In the absence of hormones, the distal tubule and collecting ducts are relatively impermeable to water.
a. True
b. False


Answer 1

Under normal conditions, the epithelial cells of the collecting duct are impermeable to water but can absorb about 5% of the total amount of sodium found in the filtrate. However, in the presence of aldosterone and ADH, the collecting duct is made permeable to water.

What causes increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule to water?

Water excretion by the kidney is regulated by the peptide hormone vasopressin. Vasopressin increases the water permeability of the renal collecting duct cells, allowing more water to be reabsorbed from collecting duct urine to blood.

Which nephron segment is impermeable to water?

In contrast to being impervious to water, the ascending limb is permeable to salts (sodium), allowing sodium to seep out and raising the medulla's salt concentration.

To know more about impermeable to water visit;


Related Questions

Cell theory describes the basic function of all living things. Why is this considered a theory and not a law?.



Cell theory is a theory, not a law because the cell theory does not have enough support to become a law.

The scientist, Theodor Schwann in 1839, did not give the proposed cell theory enough credit to become a law.

at which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


The body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium during the third and final stage of the general adaptation syndrome, known as the “Exhaustion” stage.

Returning to Stability and Equilibrium: Understanding the Exhaustion Stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome

The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is a three-stage physiological response to any type of stressor. The first stage is known as the alarm stage, in which the body responds to the stressor with a “fight or flight” response. The second stage is known as the resistance stage, in which the body attempts to adapt to the stressor by mobilizing its resources to counteract the stressor. The third and final stage is known as the exhaustion stage, in which the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium.

Learn more about General Adaptation Syndrome:


How does available energy affect the population sizes of organisms at different trophic levels?



Students should observe that since the energy available at each trophic level decreases, the populations of animals at higher trophic levels will be smaller than the populations at lower trophic levels. For example, many deer can support relatively few wolves.


Hope it helps have a good day:D

what are the traits that distinguish humans from all other beings that exist?​


this are charateristic


this is because human has different featuresthan other beings like monkeys

a student produces a labeled drawing of a virus for a presentation. the student states that the capsid has a function similar to the nuclear membrane found in animal cells. virus structure. capsid. dna. which of these describes the similar functions of capsids and nuclear membranes? a both transport proteins throughout the structures. b both provide energy for activities in the structures. c both protect genetic information for the structures. d both code for the proteins needed for reproduction of the structures.


Both capsid and nuclear membrane protect genetic information for the structures.

What are functions of capsid and nuclear membrane?

A capsid is the protein "jacket" that forms the body of a virus. The main job of the nuclear membrane is to contain and protect the genetic code of the cell: its DNA.

Moreover, a primary function of the capsid is to protect the viral genome from environmental conditions and ultimately to deliver the genome to the interior of a homologous host cell.

The function of the nuclear membranes is to act as a barrier that separates the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm.

Learn more about capsid and nuclear membrane:


Rh positive blood is dominant to Rh negative blood. A child with AB negative blood and a child with O negative blood are produced from parents that are A positive and B positive respectively. Show the genotypes of the parents involved in this cross and the resulting Punnett square


The genotype is a set of genes in DNA responsible for unique characteristics, while the phenotype is the physical appearance or characteristic of an organism.

A Punnet square identifies genotype. It helps in determining the chances of the genotype that the offspring will possess, based on the genotype of parents.

How to find genotype of an offspring based on the genotype of parents?

As discussed above, a Punnet Square helps to identify genotype. Its like a graphical representation of genotype.

The various possible combinations of  gametes are made in a tabular format. Here, each box in the table represents one possible fertilization event.

The inherent assumption is that each trait is determined by a single gene locus and that various traits assort independently from one another (Mendel's law of genetics).

Now, in the question above

The genotypes of the parents involved in this cross are A positive (IAIA) and B positive (IBi).

The resulting punnet square would look like this:

A Positive (IAIA) B Positive (IBi)

A Positive (IAIA) AA, AO

B Positive (IBi) AO, BB

Thus, main answer is : The resulting possible genotypes of the children produced from this cross would be AB negative (IAi) and O negative (ii).

