In the respiratory system, which organs are responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream?


Answer 1

The lungs are the organs responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream during the respiratory system.

Importance of the lungs in respiration

The lungs play a fundamental role in the human body. These vital organs are responsible for respiration, making them essential for humans and other organisms to live. The main function of the lungs is to allow oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to leave the body.

This is done during gas exchange, where the lungs take in oxygen from the air we inhale and expel carbon dioxide into the air during exhalation. This is the basis of respiration.

In addition to exchanging gases, the lungs also have the important role of filtering the air we inhale. This means that the lungs help prevent the inhalation of pathogens and harmful particles, such as tobacco smoke. The lungs also produce surfactant, a substance that helps keep lung tissues open and functioning.

Learn more about the respiratory system:


Related Questions

What are the 3 main purposes of meiosis?


meiosis produces haploid gametes, it introduces genetic variation and it repairs genetic defects. These are the three main purposes of meiosis.

Meiosis is also called the reduction division. As the name suggests it will reduce the  number to half of the parental chromosome number. During meiosis crossing over of chromosome fragments occurs, this is called recombination. This process occurs during prophase 1 of meiosis. During this process chromosomal fragments of homologous chromosomes are exchanged. Through recombination new genetic variation is introduced into an organism. Recombination also replaces defective fragments with healthy chromosomal fragments thereby it can also eliminate genetic defects.

To know more about recombination-


if nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil attach to the roots of a plant and consume the sugar produced by the plant through photosynthesis, the best description of this relationship is group of answer choices predation parasitism competition mutualism


The relationship between nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil and roots of plants is mutualism.

The tight ties that develop between species pairs are referred to as symbiotic interactions. They take in many different shapes, including parasitism (when one species gains while the other suffers) and commensalism (where one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped).

Mutualism is a sort of symbiotic association in which all of the participating species gain from one another. Even though mutualism is extremely complicated, it may be loosely divided into two different kinds of relationships. Some species are completely dependent on one another (obligate mutualism), whereas others benefit from their interaction yet might thrive separately (facultative mutualism).

For instance, soil-dwelling nitrogen-fixing bacteria attach to plant roots and eat the sugar made by the plant.

For more information on mutualism kindly visit to


Which statement about genetically modified organisms is correct?
O Genes of bacteria can be modified; genes of plants and animals cannot.
O Genes of plants, animals, and bacteria can all be modified.
O Genes of plants can be modified; genes of animals and bacteria cannot.
O Genes of plants, animals, and bacteria cannot be modified.



O Genes of plants, animals, and bacteria can all be modified.


Answer:  Genes of plants, animals, and bacteria can all be modified. is the correct answer

(03.02 LC)Which of the following is not true about the Law of Conservation of Energy?
O It states that the total energy in the universe keeps increasing.
O It applies to everything in the universe.
O It states that energy is transformed from one form to another.
O It states that energy is neither created nor destroyed.


The total energy in the universe is not increasing the end energy is always the same, regardless of the form of energy, hence option A is correct.

What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

Energy may change into various forms of energy, for instance, potential energy might be changed into kinetic energy. Energy cannot be generated or destroyed.

In response, according to the rule of conservation of energy, energy can only be transformed from one type of energy to another.

Therefore, the end energy is always the same, regardless of the form of energy, hence option A is correct.

Learn more about energy, here:


why when magnet attract is a pull


Different poles attract If you put two magnets together with different poles pointing towards one another, the magnets will pull towards each other. We say they attract each other.

Which cells will most likely display mutations that could potentially result in cancer?


Proto-oncogenes cells will most likely display mutations that could potentially result in cancer.

Oncogenes that promote the growth of cancer cells can develop from mutations (changes) in proto-oncogenes. Proto-oncogenes are typically genes that aid in cell growth and division to create new cells or maintain existing cells. A proto-oncogene becomes an oncogene when it is altered (changed) or has an excessive number of copies and is switched on (activated) at an unforeseen period.

