In the presence of oxygen, all cells synthesize ATP via the process of glycolysis. Many cells also can metabolize pyruvate if oxygen is not present, via the process of --


Answer 1

Answer:The option are not given, here are the options gotten from another website.

A. Aerobic respiration

B. Electron Transport Chain

C. Anaerobic respiration

D. Krebs cycle

The correct option is C.


This is because anaerobic respiration is a type of respiration that produced ATP. pyruvate are metabolize in the absence of oxygen by a process called fermentation and fermentation us anaerobic respiration. And fermentation is the chemical process where glucose or substrates are broken down in the absence of oxygen by the activities of enzymes. When pyruvate are metabolize in the absence of oxygen , it will produce lactate.

Answer 2

In the presence of oxygen, all cells synthesize ATP via the process of glycolysis. Many cells also can metabolize pyruvate if oxygen is not present, via the process of fermentation.

In biology, an incomplete oxidation process is called fermentation, which does not require oxygen to take place, and which produces an organic substance as a result.

Fermentation consists of a process of glycolysis (breakdown of the glucose molecule) that produces pyruvate (pyruvic acid).

As it lacks oxygen as a receptor for the excess electrons of the NADH produced (nicotin adenine dinucleotide), it uses an organic substance that must be reduced to reoxidize the NADH to NAD +, finally obtaining a derivative of the initial substrate that is oxidized.

In this process, then, neither the mitochondria nor the structures linked to the cellular respiration process are involved.

Only 2 molecules of ATP are produced per molecule of glucose consumed.

It is carried out by the muscle cells that ferment glucose when the oxygen input is not enough to continue breathing.

Therefore, we can conclude that many cells also can metabolize pyruvate if oxygen is not present, via the process of fermentation.

Learn more here:

Related Questions

PLZ ANSWER ASAP I NEED HELP will mark brainliest >_ Peter is complaining of stomach pain and constant hunger. Peter’s doctor diagnoses him with a worm infection. Peter feels hungry because the worm is absorbing food from his intestines.

Peter most likely has an infection from a(n)

marine worm.



A) Tapeworm


got it right on edge nuity

Peter is complaining of stomach pain and constant hunger as he was diagnosed with a worm infection.

Peter feels hungry because the tapeworm is absorbing food from his intestine as tapeworm begins to feed off your body's nutrients to grow once it invades the body.

How tapeworm infection occurs?Tapeworm infection is caused by ingesting food or water contaminated with tapeworm eggs or larvae.

When tapeworm hatches and attaches itself to your intestine, it starts feeding off body's nutrients causing increase in apatite (hunger increases).

It grows by reproducing proglottids ( chain looking body part) and the cycle continues.

Planaria upon causing infection feeds on blood cells hence can not cause apatite.

Leech and marine worm can not invade the body like tapeworm and planaria.

To learn more about  tapeworm infections:


The diagram shows the life cycle of a fern,
What does stage 2 show?A. A gamete-producing fern plant is flat and shaped like a heart.
B. A zygote forms when a sperm fertilizes an egg cell.
C. A mature spore-producing fern plant has fronds and produces
D. A spore grows into a mature gamete-producing plant,



the correct answer is D!

A spore grows into a mature gamete-producing plant.


hope this helps :)

A spore grows into a mature gamete producing plant is best describe the life cycle of fern.

What is the life cycle of fern?

The life cycle of the fern has two different stages such as sporophyte and gametophyte. The sporophyte stage which releases spores whereas gametophyte stage which releases gametes. Gametophyte plants are haploid whereas sporophyte plants diploid. This type of life cycle is known as alternation of generations.

So we can conclude that a spore grows into a mature gamete producing plant is best describe the life cycle of fern.

Learn more about fern here:


In the laboratory, scientists remove the gene for insulin from human chromosomes. They insert the gene into the DNA of bacteria. This causes the bacteria
to produce human insulin. The insulin is used to treat diabetes in humans. Which of these describe this process?
A. Recombinant DNA
B. Reproductive Cloning
C. Gene Therapy
D. DNA Fingerprinting



A. Recombinant DNA

Recombinant DNA is created by a process called genetic recombination. In this process, we insert a exogenous gene to let another organism, a bacteria in this case, produce a protein that can not be produced otherwise

A h0m0zygous dominant brown mouse is crossed with a heterozygous brown mouse (tan is the recessive color). What percent will be h0m0zygous?












