In the following exercise a formula is given, along with the values of all but one of the variables in the formula. Find the value of the variable that is not given S = 2LW+2WH + 2LH; S = 108, L= 3, W= 4


Answer 1


H = 6


We are given the values of S, L, and W, and so we put them into the formula to get


We simplify the above to get


Subtracting 24 from both sides gives


Adding the like terms on the right-hand sides gives


Finally, dividing both sides by 14 gives


which gives


which is our answer!

Related Questions

Evaluate the expression 25 – 14 +3.





We want to evaluate the expression given:

25 - 14 + 3

First, let us evaluate the subtraction (25 - 14). We are left with:

11 + 3

Now, evaluate:


That is the answer

R=R¹+R² Solve for R²


Given that ;

R=R¹+R² -------- make R² the subject of the formula as;

Take R¹ to the left side of the equation as;

R-R¹ = R²



R² = R - R¹

Step-by-step explanation:

R = R¹ + R²

To make R² as the subject subtract R¹ from both sides.

R - R¹ = R²

select three values for x that makes the inequality true



We would insert the values of x in the inequality. If the result is true, then the value of x makes it true

-5x + 3 > -17

if x = -3

-5(-3) + 3 > -17

15 + 3 > -17

18 > -17 (true)

if x = -2

-5(-2) + 3 > -17

10 + 3 > -17

13 > -17 (true)

if x = 0

-5(0) + 3 > -17

0 + 3 > -17

3 > -17 ( true)

if x = 4

-5(-3) + 3 > -17

A rectangular garden is 42ft wide and 72 ft long.A blueprint is created using a scale of 1in:6ft.Find the length and width of the blueprints and do not include units in yours answers.A. Identify the length on the blueprint.B. Identify the width on the blueprint.



As we already know, scale factor is the number by wich all the components of an object are multiplied in order to create a proportional enlargement or reduction.

First, we need to turn 6ft into inches units in order to have same magnitudes.

1 ft = 12 inches

So, the relationship is now 1in: 12 in

Scale factor = blueprint size / garden size

Isolating the blueprint size:

BluePrint size = Scale Factor * Garden Size

So, replacing terms:

----> The width will be 42* 1/12 = 3.5

----> The length will be 72 * 1/12 = 6


A. The length of the blueprint is 6

B. The width of the blueprint is 3.5

8 singles, 10 fives, 2 twenties, and 3 hundred dollar bills are all placed in a hat. If a player is to reach into the hat and randomly choose one bill, what is the fair price to play this game?


The total number of bills are 23.

The probability to get single = 8/23

The probability to get five = 10/23

The probability to get twenty = 2/23

The probability to get a hundred = 3/23

So, the fair price to play this game is calculated below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{fair price}=1\times\frac{8}{23}+5\times\frac{10}{23}+20\times\frac{2}{23}+100\times\frac{3}{23} \\ =\frac{8}{23}+\frac{50}{23}+\frac{40}{23}+\frac{300}{23} \\ =\frac{8+50+40+300}{23} \\ =\frac{398}{23} \\ =17.30 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the fair price to play this game is $17.30

at what price should an office equipment sales representative sell computers purchased at the cost of 19,985 and of the mark on rate is 35%?


To determine the selling price we need to add %35 to the purchased prise; that is:


Therefore the seling price should be $26,979.75

Which expression represents the relationship between the step number n and the total number of small squares in the pattern? A Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 n²-n n2-1 n²+n n²+1


We can see in the sequence is :


That is a squar of side 1 minus one square so the solution will be:


and we can replace the first 3 steps to be sure of the answe so:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\to1^2-1=0 \\ 2\to2^2-1=3 \\ 3\to3^2-1=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Add (c + 3) + ( + 6) Add and Subtract polynomials


The given polynomial expression is

(c + 3) + (c + 6)

By opening the brackets, we have

c + 3 + c + 6

By collecting like terms, we have

c + c + 3 + 6

2c + 9

The final answer is 2c + 9

Solve the inequality. −2x+3>x−18 Enter the exact answer in interval notation.