Proteins that promote cell proliferation, prevent cell differentiation, and halt cell death are frequently encoded by proto-oncogenes. For healthy human development and organ and tissue preservation, each of these processes is crucial. Proto-oncogenes, which are oncogenes before they undergo mutation, control healthy cell division. When a proto-oncogene mutates into an oncogene and causes uncontrollable cell division and growth, cancer can develop.

To know more about Cancer visit:


what environmental parameters would need to be monitored as ddt moves up the food web of an ecosystem?


Soil and water levels and air quality of environment are the environmental parameters would need to be monitored as DDT moves up the food web of an ecosystem.

A food web is that the natural interconnection of food chains and a graphical illustration of what-eats-what in an ecological community. A food web consists of all the food chains in a very single scheme. Every physical object in an scheme is an element of multiple food chains. Every organic phenomenon is one doable path that energy and nutrients could take as they move through the scheme.

Air quality refers to the degree to that the air is appropriate or clean enough for humans or the atmosphere. smart air quality means that the air is freed from harmful substances.

To learn more about food web  here


there are 80 organisms in a population. in a two allele, dominant-recessive gene pair, there are 20 dominant alleles within the population. what is the gene frequency of the recessive allele? ( 1 pt)


Homozygous dominant genotype

It is calculated by dividing the number of gene copies by the number of times the allele occurs in the population. All the copies of every gene in a population make up the gene pool of that population.

What gene frequency of the recessive allele?

An allele's or gene's relative frequency at a certain locus in a population is known as its allele frequency, which is expressed as a fraction or percentage. With regard to the population as a whole or the sample size, it is specifically the percentage of all chromosomes that have that allele.

It is exactly the proportion of all chromosomes that has that allele, with relation to the population as a whole or the sample size.

Therefore, take the square root of q2 to get q, or the frequency of the recessive allele in the population, which is 0.632 (0.632 × 0.632 = 0.4). So, q = 0.63. P must be 1–0.63 = 0.37 since p + q = 1.

Learn more about recessive allele here:


in animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?


Reproductive Cloning is the process of creating genetic copies of entire organisms. Therapeutic cloning is the process of creating genetic copies of tissues or organs in order to replace damaged body parts.

Cloning is an asexual reproduction method. A cloned child would be a genetic duplicate of an existing person. If you cloned yourself, the resulting child would be a new species of human being, not your son or daughter or twin brother or sister.

Reproductive cloning would promote a view of children, and individuals in general, as artifacts that may be created and manufactured to have specific characteristics. Reproductive cloning would reduce an individual's sense of uniqueness. It would go against deeply held beliefs about human individuality and freedom, and it could result to a devaluation of clones in contrast to non-clones.

The process of creating a cloned embryo solely with the goal of generating embryonic stem cells that have the same DNA as the donor cell is known as therapeutic cloning. These stem cells can be utilized in experiments to better understand disease and develop new treatments.

For more information on Cloning, visit :


atrial natriuretic factor question 10 options: is secreted from cells in the right atrium of the heart when blood pressure decreases. causes increased water loss. increases blood volume. increases blood pressure. produces all of these effects.


Option A, Water loss is accelerated by atrial natriuretic factor. By increasing salt excretion, it induces water loss.

Guanylate cyclase is activated in the collecting duct when atrial natriuretic factor receptors are stimulated, which leads to an increase in cGMP synthesis and, in turn, an increase in salt and water excretion. Vasodilation, enhanced vascular permeability, and increased renal excretion of salt and water are at least three of the acute processes through which atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) reduces plasma volume. In order to promote salt and water excretion (natriuresis), ANP operates on the kidney in the following ways: ANP primarily controls sodium excretion through the medullary collecting duct.

learn more about ANP factor here:


summarize the effects of human population growth and catastrophic events on ecosystems
describe the sources, types, and effects of varying pollutants
assess the consequences of loss of biodiversity
explain the term sustainable development and describe some of its resource



Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.Housing and feeding so many people has accelerated the destruction of natural habitats, while higher levels of consumption, particularly in some richer parts of the world, have also increased the exploitation of natural resources and led to growing levels of pollution.

disorders typically appear in childhood and are traced to genetic differences, atypical brain development, or prenatal exposure to substances that adversely affect development


The most prevalent mental illnesses in children include depression, ADHD, anxiety issues, and behavior issues.

