in an experiment, either a sad video or a happy video was shown to participants to influence their moods. the participants were then asked to memorize a list of words. later, the participants were again shown either the same video they had seen before memorizing the words or they were shown the other video, and they were then asked to recall the words they had memorized previously. the results of the experiment, summarized in the chart above, best illustrate which psychological concept?


Answer 1


state dependent memory


Related Questions

this type of bias occurs when researchers fail to choose a representative sample of potential respondents.


Sampling bias is the phenomenon that happens when a research take a look at layout fails to collect a representative sample of a goal populace. This generally happens due to the fact the selection standards for respondents failed to seize a wide enough sampling frame to represent all viewpoints.

Records bias happens at some stage in the information series step and is not unusual in studies studies that involve self-reporting and retrospective facts series. it may also result from bad interviewing strategies or differing tiers of recall from contributors. the primary types of records bias are: take into account bias.

Anchoring bias is a cognitive bias that reasons us to depend too heavily on the first piece of statistics we are given approximately a topic. when we are putting plans or making estimates approximately some thing, we interpret more recent data from the reference factor of our anchor, in place of seeing it objectively.

Learn more about bias  here


Sampling bias is the phenomenon that occurs when a research look at layout fails to acquire a representative pattern of a goal population. This usually takes place because the choice standards for respondents didn't capture an extensive enough sampling body to symbolize all viewpoint

A few commonplace varieties of sampling bias encompass self-selection bias, nonresponse bias, undercoverage bias, survivorship bias, pre-screening or advertising bias, and healthful user bias

Seven varieties of Bias.



Imbalance and Selectivity:


Fragmentation and Isolation:

Linguistic Bias:

beauty Bias:

Learn more about  Bias here


one of the strongest foreign policy tools possessed by the president are executive agreements. t or f


one of the strongest foreign policy tools possessed by the president are executive agreements that is true

the kind of bailment created when a friend inadvertently leaves behind an article of jewelry in your home during a visit is a(n):


Constructive bailment the kind of bailment created when a friend inadvertently leaves behind an article of jewelry in your home during a visit.

Constructive bailment refers to an implied bailment that develops when someone lawfully takes possession of another person's personal property, rather than through a mutual contract of bailment; this possessor may be considered to be a constructive bailee of property by operation of law.

In this case a friend inadvertently leaves behind an article of jewelry in your home during a visit. This is "constructive bailment" because the situation create an obligation upon the bailee to protect the goods, and "gratuitous bailment" in which there is no payment, but the bailee is still responsible

Know more about bailment click:


Which court in the federal system reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law?



U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF)


Military courts-martial; a Criminal Court of Appeals for each branch of the military services; and the United States the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) has appellate jurisdiction over all military cases.

why did king george iii try to limit contact between the citizens of the british colonies and native americans?


king George iii try to limit contact between the citizens of the british colonies and native americans to keep peace on the frontier.

He became the third Hanoverian monarch and the first one to be born in England and to use English as his first language. George III is broadly remembered for two things: losing the yank colonies and going mad.

George in no way owned slaves himself, and he gave his assent to the regulation that abolished the slave change in England in 1807. via contrast, no fewer than 41 of the fifty six signatories to the announcement of Independence were slave owners. It turned into the announcement that established the parable that George III became a tyrant.

But the truth is that George changed into definitely now not tyrannical; as an alternative he became a very good-natured, enlightened constitutional monarch, who inconveniently for the Founders additionally absolutely trendy the superb Revolution of 1688 as an awful lot as they did—not least because it paved the manner for his circle of relatives to come back to the British throne despite .

Learn more about king George iii  here


Why is voter turnout low ?


Low voter turnout has several root reasons.-Young people's involvement in politics has been discouraged. A significant factor is how young people think and feel. However, they are not the only ones at fault.

-Younger generations vote less frequently since it's not always easy to do so, even if you want to.-Political participation is frowned upon in high schools.One of the aspects of society that many people take the most delight in is how much participation there is in the political system. Whether they vote for a new congressman, serve on a jury, or participate in a protest, they may be quite certain that their actions will have some bearing on politics.

learn more about Low voter turnout here:


what might be the primary reason that presidential candidates spend more time campagning in florida michigan wisconsu


Florida, Michigan, and Wisconsin are states with a high population, therefore presidential candidates spend more time campaigning there. The most electoral votes belong to them.

