criticizes society is through the use of irony. Through irony and satire, Swift condemns the indifference and exploitation of the upper classes, calling for a more compassionate and just society.

Swift's essay proposes a solution to poverty and overpopulation in Ireland by suggesting that the poor should sell their infants as food to the wealthy. However, this proposal is not meant to be taken seriously; instead, it serves as a scathing critique of the attitudes and policies that contribute to the dehumanization of the poor.

The irony in Swift's proposal lies in the fact that he presents such a horrific idea with a detached and logical tone, as if it were a genuine solution. By doing so, Swift exposes the callousness and indifference of the upper classes towards the plight of the poor. He highlights the absurdity of viewing human beings as mere commodities, and he challenges society's moral values and priorities.

Furthermore, Swift uses satire to expose the greed and exploitation that pervades society. Through his exaggerated proposal, he shines a light on the inequalities and injustices that result from the economic system of his time. He highlights how the wealthy benefit from the suffering of the poor, exploiting their labor and resources for personal gain.

Overall, "A Modest Proposal" serves as a powerful critique of the socioeconomic conditions in Ireland during the 18th century.

for more such questions on A Modest Proposal


Who loved Juliet more -- Romeo, or Paris? Explain.



Many may believe that Paris's love for Juliet cannot be greater than Romeo's because he wishes for an arranged marriage. Yet, in fact, Paris's love was greater than Romeo's.


Hope this helps


Explanation:Many may believe that Paris's love for Juliet cannot be greater than Romeo's because he wishes for an arranged marriage. Yet, in fact, Paris's love was greater than Romeo's.

Paraphrasing is important because__________________________________.

it helps us copy information
it makes research harder
it gives us choices
it helps us avoid copying



it helps us avoid copying
It helps us avoid copying- people stealing your answers

Which statement best expresses how the underlined sentence develops the central idea that the Roman senators feared Caesar?
“After another four years of warfare in which he pursued his enemies across Europe and Africa, Caesar returned to Rome.”

The Roman senators _____ Caesar after seeing how he defeated many enemies across Europe and Africa.
A. admired
B. respected
C. feared

This led them to...
A. elect Caesar as dictator.
B. worry about the Roman Republic.
C. bring back democracy.


Here is the answer to your question:)

Which statement best explains the author's bias?


2. The author believes that robots should be used to lessen some dangers for humans

please someone help i go to flvs i need someone who knows what to do on tribute to women who makes a difference and i need a paragraph that will get me a good grade for tribute to women who make a difference


These are just Ideas for you to create a successful paragraph.


Some made music, some made noise, all made a difference. Here we celebrate 120 incredible women who overcame hardships, broke records, and blazed trails — shattering glass ceilings and even tougher stuff. While some are obvious choices and some more obscure, all acted to increase our liberty, safety, and prosperity. And one of them makes the best lemon meringue pie ever.

Examples: (Choose the one you like the most)

In 2017, Ilhan Omar made history by becoming the first Somali-American Muslim woman state representative. Omar took office in Minnesota in January 2017 and has already authored and co-authored over 190 bills, including a city ordinance in Minneapolis “allowing businesses to extend their hours 35 days a year to honor, respect and accommodate Muslims celebrating Ramadan.”  Omar is also the Director of Policy and Initiatives of the Women Organizing Women Network, an organization empowering Minnesota’s women—specifically immigrants—to become engaged citizens and leaders within their communities.


In June 2017, Muzoon Almellehan became the youngest and first official refugee to be named a Goodwill Ambassador by UNICEF. She is 19-years-old and fled Syria in 2013.  Now living in England, Almellehan is an education activist and helps girls and young women in conflict zones to escape early and arranged marriages, encouraging them to pursue an education. She has been referred to as “Syria’s Malala.”


Lubaina Himid, a Zanzibar-born, British contemporary artist, became the first black woman—as well as the oldest—to win the United Kingdom’s most publicized art award, the 2017 Turner Prize. Himid is most known for her work in the 1980’s during the British black arts movement and has been called an "under-appreciated hero of black British art." Her celebrated artwork addresses colonialism, the legacy of slavery and current-day racism.


Geisha Williams made history this past March by becoming the first Fortune 500 Latina CEO. A Cuban-born immigrant, she worked for almost a decade at California’s largest utility company—PG&E—before acquiring her CEO title. Williams is a pioneer for sustainable energy and, under her leadership, PG&E has already accomplished its 2020 sustainability goal of generating 33% of electricity from renewable sources.


On December 9, 2017, 21-year-old Simone Askew became the first African-American woman to lead the Corps of Cadets pre-game march at the Army-Navy football game, hosted by West Point Military Academy. She is also the first African-American woman to have been appointed First Captain of the U.S. Military Academy’s Corps of Cadets, a role she accepted this past August. In 2017, Askew also became one of thirty-two students to be named a Rhodes Scholar.

My name is Tom. I am ten. I have got a big family. I have got a mother. My mother's name is Samantha. She is 41. She is a doctor. I have got a father. My father's name is Bob. He is 42. He is a policeman. I have got a sister. My sister's name is Emma. She is 23. She is a teacher. She likes children. I have got a grandmother and a grandfather. They are pensioners. I have got an aunt. My aunt's name is Ann. I have got an uncle. My uncle's name is Dan. They are singers. They have got two children. They are my cousins. I have got a dog. It is big and black. It is Pongo. I like my dog very much

how many in the family?​



Ah- that's nice but next time don't share personal stuff like that, for example to strangers.





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2x^2 + 15x + 7 = 0Step by step please! What is the polypeptide chain produce by the template DNA strandACATGCGGTTAAATG? Please write the full name of each amino acid--no commas, noabbreviations, no dashes. If a judge rules that a party has lost its case because of the Statute of Frauds, the judge has essentially stated that: A. the losing party purposely deceived the other party about a material fact. B. the losing party is not allowed to introduce evidence to contradict a written agreement. C. the losing party cannot enforce an oral contract that should have been in writing. D. the losing party was found by the court to have lied, and will therefore lose the case. E. the winning party has proven criminally fraudulent conduct on the part of the losing party. can someone help me pleaseeeeee What group of people had control of the government after Reconstruction ended? What are the 4 main divisions of plants?1.Nonvascular (aka, bryophytes) (example: ______________________)2.Vascular Seedless (aka, pteridophytes) (example: ______________________)3.__________________ (example: ______________________)4.__________________ (example: ______________________) please help me with this. gracias did the westward expansion promote unity or division within the u.s? public Administration conclusion please the measures of the angles of a triangle are shown in the figure below. solve for x 2. How has border security changed after 9/11 what are the two physical processes that cause climate to change Term for the idea that no matter who starts a war both sides will be annihilated Shakespearean Tragedy What is the exposition of Othello? Questions and Answers1.A is 40% of B. what percentagesDiscussA6090B. !CHOSE ONLY ONE !Which statement about living things is true?O All living things reproduce.O All living things have more than one cell.O All living things make their own food.O All living things move from place to place. que es el noucentisme? What are some of the common characteristics for the elements in a group? Use examples to support your explanation. please answer asap Please provide me with the answer and an explanation to this question.