in first language acquisition by children, piaget's developmental stages predict what features of their native language children know


Answer 1

In first language acquisition through kids, piaget's developmental levels expect what capabilities in their local language kidsknow.babbling.

The required details about Babbling is mentioned in below paragraph.

Babbling is a degree in baby improvement and a nation in language acquisition throughout which an little one seems to be experimenting with uttering articulate sounds, however does now no longer but produce any recognizable phrases.Babbling is a degree in baby improvement and a nation in language acquisition throughout which an little one seems to be experimenting with uttering articulate sounds, however does now no longer but produce any recognizable phrases. Babbling starts rapidly after delivery and progresses thru numerous levels because the little one's repertoire of sounds expands and vocalizations turn out to be greater speech-like. Infants commonly start to produce recognizable phrases whilst they may be round twelve months of age, aleven though babbling might also additionally hold for a while afterward.

To learn about Babbling visit here.


Related Questions

ehaviorists and social learning theorists maintain gender differences are the result of a life-long process called identity formation.


Gender differences are the result of identity formation, according to behaviorists and social learning theorists. The fact that the majority of people do not behave in a manner that is gender-appropriate shows that people's socialization of gender roles varies greatly from person to person.

"Behaviorism is a learning theory that says all behaviors are learned through a process called conditioning," according to this theory.

Personality is conceptualized by learning theorists in what way?

The theory of personality development and social learning holds that a significant portion of a person's personality traits may emerge from observing others in their family or society. Temperament can be influenced by both genetics and the environment in which they live.

To learn more about social learning theorists here


in the single year of 2015, women were more than____times more likely than men to be the victims of intimate partner violence.


In the single year of 2015, women were more than ten times more likely than men to be the victims of intimate partner violence.

What proportion of women experience violence from intimate partners?

The following are rates of reported intimate partner violence, per the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In their lifetime, almost 1 in 4 women (23,2%) and 1 in 7 men (13,9%) had experienced severe physical abuse from an intimate partner violence.

What are the three most typical forms of violence against intimate partners?

One of the most prevalent types of violence against women is intimate relationship violence, which involves controlling behaviors on the part of an intimate partner as well as physical, sexual, and mental abuse.

To know more about intimate partner violence, visit:


2. What will be the consequences if we do not educate people with visual impairment?


Answer: Children with a vision-related learning problem will typically lose their place while reading and confuse similar looking words because they can't properly see the text. Because of this, children with poor vision often show signs of poor reading comprehension and may struggle to keep up with class assignments.


In three to five sentences, identify how the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty supported independence for the American colonies.


The Sons and Daughters of Liberty helped organize colonist dissent and resistance to British policies. The boycotts implemented by the Sons and upheld by the Daughters forced the British to understand how serious the colonists' grievances were. As a result, their actions helped lead to the American Revolution.

rudolph always struggles to focus on his work. he is unreliable because he fails to complete any task assigned to him and he is very careless. in this case, rudolph scores low on the behavioral disposition of:


In  this case, rudolph scores low on the behavioral disposition of conscientiousness.

Which of the following studies examines how psychological mechanisms and processes have evolved naturally?

Psychology in evolution. Modern evolutionary theory is used by evolutionary psychology to examine how the human mind functions. It largely focuses on psychological adaptations, or mental processes that have developed to address certain issues with survival or reproduction. The five-factor model does not include intelligence as a feature, but it does include traits like neuroticism, extroversion, and agreeableness. Conscientiousness and openness are also included. Natural selection drives the evolution of heritable adaptive behaviour. In this situation, some genes help people respond to physiological or environmental cues better, improving reproductive success and ensuring that these genes are passed down to next generations.

To know more about behavioral disposition click on the link below:


after meeting with an external expert on climate change, an organization's risk professional will need to do all of the following, except:


An organization's risk professional will need to do several things after meeting with the external expert related to climate change, except "communicate all of the potential risks cited by the external expert to the board of directors". The correct answer is C.

An organization's risk professional should communicate to the organization after the meeting, rather than the board of directors, all of the potential risks identified by the external expert. 

