imagine that you performed a forward genetic screen looking for drosophila mutants with phenotypes resembling mutants in genes encoding polycomb group proteins. you found a mutant, where repression of genes x is not maintained properly. by genetic mapping you identified five candidate genes which may be disrupted in your mutant. which candidate is most likely to contain the mutation? just a reminder; histone h3 lysine 9 methylation is a repressive modification, while histone h3 lysine 4 methylation and histone h3 acetylation are activating modifications.


Answer 1

In order to conduct a genetic mosaic screen for novel neoplastic TSGs, we take use of this pupation-defect phenotype. This method of screening two chromosome arms led to the discovery of at least seven additional neoplastic TSGs, demonstrating the presence of numerous undiscovered neoplastic TSGs in the Drosophila genome.

What kinds of Drosophila mutations are possible?

Their second chromosome's "curly gene," which is defective, causes them to have curly hair. As a dominant mutation, having curled wings only requires one mutated copy of the gene to cause the disability.

How is a Drosophila mutation induced?

We demonstrate that injecting RNA into a Drosophila embryo can result in up to 88% of injected flies mutating desired target genes very effectively.

To know more about genetic mosaic visit :-


Related Questions

Which structure of the urinary system controls the release of urine from the body?.


The urethral sphincter is the body structure of the urinary system that controls the release of urine from the body.

What is the urethral sphincter body structure?

The urethral sphincter is a body structure mainly composed of muscles which include both smooth muscle (a type of involuntary muscle that contracts in response to stimuli) and also a type of voluntary muscle called striated muscle.

The urethral sphincter can be defined as a body structure that is able to support changes in physiological conditions in order to release during the excretory urinary system.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the urethral sphincter can be defined as a type of special body structure capable of controlling the functions of the urinary system by regulating the release of urine in response to the physiological conditions of the body due to a particular stimulus.

Learn more about the urethral sphincter body structure here:


investigate your knowledge of carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism by classifying the target-cell responses at left as an absorptive state event or a postabsorptive state event.


The postabsorptive state, also known as the fasting state, normally takes place while you're sleeping, after the food has already been digested and absorbed (if you skip meals for some days, you will enter in this state).

The metabolic breakdown of molecules into simpler ones during the catabolic stage releases energy (heat) and usable resources.

Now, the beginning of the postabsorptive stage occurs when your blood glucose levels start to fall and your body starts to rely on its glycogen reserves, which are broken down into glucose.

The statement is accurate since catabolic processes begin to take place once the body enters the postabsorptive phases.

To know more about postabsorptive phases, visit:


the flow of highly energetic electrons through the electron transport chain changes the of the pump proteins, which causes them to transport protons across the membrane.


The flow of highly energetic electrons through the electron transport chain changes the of the pump proteins, shape causes them to transport protons across the membrane.

NADH and FADH2 release high-energy electrons that travel through electron transport networks similar to those utilized during photosynthesis. On the mitochondrion's inner membrane are the electron transport chains. Some of the high-energy electrons' energy is caught as they move along the chains. Hydrogen ions (from NADH and FADH2) are pumped over the inner membrane and into the intermembrane gap using this energy.

The concentration of hydrogen ions in the intermembrane space is higher than in the matrix as a result of the pumping of hydrogen ions through the inner membrane. The ions move back over the membrane into the matrix, where their concentration is lower, as a result of this chemiosmotic gradient. The channel protein ATP synthase aids in the passage of hydrogen ions across the membrane. It also functions as an enzyme, converting inorganic phosphate and ADP into ATP. The "spent" electrons unite with oxygen to make water after going through the electron-transport chain. This is why oxygen is required because this process cannot take place without it.

To know more about Electron visit:


Which releases hormones that increase the rate of cellular respiration throughout the body?


Thyroid  hormones that increase the rate of cellular respiration throughout the body.

Why does cellular respiration increase?

Up until the enzyme achieves its maximum velocity, adding extra reactants, such as glucose, accelerates the processes.High oxygen concentrations enable cells to perform aerobic respiration, which uses oxygen to build ATP and generates more ATP than anaerobic respiration, which occurs when oxygen is not present.

