in a lab experiment, a sensor is placed to detect the motion of an object relative to the sensor. the sensor was set up to identify the direction away from it as positive. a set of data including the velocity, and acceleration of the object at every 0.01s was recorded. if the values of both, velocity and acceleration, are negative, what statement below about the motion of the object is correct?


Answer 1

The statement below concerning the item's motion is true since the object was edging farther away from the sensor while slowing down.

What are the three categories of acceleration?

The three main categories of accelerated movements are uniform, non-uniform, and average acceleration. When an item moves in a straight path with an increase in speed occurring at regular intervals of time, this motion is referred to as having uniform acceleration.

How do acceleration and velocity compare?

Velocity is the rate at which displacement changes. The pace at which speed changes is known as acceleration. Because it consists of both magnitude and direction, velocity is a vector quantity. Since acceleration is only the rate at which velocity changes, it too is a vector quantity.

To know more about Accelaration visit:


Related Questions

A mass is connected to a spring and is allowed to move horizontally. The mass is at a position L when the spring is unstretched. The mass is then moved, stretching the spring, and released from rest. It then moves with simple harmonic motion. (a) At the instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous acceleration? Grade Summary It is maximum. OIt is zero It is non-zero but not maximum Potential per attempt) Hint I give up 1% -ム33% Part (b) At the instant that the mass asses through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous ーム33% Part (c) At the instant that the spring is compressed the most, what can be said about the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity?


a) The instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous acceleration being zero,

c)  The instant that the spring is compressed the most, what can be said about the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity of Speed ​​is Zero

a) the equation that governs the simple harmonic motion is

        x = A cos (wt +φφ)

Where A is the amplitude of the movement, w is the angular velocity, and φ the initial phase determined by the initial condition

Body acceleration is

        a = d²x / dt²

Let's look for the derivatives

        dx / dt = - A w sin (wt + φ)

        a = d²x / dt² = - A w² cos (wt + φ)

In the instant when it is not stretched x = 0

As the spring is released at maximum elongation, φ = 0

           0 = A cos wt

           Cos wt = 0         wt = π / 2

Acceleration is valid for this angle

          a = -A w² cos π/2 = 0

Acceleration is zero


c) When the spring is compressed x = A

Speed ​​is

            v = dx / dt

            v = - A w sin wt

We look for time

           A = A cos wt

           cos wt = 1         wt = 0, π

For this time the speedy vouchers

           v = -A w sin 0 = 0

Speed ​​is cero

Harmonic movement refers to the movement of an oscillating mass studies when the restoring pressure is proportional to the ​displacement, however in contrary directions. Harmonic motion is periodic and may be represented with the aid of a sine wave with regular frequency and amplitude. An example of that is a weight bouncing on a spring. The motion is called harmonic due to the fact musical contraptions make such vibrations that during flip cause corresponding sound waves in the air.

it is a sort of periodic motion with extreme points. simple harmonic motion is an oscillatory motion wherein the particle's acceleration and force are without delay proportional to its displacement from the mean region at every factor. it's miles a special case of oscillatory movement.

To learn more about Harmonic motion visit here:


a spaceship, 200 m long as seen on board, moves by the earth at. what is its length as measured by an earth-bound observer?


The length of the spaceship as measured by an earth-bound observer is equal to 48.6 m

What is length contraction?

Length contraction can be described as the phenomenon that the length is measured to be shorter than its proper length, which is the length as measured in its own rest frame and is also known as Lorentz contraction.

The original formula of the length contraction leads to the relation:

[tex]{\displaystyle L=L_{0}{\sqrt {1-\frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}[/tex]

In the above equation, both L and L₀ are measured parallel to the line of movement of the object.

