in comparing bonds with notes, bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders.


Answer 1

This same provided statement is incorrect in accordance with the discussion.

What exactly is a bond?

Bonds are sold by corporations and governments to raise funds. By purchasing a bond, you are making a loan to the issuer, who agrees to repay the facial expression value of the bond on a specific date and also to pay user regular interest payments all along way, probably twice a year.

What are the five different types of bonds?

Bonds are classified into five types: Treasury, cash reserves, agency, municipal, and business. Each bond comes with its own set of sellers, reasons, buyers, and risk levels. If you wish to take full advantage of securities, you also can buy bonds-based securities, including such bond mutual funds.

To know more about Bonds visit:


Related Questions

A jeans maker is designing a new line of jeans. These jeans will sell for $410 per unit and cost $328 per unit in variable costs to make. Fixed costs total $120,000. If 5,000 units are produced and sold, income equals: multiple choice $1,930,000. $290,000. $410,000. $2,050,000. $1,520,000


If 5,000 units are produced and sold, income equals $290,000. This is the profit made.

Variable cost of making a pair of jeans = $328.

A variable expense is a corporate cost that adjustments of extent to how much an organization creates or sells

Sale Price per pair of jeans = $410.

A sale price is the limited cost at which labor and products are being sold.

Contribution per pair of jean = 410–328= $82.

Fixed costs = $120,000.

Fixed costs continue as before paying little mind to creation yield. Fixed expenses might incorporate rent and rental installments, protection, and interest installments.

Number of units sold = 5000.

Income from profit = (No of units sold* Contribution per unit) - Fixed cost = (5000*82)-120000=410000–120000=$290,000.

This is the profit.

Know more on calculations of the income from profit -


A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount ______.


A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount dashboard

A budget range is a plan you write right down to decide how you'll spend your money each month. A price range allows you to make certain you'll have sufficient cash every month. without a price range, you might run out of money earlier than your next paycheck. Budgeting is the method of forecasting revenues and expenses of the agency for a specific period and examples of this include the income budget organized daily to make a projection of the organization's sales and the production finances prepared for the day-to-day mission the production of the company etc.

A budget range enables create economic balance. by monitoring costs and following a plan, finances make it less difficult day-to-day pay bills on time, construct an emergency fund, and save for the most important fees such as an automobile or home. common, a budget puts a person on a more potent financial footing for each and the long time. The 3 sorts of annual authorities' budgets based day every day on estimates are Surplus budgets, Balanced finances, and Deficit finances. although your earnings announcement is fixed and indicates what is absolutely occurring for your enterprise, your price range is a forecast that you may alternate. As you examine trends in the income announcement, you could update the finances every day to cope with them.

Learn more about  budget  here :


video shack's accounts receivable decreases during the year by $8.2 million. what is the amount of cash received from customers during the reporting period if its net sales are $65.0 million? (round your answer to 1 decimal place. enter your answer in millions (i.e., $10,100,000 should be entered as 10.1).)


The amount of cash received during the reporting period is $73.2 million

The account receivables are treated as a current asset and it is recorded and shown on the balance sheet. The total cash collection from customers includes a decrease in account receivables and collection from sales in the current period.

A journal is a thorough account that documents all of a company's financial activities. It is used for account reconciliation in the future and for the transfer of data to other formal accounting records, including the general ledger.

The journal entry is as follows: (amount in millions)

Cash A/c....Dr. $73.2

Accounts receivable A/c.....Cr. $8.2

Sales A/c.....Cr. $65

(Being cash collection from accounts receivables and sales recorded)

Learn more about journal entry:


The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business.a. Trueb. False


The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business truly.

The cost of expected refers to the return to the anticipated returns on securities issued through an organization. businesses use the fee of capital metric to decide whether an undertaking is well worth the expenditure of resources. buyers use this metric to decide whether or not funding is well worth the threat compared to the return.

Return on capital (ROC) measures a corporation's internet earnings relative to the sum of its debt and equity cost. it's miles correctly the amount of cash an organization makes that is above the common price it will pay for its debt and fairness capital.