Because electoral votes are determined by the number of representatives and senators in each state, the electoral college favors big states. Because there are more electoral college votes at stake in states with a high population, candidates attempt to win them. To win the general election, a candidate just needs to receive the majority of electoral college votes.

Candidates can test out their routines in Florida to determine how to appeal to a national audience.

learn more about electoral votes here:


sadie told a few of her friends at school that their physics teacher was selling drugs to students. though the information was baseless, it spread to the entire school, and the physics teacher was asked to step down when the enquiry was in progress. in this case, the information spread by sadie is an example of a .


The information spread by Sadie is an example of a false rumor.

The Consequences of False Rumors

The spread of false rumors can have serious consequences.

Such was the case with Sadie, who told a few of her friends at school that their physics teacher was selling drugs to students. Though the information was baseless, it spread to the entire school and the physics teacher was asked to step down when the enquiry was in progress.

False rumors can cause harm to those who are the subject of them. In this case, the physics teacher was wrongly accused and asked to step down, even though there was no evidence to back up the claim. This could have had a serious impact on the teacher’s career, reputation, and personal life. Furthermore, it could have damaged the school’s reputation, as well as the reputation of other teachers and administrators.

Learn more about false rumor at:


peter is dangerously close to failing some of his classes this semester. he is taking four advanced science classes with lab sections, plays soccer in his free time, and sings in a choir on weekends. what should peter do to avoid overextending himself?


Peter should learn to take on only what he can handle.

Learning is the system of acquiring new understanding, information, behaviors, abilities, values, attitudes, and choices. The ability to study is possessed by human beings, animals, and a few machines; there's also proof for some sort of study in sure plants.

Non-stop getting to know is important because it helps humans to sense happier and greater fulfillment in their lives and careers, and to preserve more potent cognitive functioning when they grow old.

The getting-to-know manner begins if you have a brand new experience, whether this is reading a new phrase, being attentive to a person explaining an idea, or attempting a brand new approach to fixing a hassle.

Learn more about Learning here:-


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition a dynamic whereby people who disagree with opinions in the mass media are less likely to voice their views.


A dynamic where people who disagree with opinions in the mass media are less likely to voice their views is known as a 'spiral of silence'.

The 'spiral of silence' is a theory in mass communication theory. The theory of 'spiral of silence' means that one opinion becomes completely socially dominant because individuals who have different opinions are afraid to speak or act on them. The 'spiral of silence' occurs when the vocal majority intimidates opposing views into silence and ultimately makes the majority view appear to be a universal consensus.

You can learn more about spiral of silence at


Mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

Relational aggression refers to damage within relationships that is resulting from covert bullying or manipulative behavior. Examples consist of keeping apart a teens from his or her group of pals (social exclusion), threatening to prevent speaking to a pal (the ''silent remedy''), or spreading gossip and rumors through.

Relational aggression or opportunity aggression is a sort of aggression wherein harm is due to unfavorable someone's relationships or social reputation. even though it may be used in many contexts and among distinct age groups, relational aggression among teenagers specially, has obtained a whole lot of interest.

Social alienation through giving a person the silent remedy. Peer rejection from a group or damage in social status by way of spreading nasty rumors or lies approximately them. Social exclusion by using leaving out a peer from play or social agencies.

Learn more about relational aggression here :


_____is negative action toward an individual as a result of one’s membership in a particular group.


Prejudice is negative actions toward an individual as a result of one’s membership in a particular group.

Prejudice has been described as an unwarranted negative attitude towards a social group or members of that group. In social psychology, the concepts of prejudice stereotypes, and discrimination are the central aspects of group perception.

Examples of negative attitudes include Pursuing others in vain. Discrimination is negative and/or patronizing behavior towards members of a particular group. Derogatory prejudice occurs when the target audience is in competition with mainstream society and is of lower social status.

Learn more about Prejudice here:-


the female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________.


the female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and decreased bone mineral density.