Step 1



Required; To solve the inequality

Step 2

Bring like terms together


Step 3



Step 4

Multiply both sides by -1


Step 5



Step 6

Divide by 3 and get the answer

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3x}{3}<\frac{21}{3} \\ x<7 \\ In\text{ in}terval\text{ notation;} \\ (-\infty,7) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the exact answer in interval notation is;


after a raise Alex salary increased from 30000 anually to 31590 find the percent


intial value = 30,000

final value = 31,590

30,00 ( 1 + x) = 31,590

Solve for x ( increase in decimal form)

30,000+ 30,000x = 31,590

30,000x = 31,590-30,000

30,000x =1,590

x= 1,590/30,000

x= 0.053

Multiply by 100

0.053 x 100= 5.3%

Kylee manages a small theme park and she has been analyzing the attendance data. Kylee finds that the number of visitors increases exponentially as the temperature increases, and this situation is represented by the function f(x) = 4x. Kylee also finds a linear equation that models the number of people who leave the park early depending on the change in temperature, and it is represented by g(x) = −x + 5. The graph of the two functions is below. Find the solution to the two functions and explain what the solution represents.


Thus, the solution is (1,4) and that represents the number in which the number of visitors incoming when the temperature is increasing matches the number of visitors leaving early when the temperature is decreasing.

1) The solution to both functions is that point that is located at the intersection of the curve and the line.

2) So, let's solve this system of equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \begin{matrix}y=4^x\end{matrix} \\ y=-x+5 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Note that we can apply the Substitution Method:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4^x=-x+5 \\ \ln4^x=\ln_(-x+5) \\ x\ln(4)=\ln_(-x+5) \\ x=\frac{\ln(-x+5)}{\ln(4)} \\ \frac{\ln \left(-x+5\right)}{\ln \left(4\right)}=x \\ \frac{\ln \left(-x+5\right)}{\ln \left(4\right)}\ln \left(4\right)=x\ln \left(4\right) \\ \ln \left(-x+5\right)=x\ln \left(4\right) \\ \ln \left(-x+5\right)=2\ln \left(2\right)x \\ e^{\ln \left(-x+5\right)}=e^{2\ln \left(2\right)x} \\ -x+5=4^x \\ -(1)+5=4^1 \\ 4=4 \\ x=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

With the quantity of x=1 we can plug it into the second formula:


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-x+5 \\ y=-1+5 \\ y=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

4) Thus, the solution is (1,4) and that represents the number in which the number of visitors incoming when the temperature is increasing matches the number of visitors leaving.

what are the x and y intercepts of the linear function given by the equation 2x+5y=-10


In order to find the x-intercept of the function, you need to evaluate the function for y = 0, so:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+5y=-10 \\ y=0 \\ 2x+5(0)=-10 \\ 2x=-10 \\ x=-\frac{10}{2} \\ x=-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the x-intercept is x = -5

In order to find the y-intercept of the function, you need to evaluate the function for x = 0, so:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+5y=-10 \\ x=0 \\ 2(0)+5y=-10 \\ 5y=-10 \\ y=-\frac{10}{5} \\ y=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the y-intercept is y = -2

Find the equation for the line that passes through the point (-4,-3) and that is perpendicular to the line with the equation y=3/4x-1



The coordinate that lie on the line is (-4, -3).

The equation of line is y = 3/4x-1.

The standard equation of line is,


Here, m is the slope of the line.

On comparing, the slope of the line y = 3/4x-1 with the standard equation of line then m = 3/4.

The relation of two perpendicular line is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_1\times m_2=-1_{} \\ \frac{3}{4}\times m_2=-1 \\ m_2=\frac{-4}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation of line passing through the point (-4,-3) and perpendicular to line y = 3/4x-1 is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=m(x-x_1) \\ y-(-3)=\frac{-4}{3}(x-(-4)) \\ y+3=\frac{-4}{3}(x+4) \\ 3y+9=-4x-16 \\ 3y=-4x-25 \\ y=\frac{-4x-25}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the equation of line perpendicular to y = 3/4x-1 is y = (-4x-25)/3.

consider functions h and k h(x) = 5x^2-1k(x) = square root 5x+1



[tex]h(x)=5x^2-1\text{ and }k(x)=\sqrt{5x+1}[/tex]


We need to find the function h(k(x)) and k(h(x)).