An funding's expected charge of return is the average price of return that an investor can count on to acquire over the lifestyles of the investment. buyers can calculate the expected return by multiplying the capability return of an investment by the probabilities of it happening after which totals the outcomes.

Learn more about expected returns here


uppose that a particular industry has a four-firm concentration ratio of 38 and a herfindahl index of 921. most likely, this industry would achievemultiple choiceboth productive efficiency and allocative efficiency.allocative efficiency but not productive efficiency.neither productive efficiency nor allocative efficiency.productive efficiency but not allocative efficiency.


Most likely, this particular industry would achieve neither the productive efficiency nor allocative efficiency.

What is productive efficiency?

Productive efficiency, according to microeconomic theory, is the inability of an economy or a system of economics to raise the production of one good without reducing the production of another when functioning within the limitations of present industrial technology Productive efficiency is a component of economic efficiency that focuses on how to increase output of a selected product portfolio, without regard for whether your product portfolio is producing goods in the right proportion. If used incorrectly, it can help manufacture the incorrect basket of outputs more quickly and inexpensively than ever before. The best technological and managerial practices must be used by all businesses in order for the industry to be productively efficient. Additionally, there must be no further reallocation of resources that would increase output while using the same inputs and production equipment.

To learn more about productive efficiency, visit:


what are the stages in group development and what project management behaviors are exhibited in each stage?


Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning are the five stages of group growth and development.

The project team is forming as it gets to know one another and establishes the foundation for the project and team norms. Conflict first arises during the storming stage when team members start to defy authority and exhibit covert agendas and prejudices. In the norming stage, members attempt to cooperate and agree on operating procedures before committing to the project development process.

During the performance stage, the group members work together to complete the production. Groups break up during the adjourning stage once their work is over.

Learn more about group development here


What are the 4 types of savings?


The Emergency Fund is one of four types of savings. This is the "I can touch" portion of your "Do Not Touch" fund. This is the "I know what I want, I just need to pay for it" fund for things that you know will happen, but not necessarily every month. Long-term funds are saved for a certain objective or purchase.

A contingency fund or emergency fund is money set aside from a person's budget as a safety net against unanticipated expenses or mishaps. It is important to make sure that one's personal finances are prepared for any emergency, as this will reduce the likelihood of having to rely on credit, accumulating debt, or running out of money saving altogether should such a crisis occur. Emergency savings may be used for unexpected medical costs, unplanned travel expenses, automotive difficulty, home appliance maintenance, or replacement.

Learn more about  savings from


at the beginning of the period, the assembly department budgeted direct labor of $110,000, direct materials of $170,000, and fixed factory overhead of $28,000 for 8,000 hours of production. the department actually completed 10,000 hours of production. what is the appropriate total budget for the department, assuming it uses flexible budgeting? round hourly rates to two decimal places. a.$288,000 b.$305,000 c.$350,000 d.$378,000


The appropriate total budget for the department, assuming it uses flexible budgeting is calculated to be d.$378,000

First, we determine the variable cost per hour as follows;

Variable cost per hour = (Direct Material + Direct Labor) ÷ Number of production hours

= [170,000+110,000] ÷ 8,000 = $280,000 ÷ 8,000 = $35

As the department completed more hours for production, therefore,

Additional budgeted costs = (10,000 - 8,000) × $35  = 2000 × $35 = $70,000

The total appropriate budget for the department using flexible budgeting can be calculated by using the following formula;

Prime cost + Additional hourly (budgeted) costs + Factory overhead (Fixed)

= (Direct labor + Direct Material) + Additional hourly (budgeted) costs + Factory overhead (Fixed)

= $(110,000 + 170,000) + $70,000 + $28,000

= $378,000

Hence in the case of flexible budgeting, the appropriate total budget for the department is $378,000

To learn more about flexible budgeting; click here:


What is one of the tools that is particularly useful in reducing system nervousness in an MRP system?
a.) time fences
b.) time phasing
c.) closed loop system
d.) lot sizing


Time fences is one of the tools that is particularly useful in reducing system nervousness in an MRP system.

What is Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

Material requirement planning or MRP is a system that is useful for calculating how many raw materials or components a company needs to produce a product. Generally, this system is used by companies in the manufacturing industry. This system exists to answer three questions, namely "what goods does the company need?", "how many goods does the company need?" and "when will the company freeze?". A business implementing an MRP system will not face shortages or excess inventory.