An athlete (also a sportsman or sportswoman) is someone who competes in one or more sports activities that involve bodily electricity, velocity, or staying power. Athletes can be professionals or amateurs.[1] most professional athletes have particularly well-developed physiques obtained by means of enormous physical training and strict workout followed with the aid of a strict dietary regimen. The word "athlete" is a romanization of the one that participates in a competition; from ἄθλος, áthlos or ἄθλον, áthlon, a competition or feat. The primary definition of "sportsman" in line with Webster's 1/3 Unabridged Dictionary (1960) is, "someone who's lively in sports: as (a): one who engages inside the sports activities of the sector and especially in searching or fishing."

Learn more about athlete here


considering the laws of probability, how can researchers influence the margin of error?


By considering the laws of probability, a researchers can influence the margin of error by altering the size of samples.

What is a margin of error?

In statistics, a margin of error refers to a statistic tool expressing the amount of random sampling error in the results of a survey. The larger the margin of error, then, the lesser confidence one should have that a poll result would reflect the result of a census of the entire population. The margin of error will be known as positive whenever a population is incompletely sampled and the outcome measure has positive variance, which is to say, the measure varies.

In conclusion, the term "margin of error" is mostly used in non-survey contexts to indicate an observational error in reporting measured quantities.

Read more about margin of error


What might be required of a job candidate today that would not have been necessary 20 years ago?.


Today, a job candidate must do a self-guided video interview, which wasn't necessary 20 years ago.

With a one-way video interview, you may quickly respond to questions that are text- or video-based on your own time using a camera or the Spark Hire mobile app.

By removing schedule conflicts and hold-ups, video interviews lessen the chance of losing prospects to quicker-moving businesses. In order to choose the prospects who will advance to the next phase, hiring managers may also get a more precise picture of the candidate pipeline.

Tests and interviews are part of the employee screening process, but thanks to technology improvements, interviews are more virtual and most companies now demand self-guided video interviews.

To learn more about video interviews


Under the Good Samaritan Law, you can not be held liable for trying to help someone at a traffic collision if you helped in good faith.


The statement "Under the Good Samaritan Law, you can not be held liable for trying to help someone at a traffic collision if you helped in good faith." is true.

A person who voluntarily steps forward to provide immediate assistance or emergency care to a person hurt in an accident, crash, emergency medical condition, or emergency situation is known as a "Good Samaritan" because they do so in good faith, without expecting payment or reward, and without any duty of care or special relationship.

A person may freely offer to provide urgent aid or emergency treatment to a person hurt in an accident, collision, or emergency medical condition under the Good Samaritan Law without expecting remuneration or reward, and without any duty of care or special relationship. The Good Samaritan Law shields Good Samaritans from criticism for their efforts to save the lives of car accident victims.

Learn more about Samaritan Law here:


martha, who is african american, is 102 years old. the oldest european american woman currently is 98 years old. this reflects:


Martha, who is african american, is 102 years old. The oldest European American woman currently is 98 years old. This reflects race crossover.

What is race crossover?

The convergence, intersection, and inversion of the age-specific mortality curves of two different race groups in a population, where one group experiences higher mortality for the majority of the life span up until a given advanced age and then experiences lower mortality for the remainder of the life span, is known as a race crossover in longevity (mortality).

The paradoxical nature of the race crossover is attributed to its contradiction with the well-established inverse relationship between socioeconomic level and mortality. Additionally, it is at odds with empirical data showing a link between high mortality rates at young ages and high mortality rates at older ages. Poor data quality and population selection are the two main theories that have been put out to explain the race crossover.

To know more about  race crossover:


What are the benefits of hearing the characters voices instead of reading the place silently check all the boxes that apply?


Instead of reading the play aloud, listening to the characters' voices would provide the following advantages or benefits: The benefit that readers can gain from hearing the characters' voices

is that it helps them connect with the narrative and the characters. The other  advantage is that it aids in their evaluation of the many characters and their functions due to the variety in tones. Together, these factors encourage a greater mutual  knowledge and comprehension of the material. As a result, choices  A and B are the right responses.This together promotes a better understanding and comprehension of the text among them.

learn more about  characters  here:


the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?


As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson, state governments were allowed to segregate racial groups.

Separate but equal” refers to the infamously racist decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that allowed the use of segregation laws by states and local governments. The phrase “separate but equal” comes from part of the Court’s decision that argued separate rail cars for whites and African Americans were equal at least as required by the Equal Protection Clause.