To know more about Genotype and phenotype, click on


what is the functional significance of large areas of cardiac muscle being electrically coupled to form a single functional syncytium? group of answer choices because they form a syncytium, cardiac muscles can contract on their own. because they form a syncytium, muscle cells can pass an action potential along a large area of the heart wall, stimulating contraction in each muscle fiber of the syncytium. because they form a syncytium, muscle cells cannot summate contraction to produce tetanus, and thus do not fatigue. because they form a syncytium, cardiac muscle cells can pass an action potential by way of internodal bundles contracting both atrial chambers.


Muscle cells can transmit an action potential along a significant portion of the heart wall because they form a syncytium, which causes every muscle fiber in the syncytium to contract.

What functional importance do big heart muscle regions have?

Muscle cells can transmit an action potential along a significant portion of the heart wall because they form a syncytium, which causes every muscle fiber in the syncytium to contract.

How are the cells in the heart's muscle arranged?

A closer inspection reveals that heart muscle is organized into sheets of cells that are joined to one another in a latticework pattern. An intercalated disc is a specific connection that locks two cells together where they meet.

To know more about Muscle visit:-


Reflexes that activate muscles on the same side of the body as the stimulus are called:


Reflexes that activate muscles on the same side of the body as the stimulus are called contralateral.

This shows that the reflex happens on the body side that is opposite the stimuli. This reaction is brought on by afferent nerve fibre divisions that travel from the side of the body that was stimulated to the side of the spinal cord that was opposite. Interneurons they link with there either activate or inhibit alpha motor neurons, which control the muscles of the opposing leg. The opposite pattern, sometimes referred to as the crossed extensor reflex, is seen in the opposing extremity and involves the contraction of all the major extensor muscles.The alternating, out-of-phase reflex movements of the two extremities resemble those that occur when moving. The salivary secretion was at its peak when the patient chewed on the same side of the mouth (ipsilateral) as the salivary flow was being measured. Less saliva flow occurred contralaterally when the responders chewed on the opposite side of the mouth.

To know more about reflex check the below link:


The two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ.
a. True
b. False


The statement that the two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ is true.

Two neurons and a synapse within an autonomic ganglion are part of the visceral efferent (VE) pathways that innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands. Preganglionic neurons' cell bodies are located in the brainstem or spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS). Increased communication and control over the effector organ are made possible by the two-neuron chain. Preganglionic neurons' cell bodies are found in the sympathetic division. Simple reactions in a two-neuron arc are quick, fleeting, instinctive, and only affect a portion of the body. The contraction of a muscle in reaction to stretching, the blinking of the eye when the cornea is touched, and salivation at the sight of food are examples of simple reflexes.

Want to know more about neurons visit the link given below;


How does this model support the conclusion that cells need to have a high amount of surface area relative to their total volume?



Due to the increase in surface area, the nutrients move efficiently inside the cell.


The cells need to have a high amount of surface area as compared to their total volume because, with the increase of surface area, the nutrients move efficiently inside the cell. A large surface area to volume ratio indicates that the cell can be efficient in moving nutrients and waste materials around using the process of diffusion but when the volume increases instead of surface area, the efficiency of the cell decreases, and cells won't be able to do its job efficiently.

what is the limiting factor responsible for the low productivity of the open ocean in the saltwater biome?


Open oceans have relatively low primary productivity because of low levels of the essential nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus.

How much primary production relies upon various ecological factors. These factors incorporate the accessibility of fundamental inorganic supplements, especially nitrogen and phosphorus; water temperature; and the turbidity of the water. Open oceans have moderately low primary productivity on account of low levels of the fundamental supplements nitrogen and phosphorus.

As a result of the thickness distinction between surface water and the remote ocean across a large portion of the ocean, ocean dissemination can gradually once again introduce broke down supplements to the euphotic zone. By driving supplements out of the sunlit, light surface waters, ocean productivity really limits itself.

To know more about euphotic zone click here:


the epinephrine signaling pathway plays a role in regulating glucose homeostasis in muscle cells. the signaling pathway is activated by the binding of epinephrine to the beta-2 adrenergic receptor. a simplified model of the epinephrine signaling pathway is represented in figure 1.