Given, the original length of the spaceship, L₀ = 200 m

The speed of the spaceship, v = 0.970 c

The apparent length of the spaceship can be calculated as:

[tex]{\displaystyle L=200\times {\sqrt {1-\frac{(0.970c)^{2}}{c^{2}}}}[/tex]

L = 48.6 m

Learn more about length contraction, here:


Your question was incomplete, most probably the complete question was,

A spaceship, 200 m long as seen on board, moves by the earth at 0.970c. What is its length as measured by an earth-bound observer?

What is the speed of light in m s2?


The speed of light wave is 3×10⁸m/sec. Light waves requires medium to travel, this speed is when light wave travels through vacuum.

The speed of light in vacuum, normally meant c, is a widespread actual steady that is significant in numerous areas of material science. The speed of light c is precisely equivalent to 299,792,458 meters each second (around 300,000 kilometers each second; 186,000 miles each second; 671 million miles for every hour). As per the extraordinary hypothesis of relativity, c is as far as possible for the speed at which traditional matter or energy (and hence any sign conveying data) can go through space.

All types of electromagnetic radiation, including noticeable light, travel at the speed of light. For the vast majority commonsense purposes, light and other electromagnetic waves will seem to engender momentarily, yet for significant distances and extremely delicate estimations, their limited speed makes perceptible impacts.

To know more about speed, visit here:


the moon has a mass of 1×1022 kg, and the gravitational field strength at a distance r from the planet is 0.001 n/kg. what is the gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet?


The gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet is 1×10¹⁹ N

How do I determine the gravitaional force?

From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Mass of moon (M) = 1×10²² KgGravitational field strength (E) = 0.001 N/KgGravitational force (F) =?

From the above data, we can obtain the gravitational force as illustrated below:

Gravitational field strength (E) = force (F) / mass (M)

E = F / M

0.001 = F / 1×10²²

Cross multiply

F = 0.001 × 1×10²²

F = 1×10¹⁹ N

Thus, from the above calculation, we can conclude that the gravitational force is 1×10¹⁹ N

Learn more about gravitational force:


34. Two students each carry a box up to the third floor of a building. The total mass of
each student and the box she is carrying is the same. Kyli makes the trip in 45 s
while Jaci takes 30 s. Which of the girls is doing the most work? Prove it by showing
how much work each of the girls do.


The work done by both students will be equal. Jaci has greater power than Kyli.

What is the work?

Work can be explained as the energy needed when a force is exerted to move an object through a particular displacement. The work done depends upon the displacement and applied force of the object.

W= F × d

Where 'F' represents the exerted force and 'd' represents the displacement.

The power can be described as the rate of doing work and is the work done in unit time.  The mathematical formula for power can be represented as mentioned below.

Power = Work/time = W/t

As the mass of the box is equal and both cover the same distance so the work done by both students will be equal. The time taken by both students is different. Therefore, the power will be different.

More the time is taken, the lesser the power. Therefore, Jaci has greater power than Kyli.

Learn more about work, here:


assume that three irregularly shaped planet-like objects, each smaller than our moon, have just been discovered orbiting the sun at a distance of 35 au. one of your friends argues that the objects should be classified as planets because they are large and orbit the sun. another friend argues that the objects should be classified as dwarf planets, like pluto. state whether you agree or disagree with either or both of your friends. explain your reasoning.


It does not meet all three criteria to be considered a planet.

What are three criteria to be considered as planet?

They determined that a planet must meet the following three requirements:

It must be a body that orbits the Sun independently; as moons orbit planets, they cannot be regarded as planets.It must possess sufficient mass to be drawn into a roughly spheroidal shape by its own gravity.To "dominate" its orbit, it must be massive enough (i.e. its mass must be much larger than anything else which crosses its orbit)

According to the question:

I concur with the buddy who says that it should be categorized as a dwarf planet, similar to Pluto, as Pluto is not large enough. Because it is also smaller than the Earth, it does not meet all three criteria to be considered a planet.

To know more about planets:



It does not meet all three criteria to be considered a planet.

What are three criteria to be considered as planet?

