Imagine a lemonade stand. If you bought all the
materials and set it all up, and hired your younger
sibling to sell the lemonade, but you were there
to help with any problems and show them what
to do (like a manager) how should the money get
divided at the end of the day?


Answer 1


The younger sibling should get 45% of the payment and the elder 55%


Because the younger sibling was basically doing what you told them so they were doing the work for them basically. They should get payed a lil bit but you should get more pay.

Answer 2


See explanation for answer.


The entire amount of money you would make in a day would be "100 %" for a gear of how the money should be split "100%" could be "$20". If you are the manager and "$20" is made that day then "15%" of that profit should go to you and the other "5%" go to the employee( your sibling ) So you would make "$15" and your sibling would make "$5". Of course, a negotiation should be made but if you bought everything and set it all up you should be making more money than your sibling. I'm not quite sure if this is correct or even what you wanted but I hope it helps! ( This entire answer would of course change if the daily income from the lemonade stand changed. )

Have a lovely day!

Related Questions

What curse word do the Dauntless-born initiates use to make fun of Tris? *

i need an answer Asap



I think it's Stiff. If its not I cant type curse words bc it'll be reported


The curse word do the Dauntless-born initiates use to make fun of Tris is Stiff.

What is the context of the story?

The given context is derived from a story named Divergent written by Veronica Roth highlighted the central idea defines the protogenist as attempting to define their identities and determine what type of personality to have.

The word "Stiff" has been spray-painted all over Tris' bed when she comes back after a shower, and she assumes Peter did it. In an effort to perform well in the rankings, she chooses to compete.

Tris Previously identifies with the Dauntless, a group of warlike, powerful individuals who are instructed to place the worship of courage and bravery above everything else. To "prove themselves," the Dauntless are frequently told to fight each other.

Learn more about Divergent, here:


5. How does Hinton use the greasers' long, greasy hair as a symbol?

to show that the greasers live in an unclean and unhealthy environment

to indicate that the greasers do not care about their appearance or reputations

to show the greasers' rebellious nature and how they are different from the Socs

to indicate that the greasers are too poor to buy shampoo and get hair cuts.​






C. to show the greasers' rebellious nature and how they are different from the Socs


Nobody is perfect, and we all struggle to be our best selves. Displaying character means we are working toward those goals, even if we are not quite there yet. Do you think improving your responsibility, trustworthiness, or respect would benefit you the most? Explain your answer.



I think improving all of the things would definitely improve your well-being, but it all depends on you.


Each person is unique, so it really depends on what you think you could improve on.

For example, if you think you needed to improve on your responsibility, you could explain that responsibility is something that is crucial to living in the world and it is almost always required in everything you do in your life.

It would be INCREDIBLY FANTABULOUS if I could receive Brainliest!!!! I really need it!!!

Which of these is a prepositional phrase?
1 he lived
2 during the 1800s
3 the 1800s
4 lived


2. During the 1800s

Prepositions are words that indicate location/placement in time or space. “During” describes a place in time while all of the other options do not.

Can someone pleaseeee help and if you’re correct i’ll give brainliest



I'm pretty sure it's D, "A river delta is a landform created by deposition of sediment that is carried by a river as the flow leaves its mouth and enters slower-moving or stagnant water. This occurs where a river enters an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, reservoir, or another river that cannot carry away the supplied sediment." - Wikipedia


Hope this helped!




Answer correctly for brainlist

An economic system that mostly allows businesses to operate freely but
requires them to follow some government regulations is a:

A. market economy

B. traditional economy.

C. mixed economy.

D. command economy.


The  market economy is one that allows businesses to operate freely although they are to follow government guidelines.

What is a market economy?

This is the type of economy that has the means of production, demand and supply in the hands of private persons.

The economy is one that has to do with investment and production as well as distribution to all of the market forces.

Read more on  market economy here:


!!!Find anything on the web and put it as your answer!!!!



found anything


Based on the information in Passage 1, why
did people MOST LIKELY tune in to the radio
during the Great Depression?
People thought it was easy to use.
People had little money for records.
Radio designs and features improved.
Radio programs got better.