Understanding Enterprise Risk Management

This question relates to ERM, or enterprise risk management. Enterprise risk management can be defined as a risk-management approach that examines strategic planning from the perspective of the entire company or organization. It refers to a top-down approach aimed at identifying, assessing, and preparing for prospective losses, hazards, risks, and other possible causes of damage that may conflict with an organization's objectives and operations, which may result in losses.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. Assess the potential severity of the risks to the organization.B. Recommend a treatment technique for risks with severe potential.C. Communicate all of the potential risks cited by the external expert to the board of directors.D. Identify those risks that are most likely to affect the organization.

The correct answer is C.

Learn more about risk management here:


wernicke area is necessary formultiple choicemotivation.smiling.processing visual images.initiating the muscular movements of speech.understanding and formulating coherent speech.


Wernicke area is necessary for understanding and formulating coherent speech.

What is the Wernicke area?

Motor neurons involved in speech comprehension are found in the Wernicke area of the brain. The initial description of this region was made in 1874 by German neurologist Carl Wernicke. The Wernicke area is situated in the left hemisphere's posterior part of the upper temporal convolution. Wernicke's area is named after the doctor who first recognized the mental processes connected to this area of the brain. Early in the 1870s, Carl Wernicke, a 26-year-old physician-in-training, treated a number of patients who had severe language comprehension problems. The Wernicke area, which is depicted in blue on the brain scan, facilitates phonologic retrieval, a crucial step in speech production that involves mentally representing the phonemes that need to be pronounced as well as their temporal order.

To learn more about Wernicke area click on the given link:


From your perspective, what are some reasons lower or working class people may suffer from more illnesses and be overall unhealthier than individuals with greater financial stability?



as the lower class people did not have the facilities or the primary needs so they can suffer highly and the financial stable individuals are having that facilities and they are financialy strong so they are not suffering from the illness than compare to the lower class people...

hope it will help you

president spencer w. kimball called one of the most revolting and sinful practices of our day.


Abortion must be considered one of the most revolting and sinful practices in this day, President Spencer w. Kimball called one of the most revolting and sinful practices of our day.

What is revolting?When you say  something is revolting, you mean that you find that person revolting. The stench in the cell was revolting. It sucks to find out that your friends lied to you. Government corruption is abhorrent.Injustice is abominable. The idea that his grandmother was once young and rather jaded haunted the author.The author  believed that his grandmother was much older, which is why he uses the word disgust. In the 20 years since the author met her grandmother, she has not changed at all.Revolting generally seeks to escape and obtain concessions from an oppressive power, whereas rebellion seeks to overthrow and destroy that power and its attendant laws.The object of rebellion is revolting, and rebellion seeks  revolution.

To learn more about revolting from the given link :


differences between muslims in the west and muslims in the east


There are many differences coupled with similarites in the Muslims of the East and the West.

What do you mean by Islam worldview?

The Islamic worldview emphasizes revealed knowledge and sees other types of inquiry as a means of knowing about and approaching Allah. The Western scientific worldview, on the other hand, is grounded in logic and belief in research and scientific procedures as its religion.With the beginning of the Almoravid dynasty movement on the Senegal River and as rulers and kings adopted Islam, Islam gained pace in West Africa during the 10th century. Then, slowly, Islam expanded across a large portion of the continent through trade and preaching.Any Muslim man who lives in the US, or Germany, or Britain, or any Western country, cannot marry but one woman at one time

To know more about Islam here


Cassie is at a company event out of town, where she doesn't know anyone very well. She looks around for an available person to network with, but everyone seems engaged in conversation and no one notices her. What would be an appropriate action for her to take next: a. Approach a group and say, "Hi, I'm Cassie from the Seattle office. May I get your name?" b. Go to the buffet and make herself a plate, while waiting for people to approach her. c. Walk around the room appearing to be engaged by the art, and hope someone comes and talks to her.


The action that would be appropriate for Cassie, who is at a company event out of town and doesn't know anyone very well, is to approach a group and say, "Hi, I'm Cassie from the Seattle office. May I get your name?". The correct answer is A.

More Proactive and Less Reactive

Being proactive, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is acting in anticipation of upcoming difficulties, needs, or changes. Being pro-active entails planning for the future and concentrating more on the factors under our control than those outside of it. It also entails accepting responsibility. People who are proactive tend to be high performers, and if they are in the proper environment, they may advance further in their careers.

