In 1800 the US was much weaker than the European countries. Why would the Federalists believe the government should favor wealthy bankers and merchants?


Answer 1


because they are greedy and want only what they want


Related Questions

How has a U-Boat generally been
A. as a passenger ship
B. as a battleship
C. as an aircraft carrier
D. as a submarine





The U-Boat was a submarine I believe :) It was special because it was key technology used during the war

Mrs.Jones lives with her husband , their children and her nieces and nephews . Which family rom exists in the Jones home. A single , b nuclear , c extended d , blended





Your extended family includes your nieces and nephews and other family members that you do not share blood with directly ie, aunts and uncles.

Which factor encouraged more immigrants to settle in northern states than in southern states?

Southern states had smaller industrial sectors

Northern states had lower population densities

Governments in the north were less corrupt

Citizenship requirements in southern states were not as strict



Explanation: A because southern states had farming while the north was industrying heavily

Explain the obsession with fads during the 1920s.



Roaring Twenties fads ranged from the athletic to the ludicrous.  New dance steps such as the Charleston swept the nation's dance halls, and young Americans were eager to prove their agility.

Explanation: One of the most popular trends of the decade

What type of warfare did Union generals use at the Battle of Shiloh to defeat the confederate forces


Broadly the Federal artillery was equipped with rifled guns firing shells, while the Confederate artillery was equipped with the old style smooth bore cannon, of lesser range and accuracy; firing ball, grape shot and case shot.


Generals used attrition warfare; they held a line of defense and continuously reinforced it with troops.

Explanation: on the text it explains well.

Who did Sam Houston bring in to help reduce the number of Native American raids and protect settlers?



Sam Houston ordered the Rangers to protect the Indian lands from encroachment by settlers and illegal traders.

plzz help me this is due in like 20 mins


a. was very similar to the british govt.

I'm not sure but I would say C...

A not cause they were fighting for independence

B not cause there was no president,

they wanted an united nation for acceptance in foreign matters and markets... so honestly I'd say C cause they initially didn't wand a republic... but in the end saw that it was a necessity...

28. A preliminary hearing only happens in what types of cases?


Preliminary hearings are only available in felony cases.

Preliminary hearings are held only in cases in which a defendant pleads not guilty at the arraignment or initial appearance. But even then, whether a preliminary hearing will be held depends upon the laws of each state. In some states, preliminary hearings are held in every criminal case.

HURRY PLS What was the largest social class in ancient West African societies?

the royal class
the upper class
the middle class
the enslaved class


The largest social class in ancient West African societies was the middle class. The correct option is (C).

What do you mean by social class in west African Society?

The most typical social classes are upper, medium, and lower classes. A social class is a collection of individuals organized into a set of hierarchical social categories.

The hierarchy within African class systems is governed by three fundamental concepts. The first of these is elderhood, which is the state of being senior to another person.

The second is servitude, which is the state of being in charge of or under the direction of someone else. The third factor is rank, which refers to a person's standing in relation to the ruling class.

As with other West African ethnic groupings, the slave class was the greatest stratum and made up up to half of the population among the Soninke.

Therefore, the largest social class in ancient West African societies was the middle class.

To know more about the social class, visit:


How were nobles different from priests or scribes?



Nobles were powerful military leaders who could command the “banners” of the many knights who lived on their lands, leading them into battle for the king, or in some cases, for their own purposes.

The priests was in charge of ensuring religious occasions and events were observed and would hold the responsibility to perform the final rites to the dying.

Scribes had knowledge of the law and could draft legal documents (contracts for marriage, divorce, loans, inheritance, mortgages, the sale of land, and the like). Every village had at least one scribe.


It is a debate
Was the treaty of Versailles was too harsh to place on Germany following defeat in ww1?



The treatment Germany received was a bit too harsh, as the country could not feed and clothe her people, or provide jobs and security.


The Treaty of Versailles, signed in June 1919 at the Palace of Versailles in Paris at the end of World War I, codified peace terms between the victorious Allies and Germany. The Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for starting the war and imposed harsh penalties in terms of loss of territory, massive reparations payments and demilitarization. Far from the “peace without victory” that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had outlined in his famous Fourteen Points in early 1918, the Treaty of Versailles humiliated Germany while failing to resolve the underlying issues that had led to war in the first place. Economic distress and resentment of the treaty within Germany helped fuel the ultra-nationalist sentiment that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party, as well as the coming of a World War II just two decades later.

