in-text parenthetical citations do not direct the reader to the publication information on sources cited in a report.


Answer 1

It is true, quotations placed in parentheses do not efficiently direct the reader to the original publication of the cited source.

What are bibliographic citations?

They are phrases, sentences or ideas belonging to a foreign text which can be placed in a text that has the same relation to the subject, however, reference must be made to the source from which the information was obtained.

It should be noted that in some reports bibliographic citations do not send the reader to the source from which the information was taken, this is because the citations are short and precise which can be found in parentheses.

Learn more about parenthetical citations in:


Related Questions

Edwards Construction currently has debt outstanding with a market value of $67,000 and a WACC of 10 percent. The company has EBIT of $6,750 that is expected to continue in perpetuity. Assume there are no taxes. (Please show all related working steps)
a. What is the value of the company's equity? What is the debt-to-value ratio?
b. What are the equity value and debt-to-value ratio if the company's growth rate is 2 percent?
c. What are the equity value and debt-to-value ratio if the company's growth rate is 4 percent?


There are 3 questions that need to be solved.

a. The debt-to-value ratio for Edwards construction is 1 (based on $6,750 company EBIT, market value of $67,000 and a WACC of 10%).

b. The equity value if the company's growth rate at 2% is  $18,562.5

The debt-to-value ratio if the company's growth rate at 2% is 0.784.

c. The equity value if the company's growth rate at 4%

The debt-to-value ratio if the company's growth rate at 4% is 0.576

What is EBIT?

EBIT stands for Earning Before Interest and Taxes. It is a common measure of a company's operating profitability. As its name suggests, EBIT is net income excluding the effect of debt interest and taxes. Both of these costs are real cash expenses, but they are not directly generated by the company's core business operations.

Now, let's answer the question.

a. From the question given

Market value = $67,000

WACC = 10%

EBIT = $6,750

Interest payment = Market value * WACC

= $67,000 * 10%

= $6,700

So, Cash flow to shareholders = EBIT - interest paid

= $6,750 - $6,700

= $50

Debt to value ratio = Total debt / Total value of firm

As there is no default, then total debt = total value of firm

So, the debt-to-value ratio of Edward's construction company is 67,000/67,000 = 1

b. the equity value and debt-to value ratio at growth rate 2%

EBIT for next year = EBIT + (1 + growth rate)

= $6,750 * (1 + 0.02)

= $6,885

Since there will be no risk the required return for any shareholder, then it will be equal as the return on company's debt.

Payment made to shareholders will increase by 2%

Value of equity = total assets - total liabilities

Value of equity = EBIT next year / (WACC - growth rate) - (EBIT / WACC)

= $6,885 / (10%-2%) - ($6,750 / 10%)

= 86,062.5 - 67,500

= $18,562.5

Debt to value ratio = total liabilities / (total liabilities + value of equity)

= $67,500 / (67,500 + 18,562.5)

= 0.784

c. the equity value and debt-to value ratio at growth rate 4%

EBIT for next year = $6,750 * (1 + 0.04) = $7,020

So, value of equity = total assets - total liabilities

= EBIT next year / (WACC - growth rate) - (EBIT / WACC)

= $7,020 / (10% - 4%) - ($6,750 / 10%)

= $117,000 - $67,500

= $49,500

debt to value ratio = total liabilities / (total liabilities + value of equity)

= $67,500 / ($67,500 + $49,500)

= $67,500 / $117,000

= 0.576

Learn more about EBIT


Up to three standard deviations above or below the centerline is the amount of variation that statistical process control allows for
a. Type I errors
b. about 95.5% variation
c. natural variation
d. all types of variation
e. assignable variation


Up to three standard deviations above or below the centerline is the amount of variation that statistical process control allows for natural variation.

What exactly is a natural variation?

As a result of the fact that people vary, when the same variable is measured for many persons, the measurements will change. The term "natural" or "genuine" variation is frequently used to characterize this and can be conceived of as individual-to-individual variance.

What does up to three standard deviations indicate?

In accordance with the Empirical Rule, 99.7% of data that are found to have a normal distribution fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean. According to this formula, 68% of the data are within one standard deviation of the mean, 95% are within two standard deviations, and 99.7% are within three standard deviations.