Radio Programs got better



People most likely tune into the radio during the Great Depression because radio programs got better and declines the level of depression.

What do you mean by Depression?

Depression may be defined as a mood disorder that provokes a continuous sensation of sadness and loss of interest.

Radio utilizes simple machinery that is more comfortable with fewer requirements. Its programs got better and assisted in the reduction of depression level of individual.

Therefore, People most likely tune into the radio during the Great Depression because radio programs got better and declines the level of depression.

To learn more about Depressions, refer to the link:


What is the central idea of Gordimer's"1959: What is Apartheid?" Select all that apply.

Apartheid is morally wrong and must come to an end.
Apartheid has enhanced the living conditions of white South Africans.
Apartheid is a system of segregation put in place to protect white interests.
Apartheid can only come to an end when black South Africans work to abolish it.




In her speech "1959: What is Apartheid?" Gordimer introduces several ideas that explain her views on apartheid. First, she argues that apartheid is morally wrong and must come to an end. She thinks all men are brothers, and apartheid prevents them from seeing their shared humanity.

1.  she argues that apartheid is morally wrong and must come to an end

You have been asked to write an informative article on the importance of healthy eating for an elementary school newspaper. In a paragraph of five to seven complete sentences describe how you would present to your target audience the information you find during your research.


In my research, I would be sure to include images, videos, and real healthy food vs bad food to the elementary students. I would bring the healthy and unhealthy food and allow the students to read the labels and identify what health benefits they get from it. Showing pictures to elementary kids is important because it helps a lot more in allowing them to imagine data instead of all numbers.

Yoy should images, videos, and real healthy food vs bad food to the elementary students. I would bring the healthy and unhealthy food and allow the students to read the labels and identify what health benefits they get from it. Showing pictures to elementary kids is important because it helps a lot more in allowing them to imagine data instead of all numbers.

What is newspaper?

A newspaper is a periodical publication include written information about recent events and is often typed in black ink with a white or gray set.

Thus, this could be the answer.

To learn more about newspaper click here;


How is the information in this selection organized in the mother tongue


Hello. You did not show the selection to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

"Mother tongue" is the essay written by Amy Tan where she shows the problems that her mother, a Chinese woman, suffered from not speaking English in a standard way, spoken by an American and how she was impacted by it. In most of the text, Tan organizes information using a structure called comparison and contrast, where it presents the similarities and differences between standard English and English considered "broken" and how people who use these two types of English are treated and impacted.

Absolute dating relies on ? elements , which are unstable elements that release energy as they break down





A geologic column can be defined as a collection of rock layers that are typically grouped based on their relative ages in a descending order i.e from oldest to the youngest.

Generally, the layers of the rock that are found in various parts of the world are known to be different because they all comprises of distinct Earth's geological history.

In Science, absolute dating can be defined as a process used to accurately determine the age of a rock or fossil by measuring the decay of isotopes associated with the rock or within the fossils.

Generally, absolute dating relies on radioactive elements such as uranium, polonium, thorium, francium, radon, etc., which are mainly unstable elements that release energy as they break down through fission.

In conclusion, these informations when properly obtained can be used to determine the age of any historical monument or material such as earth, rocks, animals, plants, etc., because the parent material decays into a stable daughter elements at a constant decay rate.





What does this line tell you about the relationship between humans and the aliens?*28

Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.

Humans are searching for the aliens.
The aliens are disinterested in humans.
Humans are friends with the aliens.
The aliens are more intelligent than humans.



The aliens are more intelligent than humans.


This extract from the famous fiction "The War of the Worlds" by H.G Wells talks about the superior intellect capabilities of aliens who live far across from our solar system.

The writer says that just like how humans are more intelligent than our extinct ape-like predecessors, the aliens are also far more intelligent than human beings.

He also says that the aliens are unsympathetic towards humans and envious of our earth's resources. Therefore, they are plotting against humans to take over our planet. So, the correct answer is 'The aliens are more intelligent than humans.'



tuuuuufujfhyfjyfhiyfyiitui7f c

Create an opposing argument for the following claim:

Cooking at home is better than eating out because it is cheaper, healthier, and customization.