It involves, enzymes activating other enzymes.

Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts with the aid of accelerating chemical reactions. The molecules upon which enzymes may also act are known as substrates, and the enzyme converts the substrates into distinct molecules known as products.

Enzymes are crucial for digestion, liver function, and much more. An excessive amount of or too little of a sure enzyme can reason fitness issues. Enzymes in our blood can also assist healthcare carriers to check for injuries and sicknesses.

Characteristics of enzymes:

* Enzymes are complicated macromolecules with high molecular weight.

* They catalyze biochemical reactions in a cell.

Learn more about Enzyme here:-


although darwin became the best-known evolutionist, the idea of evolution had been around well before him. darwin's key contribution was to propose a mechanism that drives evolution, which is known as


Although Darwin became the best-known evolutionist, the idea of evolution had been around well before him. Drawn's key contribution was to propose a mechanism that drives evolution, which is known as natural selection.

The variation in phenotypic variance-driven individual survival and reproduction is known as natural selection. The generational evolution of a population's heritable features is a fundamental mechanism of evolution. By contrasting it with artificial selection, which in Darwin's perspective is intentional whereas natural selection is not, he popularized the phrase "natural selection." Each group of species has its own unique characteristics. This happens in part because it's possible for an organism's genome to experience random mutations, which its descendants may inherit. People exhibit a variety of phenotypes as a result of their experiences and genetic composition throughout their lifetimes.

To learn more about natural selection click on the given link:


the continuity of life is based on heritable information in the form of dna . explain how the passage of genes from parents to offspring, in the form of particular alleles, ensures perpetuation of parental traits in offspring and, at the same time, genetic variation among offspring.


The genetic makeup of an organism is the information encoded in the nucleotide sequence in the DNA. Genes are the genetic components that affect an individual's attributes.

Alleles are the many forms that genes can take. These alleles are passed down from parents to children; the mother and father each pass one allele. As a consequence, the genes-determined features are passed down to the progeny.

Mitosis and meiosis

New, identical cells are created during the cell division process known as mitosis. The genetic make-up of the cell and its biological components are duplicated prior to division to guarantee that the daughter cells have the same genetic make-up as the parent cell.

Meiosis is a cell division process that results in the production of gamete cells, sperm, and eggs. Half as much genetic material as the parent cell is present in the gametes that are generated. Meiosis involves the exchange of genetic material, which results in recombination of genetic material in the gametes.

Explanation for the perpetuation of parental traits and genetic variation among offspring:

The qualities that are inherited from parents are determined by DNA. The alleles inherited from the parents influence the characteristics. Mitosis guarantees that the exact genetic material is passed on to the progeny in the form of alleles. This explains why parental characteristics are passed on.

The genetic makeup of the gametes generated, however, varies as a result of the recombination of genetic material during meiosis. The observed genetic variance in the children is explained by this.

Learn more about form of dna to visit this link


Frigidia is a colony in Antarctica. The colony is 1,000 square kilometers in size. Currently, 30,000 people live there. Last year, 10,000 children were born and 2,000 people immigrated. 20,000 people died and 5,000 emigrated. It is believed that the island could support up to 50 people per square kilometer.

The current growth rate is ___.

4.3 %


The answer will be the first option 43%

Which of these animal taxa has the highest population of species threatened with extinction? a) Birds b) Mammals c) Amphibians


Amphibians have the highest population of species threatened with extinction.

Amphibians are threatened with extinction due to destruction of  suitable habitat for amphibians, predation by invasive species, climate change (which changes water levels and temperature), disease and pollution. These organisms require both  aquatic and  terrestrial environments, and due to rapid climatic changes and global warming, most of them are dying.

The species is progressively losing its favorable environment for survival. In the terrestrial environment, invasion by reptiles has posed a great threat to amphibians, and their number keeps decreasing. Degradation also affects amphibians because it disturbs their natural survival mechanisms.

