In the context of the kinds of charismatic leaders, ethical charismatics differ from unethical charismatics in that ethical charismatics _____.
a. seek out viewpoints on critical issues
b. want uncritical acceptance of their ideas
c. avoid candid feedback
d. are the sole source of vision


Answer 1

In the context of the kinds of charismatic leaders, ethical charismatics differ from unethical charismatics in that ethical charismatics seek out viewpoints on critical issue but opposite one does not.

Who are charismatic leaders?

The German sociologist Max Weber invented the idea of charismatic authority. It involves a kind of organisation or leadership where the leader's charisma confers authority. This contrasts with two other sorts of authority, namely traditional authority and legal authority.

What quality does a charismatic leader have?

Strong communicators, charismatic leaders can clearly express a vision that is important to their team members. They use vibrant, inventive, and expressive ways to convey their objectives and commands. Action and an emotional commitment to make a difference are inspired by communication.

To know more about charismatic leader, click here-


Related Questions

which of the following democracies represents a unitary state in which power is concentrated in the hands of the central government?


France is the democracy that represents a unitary state in which power is concentrated in the hands of the central government.

What does unitary state mean?

In contrast to a federal state, a unitary state is a type of political organization where the majority or all of the governing power is held by a single, central authority. States, counties, and provinces do not share power. Examples of unitary states include China and the UK (although Scotland has been granted self-rule).

Which state structure gives a central government the most control?

A central government controls the majority of political authority in unitary nations. In a unitary system of government, the states or provinces have the final say, whereas in a federal one, the national or central government has total authority.

To know more about unitary system, visit:


what should be done to the people who violate the society​


Answer:yes pls ya


it’s 792

Why was Stephen Austin able to establish a colony in Mexican territory?


The Mexican government gave him a land grant.

as an adult, thalia marries bruce. together with bruce and his daughter, barbara, from a previous relationship, thalia has created a .


Thalia, as an adult, marries Bruce. Thalia, together with Bruce as well as his daugther Barbara from a previous relationship, has created a family of procreation.

Family of procreation is a term loosely used to refer to a family unit that is created by two or more people. A family of origin can mean a family that is formed through marriage, which consists of spouses and children. The concept of it is juxtaposed to “family of origin”, which refers to the families from which individuals originate. The family of procreation will form unique family dynamics and values.

When it is narrowed down to the format of a nuclear family, multigenerational factors contributing to stress and resilience will filter down to this form of family. Socioeconomic factors such as cultural and ethnic values and poverty can shift from one generation to the next and become more or less pronounced within the family of procreation.

Learn more about family of procreation at


with respect to leadership positions in women's sports in the united states, women have lost far more than they have gained since the passage of title ix.


With respect to leadership positions in women's sports in the united states, women have lost far more than they have gained since the passage of the tile is True.

What are major issues in leadership positions?

Since the passing of Title IX, women have lost significantly more ground than they have gained in terms of leadership roles in women's sports in the US. Female athletes are frequently under pressure to adopt a feminine image by donning skirts, jewelry, and cosmetics.Obstacles still exist in the form of sexual harassment, toxic work conditions, and hidden biases. Women of race encounter more barriers to success and are thus even less likely to assume leadership positions. The difficulty of juggling work and home obligations sometimes prevents women from pursuing leadership positions.

To know more about Leadership here


Which of the following is a tool that the U.S. president can use on his or her own to affect foreign policy?
making and approving treaties
approving foreign relations expenditures
declaring war
appointing ambassadors
The correct answer is appointing ambassadors.


Appointing ambassadors is a tool that the U.S. president can use on his or her own to affect foreign policy.

Explain in detail.

The goals and actions that a state takes in relation to its interactions with other states, unions, and other political bodies, whether on a bilateral or multilateral basis, constitute its foreign policy or external policy.The basic goal of foreign policy is to employ diplomacy to resolve global issues by talking, meeting, and reaching agreements. They make an effort to avoid confrontations that must be resolved by the use of force. Almost always, the President is in charge of establishing foreign policy.The goal of foreign policy is frequently to protect national security. military partnerships between governments and other nations in an effort to thwart attacks and demonstrate greater resistance. The goal of foreign policy is to defeat hostile nations by diplomatic means, military means, or both.

