In subtractive color mixing, like with ink on paper, when all three primary colors are combined the result is?


Answer 1

Subtractive colors mixing with all three primaries will result in black.

How are the 3 primary subtractive colors combined?

Adding all three subtractive primary color filters together will absorb all the colors of the white light spectrum as appeared below. Each filter (or pigment) absorbs its harmonizing color and transmits (diffusely reflects) the others.

Primary colors union of these three results in white. The subtractive primary colors are related to the subtraction of light: cyan, magenta, and yellow, the colors used in four-color printing, the union of these results in black.

So we can conclude that the usually used subtractive primary colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow, and if you overlap all three in a successful equal mixture.

Learn more about colors here:


Related Questions

calculate the mass defect of the nitrogen nucleus 14 7n 714n . the mass mnmn of neutral 14 7n 714n is equal to 14.003074 atomic mass units.


Mass defect is defined by the difference in the isotopic mass and the atomic mass. The mass defect in the nucleus of the nitrogen atom is 0.11235 amu.

What is a mass defect?

The mass defect has been the difference between the actual and the predicted atomic mass of the elemental atom. The predicted mass is calculated by simply adding the number of neutrons and the proton present inside the nucleus. The actual mass of the atom has been seen to be less than the predicted atomic mass of the atom.

Mass of neutral nitrogen atom = 14.003074 amu

It is already known that,

Mass of protons = 1.00728 amu

Mass of neutrons = 1.0086 amu

Mass of electron = 0.000549 amu

The given element ¹⁴N₇ contains seven electrons, protons, and neutrons in its structure. The mass defect is calculated as:

= (7 × 1.00728) - (7 × 1.0086) - (7 × 0.000549) - 14.003074

= 0.11235 amu

Therefore, the mass defect in nitrogen is 0.11235 amu.

Learn more about the Mass defects from given link


a solid with a mass of 19.3 g is added to a graduated cylinder filled with water to the 25.0 ml mark. after the solid sinks to the bottom, the water level is at 35.8 ml. what is the density of the solid?


The density of the solid is 1.79 g/mL

given that :

mass of the solid = 19.3 g

volume of the object = the volume change , when the object is immersed in to it.

volume of solid = 35.8 mL - 25 mL

volume of solid = 10.8 mL

the density of the solid is given as :

D = m / v

D = density of solid

m = mass of solid

v = volume of solid

D = 19.3 / 10.8

D = 1.79 g/mL

Thus, A solid with a mass of 19.3 g is added to a graduated cylinder filled with water to the 25.0 ml mark. after the solid sinks to the bottom, the water level is at 35.8 ml. the density of the solid is 1.79 g/mL.

To learn more about density here


what role do cfcs play in the catalytic destruction of ozone? what role do cfcs play in the catalytic destruction of ozone? there is no strong scientific evidence that cfcs play a significant role in the catalytic destruction of ozone. ozone is destroyed upon binding to a cfc molecule that has been energized by ultraviolet light. cfc molecules activate chlorine atoms into their catalytic action. cfc molecules migrate to the upper stratosphere where they generate chlorine atoms upon being destroyed by ultraviolet light.


When gaseous CFCs gradually ascend into the stratosphere, are broken down by potent ultraviolet light, release chlorine atoms, and then interact with ozone molecules, they can reduce the amount of ozone in the atmosphere. ) in the form of aerosol (see Ozone Depleting Substance.

What acts as a catalyst to destroy ozone?

Because Cl and ClO are generated every time the reaction cycle is finished and are thus available for additional ozone destruction, chlorine is thought of as a catalyst for ozone degradation. O3 and O2 molecules react with solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation to produce atomic oxygen.

What part does CFC play in the atmosphere?

Molina discovered that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) might destroy the ozone layer in the Earth's atmosphere, which shields the planet from the sun's harmful UV rays.

To know more about CFC play visit:-


a compound is found to have an empirical formula of ch2o. what is the molecular formula when the molecular weight is 180.0 grams?


