in northern ireland prior to the end of the violence in 1999, were discriminated against by being excluded from schools and jobs.


Answer 1

In Northern Ireland prior to the end of the violence in 1999, Roman Catholics were discriminated against by being excluded from schools and jobs.

What is the story of Religious Conflict in Northern Ireland?

Racism in Northern Ireland is a recurring theme in Northern Ireland's political and social history. This split affects her two main constituencies in Northern Ireland: the Irish Nationalist/Republican (mainly Roman Catholic) and the Unionist/Loyalist (mainly Protestant). Often seen as both the cause and effect of the "problem".

Self-segregation between the two communities is widespread due to a combination of political, religious and social differences, and the threat of intercommunal tensions and violence. Catholics and Protestants live largely separate lives in what some describe as "voluntary apartheid".

Learn more about Religious Conflict in Northern Ireland


Related Questions

► Make a Venn diagram or chart comparing the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. How are these principles alike? How are they different?​





Venn Diagram:

Separation of Powers & Checks & Balances

|                            | Separation of Powers | Checks & Balances |


| Purpose                    | Limit Government    | Limit Government |

| Government Branches        | 3                   | 3                |

| Legislative Power          | Congress            | Congress         |

| Executive Power            | President           | President        |

| Judicial Power            | Supreme Court       | Supreme Court    |

| Alike                     | Limit Government    |                  |

| Different                 |                    | System of checks |

In Atlantic History, the period 1776-1848 is identified as one in which ideas of a new, liberal order founded on republican principles replaced an older social order organized around the monarchy, the Church, and corporate social structures that categorized people into classes. Examine the “The Age of Andean Insurrection” and the age of Latin American Independence comparatively, explaining how ideals of political change and the replacement of European authorities with native-born authorities changed between the middle of the eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century. What were some common economic and social complaints in the earlier period? How did rebels express their desire for political change during those years? In the later years, how were calls for change different? Which political concepts were most important to those later political actors?



The period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, many parts of the Americas saw a shift from older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance towards more liberal and republican ideals. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow Spanish colonial rule and establish new, native-born authorities.

During the earlier period of the Age of Andean Insurrection, which roughly corresponds to the middle of the eighteenth century, economic and social complaints were common among the indigenous and mestizo populations of the Andes. These included complaints about the high taxes and forced labor imposed by the Spanish colonial authorities, as well as the lack of political representation and the exclusion of indigenous and mestizo groups from positions of power and influence.

In response to these complaints, rebels in the Andean region often expressed their desire for political change through the use of violence and armed rebellion. For example, the Túpac Amaru II rebellion of 1780-1783 saw indigenous and mestizo rebels take up arms against the Spanish colonial authorities in an attempt to overthrow their rule and establish a more just and equitable society.

During the later period of the age of Latin American Independence, which roughly corresponds to the early nineteenth century, calls for political change continued to be common. However, these calls were often more focused on establishing new, independent nation-states in place of the Spanish colonial authorities. This shift in focus was due in part to the successful independence movements in the United States and Haiti, which served as models for Latin American rebels seeking to break free from European rule.

Political concepts such as popular sovereignty, republicanism, and the natural rights of individuals were important to many of the political actors of the later period. These concepts were often invoked in calls for independence and in the drafting of new, liberal constitutions for the newly independent nations of Latin America.

Overall, the period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, ideas of a new, liberal order based on republican principles replaced older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow European rule and establish new, native-born authorities.


the period 1776-1848 was one of significant political and social change in the Americas. In this period, ideas of a new, liberal order based on republican principles replaced older, monarchical and corporatist systems of governance. This shift was particularly pronounced in the Andean region, where a series of insurrections and independence movements sought to overthrow European rule and establish new, native-born authorities.


the answer is there in the pic also

What did President Wilson do to help the "White
Russians" who were opposed to the "Red Russians"
in their civil war?


Answer: President Thomas Wilson sent some US divisions to Archangel in Russia for Whites against Red and US as a whole recognised USSR in 1933 and 222 Troops were killed in Intervention.