To know more about natural variation, visit:


M&S advertising agency had the following adjusted account balances on Dec.31.2021: Cash 50,000; Account receivable 1,500; supplies 2,500; equipment 21,000; Accumulated depreciation - equipment 3,000; account payable 22,000; share capital ordinary 20,000; Retained earnings 30,000. : The following transactions occurred during the first 6 months of the year 2022: Jan.2.2022. M & S received $30,000 from customers in advance for services to be provided until the end of the year. Jan.5.2022. M & S purchased $10,000 supplies and paid the amount in cash. Feb.15.2022. M & S performed $7,000 of advertising services on account. March. 1. 2022. M & S purchased $70,200 building and signed a 12%, 18 months, 70,200 note. Apr.20.2022. M & S paid $15,000 in advance for insurance policy. This insurance policy will cover one year starting from Apr.1.2022. May.25.2022. M & S paid its employees $45,000 for salaries and wages for the first five months of the year. You also know the following information regarding M&S advertising agency: - The company prepares its financial statements semi-annually. - On June.30.2022, A count of supplies had shown $300 of supplies on hand. - On June.30.2022, it was found that $40,100 services that were performed on account during the previous 6 months are not recorded. - On June.30.2022, employees worked for one month that were not recorded nor paid (salaries are the same each month). - Depreciation on equipment is $1,300 each month, Depreciation on building is $2,400 each month. - Each month the company performs the same amount of its services obligation. Required: (1) Prepare the Trial balance on June.30.2022 for M&S advertising agency (2) Prepare the adjusted trial balance on June.30.2022 for M&S advertising agency (3) Prepare the income statement for the semi-annual period ending on June.30.2022 for M&S advertising agency (4) Prepare the Retained earnings statement for the semi-annual period ending on June.30.2022 for M&S advertising agency (5) Prepare the balance sheet at June.30.2022 for M&S Advertising agency ​


1. The preparation of the UnadjustedTrial Balance on June 30, 2022, for M&S Advertising Agency, is as follows:

M&S Advertising Agency

Unadjusted Trial Balance

June 30, 2022

Account Titles                                 Debit    Credit

Cash                                             $10,000

Account receivable                        8,500

Prepaid insurance                        15,000

Supplies                                        12,500

Equipment                                    21,000

Building                                       70,200

Accumulated depreciation - equipment  $3,000

Account payable                                       22,000

Unearned Revenue                                  30,000

Notes Payable                                          70,200

Service Revenue                                        7,000

Salaries and Wages Expense 45,000

Share capital ordinary                             20,000

Retained earnings                                   30,000

Totals                                   $182,200 $182,200

2) The preparation of the adjusted trial balance on June 30, 2022, for M&S Advertising Agency is as follows:

M&S Advertising Agency

Adjusted Trial Balance

June 30, 2022

Account Titles                                 Debit    Credit

Cash                                            $10,000

Account receivable                     48,600

Prepaid insurance                         11,250

Supplies                                            300

Equipment                                   21,000

Building                                       70,200

Accumulated depreciation - equipment $10,800

Accumulated depreciation - Building        14,400

Account payable                                       22,000

Salaries and wages payable                      9,000

Interest Expense payable                          2,808

Unearned Revenue                                  15,000

Notes Payable                                         70,200

Service Revenue                                     62,100

Salaries and Wages Expense 54,000

Interest Expense                        2,808

Insurance Expense                    3,750

Supplies Expense                    12,200

Depreciation Expenses:

 (Equipment)                            7,800

 (Building)                               14,400

Share capital ordinary                             20,000

Retained earnings                                   30,000

Totals                               $256,308   $256,308

3) The preparation of the income statement for the semi-annual period ending on June 30, 2022, for M&S Advertising Agency, is as follows:

M&S Advertising Agency

Income Statement

For the semi-annual period ending on June 30, 2022

Service Revenue                                   $62,100


Salaries and Wages Expense 54,000

Interest Expense                        2,808

Insurance Expense                    3,750

Supplies Expense                    12,200

Depreciation Expenses:

 (Equipment)                            7,800

 (Building)                               14,400 $94,958

Net loss                                               $32,858

4) The preparation of the Retained Earnings Statement for the semi-annual period ending on June 30, 2022, for M&S Advertising Agency, is as follows:

M&S Advertising Agency

Retained Earnings Statement

For the semi-annual period ending on June 30, 2022

Beginning balance $30,000

Net loss                    (32,858)

Ending balance       ($2,858)

5) The preparation of the Balance Sheet at June 30, 2022, for M&S Advertising Agency, is as follows:

M&S Advertising Agency

Balance Sheet

June 30, 2022


Cash                                            $10,000

Account receivable                     48,600

Prepaid insurance                         11,250

Supplies                                            300

Equipment                                   21,000

Accumulated depreciation        (10,800)

Building                                       70,200

Accumulated depreciation        (14,400)

Total assets                             $136,150

Liabilities and Equity:

Account payable                    $22,000

Salaries and wages payable     9,000

Interest Expense payable         2,808

Unearned Revenue                  15,000

Notes Payable                         70,200

Share capital ordinary            20,000

Retained earnings                   (2,858)

Total liabilities and equity   $136,150

What are the steps in preparing financial statements?