I wasn't given which way to do this, so ill presume h0m0zygous dominant is female for convenience


of the offspring, any one of them will have a 50% chance to be h0m0zygous dominant, two of the same genotype; and a 50% chance to be heterozygous

Bobcats are generally solitary and establish territories of a certain size where they hunt for food. What type of population dispersion would you expect bobcats to have?



Uniform dispersion.


The bobcats' population distribution would be a uniform dispersion because they are distributed in an area in a balanced way. That is to say, that there is space between them and that each bobcat establishes its personal space when hunting and for their daily life. As they are solitary animals, they do not live in groups and only associate with other bobcats to reproduce themselves.

amoeba is uni cellular true or false giving brainliest​



Amoeba is a unicellular organism


Amoeba is Unicellular organism

because it consists of single cell. A Unicellular organism is a organism that consists of a single cell. This means all life processes such as reproduction , feeding, digestion and excretion occur in one cell...


So, ANS is True

Hope it helps you

Which carries information by copying an original sound?

analog signal
digital signal



Analog signal ..............




Hillsdale and Cordera are the same distance from the equator, and both are near the ocean. Is Cordera warmer, colder, or the same temperature as Hillsdale? Explain why as completely as you can.



it is expected that Hillsdale and Cordera have nearly similar temperatures.


In the first place, it is important to note that there is an inverse relationship between latitude and temperature: temperatures are typically warmer near the Equator (lower latitudes) and cooler near the poles (higher latitudes). This phenomenon is due to the fact that the angle of solar radiation is smaller at higher latitudes, and thereby less solar radiation is received/absorbed near the poles than at the Equator. Moreover, another important factor that also determines the temperature is altitude: at higher altitudes, the temperature is lower. This phenomenon is due to the fact that at higher altitude air molecules spread out further, and therefore the temperature decreases. In consequence, at the sea level, the temperature is higher than at higher altitudes.

Which best describes the end result of meiosis?
O A. two diploid cells identical to the parent cell
o B. four haploid cells identical to the parent cell
C. two diploid cells different from the parent cell
D. four haploid cells different from the parent cell


D Four haploid cells different from the parent cell

Which of the following would likely move through the phospholipids of the
cell membrane most easily? *









Oxygen and CO2 can move through the cell membrane through simple diffusion because they are small molecules.

It's possible that CO2 travels through the lipid bilayer far more quickly than any other molecule. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

What is the structure of cell membrane ?

According to the fluid mosaic model, the plasma membrane is a mosaic of components—primarily, phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins—that move freely and fluidly in the plane of the membrane.

All cells have a cell membrane, also known as a plasma membrane, which separates the interior of the cell from the external environment. A semipermeable lipid bilayer makes up the cell membrane. The movement of materials into and out of the cell is controlled by the cell membrane.

Therefore, small and simple molecules like water, H2O , CO2 can pass through the cell membrane easily as it is partially permeable.

Learn more about cell membrane, here:


Will mark Branliest if correct. (I think B, but I am not sure. It doesn't seem to be D.)
What makes mitochondrial DNA useful as a molecular clock? (2 points)

It is only found in select organisms, making it easier to compare relationships between species that have it.

A large portion of the DNA ring is not vital to structure or function, allowing it to accumulate neutral mutations.

Its rate of mutation increases over time as organisms continue to evolve and differentiate from each other.

A slow mutation rate makes it useful for determining evolutionary relationships between ancient species.



Mitochondrial DNA is useful as a molecular clock because it displays uniparental inheritance

what is the best explanation scientists have been able to come up with for the appearance of Ostrich-like birds in different continents


Answer: B. The distribution of some groups of ostrich like birds may have been influenced by continental drift in what is known as Pangea.



B. The distribution of some groups of Ostrich-like birds may have been influenced by continental drift in what is known as Pangea


Excess exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer due to mutations in the DNA of your skin cells. Which of the following explains why this type of cancer cannot be inherited by the offspring of someone with skin cancer?



The mutation occurred due to the environment

Identify the type of RNA molecule shown in each of the following pictures. You can use the abbreviated names in your answers.


The first is transfer RNA or tRNA, which transport amino acids to the ribosome during translation (protein synthesis).

The second is messenger RNA or mRNA, which is produced during transcription and carries the coding sequence for a gene to be translated into a peptide.

The last is ribosomal RNA or rRNA, which, along with proteins, make up the ribosome, the site of protein synthesis.

Why are seismic waves considered
mechanical waves?
A. They must travel through a medium, such as
the bedrock of the Earth.
B. They will only travel through empty space.
C. They travel in circles.
D. They do not require a medium.



The correct answer is - option A.


