I’m in AP Calc AB and can’t figure this out. Any idea?

Im In AP Calc AB And Cant Figure This Out. Any Idea?


Answer 1


[tex]f^{\prime}(x)=7x\sec x\tan x+7\sec x+\frac{1}{x}[/tex]


Given f(x) defined below:

[tex]f(x)=\ln x+7x\sec x[/tex]

The derivative is calculated below.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{d}{dx}\lbrack f(x)\rbrack=\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack\ln x+7x\sec x\rbrack \\ =\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack\ln x\rbrack+\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack7x\sec x\rbrack \\ Take\text{ the constant 7 outside the derivative sign.} \\ =$$\textcolor{red}{\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack\ln x\rbrack}$$+7\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack x\sec x\rbrack \\ \text{The derivative of }\ln (x)=\frac{1}{x},\text{ therefore:} \\ $$\textcolor{red}{\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack\ln x\rbrack}$$+7\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack x\sec x\rbrack=$$\textcolor{red}{\frac{1}{x}}$$+7\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack x\sec x\rbrack\cdots(1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next, we find the derivative of x sec x using the product rule.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{d}{dx}\lbrack x\sec x\rbrack=x$$\textcolor{blue}{\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack\sec x\rbrack}$$+\sec x\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack x\rbrack\text{ } \\ The\text{ derivative of sec(x), }\text{\textcolor{red}{ }}\textcolor{red}{\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack\sec x\rbrack=\sec x\tan x} \\ =x$$\textcolor{blue}{\lbrack\sec x\tan x\rbrack}$$+\sec x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute the result into equation (1) above.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{x}+7\frac{d}{dx}\lbrack x\sec x\rbrack=\frac{1}{x}+7(x\sec x\tan x+\sec x) \\ =7x\sec x\tan x+7\sec x+\frac{1}{x} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]f^{\prime}(x)=7x\sec x\tan x+7\sec x+\frac{1}{x}[/tex]

Related Questions

How do I simplify -88/4


[tex]\begin{gathered} \Rightarrow\frac{-88}{4} \\ \Rightarrow\frac{-44}{2} \\ \Rightarrow-22 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Which of the following is a simplified version of 11 + 4(x + 3) = 10? A 4x + 4 = 10 B В 4x + 23 = 10 15x + 3 = 10 15x + 45 = 10


11 + 4(x + 3) = 10

Apply distributive property:

11+ 4(x)+4(3) = 10

11+ 4x+12 = 10

Combine like terms:

4x+11+12 = 10

4x +23 = 10

What effect does changing the function f(x)=3sin(x)+1to the function g(x)=3sin(x4)+2 have on the graph of f(x)?


Step 1

The parent function f(x) is given as;

[tex]f(x)=3\sin (x)+1[/tex]

If we transform the function by adding 1 to it we will have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=3\sin (x)+1+1 \\ f(x)=3\sin (x)+2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We have the following graph;

which means when you add 1 to the to get f(x)=3sin(x)+2, the function is shifted up by 1 unit.

Step 2

If the function is further transformed to;

[tex]f(x)=3\sin (\frac{x}{4})+1[/tex]

we will have the graph below;

This means that the graph stretches horizontally by a factor of 4.

Therefore the changes f(x) passes through to g(x) are;

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=2\sin (\frac{x}{4})+1_{}--(A\text{ horizontal stretch by a factor of 4)} \\ g(x)=2\sin (\frac{x}{4})+2---(A\text{ shift up by 1 unit)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer; The graph is stretched horizontally by a factor of 4 and shifted up by 1 unit.

How do you figure out what the order pairs are in this equation? 2x-2=y


Equations express relationships between variables and constants. The solutions to two-variable equations consist of two values, known as ordered pairs, and written as (a, b) where "a" and "b" are real-number constants. An equation can have an infinite number of ordered pairs that make the original equation true.

Here, the given equation is,


Rewriting this equation in terms of x, we have,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x-2=y \\ 2x=y+2 \\ x=\frac{y+2}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, now creating a table, with the values, we get the ordered pair. For example, let us take x as 1, then ,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1=\frac{y+2}{2} \\ 2=y+2 \\ y=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, (1,0) is an ordered pair in this equation.

If x =0,


So the pair is, (0,-2).

kiran ran 1/5 the length of the road which is 9 miles how many miles did he run?