The steps in preparing the above financial statements include preparing the following:

Unadjusted Trial BalanceAdjusted Trial BalanceIncome StatementStatement of Retained EarningsBalance SheetCash Flow Statement.


Cash  $10,000 (50,000 + 30,000 - 10,000 - 15,000 - 45,000)

Account receivable 8,500 (1,500 + 7,000)

Prepaid insurance 15,000

Supplies 12,500 (2,500 + 10,000)

Equipment 21,000

Building 70,200

Accumulated depreciation - equipment 3,000

Account payable 22,000

Unearned Revenue 30,000

Notes Payable 70,200

Service Revenue 7,000

Salaries and Wages Expense 45,000

Share capital ordinary 20,000

Retained earnings 30,000

Transaction Analysis:

Jan.2.2022. Cash $30,000 Unearned Revenue $30,000

Jan.5.2022. Supplies $10,000 Cash $10,000

Feb.15.2022. Accounts Receivable $7,000 Service Revenue $7,000

March. 1. 2022. Building $70,200 Notes Payable $70,200

12%, 18 months

Apr.20.2022. Prepaid Insurance $15,000 Cash $15,000

May.25.2022.  Salaries and Wages Expense $45,000 Cash $45,000

June.30.2022 Adjustment Analysis:

Insurance Expense $3,750 Prepaid insurance $3,750 ($15,000 x 3/12)

Supplies Expense $12,200 Supplies $12,200

Accounts Receivable $40,100 Service Revenue $40,100

Salaries and Wages Expense $9,000 Salaries and Wages Payable $9,000

Interest Expense $2,808 Interest Payable $2,808 ($70,200 x 12% x 4/12)

Depreciation Expense $7,800 Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment $7,800

Depreciation Expense $14,400 Accumulated Depreciation - Building $14,400

Unearned Revenue $15,000 Service Revenue $15,000


Cash                                            $10,000

Account receivable                       8,500 + 40,100

Prepaid insurance                        15,000 - 3,750

Supplies                                        12,500 - 12,200

Equipment                                    21,000

Building                                       70,200

Accumulated depreciation - equipment  $3,000 + 7,800

Accumulated depreciation - Building       14,400

Account payable                                       22,000

Salaries and wages payable                     9,000

Interest Expense payable                         2,808

Unearned Revenue                                  30,000 - 15,000

Notes Payable                                          70,200

Service Revenue                                        7,000 + 40,100 + 15,000

Salaries and Wages Expense 45,000 + 9,000

Interest Expense                       2,808

Insurance Expense                    3,750

Supplies Expense                    12,200

Depreciation Expenses:

 (Equipment)                            7,800

 (Building)                               14,400

Share capital ordinary                             20,000

Retained earnings                                   30,000

Totals                                   $182,200 $182,200

Learn more about preparing financial statements at


The tax multiplier is smaller in absolute value than the government purchases multiplier because some portion of the:
a. decrease in taxes will be saved by households and not spent, and some portion will be spent on imported goods.
b. decrease in taxes will be saved by households and not spent, and some portion will be spent on consumer durable goods.
c. increase in government purchases will be saved by households and not spent, and some portion will be spent on imported goods.
d. increase in government purchases will be saved by households and not spent, and some portion will be spent on consumer durable goods.


The tax multiplier is smaller in absolute value than the government expenditure multiplier because of decrease in taxes will be saved by households and not spent, and some portion will be spent on imported goods.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

What is a tax?

А tаx is аn economicаl chаrge or аnother type of toll imposed on а citizen by а legislаtive brаnch to finаnce government expenditure аnd other public expenditures. In every country, tаx rаtes hаve been set b ruling governments thаt hаve to follow аll country citizens.

The tаx multiplier is smаller in аbsolute vаlue thаn the government expenditure multiplier becаuse the government expenditure аffects the totаl expenditure аnd tаxes through the multiplier.  The tаx multiplier аlso influences the disposаble income which аffects the overаll consumption level.

For more information about government expenditure multiplier refer to the link:


managerial accounting can be described as the preparation and use of accounting information within the organization.


The statement "managerial accounting can be described as the preparation and use of accounting information within the organization" is true.

What is managerial accounting?

Mаnаgeriаl аccounting is а brаnch of аccounting thаt provides finаnciаl informаtion to mаnаgers аnd other decision-mаkers within аn orgаnizаtion. This informаtion is used to decide how to аllocаte resources аnd mаnаge operаtions. Mаnаgeriаl аccounting jobs mаy include prepаring finаnciаl stаtements, creаting budget forecаsts, аnd performing cost аnаlysis.

