In 1666 at the age of 23, what scientist
developed the theories of gravitation inspired
by an apple falling from a tree?

A. Galileo Galilei
B. Issac Newton
C. Albert Einstein
D. Nicolaus Copernicus


Answer 1


B - Isaac Newton


He first thought of his system of gravitation which he hit upon by observing an apple fall from a tree,

The incident occurring in the late summer of 1666.

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In what way does water change when condensation occurs?

from gas to liquid

from liquid to solid

from liquid to gals

from solid to liquid


from gas to liquid

please mark brainliest

[O.05]Which of these Earth spheres interact with oceans during beach erosion?




hydrosphere of these Earth spheres interact with oceans during beach erosion.




The geosphere is the solid parts of the earth including rocks, minerals, and sand on the beach. The shoreline is where the geosphere meets the ocean. This is how they interact during erosion.

It is not the hydrosphere because the ocean is a part of the hydrosphere.

Which would be a good analogy of wave motion


I think (C )


i believe it would be C


A wave with a frequency of 5Hz travels a distance of 40mm in 2 seconds.What is the speed of the wave​



20mm per second


Which statement about oceans is incorrect?

A Evaporation occurs when water is warmed by the sun.
B Most evaporation and precipitation occur over the ocean.
C 97 percent of Earth's water is fresh water from the ocean.
D Water leaves the ocean by the process of evaporation.


It is C because less than one percent of water is fresh water

What is the weight of a 25 kg object on Earth with an acceleration due to gravity of 9.8m/s/s?

2.45 n
24.5 n
245 n
2450 n​


245 n hope this helps

why type of volcano is built almost entirely from ejected lava fragments



Shield volcanoes


The half-life of radium-226 is 1590 years. (a) A sample of radium-226 has a mass of 100 mg. Find a formula for the mass of the sample that remains after t years. (b) Find the mass after 1000 years correct to the nearest milligram. (c) When will the mass be reduced to 40 mg? SOLUTION (a) Let m(t) be the mass of radium-226 (in milligrams) that remains after t years. Then dm/dt = km and m(0) = 100, so this theorem gives m(t) = m(0)ekt = ekt. In order to determine the value of k, we use the fact that m(1590) = 1 2 . Thus e1590k = so e1590k = and 1590k = ln 1 2 = − ln(2) k = . Therefore m(t) = . We could use the fact that eln(2) = 2 to write the expression for m(t) in the alternative form m(t) = . (b) The mass after 1000 years is as follows. (Round your final answer to the nearest milligram.) m(1000) = ≈ mg



See explanation


a) Formula for the mass of the sample that remains after t years = N= Noe^-kt


N = mass at time t years

No = mass at time t= 0

k = decay constant

t = time taken


N = 100e^-kt

b) First,

t1/2 = -ln(1/2)/k

t1/2 = 0.693/k

t1/2 = half life of radium-226 =1590 years

1590 = 0.693/k

k = 0.693/1590

k = 4.36 * 10^-4


N= 100e^-(4.36 * 10^-4 * 1000)

N= 65 mg

c) From

N = 100e^-kt

40 = 100e^-(4.36 * 10^-4t)

40/100 = e^-(4.36 * 10^-4t)

0.4 = e^-(4.36 * 10^-4t)

ln(0.4) = ln(e^-(4.36 * 10^-4t))

-0.9163 = -4.36 * 10^-4t

t = 0.9163/4.36 * 10^-4

t = 2102 years

When individuals improve their aerobic endurance, which body systems are affected?


When individuals improve their aerobic endurance, which body systems are affected?

Anwser: your heart and lungs

an egg is Free Falling Down from a nest in a tree (neglect air resistance)​


We are to calculate the acceleration.


-9.8 m/s²


Since the egg is in a free fall, it means that the force due to gravity will be equal to the normal force.