Because this system is able to shorten the time needed for companies to convert raw materials into products. It even has to generate an automated delivery schedule. Companies use Manufacturing Systems to accurately estimate the amount of raw material needed during production and schedule deliveries. If you want to use a Manufacturing System, it is better if you know the pricing scheme for the software.

Learn more about MRP system at


a two-unit property sold for $97,500. its contract rent was $425 per month for each unit, and the market rent was $475 for each unit. what is the indicated grm?


the indicated grm (the Gross Rent Multiplier) is  4.51 GRM.

the formula for Gross Rent Multiplier;

Gross Rent Multiplier = Market Value / Annual Gross Income

And the annual Annual Gross Income = gross rent x units x 12 months

                                         =$900 x 2 units x 12 months

                                           = $21,600 in gross annual revenue


Gross Rent Multiplier = $97,500/$21,600 = 4.51 GRM

To know more about Gross Rent Multiplier, click the below link



training and incentives are the keys to the successful acceptance and implementation of policies and procedures governing waste and error prevention.​ t or f


The successful acceptance and execution of policies and procedures governing waste and mistake prevention depend on training and communication. Hence the given statement is False.

What is policy implementation ?

A series of actions conducted by governmental and non-governmental organizations to achieve the aims and objectives outlined in policy declarations is known as policy implementation.

Taking leadership, communication, and feedback methods as examples. For policy execution, leadership is required at all levels of the system.

As a result, the aforementioned response is the right one. The most crucial elements for the successful acceptance and execution of policies and procedures controlling waste and mistake prevention are hence training and incentives.

Learn more about policy implementation here


how does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


A member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france by  customs authorities who establish, carry out, and uphold the global trade rules are united by this organization While collaborating with global trading partners, the EU abides by WTO rules (WTO).

How to explain trade

The voluntary exchange of commodities or services between members of the economy is known as trade. Because contacts are voluntary, trade is frequently perceived as being advantageous to both sides. Trading in finance refers to the buying and selling of securities or even other assets.

Who gains from trade and why is it important?

Trade is essential to the success of the United States because it promotes economic growth, supports domestic employment, raises living standards, and allows citizens to sustain their families with fairly priced goods and services.

Trade benefits consumers as well. Customers in the United States now have access to better goods, more options, and more inexpensive prices because to free trade agreements. Reduced tariffs enabled by trade agreements allowed American families to save up to $13 billion in 2014 on things including apparel, laptops, and refrigerators.

Customs authorities who unite this organization's members establish, carry out, and uphold the international trade rules, making trade between Germany and France easier than it is between the United States and France. The Eropean Union complies with WTO regulations while working with other major trading partners (WTO).

To know more about Trade visit:


What is the peak phase of a business cycle?


A peak in the business cycle occurs when economic activity reaches its peak and begins to slow or decline. The contraction phase begins when economic activity begins to fall or economic growth turns negative.

In general, the business cycle consists of four distinct phases,expansion, peak,contraction and trough.A peak is the highest point between the end of an economic expansion and the beginning of a contraction in a business cycle.The peak of the cycle refers to the last month before several key economics indictors, such as employment and new home construction, begin to decline.The NBER defines a recession as a period between a peak and a trough in the business cycle where there is a significant decline in economic activity that spans the entire economy and can last anywhere from a few months to more than a year.

To learn more about contraction please click on below link.


suppose the economy is in long-run equilibrium. which of the following would cause prices and real gdp to rise in the short run? question 5 options: aggregate demand shifts left. short-run aggregate supply shifts left. short-run aggregate supply shifts right. aggregate demand shifts right.


When the aggregate supply shifts rightwards, it causes the prices and real GDP to rise in the short run. Therefore, the option C holds true.

The real GDP of an economy can be referred to or considered as the final value of the goods and services made within the economy during a particular period of financial year, which is also adjusted against the prevailing rates of inflation in the market.

Real GDP increases in the short run if the aggregate supply is increased, because it also leads to an increase in the prices of goods and services.