Mаnаgeriаl аccountаnts cаn work for public or privаte compаnies, аs well аs for government organisations аnd not-for-profits. While the specific job description of а mаnаgeriаl аccountаnt will vаry from one organisation to the next, their duties аnd responsibilities often encompаss:

Prepаring finаnciаl аnd trаnsаctionаl dаtа for use within аn orgаnizаtionEvаluаting аnd mаnаging finаnciаl risksАnаlyzing the cost of products or services, аnd breаking down this informаtion for different costs аnd/or revenue centersModelling аnd forecаsting cаsh flows

For more information about managerial accounting refer to the link:


Each of the following is a required characteristic of a review engagement of management's discussion and analysis (MD&A), EXCEPT:
A) It consists principally of applying tests of details through inspection, observation, and confirmation.
B) The practitioner applies analytical procedures.
C) An objective is to report if any information came to the practitioner's attention that the MD&A is NOT reasonably presented.
D) The practitioner makes inquiries of individuals responsible for financial matters


Which of the following is not a mandatory characteristic of a management review of discussion and analysis (MD&A) engagement:

It consists principally of applying tests of details through inspection, observation, and confirmation (A).

What are the key points of engagement of management's discussion and analysis (MD&A)?Management discussion and analysis (MD&A) is the section in a company's annual report or quarterly filing where executives analyze a company's performance.This section may also include a discussion of compliance, risks, and plans, such as goals and new projects.The MD&A section is unaudited and represents management's thoughts and opinions.

Learn more about the engagement of management's discussion and analysis (MD&A) at


Which of the following is a competitive position or role that firms play in the target market?A) surrogate consumerB) market analystC) market mavenD) market nicherE) laggard


A company's position or function as a market nicher in the targeted audience is one of competition.

What do you mean by "market"?

The market is the total number of sellers and buyers in the territory or region under issue. The topic might include Earth as well as a number of other countries, areas, provinces, and regions. The dynamics of supply and consumption of the products determine the value, expense, and costs of goods traded.

What causes the market to crash?

A significant calamity, a financial crisis, or the deflation of a tall speculative bubble can all lead to a stock market decline. A important factor is the public's irrational worry following a stock market decline, which can lead to frenzy selling and more price declines.

To know more about Market visit:


Job rotation attempts to make a job more interesting and motivating by moving employees from one job to another.


By switching workers between jobs, job rotation aims to increase a job's interest and motivation. All of the above are accurate according to the equity theory, with the exception of this: make sure the employees think the award is fair.

What is job rotation?

The systematic switching of personnel between jobs inside an organisation is known as job rotation, and it serves a number of human resources goals, including onboarding new hires, training staff, fostering career growth, and minimising job burnout. An atmosphere with changing assignments can foster fresh thoughts and ideas on the work being done by the organisation and may improve employee satisfaction. For instance, a nurse may alternate between posts on the maternity and geriatric wards, exposing her to varied problems and gaining experience in caring for a variety of patients. Some employers utilise the practise of job rotation to change the jobs that are assigned to their staff members over the course of their employment. This tactic is used by employers for a variety of reasons.

To learn more about job rotation click,


g a country with higher interest rates than another country is likely to see its currency depreciate if interest rate parity holds


The Effect of Interest Rates Higher interest rates typically draw investment from other nations, which in turn raises the demand for and value of the domestic currency.

In contrast, lower interest rates typically make foreign investment unattractive and lower the currency's relative value.

Does loan cost equality suggest that loan costs are similar in all nations?

No. It does not imply that all nations have the same interest rates. The principle of interest rate parity stipulates that, regardless of interest rates, the hedged returns earned from an investment made in different currencies must be equal.

Exchange rates are affected by interest rate parity in what ways?

The fundamental equation governing the relationship between interest rates and currency exchange rates is interest rate parity. Interest rate parity is based on the idea that hedged returns from investing in various currencies should be the same regardless of the interest rates on those currencies.

To learn more about Higher interest rates here


The economist finds the equation of a regression line that predicts carbon dioxide emissions from GDP. The slope of the line is 166.9, and the y intercept of the line is 115.725. Select the equation of the regression line y = 115.725x + 166.9 y = 166.9x + 115.725 y = 115.725z +166.9 y = 166.9x+ 115.725


As per the given slope and intercept, the equation of the regression line that predicts carbon dioxide emissions from GDP is y = = 166.9x + 115.725.


in economics, GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services—that is, those that are bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given period of time


Here we need to find the equation of a regression line that predicts carbon dioxide emissions from GDP when the slope of the line is 166.9, and the y intercept of the line is 115.725.