The Fourteen Points  

In a speech to Congress in January 1918, Wilson laid out his idealistic vision for the post-war world. In addition to specific territorial settlements based on an Entente victory, Wilson’s so-called Fourteen Points emphasized the need for national self-determination for Europe’s different ethnic populations. Wilson also proposed the founding of a “general association of nations” that would mediate international disputes and foster cooperation between different nations in the hopes of preventing war on such a large scale in the future. This organization eventually became known as the League of Nations.

Wilson’s Fourteen Points are summarized below:  

1. Diplomacy should be public, with no secret treaties.

2. All nations should enjoy free navigation of the seas.

3. Free trade should exist among all nations, putting an end to economic barriers between countries.

4. All countries should reduce arms in the name of public safety.

5. Fair and impartial rulings in colonial claims.

6. Restore Russian territories and freedom.

7. Belgium should be restored to independence.

8. Alsace-Lorraine should be returned to France and France should be fully liberated.

9. Italy’s frontiers should be drawn along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.

10. People living in Austria-Hungary should be granted self-determination.

11. The Balkan states should also be guaranteed self-determination and independence.

12. Turks and those under Turkish rule should be granted self-determination.

13. An independent Poland should be created.

14. A general association of nations must be formed to mediate international disputes.

When German leaders signed the armistice ending hostilities in World War I on November 11, 1918, they believed this vision articulated by Wilson would form the basis for any future peace treaty. This would not prove to be the case.

The Paris Peace Conference

The Paris Peace Conference opened on January 18, 1919, a date that was significant in that it marked the anniversary of the coronation of German Emperor Wilhelm I, which took place in the Palace of Versailles at the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. Prussian victory in that conflict had resulted in Germany’s unification and its seizure of Alsace and Lorraine provinces from France. In 1919, France and its prime minister, Georges Clemenceau, had not forgotten the humiliating loss, and intended to avenge it in the new peace agreement.  

The Terms of the Versailles Treaty

The “Big Four” leaders of the victorious Western nations—Wilson of the United States, David Lloyd George of Great Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France and, to a lesser extent, Vittorio Orlando of Italy—dominated the peace negotiations in Paris. Germany and the other defeated powers, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, were not represented at the conference; nor was Russia, which had fought as one of the Allied powers until 1917, when the country’s new Bolshevik government concluded a separate peace with Germany and withdrew from the conflict.

The Big Four themselves had competing objectives in Paris: Clemenceau’s main goal was to protect France from yet another attack by Germany. He sought heavy reparations from Germany as a way of limiting German economic recovery after the war and minimizing this possibility. Lloyd George, on the other hand, saw the rebuilding of Germany as a priority in order to reestablish the nation as a strong trading partner for Great Britain. For his part, Orlando wanted to expand Italy’s influence and shape it into a major power that could hold its own alongside the other great nations. Wilson opposed Italian territorial demands, as well as previously existing arrangements regarding territory between the other Allies; instead, he wanted to create a new world order along the lines of the Fourteen Points. The other leaders saw Wilson as too naive and idealistic, and his principles were difficult to translate into policy.

Why does Hitler believe its important to distinguish between emotional response and
facts when it comes to the Jewish population?



Hitler, from a physical point of view, is not, however, a very imposing figure - certainly not the Platonic idea of a great, fighting Leader or the Deliverer of Germany and the creator of a New Reich. In height he is a little below average. His hips are wide and his shoulders relatively narrow. His muscles are flabby; his legs short, thin and spindly, the latter being hidden in the past by heavy boots and more recently by long trousers. He has a large torso and is hollow-chested to the point where it is said that he has his uniforms padded. From a physical point of view he could not pass the requirements to his own elite guard.


Hope this will help


Hitler, from a physical point of view, is not, however, a very imposing figure - certainly not the Platonic idea of a great, fighting Leader or the Deliverer of Germany and the creator of a New Reich. In height he is a little below average. His hips are wide and his shoulders relatively narrow. His muscles are flabby; his legs short, thin and spindly, the latter being hidden in the past by heavy boots and more recently by long trousers. He has a large torso and is hollow-chested to the point where it is said that he has his uniforms padded. From a physical point of view he could not pass the requirements to his own elite guard.


Who did Sam Houston bring in to help reduce the number of Native American raids and protect settlers?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Sam Houston brought in the Texas Rangers and militias to help reduce the number of Native American raids and protect settlers.

That was the best decision that he could make before the constant raids and attacks of the Native American Indian tribes in the region. Sam Houston relied on the Texas Rangers and militias to protect the settlements, the people, and the property in Central Texas.

Indians used to steal and attack white settlers in Texas, that is why he ordered Rangers to attack aggressive Indians such as Caddos, Tehuacanas, Sabine, Pawnees, and Comanches. They stole horses and hurt white people.