Molecular formula of a compound is C₆H₁₂O₆.

Let's find the Molar mass of Carbon=12.

Molar mass of Hydrogen=1.

Molar mass of Oxygen=16.

Mass of CH₂O =12+2(1)+16=30.

Molecular weight of the compound given is 180.

So, the molecular weight is  180/30 =6.

⇒ Molecular formula of a compound is C₆H₁₂O₆.

What is the molecular formula of the empirical formula CH2O?

The molecular formula of an organic molecule with a molar mass of 60 grams per mole and an empirical formula of CH2O is C2H4O2.

What is the molecular weight of CH2O?

30.031 g/mol

To know more about empirical formula visit:



What type of bond is CH2O polar or nonpolar?



a polar compound.


This is because of the unbalanced electron density.

What is the appropriate order of steps when responding to a hazardous material release?


Rescue, Confine, Report, Secure, Cleaning  is the appropriate order of steps when responding to a hazardous material release

The basic processes for responding to hazardous material spills include:

RESCUE - Evacuate the vicinity of the spill. Include the usage of safety showers and eyewashes in your aid. Once thoroughly decontaminated, seek immediate medical attention.

CONFINE - Confine the spill area by shutting the doors closest to it. Isolate infected individuals and forbid them from leaving or spreading the infection. Cover drains to avoid environmental contamination.

REPORT - Report the spill immediately to the relevant emergency response office, as detailed below in the material-specific spill cleaning protocols. Provide details on wounded personnel, the sort of hazardous substance spilled, the approximate amount, and the location.

SECURE - Ensure no one approaches the spill location until emergency response workers arrive by securing the area until their arrival. If the location has many entries, make careful to station someone at each one to prevent admission.

Cleaning - Only trained individuals with the proper training, protective equipment, and cleanup supplies may do cleanup. Depending on the form and extent of the spill, skilled department or laboratory personnel may be able to clean it up as described below. Otherwise, emergency response personnel are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

To know more about protocols click on the below link:


What is the bonding activity between phosphorus and chlorine?


The bond formed between phosphorus and chlorine will be Covalent Bond.

Both phosphorous and chlorine are located on the right side of the periodic table where nonmetals are located.

This means both elements are nonmetals with lower electronegativity gap,

So will form a covalent bond.

Covalent Bond: A covalent bond consists of the mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms.

A covalent bond is formed when the electronegativity difference of two atoms is too small for an electron transfer to occur to form ions.

The electronegativity difference between two atoms determines how polar a bond will be.

In a diatomic molecule with two identical atoms, there is no difference in electronegativity, so the bond is nonpolar or pure covalent.

In this case, chlorine is more electronegative than that of Phosphorous, making it polar covalent bond.

To know more about Chemical Bonds:


Name the following aromatic hydrocarbon:
A. 1,4-dimethylbenzene
B. 1,4-dihexylbenzene
C. 2,6-diethylbenzene
D. 1,4-diethylbenzene



A. 1,4-dimethylbenzene


The compound CH,CH;CH,CH3 is a benzene derivative with two methyl groups attached to the benzene ring. The positions of the methyl groups on the ring are indicated by the numbers 1 and 4, which correspond to the carbon atoms at the end of the two double bonds in the benzene ring. This compound is therefore 1,4-dimethylbenzene. The other options listed are not correct because they contain the wrong number or type of substituents on the benzene ring.

There is a total of seventeen constitutional isomers for the molecular formula C5H13N. Draw the skeletal formula of all eight constitutional isomers that are primary amines.


There are seven structural isomers of 3-amines given the chemical formula C6H15N.

How many constitutional isomers may a molecule with the chemical formula C 2h 4cl 2 have?

It might be put on the same carbon as the first chlorine atom, or it could be placed on the other carbon atom. As a result, the chemical formula C2H4Cl2 can have two isomers. Create and compare models of both isomers. It is vital to note that this molecule can only have two isomers.