Learning and developmental disorders, autism, and risk factors including substance abuse and self-harm are among the other ailments and issues that have an impact on children's learning, behavior, and emotions.

The following five ailments are the only ones covered in this chapter: autism, conduct disorder, childhood anxiety disorders, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (intellectual developmental disorder).

Your chance of acquiring a mental disorder may be impacted by a number of variables, including:

a blood relative, such as a parent or brother, has a history of mental illness.challenges in life that are stressful, such having money issues, losing a loved one, or being divorced.a persistent (chronic) illness, as diabetes.

Learn more about to  childhood  visit here;


sam injured the articular cartilage of his knee doing damage to his synovial membrane. what effect will the damage to the synovial membrane have on the cartilage in sam's knee?


sam injured the articular cartilage of his knee, doing damage to his synovial membrane. Sam will recover, but with a limp caused by biomechanical deficiencies.

When the ends of two or more bones come together, a joint called articular cartilage is formed. For instance, the tibia (shinbone), femur (thighbone), and patella (kneecap) all connect at the knee. Articular cartilage injuries in joints are common, especially in physically active individuals. Although this form of injury most frequently occurs to the knee, it can also happen to the hip, elbow, shoulder, or ankle. Despite the fact that articular cartilage injuries can be painful and make it difficult to go about your daily activities, there are several therapies available to both reduce uncomfortable symptoms and repair and replace damaged articular cartilage.

The complete question is:

sam injured the articular cartilage of his knee doing damage to his synovial membrane. what effect will the damage to the synovial membrane have on the cartilage in sam's knee?

a) Over a period of time, the cartilages would eventually repair themselves and Sam can expect a full recovery.

b) Sam will recover but with a limp caused by biomechanical deficiencies.

c) The cartilages would no longer receive nutrients and waste products would accumulate causing the cartilage to degenerate.

To learn more about articular cartilage click on the given link:


What happens to the carbon dioxide produced in the krebs cycle?


The carbon dioxide produced from the Krebs cycle is treated as a waste product that is removed from the body through exhalation

One student made the incomplete diagram shown below to represent the relationship between magma, igneous rocks, and sedimentary rocks:

three ovals, labeled from left to right, sedimentary rock, magma, and igneous rocks respectively.

Which of these is the correct next step to complete the diagram? (4 points)

Put an arrow labeled heat and pressure, pointing from magma to igneous rocks.

Put an arrow labeled heat and melt, pointing from igneous rocks to magma.

Put an arrow labeled deposition and lithification, pointing from igneous rocks to magma.

Put an arrow labeled cools and crystallizes, pointing from igneous rocks to sedimentary rocks.


c. put an arrow labeled deposition and lithification pointing from igneous rocks to magma

What event occurs first during meiosis?


Prophase I marks the start of Meiosis I, the first meiotic division. During prophase I, the chromatin complex containing DNA and protein condenses to create chromosomes.

Sister chromatids are pairs of replicated chromosomes that stay connected at a central place known as the centromere.

Meiosis begins with a parent cell that has two pairs of homologous chromosomes. Following Meiosis I, two haploid cells are formed, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Cells go through four stages throughout each cycle of division: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Learn more about to meiosis visit here;


why is it important to monitor environmental parameters when making policy decisions?


The fundamental goal of environmental monitoring is to control and reduce the environmental impact of an organization's operations.