Racial segregation is the systematic separation of people into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life. Racial segregation can amount to the international crime of apartheid and a crime against humanity under the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Segregation can involve the spatial separation of the races, and mandatory use of different institutions, such as schools and hospitals by people of different races.

To know more about Segregate racial groups visit:


in cognitive-behavioral treatment of unipolar depression, some therapists follow up successful treatment with a series of sessions months later, to focus on reducing negative automatic thoughts and developing a relapse prevention plan. what is this phase of treatment called?


in cognitive-behavioral treatment of unipolar depression, some therapists follow up successful treatment with a series of sessions months later, to focus on reducing negative automatic thoughts and developing a relapse prevention plan. This phase of treatment called Cognitive therapy.

When properly applied, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is effective in the short-term treatment of depression and may be a good alternative to antidepressant medicines (ADM) for unipolar individuals who are even more profoundly depressed. Although there are few and inconsistent trials, CBT may be helpful as an addition to medication for bipolar individuals. Contrary to what may be claimed about drugs, CBT does seem to have an ongoing impact that guards against relapse and recurrence after active therapy has ended.

learn more about cognitive-behavioral here:


How does limiting a company's scope benefit the company? a. It encourages the company to use division of labor. B. It makes it easier to produce a high quality product. C. It lowers the company's taxes. D. It allows the company to hire more employees. Please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.


Limiting a company's scope benefits the company as B it makes it easier to produce a high-quality product.

Limiting the scope of a company means that the company focuses on producing a limited range of products only. This strategy proves to be effective in most of the cases because all efforts are made to produce a high-quality product.

If the scope of the company is not limited, then the company will be producing more number of products but the quality of them will be compromised. When the company has a limited scope, then the products produced will be of high quality and their quality will not be compromised.

To learn more about company, click here:


Infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire mother and a nonnourishing cloth mother: ______


Infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire mother and nonnourishing cloth mother: preferred the non nourishing cloth mother.

The primate order in the Mammalian class includes monkeys. They are thought to be extremely social animals. They frequently exist in groups known as troops. Typically, they are herbivores.

The child is comforted and kept warm by the cloth mother, who is unable to feed the child. The mother that permits the youngster to cling to her is known as the cloth mother, and this behavior is most frequently seen in monkeys.

Harlow's research revealed that when faced with unfamiliar and frightening circumstances, newborns also resorted to inanimate surrogate moms for solace. Infant monkeys would explore a new environment with a surrogate mother present, return to the surrogate mother when scared, and then go exploring again.

To know more about cloth mother, follow the below link:


How is voter turnout calculated ?


Definition of turnout: Calculating turnout should be as easy as dividing the number of voters by the total number of voters. In general elections held during a presidential election year.

the votes cast for the president are counted as the numerator. However, it should be noted that not all voters cast ballots for the president, and on occasion, more votes are cast for a state's governor or senator than for the president. There are also blank and mutilated votes, but since many states don't keep track of the total number of ballots cast throughout time, the presidential vote—for which there exist statistics by state and country from the first election in 1788 to the present—is the most reliable indicator. Primaries have a more complicated numerator since some

learn more about Calculating turnout here:


the idea that the president can withhold sensitive national security information from congress or the courts is known as an


the idea that the president can withhold sensitive national security information from congress or the courts is known as an Executive privilege.

Executive privilege is a subpoena by legislative and judicial bodies for the President of the United States and other members of the executive branch to maintain secret communications within the executive branch and to prosecute certain related cases under certain circumstances. and the right to resist other surveillance. Information or personnel that accompany these confidential communications. This law is enforced when disclosure of information undermines the State's mission. Neither executive powers nor parliamentary oversight powers are specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. However, the United States Supreme Court has held that executive privilege and congressional oversight are each a result of the separation of powers doctrine arising from each party's dominance in their respective areas of constitutional activity.

To know more about Executive privilege, visit:-


when researchers take special care to include and control for every possible variable, the study is likely to have high , even though the results may not generalize to a more realistic situation. a. external validity b. internal validity c. concurrent validity d. experimental validity


Even if the findings might not apply to a more realistic circumstance, a study is likely to have high internal validity when researchers take a great effort to incorporate and control for every conceivable variable. The right response in this case is option B.

Internal validity is the extent to which a cause-and-effect relationship discovered via study cannot be explained by other causes.

