Im doing a practice assignment and im not the best at word problems Im not understanding the question

Im Doing A Practice Assignment And Im Not The Best At Word Problems Im Not Understanding The Question


Answer 1

A sample statistic is is any quantity from the sample of a population.

We can see in the last option, that from the population (total of subjects of study) Kaisa, selected 84 of the total students. This fits in to the definition of sample statistic.

Thus, the correct option is the last one.

Related Questions

Solve x and express answers in simplist radical forM. 2x^2+3x-=9x+2



To solve this question, i will use quadratic formula; however, there are other methods we can use to solve this question.

Step 1

Collect like terms

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x^2+3x=9x+2 \\ 2x^2+3x-9x-2=0 \\ 2x^2-6x-2=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

A standard quadratic equation can be represented as

[tex]\begin{gathered} ax^2+bx+c=0 \\ a=2,b=-6,c=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The quadratic equation is given as



[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-(-6)\pm\sqrt[]{(-6)^2-4(2)(-2)}}{2\times2} \\ x=\frac{6\pm\sqrt[]{36+16}}{4} \\ x=\frac{6\pm\sqrt[]{52}}{4} \\ x=\frac{6\pm7.2}{4} \\ x=\frac{6+7.2}{4}=3.3 \\ or \\ x=\frac{6-7.2}{4}=-0.3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the calculations above, the value of x is either 3.3 or -0.3

It’s either 33.3 or 0.3

The population of a small city in 2010 was 36,000. In 2015, the population was 43,800. If the population growth is exponential and growth occurs at the same rate, what will be the population be in 2020? round your answer to the nearest whole number.


The population of the small city in the year 2020 using the given growth rate is; 51600 people

How to solve exponential growth rates?

We are given that;

Population of the small city in the year 2010 = 36000

Population in the year 2015 = 43800

Now, we are told that the growth rate occurs at the same rate per year. Thus;

Population change from 2010 to 2015 = 43800 - 36000 = 7800

Thus, the population increases by 7800/5 = 1560 people each year.

General form of exponential function is; y = bˣ

where b is rate of growth while x is number of years

But here we will use sequence to get;

y(10) = 1560 * 10 = 15600


Population in 2020 = 36000 + 15600 = 51600 people

Read more about Exponential growth rate at;


An ostrich farmer wants to enclose a rectangular area and then divide it into four pens with fencing parallel to one side of the rectangle. there are 540 feet of fencing available to complete the job. what is the largest possible total area of the four pens?



135 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

you divide 540÷4 to get the answer

Find the Area of the figure below, composed of a rectangle with two semicircles
removed. Round to the nearest tenths place.
D). (
Submit Answer
attempt 1 out of 2



well, we know it's a rectangle with two removed semicircle's, hmmm hold on!! two semicircles make together a whole circle, well, let's remake that circle and put it inside the rectangle, then, let's subtract that area from that of the rectangle's, Check the picture below.

[tex]\stackrel{\textit{\LARGE Areas}}{\stackrel{rectangle}{(16)(4)}~~ - ~~\stackrel{circle}{\pi (2)^2} }\implies 64~~ - ~~4\pi ~~ \approx ~~ \text{\LARGE 51.4}[/tex]

Q.22 5.3 Write a system of linear equations that has the ordered pair of (-2,8) as it's solution.


A system of linear equations that has the ordered pair of (-2,8) as it's solution is Oy - 2x = 12 and x - 2y.


x = -2

for 2y - 4x = 24 plug in x = -2

2y + 8 = 24

Subtract 8 from both sides

2y + 8 - 8 = 24 - 8

2y = 16

divide both sides by 2

2y/2 = 16/2

y = 8

Therefore, the solution to the system of linear equations is:

(x, y) = (-2, 8).

A non-linear equation is such that it does not form a straight line. It looks like a curve in a graph and has a variable slope value. A linear function has one independent variable and one dependent variable. The independent variable is x and the dependent variable is y. The graph of a linear equation always forms a straight line. The definition of a linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each term has an exponent of 1.

Learn more about Linear equations here:-


i cant seem to be able to solve -6(8g+4)-5+6g


Answer: -42g-29

Step-by-step explanation:

-6(8g+4)    -5+6g

-48g-24 -5+6g



English 6: what is characteristics?


Characteristics: special quality or trait that distinguish a person, thing, or group from others.

In a right triangle, the length of the hypotenuseis 14 cm and the length of one leg is 8 cm.What is the measure of the other leg?