Learn more about real GDP here:


which of the four ps in the marketing mix is most directly related to the recruiting of wholesalers and retailers for a new product introduction?


The 4 play station within side the advertising blend is maximum at once associated with the recruiting of wholesalers and shops for a brand new product creation is place.

The required details for marketing mix in given paragraph

The term "advertising blend" is a basis version for businesses, traditionally targeted round product, price, place, and promotion (additionally called the "four Ps"). The advertising blend has been described as the "set of advertising gear that the organization makes use of to pursue its advertising goals within side the goal market". Marketing idea emerged within side the early twenty-first century. The modern advertising blend which has come to be the dominant framework for advertising control choices became first posted in 1984. In offerings advertising, an prolonged advertising blend is used, normally comprising 7 Ps (product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and human beings), made of the authentic four Ps prolonged through process, human beings and bodily evidence.

Occasionally provider entrepreneurs will refer to eight Ps (product, price, place, promotion, human beings, positioning, packaging, and performance), comprising those 7 Ps plus performance.

To know about marketing mix click here


Complete question

Which of the four Ps in the marketing mix is most directly related to the recruiting of wholesalers and retailers for a new product introduction?

a. Product

b. Place

c. Promotion

d. Price

Jake Nickell’s crowdsourcing approach to his business initially kept the business finances under control in all of the following ways except
a. it enabled bulk printing.
b. it allowed Nickell to maintain a favorable working capital.
c. it eliminated the need to hire employees.
d. it allowed Nickell to accept prepaid orders.
e. it eliminated the need for fixed costs.


Jake Nickell’s crowdsourcing approach to his business initially kept the business finances under control which eliminated the need for fixed costs.

The popularity of crowdsourcing demonstrates that individuals desire to express themselves, according to Thread less creator Jake Nickell. He launched the firm as a pastime in 2000, and it now earns more than $38 million in yearly revenue by curating, creating, and selling T-shirts printed with designs submitted and voted on online.  

After a decade in business, the firm that is often referred to as the "poster child for crowdsourcing" has emerged. It received over 300,000 designs and produced approximately 3,000 of them, or 1%. Artists are paid $2,500 if their design is accepted, and they retain copyright.

Threadless has two locations in Chicago and is expanding abroad. It is also branching out into other goods and services, such as allowing charities, musicians, and design teams to utilize its platform.

learn more about fixed costs at


Ross Dress for Less, an American chain of discount clothing stores, sells its goods at prices 25% or more below than traditional stores’ prices. Ross Dress for Less is an example of


a discount store would be the answer

the category of international flows of investment funds which involves the acquisition of more than 10 percent of the shares of ownership in a company in another nation is called


Foreign direct investment refers to the category of international flows of investment money that entails the purchase of more than 10% of the stock of a company located in another country.

What are the advantages of FDI?

Investments made by a person or an organization in one nation into a company in another are known as foreign direct investment, or FDI for short. FDI brings knowledge, technology, skills, and employment in addition to money.

What three forms of foreign direct investment are there?

FDI types, The many forms of international investments are as follows: FDI in three categories: 1) vertical, 2) conglomerate, and 3) platform.

To know more about foreign direct investment visit :-


three years ago, preferred stock rtf was unable to pay a dividend. two years ago, the company was only able to pay a dividend of 3%. last year, the company was only able to pay shareholders a dividend of 4%. as conditions are now improved, the firm would like to pay dividends to common shareholders. what dividend percentage must the preferred shareholders first receive in order for this to happen?


These often have the right to a fixed dividend that is stated as a percentage of the nominal (par) value of the share; for example, a £1 preference share with a 5% dividend right will pay out 5p annually. But it is still a dividend and can only be paid from earnings.

What dividend amount is given to preferred shareholders?

Divide the dividend percentage by the par value of the preferred stock. For instance, if the stock was issued at $40 per share and the dividend rate is 7.5 percent, the yearly dividend is $3 per share.

who is the first shareholder to earn dividends?

Due to their primacy over the company's income, preferred shareholders receive dividend payments before common shareholders do. Common shareholders come last. Consequently, they will receive payment after creditors, bondholders, and preferred shareholders when it comes to corporate assets.