This is sometimes referred to as 2° amine. C5H13N secondary amine has six isomers. Isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula but a distinct structural formula.

learn more about Isomers refer

Draw all the structural isomers for the molecular formula c4h9br.


what is the coordination number of cobalt in [co(nh3)5cl](no3)2? what is the coordination number of cobalt in [co(nh3)5cl](no3)2? 12 8 6 4 2


The coordination number of cobalt in [Co(NH3)5Cl](NO3)2 is 6.

What is coordination number?

Coordination number is a term used in coordination chemistry to describe the total number of ligands attached to a single central atom in a compound. It is also known as ligancy or coordination number of a complex. The coordination number reflects the number of electrons available for bonding with the central atom. This number is determined by the number of sigma and pi bonds that the ligands form with the central atom. Typical coordination numbers range from two to nine, but higher numbers can occur in some cases. Coordination number is an important factor in determining the molecular structure and reactivity of a compound.

This is because there are five nitrogen atoms from the NH3 molecules that coordinate to the cobalt ion, one chlorine atom from the Cl- ion, and two oxygen atoms from the NO3- ion. This adds up to a total of six atoms coordinating to the cobalt ion.

To learn more about coordination number

Calculate the normal boiling point of chloroform given that the standard enthalpy of vaporization of chloroform is 31.4 kj/mol and the standard entropy of chloroform is 93.7 j/mol·k!


Given that it has a standard temperature of absorption of 31. 4 kJ/mole or a conventional efficiency of 93. 7 j/mole/K, the melting or boiling point of chloroform is 335.11 K.

What purpose does chloroform fulfill?

Formaldehyde is a compound that aids in the dissolution of other chemicals, making it a solvent. In addition to being utilized in the construction, paper, and board sectors, it is also employed in the manufacturing of films and insecticides. It serves as a solvent for rubber as well as for polishes, floor polish, varnishes, adhesive, alkaloid, fats, and oils.


Enthalpy of vaporization (H) = 31400 j/mole x 31.4 kJ/mole

Chloroform's entropy (S) = 93.7 j/mole.

Having said that,



T= 31400/93.7

T = 335.11K

To know more about entropy  visit:-


g under constant-pressure conditions a sample of hydrogen gas initially at and is cooled until its final volume is . what is its final temperature? round your answer to significant digits.


g under constant pressure conditions, a sample of hydrogen gas is cooled until its final volume and temperature are, respectively, and its final temperature is 96.10 kelvin

Charles Slow asserts that the volume occupied by a certain quantity of gas is directly inversely related to that gas's absolute temperature. The steady pressure is Charles. In the case of constant pressure, v 1 byt 1 and p 2 byt 2 are equivalent. It is equivalent to 7.70 liters and 23 degrees, while 2 is equivalent to 2.50 and 1 to 2.50. We are given 96.10 kelvin.

A sample of hydrogen gas is cooled to a final volume and temperature of under constant pressure conditions, and the final temperature of the hydrogen gas is 96.10 kelvin.

To learn more about temperature Please click on the given link:







When light rays parallel to the principal axis are incident on the convex lens, they are converged at the focus. This can be demonstrated using the following figure. Since the rays converge, the image formed is point-size, which is highly diminished.

Which is the correct statement regarding the relative Rf values of the starting methyl benzoate vs the product, methyl m-nitrobenzoate on a silica gel TLC plate. a. The product has a lower Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is more polar than the starting methyl benzoate. b. The product has a lower Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is less polar than the starting methyl benzoate. c. The product has a higher Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is less polar than the starting methyl benzoate.d. The product has a higher Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is more polar than the starting methyl benzoate.


The correct statement regarding the Rf values is as follows: a. the product has lower Rf value on silica gel TLC plate because it is more polar than starting material methyl benzoate.