Since it is a right triangle, we can use the Pythagorean Theorem. This one states that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square on the hypotenuse. In algebraic notation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a^2+b^2=c^2 \\ \text{ Where a and b are the legs and c is the hypotenuse of the right triangle.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, in this case, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=8\operatorname{cm} \\ b=? \\ c=14\operatorname{cm} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} a^2+b^2=c^2 \\ (8cm)^2+b^2=(14cm)^2 \\ (8)^2cm^2+b^2=(14)^2cm^2 \\ 64cm^2+b^2=196cm^2 \\ \text{ Subtract }64cm^2\text{ from both sides of the equation} \\ 64cm^2+b^2-64cm^2=196cm^2-64cm^2 \\ b^2=132cm^2 \\ \text{ Apply square root to both sides of the equation} \\ \sqrt{b^2}=\sqrt{132cm^2} \\ \boldsymbol{b}\approx\boldsymbol{11.49\operatorname{cm}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the measure of the other leg rounded to the nearest hundredth is 11.49 centimeters.

first test(x)=86,82,47,69,73,47,63,50,59,77,88,87second test (y)=81,71,51,75,69,44,48,48,58,68,83,77find a equation of the least squares regression line. Round the answer to three decimal places, if necessary.


To find the equation of the line, we will use the formula:

y=mx + b

The formula for calculating the slope is given as :

[tex]m=\frac{N\text{ }\Sigma(xy)-\Sigma x\Sigma y}{N\text{ }\Sigma(x^2)-(\Sigma x)^2}[/tex]

[tex]2x^{2} -3x+5=0[/tex]


The solution of the quadratic equation 2x² - 3x + 5 = 0 by completing the square is x = 3/4 ± 31i/4

What is completing the square?

Completing the square method is a way of solving quadratic equations by converting them into perfect square binomials.

How to solve the quadratic equation by completing the square?

Given the quadratic equation

2x² - 3x + 5 = 0, to solve by completing the square method, we first simplify by dividing through by 2.

So, 2x² - 3x + 5 = 0,

2x²/2 - 3x/2 + 5/2 = 0/2

x² - 3x/2 + 5/2 = 0

Next, we complete the square by adding half the square of the coefficient of x to both sides. That is [(-3/2)/2]² = (-3/4)²

So, x² - 3x/2 + 5/2 = 0

x² - 3x/2 + 5/2 + (-3/4)²= 0 + (-3/4)²

x² - 3x/2 + (-3/4)² + 5/2 = 0 + (-3/4)²

(x - 3/4)² + 5/2 = 0 + (-3/4)²  since [x² - 3x/2 + (-3/4)² = (x - 3/4)²]

(x - 3/4)² = 9/16 - 5/2

(x - 3/4)² = (9 - 40)/16

(x - 3/4)² = -31/16

Taking square root of both sides, we have

√(x - 3/4)² = ±√(-31/16)

x - 3/4 = ±31i/4

x = 3/4 ± 31i/4

So, the solution is x = 3/4 + 31i/4

Learn more about completing the square here:


Classify each figure as a line, ray, or line segment. Then, show how to write it. (a) (b) (c) Figure L K H G M Type O line O ray Oline segment O line O ray Oline segment O line Oray Oline segment How to write it 0 X Ś ?



The image below shows the answer:

For a: The line in written as:


For b: The ray is written as:


For c: The segment is:


Harris painted 3 times as many pictures as painted. painted 11 pictures. Select the equation that represents this situation. 3 x h = 11 0 ÷ h = 11 h = 11 x 3 h ÷ 11 = 30 its due by today




Step-by-step explanation:

just answered it for someone else 30 minutes ago

Help with number two please highlight the answer in bold



Options: II and IV


Mean: Is the sum of data values divided by the total number of data values

Deviation: Is the difference between an individual data item and the set's mean.

Absolute value: Is the distance (a positive quantity) between any two points on a number line.

Variability: This relates to how dispersed (or clustered) the values in a data set are. High variability indicates that the data is dispersed. Low variability indicates that the data is grouped together (close together).

MAD: Is the average distance between each data value and the mean is the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) of a set of data. The higher the MAD, the more data variability there is (the data is more spread out).

Hence, II and IV are most likely to have the greatest number of values in common because they both have higher MAD (8) meaning that they have more data variability (their data is more spread out) compared to I and III which have MADs equal 4 and 2 respectively.

(ii) The lowest common multiple (LCM) of x and 60 is 240.
Find the smallest possible value of x.

(Please help + will mark as a brainliest!!)


The smallest value of x is 2 for which these three numbers 2, 60, and 240 have an LCM of 240.

What is LCM?

LCM of two or more than two given numbers is the smallest common multiple that is divisible by two or more than two given numbers.

Given, Are three numbers x, 60, and 240 of which x is unknown.