Which activity speeds up cellular respiration the fastest?

According to the American Council on Exercise, frequent brief bursts of intensive exercise, like sprinting, power lifting, or high-intensity circuit training, boost anaerobic respiration rates.

To know more about Thyroid visit:


a husband and wife have the blood genotypes iaib and ii. what possible blood types can their children have?


Due to the F1 generation phenotypic ratio of 1 A group, 2 AB groups, and 1 B groups, a child with AB blood group can be born to AB blood group parents. The right answer is "B."

Blood type AB requires possession of both the A and B alleles. There must be an AB genotype. If both of a child's parents have blood types A and B, the answer is yes, the child can have blood type O. Human ABO blood grouping is governed by the gene I. The gene's three alleles are IA, IB, and I. The blood types of both parents determine the child's blood type. The two alleles that each parent possesses make up the child's blood type.

To learn more about blood type  follow the below link:


which species concept would be most useful to a team of biology students conducting a biodiversity survey on their campus? view available hint(s)for part a which species concept would be most useful to a team of biology students conducting a biodiversity survey on their campus? the phylogenetic species concept all species concepts would be equally useful. the morphospecies concept the biological species concept


The morphospecies concept would be most useful to a team of biology students conducting a biodiversity survey on their campus

Morphological Species Concept is  the most common way to tell different species apart is by looking at them.

Asexual and sexual organisms are both included in the Morphological Species Concept, which uses body shape and other structural characteristics to define a species. It is not the same as the modern concept of a species, which refers to a group of organisms that are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

To konw more about Morphological Species


A boy and his skateboard have a combined mass of 65 kg. What is the speed of the boy and skateboard if they have a momentum of 275 kg • meters per second?

0 m/s
0.24 m/s
4.2 m/s
8.5 m/s


c. 4.2 m/s...................................

What will happen to a cell that does not have a cell wall is placed in a hypotonic solution?



A cell that does not have a rigid cell wall, such as a red blood cell, will swell and lyse (burst) when placed in a hypotonic solution. Cells with a cell wall will swell when placed in a hypotonic solution, but once the cell is turgid (firm), the tough cell wall prevents any more water from entering the cell.


which cells will most likely display mutations that could potentially result in cancer?


Carcinoma, the bulk of most cancers cells are epithelial in origin, starting in a tissue that strains the internal or outer surfaces of the body.

Leukaemia, originate withinside the tissues chargeable for generating new blood cells, maximum typically withinside the bone marrow. Lymphoma and myeloma, derived from cells of the immune system. Carcinomas, which encompass about 90% of human cancers, are malignancies of epithelial cells.

Oncogenes are mutated genes that motive cells to develop out of manipulate and may cause most cancers. Proto-oncogenes are regular genes that manipulate mobileular increase however in the event that they emerge as mutated they are able to grow to be oncogenes. Proto-oncogenes and oncogenes act like on/off switches.

Read more about cancer;


a biodiversity hotspot is: question 12 options: an area where the rate of species extinction is high an area that has been effected catastrophic environmental change a region where animals that should be brought together in an enclosure an area near volcanic vents on the ocean floor where the diversity of chemosynthetic communities is high a region where species diversity is high, but threatened by environmental change.


In an area known as a hotspot, species diversity is strong but endangered by habitat loss.

How does species diversity work?

The number of distinct species in an environment and the varying abundance of each species are considered to be the two determinants of species diversity. When every species is present in an area in an equal amount, diversity is at its highest.

What makes species diversity crucial?

All life on Earth, especially humans, depends on the mechanisms that biodiversity supports. We cannot have ecological integrity that depend on a variety of creatures, plants, and bacteria to give us the oxygen we and the food we eat. And individuals value nature itself.

To know more about Species Diversity visit:


An arrhenius base increases the concentration of hydrogen ions when dissolved in solution. True false.


False. Bases increase the hydroxide ion concentration

The Arrhenius acid-base theory is a theory that suggests the classification of acid-base compounds based on the type of ion formed when the compound is added to air. A substance when added to water will show acidic or basic properties. This theory can only describe acids and bases in aqueous solutions and cannot classify acids and bases in gaseous or solid state.