Silica gel has lots pores with contains water, and we know that water is polar. So we can say that our stationary phase here silica gel is polar. In chemistry we say 'like dissolves like' therefore polar substance interacts with polar substances. If interaction is more than Rf value will be less. Rf value is nothing but the distance travelled by molecule on TLC plate. Here methyl m nitrobenzoate has nitro group which is polar in nature therefore it will interact with water in silica gel and she this it will travel less distance therefore Rf value is lower than methyl benzoate which does not interact with water in silica gel as it has no polar groups therefore runs faster and travels more distance hence the high Rf.

Therefore, the correct option is a.

To learn more about silica gel check the link below:


What does a half-life of 30 minutes mean?


A half-life of 30 minutes after the drug administration, 25 mg of the drug remains in the body.

In radioactivity, the half-life is the period of time needed for half of a radioactive sample's atomic nuclei to spontaneously decay (convert into different nuclear species by emitting particles and energy) or, more precisely, the period of time needed for a radioactive material's rate of disintegrations per second to decrease by half. An example of a radioactive isotope with a long half-life is cobalt-60, which is utilised in radiotherapy. A sample that contained 8 g of cobalt-60 when it was first prepared would now only contain 4 g of the metal after that time period, and it would produce half as much radiation. The sample would only contain 2 g of cobalt-60 after an additional 5.26-year delay

Learn more about  half-life here:


A certain weak base has a b of 7.80×10−7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.14?


The concentration of the weak base that would produce a pH of 10.14 is 1.5 * 10^15 M.

What is the Kb?

Let us recall that the Kb is simply the base dissociation constant. This is the equilibrium constant that would  tell us how much of the base has been dissociated in the solution.

In this case, we can be able to write the equation of the dissociation of the base in the following way;

[tex]BH^+[/tex](aq) + [tex]H_{2} O[/tex](l) -------> [tex]B^-[/tex](aq) + [tex]H_{3} O^+[/tex](aq)

Kb = [ [tex]B^-[/tex]] [ [tex]H_{3} O^+[/tex]]/[[tex]BH^+[/tex]]

But [ [tex]B^-[/tex]] = [ [tex]H_{3} O^+[/tex]] = Antilog (-10.14)

= 7.2 * 10^-11 M


7.80 × 10^−7 = (7.2 * 10^-11)^2/[[tex]BH^+[/tex]]

[[tex]BH^+[/tex]] = 7.80 × 10^−7/(7.2 * 10^-11)^2

[[tex]BH^+[/tex]] =   7.80 × 10^−7/5.2 * 10^-22

[[tex]BH^+[/tex]] =  1.5 * 10^15 M

Learn more about concentration:


How many DNA molecules would there be after four rounds of PCR if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


There would be 16 DNA molecules after four rounds of PCR if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules.

An Analysis of Four Rounds of PCR with an Initial Mixture of Two DNA Molecules

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a powerful technique used to amplify a specific region of DNA. It is a technique that involves the repeated cycles of denaturing, annealing, and extending DNA strands. The initial reaction mixture contains two DNA molecules.

During each cycle of PCR, the DNA molecules are replicated, resulting in a doubling of the amount of DNA. Therefore, after four rounds of PCR, the initial two molecules would be multiplied by two four times, resulting in a total of 16 DNA molecules.

Learn more about DNA:


Two objects are placed a certain distance from each other. The amount of gravitational force between the two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. As the masses of the objects decrease, the force of gravity between them _____________. As the distance between the objects decreases, the force of gravity between them ______________.


Two objects are placed a certain distance from each other. The amount of gravitational force between the two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. As the masses of the objects decrease, the force of gravity between them increases. As the distance between the objects decreases, the force of gravity between them decreases.

What is gravitational force?

Gravitational force is defined as the force of attraction that a body of mass M, exerts on another body that is found within its region of space that this force acts.

The law of gravitational attraction states that the gravitational force of attraction between two bodies of masses m₁ and m₂ is directly proportional to the product of their asses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, r.

Learn more about gravitational force at:


Use the periodic table to determine the molar mass of each of the following elements. Each answer must have 2 decimal places.