Force due to gravity: F_g = mg

Normal force; F_n = ma


mg = ma

m will cancel out to get

g = a

Since it is a free fall motion, then gravity is negative;

-g = a

g has a constant value of 9.8 m/s². Thus;

a = -9.8 m/s²

A truck of mass 1600 kg is traveling at 15 m/s. In order to avoid running over a squirrel in the middle of the road, the truck driver begins to brake. What must the braking force on the truck be if the truck comes to stop in 2 s? *

b) 8000n


I think A is correct

The surface of the sun has a temperature of about 5,800 Kelvin. What is the average kinetic energy of particles on the surface of the sun? Please show your work





So that's three over two times 1.38 times ten to the minus twenty-three joules per Kelvin, times 5500 degrees Celsius, the surface of the sun converted into Kelvin by adding 273.15. This works out to 1.20 times ten to the minus nineteen joules. So that's the average kinetic energy of hydrogen atoms.

what is dimensional analysis​


Is the analysis of the relationship between different physical quantities by identifying their base quantities and units of measure and tracking these dimensions as calculations or comparison are performed.


The formula used to convert from the metric system outside of it. So like converting kilograms into pounds. The Formula is as follows:

# unit x (#unit/#unit) = # unit

   ^                  ^                 ^

   I                   I                  I

given        Conversion  Answer


*Note: Italic "units" are the same. Bold "units" are the same.


One thousand eighty kilometers is how many miles? Set it up dimensionally.

1080 km (1 mi/1.61 km) = 670.81 mi

*This is because 1080 x 1 = 1080, but then you divide 1080 by 1.61

Which of the following statements about treatment for self-injury (SI) is not true?



Its true


a sports car has a mass of 1300kg.Starting from the rest the car generates a force of 4400 N.The frictional force opposing this motion is 280 N.What is the car’s acceleration


since the car moves, the force needed to move is greater than the frictional forces opposing it

a = 3.17m/s²

The acceleration of the car with a mass of 1300 kg which starts from rest generating a force of 4400 N and having a frictional force of 280 N is 3.17 m/s²

We'll begin by calculating the net force acting on the car. This can be obtained as follow:

Force (F) = 4400 N

Frictional force (Fբ) = 280 N

Net force (Fₙ) =?

Fₙ = F – Fբ

Fₙ = 4400 – 280

Fₙ = 4120 N

Thus, the net force acting on the car is 4120 N

Finally, we shall determine the acceleration of the car. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass (m) = 1300 Kg

Net force (F) = 4120 N

Acceleration (a) =?

Force = Mass × Acceleration

4120 = 1300 × a

Divide both side by 1300

[tex]a = \frac{4120}{1300}\\\\[/tex]

a = 3.17 m/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of the car is 3.17 m/s².

Learn more:

A 50 kg mass is sitting on a frictionless surface. An unknown constant force called force A pushes the mass for 2 seconds until the mass reaches a velocity of 3 m/s. If the 50 kg mass is now pushed by an unknown force B and reaches the velocity of 3 m/s in 4 seconds, compare the impulse delivered to the mass when acted upon by force A with the impulse delivered to the mass when acted on by force B? *

A) The impulse delivered to the mass when acted upon by force A is greater
B) The impulse delivered to the mass when acted upon by force B is greater
C) The impulse is the same in each case
D) We need to know the value of force A and force B in order to determine this




An airplane has a momentum of 8.55 x 107 kg.m/s[S] and a velocity of 900 km/h[S]. Determine the mass of the airplane.


95000kg is the mass of the airplane.

What is momentum?

A property of a moving body that the body has by virtue of its mass and motion and that is equal to the product of the body's mass and velocity.

It is also known as the property of a moving body that determines the length of time required to bring it to rest when under the action of a constant force.

Mathematically ,

p = mv

According to the question,

Momentum of airplane =  8.55 x 10⁷ kg.m/s

Velocity of airplane =  900 km/h

Computing the values in the formula,

p = mv

8.55 x 10⁷ kg.m/s =  m x  900 km/h

m =[tex]\frac{8.55 * 10^7 kg.m/s}{900 km/h}[/tex]

m = 95000 kg

Therefore ,

The mass of the airplane 95000 kg

Learn more about momentum here:


Each vertical line on the graph is 1 millisecond (0.001 s) of time. What is the period and
frequency of the sound waves?
Help me!!!!!