The lowest common multiple of these three numbers will be when x is the smallest.

Let x be 2 therefore the numbers are now, 2, 60, and 240.

And LCM of 2, 60, and 240 is 240 as it is the smallest number that is divisible by all these three numbers.

learn more about LCM here :


Mabel spends 4 hours to edit a 3-minute long video. She edits at a constant rate.
How long does Mabel spend to edit a 15 minute long video?


By the concept of unitary method, she will take 20 hours to complete a video as definition of unitary method says "The unitary method is a technique for solving a problem by first finding the value of a single unit, and then finding the necessary value by multiplying the single unit value".

What is unitary method?

The unitary method is a strategy for problem-solving that involves first determining the value of a single unit, then multiplying that value to determine the required value. A single or distinct unit is referred to by the word unitary. Therefore, the goal of this method is to establish values in relation to a single unit. The unitary method, for instance, can be used to calculate how many kilometers a car will travel on one litre of gas if it travels 44 km on two litres of fuel. The unitary method refers to the process of determining the value of a single unit from the values of several other units and using that value to determine the value of the necessary number of units.


As she takes 4 hours to edit a 3 minute video,

by unitary method,

so she take 4/3 hour to edit a 1 minute video.

To edit a 15 minute video,

she will take 15*4/3 hours.

=20 hours

As stated in the definition of the unitary method, "the unitary method is a technique for solving a problem by first finding the value of a single unit, and then finding the necessary value by multiplying the single unit value," it will take her 20 hours to complete a video using this method.

To know more about unitary method,


Which of the following statements is true about the congruent triangles below?



[tex]\angle A \cong \angle D[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's check each statement:

1) [tex]\angle A \cong \angle D[/tex]

This is true, as both angle A and angle D are marked with double angle measure marks, signifying congruence.

2) [tex]\overline{AC} \cong \overline{EF}[/tex]

This is false, as [tex]\overline{AC}[/tex] is marked with two tick marks, while [tex]\overline{EF}[/tex] is marked with three tick marks.

3) [tex]\overline{BC} \cong \overline{ED}[/tex]

This is false, as [tex]\overline{BC}[/tex] is marked with two tick marks, while [tex]\overline{ED}[/tex] is marked with only one tick mark.

4) [tex]\angle C \cong \angle E[/tex]

This is false, as angle C is marked with three angle measure marks, while angle E is marked with only one mark.

The question is in the link pls help me, fast.



The answer is B.

Step-by-step explanation:

The circle is filled in so we know the answer cannot be A. All the numbers after 4 are greater than or equal to 4. The arrowing is pointing toward the numbers after 4.

What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (10, 6) and (6, 6)? Write
your answer in simplest form.


The slope of the line that passes through the points (10,6) and (6,6) is 0.

The Slope of a line can be described as a change in the y coordinate with respect to the x coordinate.

Formula to find the slope of the line that passes through the points [tex](x1,y1)[/tex] and [tex](x2,y2)[/tex] is

                             [tex]m= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)[/tex]

                          where, m=slope

As per the given problem, let us consider



Substitute the given values such as [tex]x1=10,x2=6,y1=6,y2=6[/tex] in the formula,


Therefore, the slope of the line that passes through the points (10,6) and (6,6) is o.

To know more about finding the slope of the line:

The sum of two numbers is 130 and their difference is 34. Let x be the first number and y be the second number. Set up a system of equations and use the elimination method to find the numbers


The numbers are 82 and 48

What is an equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement with an 'equal to' symbol between two expressions that have equal values.

Let x represent the first number and y represent the second number.

Equation 1, sum of the numbers:

x + y = 130

Equation 2, difference of the numbers:

x - y = 34

Using the elimination method system of equations to solve:

 x  +  y  =  130

 x  -   y  =  34


Add the two equations to eliminate the y term leaving:

2x = 164

Divide both sides by 2:

x = 82

Find y from first equation: x  +  y  =  130

substituting 82 for x in the equation

82 + y = 130

Subtract 82 from both sides:

y = 48

The two numbers in the system of equation are 82 and 48.

Learn more about equation on:


Help! graph the systems of equations. {2x+y=8 −x+2y=6


A system of equations is simply a collection of equations that can be dependent, independent, consistent, or inconsistent.

2x + y = 8x - 2y = -6 is x,y = 2,4

How are equations graphed?To graph the equation, choose three x values and list them in a table. (Hint: choose values that are easy to calculate, such as 1, 0 and 1). Simplify the equation by substituting each value to find the associated y-coordinate. Draw a line between each point on a graph with the sorted pairings.A system of equations is simply a collection of equations that can be dependent, independent, consistent, or inconsistent.