Potassium (K): g/mol
Osmium (Os): g/mol
Manganese (Mn): g/mol


The molar mass of the Potassium, Manganese, and Osmium are 39.10 g/mol, 54.94 g/mol, and 190.23 g/mol, respectively.

What is the molar mass?

The molar mass can be described as an average of many instances of the compound, which commonly varies in mass because of the presence of isotopes. In one mole, there are 6.023 × 10²³ atoms or molecules present in an element or compound respectively and this number is known as Avogadro’s number.

The molar mass of a compound is calculated by the sum of the atomic masses of each element in the molecule.

The molar mass can be defined as an intensive property. The S.I. unit of molar mass can be represented as kg/mol.  Molar masses are always represented in g/mol.

Learn more about molar mass, here:







Other answers r in images as well as an image of a cat

when holden goes to visit phoebe, how does she react to his arrival? how are the two similar and how are they different?


Catcher in the Rye is a young-adult fiction by J. Salinger. It is a novel based on the coming of the age and literary realism. Phoebe is disappointed with Holden's vindication.

Holden Caulfield is the protagonist and the narrator of the story who is intelligent but is expelled from the school. Phoebe is Holden's sister, she is infuriated by Holden's dismissal.

She knows that their father would be angry because Holden is expelled from school. Holden tries to explain his situation to his sister and tells her about his minimum chance of joining the military school.

He explains to her how bad is his school Pencey and he dislikes that place. But Phoebe interrupts him by saying that he doesn't like anything or anywhere.

Her challenge makes him think about the one thing that he likes the most and he couldn't. It shows Phoebe's concern to stimulate Holden. She is seen sympathetic and angry with her brother for not growing up.

Holden describes them in loving, caring terms, demonstrating his genuine affection and respect for them. How does Holden characterize Phoebe? Holden describes Phoebe as wise, overly affectionate at times, and overly emotional for her age.

Also as smart, tiny, and a little noisy. Holden, Phoebe, and Allie are siblings in the novel "The Catcher in the Rye." Holden looks up to his younger brother and sister as idealized versions of himself. Holden describes Allie as the most intelligent and pleasant member of his family.

To know more about the Holden, refer:


What is the amount of charge on a calcium ion if its neutral atom has lost two valence electrons?


2+ charge is the amount of charge on a calcium ion if its neutral atom has lost two valence electrons.

What is Charge?

Wave energy that travels longitudinally is charge. The relationship between mass and charge may be reduced to a single energy equation, which is shown on this page in classical form. Coulombs may be explained as wave amplitude, which is measured as a distance, to connect mass and charge (meters).

The physical characteristic of matter that allows it to feel a force when exposed to an electromagnetic field is called electric charge.

The two types of electric charges that protons and electrons most frequently carry are positive and negative charges.

Charge movement is what produces energy.

The energy generated by the charge might be thermal, chemical, or electrical energy, depending on the environment or atmosphere in which it is put.

Learn more about Charge from given link


a mixture of neon and oxygen gases at a total pressure of 652 mm hg contains neon at a partial pressure of 351 mm hg. if the gas mixture contains 2.34 grams of neon, how many grams of oxygen are present?


The grams of oxygen are present is 3.2 gram.        

The partial pressure of an individual gas is same to the whole pressure improved with the aid of the mole fraction of that gas. because it is established completely on the wide variety of particles and no longer the identification of the gasoline, the correct fuel Equation applies just as well to combinations of gases because it does to pure gases.