Step-by-step explanation:

Put the following equation of a line into slope-intercept form, simplifying all
12y-2x = 108


Answer: y= x/6+9

Step-by-step explanation:

Based on sample data, newborn males have weights with a mean of 3242.4 g and a standard deviation of 844.4 g. Newborn females have weights with a mean of 3095.9 g and a standard deviation of 508.6 g. Who has the weight that is more extreme relative to the group from which they came: a male who weighs 1700 g or a female who weighs 1700 g?


The formula for calculating z score is expressed as

z = (x - μ)/s


x is the sample mean

μ is the mean

s is the sample standard deviation

Considering the newborn males,

x = 1700

μ = 3242.4

s = 844.4


z = (1700 - 3242.4)/844.4

z = - 1.83

Considering the newborn females,

x = 1700

μ = 3095.9

s = 508.6


z = (1700 - 3095.9)/508.6

z = - 2.74

The most extreme value is the z score that is furthest from zero. It is z = - 2.74. Thus, the female who weighs 1700 g is more extreme relatively

Since the z score for the male is z = - 1.83 and the z score for the female is z = - 2.74, the female has the weight that is more extreme.

5/12×6/34 pls help me


The given numerical expression can be simplified as a fraction as 5/68 .

The given expression is  5/12 × 6/34

This is a multiplication of fractions.

therefore here we will multiply the numerators and divide it by the product of the denominators.

5/12 × 6/34

or , (5×6) ÷ (12×34)

or, 30 ÷ 408

or, 5 / 68

therefore the required expression is 5 / 68

Expressions are statements in mathematics that include variables, numbers, or both, as well as at least two terms connected by an operator. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are examples of mathematical operations.

Expressions can be classified into two categories in mathematics: algebraic expressions, which also contain variables, and numerical expressions, which only contain numbers. It seems like a fixed amount of money.

A variable is a symbol without a known value. One constant, one variable, or a collection of variables and constants multiplied or divided can make up a term. The coefficient in an equation is a number that is further multiplied by a variable.

To learn more about expression visit:



A chemist is using 328 milliliters of a solution of acid and water. If 13.7% of the solution is acid how many milliliters of acid are there? Round to nearest tenth



Let's find 13.7% of 328

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{13.7}{100}=\frac{x}{328} \\ x=\frac{13.7\times328}{100} \\ x=44.94 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the calculation above, 44.94mL of acid is present in the solution

After 3 hours, they are ____ miles apart. (Round to the nearest mile as needed.)


Since Mike drove at 65 mph for 3 hours, we have that he traveled:

[tex]3\cdot65=195\text{ miles}[/tex]

for Sandra, we have the following:

[tex]3\cdot70=210\text{ miles}[/tex]

notice that both trajectories with the distance apart segment form a right triangle, then, using the pythagoren theorem, we get:

[tex]x=\sqrt[]{(210)^2+(195)^2}=\sqrt[]{44100+38025}=\sqrt[]{82125}\approx287\text{ miles}[/tex]

therefore, Sandra and Mike are approximately 287 miles apart after 3 hours

ProbabilityHello need help Thank you. A phone number in Cameroon consists of 9 digits. From the theoretical capacity of the Cameroonian telephone network, say whether the 4 current operators (CAMTEL MTN, NEXTTEL and ORANGE) can meet a demand for 150 million subscriptions. 1) How many different ways can you arrange four people in four numbered chairs? 2)How many ways can you distribute 10 balloons to 3 children, 4 for the first and 3 for each of the other two?



1) 24



1) How many different ways can you arrange four people in four numbered chairs?

Answer: we have 4 people ands 4 chairs, so we use the factorial of 4 to find the number of ways that we can arrenge the people:

[tex]4!\text{ = 4}\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1=24[/tex]

we can arrange 4 people in 4 chairs in 24 different ways

2)How many ways can you distribute 10 balloons to 3 children?

To distribute "n" objects to "r" people (in this case n=10, and r = 3) we use the following combinarions formula:


substituting our values we get:


and since C(a,b) is defined as:


For C(12,2) we get the following:


which simplifies to:


We can distribute 10 balloons to 3 people in 66 ways

Consider the following data set where “x” is a positive integer: {x+2, x+4, x-4, x-3, x+6} Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.A. The mode is x-4B. The median is x+2C. The mean is x+1D. None of above


Mode, median and meanInitial step

Before start analyzing the mode, median and mean of the data set, we must organize it from lowest to highest:

{x+2, x+4, x-4, x-3, x+6}

{x-4, x-3, x+2, x+4, x+6}


The mode is the most frequently repeated data. Since every data appears just one time, then this set has not mode.