According to Arrhenius a base is a compound that increases the concentration of hydroxide ions in an aqueous solution. When a substance is alkaline dissolved in water which has neutral properties, it will produce hydroxide ion OH-. While that can increase the concentration of hydrogen ions when dissolved in solution is an acid.

Learn more about Arrhenius theory at:


The origin of a new plant species by hybridizing two existing species, coupled with accidents during cell division, is an example of _____.


The origin for any new plant species using hybridizing two present species, coupled by accidents during cell division process, is an example for  Symmpatric speciation and allopolyploidy.

The process by which new species emerge is known as speciation. It happens when populations within a species separate and experience reproductive isolation. When two closely related plant species hybridize, the number of chromosomes alters, a process known as allopolyploidy.

Although this event is not always feasible, when it is, it can quickly give rise to a new species of plant that is incompatible with both of the parent species in terms of reproduction. The geographical separation of two (or more) populations by a physical barrier, such as a river, causes reproductive isolation in allopatric speciation.

Learn more about species visit :


What structure of a neuron is a short, highly branched process that helps receive input from other neurons?


Dendrites structure of a neuron is a short, highly branched process that helps receive input from other neurons.

What are the Neurons ?

The basic building blocks of the brain and nervous system are neurons, also known as neurones or nerve cells. They are the cells in charge of receiving sensory information from the outside world, sending motor commands to our muscles, and transforming and relaying electrical signals at each stage along the way.

What is the neuron’s structure?

A normal neuron is made up of an axon, dendrites, and the cell body (soma). The axon and dendrites are filaments extending from the soma, which is a compact structure. Typically, dendrites branch out widely and reach a few hundred micrometres from the soma.

What are the three different types of neurons’ functions?

Despite the enormous variety and billions of neurons, they can be divided into three fundamental kinds according to their function: relay neurons (short dendrites and either long or short axons) and motor neurons (short dendrites and long axons).

To know more about Neuron visit :


the process of evolutionary changes that result in formation of new species and groups of species is called




people r great

The process of evolutionary changes that result in formation of new species and groups of species is called speciation .

What are evolutionary change?

Evolutionary change are defined as the gradual heritable alteration of populations and species brought on by processes including sexual selection, random genetic drift, and natural selection. A population, a collection of interacting individuals of a single species, exhibits a change in allele frequency from one generation to the next due to five main processes.

Through speciation, a new plant or animal species is created. Speciation occurs when a group within a species separates from other members of its species and develops its own unique traits. The process by which new species emerge is known as speciation. Groups in a species experience it when they grow reproductively separated and diverge.

Thus, the process of evolutionary changes that result in formation of new species and groups of species is called speciation .  

To learn more about evolutionary change, refer to the link below:


a primary function of folate is its role as part of coenzymes needed for . multiple choice question. maintenance of normal vision dna production energy metabolism bone health


One of folate's main roles in the body's necessary coenzymes is its participation in the creation of DNA.

The body's only apparent use for folate coenzymes is to facilitate the transfer of one-carbon molecules. Folate coenzymes participate in a number of processes essential to the metabolism of nucleic acids and amino acids as donors and acceptors of one-carbon units folate  . helps cells function and tissues flourish. aides in the body's use, synthesis, and coenzymes breakdown of proteins when combined with vitamin B12 and vitamin C. folate creates red blood cells (helps prevent anemia) aids in the production of DNA, the genetic information-carrying molecule that makes up the human body.

learn more about folate here:


Describe how the mammalian small intestine is adapted to its function in summary .



The primary function of the small intestine in mammals is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food.


The small intestine contains microvilli which increase the surface area of the membrane. It also has a rich blood supply, which maintains the concentration gradient. The small intestine has a membrane that is one cell thick, this decreases the diffusion pathway. Mitochondria are present, which respire aerobically, providing ATP for active transport. These adaptations enable the rapid diffusion of nutrients.

To learn more about Small Intestine,

Enzymes are catalysts in reactions. What statements describe functions of enzymes? select all that apply.