Read more about extinction at:


If both the distance that each ocean basin has opened and the time it took to open that distance are known, the rate
of seafloor spreading can be calculated. Determine the rate of seafloor spreading for the South Atlantic Ocean basin in
centimeters per year. (Hint: To determine the rate of spreading in centimeters per year for each ocean basin, first
convert the distance from kilometers to centimeters (1 km = 100,000 cm). Then divide this distance by the time, which is
2 million years?


Note that the rate at which the seafloor is spreading for the South Atlantic Ocean Basin is 5cm per annum.

What is the analysis of the above result?

To arrive at this answer, we first converted the distance from kilometers to centimeters (1 km = 100,000 cm).

It is a known fact that that the distance for the South Atlantic Ocean basin is 5,000 km. This is equivalent to 500,000,000 cm.

Hence, we divide this distance by the time, which is 2 million years, to get the rate of seafloor spreading:

= 500,000,000 cm / 2,000,000 years

= 5 cm/year.

Thus, the rate at which the seafloor is spreading for the South Atlantic Ocean Basin is 5cm every year.

Learn more about seafloor spreading:

During transcription, what happens to the RNA polymerase if a repressor protein attaches to the operator?
It begins transcription.
It begins translation.
It cannot attach to enzyme 1.
It cannot attach to the promoter.


A repressor protein can prevent RNA polymerase from continuing to transcribe essential enzymes for the organism. This is seen in the trp operon of the bacteria E. coli. Thus, option D is correct.

What a repressor protein attaches to the operator?

RNA polymerase cannot bind to the promoter once a repressor protein has linked to its operator.

The trp repressor, a regulatory protein, is aware of this section of DNA. By physically impeding the transcription enzyme RNA polymerase, the repressor prevents the operon from being transcribed when it attaches to the operator's DNA.

Therefore, There is no transcription when an operator is bound. If the operator is available, transcription can start right away.

Learn more about repressor here:


I don’t get it…………… please help


Answer:  678000

Explanation:  1 gram is 1000 Kilograms

True or false? The "blind spot" in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.


True, the blind spot in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.

Blind spot: a narrow area of each eye's visual field where the optic disc is located within the retina. The optic disc lacks photoreceptors, hence there are no image detection mechanisms present here. The blind spot of the right eye is situated to the right of the visual center, whereas the blind spot of the left eye is situated to the left of the visual center. If one keeps both of their eyes open, they won't be able to notice their blind spots because the visual fields of their two eyes will overlap. Since the brain has the ability to "fill in" or disregard the missing area of the image, the blind spot can be challenging to subjectively identify even with one eye closed.

You can also learn about blind spot amplitude from the following question:


Julio just bought a $267,900 house. he had a 20 year mortgage with a fixed rate of 5.875%. julio’s monthly payments are $1,558.09. what percent of the purchase price was julio’s down payment?
a. 13%
b. 15%
c. 18%
d. 20%
please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


c. 18% of the purchase price was julio’s down payment.

Down payment on a home:

A person who is unable to pay the full price of a house right away may choose to take out a mortgage and pay it off over time. A down payment, typically in the form of a percentage of the house's price, may be required of the borrower upfront.

The house cost $267,900.

Mortgage period (n) = 20-years adjusted for monthly payment = 20*12=240 months

r = 5.875% adjusted for monthly compounding = 0.05875/12

Monthly payment = $1,558.09

calculate the home loan esteem which is equivalent to the current worth of Julio's regularly scheduled installments.

Loan = payment × 1 - ( 1 + r ) ⁻ⁿ / r

        = 1558.09 × 1 - ( 1 + 0.05875/12 ) / 0.05875/12

       = 1558.09 × 140.996299269

       = $219,684.92

Down payment = house price - Mortage

down payment = $48,215.08

Down payment percentage = down payment/house price

                                             = 48,215.08 / 267,900 × 100

                                              = 17,9974%

                                              ≈ 18%

know more about mortage here:


of the following chromosomal abnormalities, which type is most likely to be viable in humans?


The sort of chromosomal abnormality that has the greatest chance of surviving in humans is known as trisomy.

What is an anomaly of the chromosomes?