Partial pressure is extremely essential in predicting the movement of gases. do not forget that gases generally tend to equalize their strain in two areas which are related. A gas will pass from a place in which its partial strain is higher to a place wherein its partial stress is lower


Total pressure =  652 mm hg

partial pressure pressure of neon is = 351 mm hg.

pressure of oxygen is = 301 mm of Hg

mass of Oxygen = 2.34 grams

mole = 2.34/20

        = 0.117

partial pressure = mole/total mole × total pressure

351 mm hg = 0.117 / total mole  × 652

      Total mole =   (0.117   × 652 ) /  351  

                         = 0.217

partial pressure of Oxygen = mole /total mole    × total pressure

        mole    =   (301 × 0.217)/ 652

                     = 0.1

mole = mass/molar mass

mass = mole × molar mass
         =    0.1 × 32

         = 3.2 gram        

Learn more about partial pressure


determine the empirical formula of a compound if 13.2 grams contains 6.509 grams of c, 0.9104 grams of h, and 5.780 grams of o?


The empirical formula is C3H5O2

what is empirical formula?

The lowest whole number ratio of atoms present in a compound is given by the most straightforward formula or empirical formula. This formula indicates the proportion of atoms of each element in the compound.

The number of moles of C (carbon), H (hydrogen), and O (oxygen) in the given compound is calculated as follows-

Number of moles of C = (mass of C) / (molar mass of C) = (6.509 g) / (12 g/mol) = 0.54 moles

The number of moles of H = (mass of H) / (molar mass of H) = (0.9104 g) / (1 g/mol) = 0.91 moles

The number of moles of O = (mass of O) / (molar mass of O) = (5.780 g) / (16 g/mol) = 0.36 moles

The mole ratio of C to H to O is determined as follows

-Moles of C: Moles of H: Moles of O = (0.54): (0.91): (0.36)

Dividing the number of moles by the smallest number of moles obtained, which is 0.36 as follows-

(0.54/0.36): (0.91/0.36): (0.36/0.36) = 1.5: 2.5: 1

The above ratio is multiplied by 2 in order to get a whole number ratio as follows-

(1.5 × 2): (2.5 × 2): (1 × 2) = 3: 5: 2

Hence, C: H: O = 3: 5: 2

This suggests that the empirical formula of the given compound will be C3H5O2.

To learn more about empirical formula is


Is acetic acid soluble in isopropyl alcohol?


Acetic acid and isopropyl alcohol are fully soluble in water

What makes acetic acid and isopropyl alcohol-water soluble?

The form of acetic acid and isopropyl alcohol are: The acidic hydrogens are appeared by the arrow in the two systems. As we can see, the O-H bond is attending in both these compounds. Since the O-H bond is highly polar, these compounds are also highly set off, and hence, they are soluble in water.

Acetic acid, however, is quite soluble. This is easy to describe using the small alcohol vs large alcohol argument: hydrogen bonding alcohols are usually more soluble in water than alcohols of the same molecular mass.

So we can conclude that Isopropyl alcohol is soluble in water because it can form strong hydrogen bonds with the water.

Learn more about acetic acid here:


What type of reaction is 2 CO o2 → 2 co2?


The reaction 2CO+O₂ → 2CO₂ is a combustion as well as combination reaction.

The balanced chemical equation of the reaction of carbon monoxide with Oxygen gas to produce carbon dioxide is given as,

2CO+O₂ → 2CO₂

As you can see from the above reaction carbon monoxide is getting combusted because of the presence of Oxygen gas to produce carbon dioxide. So, we can say this is a combustion reaction.

Also as we can see that carbon monoxide and Oxygen gas is combining to produce carbon dioxide so we can say that it is a combination reaction as well.

To know more about combination reaction, visit,


An organic compound that is distilled from wood has a molar mass of 32.04 g/mol. its composition by mass is 37.5% carbon, 12.6% hydrogen, and 49.9% oxygen. Draw the Lewis structure of this compound.


The compound has SP3 hybridization and total of 14 valence electrons in its shell. we found this from the Lewis structure.

Distilled from wood Molar mass of organic compound is 32.04g/mole.

molar mass of carbon is 12 g/mole.

molar mass of hydrogen is 1g/mole.

molar mass of oxygen is 16g/mole.