1000 Hz


please mark me as brainliest

1. What is matter?
2. What are the three phases of matter?
3. Describe how gas particles move.
4. What is temperature?
5. The slower the particles, the ______________ the temperature.
6. A change in temperature causes what?
7. What is the difference between boiling and evaporation?
8. What is sublimation?
9. Name the three ways thermal energy is transferred.
10. Sunburn is an example of what?
11. Give an example of convection.
12. What is conduction?
13. What is the difference between conductors and insulators?


2. The three phases of matter is solid, liquid, gas


1.matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.

2.The three fundamental phases of matter are solid, liquid, and gas (vapour),

3.In gases the particles move rapidly in all directions, frequently colliding with each other and the side of the container. With an increase in temperature, the particles gain kinetic energy and move faster. ... In liquids, particles are quite close together and move with random motion throughout the container.

3.In gases the particles move rapidly in all directions, frequently colliding with each other and the side of the container. With an increase in temperature, the particles gain kinetic energy and move faster. ... In liquids, particles are quite close together and move with random motion throughout the container.

The local church is hosting a carnival which includes a bumper car ride. Bumper car A and its driver have a mass of 300 kg; bumper car B and its driver have a mass of 200 kg. Bumper car A has a velocity to the right of 2 m/s and bumper car B is at rest. At t = 0 s, bumper car A and B are separated by 10 m. Bumper car A accelerates at 1 m/s2 to a velocity of 4 m/s and continues at this constant speed until colliding with bumper car B.

Calculate the time required for bumper car A to travel the 10 m to collide with bumper car B.
Calculate the speed of bumper car A following the collision with bumper car B, which now has a velocity to the right of 3 m/s.
Is the direction of motion for bumper car A following the collision with bumper car B to the right, to the left, or is bumper car A at rest?
Is the collision elastic? Justify your answer.



a. 20 s

b. 0 m/s  

c. right its inelastic because when the car b was at rest and a was coming in at it, since b had no force what so ever car a swept it away with it moving to the right


im not sure though

By applying conservation of linear momentum, the answers are:

1. Time = 2 s

2. 3 m/s

3. same direction

4. Inelastic collision


There are for types of collision. They are;

Elastic CollisionPerfectly elastic collisionInelastic collisionPerfectly Inelastic collision

Given that a local church is hosting a carnival which includes a bumper car ride. Bumper car A and its driver have a mass of 300 kg; bumper car B and its driver have a mass of 200 kg. Bumper car A has a velocity to the right of 2 m/s and bumper car B is at rest. At t = 0 s, bumper car A and B are separated by 10 m. Bumper car A accelerates at 1 m/s2 to a velocity of 4 m/s and continues at this constant speed until colliding with bumper car B.

1. The time required for bumper car A to travel the 10 m to collide with bumper car B can be calculated by using first equation of linear motion.

V = U + at


V = 4 m/s

U = 2 m/s

a = 1 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex]

Substitute all the parameters into the formula

4 = 2 + t

t = 4 - 2

t = 2s

2. To calculate the speed of bumper car A following the collision with bumper car B, which now has a velocity to the right of 3 m/s, we will apply conservation of linear momentum

[tex]m_{1}u_{1}[/tex] = [tex]m_{1}v_{1}[/tex] + [tex]m_{2}v_{2}[/tex]

300 x 4 = 300V + 200 x 3

1200 = 300V + 300

300V = 1200 - 300

300V = 900

V = 900/300

V = 3 m/s

3. Since the final velocity of car A is positive, the direction of motion for bumper car A follows the collision with bumper car B to the right.

4. Since the both move at the same velocity, the collision inelastic.

Learn more about Collision here:

What is the difference in the speed of the generator with a small magnet and a generator with a large magnet?