When a causal relationship is found, the results are trustworthy and believable. Without good internal validity, an experiment cannot demonstrate a link between two variables that is causal. Example of a research project You want to find out if drinking coffee improves memory.

To learn more about internal validity


Which of the following headlines would be the best example of the yellow journalism of the late 1800s?
A) “Villainous Spain Starves Innocent Cubans”
B) “The USS Maine Arrives Safely in Havana”
C) “Spain Rejects US Offer to Help in Achieving Peace”
D) “Thousands of Cuban Revolutionaries Held in Jails”


The headline that would be the best example of the yellow journalism of the late 1800s is “Villainous Spain Starves Innocent Cubans”. Option A is correct.

What did yellow journalism's main goal in the late 1890s?

Yellow journalism, or the use of graphic features and sensationalized news in newspaper publication to draw readers and boost circulation, is an example of yellow journalism from the late 1800s.

Yellow journalism is the term used to describe sensational or biased articles that newspapers offer as the real deal. The phrase was used in the late 19th century to disparage the unusual methods used by their opponents.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the yellow journalism, refer to:



The headline that would be the best example of the yellow journalism of the late 1800s is “Villainous Spain Starves Innocent Cubans”. Option A is correct.

What did yellow journalism's main goal in the late 1890s?

Yellow journalism, or the use of graphic features and sensationalized news in newspaper publications to draw readers and boost circulation, is an example of yellow journalism from the late 1800s.

Yellow journalism is the term used to describe sensational or biased articles that newspapers offer as the real deal. The phrase was used in the late 19th century to disparage the unusual methods used by their opponents.

Therefore, option A is correct.

What are the factors affecting economic growth?


Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are the four main factors of economic growth.

By enabling farmers to invest in improved tools or seeds, receive profits on those investments, and convey land to their descendants, secure land tenure may promote economic growth in rural areas.

When the demand for a good or service increases, businesses increase their output to meet the demand. Businesses invest more money in this and add workers as a result. More workers entering the cycle results in increased spending, which further stimulates the economy and drives up demand.

Because savings and investments enhance the stock of available capital, greater capital investment leads to greater economic growth. Labor supply and quality: As long as the capital per worker does not go down, increased labor results in increased production.

To learn more about economic growth


According to humanistic therapist carl rogers, which quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings?


The quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings according to humanistic therapist Carl Rogers is genuineness. Hence, the correct option is (A).

What is Genuineness According To Carl Rogers?

Carl Rogers is a psychologist who developed client-centered therapy. Carl Rogers believes that the success of therapy is dependent on the quality of a therapeutic relationship. One of the qualities of effective therapy according to Carl Rogers is genuineness or congruence. Genuineness refers to the balance between outward and inner expression. Genuineness will define a certain authenticity between the therapist and the client. Therefore, with genuineness, a client can express their real feeling.

The question is incomplete, but most probably your question was: 

The quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings according to humanistic therapist Carl Rogers's

A. Genuineness

B. Acceptance

C. Empathy

Hence, the correct option is (A).

Learn more about Carl Rogers at


(q011) when he first meets the people at his new job, jared tries hard to impress them with his experience and achievement. the fact that he attempts to build and maintain others' positive impressions of him demonstrates that he is motivated by


Primary emotions include: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust and joy.

Emotions are mental states delivered on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with mind, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of pride or displeasure. there is presently no scientific consensus on a definition.[6] feelings are regularly intertwined with temper, temperament, personality, disposition, or creativity. studies on emotion has accelerated over the past  many years with many fields contributing including psychology, medication, records, sociology of emotions, and laptop technological know-how.

Learn more about emotions here


What is an example of splitting an infinitive?


"George decided to carefully and cautiously climb the stair" is an example of splitting an infinitive.

A verb that is preceded by the phrase "to" is an infinitive (to write, to examine, to take). A split infinitive is one that has an adverb between to and the verb itself leading to split infinitive. It is a special type of misplaced modifier. For instance, today is a great day to finally go to the picnic, here finally has inserted as an adverb between to and go (verb) which could have together formed an infinitive ( to go).

Similarly, carefully and cautiously inserted in between to and the verb "climb" which makes a perfect example of splitting an infinitive.

To know more about the rules of split infinitives, follow the below link:


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