Which of the following is very important in women’s studies classes but less important in history classes?
A. essays
B. academic content
C. the student’s own perspective
D. a strict teacher


The student’s perspective is very important in women’s studies classes but less important in history classes. Hence, option C is appropriate.

What is the Women's Studies?

Women's studies is an interdisciplinary discipline that emphasizes social and cultural aspects while also placing the lives and experiences of women as the focus of study.

History, sociology, literature, politics, as well as psychology, are all incorporated into women's studies. Students who pursue a degree in women's studies learn about feminist philosophy, women's history, and how gender and society interact. Courses on racism instead gender, and masculinity studies, including LGBTQ+ studies are also common in many curricula.

Women's Studies, also known as Gender Studies as well as Feminist Studies, is an interdisciplinary field of study that examines how gender, race, age, class, the nation of origin, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, and other differences intersect and affect virtually every aspect of social, political, and cultural life.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about Women's Studies here:


3. Read the following quote, and analyze how the ideas within the quote may have
influenced the quotas of the National Origins Act (1924):
'Henceforth, after 1924, the immigrant to the United States was to be looked
upon, not as a source of cheap or competitive labor, nor as one seeking asylum from
foreign oppression ... but as a parent of future-born American citizens. This means that
the hereditary stuff out of which future immigrants were made would have to be
compatible racially with American ideals.' - Harry Laughlin, Eugenicist


Foreign oppression… but as a parent of future born American citizens. This means that

What did the
Nineteenth Amendment allow?
• A.
African American emancipation
O B.
black male suffrage
O c.
women's suffrage
• D.
racial integration on public transportation



The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.


by the turn of the twenty-first century, had become the largest heavy industrial producer in the world was:


By the turn of the twenty-first century, had become the largest heavy industrial producer in the world was: China.

What was western civilization?

Art, literature, culture, and enduring ideas that originated in the eastern Mediterranean basin in the centuries prior to the common era and developed in a variety of ways throughout the Middle Ages before taking on their modern form after the Renaissance are collectively referred to as Western civilization.

The present conception of Western civilization, which places a premium on individualism, rationalism, and democracy, has its roots in Ancient Greece. It has been affected by significant movements and eras like the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and Judeo-Christian ideas.

A brief history of Western civilisation refers to the art, culture, and enduring concepts that originated in the Mediterranean, Europe, and the Americas and evolved over time to the contemporary perception of a common "Western" identity. It draws on several traditions.

Ancient Greece and Rome are where the idea of Western civilization was first developed. The first significant urban settlements in the history of Europe were created by the Greeks during their 700–480 BCE empire. The Greeks observed the natural world using human reason.

To learn more on western civilization from the link:


What was a major voting issue during the 1844 presidential campaign?

A. Whether to create a new, strong central bank

OB. Whether the United States should annex Texas

OC. Whether the United States should rebel against Mexico

D. Whether to implement Henry Clay's American System


OB . Whether the United States should annex texas, the process took 10 years and in December 29, 1845, it finally became a state, war was not the intention

Which of the following is true of the Bush and Obama administrations’ efforts to police the southwest border?

They increased the number of U.S. Border Patrol agents.

They prohibited the use of regional unofficial militias to patrol the border.

They paid private militias through the Department of Homeland Security to provide extra enforcement at border crossings.

They publicly supported protests against illegal immigration.

They denied the importance of illegal immigration.



The only statement that is true of the Bush and Obama administrations' efforts to police the southwest border is "They increased the number of U.S. Border Patrol agents." The other statements are not true.


In the song “La Jaula de oro,” how are the children of Mexican immigrants portrayed?

as tired and sickly

as wanting to go back to Mexico

as Americanized

as greedy

as reluctant to learn English



In the song "La Jaula de oro," the children of Mexican immigrants are portrayed as Americanized.


Select the correct answer.
Which statement is true?
• A.
Inexhaustible resources are limited.
O B.
Only tangible goods are scarce.
Exhaustible resources are abundantly available.
Exhaustible resources are scarce.
Governments have unlimited money.



i think the option D is right

Which of these was an effect of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

A. Many Black Americans became small-business owners.

B. Many Black Americans were required to work in the fields.

C. Black Americans were restricted from entering many public places.

D. Black American students had access to a college education for the first time.​



C - Black Americans were restricted from entering many public places.