Write a paragraph on a recent fad that resulted in a shortage of that item. Tickets for a concert, the latest design of Air Jordans, etc. are examples of fads that would fit here. Draw connections between the demand for the fad and its price. Predict what happened when the fad is no longer a fad.



Grocery shortages have ranged from reasonably concerning to harmlessly annoying this year. For example, the surge in panic-buying caused shortages of meat and flour in the spring, which understandably scared many Americans. But there have also been shortages of our favorite beverages and snacks, not necessarily the things we can't live without, but rather the things we don't want to live without, as food companies had to trim down their production pipelines.

Where the colonies met to discuss their rights and unite as one


Answer: Conventional wisdom. The Congress convened in Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia from September 5 to October 26, 1774, with delegates from 12 British colonies in attendance. They were chosen by the citizens of each province, the colonial assembly, or the colony's Committee of Correspondence.


will give brainlist!!!
Which of the following groups is LESS LIKELY to vote for a Democrat?
Minority Races


I think that wealthy is the answer for this

hope this helped

Catholics because they are the most conservative out of all the groups listed. The views of Catholics are more on par with republican views

How do you think women were more helpful in the war- at home, as nurses or spies? Explain in at least two sentences.



Personally I think women were most helpful at home because most of the men were at war and things still needed to be completed at home. Things being that kids needed to be taught, fed and looked after.


Women were most helpful as nurses because women are more of caretakers with them having motherly instincts.

You can choose which answer you like best.



Women were more helpful at home because women could not really fight back then because it was against the laws, but they could help raise money for the war from home.


SOURCE A Qur'an 35:44 Nothing in the heavens or on earth can induce weakness or impotence in God; indeed, God is all-knowing and all-powerful. B T U E E X. X? 52​


Answer:  I do Not know its d

Explanation: need points

sentences with the word:

- Anti-federalist

I need help plz




In S.C. anti-federalist were from the Upcountry

opposed a stronger federal government.

What was the role of privateers such as Francis Drake?



Its B


I just took the Penn Foster test

The role of privateers such as Francis Drake was to act as a state-sponsored pirate. Thus, option B is correct.

Who was Francis Drake?

Sir Francis Drake was a sea captain, privateer, slave dealer, naval commander, and politician from England. Drake is most remembered for his solo tour of the globe from 1577 to 1580.

Drake was the first Englishman to sail the Straits of Magellan, a maritime path near South America's southern point that connects the Atlantic and Pacific seas.

Francis Drake was a well-known seafarer who was born in Tavistock, Devon, during the Elizabethan period. Drake, though, is arguably better recognized as a privateer, or pirate, as one of the key English commanders who battled against the Spanish Armada. Therefore, it can be concluded that option B is correct.

Learn more about Francis Drake here:


What issue caused South Carolina to threaten secession?
A. Indian Removal Act
B. Jacksonian Democracy
C. Jackson's opposition to the National Bank
D. Tariffs


D. Tariffs.


Tariffs are basically taxes that are put onto foreign exports and imports, meaning if you buy overseas it will be more expensive than buying in your own country. This also meant that products being made in the United States looked less desirable to foreign countries because there was a tariff on them.

The South hated tariffs, as they had focused on agriculture and that meant most of the time they were selling overseas. They knew that if a high tariff was going to be put on their products, other countries may not want to buy them anymore. This also made it more expensive for them to buy overseas, which they hated. The North favored tariffs, as they were focused on industrialization, which meant the tariff forced people to buy from American businesses because it was cheaper.

South Carolina despised tariffs and even enacted the Ordinance of Nullification. This essentially said that tariffs were unconstitutional, that South Carolina thought of them as null and void, and that they weren't going to follow them anymore. They threatened to secede from the Union if the tariffs were not lowered, which eventually did cause the tariffs to be lowered.

In 1946 Stalin placed tight restrictions on countries in the?



Eastern bloc


In 1946 Stalin placed tight restrictions on countries in the "EASTERN BLOC"

The purpose of placing tight restrictions is to control the area following the aftermath of world war II. He was able to do this by using the Soviet Union red army to control the activities of the countries in Eastern Bloc such as Poland, East Germany, Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary.

What is the term used to describe the return of white
Democratic political control after reconstruction



Usually it would be known as Home Rule


Why did the United States enter into World War I?



I think it's the last answer.


the third sounds more reasonable

that what I think

What is the harm to federalism if a state can tax a national bank?




The state of Maryland decided to tax the Baltimore branch of the Bank of the ... who could levy taxes and therefore the national bank was infringing on state powers ... had two significant effects on what federalism means for the United States.