They determined that a planet must meet the following three requirements:

It must be a body that orbits the Sun independently; as moons orbit planets, they cannot be regarded as planets.

It must possess sufficient mass to be drawn into a roughly spheroidal shape by its own gravity.

To "dominate" its orbit, it must be massive enough (i.e. its mass must be much larger than anything else which crosses its orbit)

I agree with my friend who believes it should be classified as a dwarf planet, comparable to Pluto, because Pluto is insufficiently huge. It does not match all three requirements for being called a planet because it is also smaller than the Earth.

To learn more about planets follow the given link:


an object of mass 0.50 kg is transported to the surface of planet x where the object's weight is measured to be 20 n. the radius of the planet is 4.0 x 106 m. what is the mass (kg) of planet x?


Mass of the planet = 9.59 * 10²⁴ Kg

Given that,

Mass of the object, m = 0.5 kg

Weight of the object, W = 20 N

Radius of the planet, r = 4*10⁶ m

The weight of an object is given by :

W = m*g

g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Planet

g = W/m

  = 20/0.5

  =40 m/s²

The expression for g is given by :

g = GM/r²

M= (r²g) / G

M = 9.59 * 10²⁴ Kg


So, the mass of the planet X is 9.59 * 10²⁴ Kg. Hence, this is the required solution.    

To learn more about Mass visit;


What is the wavelength of 200 Hz?


Answer - the correct answer is 150 cm

anderson video - solenoids 4 of 5 review | constants first, launch the video solenoids. after watching the video, answer the follow-up question below. select to launch video part a a solenoid with 200 loops is 60 cm long. it has a current of 4.2 a. what is the magnetic field in this solenoid?


The magnetic field in this solenoid is  0.3438 X 10⁻³ mT.

Number of loops = n = 200

Length of the solenoid = l = 60 cm = 0.6m

Thus, turns per m = 200/0.6 = 333.33

Current through the solenoid = i = 4.2

The magnetic field through the solenoid is = B =

= B = μ X n X I

= B = ( 4 X π X 10⁻⁷ X 200 X 4.2 ) / 0.60

= B = 10500.4 X 10⁻⁷ / 0.60

= B = 34383.66 X 10⁻⁷ T

= B = 0.3438 X 10⁻³ mT

To know more about Solenoid:


9. In drag racing, acceleration is more important than speed, and therefore drag
racers are designed to provide high accelerations. Suppose a drag racer has a
mass of 1250 kg and accelerates at a constant rate of 16.5 m/s². How large is
the unbalanced force acting on the racer?


Drag racers are designed to provide high accelerations.

What is drag racing?

drag racing, form of motor by the  racing that originated in the United of  States and in which 2  contestants race from a particular standing starting side by side on a drag strip—a flat, straight courses, mostly commonly 1/4 mile (0.4 km) long.

In drag racing, acceleration is more importantly than the speed, and therefore drag by the  racers are designed by  the  provide Higher accelerations. Supposed a drag racer has a mass of 1250 kg and accelerates at the constant rate of 16.5 m/s².

To know more about drag racing click-


calculate the de broglie wavelength (in m) of a 1.90 kg rock thrown with a speed of 4.80 m/s into a pond.


The de Broglie wavelength is 6.96 x 10^-33 m of a 1.90 kg rock thrown with a speed of 4.80 m/s into a pond.

λ = h/mv

λ = (6.626 x 10^-34)/(1.90 x 10^-3 x 4.80)

λ = 6.96 x 10^-33 m

Therefore, the de Broglie wavelength is 6.96 x 10^-33 m

De Broglie wavelength is a measure of the wave properties of a particle and is related to the particle's momentum. The equation for calculating the De Broglie wavelength is given by:

λ = h/p


λ = De Broglie wavelength

h = Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J*s)

p = momentum

The momentum of a particle can be calculated using the equation:

p = mv


m = mass of the particle

v = velocity of the particle

In this case, the mass of the rock is 1.90 kg and its velocity is 4.80 m/s.