With a small magnet with a generator it will be taken up quickly because how small it is while with a big generator it would take more force for it for the generator to attach because the larger the magnet that heavier it will be because it is attached to the North Pole magnet




The earth rotates through one complete revolution every 24 hours. Since the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the equator, you can think of a person standing on the equator as standing on the edge of a disc that is rotating through one complete revolution every 24 hours. Find the angular and linear velocity of a person standing on the equator. The radius of earth is approximately 4000 miles.



ω = 7.27 x 10⁻⁵ rad/s

v = 467.99 m/s


First, we will find the angular velocity of the person:

[tex]Angular\ Velocity = \omega = \frac{Angular\ Distance}{Time}[/tex]

Angular distance covered = 1 rotation = 2π radians

Time = (24 h)(3600 s/ 1 h) = 86400 s


[tex]\omega = \frac{2\pi\ rad}{86400\ s}[/tex]

ω = 7.27 x 10⁻⁵ rad/s

Now, for the linear velocity:

[tex]v = r\omega[/tex]


v = linear velocity = ?

r = radius of earth = (4000 miles)(1609.34 m/1 mile) = 6437360 m


[tex]v = (6437360\ m)(7.27\ x\ 10^{-5}\ rad/s)[/tex]

v = 467.99 m/s

A long, straight, current-carrying wire runs from north to south.
a. A compass needle placed above the wire points with its north pole toward the east. In What direction is the current flowing
b. If a compass is put underneath the wire, in which direction will the compass needle point?



a. The current is flowing from South to North. So, the current flows in the North direction

b. West


a. A compass needle placed above the wire points with its north pole toward the east. In What direction is the current flowing?

Using Maxwell's corkscrew rule, with the thumb of the right hand pointing in the direction of the current and the closed fingers pointing in the direction of the magnetic field.

Since the compass is placed above the wire and points east, the direction of the magnetic field at that point is east.

Since the magnetic field is tangential to the circular path around the wire, to produce an eastward magnetic field above the wire, the current must go from South to North. So, the current flows in the North direction.

b. If a compass is put underneath the wire, in which direction will the compass needle point?

If the compass is put underneath the wire, using Maxwell's corkscrew rule, since the current points northward, and the magnetic field is tangential to the circular path around the wire, the magnetic field below the wire points west.

So, the direction of the compass needle when the compass is put beneath the wire is west.

a sentence that describes how energy is related to work



Energy should be transferred to an object in order to move it. ... This amount of energy transferred by the force to move an object is called work or work done. Thus, the relation between Work and Energy is direct. That is, the difference in the Kinetic energy of an object is work done by an object

what is impulse in physical science ​



In classical mechanics, impulse (symbolized by J or Imp) is the integral of a force, F, over the time interval, t, for which it acts. Since force is a vector quantity, impulse is also a vector quantity. ... A resultant force causes acceleration and a change in the velocity of the body for as long as it acts.

A ball of mass m=10g, carrying a charge q =-20μe is suspended from a string of length L= 0.8m above a horizontal uniformly charged infinite plane sheet of charge density σ = 4μe/m^2. The ball is displaced from the vertical by an angle and allowed to swing from rest.

a. Obtain the equations of motion of the charged ball based on Newtonian laws of motion.
b. Assume the displaced angle θ is small and simplify the results obtained in part (a) to obtain the frequency of oscillations of the charged ball.



a)       [tex]- ( g - \frac{q}{m} \frac{\sigma }{ 2 \epsilon_o} ) \frac{sin \theta}{R }[/tex] =  [tex]\frac{d^2 \theta}{d t^2}[/tex]

b)     f = 2π  [tex]\sqrt{ \frac{R}{ g - \frac{q}{m} \frac{\sigma }{2 \epsilon_o} } }[/tex]  


a) To have the equations of motion, let's use Newton's second law.

Let's set a reference system where the x-axis is parallel to the path and the y-axis is in the direction of tension of the rope.