The median is the data that is in the center. We find it just by counting the same numbers from left to right and from right to left:

The median is x+2


The mean is given by the addition of all the data, and the division by the number of data.

there are 5 values, then we should divide their sum by 5:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{(x-4)+(x-3)+(x+2)+(x+4)+(x+6)}{5} \\ =\frac{x-4+x-3+x+2+x+4+x+6}{5} \\ =\frac{5x+5}{5}=x+1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mean is x+1


3. B 8 cm 9 cm D F 5 cm x cm A CITO 4 CM Α' ο cm D' F O 75 cm o Scale Factor: Scale Factos


Scale factor on a map

How many possible triangles can be created if measure of angle B equals pi over 6 comma a = 20, and b = 10?


First, we have to find the height using the following equation:

[tex]h\text{ = }b\sin (B)[/tex][tex]h\text{ = 10}\times\sin (\frac{\pi}{6})=5[/tex]

We have found the height. If h < b < a, we can have only one triangle. That is the case. So the answer will be 1 triangle.

Solve: x^3= -65 This is for homework


Step 1

Solve the equation by graphing

You can rewrite the equation as


step 2

Using a graphin calculator as Desmos


The solution is x=-4.021


I need to find how much does is his monthly payment.


The total amount Christian will pay is given by:


where P is the principal, r is the interes rate and t is the time. In this case we have that P=15000, r=0.07 and t=2. Then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=15000(1+0.07(2)) \\ A=17100 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence he will pay $17,100 in total. Now, to find the monthly amount we divide the total by the number of months; in this case 24:


Therefore he will pay $712.50 each month.

It is equally probable that the pointer on the spinner Shown will land on any one of the eight regions number one through eight if the pointer lands on the borderline spin again. find the probability that the pointer will stop on an even number or number greater than three



The even numbers here are 2, 4, 6 and 8. That is 4 numbers.

The numbers greater than 3 are 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, that is 5 numbers.

And we have a total of 8 numbers.

Let P(A) be the probability of the pointer landing on an even number

Let P(B) be the probability of the pointer landing on a number greater than 3

Let P(A or B) be the probability that the pointer stops on an even number or number greater than three

From the probability formula,

[tex]P(\text{A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A}\cap B)[/tex][tex]\text{ P(A}\cap B)\text{ means probability of A and B}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} P(A)=\frac{4}{8} \\ P(B)=\frac{5}{8} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ For P(A}\cap B)\text{ we can s}ee\text{ that betwe}en\text{ } \\ \text{the even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 and } \\ n\text{umbers greater than 3, which are 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} \\ \text{what is common is 4, }6,\text{ 8} \\ So,\text{ } \\ \text{P(A}\cap B)=\frac{3}{8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, P(A or B) becomes

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{4}{8}+\frac{5}{8}-\frac{3}{8} \\ \frac{4+5-3}{8} \\ \frac{6}{8} \\ =\frac{3}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

If there are four independent events E1, E2, E3, and E4, then the probability P(E1 and E2 and E3 and E4) equals ____________________.



The probability of having all four events is;

[tex]P(E_1)\times P(E_2)\times P(E_3)\times P(E_4)[/tex]


Given that there are four independent events E1,E2,E3 and E4.


The probability of having all the four events;


would be the product of the probability of each of the events;

[tex]P(E_1-and-E_2-and-E_3-and-E_4)=P(E_1)\times P(E_2)\times P(E_3)\times P(E_4)[/tex]

Therefore, the probability of having all the four events is;

[tex]P(E_1)\times P(E_2)\times P(E_3)\times P(E_4)[/tex]

The table below shows the value for the function y=f(x)If g(x)=1/2 which of the following are solutions to g(x) select all that applyA (-3,5.5)B(-1,-2)C(0,4)D (5,-8)


So we have a table of values that associate x values with a function f(x). The pairs (x,y) are solutions to the equation y=f(x) and they are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (-3,5) \\ (-1,-4) \\ (0,2) \\ (5,-8) \\ (6,3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

If we define a new function g(x)=(1/2)*f(x) its solutions will be those of f(x) but with their y values divided by 2. Then the solutions to g(x) are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (-3,\frac{5}{2})=(-3,2.5) \\ (-1,-\frac{4}{2})=(-1,-2) \\ (0,\frac{2}{2})=(0,1) \\ (5,-\frac{8}{2})=(5,-4) \\ (6,\frac{3}{2})=(6,1.5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then the only option with a solution to g(x) is the second option (-1,-2).