Both numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities are possible. A numerical anomaly indicates that a person either lacks one of a pair's chromosomes or has more then two chromosomes. The structure of the chromosome has been altered during one of numerous ways when there is a structural problem.

What puts you at an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities?

One of the potential parents has a chromosomal abnormality, and other risk factors include the woman's advanced age, a personal history of genetic disorders, a previous child who was born with a birth defect or experienced a miscarriage.

To know more about chromosomal abnormalities visit:


which one of the statements most accurately describes dna methylation? methyl groups are most often added to cytosines adjacent to guanine bases in or near the promoter sequence, decreasing the probability of gene expression. methyl groups are most often added to cytosines adjacent to guanine bases in or near the promoter sequence, increasing the probability of gene expression. methyl groups are most often added to adenine-thymine base pairs, and this increases the probability of gene expression. methyl groups are added to most bases in the promoter region of a specific gene so that rna polymerase and its associated proteins will bind more efficiently. methyl groups are most often added to guanines adjacent to cytosines bases in or near the promoter sequence, increasing the probability of gene expression.


DNA methylation refers to the process where methyl groups are most often added to cytosine adjacent to guanine bases in or near the promoter sequence, increasing the probability of gene expression.

A bodily chemical process in which DNA, proteins, or other molecules are given a methyl group by a tiny molecule. Some compounds' biological actions can be influenced by the presence of methyl groups. For instance, methylation of a gene's DNA sequence has the potential to turn the gene off, preventing it from producing proteins.

DNA methylation is an epigenetic process in which a methyl group is added to the cytosine at position C5 to create 5-methylcytosine. DNA methylation controls gene expression by either attracting proteins that are involved in gene repression or by preventing transcription factor from binding to DNA.

A dynamic process involving both de novo DNA methylation and demethylation causes the pattern of DNA methylation in the genome to alter during development. As a result, differentiated cells create a consistent and distinctive DNA methylation pattern that controls the transcription of genes specific to various tissues.

To learn more DNA visit;


A substance did not change its chemical nature in a reaction. Which most likely describes the reaction?

It was heated.
It was hit with a hammer.
It was placed in a salt solution.
It was frozen.


A substance did not change its chemical nature in a reaction when it was frozen or when it was hit with a hammer. The second and fourth options are correct for the chemical composition.

What are the factors that change its chemical composition?

The chemical nature can be changed when the substance is heated up so that the bonds can be broken, but when the object is frozen, only the state of matter changes, not the chemical composition. The chemical composition of the substance changes when it is treated with a salt solution, but when it is hit with a hammer, only the physical structure changes and the substance breaks, but the chemical composition remains unchanged.


Hence, the second and fourth options are correct for the chemical composition.

Learn more about its chemical composition here.


Wildflowers are plants that grow on the forest floor. During a study, a scientist observed that wildflowers began to bloom before the leaves appeared on the tall trees above them and stopped blooming once the trees were full of broad leaves which blocked the sunlight.

Evaluate this observation and explain a limiting factor this is affecting the wildflowers on the forest floor


The limiting factor that is affecting the wildflowers on the forest floor is the sunlight.

Why the sun is been regarded as the limiting factor ?

The sun is been regarded as the limiting factor because the wildflowers bloomed even prior to the appearance of the leaves  on tall trees  as aresult of their access to sunlight, however when the trees become tall, the height of the tall trees blocked the sunlight with their leaves,  which will prevent the wildflowers  from bloom.

It should be noted that the limiting factor can be described as anything that constrains a population's size  as well as slows or stops it from growing insdtance of the limiting factors can be the biotic, such as food, mates, and competition with other organisms for survival.

In conclusion the limiting factor  which was affecting the wildflowers on the forest floor  can be regarded as the sunlight.

Learn more about limiting factor at:


The hereditary determinant of a trait or a section of dna that codes for a protein is called__________.


The hereditary determinant of a trait or a section of dna that codes for a protein is called Gene.

Which one of the following factors determines whether a trait is inherited?

Because they contain the genes that define all of an organism's features, chromosomes are referred to as the "carriers" of heredity.DNA, the genetic substance in charge of transmitting knowledge from.