To know more about Foreign policy here


paraphilias are defined by three distinct criteria: sexual gratification, compulsive and recurrent behaviors, and


Paraphilias are defined by three distinct criteria: sexual gratification, compulsive and recurrent behaviors, and sexual behaviors considered by most of society to be deviant, pathological, or abnormal

What feature unites all paraphilias?

Distressing and repetitive sexual fantasies urges, or behaviors are characteristics of all paraphilias. If indeed the diagnosis is to be made, these fantasies urge, or behaviors must persist for a long time and must interfere with either fulfilling sexual relations or daily functioning.

The exact reasons why paraphilias or paraphilic disorders develop are unknown, but some experts believe that early sexual violence may be a factor. Others think that if a situation or object is frequently linked to enjoyable sexual activity, it can become sexually arousing.

Therefore, Paraphilias are sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors with a markedly high level of intensity that really are persistent.

Learn more about Paraphilias from the given link.


In the task-based model for coping with dying, the psychological tasks are associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
A) autonomy
B) security
C) richness in living
D) identity formation


In the task-based model for coping with dying, the psychological tasks are associated Except richness in living

Hence, Option C is correct.

What does "Flow" mean psychologically?

The mental state in which a person is entirely concentrated on a particular work or activity is known as the "flow state" and can be described.It should be highlighted that this is the intense attention on a certain work that is evident in each individual as well as their concentrated state of mind.

As a result, choice C is accurate.

Visit to learn more about psychology


of the perspectives on anxiety disorders discussed in the textbook, the perspective is most likely to emphasize the fact that we may learn fear simply by observing others.


Of the perspectives on anxiety disorders discussed in the textbook, the cognitive perspective is most likely to emphasize the fact that we may learn fear simply by observing others.

What is anxiety ?Anxiety becomes a habit and manifests itself in many ways. There are also physical symptoms of anxiety. Overeating, loss of appetite, heartburn, shortness of breath, and ulcers.Feelings of fear, dread, and anxiety that can occur in response to stress.People with anxiety may sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heart rate. Extreme anxiety that becomes more common over time can be a sign of an anxiety disorder.Anxiety disorders can have a significant impact on the workplace. People may turn down promotions and other opportunities because they involve traveling or public speaking. Find excuses to escape office parties, staff dinners, and other events and meetings with colleagues. Or miss a deadline.

To learn more about anxiety from the given link :


In group therapy, therapeutic alliance is typically called _____, which is an alliance between the client and all others in the group.


In organization therapy, healing alliance is commonly called brotherly love that's an alliance among the customer and all others within side the organization.

The required details for Cohesion in given paragraph

Group cohesiveness (additionally called organization brotherly love and social brotherly love) arises while bonds hyperlink contributors of a social organization to each other and to the organization as a whole. Although brotherly love is a multi-faceted process, it could be damaged down into 4 major components: social relations, venture relations, perceived solidarity, and emotions. Members of strongly cohesive businesses are greater willing to take part without difficulty and to live with the organization. Cohesion may be greater especially described because the tendency for a set to be in solidarity whilst running in the direction of a aim or to meet the emotional desires of its contributors.

This definition consists of vital factors of cohesiveness, such as its multidimensionality, dynamic nature, instrumental basis, and emotional dimension.

To know about Cohesion click here


How did Great Britain and France increase tensions in Southwest Asia after World
War I?
A. They drew political boundaries with little regard for existing ethnic and religious
B.They restored Ottoman rule over the region.
C. They invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein from power.

D. They encouraged popular uprisings for democracy in Syria and Yemen.



A. They drew political boundaries with little regard for existing ethnic and religious divisions.


After World War I, Great Britain and France increased tensions in Southwest Asia by redrawing the political boundaries of the region.

They divided the lands of the former Ottoman Empire into various countries and protectorates, with little regard for the existing ethnic and religious divisions that existed in the region.

This created an unstable political situation, as the arbitrary borders often divided ethnic and religious groups, leading to unrest and conflict.

A, they drew political boundaries with little regard for existing ethnic and religious divisions,
Look at a map after ww1, you will see that Syria became a French colony and Iraq became a British colony

did cultural diffusion influence Catholics and Protestants? if so, how? if not, why not?


Cultural diffusion influenced both Catholics and protestant because it influenced original cultural tradition especially in Europe. As Catholicism and Protestantism spread, certain religious culture began to be influenced by the traditions of the people involved.

What is Cultural Diffusion?