Therefore, the momentum of the rock is:

p = 1.90 kg x 4.80 m/s = 9.24 kg m/s

Now we can calculate the De Broglie wavelength of the rock using the equation:

λ = h/p

λ = (6.626 x 10^-34 J*s) / (9.24 kg m/s)

λ = 7.

The de Broglie wavelength, named after the French physicist Louis de Broglie, is the quantum mechanical property of a particle that describes its wavelike behavior. It is the wavelength of a particle associated with its momentum, and is given by the equation

λ = h/p

where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck’s constant, and p is the momentum of the particle. This equation is important in understanding the behavior of particles in both classical and quantum mechanics. In classical mechanics, particles are described as having a definite position and momentum, and the de Broglie wavelength allows us to calculate the probability of a particle being in a certain position at a given time. In quantum mechanics, the de Broglie wavelength is used to calculate the probability of a particle being in a certain state.

To learn more about de broglie wavelength:


if pressure increases by 1.000 atm for every 10.00 m of depth, at what depth was the diver working? assume the temperature remains constant.


The diver was working at a depth of 100 m. This can be determined by solving the following equation:

1.000 atm × 10.00 m = X atm × 100 m

X = 10 atm

This means that the pressure increased by 10 atm for every 100 m of depth, which means the diver was working at a depth of 100 m.

Since the temperature remained constant, the pressure increase was solely due to the change in depth.

The pressure increases by 1.000 atm for every 10.00 m of depth. This is known as the hydrostatic pressure equation, which states that pressure (P) is equal to the density of the fluid (rho) multiplied by the acceleration of gravity (g) multiplied by the depth (h):

P = rho * g * h

In this case, we can rearrange the equation to solve for h, the depth at which the diver was working:

h = P / (rho * g)

Since we know that the pressure increases by 1.000 atm for every 10.00 m of depth, we can assume that the pressure at the depth at which the diver was working is P. Therefore, we can substitute P for the pressure in the equation:

h = P / (rho * g)

Since the temperature remains constant, we can assume that the density of the fluid (rho) is also constant. Therefore, we can substitute the value of rho into the equation:

h = P / (rho * g)

Finally, we can substitute the value of acceleration of gravity (g) into the equation:

h = P

To know more about acceleration click here


How does lack of sleep affect muscle recovery?


Sleep is crucial for muscle building. Our muscles develop and fix when we take proper sleep.

Preparing isn't the main thing that can experience the ill effects of absence of sleep. Sleep altogether affects muscle recuperation, and in the event that you don't get sufficient it will influence your endeavors in the exercise center too. At the point when we are drained during our exercises, we might have the option to push through in any case however this negatively affects our body synthesis objectives as well!

We become all the more quickly flustered or deterred with unfortunate activity execution when sluggish which leads us into vices like jumping out for an additional little while of shuteye later around evening time.

To know more about sleep, visit here:


a spring is attached at one end to support b and at the other end to collar a, as represented in the figure. collar a slides along the vertical bar between points c and d. in the figure, the angle is the angle created as the collar moves between points c and d.


A. Distance of point A to point B is: 3.4 feet

B. The value of ∅ is: 54.8 .


The trigonometric ratios to solve for the length or angle of the missing right triangle are: SOH CAH TOA.

The given image shows a right triangle.

Part A: Distance from point A to point B.

reference angle (∅) = 28°

hypotenuse = AB = ?

adjacency = 3 feet To find

AB, apply the trigonometric function CAH Replace

cos ∅ = adj/hyp

. ft (nearest tenth of a foot)

Part B: Value of ∅ at AB = 5.2 feet.

∅ = ?

adj = 3 feet

hyp = AB = 5.2 feet

To find ∅, apply the trigonometric function CAH:

cos ∅ = adj/hyp).

Trigonometry helps find angles and distances and is commonly used in science, engineering, video games, and more. right triangle.