Enzymes are biological catalysts. The following statements describe the functions of enzymes. Different sets of enzymes are found in various cell types. Substrates can encourage an enzyme's better match. The ideal temperature and pH parameters for certain enzymes vary.

The activation energy of a process is reduced by enzymes. While RNA molecules are less common than proteins, enzymes do exist. The majority of enzymes engage with a particular substrate. Each reaction is controlled individually.

Products cannot diffuse away.Enzymes bind their substrates more easily.Inadvertent side effects are eliminated.

Enzymes alter in form in response to substrate binding. The binding of the substrate regulates the rate of an enzymatic process. Enzymes can combine different substrates. Enzymes put a substrate's chemical bonds under stress.

Learn more about catalysts


Enzymes are catalysts in reactions, the statements that describe the functions of enzymes are;

a. Enzymes are specific in their actions.

c. Enzymes lower the energy of activation needed for a reaction

e. Enzyme activity can be affected by temperature.

Chemical reactions in a system are catalyzed by enzymes. Enzymes have specific properties that give them a catalytic nature, just like any other catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions. Enzymes reduce the activation energy required for a reaction. Temperature can affect the action of enzymes: Because enzymes are proteinous, or form of proteins, the temperature can quickly denature them. As a result, enzymes can lose their structure and ultimately their function when subjected to high temperatures.

As a result, choices a, c, and e are correct.

The complete question is attached.

You can also learn about enzymes from the following question:


nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to


Calories, which are actually 1000 actual calories, are how nutritionists express energy. 4.18 joules, or the universal energy unit, are equal to one actual calorie. Thus, 4.18 kilojoules are the same as one calorie in .

Why would you use a nutritionist?

Clients seeking advice on diet-related matters and wholesome eating practices can turn to dietitians and nutritionists. Nutritionists and dietitians are specialists in using nutrition and food to promote well-being and treat illness. In order to promote healthy living, they organize and carry out food services or nutritional programs.

How are nutritionists and dietitians different from one another?

Nutritionists deal with broader nutritional goals and practices as contrasted to dietitians, who are competent to diagnose anorexia nervosa and create diets to treat particular medical diseases. Many educational institutions, medical facilities, cafeterias, nursing homes, and athletic associations employ nutritionists.

To know more about nutritionist  visit:


how many individual protein subunits make up the quaternary structure of one biologically active myosin protein? what are these proteins? what are their approximate molecular masses?


The fourth (and highest) classification level of protein structure is known as protein quaternary structure.

The term "protein quaternary structure" describes how proteins are made up of two or more smaller protein chains (also referred to as subunits). The quantity and configuration of numerous folded protein subunits in a multi-subunit complex are described by the protein quaternary structure.

Simple dimers, huge homooligomers, and complexes with a set or variable number of subunits are all included in this category of organisations. Since some proteins serve as standalone units, not all proteins will have a quaternary structure, in contrast to the previous three levels of protein structure. Protein biomolecular complexes with nucleic acids and other cofactors are also referred to as having protein quaternary structure.

To learn more about protein quaternary structure, refer:


which factors are measured by polysomnography? select all that apply. eye movements brain activity heart rate oxygen level blood pressure


Polysomnography is used to measure eye movements, brain activity, heart rate, and oxygen saturation.

A type of sleep study called polysomnography is a multi-parameter sleep study and a diagnostic tool in sleep medicine. The test outcome is known as a polysomnogram, or PSG for short. A thorough examination performed to identify sleep abnormalities is termed polysomnography, commonly known as a sleep study. Your blood oxygen levels, pulse rate, breathing rate, and brain waves are all monitored during a polysomnography test.

Eye movements are measured during polysomnography, which is crucial for identifying REM sleep. Brain activity is measured by polysomnography. Together, brain chemicals and cells control sleep and the alterations in the brain that result from sleep deprivation. In polysomnography, heart rate is measured. Since respiratory issues that affect sleep are associated with elevated heart rates, determining heart rate is crucial for verifying sleep disorders. Oxygen level is measured via polysomnography. Breathing and oxygen have an impact on sleep and can contribute to OSA and other sleep disorders.

As a result, answers in options A, B, C, and D are accurate.

To learn more about the heart, refer:-


what is it called when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses?