The composition of organic compound by its mass is  37.5% carbon, 12.6% hydrogen, and 49.9% oxygen.

so, we can calculate the number of mole.

so, number of moles of C is, 37.5/ 12 = 3.13

     number of moles of H is 12.6 / 1 = 12.6

     number of moles of O is 49.9/ 16= 3.12

The molar ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen is ,

C : H : O = 3.13 : 12.6 : 3.12

                =1 : 4 : 1

So from this we found the empirical formula. The empirical formula of compound is CH4O.

valence electron of c is, 4.

valence electron of H is 4

valence electron of O is 6.

so the total valence electron is 14.

Form this we can draw the Lewis structure. A Lewis Structure is a very simplified representation of the valence shell electrons in a molecule. It is used to show how the electrons are arranged around individual atoms in a molecule. Electrons are shown as "dots" or for bonding electrons as a line between the two atoms. This have SP3 hybridization.

To learn more about Lewis structure please visit:


(the following problems involve using the gas laws.) 1. a 7.89 liter sample of gas has a pressure of 850 torr. what volume will it occupy if the pressure is changed to 457 torr? (760 torr


The changed pressure according to Charles law is 14.723l.

What is Charles law ?

Charles' law asserts that a gas's volume is equal to a constant number times the temperature of that gas, as determined by the Kelvin scale (zero Kelvin corresponds to -273.15 degrees Celsius).

What is pressure ?

The SI unit for pressure, the pascal (Pa), which equals one newton per square metre (N/m2) of surface area, is the measure of pressure. An object's pressure is inversely proportional to its area under which it is being forced and is directly proportional to the force it generates.

PV= nrT


so, P1 V1/ T1 = P2 V2/T2

=P1 V1 = P2V2 (Boyles law)

data given,

V1= 7.89l

P1= 850 for r

P2= 457 for r

V2 = ?


V2=850*7.89/457= 14.6750l

According to the charles law

V propotional to T

V1/T1 = V2/T2

=6.50/298= V2/675


Therefore, the changed pressure according to Charles law is 14.723l.

Learn more about Charles law from the given link.


suppose that daniel has a 3.00 l bottle that contains a mixture of o2 , n2 , and co2 under a total pressure of 4.90 atm. he knows that the mixture contains 0.250 mol n2 and that the partial pressure of co2 is 0.250 atm. if the temperature is 273 k, what is the partial pressure of o2 ?


The partial pressure of O2 in bottle with 3L that contains mixture of O2 , N2 and CO2 under a total pressure of 4.9 atm is 2.53 atm.

The total moles of gas present can be calculated using the ideal gas law as follows:

PV = nRT

PV/RT is equal to n = (4.90 atm)(3.00 L)/(0.0821 Latm/Kmol) (273K)

gas at n = 0.656 moles

Find the N2 pressure:

Mole fraction of N2 is equal to 0.270 mol/0.656 mol, or 0.412.

N2 pressure is equal to 0.412 x 4.90 x the mole fraction of total pressure, or 2.02 atm.

We can now get the partial pressure O2 since total pressure = pressure O2 + pressure N2 + pressure CO2.

4.90 atm minus 2.02 atm minus 0.350 atm equals 2.53 atm.

For more information on ideal gas kindly visit to


. In the past 150 years, CO2 emissions have risen by nearly 50%....
. In the past 150 years, CO2 emissions have risen by nearly 50%. What has dramatically increased during this time that has led to this increase in CO2? Explain how this has occurred.


Excessive burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil has led to the increase of CO₂ level.

Definition of Fossil fuels

Fossil fuel is defined as a generic term for non-renewable energy sources such as coal, coal products, natural gas, derived gas, crude oil, petroleum products and non-renewable wastes. Fossil fuel are hydrocarbons which are formed from the dead remains of plants and animals that are buried under soil and are burned as fuel.

When fossil fuels are burned they give out harmful gases such as carbon dioxide due to its organic content which led to increase in the CO₂ level over the past years.

Learn more about Fossil fuel from the link given below.