Learn more about trigonometry here :


A mass is connected to a spring and is allowed to move horizontally. The mass is at a position L when the spring is unstretched. The mass is then moved, stretching the spring, and released from rest. It then moves with simple harmonic motion. (a) At the instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous acceleration? Grade Summary It is maximum. OIt is zero It is non-zero but not maximum Potential per attempt) Hint I give up 1% -ム33% Part (b) At the instant that the mass asses through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous ーム33% Part (c) At the instant that the spring is compressed the most, what can be said about the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity?


The spring is then stretched by moving the bulk after which it is set free. It then moves in straightforward harmonic motion. While not maximal, it is not zero either.

Is a mass attached to a spring if its duration is?

The square root of the mass and the spring constant have opposite relationships with respect to the period of a spring-mass system.

What is mass motion when it is connected to a spring?

If there is no friction and the mass is moved just a "small" distance from its equilibrium position at x = 0, the motion of a mass linked to a spring is said to be simple harmonic motion. The displacement needs to be minimal enough to avoid stretching the spring above its elastic limit and causing distortion.

To know more about simple harmonic motion visit:-


A farmer with 2000 meters of fencing wants to enclose a rectangular plot that borders on a straight highway. If the farmer does not fence the side along the highway, what is the larges area that can be enclosed?.


The sides xx and y will be parallel to the road and perpendicular to it, respectively.

2x + y = 2000 y = 2000 2x A = 2x + y = 2x2 + 2000 x

Locate the vertex:

=500 ⇒y=2000−2x\s​=1000\s ⇒A=x⋅y\s​=500⋅1000=500000

The largest area is 500000 square meters.

By rectangle, what do you mean?

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with parallel sides that are equal to one another and four equal vertices. Due of this, it is also known as an equiangular quadrilateral. Due to their equal and parallel opposite sides, rectangles are also known as parallelograms.

To know more about Rectangular visit:


how much tension must a cable withstand if it is used to accelerate a 1400-kg car vertically upward at 0.70 m/s2?


9,800 Newtons of pressure must be supported by the wire (N). T = m x a, where T is tension, m is the car's mass, and an is the velocity, can be utilized to compute that.

T=1400 kg x 0.70 m/s2.

T = 9,800 N

First, figure out how much force is needed to start the car moving.

Force = mass × accelerate

Force = 1400 kg × 0.70 m/s2

Force = 980 N

Step 2: Calculate the tension in the cable.

Tension = Force

Tension = 980 N

Consequently, to propel the vehicle vertically upwards towards a speed of 0.70 m/s2, the wire should endure a tension of 980 N.

A force which draws on something and extends it is known as tension in thermodynamics. This force can be applied across a thread, wire, cord, or even other media. Pulling apart of the medium's extremities causes it to decompress, which is the reverse of compression. To determine the tension in a media, divide the pressure acting on its endpoints by both the surface of its pass.

To know more about accelerate click here


james crosses a river that is flowing west at 5 m/s. if he paddles his boat at 2 m/s north, what is his velocity with respect to the shore?


He is moving toward the coast at a velocity of 13 m/s. James can cross a river flowing at 5 m/s in the west if he paddles his boat at 2 m/s north. There isn't any acceleration up.

The rate of change in an object's position relative to a frame of reference is called velocity, and it depends on time. An object's speed and direction of motion are specified by its velocity. A crucial idea in kinematics is velocity. The pace at which an object's position changes in relation to a frame of reference and time is referred to as its velocity.

v2 - u2 = 2as 5 - u2 = 144 - 144 + 25 = 169 U = 13 m/s

Learn more about velocity here


Need some help with this physics problem!


The gravitational attraction between Tom and Sally is 2.32×10⁻¹⁰ N.

What is gravitational attraction?

This the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface.

To calculate the gravitational attraction between Tom and Sally, we use the formula below.


F = GMm/r²............ Equation 1


F = Gravitational attraction between Tom and SallyG = Universal constantM = Mass of Tomm = Mass of Sallyr = Distance between Tom and Sally.