Ordering effects was questions (response alternatives) on a poll which has a purpose to influence responses.

Which factors can influence the results of a poll?The more random and diverse the poll, the more accurate the poll (the less of a sampling error). However, polls can be influenced by the following factors, their size and diversity, the biases on themselves, and the demographic measured.The term order effect refers to a well-documented phenomenon in which different orderings of questions (or response alternatives) can influence respondents' responses in a more or less systematic manner.Order effects can be caused by almost anything, making them dangerously difficult to control. Some of the possible causes of order effects include fatigue after one or two tests or practice. When people in fatigue they easy to influence which affect to their responses in pool or decision.

Learn more about ordering effects here:


The electrophoresis buffer is poured over the agarose gel because it charges the DNA samples so they can travel more readily across the chamber 4 True or Falco


False. The electrophoresis buffer is NOT poured over the agarose gel because it DOES NOT charges the DNA samples so they can travel more readily across the chamber.

Gels used for DNA separation are frequently made of agarose, a polysaccharide that comes in the form of dry, powdered flakes. When agarose is subjected to heat in a buffer (salty water) and allowed to cool, it forms a solid, mildly squishy gel.

The DNA is filled into pre-cast wells in the gel and a current is generated to separate it using agarose gel electrophoresis. Because the phosphate backbone of the DNA (and RNA) molecule is negatively charged, DNA fragments will migrate to the positively charged anode when placed in an electric field.

For more information agarose gel, visit :


multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. a classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. how might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another?


Identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another by chromosomal translocation.

What is chromosomal translocation?

А trаnslocаtion, аs relаted to genetics, occurs when а chromosome breаks аnd the (typicаlly two) frаgmented pieces re-аttаch to different chromosomes. The detection of chromosomаl trаnslocаtions cаn be importаnt for the diаgnosis of certаin genetic diseаses аnd disorders.

Multigene families are identicаl or similаr genes thаt hаve evolved by gene duplicаtion. Multigene fаmilies аre believed to hаve аrisen by duplicаtion аnd vаriаtion of а single аncestrаl gene. Exаmples of multigene fаmilies include those thаt encode the аctins, hemoglobins, immunoglobulins, tubulins, interferons, histones etc.

For more information about chromosomаl trаnslocаtions refer to the link:


Rats colonize an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean where no rats previously existed. The rats can have white fur, grey fur, or black fur. Predict what type of selection is likely to occur when each of the following phenotypes have the greatest fitness. Place each phenotype in the category describing the type of selection that will occur.
Stabilizing selection: grey fur
Diversifying selection: dark fur on island and light on another island. Dark fur in forests and light in fields
Directional selection: dark and light fur


The type of selection which is likely to occur on the following phenotypes:

Stabilizing selection: grey fur

Diversifying selection: dark fur on island and light on another island. Dark fur in forests and light in fields

Directional selection: dark and light fur

When individual people with such character traits generate more surviving offspring than individual people with other characteristics, this is referred to as phenotypic selection. Although selection is widely regarded as the primary driver of evolutionary change, scientists have only lately started to quantify its effects in the wild.

Because phenotype influences differential reproduction and survivorship, selection acts on phenotypes. If the phenotype influencing reproduction or survival rates is genetically determined, selection can indirectly winnow out genotypes by winnowing out phenotypes.

For more information on phenotypic selection, visit :


which of the following is correct? a. the primary auditory cortex is located in the mesial temporal lobe (mtl) and its representation of sound frequencies is roughly continuous (like the piano keyboard). b. the primary auditory cortex is located in the mesial temporal lobe (mtl) and its representation of sound frequencies is non-continuous and counterintuitive (like the representation of body parts in the somatosensory homunculus). c. the primary auditory cortex is located in the temporal cortex and its representation of sound frequencies is roughly continuous (like the piano keyboard). d. the primary auditory cortex is located in the temporal cortex and its representation of sound frequencies is non-continuous and counterintuitive (like the representation of body parts in the somatosensory homunculus


In humans and many other species, the Primary Auditory Cortex  is the area of the temporal lobe that deals with auditory information. It is a component of the auditory system and performs both fundamental and advanced hearing processes, including those that may be related to language switching.