What is the name of the protein's genetic code?

A set of guidelines known as the proteomic code governs how genetic information is translated into the physico-chemical characteristics of amino acids.It controls the interactions between different amino acids during folding and during particular protein-protein interactions.

To know more about genetic code visit:


Consider the following chemical reaction in equilibrium.

CH3COOH Double headed arrow. CH3COO–(aq) + H+(aq)

What will happen to the chemical equilibrium if MgCl2 is added?

The chemical equilibrium of the system will be unaffected.
The chemical equilibrium of the system will shift to the right to favor the forward reaction.
The chemical equilibrium of the system will shift to the left to favor the reverse reaction.
The chemical equilibrium of the system will be damaged irreversibly.


The addition of magnesium chloride to the solution results in unaffected chemical equilibrium of the system.

What is chemical equilibrium?

Chemical equilibrium is the state in which both the reactants and products are present in concentrations that have no further tendency to change with time, resulting in no apparent change in the system's properties.

According to the given qsn:

[tex]CH_3COOH[/tex] ⇄  [tex]CH3COO^-(aq) + H^+(aq)[/tex]

This reaction is reversible. the products can be converted back to reactant when the products concentration becomes high.

The increase or decrease in the concentration of reactants and products, there is a corresponding shift in chemical equilibrium.

Whereas, on adding MgCl[tex]_2[/tex]

it will dissociate as [tex]MgCl_2[/tex] ⇆  [tex]Mg^+ + Cl^-[/tex]

This will not affect the concentration of reactant or product.


The addition of magnesium chloride to the solution results in unaffected chemical equilibrium of the system. Thus, option A is correct.

To know more about chemical equilibrium, check out:


a group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to plants.


Charophytes contain cellulose-based cell walls, store carbohydrates as starch, have chlorophyll a and b, and go through comparable cell-division processes like plants. The reproductive organs of charophytes are distinctive and quite different from those of other algae.

What kind of life cycle do charophytes have and what other organisms are they most similar to?

The charophyte algae are the terrestrial plants' closest surviving cousins. They often exhibit zygotic meiosis during their haploid life cycles. However, this conclusion is based on a tiny number of observations and on speculative beliefs about the types of life cycles that may exist.

Plants and all green algae (Chlorophyta) originated from the same evolutionary parent. The photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b are present in both of them. Between 630 million years ago, the two lineages separated.

Learn more about Charophytes refer


Both gymnosperms and angiosperms are types of plants that produce seeds to reproduce.
a. True
b. False



Gymnosperms cannot develop fruits and their seeds are bare, but angiosperms can form fruits and their seeds are encased in a fruit.

How do the gymnosperms reproduce?

Unlike angiosperms, or flowering plants, whose seeds are enclosed by fully developed ovaries, or fruits, gymnosperms, or any vascular plant, reproduce by the use of an exposed seed, or ovule.

How does angiosperm reproduce?

Angiosperm seeds are found in a flower, as opposed to gymnosperm seeds found in conifers and cycads. Angiosperm ovaries, which are typically found in flowers, are where fertilized angiosperm eggs turn into seeds. Angiosperm flowers have either female or male reproductive organs.

To know more about gymnosperms and angiosperm visit


analogous structures perform similar functions but do not arise from common ancestry. what explains the existence of analogous structures?


Analogous structures are anatomical structures that have similar functions, but arose independently. Due to environmental stresses and natural selection, organisms of different species evolved and adapted independently, resulting in the existence of body parts with similar functions.

Similar structures that independently developed in two different living species to provide the same function are called analogous structures. The name analogous structures derives from the English linguistic technique "analogy," which is used to compare two unrelated objects. When two species must independently devise the same solutions to the same evolutionary issue, such as concealing, flying, swimming, or conserving water, this is known as convergent evolution. Examples of this technique are structures that are comparable. As a result, different developments of identical body structures occurred. When two buildings resemble one another, it means that they are not the same and did not have a common ancestor. However, they are similar to one another in both form and function.

To learn more about analogous structures click on the given link:


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