Every rational number is also an integer.TrueorFalse


Every rational number is also an integer.

we have that

The rational numbers include all the integers


the answer is true

what is 8 × 2000? and


simple, it's a multiplication

I multiply the number of atoms with the weight of each one to find the total weight of the gas


We group


and solve

[tex]\begin{gathered} (8.4168)\times(10^{-1}) \\ =0.84168 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the result is: 0.84 grams

7 m The side lengths of the base of a triangular prism are 7 meters, 5 meters, and 8 meters. The height of the prism is 12.5 meters. 12.5 m 6 m What is the lateral surface area of the prism in square meters? 5 m


Given a triangular prism with side lengths of the base as a, b, and c, and height h, then the lateral surface area, A is given by


In our case,

[tex]a=5m,b=6m,c=7m,\text{ and }h=12.5m[/tex]



Therefore, the lateral surface area in square meters is 225

what does 1,580÷25=I know the answer, I need to show how I got it.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[25]{1580} \\ 1\text{ and 15 cannot divide 25 therefore, we use the first three numbers to divide 25} \\ \frac{158}{25}\text{ = }6\text{ remainder 8} \\ \text{You have to carry that remainder which is 8 and combine it with the 0 in 1580.} \\ \frac{80}{25}\text{ = }3\text{ remainder 5} \\ The\text{ remainder 5 will also divide 25} \\ \frac{5}{25}=0.2 \\ The\text{ quotient values are 63 + 0.2 = 63.2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the smallest integer value of x in the solution of the following inequality.3x + 4> -18


We have the following inequality:

3x + 4 > -18

Subtracting 4 from both sides we got:

3x > -22

Dividing both sides by 3 we got:

x > -22/3

Since -22/3 is between -7 and -8 and x must be equal or greater than -22/3, the smallest integer value in the solution of the inequality is -7 (note that -8 isn't part of the solution)

The numbers of products a store sold on 4 consecutive days were x,x+5,x+3 and x+12. if the daily average of the products sold was 13. What is the value of x?



x = 8

Step-by-step explanation:

average is calculated as

average = [tex]\frac{sum}{count}[/tex]

given daily average is 13 , then

[tex]\frac{x+x+5+x+3+x+12}{4}[/tex] = 13 ( multiply both sides by 4 to clear the fraction )

4x + 20 = 52 ( subtract 20 from both sides )

4x = 32 ( divide both sides by 4 )

x = 8

question number 2! I already have the answer of the number one


If we have f(x) = sin(x), then:


f(2x) = sin(2x) is a vertical shrink if we compare it with f(x) = sin(x). Then, the graph of each function is:

sin(??? ) O A. O V3 ОВ. 2 Oc. O D.



The correct option is D



what value of x makes this equation true?[tex]12x - 15 = 6 - 3x[/tex]


The value of x that makes the equation true is;

[tex]x\text{ = }\frac{7}{5}[/tex]

Here, we want to get the value of x that makes the equation true

All have to do here is to solve the equation for x

We have this as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 12x-15\text{ = 6-3x} \\ 12x\text{ + 3x = 6 + 15} \\ 15x\text{ = 21} \\ x\text{ = }\frac{21}{15} \\ \\ \text{ x = }\frac{7}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Suppose a spherical snowball is melting and the volume is decreasing at a constant rate, changing from 12 in^3/min to 10in^3/min in 30min. How fast is the radius changing when the volume is 8in^3/min? (Answer in terms of pi)


The radius changing when the volume is 8in^3/min by: -512π /30 in³ /min.

How to find the radius?

First step is to find the  radius changing over time at a constant rate

dr/dt = 10-12 /30

= -2/30 in/min

Now let find the how fast is the radius changing using this formula

dV/dt = 4πr²(dr/dt)


r =8


dV/dt  = 4π (8in)² × -2/30 in/min

dV/dt  = 4π (64in) × -2/30 in/min

dV/dt  = -512π /30 in³ /min

Therefore the change in radius is -512π /30 in³ /min.

Learn more about radius here:https://brainly.com/question/24375372


find the volume of a right rectangular prism with the following measurements by multiplying The edge lengths. length 3/4 width 1/2 heigth 2/3


[tex]\text{Volume}=\frac{1}{4}\text{cubic units}[/tex]


The volume of a rectangular prism is given by:

[tex]\text{Volume}=\text{ length}\cdot width\cdot height[/tex]


length= 3/4



Now, replace,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Volume}=\text{ length}\cdot width\cdot height \\ \text{Volume}=(\frac{3}{4}\cdot\frac{1}{2}\cdot\frac{2}{3}) \\ \text{Volume}=\frac{3\cdot1\cdot2}{4\cdot2\cdot3}=\frac{1}{4} \\ \text{Volume}=\frac{1}{4}\text{cubic units} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

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