The seismic waves are the waves that are the result of an explosion or the breaking of the rock within the earth. In other words, when these explosions or breaking cause an energy transfer within the earth are seismic waves. Seismic waves require a medium to travel and normally it is the earth.

The bedrock of earth is a great example of a medium for traveling these waves that make it a mechanical wave. Earthquake is the result of such waves.

In the diagram of the DNA molecule below, match the correct term with the image (ignore the blank arrow).



hope this help


Nucleic acids are made up of chains of many repeating units called nucleotides (see bottom left of Figure 1 below). The DNA molecule actually consists of two such chains that spiral around an imaginary axis to form a double helix (spiral.)  Nucleic acid molecules are incredibly complex, containing the code that guarantees the accurate ordering of the 20 amino acids in all proteins made by living cells.  Surprisingly though there are only a few different nucleotides: only four different nucleotide units comprise DNA, the nucleic acid of interest to the genealogist.  



This figure is a diagram of a short stretch of a DNA molecule which is unwound and flattened for clarity. The boxed area at the lower left encloses one nucleotide.  Each nucleotide is itself make of three subunits:

A five carbon sugar called deoxyribose (Labeled S)

A phosphate group (a phosphorous atom surrounded by four oxygen atoms.) (Labeled P)

And one of four nitrogen-containing molecules called nucleotides . (Labeled A, T, C, or G)




Alternating sugar and phosphate units form the two sides of a ladder-shaped arrangement with the rungs or steps each formed by a pair of nucleotide bases. Figure 2 below shows the structural formula of DNA in greater detail. The nitrogen bases are ring compounds with their carbon and nitrogen atoms arranged in single or double rings.  Only certain bases can pair together to form base pairs.  In DNA, Adenine (A) always pairs with thymine (T), and guanine (G) always pairs with cytosine (C).  

Notice that in the two figures above, the two strands of a DNA molecule are antiparallel, that is, they run in different directions. The side of the chain on the left begins with a free phosphate group at the top and ends with a sugar molecule at the bottom.  In contrast, the complementary chain on the right begins at the top with a sugar molecule and ends at the bottom with a phosphate group.  

Happily, it is not necessary to hold the details of DNA structure in your mind at all times!   As the sugar and phosphate sides of the molecule are constant they are frequently represented by parallel lines.  Even better, each of the nitrogen bases is conveniently represented by the first letter of its name.  These conventions allow the simplified representation of the molecule shown in the figure below

Or, even easier, a section of a DNA molecule is often abbreviated to show the bases of just one strand:


Knowing the base pairing convention of A always pairing with T and G always pairing with C makes the complementary strand of the molecule understood.  It is this feature of complementary base pairing that insures an exact duplicate of each DNA molecule will be passed to its daughter cells when a cell divides.

Identify, define and explain 2 components that would be useful to a long distance cyclist



cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength


it's pretty self explanatory

What would most likely result if more farms were developed along river basins in North Carolina



Area of river basins, portion in Western North Carolina River Basins Square Miles French Broad 2,830 Yadkin 1,900 Little Tennessee 1,797 Catawba 1,530 6 more rows ...


hopes this helps D:


the answer is an increase in water pollution

What causes surface tension in water?


Surface tension forms because of water's cohesive property which results from hydrogen bonding and water's polarity. In cohesion, water molecules bond together and require a substantial amount of energy to break thus creating a high surface tension.
Cohesive interactions between the molecules in the liquid.

Carbon Cycle activity part 2

(photos attached)


Both true I hope this helps and you have a good day!

Change to hypothesis

What effect does the water temperature have on solution rate?


As the temperature of the water increases so does the solution rate as the atoms gain more energy therefore there will be more frequent collisions.

Which statement is true about all metals?


D because they can melt if it gets to hot
The answer is D she is right

The growth of plants stop if its apical part is cut,why?​



On some kinds of plants, the meristem is arranged so that when the tip of a branch or stem - which contains the apical meristem, from which new growth is initiated - is cut off, new stems or branches are signaled to start growing from the side, an area called the cambium or lateral meristem. These kinds of plants don’t die if the tip is cut off - instead they grow new branches.


good luck


The apical bud produces a hormone, auxin, (IAA) that inhibits growth of the lateral buds further down the stem towards the axillary bud... When the apical is removed bud I'd removed, the lowered IAA concentration allow the lateral buds to grow and produce new shoots, which compete to become the lead growth

I need help with 5 science questions :)



1. . For example, lake trout are native to the Great Lakes, but are considered to be an invasive species in Yellowstone Lake in Wyoming because they compete with native cutthroat trout for habitat.