[tex]Substitute\text{ }h(x)=5x^2-1\text{ in }k(h(x))\text{ to find }k(h(x)).[/tex][tex]k\lparen h(x))=k(5x^2-1)[/tex]

[tex]Repalce\text{ }x=5x^2-1\text{ in }k(x)=\sqrt{5x+1}\text{ and substitute in }k\lparen h(x))=k(5x^2-1).[/tex]

[tex]k\lparen h(x))=\sqrt{5\left(5x^2-1\right)+1}[/tex]






[tex]Substitute\text{ }k(x)=\sqrt{5x+1}\text{ in }h(k(x))\text{ to find }h(k(x)).[/tex][tex]h(k(x))=h(\sqrt{5x+1})[/tex]

[tex]Repalce\text{ }x=\sqrt{5x+1}\text{ in }k(x)=5x^2-1\text{ and substitute in h}\lparen k(x))=h(\sqrt{5x+1}).[/tex]







We get




We know that


[tex]k(h(x))\ne h(k(x))[/tex][tex]Recall\text{ that if }k(h(x))=h(k(x))\text{ then h and k are inverse functions.}[/tex]

Final answer:

[tex]For\text{ x}\ge0,\text{ the value of h\lparen k\lparen x\rparen\rparen is not equal to the value of k\lparen h\lparen x\rparen\rparen.}[/tex]

[tex]For\text{ x}\ge0,\text{ functions h and k are not inverse functions,}[/tex]

If one sticker is 10 cents and Lia wants 64 stickers how much money does she have to pay?


Solve this problem using a rule of three

1 stick ------------------------ 10 cents

64 stickers ------------------ x

x = (64 x 10) / 1

x = 640 / 1

x = 640 cents

Lia needs to pay 640 cents

1 dollar ----------------- 100 cents

x ---------------- 640 cents

x = (640 x 1) / 100

x = 640/100

x = 6.4 dollars

Lia needs to pay $6.4 dollars

what is a quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles called?


what is a quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles called .......................

a Parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles.

how many hours would it take for sally and steve?



It would take 2.7 hours


To know how many hours they take together, we need to add the inverse of the time that they take to paint, so


Because Sally takes 8 hours and Steve takes 4 hours to paint the room. Finally, we need to find the inverse of 0.375, so

[tex]\frac{1}{0.375}=2.7\text{ hours}[/tex]

So, they would take 2.7 hours to paint the room.

calculate the female's BMI. Round your answer to one decimal place.


For the 17 year old female with:

Weight: 145 lbs

Height: 5'4''→64 inches


w= weight (pounds)

h= height (inches)

Replace the given values in the formula to determine the girl's BMI


The girl's BMI is 24.89

A helthy weight is considered to be w

evaluate the expression 3y+6÷2x


3y+6÷ 2x​ = 1/ 2x ( 3y + 6 )

Hello, what I guess I might want to understand is where to plug in the certain numbers/variables I am given. thank you



The given equation to get the accumulated amount is

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=Pe^{rt} \\ \text{Where r = rate = 10\%}=\frac{10}{100}=\text{ 0}.1 \\ t\text{ = time in years} \\ P\text{= Amount invested}=\text{ \$6000} \\ A=\text{ Accumulated amount = 2 }\times6000\text{ = \$12000 } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, by substituting in these values, t will be given as

[tex]\begin{gathered} 12000\text{ = 6000}\times e^{0.1\times t} \\ \frac{12000}{6000}=e^{0.1t} \\ 2=e^{0.1t} \\ \ln \text{ 2 = 0.1t} \\ 0.6931471806=0.1t \\ t\text{ =}\frac{0.6931471806}{0.1} \\ t\text{ = }6.931471806 \\ t\approx6.9\text{ years to 1 decimal place} \end{gathered}[/tex]

t approximately = 6.9 years to 1 decimal place.

What is the approximate area of the circle? Use 3.141 for pi and do not round your answer.


The radius of the circle is 2 units and the value of pi is 3.141.

Hence the area of the circle is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\pi\times r^2 \\ A=3.141\times2^2 \\ A=12.564 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the area is 12.564 square units.

Simplify: -12- (–17)


Given the expression:


You can simplify it as follows:

1. Multiply the signs applying the Sign Rules for Multiplication:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -\cdot-=+ \\ +\cdot-=- \\ +\cdot+=+ \\ -\cdot+=- \end{gathered}[/tex]



2. Notice that the signs of the numbers are different. Therefore, you have to subtract them. The result will have the same sign of the number with the greatest absolute value (in this case, it will be positive:


Hence, the answer is:


Line k has an equation of y = x + - 2/7. Line L includes the point (7,-2) and is perpendicular to
line k. What is the equation of line L? Write the equation in slope-intercept form. Write the numbers in the equation as simplified
proper fractions, improper fractions, or integers.



y = -x+5

Step-by-step explanation:

y-(-2) = -1(x-7)

y+2 = -x + 7

y = -x + 7-2

y = -x + 5

2m + 7 =9 solution please



Can I get help with B? I just need to find the standard deviation


Given the set of data:

11, 7, 14, 2, 8, 13, 3, 6, 10, 3, 8, 4, 8, 4, 7

Let's find the standard deviation.