As per the formula of the slope of the line, the equation of the  regression line that predicts carbon dioxide emissions from GDP is written as,

=> y = mx + c

here m refers the slope and c refers the y intercept.

Now, we have to apply the value on the formula, then we get,

=> y = 166.9x + 115.725

To know more about GDP here.


when economics consider education as a they mean that it's a benefit enjoyed by a third party as a result of economic transaction.


Economics refers to education as a benefit received by a third party as a result of an economic transaction when they talk about how an individual obtains education. Education can improve a person's knowledge of the economy as a whole, which benefits third parties.

An externality is a word used in economics to describe a cost or benefit that is borne by a third party who has no influence over how it is calculated. Education is thought to produce a significant beneficial .

The economic benefits of education are widespread and do not just help the person. At every educational level, investing in education yields favorable public returns for governments. A benefit received by a third party as a result of an economic transaction is known as a positive externality.

To learn more about externality from given link


Negative demand shocks to the economy can come from
A. increases in investment.
B. reductions in consumer demand.
C. Increases in government spending.
D. reductions in imports.


the correct Choice is B

T/F. Top management at a reactive firm not only supports and champions CSR activities, but also views CSR as a source of differentiation that permeates throughout the corporate DNA.


Top management at a reactive firm not only supports and champions CSR activities, that permeates throughout the corporate DNA.--- False.

Why should a company implement CSR in all its global activities?

Social responsibility programs increase employee morale, lead to increased productivity, and impact company profitability. Companies that implement social responsibility initiatives can increase customer retention and loyalty.

What is one of the main objectives of a company practicing her CSR?

The ultimate objective of CSR is to maximize shared value among the organization, employees, customers, shareholders and community members is to The exact value may vary for each of these stakeholders, but the mutually beneficial nature of CSR initiatives can be maintained.

Learn more about CSR purpose:


Which of the follwoing refelcts the relatively stable behavioral tendencies that individuals display across a variety of situations?


the generally consistent behavioral patterns that people exhibit under a range of circumstances Personality.

What does the term "tending" mean?

word; tendencies are plural. a tendency to move, behave, or continue in a certain direction or toward a particular goal, outcome, or outcome: the propensity of falling objects to strike the ground. an affinity, predilection, or propensity towards something: an excessive tendency to chatter.

How would you employ tendency?

inclinations (For someone or anything) (to do something) When I'm anxious, I have a propensity to talk excessively. This illness has a propensity to contribute to the onset. When washed, this fabric has a propensity to shrink. a propensity toward something She seems to have a strong inclination to be cautious by nature.

To know more about tendencies visit:


there are five dimensions that customers use to judge service quality. the willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service is:


There are five dimensions that customers use to judge service quality. The willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service is  Responsiveness.

SERVQUAL is based on a set of five elements that customers regularly evaluate as being most important for service quality, regardless of the service industry. The dimensions of the SERVQUAL measurement instrument are as follows:

Tangibles is the external appearance of physical structures, equipment, people, and communication devices. Reliability to consistently and accurately provide the requested service.Responsiveness is being ready to help clients and consumers and to provide quick service.Assurance is exemplified by employee politeness, knowledge, and the ability to engender confidence.Empathy is the considerate, individual care that a company provides to each of its clients and consumers.

Learn more about Service Industry here:


Which of the following is one result of stringent 21st century accounting


A result of the stringent 21 st century accounting regulations enacted was B. they make accounting more complex.

Why did accounting regulations become more stringent ?

Over time, accounting standards have become more stringent, and agencies and professional associations make sure that these regulatory rules serve the public's and businesses' best interests. These agencies assist businesses in comprehending the domestic and international legal requirements they must meet.

An organization is in regulatory compliance when it strictly complies with all applicable local, national, and international laws. Businesses may be subject to financial, fiscal, environmental, or business and tax code laws depending on their size and industry. However, why do financial services rank first among the industries most adversely affected by these regulatory laws?

As a result, accounting regulations have made accounting much more complex in order to ensure that companies abide by accounting best practices.

Find out more on accounting regulations at


Options for this question are:

they make accounting simplerthey make accounting more complexthey unify international tax codesthey address the needs of small businesses

Question Content Area
Flexible Budget for Assembly Department

Steelcase Inc. is one of the largest manufacturers of office furniture in the United States. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, it produces filing cabinets in two departments: Fabrication and Assembly. Assume the following information for the Assembly Department:

Direct labor per filing cabinet 20 minutes
Supervisor salaries $108,000 per month
Depreciation $6,500 per month
Direct labor rate $18 per hour
This information has been collected in the Microsoft Excel Online file. Open the spreadsheet, perform the required analysis, and input your answers in the question below.