The temporal lobe is crucial in the processing of auditory information, as its location close to the temples suggests. This function entails hearing noises, giving them meaning, and recalling those meanings. The superior temporal gyrus, a temporal lobe region that takes sound input directly from the ear, processes a large portion of the temporal lobe's auditory activity. Some of its additional features include

The development of visual memories, long-term memories included. The temporal lobe plays a crucial role in the development of conscious memories along with the hippocampus and amygdala, two components of the limbic system.

Figuring out what visual stimuli mean, including object recognition. It is not sufficient to merely view an object. Understanding what you are seeing is also necessary for eyesight to be effective. The ventral portion of the temporal lobe helps you give the daily sights you see significance. You wouldn't be able to distinguish faces or interpret body language without the ventral lobe.

The act of speaking. Speech production is aided by the temporal lobe. Speaking difficulties, even when awake, can result from dysfunction in this brain region.

TO know more about Primary Auditory Cortex


what membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion?


Otolithic membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion

The vestibular system of the inner ear has a fibrous tissue called the otolithic membrane. It is essential for how the brain interprets equilibrium. In addition to measuring the linear acceleration of the body, the membrane also determines whether the head or the body is tilted. The linear acceleration could occur vertically, like when an elevator moves up or down, or horizontally, like when an automobile is traveling.The vestibular system of the inner ear has a fibrous tissue called the otolithic membrane. It is essential for how the brain interprets equilibrium. In addition to measuring the body's linear acceleration, the membrane also detects tilts of the head or body. The linear acceleration could occur vertically, like when an elevator moves up or down, or horizontally, like when an automobile is traveling.Gravity causes the otolithic membrane to move away from the sensory epithelium when the head tilts (macula). The hair bundles, which are embedded in the bottom, gelatinous surface of the membrane, are moved as a result of the shearing motion between the otolithic membrane and the macula. The displacement of the hair bundles causes the hair cells to produce a receptor potential.  The otolithic membrane assists the body in detecting linear accelerations in addition to tilting.

To know more about membranes, visit:

homozygous recessive nn cactuses have no spines at all. what phenotypes would be expected from a cross between a true-breeding sharp-spined cactus and a spineless cactus?


While a second gene N determines whether or not cacti have spines through epistasis, gene S controls the sharpness of spines in a particular species of cactus.

Cacti with dominant alleles have sharp spines, while homozygous recessive ss cacti have blunt spines. A cactus is a member of the Cactaceae genus of plants. There are many sizes and shapes of cacti. Despite the fact that some species can tolerate very humid conditions, most cactus live in settings that experience at least some drought. Many of them can also be found in the Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth, where they live in extremely dry conditions. As a result cacti have developed a variety of adaptations to conserve water. Cactus areoles, which are specialized structures, produce the spines.

To learn more about phenotypes click here


cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division:___.


Cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division: Meiosis.

Meiosis is a type of cell division known as reduction cell division. The process produces four haploid daughter cells, which have half the number of chromosomes as the diploid parent cell. In human cells, there are 46 chromosomes. That is, these occur in groups of 23. In meiosis, these pairs split apart and become separated.

As a result, after the first meiotic division, each of the two daughter cells has half the number of chromosomes, i.e., 23. Every one of the 23 chromosomes now has two identical chromatids. So, during meiosis II, these chromatids separate, resulting in four cells. These four haploid cells are known as gametes, or sperm and eggs.

To know more about the Cell division, here


6. if a person had a mutation in the gene that codes for interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein, what would be the most likely downstream effects?


The retinoid cycle could not transfer retina to and from the outer segment.

The primary downstream consequences of dams are sediment transport and the balance between channel sedimentation and erosion. The distribution of flow velocities is altered, and river channels are cut, as a result of silt entrapment by dams and reservoirs.

Flooding in the downstream is frequently brought on by prolonged, powerful storms. Runoff made of saturated solids is produced by the additional water.