2. Japan

3. Kudzu was introduced from Japan to the United States at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 as an ornamental and a forage crop plant. The Civilian Conservation Corps and southern farmers planted kudzu to reduce soil erosion.

4. Kudzu grows out of control quickly, spreading through runners (stems that root at the tip when in contact with moist soil), rhizomes and by vines that root at the nodes to form new plants. Once established, kudzu grows at a rate of one foot per day with mature vines as long as 100 feet.

5. Pythons compete with native wildlife for food, which includes mammals, birds, and other reptiles. Severe mammal declines in Everglades National Park have been linked to Burmese pythons. ... Raccoons and opossums often forage for food near the water's edge, which is a habitat frequented by pythons in search of prey.


hope this help bae

If a nucleotide pair were removed from a gene, which of these would most likely be directly affected?



every pair in the sequence after that pair would be affected, it might result in a mutation

All of the organisms in the domain Archaea are
A. prokaryotes
B. eukaryotes
C. autotrophs
D. multicellular


D I think that is the answer

All of the organisms in the domain Archaea are prokaryotes.

Archaea are unicellular organisms with no nuclei, hence are prokaryotes.

Characteristics of Archaea Greek word Archaios means ancient.

They are unicellular organisms that resemble bacteria and have some similarity to eukaryotes.

Hence a third domain Archaea was introduced by Carl Woese based on  ribosomal RNA analysis.

They can live in extreme conditions like higher temperature, higher cold regions etc.

To learn more about prokaryotes :



Ticks are parasitic insects that feed on blood. Consider a single
population of ticks that divides into two populations. One population
feeds on the blood of mammals that live only in trees. The other
population feeds on the blood of mammals that live only on the ground.
Which observation supports the idea that speciation has occurred?
How Fa
Search fc
The tree population and the ground population of ticks cannot mate
and have offspring.
How mar
Which an
The tree population of ticks feeds more frequently than does the
ground population
Do wild re
What doe
The genes in both the tree population and the ground population of
ticks combine to form a single, large gene pool.
What doe
The ground population of ticks gets eaten less frequently by birds
than the tree population.



ask siri 123


i can help

The tree population and the ground population of ticks cannot mate and have offspring indicates speciation has occurred.

What is population?"A population is defined as a group of individuals of the same species living and interbreeding within a given area."What is speciation?"Speciation is the evolutionary process by which populations evolve to become distinct species."The ticks of tree and ground population evolve without interfering with one other. Forms a different species and no mating occurs between them.

Hence, the correct answer is: The tree population and the ground population of ticks cannot mate and have offspring.

To know more about speciation here


Which component makes each amino acid unique?
Amino group
Carboxyl group
R group
Phosphate group



The best answer is R group. An R - group is a chemical group or side chain that is found attached to the central carbon in amino acids


R group

Explanation: thanks to the person above ^

And Magiic Jaaaay for asking the question! remember to stay safe, happy learning.

what are the effects of sunlight on the aquatic life inhabiting amazon river



the effects of sunlight on the aquatic life inhabiting the Amazon River. The center of all aquatic life in the Amazon is located in The Amazon Basin, the sun makes sure that all fish and plant life can sustain life.

The sunlight affects the aquatic species that lives in the Amazon River. The Amazon Basin is the epicenter of all aquatic life in the Amazon, where the sun ensures that all fish and plant life may survive.

What is Amazon Basin?

The region of South America that the Amazon River and its tributaries drain is known as the Amazon basin. Approximately 6,300,000 km2, or 35.5 percent of South America, is covered by the Amazon river basin.

The Amazon basin not only contains the world's largest remaining tropical rainforest, it also harbours at least 10% of the known biodiversity, including endemic and threatened species of plants and animals, and its river contributes 15–16% of all river flow into the oceans.

The aquatic animals that inhabit the Amazon River are impacted by sunlight. All aquatic life in the Amazon is concentrated in the Amazon Basin, where the sun ensures the survival of all fish and plant life.

Thus, this is the chief effect of sunlight on the aquatic life inhabiting amazon river.

For more details regarding Amazon Basin, visit:


if humans run out of following resources, which resource would be most difficult to replace





Like all fossil fuels, petroleum is a nonrenewable energy resource. This means that it is a resource that cannot be replaced as quickly as humans use up existing supplies. Humans face a problem because once petroleum reserves begin to run out, there won't be enough fuel to power all the automobiles in the world.

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