To know more about stock rtf visit:-


explain how anthropology contributes to public discussions and the creation of public policy with lawmakers, activists, corporations, and others regarding major environmental challenges.


Anthropology contributes to public discussions and policy-making with legislators, activists, corporations about environmental challenges by studying human influences on climate change.

What are anthropology's measures for sustainability?

Through scientific studies and research on human beings and their activities, it is possible to identify situations of environmental imbalance caused by human activity, such as in relation to climate change, which are related to excessive consumption, deforestation and pollution.

Anthropology is extremely relevant to aid in the dissemination of information about facts that contribute to environmental imbalance, increasing public and private awareness of environmental issues capable of impacting the lives of all citizens.

Therefore, it is the duty of all social institutions and individuals to protect the environment, to use its resources consciously and ethically.

Find out more about anthropology on:


A typical sales forecast, though concerned with future events, will usually be based on recent historical trends and events as well as on forecasts of economic prospects.a. Trueb. False


The assertion that a normal sales prediction will typically be based on current historical trends and occurrences, as well as forecasts of economic prospects, is valid, despite the fact that it is concerned with future events.

What is sales forecasting?

Sales forecasting is the act of projecting future revenue by foreseeing the volume of goods or services that a sales unit—which can be a single salesperson, a sales team, or an entire business—will sell over the course of the upcoming week, month, quarter, or year.

Businesses may effectively manage their cash flow and devote resources for future growth thanks to sales forecasting. The correct estimation of costs and income by organizations, which allows them to forecast their short- and long-term performance, is another benefit of sales forecasting.

Learn more about sales forecasting, from:


ac delco produces auto batteries, which it sells to an automobile parts wholesaler, such as auto parts warehouse. ac delco's price becomes auto parts warehouse's cost. auto parts warehouse's price becomes the cost for auto part retailer napa. napa then marks up from its cost to sell to consumers. this is an example of


The auto parts warehouse's price becomes the cost for auto part retailer napa. napa then marks up its cost to sell to consumers. this is an example of Markup Chain Examples.

What is the cost?

A cost is the worth of money that have been expended to produce stuff or provide a service and is consequently no longer available to be utilized in producing, education, retail, and reporting. In the situation of a cost of capital, the amount wasted on the sale is considered the price.

The price structure of an entire channel can be determined by a markup chain. Selling prices of producers are converted into wholesalers' costs, suppliers' costs are converted into retailers' costs, and these costs are then combined with a markup for retail sales to form the retail selling price.

Learn more about cost, here:


janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest samsung model. she had not thought about buying a samsung and doesn’t know how much it costs, but the ad made her want to research this type of smartphone further. what feature of advertising does her response exemplify?


The promising Samsung marketing strategy focuses on promoting its smartphones and appealing to the audience by leveraging the power of exceptional marketing campaigns. Sponsorships, social media ads, and online advertising all helped to strengthen the brand.

Now, According to the question:

What is Marketing strategy?

A marketing strategy is a company's overall game plan for reaching out to potential customers and converting them into paying customers for their products or services. A marketing strategy includes the value proposition of the company, key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements.

Learn more about Marketing Strategy at:


: college graduates are paid more, on average, partly because the act of finishing college signals that they are more likely to be a good employee. college graduates are paid more, on average, partly because the act of finishing college signals that they are more likely to be a good employee. false true


It is true that college graduates are paid more, on average, partly because the act of finishing college signals that they are more likely to be a good employee.

As the third decade of the twenty-first century begins, concerted efforts are required to transform the American economy into one that offers all citizens the chance to advance socially and economically, stems the tide of rising inequality, satisfies the labor market's demand for skilled, nimble, and knowledgeable employee, and expands the scale and scope of new jobs being created. One of the main concerns of all Americans is raising wage growth so that people can benefit from a thriving economy and accumulate the wealth they and their families need to ensure future prosperity for both themselves and the country. Government policies that influence the economic fundamentals that support these outcomes will address this issue.

Know more about employee here:


Member of the Transnational capitalist class:
-the accountant for a transnational corporation
-the CEO of a transnational corporation
Identify whether or not sociologist Leslie Sklair would categorize the following people as belonging to the transnational capitalist class.