Prepare a flexible budget for 4,000, 10,000, and 16,000 filing cabinets for the month of August, similar to Exhibit 5, assuming that inventories are not significant. Enter all amounts as positive numbers


The preparation of a flexible budget for 4,000, 10,000, and 16,000 filing cabinets for the month of August, for Steelcase Inc. is as follows:

Steelcase Inc.

Assembly Department Budget

Month ending August 31

                                                 4,000      10,000       16,000

Variable costs:

Direct labor                         $24,000   $60,000    $96,000

Fixed Costs:

Supervisor salaries          $108,000  $108,000    $108,000

Depreciation                          6,500        6,500          6,500

Total fixed costs               $114,500    $114,500     $114,500

Total department costs  $138,500   $174,500     $210,500

What is a flexible budget?

A flexible budget adjusts the revenue and costs according to the activity level.

A flexible budget is the opposite of a static/planning budget, which does not change in accordance with the activity level.

In preparing a flexible budget, costs and revenues for different activity levels must be shown.

Direct labor per filing cabinet 20 minutes

Supervisor salaries $108,000 per month

Depreciation $6,500 per month

Direct labor rate $18 per hour

Direct labor cost per filing cabinet = $6 ($18/60 x 20)

Direct labor costs at different activity levels:

4,000 units = $24,000 ($6 x 4,000)

10,000 units = $60,000 ($6 x 10,000)

16,000 units = $96,000 ($6 x 16,000)

Learn more about flexible budgets at


drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs. match the financial markets with the types of investors who invest in them. private market physical asset market financial asset market money market secondary market future market investors trade in stocks and bonds investors trade in highly liquid securities two parties negotiate among themselves and draw up an agreement that is acceptable to both two parties trade in material items two parties trade by entering into a forward contract investors trade in company stocks


After registering with the stock exchange to raise capital, businesses issue new securities on the primary market. Initial public offerings (IPOs) are used to raise money from the general public.

Market: A market is a location or arrangement where people buy and sell goods and services.

Market for physical assets versus market for financial assets:

In actual resources market, the substantial merchandise are exchanged, for example, hardware, food grains, furniture and so on. In contrast, securities, debentures, and other intangible ownership rights are traded on the financial market.

Spot markets versus fates markets:

In the spot market, assets are traded and delivered at the current market price, whereas in the futures market, they are traded for a specific date in the future.

Capital markets versus money markets:

Investors trade highly liquid short-term securities like certificates of deposits and Treasury bills in the money market, but Medium- and long-term financial instruments are traded on the capital market.

Comparing primary and secondary markets:

Companies issue new securities in the primary market through initial public offerings in order to raise funds, whereas; Investors trade previously owned securities on the secondary market.

Comparing private and public markets:

Since stocks are not offered to the general public in private markets, transactions take place between two parties directly, Trading takes place on the public market through a specialized organization that serves as an intermediary.

To learn more about primary market here


Which of the following is likely to happen to the demand curve for reserves if the federal funds rate​ increases, everything else remaining​ constant?
A. There will be an upward movement along the demand curve for reserves. B. The demand curve for reserves will shift to the right. C. There will be a downward movement along the demand curve for reserves. D. The demand curve for reserves will shift to the left.


In case of demand curve There will be an upward movement along the demand curve for reserves.

What do you mean by Demand curve?

The relationship between the cost of an item or service and the quantity demanded over a specific time period is represented graphically by the demand curve. The price and quantity demanded are often represented with the price on the left vertical axis and the horizontal axis, respectively.A demand curve typically has a downward sloping shape, as previously mentioned. The demand curve for the majority of items, if not all of them, follows this rule. Rare instances of products with upward-sloping demand curves may exist. A Giffen good is one with an increasing slope on the demand curve.

To know more about Demand curve here


Can someone please help ASAP!!!

The Federal Reserve uses three tools to set monetary policy through the banks. Identify these three tools and provide an example of how each tool affects individual consumers. (5 points)


Monetary Policy Implementation: The Fed's Policy Toolkit. Reserve requirements, the discount rate, and open market operations are the three instruments the Fed has historically used to implement monetary policy.

Which tool of monetary policy is most important and why?

To accomplish macroeconomic objectives, a monetary policy employs a variety of tools, including open market operations, requirements for bank reserves, and the discount rate. Open market operations, however, are regarded as the most significant and frequently applied tool of the three.

The most crucial and efficient method of expanding the money supply out of these three is to purchase bonds on the open market. The Fed must convince banks to make fewer loans if it wants to shrink the money supply.

Learn more about monetary policy here:


by cross listing and selling its shares on a foreign stock exchange, a firm typically tries to accomplish which of the following? group of answer choices


By move list and promoting its stocks on a overseas inventory change, a corporation commonly attempts to accomplish: the ideal alternative is D.