For this reference system the tension is in the direction of the y axis, we must decompose the weight and the electrical force.

Let's use trigonometry for the weight that is in the vertical direction down

             sin θ = Wₓ / W

             cos θ = W_y / w

             Wₓ = W sin θ

             W_y = W cos θ

we repeat for the electric force that is vertical upwards

              F_{ex} = F_e sin θ

              F_{ey} = F_e cos θ

the electric force is

               F_e = q E

where the field created by an infinite plate is

               E = [tex]\frac{ \sigma}{2 \epsilon_o}[/tex]  

let's write Newton's second law

Y  axis  

           T - W_y = 0

            T = W cos θ

X axis

            F_{ex} - Wₓ = m a                   (1)


we use that the acceleration is related to the position

            a = dv / dt

            v = dx / dt

where x is the displacement in the arc of the curve


            a = d² x /dt²

we substitute in 1

           q E sin θ - mg sin θ = m [tex]\frac{d^2 x}{dt^2}[/tex]

we have angular (tea) and linear (x) variables, if we remember that angles must be measured in radians

           θ = x / R

           x = R θ

we substitute

           sin θ (q E - mg) = m \frac{d^2 R \ theta}{dt^2}  


          [tex]- ( g - \frac{q}{m} \frac{\sigma }{ 2 \epsilon_o} ) \frac{sin \theta}{R }[/tex] =  [tex]\frac{d^2 \theta}{d t^2}[/tex]

this is the equation of motion of the system

b) for small oscillations

         sin θ = θ

therefore the solution is simple harmonic

      θ = θ₀ cos (wt + Ф)

if derived twice, we substitute

- ( g - \frac{q}{m} \frac{\sigma }{ 2 \epsilon_o}  ) \frac{\theta}{R } θ₀ cos (wt + Ф) = -w² θ₀ cos (wt + Ф)


       w² =  [tex]\frac{g}{R}[/tex] - [tex]\frac{q}{m} \frac{ \sigma }{2 \epsilon_o} \frac{1}{R}[/tex]  

angular velocity is related to frequency

       w = 2π f

        f = 2π / w

        f = 2π/w


        f = 2π  [tex]\sqrt{ \frac{R}{ g - \frac{q}{m} \frac{\sigma }{2 \epsilon_o} } }[/tex]  

Is the speed of light constant throughout the universe.?



It is a basic postulate of the theory of relativity that the speed of light is constant. This can be broken down into two parts: The speed of light is independent of the motion of the observer. The speed of light does not vary with time or place.


How does the current in a series circuit compare


The amount of current is the same through any component in a series circuit. Resistance: The total resistance of any series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual resistances. Voltage: The supply voltage in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage drops.

1. Odysseus traveled from Troy to Ithaca. What
was the acceleration of Odysseus' ship if its mass
was 900,000 kg and it moves across the water with
a force of 300,000 N?


Answer: 0.33 m/s^2


The acceleration of Odysseus' ship as it moves across the water from Troy to Ithaca is 0.33m/s²

Given the data in the question;

Mass of Odysseus' ship; [tex]m= 900000kg[/tex]Force with which Odysseus' ship moves across the water; [tex]F = 300000N[/tex]Acceleration; [tex]a = ?[/tex]

To determine the acceleration of the ship, We the equation from Newton's Second Law of Motion:

[tex]F = m\ *\ a[/tex]

Where F is the force, m is the mass and a is the acceleration

Lets make acceleration ''a'', the subject of the formula

[tex]a = \frac{F}{m}[/tex]

Now, we substitute our given values into the equation

[tex]a = \frac{300000N}{900000kg}[/tex]

We know that, A newton is defined as [tex]1 kg.m/s^2[/tex]

[tex]a = \frac{300000 kg.m/s^2}{900000kg} \\\\a = 0.33m/s^2[/tex]

Therefore, the acceleration of Odysseus' ship as it moves across the water from Troy to Ithaca is 0.33m/s²

Learn more,

name and explain two sleeping disorders


insomnia and night terrors
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