Cultural diffusion refers to the spreading out and intermingling of different aspects  from different cultures. Cultural diffusions spreads across a whole aspect of peoples lives. These aspects include food, clothing, religion and even languages that people love and enjoy every day.

Some aspects where cultural diffusion influenced Catholicism and Protestantism, is in religious hymns, religious traditions like mode of worship and marriages.

Learn more about Cultural Diffusion at


True or False: according to the monitoring the future data, most drugs beyond alcohol and marijuana are used by very few people.


According to the Monitoring of Future Data, most drugs beyond alcohol and marijuana are used by very few people. This statement is true.

The second most popular psychoactive substance in the U.S. after alcohol is marijuana, which is also the most often used illicit drug. It can also be stated that alcohol and marijuana are two of the most widely consumed drugs in the world. Marijuana's effects can be enhanced by drinking before consuming it. This is due to the fact that alcohol promotes the absorption of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the primary psychoactive component of marijuana.

Crossfading, the practice of occasionally combining alcohol and marijuana, is unlikely to have a negative impact on health. However, marijuana and alcohol may lead to unpleasant side effects when combined, such as "greening out".

Learn more about marijuana here:


the extent to which one's political participation achieves its desired results, or the amount of power a political actor has to achieve his or her will.


The degree of influence a political figure has to enact his and her will political influence.

Why do you use the word "political"?

Politics is a range of activities that deals with joint decision or other forms of inter-personal power dynamics, like the distribution of wealth or status. While they participate in elections, political parties are essential. Parties have a big influence on how a country makes legislation.

What political philosophies exist?

In besides current republicanism & liberalism, the United States has a significant libertarian movement. Previous political forces in the state have also been affected by a range of ideologies, include self-government, feminism, secession, socialism, high court of justiciary, and independence.

To know more about political visit:


Yoku is putting on sunscreen.he uses 2 ml to cover 50 cm of his skin .he wants to know how many milliliters of sunscreen (c) he needs to cover 325 of his skin



13 ml


Because if 2 ml covers 50 cm 325 / 50 = 6.5 then 2 x 6.5 = 13

Sullivan emphasized the social aspects of growth, suggesting that psychological development can be best understood when looked at in: A. societal terms. B. interpersonal terms. C. identity terms. D. medical terms.


Sullivan placed a strong emphasis on the social components of development, contending that psychological development is best understood when seen in the context of interpersonal relationships.

What does psychology signify in regards to health?

In summary, psychology helps humans much since it explains why people behave in particular ways. A psychologist may help people by using this kind of professional insight to analyze past behavior to better predict future conduct, which can help them make better decisions, manage stress, and behave.

Why is psychology significant?

In summary, psychology is helpful to humans in a significant manner because it can explain why people act in particular ways. A psychologist may help people manage their stress, make better decisions, and change their behavior by using this kind of professional knowledge to analyze past conduct and better predict future behavior.

To know more about psychological visit:


enculturation is a process of cultural absorption of an ethnic minority by a dominant society.


True, enculturation is a process of cultural absorption of an ethnic minority by a dominant society.

what is society?These terms refer to a type of society involving various large corporate organizations with a keen interest in the economic, social and political decision-making process.Businesses produce goods and provide services, but they cannot do this without the help of society.In order for a company to function well, it needs various resources  available in society.Human resources are the most important resource on which companies rely heavily.Businesses are important members of society  as key drivers of employment, investment and prosperity. The decisions and actions companies make affect society as a whole.A society is a group of people participating in an ongoing social connection or a broad social group occupying the same social or spatial sphere and usually subject to the same dominant political powers and cultural norms.

To learn more about society from the given link :


Which one of the following is an indication of a dysfunctional team role? A) Encouraging B) Compromising C) Coordinating D) Initiating E) Diverting.


A dysfunctional role of a team is: E) Diverting.

What is a dysfunctional team?

They are all those groups of people who participate or work within a company and are characterized because they create constant inconveniences which directly affect the organization and the work environment.

That is why there must always be empathy, respect and good coexistence among workers so that the work is done efficiently and does not affect society.

Dysfunctional teams should be disintegrated and in the event of an irregular situation, workers should seek solutions to such problems.

Learn more about dysfunctional teams in:


which of the following decisions is not part of appraising the recommendations of a clinical practice guideline?


Clinical practice guidelines are evidence based when producers conduct a systematic review and formulate research using that evidence.