The required details for stock exchange in given paragraph

A inventory change, securities change, or bourse is an change where stockbrokers and traders should purchase and sell securities, which include stocks of inventory, bonds and different monetary devices. Stock exchanges may offer centers for the difficulty and redemption of such securities and devices and capital activities such as the price of earnings and dividends. Securities traded on a inventory change encompass inventory issued through indexed companies, unit trusts, derivatives, pooled funding merchandise and bonds. Stock exchanges regularly characteristic as "non-stop auction" markets with shoppers and dealers consummating transactions via open outcry at a relevant vicinity which include the ground of the change or through the use of an digital buying and selling platform. To be capable of exchange a protection on a sure inventory change, the safety ought to be indexed there.

Usually, there's a relevant vicinity for report keeping, however exchange is more and more more much less connected to a bodily region as present day markets use digital conversation networks, which offer them benefits of improved velocity and decreased price of transactions.

To know about stock exchange click here


Complete question

5) By cross listing and selling its shares on a foreign stock exchange, a firm typically tries to accomplish which of the following?

A) improve the liquidity of its existing shares

B) increase its share price

C) increase the firm's visibility

D) all of the above

HRM is becoming less important as more and more jobs are automated


Artificial intelligence will not replace human resources, but it will surely improve it. AI offers the opportunity to utilize HR capabilities in novel and creative ways. Here are three ways that the convergence of AI and HR will have a substantial influence.

How does automation affect human resources?

Because of the time and volume of physical paperwork necessary in day-to-day HR activities, HR automation has emerged. If your HR staff spends more time on administration than on leveraging their important abilities in other areas of the business, it's time to find a new method of working. HR teams may spend more time on more difficult duties by automating simple yet time-consuming activities. Employees can also spend less time on HR tasks like requesting time off or selecting perks.

To learn more about Artificial intelligence, click


_______________________ are prepared when firms invest in new assets and/or replace the existing fixed assets.Options:A. Long-term budgetsB. Operating budgetsC. Master budgetsD. Capital budgets


Capital budgets are prepared when firms invest in new assets and/or replace the existing fixed assets.

How does a capital budget work?

Instead of accounting the revenues and expenses resulting from the investment, capital budgeting focuses on identifying the cash inflows and cash outflows. For instance, because they are cash flow activities, non-expense items like loan principal payments are included in capital budgeting. Investors estimate the worth of new investment projects using capital budgeting. Payback period (PB), internal rate of return (IRR), and net present value (NPV) are the three methods of project selection that are most frequently used (NPV).Surplus Budget, Balanced Budget, and Deficit Budget are the three categories of annual government budgets based on estimates.

To know more about Budget here


taylor winn buys a put option for 3 dollars and a call option for 5 dollars both written on the same stock and both with an exercise


As stated in the preceding statement Identical stock or both with an activity are 2, respectively.

What drives stock purchases?

A beneficial component of your financial portfolio may be stocks. You may increase your savings, shield your funds from devaluation and taxes, and increase the return on your assets by purchasing stocks in a variety of firms. It's critical to understand that there are dangers associated with stock market investment.

Which are the 6 different stock types?

Peter Lynch categorized equities into six groups  asset plays, cyclicals, mainstays, rapid growth, and slow growers. Peter Lynch, a renowned stock market investor, classified stocks into six groups: asset plays, cyclicals, mainstays, rapid growth, and slow growers.



= 60-50+0-3-5=2

To know more about stock visit:


as per the cambridge research syndicated by clorox which of the following segments is most concerned about environmental issues not just in 'my world' but also in 'the world'?


Major modern-day environmental troubles can also additionally include weather change, pollutants, environmental degradation, and aid depletion.

The required details for Pollution in given paragraph

Pollution is the creation of contaminants into the herbal surroundings that motive unfavorable change. Pollution can take the shape of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or energy (which include radioactivity, heat, sound, or mild). Pollutants, the additives of pollutants, may be both overseas substances/energies or clearly taking place contaminants. Although environmental pollutants may be resulting from herbal events, the phrase pollutants normally means that the contaminants have an anthropogenic supply – that is, a supply created with the aid of using human activities. Pollution is regularly classed as factor supply or nonpoint supply pollutants. In 2015, pollutants killed 9 million humans worldwide. This remained unchanged in 2019, with little real progress towards pollutants being identifiable. Air pollutants accounted for 3⁄4 of those in advance deaths.

Major varieties of pollutants include air pollutants, mild pollutants, litter, noise pollutants, plastic pollutants, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollutants, visible pollutants, and water pollutants.