Cooking may be better than eating out but every once in a while people should go out to eat and treat themselves and going out to eat you can choose your own thing that you want just like you can at home. You can get healthy things when you go out to eat to.

Please help it’s due soon and no links please



Question 42: +

Question 43: +

Question 44: 0

Question 45:0

Question 46: +


Using your own words, describe the formula for the area of an obtuse triangle in word form.



The formula for finding the area of an obtuse triangle is the same as for other triangles, area = 1/2 x (base x height).

giving brainliest! (100pts if you answer correctly!) How would you interpret the lesson of King Midas for a modern-day world. What do you think the message of the story is? Do you think King Midas is a relevant story for a modern world? Why or why not? (At least 8 sentences!)



Your answer is attached.

Hope it helps you!!

Which statement best evaluates the author's use of dialogue to enhance the
"Gabriela, help me next!" said Trevor.
Gabi smiled to herself as she cleanly hammered in the nail that Trevor
had been working on. She had been looking forward all week to
building sets for the school play.
"How'd you learn to do that, anyway?" asked Nick admiringly, looking
over from where he was struggling to join two boards at a right angle.
"Oh, I've been helping my dad in his wood shop since I was six," said
Gabi. She thought back to all the long hours and patient lessons that
were now paying off. She couldn't wait to show her dad the sets she'd
helped build. "I love it. Anyone else need a hand?"
A. The dialogue is effective, because it shows that the other characters do you not appreciate Gabriella is showing off
B.The dialogue is effective, because it shows how proud gaberiella is of her carpeting skills
c. The dialogue is not effective, because it in first with the use of visual images to demonstrate Gabriellas set building talents
D. The dialogue is not effective because it takes the focus of the narrative away from the main character





I just took the quiz lol!

Answer: B


a p e x

I suppose the concert _____(finish)about 6​





Can someone pleaseeee help and if you’re correct i’ll give brainliest



definition 3 i think

hope this helped




, you can search it in thedictionary

what does instrument mean in this question ​





The answer is D because in the question there are talking about the idea that art is effective tool to support the struggle of people. Hope this helped!

Alina is revising her research paper about online classes to be sure she is citing her sources correctly. Alina is using MLA style for her in-text citations. Which sentence should she revise?

The widespread use of technology (including computers and smartphones) have led to a wide variety of online course opportunities (“Benefits of Digital Learning”).

Online classes can really support “students who struggle to build positive relationships with teachers, need to recover failed credits, or have a work schedule that makes attending traditional school hours difficult” (Deleon, Desiree).

Students can also “participate in unique courses that may not be offered at their own school, such as language or business classes” (Deleon).

In an online class, “Emails and discussion board posts are utilized in place of in-person discussions” (Rhodes).



Online classes can really support “students who struggle to build positive relationships with teachers, need to recover failed credits, or have a work schedule that makes attending traditional school hours difficult” (Deleon, Desiree).


MLA format: (Author's Last Name Page Number)

(Deleon, Desiree) is (last, first name)...incorrect and needs to be revised.



Read the following quotation: "He never called to get an interview." Which of the following quotes has a bracket used correctly?

"He never called [or emailed] to get an interview."

"[He] never called to get an interview."

"He [John] never called to get an interview."

"[John] never called to get an interview."



"He [John] never called to get an interview."


Which homophones correctly complete this sentence?
own bed when
Each of our dogs curls up in
A. it's; its
B. its; its
C. it's; it's
D. its; it's


it’s D! because it’s means it IS. so it IS sleeping
It’s D because it means Is

In tuck everlasting chapter 2 what surprise did we learn at the end of this chapter?



This chapter introduces us to the Tucks. Mae, the wife and mother, rises early to take the horse and wagon and meet her boys who are coming home. Her husband, Angus, prefers to stay in bed where he was having a wonderful dream where the whole family was in heaven and had never heard of Treegap.


HELP!!!!!! Will mark brainiest who is the author of the play The Alchemist?