What is appraisal and why is it important?

The firm appreciates someone; it does not keep it a secret since everyone loves appreciation and everyone loves to be acknowledged. The organizations show their gratitude through what are known as performance appraisals or evaluations. Performance reviews, performance evaluations, and other similar terms are also used by businesses to rate an employee's performance and recognize them for their valuable and committed contributions to the expansion of the company.

Therefore, the process of assessing an employee's performance and personality in accordance with the organization's set of criteria, such as adaptability, quality of work, efficiency, collaboration, and teamwork, etc., may be described as the importance of performance assessments.

to learn more about appraisal click:


the social norms that society has created have an impact on how we behave. members of the group may prefer not to follow the norm personally,


This pressure can be subtle and hard to detect, but it is often influential in guiding behavior. In order for individuals to remain true to themselves, they must be aware of the social norms and be willing to challenge them if necessary.

What are social norms?

Social norms are the shared expectations and rules that members of a group or society have about how they should behave. They represent the attitudes and values of the majority within a certain social context and may include:

Expectations about dress.Language.Manners, and other forms of behavior.

Social norms are important to society as they provide a sense of cohesion and stability and help to ensure that people act in a manner that is acceptable and appropriate.

Learn more about social norms at:


what religion emphasizes loyalty and duty to family while _____ encourages nature


Buddhism stresses familial loyalty and obligation, whereas Confucianism promotes nature. Thus, the correct choice is Buddhism and Confucianism.

What type of religion is Buddhism?

Buddhism is an Indian religion or philosophical system centered on teachings credited to the Buddha. It is also known as Buddha Dharma and Dharmavinaya. It began as a ramaa-movement in northern India in the 5th century BCE and subsequently expanded over most of Asia through the Silk Road. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion (no belief in a creator god), philosophy, and moral discipline that originated in India in the sixth and fifth centuries BCE. It was created by the sage Siddhartha Gautama, who was a Hindu royal, according to mythology.

To learn more about Buddhism, click


the approach that involves stating your position, providing the reasons, giving an example or providing evidence, and then restating your position is called the method.


PREP method is the approach that involves stating your position, providing the reasons, giving an example or providing evidence, and then restating your position is called the method.

What is evidence?Statement evidence supports this statement. It is usually taken to indicate that the supporting statement is true. The role of evidence  and how it is considered varies from subject to subject.Authentic evidence is physical and tangible evidence such as objects, tape recordings, computer printouts, and photographs. This is proof that the court can examine  itself.  Examples of genuine evidence include fingerprints, blood samples, DNA, knives, guns, and other physical items. Genuine evidence is usually admissible because it tends to prove or disprove issues of fact in court.Evidence is the only  way a court can draw conclusions to make  a decision. The definition of evidence explains that evidence is evidence of  fact in a dispute, so without evidence there is no way to prove  facts in a dispute or establish facts in a case.

To learn more about evidence from the given link :


How would you evaluate the quality of American democracy today?


The majority of Americans concur that democracy in the US is running rather well, but just a small minority feel it is. At the same time, there is broad support for fundamental political system changes.

Explain the quality of American democracy.

The democracy in the United States is representative. This proves that people cast ballots to choose our government. Here, the representatives of the government are chosen by the people. These government representatives represent the concerns and opinions of the people.

According to a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, only 16% of Americans believe that democracy is operating well or extremely well. A total of 38% of respondents say democracy is only moderately effective, while 45% think it isn't working at all. The majority of Americans feel that democracy in the US is functioning rather well despite many criticisms, but just a small minority say it is functioning really well. At the same time, there is broad consensus in favor of fundamental political system reforms: According to 61% of respondents, "major adjustments" to the American government's fundamental "design and structure" are necessary for it to operate efficiently in the current period.

To know more about American democracy, visit:


the columns of the haddon matrix, used successfully in the united states to conceptualize injury prevention opportunities, are titled


The columns of the Haddon matrix used successfully in the united states to conceptualize injury prevention opportunities, are titled Phase, host, agent, and environment.

When was the Haddon matrix developed?

The Haddon Matrix is the paradigm that is most frequently applied in the area of injury prevention. The matrix, created by William Haddon in 1970, examines variables related to personal attributes, vector or agent attributes, and environmental attributes before, during, and after an injury or death.