You are given a compound with the formula mcl2, in which m is a metal. You are told that the metal ion has 27 electrons. What is the identity of the metal?.


The metallic ion that has 27 electrons and that when united with chlorine forms CoCl2 is cobalt.

The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons

In a neutral atom, the number of electrons will be equal to the number of protons, so the number of electrons can be easily determined from the atomic number.

In this case, the metal ion has 27 electrons.

And since electrons = protons (P+)

And since Z (atomic number) is equal to P+



And in the periodic table the element with Z equal to 27 is cobalt

And the compound that would be forming would be CoCl2

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RADICAL FUNCTIONS PROBLEM PLS HELP Write the equation of the line described below in slope-intercept form.Find the equation of the line that is perpendicular to the line y=2 x and passes through the point (10,2). A dilute solution has ___ of solute in the solvent Para 2-1 Who is more likely to sustain injury from weight bearing activity? This feature in PowerPoint makes slide objects move on a slide.a. Transitionb. Sortingc. Animationd. Movement Which of the following oxygen flowmeters is NOT affected by gravity and can be used in any position when attached to an oxygen cylinder?Vertical-position flowmeterBourdon-gauge flowmeterBall-and-float flowmeterPressure-compensated flowmeter What would be the most useful source of current information about changes in laws or regulations applicable to accounting?. what kind of molecule is g3p?Where does a plant get the carbon dioxide that it needs for the dark reaction of photosynthesis?cam plants close their _____ during the day and open them at night.why is the dark reaction called a cycle?Which of the following statements concerning the electron transport chain is false?a. The final electron acceptor is oxygen.b. Each NADH yields three ATP molecules.c. Each FADH2 yields two ATP molecules.d. The electron transport chain will work whether oxygen is present or not. a patient has been newly diagnosed with hypertension. the nurse assesses the need to develop a collaborative plan of care thatincludes a goal of adhering to the prescribed regimen. when the nurse is planning teaching for the patient, which is the mostimportant initial learning goal? through (4,5) and (0,-2) A bicycle store costs $2700 per month to operate. The store pays and average of $60 per bike. The average selling price of each bicycle is $90. How many bicycles must the store sell each month to break even? Which of the following sets of ordered pairs is a function?PLS LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND HELP ME !! which concentration technique is most commonly used for cerebrospinal fluid evaluation using a glass cylinder attached to a microscope slide with paraffin wax Solve for t:-18 = -3t18=3t circle the most accurate statement. price is not used to equilibrate supply and demand in continuous markets that use the discriminatory pricing rule to arrange trades. price is not used to equilibrate supply and demand in call markets that use the uniform pricing rule to arrange trades. price is not used to equilibrate supply and demand in crossing networks that use the derivative pricing rule to arrange trades. each of the above statements (a, b, and c) is incorrect. in a binary-star system that produces a nova, the white dwarf pulls matter from the companion star. the matter forms an accretion disk that orbits the white dwarf. then a specific sequence of events must take place for a nova event to occur.a. Material accumulates onto white dwarf's surface increasing in temperature and density b. Nuclear fusion reactions cause the an enormous but temporary increase in luminosity c. At a temperature of 10 million K, the accumulated surface hydrogen begins nuclear fusion d. As nuclear fuel is burned up or blown into space, fusion ceases and the star dims 1. first step2. last step richard wagner unified his works with a network of musical ideas, each representing a person, object, action or concept, which he called PLS HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! michael is an alcohol abuser who, thanks to the recommendation from his therapist, is using a computer game to try and train himself to avoid stimuli related to alcohol and more automatically interpret these stimuli negatively. this emerging treatment strategy is called what? Owen decides to buy a 2-pack of almond butter. He notices that each jar in the pack has 84 servings, and each serving has 20 milligrams of sodium. He estimates that the 2-pack has a total of about 320 milligrams of sodium. Does that sound about right?Pls tell me which option to pick *Yes *No its too much *No it's to less