Being reactive, as opposed to proactive, means just waiting for (unpleasant) things to happen to us; our actions are dictated by circumstances rather than the other way around.

When Cassie approaches a group and announces herself and asks for names, it means she is being proactive, which is not only appropriate but also a smart decision.

Learn more about proactive here:


Why might citizens choose to join a political party?
• A. They will be eligible to vote in federal elections.
• B. They can donate to their preferred candidate.
O C. They can vote in a closed primary.
• D. They can participate in civil disobedience.


I think it’s A pls let me know if wrong

3. which of the following major approaches is the most important to understand the complexity of communication?


To comprehend the complexity of communication, it is crucial to first grasp the various techniques.

Which type of procedure best encapsulates communication?

According to the transmission model, communication is a one-way, linear process in which a sender encrypts a message before transmitting it across a channel to a receiver who decodes it.

What form of communication is the most effective and widespread?

To exchange information, either words or sign language are used. Verbal communication can take place face-to-face or via other media including radio, television, and video conferencing.

What aspect of communication is most crucial?

The secret to any good or efficient communication is feedback. It is one of the core components of the process of communication.

To learn more about verbal communication here:


3. cuny employees please contact your college administrator. please ensure to have your seven digit employee id.


All CUNY ID numbers issued are nine digits long. Each campus uses a set of numbers that starts with the number 666.

How public or private is the CUNY system?

CUNY, which was established in 1847 as the first free public institution of higher learning in the country, already has 25 colleges spread out among the five boroughs of New York City, serving 243,000 degree-seeking students of all ages and dispensing 55,000 degrees annually.

The 17-member Board of Trustees, ten of whom are chosen by the Governor of New York State and five by the Mayor of New York City, is in charge of running CUNY.

Therefore, The CUNY is the largest public urban university in the country and a vital part of the economic and social fabric of New York City.

Learn more about CUNY from the given link.


In which ethical leadership principle does the leader place issues of fairness at the center of their decision making? a. Manifests honesty b. Builds community c. Shows justice d. Respects others


The leader places fairness-related concerns at the heart of their decision-making according to the ethical leadership concept of "shows justice."

What's a good way to define leadership?

"The process of taking control of a team or organization." The dictionary defines leadership in this way. Simply defined, being a leader entails taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders inspire their followers to take on bigger and more challenging tasks.

Why is leadership crucial?

They are essential attributes to have because a capable leader can motivate his or her workforce to collaborate toward a shared goal by highlighting the best in each individual. To prevent delays, a capable team leader keeps the group motivated and engaged.

To know more about  leadership visit


behavior is broadly defined as behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives.


Abnormal behavior is broadly defined as behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives.

Understanding the Abnormal Behavior

A deviation from societal norms is considered abnormal behavior. The variations might range from minor occurrences of mood swings to major situations where people kill themselves or wander around nak3d in public. There are several disputes around the concept of what constitutes abnormal behavior and what doesn't. Something that society A considers abnormal may be completely normal in culture B.

In spite of this, abnormal behavior may be observed anywhere, and most psychologists concur that everyone exhibits abnormal behavior at a certain time during their lives. Consequently, abnormality is not something that just pertains to a certain group or category of individuals, but rather is something that is universal and can occur at any point in a person's lifetime.

Learn more about abnormality here:


The Federal Reserve System was created to...
a. ensure safe uniform currency
c. establish a gold standard
b. regulate thrift institutions
d. control the amount o f money in circulation


Answer: ensure safe uniform currency.

Explanation: It was created

to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.

Lara is trying to remember what she had for dinner last Friday when her husband took her out to eat. According to the memory-systems perspective, this information is in Lara's _____ memory. short-termdeclarativesemanticepisodic


According to the memory-systems perspective, this information is in Lara's  Episodic memory.

Which two types of memory are the most reliable?

Long-term memory systems can be divided into two categories: declarative memory and nondeclarative memory. Declarative memory enables us to recall details of past occurrences consciously. A person with impaired ageing is one who is more dependent and in poor health than is typical for their age. Making the necessary adaptations to maintain as autonomous and an active lifestyle as possible is a key component of effective ageing. Selective optimization with compensation is what is meant by this.