The epidemiology triangle (host, agent, environment), as well as levels of prevention, are combined in Haddon's Matrix, a brainstorming tool. This combination offers you a way to think about step 3's planning for injury interventions and prevention strategies by stages in the event's timeline.

Therefore, host, agent, and environment are the columns of the Haddon matrix.

Learn more about the matrix from the given link.


You are a muckraker. Choose something you think is unfair in business, society, or government, and write a two- or three-paragraph article about it. Try to move your readers to improve the situation.


As a muckraker, I am concerned about the unequal distribution of wealth and income in our society. This unequal distribution of wealth and income has a number of negative effects, including increased poverty and social inequality, and undermines our economy and democracy.

It is time for us to take action to address this unfair situation. As concerned citizens, we must demand that our elected officials implement a more progressive tax system that ensures that the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. Only by working together can we create a more equal and just society for all.

Who are Muckrakers?

In the United States during the Progressive Era, muckrakers were reform-minded journalists, authors, and photographers who claimed to reveal corruption and malfeasance in established institutions, frequently through sensationalist publications.

Muckrakers were a group of writers during the Progressive period, including Upton Sinclair, Lincoln Steffens, and Ida Tarbell, who attempted to expose the issues that existed in American society as a result of the development of big business, urbanization, and immigration.

Learn more about Muckrakers:

When choosing their leaders, what do the citizens of South Africa and Nigeria have in common?


Your answer is going to be.

Citizens in both countries vote directly for the heads of sates.


Both South Africa and Nigeria are democracies, so the citizens of both countries have the right to choose their leaders through free and fair elections.

In both countries, eligible voters are able to cast their ballots for the political party or candidate of their choice, and the candidate who wins the most votes is typically declared the winner of the election.

This process is intended to ensure that the leaders of both countries are chosen by the will of the people.


To prevent unemployment a government will?


Decentralisation of Industrial activity is necessary to reduce unemployment.

derrian is a leader who is more concerned with getting the job done than with the feelings of the workers. derrian is a leader.


Derrian is a leader who is more concerned with getting the job done than with the feelings of the workers, Derrian is a task oriented  leader.

What does Job means?

Job is a term used to refer to a paid position of employment. It can also be used to refer to the duties and responsibilities associated with a particular job, or to the process of finding and obtaining a position of employment.

What does Employment means?

The act of providing someone with a job or a regular income is known as employment. Employment is a contract between an employer and an employee in which the employee agrees to perform certain tasks or provide services in exchange for pay and benefits. This agreement is legally binding and subject to labor laws. The number of people employed by a company, organization, or government can also be referred to as employment.

To know more about Government,


Which of the following is an example of implicit bias?
A teacher asking the tallest child in the class to help them get something from a high shelf
A judge decreeing that all women who appear in his courtroom must wear dresses or skirts
A casting director for a radio advertisement rejecting an application because of the applicant's Asian-
sounding name
A nightclub owner rejecting applicants for a front door security guard position because they are too


The example of implicit bias would be: A casting director for a radio advertisement rejecting an application because of the applicant's Asia sounding name. Option C.

What is implicit bias?

Implicit bias is a type of bias that influences judgements, decisions, and behaviors even though it happens spontaneously and unknowingly. According to research, unconscious prejudice might make it difficult to attract and keep a diverse scientific workforce.

Favoring or being more responsive to names with a familiar sound rather than those from other cultural groups is a typical example of implicit bias. Inclusivity is still one of our ideals despite implicit bias. It indicates that we are unaware of the influence that our own implicit bias may have on the choices and behaviors we make.

Read more on implicit bias here:


This is a question for my Psychology practice exam, just wanted to know the answer and the reasoning.


This graph shows the boundaries of social facilitation, the degree at which other people have an impact on an individual's performance when pressure from others people around him is increase, difficult task are performed less well.

What are Components of social facilitation?

The three important components are believed to play a role in social facilitation: physiological (drive and arousal), cognitive (distraction and attention), and affective (emotional) factors (anxiety and self-presentation).

Social facilitation comes in two flavors: audience effects and co-action effects.

a) Co-action effects: when one does better when there are other people around them who are performing the same work.

b) Audience effects: as When one's performance improves only by having an audience, this is known as an audience effect.

Thus it is cleared from the above if the boundaries are there then the performance will go down if people create more pressure on that individual.

To know more about components of social facilitation refer:


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