Either to guarantee adherence to laws and regulations, or to reduce the likelihood of negative effects on the environment and safeguard public health.

What aspects of the environment need to be tracked?

Businesses can discover and analyze environmental conditions and evaluate their impact on the environment thanks to environmental monitoring of water, air, and biodiversity. Life on Earth depends on clean air, water, reducing noise pollution, and biomonitoring.

Records generated by monitoring the environment will serve as a baseline for the circumstances in which collections are housed now. They can be applied to record daily, seasonal, and humidity ranges, or they can be used to locate places with inadequate climate management.

To know more about environment visit:-


Identify one muscle structure and describe the role the structure plays in muscle contraction.


down the axon of the nerve As just an electrical action potential, the nerve impulse moves along the axon membrane to the axon terminal.

What kind of structure travels the nerve impulse down?

axon Dendrites are the starting point for nerve impulses as they travel toward the cell and down the axon.Electrical and chemical impulses from a nerve impulse pass along the neuron.At a synapse, the axon tip terminates.Each axon tip's connection to the following structure is known as a synaptic junction.

What kind of structure is a nerve impulse?

A signal that travels across a nerve fiber is known as a nerve impulse.It uses the nervous system's nerves to carry information.A typical neuron includes a cell body with a few dendritic projections.The cell body expands into the axon, a lengthy tube.

To know more about axon visit:


which term refers to the loose connective tissue layer that surrounds each individual muscle cell? multiple choice question.


Endomysium refers to the loose connective tissue layer that surrounds each individual muscle cell. Thus the correct answer is option (A).

The three layers of connective tissue are the epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium. Muscular fiber collections called fascicles can be found in the skeleton. In the connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves enter and branch out. The tight connective tissue that envelops the entire muscle tissue is known as the epimysium. Several bundles of muscle fibers called fascicles frequently make up the epimysium. The tissue that surrounds each bundle of muscle fibers is called the perimysium. The term "endomysium" refers to the connective tissue that most completely envelops the muscle.

The complete question is:

Which term refers to the loose connective tissue layer that surrounds each individual muscle cell? Multiple choice question.

(A). Endomysium

(B). Perimysium

(C). Fascia

(D). Epimysium

To learn more about connective tissue please click on the given link:


what is a gene pool? what is a gene pool? a hypothetical collection of all the possible alleles in a population a collection of all the genes that occur in an individual a hypothetical collection of all the genes that occur in a habitat a puddle of water that contains gametes in it


A hypothetical collection of all the possible alleles in a population gene pool . Thus correct option (C).

A gene pool is the collection of all the genes (including alleles) found in a population or species that is capable of reproduction. A big gene pool has a wide range of genetic diversity and is more resilient to environmental stresses.

Primary gene pool, GP-1 is another name for it. The crop species itself, as well as its cultivated races and any wild or weedy spontaneous races are all included in the main gene pool, which is akin to a biological species in and of itself.

All the genes present in a population make up the gene pool. Any population might be included here, including frogs in a pond, trees in a forest, or residents of a town.

Learn more about gene pool to visit this link


What is a gene pool?

- a hypothetical collection of all the genes that occur in a habitat

- a puddle of water that contains gametes in it

- a hypothetical collection of all the possible alleles in a population

- a collection of all the genes that occur in an individual

Scientists have been able to produce mutations in plants by irradiating their seeds with gamma rays. The result of one of the mutations was a plant that could not produce flowers. Because of this lack of flowers, the plant would not be able to.


The result of one of the mutations was a plant that could not produce flowers. Because of this lack of flowers, the plant would not be able to produce seeds.

The reproductive structures of angiosperms, i.e., the organs that create seeds, are the flowers. plants with flowers. In addition to accessory organs, flowers also have male and female reproductive organs known as stamens and pistils. In flowering plants, fertilization takes place during the pollination process, in which a pollen grain's sperm cell fuses with a plant ovule's egg cell to create the plant embryo in the seed. In conclusion, the plant would not be able to produce seeds because it lacks blossoms.