Procedural, semantic, and episodic memories are the three categories of memory from the standpoint of memory systems.

To know more about memory click on the link below:


who made up the middle class in colonies


Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware

according to a 2016 government accountability office study, schools that are predominantly black or latino have


Fewer math, science, and college preparatory coursework but higher property levels.

What is the property known as?

Anything over which a company has legal ownership is considered property. Property can refer to both real objects, like homes, automobiles, or appliances, as well as intangible items with the potential for future value, like securities certificates.

Which two categories of property are the most common?

Property can be divided into actual and personal categories. These two groups will have different assessment processes and tax rates. In general, real property includes both land and anything that is permanently affixed to it (e.g. wells or buildings).

To know more about property visit:


a therapist treating a person who is afraid of heights has the client go to the top of a skyscraper ten times a day for one month. this technique is called

a. generalization
b. habituation
c. systematic desensitization
d. flooding
e. discrimination


Answer:Jane will be asked to perform a task that counter her fear. For instance, she can be asked to attend a closed door party which will not allow anyone to leave until after the party. Systematic desensitization technique is a behavior therapy used by psychologists to help patients effectively overcome their fear and anxiety disorders. The method functions by exposing the patients to their fears gradually. 


A therapist treating a person who is afraid of heights has the client go to the top of a skyscraper ten times a day for one month. This technique is called systematic desensitization. Thus option (c) is correct.

What is  systematic desensitization?

The systematic desensitization  therapy is for removing the phobia of fear, and substitute a relaxation response to the conditional stimulus gradually using counter-conditioning.

It is a   type of exposure therapy which is based on the principle of classical conditioning. It was developed by Wolpe during the 1950s.

For example, A therapist treating a person who is afraid of heights has the client go to the top of a skyscraper ten times a day for one month. This technique is called systematic desensitization. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about systematic desensitization here:


harris rejects the alleged distinction and moral difference between attempts to cure dysfunction and attempts to enhance function where the enhancement protects life or health.


Harris bases his criticism on his conception of disability and what he refers to as "The moral continuum." He claims that "there is, in essence, no moral distinction between attempts to improve function and attempts to cure dysfunction provided the improvement safeguards life or health."

What do you mean by moral difference?

Morals and ethics concern "proper" and "bad" behavior. They are distinct, even if they are occasionally used interchangeably: The term "ethics" refers to guidelines established by a third party, such as religious or workplace morals or codes of conduct. Morals are a person's personal standards of what is right and wrong.Although there are many various kinds of moral principles, honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion, and forgiveness are some of the most crucial ones.

To know more about Moral difference here


piaget underestimated the influence of when assessing the cognitive development of children. group of answer choices culture genetics intelligence biology


Piaget underestimated the influence intelligence of when assessing the cognitive development of children.

Explain cognitive development of Piaget theory.

The broad theory of cognitive development by Piaget describes the origins and growth of human intelligence. He had the opinion that a person's early years have a significant influence on how they develop. Stage development theory is the name given to his theory. The theory addresses the fundamental nature of knowledge as well as how people acquire, create, and apply it. Piaget asserts that there are four major stages in a child's cognitive development. Children's conceptualization of the world changes with each stage, and Piaget observed that kids actively investigate and attempt to make sense of their surroundings. Infants develop their grasp of how to integrate their motor skills and sensory experiences (name a few senses).

To know more about cognitive development visit:


the liabilities of a strong organizational culture include each of the following except being a barrier to . group of answer choices change strategic differentiation diversity


Opposition to changing organizational culture. The change's lack of managerial backing. A lack of dedication to change. History of unsuccessful transformation projects.

Types of barriers:

Following are some of the barriers to effective communication:

1. Semantic barriers.

2. Psychological barriers.

3. Organisational barriers.

4. Cultural barriers.

5. Physical barriers.

6. Physiological barriers.

Cultural Construction:

Although there are many diverse conceptualizations of culture in the study literature, academics generally agree on what culture is, what it accomplishes, and how it comes into being.

Most fundamentally, culture is a result of society as a whole. People from the same culture think and act in fundamental ways that are comparable. The majority of experts concur that corporate cultures contain both conceptual and palpable components (Kopelman et al., 1990:283).