Answer: Ben Jonson


The Alchemist, comedy in five acts by Ben Jonson, performed in 1610 and published in 1612. The play concerns the turmoil of deception that ensues when Lovewit leaves his London house in the care of his scheming servant, Face.

What is the best way to make sure that you’re not plagiarizing?
Group of answer choices

Include the title and author of any article you summarize in a report.

Keep detailed notes about the sources you plan to use in your research report

all of the above

Always include the name of the source’s author in a sentence with direct quote.


-All of the above. (Answer 3)


all of the above


Read this passage from "A Four-Hundred-Year-Old Woman" and answer the question.

For all the hope and energy I have placed in the process of immigration and accommodation– I’m a person who couldn’t ride a public bus when she first arrived, and now I’m someone who watches tractor pulls on obscure cable channels – there are parts of me that remain Indian....

Which best defines what the writer means by the word accommodation ?

A her willingness to accept a new country as home
B her attempts to earn a living in a new country
C her adjustment to life in a new country
D her challenges finding a place to stay in a new country


I believe the answer is C :3

her adjustment to life in a new country

Which of these best defines a dramatization?

a movie adapted from a novel
dialogue based on actual events

a story that has a serious theme

a play adapted from another work



a movie adapted from a novel dialogue based on actual events

Answer: a play adopted from another work
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A salesperson at a furniture store earns a 3% commission on all sales. How much commission does the salesperson earn on a $1400 sale? A) $21 B) $42 C) $420 D) $1,420 How to write an essay on Mon village Consider the following code.public void printNumbers(int x, int y) { if (x < 5) { System.out.println("x: " + x); } if (y > 5) { System.out.println("y: " + y); } int a = (int)(Math.random() * 10); int b = (int)(Math.random() * 10); if (x != y) printNumbers(a, b);}Which of the following conditions will cause recursion to stop with certainty? A. x < 5 B. x < 5 or y > 5 C. x != y D. x == yConsider the following code.public static int recur3(int n) { if (n == 0) return 0; if (n == 1) return 1; if (n == 2) return 2; return recur3(n - 1) + recur3(n - 2) + recur3(n - 3);}What value would be returned if this method were called and passed a value of 5? A. 3 B. 9 C. 11 D. 16Which of the following methods correctly calculates the value of a number x raised to the power of n using recursion? A. public static int pow(int x, int n) { if (x == 0) return 1; return x * pow(x, n);} B. public static int pow(int x, int n) { if (x == 0) return 1; return x * pow(x, n - 1);} C. public static int pow(int x, int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return x * pow(x, n);} D. public static int pow(int x, int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return x * pow(x, n - 1);}Which of the following methods correctly calculates and returns the sum of all the digits in an integer using recursion? A. public int addDigits(int a) { if (a == 0) return 0; return a % 10 + addDigits(a / 10);} B. public int addDigits(int a) { if (a == 0) return 0; return a / 10 + addDigits(a % 10);} C. public int addDigits(int a) { return a % 10 + addDigits(a / 10);} D. public int addDigits(int a) { return a / 10 + addDigits(a % 10);}The intent of the following method is to find and return the index of the first x character in a string. If this character is not found, -1 is returned.public int findX(String s) { return findX(s, 0);}Which of the following methods would make the best recursive helper method for this task? A. private int findX(String s) { if (index >= s.length()) return -1; else if (s.charAt(index) == 'x') return index; else return findX(s);} B. private int findX(String s, int index) { if (index >= s.length()) return -1; else return s.charAt(index);} C. private int findX(String s, int index) { if (index >= s.length()) return -1; else if (s.charAt(index) == 'x') return index; else return findX(s, index);} D. private int findX(String s, int index) { if (index >= s.length()) return -1; else if (s.charAt(index) == 'x') return index; else return findX(s, index + 1);} Please please help me please please help namamayani Pangungusap please help both 12 and 13 Solve for X.Enter the solutions from least to greatest.Round to two decimal places.(x + 7)^2 11 = 0lesser x =greater x = La magnetica es un iman artificial? 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