From the question,


M = 70.8 kgm = 48.1 kgG = 6.672589×10⁻¹¹ N.m²/kg²r = 31.3 m

Substitute these values into equation 1

F = (70.8×48.1×6.672589×10⁻¹¹)/(31.3²)F = 2.32×10⁻¹⁰ N

Hence, the gravitational attraction is 2.32×10⁻¹⁰ N.

Learn more about gravitational attraction here:


the mass of the sun is 1.99 x 1030 kilograms and its distance from a newly discovered planet is 1.5 x 1011 meters. the planet has a mass of 3.26 x 1022 kg. what is the gravitational force between the sun and the planet?


The Gravitational Force between the sun and the planet is 19.231 X 10¹⁹ Newton.

Mass of Sun = M = 1.99 X 10³⁰ Kg

Mass of the planet = m = 3.26 X 10²² Kg

Distance = d = 1.5 X 10¹¹ m

Gravitational Constant = G = 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹

The Gravitational force = F =

= F = (G X M X m ) / d²

= F = ( 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ X 1.99 X 10³⁰ X 3.26 X 10²² ) / ( 1.5 X 10¹¹ )²

= F = 43.27 X 10⁴¹ / 2.25 X 10²²

= F = 19.231 X 10¹⁹ N

To know more about Gravitational Force:


By which primary heat transfer mechanism does one end of a steel rod become hot when the other end is placed in a flame? a) conduction b) combustion c) convection d) radiation


Option A is correct, conduction is the method by which the primary heat transfer mechanism does one end of a steel rod becomes hot when the other end is placed in a flame

Conduction is the manner with the aid of which heat is transferred from the warmer quit to the colder cease of an item. The ability of the item to behave warmth is known as its thermal conductivity and is denoted as k.

Heat spontaneously flows along a temperature gradient. for example, warmth is performed from the hotplate of an electric range to the bottom of a saucepan in contact with it. in the absence of an opposing external riding energy source, inside a frame or between bodies, temperature differences decay through the years, and thermal equilibrium is approached, temperature turning more uniform.

In conduction, the warmth glide within and via the body itself. In evaluation, in a warmness switch by using thermal radiation, the transfer is regular between bodies, which may be separated spatially. warmness also can be transferred by using a combination of conduction and radiation. In solids, conduction is mediated by way of the combination of vibrations and collisions of molecules, propagation and collisions of phonons, and diffusion and collisions of loose electrons. In gases and drinks, conduction is due to the collisions and diffusion of molecules at some stage in their random movement.

Photons in this context do not collide with one another, and so warmness delivery by using electromagnetic radiation is conceptually awesome from heat conduction by way of microscopic diffusion and collisions of cloth particles and phonons. but the difference is frequently now not easily found except the fabric is semi-transparent.

To learn more about Conduction visit here:


protons in an atomic nucleus are typically 10-15 m apart. what is the electric force of repulsion between nuclear protons?


The electric force of repulsion between nuclear protons is 230 Newton.The size of the force varies inversely as the square of the distance between the two charges.

Electric charge consists of two types i.e. positively electric charge and negatively electric charge.There was a famous scientist who investigated about this charges. His name is Coulomb and succeeded in formulating the force of attraction or repulsion between two charges i.e. :

F = electric force (N)

k = electric constant (N m² / C²)

q = electric charge (C)

r = distance between charges (m)

The value of k in a vacuum = 9 x 10⁹ (N m² / C²)

F = k(q1 q2)/ r^2

Distance between protons = d = 10⁻¹⁵ m

charge of proton = q = 1.6 × 10⁻¹⁹ C

Here q1=q2

electric force = F =230N

Coulomb's Law: Two protons in an atomic nucleus are typically separated by a distance of 2×10−15m. The electric repulsive force between the protons is huge, but the attractive nuclear force is even stronger and keeps the nucleus from bursting apart.