If you want to know more about reproduction in flowering plants visit the following link;


what is the area of brainstem called that forms a prominent bulge on the anterior aspect of the brainstem?multiple choice question.


The region of the brainstem known as Pons creates a noticeable protrusion on its anterior side.

The cerebral peduncles, which are noticeable ventrolateral white matter bulges, are the third major area of the mesencephalon. These structures are traversed by a large number of the major descending fiber networks as they travel from the cerebral hemispheres to the spinal cord.

The precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus are two prominent bulges that get their names from where they are located: just in front of and just behind the central sulcus, respectively. The major motor region, which is where conscious movement is controlled, is located in the precentral gyrus. The midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata make up the brainstem (sometimes known as the brain stem), which is the distal portion of the brain.

Learn more about brainstem-


june b. gone, 37-year-old female presenting complaint: left flank pain of 2 weeks' duration. physical examination: lumbar range of motion: within normal limits and nonprovocative. flank percussion positive for reproduction of the chief complaint. laboratory: urinalysis shows albuminuria. diagnostic test: ultrasonography revealed multiple cysts in the upper renal pole. diagnosis: polycystic disease referral to: dr. jones, nephrologist what is a nephrologist?


Any indications of renal disease or other diseases that could harm your kidneys should prompt you to consult a nephrologist.

As to why you would visit a nephrologist.

A medical professional who focuses on identifying and treating kidney diseases is known as a nephrologist. Any indications of renal disease or other diseases that could harm your kidneys should prompt you to consult a nephrologist.

The conditions that nephrologists treat.

Nephrologists are medical experts that diagnose, treat, and manage acute and chronic kidney illnesses and issues. Along with treating these disorders, they also treat associated ones like high blood pressure, fluid retention, and mineral and electrolyte imbalances.

To know more about nephrologist visit:-


Which event occurs once in meiosis?


Meiosis, like mitosis, comprises separate phases known as prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. However, during meiosis, each of these phases occurs twice:

once during the first round of division, known as meiosis I, and again during the second round of division, known as meiosis II.

One cell divides twice during meiosis to create four daughter cells. These four daughter cells are haploid, meaning they have half the amount of chromosomes as the parent cell.  (eggs in females and sperm in males).

During meiosis, homologous chromosomes are paired, resulting in gene recombination.

Non-sister chromatids exchange genetic material, resulting in novel allele combinations.

Learn more about to meiosis visit here;


design a controlled experiment to determine whether earthworms change the forest ecosystem. identify the environmental factor you will measure, state the specific hypothesis you will test, and design a procedure for collecting data accurately.


Hypothesis for a controlled experiment to determine whether earthworms change the forest ecosystem, The soil's PH will drastically change after the worms consume the leaf litter in a closed container filled with soil.

A number of plots of deciduous forest land would be the subject of an investigation in a controlled experiment to ascertain the effects of the new invasive worm. To make it easier to create artificial ecosystems in a lab, each plot should have boundaries that are limited. There ought to be three main groups: one without any worms, one with only native worms, and one with worms from both native and exotic species. similar circumstances ought to be applied to every individual plot: the same number of trees, the same amount of initial leaf litter, and the same amount of precipitation. The mass of the leaf litter should be taken at the conclusion of the experiment and compared to the initial mass. The plot with the exotic worms is anticipated to have the least amount of leaf litter compared to the other plots. The premise is: The amount of leaf litter that remains at the end of a season in a plot with only the native worm species will be significantly less if an exotic worm species is introduced into a deciduous forest ecosystem. To guarantee accurate results, multiple trials should be carried out.

know more about forest ecosystems here:


States that cells are the basic unit of life, organisms are made up of one or more cells, and all cells come only from other cells.
a. True
b. False


It is true that cells are the basic unit of life, organisms are made up of one or more cells, and all cells come only from other cells.