Upstream flooding is more likely if the exceedance flow cannot discharge freely due to the downstream system. For instance, when releasing into coastal locations, tide levels may impact how well surface flood channels work. The primary downstream consequences of dams are sediment transport and the balance between channel sedimentation and erosion. The distribution of flow velocities is altered, and river channels are cut, as a result of silt entrapment by dams and reservoirs.

Learn more about " downstream effects " to visit here;


The evolutionary mechanism that allows for species to adapt to the environmental conditions found in their habitat is?


Natural selection is the mechanism. of the evolution.

Natural selection is an evolutionary mechanism. Organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to inherit genes that have contributed to their survival and success. This process causes species to change and diverge over time.

Natural selection is the process of randomly selecting genes to pass on to the next generation. Individuals within a population are inherently variable. In other words, all individuals are different in some way. This change means that some individuals have traits that adapt better to their environment than others. These are the working of natural selection.

Learn more about Natural selection in


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Chester has a coupon for 2/5 for the price of a shirt. If the shirt originally costs $28.90, what discount would Chester receive from using his coupon? A. $1.38 B. $11.56 C. $23.12 D. $17.34 Which of the following is a general characteristic of the four jovian planets in our solar system? They are lower in average density than are the terrestrial planets. They are less massive than any of the terrestrial planets. They have very little hydrogen, helium, and hydrogen compounds. They have solid surfaces. if the angle opf elevation of the cannon is decreased from 35 degrees to 30 degrees, the ertical compent of the balls iontial veclotiy will Round the decimal to the nearest whole number. 246.13 NEED HELP WILL GIVE GOOD POINTSUn compaero(a) de clases est hablando mal de ti y t no lo puedes creer. Escribe una nota en tu diario. Usa cinco+ de los verbos en la caja- highlight the verbs. Sigue el formato de abajo.Querido diario: No lo puedo creer! Sabes que mi mejor amigo(a) (name) habla mal de m. Usan estos Verbos:acercarsearrepentirsecaer bien/maldarse cuenta hablardisgustarinteresargustarirseolvidarsepreocuparsesorprender which type of filament is more permanent than other filaments and can maintain the cell structure even after the cell dies hich of the following statements is not true: a. crying is a newborn's first mand. b. behavior problems are not related to a mand deficit. c. manding for items in view is easier than manding for items out of view. d. mands may still need to be targeted, even if some tacts are in repertoire what do the actions of the austrian government in response to the revolts of 1848 suggest about its interest and relationship to reform true or false? there is one specific destination or goal for health care organizations to achieve in terms of cultural competence. The amendment proposed by John Quincy Adams in 1839 included:A. the end of slavery in future states but not in states where slavery already existed.B. the end of slavery by 1945 and the establishment of rights for enslaved people.C. the immediate end to slavery and the granting of citizenship to all enslaved people.D. the gradual ending of slavery and the establishment of rights for the enslaved. When providing dietary instruction to a patient with hypertension, the nurse would advise the patient to restrict intake of which meat?- Broiled fish- Roasted duck- Roasted turkey- Baked chicken breast What type of reaction involves a single compound producing two or more simpler substances? a guarded barbed wire fence separates east and west bovinia. soccer players are paid twice as much in west bovinia as in east bovinia. this is an example of a. a permanent resource price differential. b. diminishing marginal revenue product. c. a temporary resource price differential. d. increasing marginal revenue product. e. an inelastic supply of labor. simplify any fractions Find the area of the followingrhombus:2m13 mA = [?] m Choose the sentence in which every pronoun has a clear antecedent:a ) What's worse, they charge fees for not meeting minimum spending requirements . b) It can feel frustrating for consumers who don't want to spend money on their credit card each month . c ) Some credit card companies require you to spend a minimum balance every month . d ) Consumers need to be careful to select a credit card that is right for them . a pay structure helps an organization achieve goals related to cost control. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected Lines l and m are parallel. Which statement is always true?Group of answer choicesA 90 rotation will map line l onto line m. Line l can be reflected over a horizontal line to map onto line m.Line l can be reflected over a vertical line to map onto line m.Line l can be translated to map onto line m. when the displacement of a mass on a spring is 1212 aa , what percentage of the energy is kinetic energy? Was the economic prosperity of the 1950s felt by all ?