2. Define the term "popular sovereignty."




Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (rule by the people), who are the source of all political power.


popular sovereignty is a doctrine in political theory that government is created by and subject to the will of the people.


Which of the following conservation programs provides financial help for installing and constructing renewable energy systems?

Conservation Reserve Program

Conservation Stewardship Program

Environmental Quality Incentive Program

Rural Energy for America Program



Conservation Reserve Program. Environmental Quality Incentive Program.

Rural Energy for America Program


Islam spread into West Africa beginning and the 700s.which part of Africa do you think was first introduced to this religion? how do you think Islam traveled into West Africa?​


Answer: North Africa was first introduced to Islam because it was closest to the Middle East. Islam then spread to West Africa through the Sahara Desert. You just studied 27 terms!

Hopes this helps um can u pls mark me as brainliest


Can someone help me?



Akkadian empire

No person deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” How would this amendment sound if it described the way things really were?



Very mixed opinions


It depends on the person, while some would believe that this is true, others would think that it is deserved depending on what they did (ex: murder)

also, some might find offensive depending on how they have been treated for particular/no reason.

so while some would believe its fine others wouldn't.

Other Questions
Water is an absolutely necessary for life. Explain: 1)Where is water found? The water cycle? 2)Why is water essential for live? 3)What can humans can do to protect it?(Can you Write a big paragraph Pls) Which part of the Magna Carta is reflected in the US Constitution?FIRST, THAT WE HAVE GRANTED TO GOD, and by this present charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired. That we wish this so to be observed, appears from the fact that of our own free will, before the outbreak of the present dispute between us and our barons, we granted and confirmed by charter the freedom of the Church's electionsa right reckoned to be of the greatest necessity and importance to itand caused this to be confirmed by Pope Innocent III. This freedom we shall observe ourselves, and desire to be observed in good faith by our heirs in perpetuity.TO ALL FREE MEN OF OUR KINGDOM we have also granted, for us and our heirs forever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs: No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.A) before the outbreak of the present dispute between us and our baronsB) This freedom we shall observe ourselves, and desire to be observed in good faith by our heirs in perpetuityC) to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirsD) except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land. can someone plz help me This is 10 points plz help ( NO LINKS )( ONLY ANSWER THIS IF YOU HAVE AN EXPLANATION AND IF YOU KNOW WHAT THE ANSWER IS) What is 5 3/4 - 6 1/2 Carlin and Marley, an accounting firm, provides consulting and tax planning services. For many years, the firm's total administrative cost (currently $270,000) has been allocated to services on this basis of billable hours to clients. A recent analysis found that 55% of the firm's billable hours to clients resulted from tax planning services, while 45% resulted from consulting services. The firm, contemplating a change to activity-based costing, has identified three components of administrative cost, as follows: Staff Support$200,000 In-house computing charges 50,000 Miscellaneous office costs 20,000 Total$270,000 A recent analysis of staff support found a strong correlation with the number of clients served. In contrast, in-house computing and miscellaneous office cost varied directly with the number of computer hours logged and number of client transactions, respectively. Consulting clients served totaled 35% of the total client base, consumed 30% of the firm's computer hours, and accounted for 20% of the total client transactions. If Carlin and Marley switched from its current accounting method to an activity-based costing system, the amount of administrative cost chargeable to consulting services would: Someone help with this question Which expression is equivalent to (3-4)+5 The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the consumer price index as 229.6 in December 2012, and 246.5 in December 2017. By what percentage did the index increase from the end of 2012 to the end of 2017 (rounded to one decimal place) I need a answer to 77.5% of 13.270 PLSSSS HELP ME WITH PLOT TWISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLSS HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIESTType the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.Which area of number sense relates to the quantity of ingredients in recipes?A _______ is an area of number sense that relates to the quantity of ingredients in recipes. ANS FAST Predict any new development in the field of transport in India. WHO WILL GIVE THE WRITE ANS I WILL MARK HIM AS BRAINLIEST. Answer this please Ill give brainlest if you answer it correctly! In horses, black coat color is influenced by the dominant allele (B) and chestnut coat color by the recessive allele (b). Trotting gait is due to a dominant gene (T), pacing gait to the recessive allele (t). What color horse would you use to find out the exact genotype of a black trotter? Explain. The area for the trapezoid is__in2. PLS HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help me with dis A cart is pushed ahead for 3.5 s with a force of 360 N. Determine the change in momentum of the cart. Which of these statements best supports the idea that a cell is the basic unit of a living organism?A.The number of cells in an organism affects the size of that organism.B.A tissue is composed of cells with similar structure and function.C.Some organisms have only one cell.D.All organisms are made up of one or more cells.