To know about Pollution click here


if a new technology was created to help farmers grow more crops, which of the following economic systems would be least likely to use it?


However, economists recognise six primary roles for governments in market economies. Governments maintain competition, offer public goods and services, redistribute income, account for externalities, and stabilise the economy in addition to providing the legal and social framework.

Pure command economy: what is it?

There is no private sector in a command economy because all companies are owned by or under the supervision of the central government. Government officials establish national economic priorities in a command economy, such as when and how to promote economic growth, how to share resources, and how to disperse the produce.

What are the four primary economic system types?

Every economy operates under a certain set of conditions and presumptions. Traditional economies, command economies, mixed economies, and market economies are the four primary types of economic systems.

To know more about economic systems visit;


During the 1970s in the United States, manufacturing entered a long period of decline. Which of the following is the primary reason for this decline?a. Modernization of plantsb. Rise in unemploymentc. Growth in the service sectord. Foreign competitione. E) Recession


The manufacturing job market has been steadily declining since its 1979 peak due to a combination of people pursuing higher education and automation taking over the industry.

In the 1970s, which major US industry began to decline?

Manufacturing lost 1.5 million and 2 million jobs, respectively, during two recessions that began in the early 1970s, with a recovery period in between. Manufacturing added 3 million jobs between July 1975 and June 1979, bringing the industry's total employment to 19.6 million.

In the 1970s, how did deindustrialization affect Americans?

If nothing else, the sheer number of the social costs of deindustrialization is significant, lasting, and extensive. "Cataclysmic" was the deindustrialization of the 1970s and 1980s; Bluestone says that more than 32 million jobs were lost.

To learn more about manufacturing job market here


If you currently own a stock, the ____ is the price you would be willing to sell it for


If you currently own a stock, the Equilibrium is the price you would be willing to sell it for.

What is stock?

An investment that represents ownership in a piece of the issuing corporation is referred to as a stock, which is also known as equity. Shares, commonly referred to as units of stock, provide its owners a proportionate part of the company's assets and earnings based on the number of shares they own.

Stocks, which are often purchased and sold on stock exchanges, make up the majority of individual investors' portfolios. Trading in stocks must adhere to regulations set forth by the government to protect investors from deceptive practises.

Corporations issue stock to raise money to fund their operations, and the shareholder who holds those shares may be entitled to some of the company's assets and earnings.

To learn more about stock


A company issued 6.0%, 5-year bonds with a par value of $80,000. The market rate when the bonds were issued was 7.0%. The company received $76,673.36 cash for the bonds. Using the effective interest method, the amount of interest expense for the second semiannual interest period is: Skipped Multiple Choice Ο $2,693.49. Ο $2,400.00. Ο $2,683.57. Ο $5,377.06. Ο $4,800.00.


Using the effective interest approach, the second semiannual interest period's interest expense comes to $2,683.57.

What distinguishes effective interest methods from one another?

Simply because it is more exact from period to period than the straight-line approach, which amortizes the same amount over each period, the effective interest way of amortizing a bond is thought to be better than the straight-line method.

The effective interest rate is the percentage that accurately reduces anticipated future cash flows to either the gross carrying value of a financial asset or the amortized cost of a potential burden (as defined in Appendix A of IFRS 9)..


Time period = 5 years

Par value =$80,000

Interest rate = 6%

Issued rate = 7.0%

Received cash for the bonds = $76,673.36

=$76,673.36 × 7.0%

= $460,040.16

For semi annual, it is

= $460,040.16 ÷ 2


To know more about effective interest method visit:


E11-8 Recording Treasury Stock Transactions and Analyzing Their Impact [LO 11-2, LO 11-3]
[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]
The following selected transactions occurred for Corner Corporation:
Feb. 1 Purchased 550 shares of the company’s own common stock at $35 cash per share; the stock is now held in treasury.
July 15 Issued 175 of the shares purchased on February 1 for $45 cash per share.
Sept. 1 Issued 135 more of the shares purchased on February 1 for $30 cash per share.


The material listed below is relevant to the questions shown below. The Corner Corporation underwent the following particular transactions. acquired 550.

The Corner Corporation underwent the following particular transactions Feb. 1 400 shares of the company's common stock were bought for $20 in cash each. The material listed below is relevant to the questions shown below. For Corner Corporation, the chosen transactions listed below happened.

Treasury Shares are issued shares whose effects on stock transactions are being examined. the Corner Corporation experienced the following specific transactions, 400 shares of the company's common stock were purchased on February 1 for $20 in cash each.  the part that stock plays in a company's financing. Corporate Ownership, item 11-3 The main benefit.

To learn more about  Stock Transactions from given link


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