2 Nuclei and the Need for an Attractive Nuclear Force. The Coulomb force also acts within atomic nucleii, whose characteristic dimension is 10 m, which is called a fermi. There are two protons in a He nucleus, which repel each other because of the Coulomb force.

To know more about electric force of repulsion:


even if the europa clipper can't send a lander down to europa's surface, it may still be able to sample the sub-ice ocean during some of its flybys. how would this work?


Even if the europa clipper can't send a lander down to europa's surface, it may still be able to sample the sub-ice ocean during some of its flybys because there is some evidence that plumes of water shoot out of Europa, and the spacecraft could fly through them.

What is the reason for plumes of water shoot?

Recent observations suggest that thin plumes might be ejected 100 miles above Europa's surface. The Hubble space telescope and some Galileo satellite data were used to make this finding. Even a NASA-led study team has found water vapor right over Europa's surface. Therefore, plumes emanate from Europa, and if they are connected to the ocean there, a spacecraft may fly through them to collect samples of the subglacial water.

For more info about europa clipper refer:


how much tension must a cable withstand to accellerate a 1400 kg car vertically upward at 0.70 m/s^2





The cars upward accel adds to the gravity accel (think about how suddenly heavy you feel when the elevator starts to move upward)

F = tension = ma

                   = 1400 * ( .7 + 9.81) = 14714 N

in a binary-star system that produces a nova, the white dwarf pulls matter from the companion star. the matter forms an accretion disk that orbits the white dwarf. then a specific sequence of events must take place for a nova event to occur.


The chronological steps that lead to the observed nova event are as follows:

Material accumulates onto the white dwarf star's surface, making its temperature and density increase.Accumulated surface hydrogen begins nuclear fusion at 10 million Kelvin.The reactions from nuclear fusion cause a temporary yet significant increase in luminosity.As nuclear fuel is either burned up or blown into space, nuclear fusion ceases and the star dims down.

A nova event is an astronomical event that causes the occurrence of a bright star that slowly fades over time (usually in weeks or months). It's mainly caused by white dwarf stars that are involved in a close binary system.

Attached below is an image of the Nova Eridani in 2009 taken by Kevin Heider.

Your question seems incomplete, but the completed version is most likely as follows:

In a binary-star system that produces a nova, the white dwarf pulls matter from the companion star. The matter forms an accretion disk that orbits the white dwarf. Then a specific sequence of events must take place for a nova event to occur.

Rank the steps leading up to the observed nova event in chronological order from first to last.

Learn more about white dwarf star at


The specific gravity of an material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water. The specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025.


The percentage of the iceberg that is visible above the water's surface will be 11.5% if specific gravity of ice is 0.917.

We know very well that density is defined as the division of mass with per unit volume. It is an important factor in order to find  the fluid and its properties. Its SI.unit is kg/m³.

We know very well that the mass and density relation is given by the formula

mass = density × volume

We are given density of ice = 917 kg/m³,density of the seawater=1025 kg/m³

Therefore, the ratio by which the iceberg submerge is found as


where V and ρ is defined as the volume of the iceberg and ρ is defined as the density of the substance.


=>[tex]V_s[/tex]/V =917/1025


or we can 89.5% of ice is submerged inside the water.

But we need to find the percentage which is visible to us, it means we need to subtract the submerged percentage from total percentage possible.

⇒The percentage which is visible to us=100-.89.5 %

⇒The percentage which is visible to us=11.55 %

To learn more about the density, visit here:


a contact lens is made of plastic with an index of refraction of 1.30. the lens has an outer radius of curvature of 2.04 cm and an inner radius of curvature of 2.54 cm. what is the focal length of the lens?


The focal length of a camera lens, which is frequently stated in millimeters, is its fundamental description (mm), to the point where light rays converge to form a sharp image of an object.