What is cell function?

They provide the body with a structure, take in food's nutrients, convert them into energy, and carry out certain functions. Cells also contain the genetic material of the organism and are capable of self-replication. Each part of a cell serves a unique function.

What is cell structure?

The cell membrane, the nucleus, and the cytoplasm are the three components that make up a cell. Intricate arrangements of microscopic fibers and hundreds or even thousands of tiny, unique structures known as organelles can be found in the cytoplasm.

To know more about Cell visit


What were Mendel's conclusions?


Mendel came to the idea that there exist discrete hereditary determinants.

These factors are referred to as genes. Each parent's cell has a pair of genes for each characteristic under investigation. One allele again for the dominant phenotype and another for the complex predictive are present in the F1 from the cross of two pure lines.

Mendel's three laws the Law of Multiple Proportions, the Law of Dominance, as well as the Law of Segregation sum up the main ideas of Mendelian inheritance.

He concluded that genes are inherited from each parent as separate, paired units. Mendel observed how parental genes separated and if they showed up as dominant and recessive qualities in the children. He was aware of the mathematical patterns transmitted from one era to the following.

Learn more about Mendel's Law at


describe the differences between baleen whales and toothed whales. what type of food do each eat?


Baleen whales and toothed whales are both types of cetaceans, but they differ in many ways.

Baleen whales are typically larger than toothed whales, and while all baleen whales have two blowholes, most toothed whales only have one. Toothed whales also have teeth and a single, well-defined melon, while baleen whales have baleen plates instead of teeth and two fused melons.

Baleen whales feed on small prey such as krill, plankton, and small fish, which they filter from the water using their baleen plates. Toothed whales, on the other hand, feed on larger prey such as squid, octopus, and fish, which they capture with their teeth.

While baleen whales have several hundred to several thousand baleen plates made of keratin in their upper jaw, toothed whales have teeth. Baleen whales are much larger than toothed whales, and they have a much more streamlined body shape.

Baleen whales typically feed on small animals such as krill, plankton, and fish, while toothed whales feed on larger prey such as squid and fish. The baleen whales use their baleen plates to filter small organisms from the water, while toothed whales use their teeth to capture and tear apart larger prey.

To know more about Baleen whales:


during which surgical procedure is a balloon catheter threaded into the narrowed area of a closed vessel and inflated to stretch the vessel open again?


The main purpose of balloon angioplasty, also known as percutaneous transluminal angioplasty or PTA, is to increase blood flow to the legs.

An arterial blockage or narrowing is treated by inserting a small balloon inside of it, inflating it, and stretching the balloon up the artery to increase blood flow.

Coronary angioplasty, also known as percutaneous coronary intervention, is a procedure used to clear blocked heart arteries (AN-jee-o-plas-tee). A tiny balloon catheter is placed during an angioplasty procedure to assist widen a blood artery that has become narrowed and enhance blood flow to the heart. A thin wire mesh tube known as a stent is frequently inserted in addition to an angioplasty. The stent aids in keeping the artery open, reducing the likelihood of further narrowing. To keep the artery open, medication is typically coated on the majority of stents. Bare-metal stents are used infrequently.

Learn more about " balloon angioplasty " to visit here;


Paid farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land and to kill off excess livestock in order to raise the value of crops.
a. True
b. False


The statement is true, the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, paid subsidies to farmers to avoid planting on part of their land and to kill surplus livestock in order to increase the value of crops.

What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933?

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 (AAA), was a law passed by Congress during the New Deal era to help raise crop prices by reducing surpluses.

The law provided federal subsidies to farmers for reducing their output, and it also established a system of domestic allotments that set limits on the amount of certain crops that could be produced. The goal of the law was to raise crop prices, which would benefit farmers and help to reduce the effects of the Great Depression.

Learn more about the Agricultural Adjustment Act:


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