Learn more about Organizational culture:


I want a essay of political socialization



Political socialization is the process by which individuals learn and frequently internalize a political lens framing their perceptions of how power is arranged and how the world around them is (and should be) organized; those perceptions, in turn, shape and define individuals' definitions of who they are and how they ...

Political socialization- The process by which people acquire political beliefs and values. - People acquire these beliefs through relationships with family, friends and co workers, web. Most important source is the family and the schools.

Socialization is the process whereby an individual's standards, skills, motives, attitudes, and behaviors change to conform to those regarded as desirable and appropriate for his or her present and future role in any particular society.

Socialization is important because it helps uphold societies and cultures; it is also a key part of individual development. Research demonstrates that who we are is affected by both nature (our genetic and hormonal makeup) and nurture (the social environment in which we are raised).

FILL IN THE BLANK. Members of several local environmental groups propose that nearly all of the buildings be removed and the area turned into a regional hiking and camping area, with very limited vehicle access. This will preserve the natural areas while providing recreation for the city dwellers. One issue that is raised by opponents is ________.


One issue that is raised by opponents is whether the revenue obtained from users can pay and reimburse the cost of changes and maintenance of the facility.

This issue will be raised by the opponents because it is a normal issue regarding the development of the facility and the operating costs. One of the things that is very necessary in building a public facility, as in the example above is a regional hiking and camping area, is the maintenance problem. Who will pay for the maintenance of the facility? Without an institution that is able to finance the facility, it will be abandoned because there is no one who provide the maintenance.

Learn more about environtmental maintenance


What letter would you travel to hunt for survivors?


Answer: A


With the use of _________, Shaw and McKay (1942) were able to relate incidents to juvenile delinquency to specific Chicago commnities.


With the use of crime mapping, Shaw and McKay (1942) were able to relate incidents to juvenile delinquency to specific Chicago communities.

What is research on crime mapping?

Law enforcement organizations can use computerized crime mapping technology to evaluate and combine data sources to produce a thorough overview of crime episodes and associated factors within a community or other geographic area.

What is a juvenile delinquent?

A person who has not reached the age of eighteen is referred to as a "juvenile," and an act that would have been considered a crime if committed by an adult is referred to as juvenile delinquency when it is done by a person under the age of eighteen.

To know more about juvenile delinquency, visit:


for teachers uncomfortable or inexperienced in teaching dance, which of the following suggestions would not be beneficial to the students?


Turning on the music and letting the students dance whatever they want is what uncomfortable or inexperienced dance teachers do when teaching dance that really isn't beneficial to the students. The correct answer is D.

Direct instruction is among the most successful teaching methods, according to studies. Although sometimes misinterpreted, students who get teaching through the direct instruction approach outperform their peers in reading, arithmetic, spelling, and other subjects such as dancing.

Direct instruction is a method of teaching that is controlled by the teacher. This implies that the instructor stands in front of the class and delivers the material. The teachers provide the learners with specific, guided instructions.

Turn on some music and allow the students to dance whatever they desire; it must be fun but not beneficial for their dance skills.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. Use a cooperative class and only use dance as part of the lesson.B. Use imagery as a catalyst of movement.C. Use books or stories as a stimulus for movement.D. Turn on the music and ask students to do dance anyway they would like.

The correct answer is D.

Learn more about method of learning here:


please describe an experience in your life that has shaped who you are or allowed you to be your best self. examples


Here are some of the most memorable experiences in every person’s life that has in one way or another helped you become a better version of myself:

Having pet, for some people, getting their first pet is the first time they feel responsible for someone other than themselves. Feeding, bathing and walking inspires a sense of responsibility for the well-being of others. Having a pet is a source of joy for both of me. and stress, and one of the most fun experience for me to welcome another fulfilling year.Entering college, my experience when I entered college for the first time is one of the most memorable experience because in college I think my journey of independence will begin.

We all have experiences that have taught us the most important lessons in life and changed the way we see the world. Some experiences are fun to remember, others are downright embarrassing. Every moment is precious and without them we would not be where we are today.

Learn more about experience in your life that has shaped at here


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