To find the standard deviation, apply the formula:



x is the data

u is the mean

n is the number of data = 15

To find the mean, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} mean=\frac{11+7+14+2+8+13+3+6+10+3+8+4+8+4+7}{15} \\ \\ mean=\frac{108}{15} \\ \\ mean=7.2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, to find the standard deviation, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} s=\sqrt{\frac{(11-7.2)^2+(7-7.2)^2+(14-7.2)^2+(2-7.2)^2+(8-7.2)^2+(13-7.2)^2+(3-7.2)^2+(6-7.2)^2+(10-7.2)^2+(3-7.2)^2+(8-7.2)^2+(4-7.2)^2+(8-7.2)^2+(4-7.2)^2+(7-7.2)^2}{15-1}} \\ \\ s=\sqrt{\frac{188.4}{14}} \\ \\ s=\sqrt{13.457} \\ \\ s=3.7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the standard deviation is 3.7



Some the quadratic equation by completing the square.x^2+4x-11=0First choose the appropriate form and fill in the blanks with the correct numbers. Then solve the equation. If there’s more than one solution separate them with commas.



By completing the square, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2+4x=11 \\ x^2+4x+2^2=11+2^2 \\ (x+2)^2=11+4 \\ (x+2)^2=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the square root of both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x+2)=\pm\sqrt[]{15} \\ x=+\sqrt[]{15}-2\text{ OR x= -}\sqrt[]{15}-2 \\ x=3.8729-2\text{ OR -3.8729-2} \\ x=1.873\text{ OR -5.873} \end{gathered}[/tex]

A bank offers a CD that pays a simple interest rate of 2.5%. How much must you put in this CD now in order to have $4,000 for a home-entertainmentcenter in 2 years.


The formula to calculate Simple Interest is given as


The question provides the following parameters:

[tex]\begin{gathered} R=2.5 \\ T=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If the amount to be had now is $4000, which is inclusive of the interest to be had over the period, this means that


If we substitute the value for I, we have a new equation, such that

[tex]\begin{gathered} P+\frac{\text{PRT}}{100}=4000 \\ \therefore \\ P(1+\frac{RT}{100})=4000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the values into the equation, we can solve for P as

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(1+\frac{2.5\times2}{100})=4000_{} \\ P(1+0.05)=4000 \\ 1.05P=4000 \\ P=\frac{4000}{1.05} \\ P=3809.52 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is $3,809.52

Which inequality represents the phrase, the quotient of w and four is at least 3.


The inequality that represents the phrase is:


THIS IS DUE TODAY PLEASE HELP ASAP AND PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION ILL GIVE YA 80 PONTS!!! Olivia has read 40 pages of a 70 page book, 60 pages of an 85 page book and 43 of a 65 page book. What is the percentage of pages Olivia has not read? PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION


Answer: I believe 65%

Step-by-step explanation:

Add all the pages together from the books. Add all the pages they  read. Lastly divide the pages they read by the pages there is in total. You get a decimal. move the decimal two numbers over.

5.73×10^6 scientific notation or standard form


The number 5.73 10^6 is shown in scientific notation.

Its standard form is: 5,730,000 (five million 7 hundred thirty thousand)

The number 600 can be written in scientific notation by using the digit "6" followed by a product by 100: 6 * 100 and now writing the 100 in powers of ten:

100 = 10 * 10 = 10^2

then the scientific notation formof 600 is:

6 10^2 (6 times 10 to the power 2)

The number 0.24 is the same as the number 24 divided by 100 so notice that there is DIVISION by powers of ten now, and such division becomes a "negative" power of the base 10.

The way to quickly write 0.24 in scientific notation is:

1) count how many spaces you have to move the decimal point to the right in order to get to a number between 1 and something smaller than 10. In our case to get to 2.4.SO the decimal point has to move ONE space to the right. Now,that number of spaces you move to the right is going to becoma the exponent of the base 10:

2.4 10 ^(-1) (remember that since this is a division, the power is NEGATIVE.

The number 4.07369 is the same written in scientific notation and in standard form, because the number shown is in between 1 and something smaller than 10.

Your teacher may want tho to have yu write the exponent of 10 (you write it in this case as a zero):

4.07369 = 4.07369 10^0

Recall that 10^0 is 1, so there is no actual change to the number by multiplying by it.

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