An optical medium's refractive index, commonly referred to as the refraction index, is a dimensionless statistic that describes how well the medium bends light. Focal length, the amount of light that enters a substance is refracted or bent depends on the substance's refractive index. When a beam travels across the boundary between two media with refractive indices of n1 and n2, its angles of incidence and refraction are, respectively, n1 sin 1 and n2 sin 2, which describe this. The refractive indices determine the critical angle for total internal reflection, the intensity of the reflected light (Fresnel's equations), Brewster's angle, and the volume of light reflected when it reaches the interface. Since the speed of light in a medium is equal to v = c/n and the wavelength in that medium is equal to 0/n, where 0 is the wavelength of that light in vacuum, the refractive index can be thought of as the parameter that lowers those values relative to their vacuum values. This assumes that vacuum has a refractive index of 1, and that the frequency of the wave (f = v/) is unaffected by the refractive index.

To know more about Focal length please refer:


which of the elements of a legal contract does an insurance premium payment represent?


Consideration is the element of a legal contract that the insurance premium payments represent.

A legally binding agreement is referred to as a "contract". It consists of five fundamental components:

OfferAcceptanceConsiderationCompetent partiesLegal purpose

What is "consideration" as one of the fundamental components of a contract?

A party provides another party with consideration when they provide something of value. Each party has committed to respecting the terms of the agreement by exchanging compensation in this manner. Every legal contract must have this component. The initial premium payment is the applicant's consideration for insurance contracts. If a fee is included in the application, coverage could start the day it is filed. The first premium would not become due to the insurer/insurer agent until after the application has been submitted in such case.

Learn more about legal contract here:


What is the wavelength of a sound wave traveling at 340 m/s through the air at a frequency of 440 Hz?


The wavelength of wave is 1.29m  if the speed of wave is 340meters/sec and the frequency of the wave is 440Hz.

Right when you let out a boisterous cry inside a chasm, you consistently hear the reverberation of the holler. The sound waves travel through the medium; for this current situation, the air and skirt off the gorge wall and return to the beginning of the sound (you). The outcome is that you hear the reverberation of your holler.

We know that when an electromagnetic wave is going through speed v passing in a medium, it contains specific speed and frequency which is given by the expression

c=ν × λ

where c is defined as the speed of light in vacuum,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Now, we have frequency(ν) = 440Hz, and speed(c)=340m/sec

So, using the above formula, we get




Hence, wavelength of sound wave is 1.29m

To know more about wavelength, visit here:


rank the following steps that lead to a type i supernova event in order of when they occur from first to last.


The steps that lead to a type I supernova event, in order of when they occur from first to last, are:

Initial Stateaccretion disk on growing WDWD at Chandrasekhar limit carbon fusion beginsdetonation Final State

Initial state: The supernova process begins with a white dwarf star (WD) in a binary system. The WD is orbited by a companion star that is transferring matter onto the WD, forming an accretion disk around the WD.

Accretion disk on growing WD: As the companion star continues to transfer matter onto the WD, the accretion disk grows larger. This causes the WD to become more massive and increase in size.

WD at Chandrasekhar limit: At a certain point, the WD reaches the Chandrasekhar limit, which is the maximum mass a WD can have without collapsing. This occurs when the WD's mass is about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun.

Carbon fusion begins: As the WD continues to grow in mass and size, the pressure and temperature at its core become so high that carbon fusion begins. This process releases a huge amount of energy, which causes the WD to expand rapidly and become unstable.

Detonation: The unstable WD eventually reaches a critical point, known as the detonation point, where a sudden, explosive release of energy occurs. This is the beginning of the actual supernova event.

Final state: After the detonation, the WD continues to expand and cool, eventually becoming a supernova remnant. This is the final state of the supernova process.

Learn More About Supernova here:


Complete Question:

rank the following steps that lead to a type i supernova event in order of when they occur from first to last.

-Initial State

-accretion disk on growing WD


-carbon fusion begins

-WD at Chandrasekhar limit

-Final State

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