Member of the Transnational capitalist class are also the accountant for a transnational corporation.

A transnational corporation is considered to be an enterprise which is said to be involved with the international production of goods or services, foreign investments, or income and asset management in more than one country.

However, the transnational capitalist tend to refer to the sum of all the relations between the economic agents and so whether they are state or private or are of other any mixed forms, where any part of which crosses state borders.

Hence, the transnational capitalist class collaborate to benefit their own interests.

To learn more about a transnational corporation here:


of the three categories of qos mechanisms, which does not truly provide qos and uses a fifo queuing strategy?


Best-effort treatment of traffic does not actually give QoS to that traffic because packets are not reordered.

First-in, first-out (FIFO) queuing is the method used by Best Effort, in which packets are removed from a queue in the order in which they were added to the queue.

Quality of service refers to any method of managing data flow to reduce packet loss, latency, and jitter on a network (QoS). QoS controls and preserves the network's resources by assigning priorities to specific types of network traffic.

To enable the transfer of delay-sensitive data, audio, and video, enterprise networks must provide trustworthy and measurable services. Businesses use Quality of Service (QoS) to meet the traffic needs of sensitive applications like real-time voice and video and to prevent the quality from declining due to packet loss, delay, and jitter.

To know more about QOS click here,


27. which structure provides dual channels of authority, performance responsibility, evaluation, and control?


Matrix organizational structure provides dual channels of authority, performance responsibility, evaluation, and control.

One sort of workplace where teams report to multiple leaders is a matrix organization. In a matrix organization, team members (internal or remote) report to a project manager in addition to their department head. This management structure might help your company develop new products and services without realigning teams.

The matrix format enables teams of experts from many fields to use resources more efficiently. This reduces overhead costs and the time needed to complete the project. In a hierarchical structure, each team reports to a single manager, therefore there are fewer managers per team. These teams could take longer to finish one project deliverable because they lack members with a variety of specializations.

To know more about authority click here,


which section of a proposal discusses how you will solve the problem? budget proposal, plan, and schedule background, problem, and purpose


The "problem, and purpose" section of a proposal explains how you plan to address the issue.

A good problem is a topic or task that has some significance, urgency, or priority and whose study will advance our understanding. If you already know the answer, can quickly get it by quickly searching through prior research, or if it is totally predicted, there is no need to do the study. The purpose of the problem statement is to define the issue and focus it so that it may be fully examined. It describes the problem and offers a research plan for a solution, or it explains why more information is required before a solution can be put into practice.

Learn more about proposal from


what is the appropriate treatment in an interim financial report for inventory that has market value below cost? the loss should always be recorded in the interim period in which market value drops below cost. the loss should be recorded in the interim period in which market value drops below cost if the loss is considered temporary. the loss should be recorded in the interim period in which market value drops below cost if the loss is considered permanent. the loss should be ignored for interim reporting purposes. there is no loss to report.


If the damage is thought to be permanent, the loss must be recorded during the intermediate period wherein market value falls below cost.

What information must interim financial reports contain?

The International Accounting Requirements Board (IASB) advises including specific standards while creating interim financial reports. Condensed financial statements describing the company's financial condition, income, free cash flow, and equity changes are included in these, along with notes providing further information.

When preparing interim financial accounts, how should you do it?

A period of less than a year is covered by interim financial statements. Such interim statements are frequently made on a quarterly basis, but they can also be issued on a monthly or even a yearly basis.

To know more about interim financial visit:


gage has a tendency to take credit for his good actions, but he attributes his mistakes to factors beyond his control. this is an example of .


Gage tends to take credit for his good actions, but he blames his mistakes on factors beyond his control. This is an instance of self-serving prejudice.

Explain about self-serving bias?

The tendency for people to search out information and utilize it to further their own interests is known as the self-serving bias. In other words, people routinely act in ways that others may perceive as immoral or unjustifiable just to promote their own interests.

Self-serving bias examples: When a student performs well on a test, she may convince herself that she has done her homework or is an expert on the subject. She claims that the examination was unfair after receiving a poor grade on another exam. Athletes triumph in a contest and credit their success to practice and hard effort.

To learn more about self serving bias refer to:


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