Explanation: Please correct me if I'm wrong. Have a good day!

what were some of the terms included in the treaty of Versailles? Check all that apply


limits to Germany's armyharsh reparations for Germanyformation of a League of Nations


A, B, and C


Germany was limited to a smaller army so that they would have less of a chance of being able to defeat countries, and so they didn't have as much military power, because that's kind of what started the war.

There were harsh reparations because they were held fully responsible for the war meaning they had to pay for all damage done. So they paid in all different forms, whether it was money or materials, they gave around 3 billion dollars their time which is even more money now.

The League of Nations was also created due to the treaty of versailles so that they were able to hold world peace together, and try to prevent any further warfare such as world war I.

-Hope this helped & Happy Holidays!

Which of the following is true about the 2004 presidential election?

Fewer people voted in this election than the 2000 election.

George W. Bush won in a landslide.

John Kerry won Iowa and New Mexico.

John Kerry won by using his amicable personality.

Bush generated more enthusiasm among supporters than Kerry.



All of the statements are true about the 2004 presidential election.


though trouble had been brewing between the two powers for some time, in the simplest sense, the mexican-american war started because the united states .


Even though hassle have been brewing among the 2 powers for a few time, within side the most effective sense, the Mexican-American battle commenced due to the fact the united states annexed Texas.

The required details for Mexican–American War in given paragraph

The Mexican–American War, additionally recognized within side the United States as the Mexican War and in Mexico as the Intervención estadounidense en México (United States intervention in Mexico), become an armed struggle fare among America and Mexico from 1846 to 1848. It accompanied the 1845 American annexation of Texas, which Mexico nevertheless taken into consideration its territory. Mexico refused to understand the Velasco treaty, as it become signed with the aid of using President Antonio López de Santa Anna even as he become captured with the aid of using the Texan Army in the course of the 1836 Texas Revolution. The Republic of Texas become de facto an impartial country, however maximum of its Anglo-American residents desired to be annexed with the aid of using America.

Sectional politics over slavery within side the United States had been stopping annexation due to the fact Texas might had been admitted as a slave state, frightening the stability of strength among Northern unfastened states and Southern slave states.

To know about Mexican–American War click here


As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts,
the Boston Tea Party took place.
Thomas Paine published Common Sense.
the First Continental Congress was established.
British troops began staying in the homes of colonists.





As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts Thomas Paine published Common Sense.. Thus, option B is correct.

Who was Thomas Paine?

Thomas Paine was an English-born American author and political pamphleteer whose Crisis papers and Common Sense pamphlet had a significant impact on the American Revolution.

His defense of the French Revolution and republican ideas in Rights of Man and his exploration of the role of religion in society in The Age of Reason furthered his reputation as one of history's greatest political propagandists. When Paine passed away, the New York Citizen's obituary was reprinted in the majority of American newspapers. It included the following line: "He had lived long, done some good and much harm." For more than a century after his passing, this was the judgement of history, but things have changed.

Learn more about Thomas Paine here:


Describe each of the two major political parties in the Unites States (Democrat and Republican).



The two-party structure, as well as the two mainstream political parties


The election industry in the United States is known as a two-party system. This indicates that multiple parties control the political landscape at all three branches of the government. These parties involved are indeed the Republican Party as well as the Democratic Party in the United States.

How did the religion affect who was in the upper class?


The people’s religion in the upper class would affect them because they might be judged by others because they have different cultures and beliefs.

Credit to: sahergi15

How does conflict develop


Answer:whenever people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires


Which is an example of collateral damage?

the support staff of a military unit that is attacked

a hospital that is hit by accident during a bombing

a targeted strike on a munitions factory in a major city

several soldiers who die months after the war from battle injuries


The example of collateral damage from what we have here would be a hospital that is hit by accident during a bombing. Option B

What is meant by collateral damage?

This is damage in the form of deaths and wounds sustained by civilians who are not military personnel as a result of combat in a war.

The phrase "collateral damage" probably first appeared as a euphemism for friendly fire or the deliberate killing of non-combatants and destruction of their property during the Vietnam War.

accidental deaths and property damage caused to civilians during military operations

Read more on collateral damage here


In the 1970s,
women's rights activists worked to secure the passage of



Title IX


The women's movement was most successful in pushing for gender equality in workplaces and universities. The passage of Title IX in 1972 forbade sex discrimination in any educational program that received federal financial assistance.

the 1824 election was ultimately decided by: group of answer choices the stance of the candidates on the major issues. the house of representatives. popular vote. a supreme court ruling. the electoral college.


The 1824 election was ultimately decided by the house of representatives.

How was the outcome of the 1824 election determined?

Even though Andrew Jackson had initially received more popular and electoral votes, John Quincy Adams was able to overcome him in 1824 by accumulating more electoral votes in the House of Representatives. Because even though Andrew Jackson won the most electoral votes and popular votes, he did not win with a majority. Clay backed Adams in the House, giving him the advantage and the victory. Even though Andrew Jackson had initially received more popular and electoral votes, John Quincy Adams was able to overcome him in 1824 by accumulating more electoral votes in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams, however, won the presidency.

To know more about elections click on the link below:


What will be the consequences if we do not educate people with visual impairment? ​


Uneducated people struggle to fit in social situations, and often remain marginalized. The lack of resources generated by education prevents them from participating in numerous social activities in a productive and comprehensive way, in contrast to educated people who engage in the same activities without difficulty

Who was John Locke and what was his philosophy?


Answer: John Locke (1632–1704) is among the most influential political philosophers of the modern period. In the Two Treatises of Government, he defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that God had made all people naturally subject to a monarch


Why was the intervention of cuneiform an inportant development



With cuneiform, writers could tell stories, relate histories, and support the rule of kings.


With cuneiform, writers could tell stories, relate histories, and support the rule of kings

Which of the following transformed protest into rebellion by the mid-1960s?

Mexican immigration


the Vietnam War

gender inequality

discrimination against homosexuals


The Vietnam War was event that transformed protest into rebellion by the mid-1960s. The Option C is correct.

What is the summary of Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War was a conflict in Vietnam that lead to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. It was second of the Indochina Wars and was officially fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam.

The northern Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, China and other communist states, while the south Vietnam was supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies. The war was also known as a Cold War-era proxy war.

Read more about Vietnam War


..Why does Angelina Grimke believe in abolition?



In Grimké's mind, abolition was the only first step towards the true objective of complete political and social equality for men and women of all races. She leaned on her strong religious beliefs and moral outlook, discussing issues such as the sexual abuse of female slaves that she had witnessed first hand.

why is racism a fundamental fascist strategy.


According to the "Manifesto of Fascist Racism," which was published in July 1938, Italians were also descended from the Aryan race.

Describe the connection between Fascism and racism.

The temptation to generalize beyond the original Italian example and refer to any right-wing authoritarian movement or system as "fascism" or "fascist" emerged as early as 1923. Italian racial laws were implemented in one of the most heinous actions of the fascist administration. The characteristics of fascism and racism are outlined, and their interactions are analyzed.

Racial laws prohibited Jewish people from holding jobs in the government, the military, or the educational system, outlawed Jewish marriages and seized their property. These laws also targeted people of African descent. The two pamphlets were about Italians who live in the new African colonies and talk about the difficulties of raising Italian children in Africa and intermarriage between Italians and Africans.

To learn more about fascist, visit:


List the core features of the structure of U.S. government under the Constitution​



First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches.

Second, it divides power between the federal government and the states. And third, it protects various individual liberties of American citizens.


hope it helps!

Will you do the fandango?
A.) Yes
B.) No


YES, one will do Fandango. Based on the interpretation of Fandango, one will say YES.

What is Fandango?

Fandango Media, LLC is an American ticketing company that sells film tickets through their website so also via their mobile app, as well as a provider of television and streaming media information through its subsidiary Rotten Tomatoes.

For any one that needs to keep himself busy or have themselves engaged or even have a leisure time to himself will need access and such access can only be gotten through simplest and easiest or most comfortable way which is by Fandango.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above. That is, when one says YES, it simply means that one is interested in seeing movies.

learn more about Fandango:


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