Given equation,

2x + y = 8x - 2y = -6

x,y = 2,4

[1]    2x + y = 8

[2]    x - 2y = -6

Solve [2] for the variable  x

[2]    x = 2y - 6

Plug this in for variable  x  in [1]

[1]    2•(2y-6) + y = 8

[1]    5y = 20

Solve [1] for the variable  y

[1]    5y = 20

[1]    y = 4

By now we know this much

x = 2y-6

y = 4

Use the  y  value to solve for  x

x = 2(4) -6 = 2

Hence, {x,y} = {2,4}

To learn more about Systems of equations, refer to:


for each of the 7 you have to determine whether its alternative exterior angles, same side interior angles, vertical angles, alternate interior angles, definition of a parallelogram, SAS, Or Given


Statement Reason

WXYZ is a parallelogram Given

WX || ZY and WZ || XY Definition of a parallelogram

∠ZYW ≅ ∠XWY Alternate interior angles

WX ≅ YZ Definition of a parallelogram

WY ≅ WY Reflexive property of congruence



tsThe table below represents the concessions sold at the last three basketball games. Thegames were held on different days and times.Friday nightSaturday morningTuesday nightTotalCandy1489478320Hot Dogs10227150279Nachos Total1084297247358163325846What is the approximately probability of a person buying a hot dog and going to a Tuesdaynight game?



The total = 846.

The number of hot dogs sold at Tuesday night = 150.


We need to find the approximate probability of a person buying a hot dog and going to a Tuesday night game.


The total possible outcomes = 846.


Let A be the given event.

The favourable outcomes = The number of hot dogs sold at Tuesday night = 150.


The approximate probability of a person buying a hot dog and going to a Tuesday night game.

[tex]P=\frac{n(A)}{n(S)}\times100[/tex][tex]P=\frac{150}{846}\times100[/tex][tex]P=17.7[/tex][tex]P=18\text{ \%}[/tex]

Final answer:

[tex]P=18\text{ \%}[/tex]

how much must be deposited at the beginning of every six months in an account that pays 6% compounded semi-annually so that the account will contain 35,000 at the end of five years the semi-annual payments are___?round to 2 decimal places


In order to determine the initial investment, use the following formula for the composed interest:



P: initial investment = ?

r: interest rate = 6% = 0.06

n: number of times per time period = 6

t: time period = 5 x 2 = 10

I: final account = 35,000

replace the previous values of the parameters and solve for P, as follow:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 35000=P(1+0.06/6)^{6\cdot10}=P\cdot1.816 \\ P=35000/1.816 \\ P=19273.13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the initial investment was 19,273.13

a naturalist relocated 12 wild bears in 6 months. the naturalist relocated the same number of wilde bears each month how many wild bears did the naturalist relocate per month HELP SUPER URGENT


The number of wild bears the naturalist can relocate per month is 2 wild bears.

Number of wild bears relocated by the naturalist = 12 wild bears

Time taken by the naturalist to relocate these wild bears = 6 months

Thus the number of bears the naturalist can relocate in 1 month can be found out by using unitary method

This implies that the number of bears relocated by the naturalist in 1 month or per month = 12 / 6 = 2 wild bears

Thus the number of wild bears the naturalist can relocate per month is 2 wild bears .

To know more about unitary method or related problems you may visit the link which is mentioned below:


I need help with this practice I’m having trouble solving itNeed some help step by step If you can. Use Desmos to graph this


Given the function:

[tex]y=-4\cos \mleft(\frac{2}{3}x+\frac{\pi}{3}\mright)-3[/tex]

The graph is attached below:

• The period of the function, T = π-(-2π)=3π.

Thus, the function has been graphed to show at least one full period, the x and y-axes are also clearly labeled above.

Graph the polygon with the given vertices and its image after a reflection in the given line.
J(-3, 1), K(0, 3), L(4, -1), M(1, -3); y = -2


A polygon is a plane figure characterized by a finite number of straight-line segments joined to form a closed polygonal chain in geometry.

What is a polygon?

A polygon is a plane figure characterized by a finite number of straight-line segments joined to form a closed polygonal chain in geometry. A polygon is defined as a bounded plane region, a bounding circuit, or both. A polygonal circuit's segments are known as its edges or sides.

Given coordinates are,

J(-3, 1), K(0, 3), L(4, -1), M(1, -3); y = -2

Plot all the points on a coordinate geometry in a sequence we will get the polygon of four sides.

The image of the constructed polygon with all its coordinates is attached with the answer below.

To know more about polygons follow


1) The Ramirez family has a new puppy! When they got it, it weighed 10 pounds. Since then it has
gained 2 pounds per week for x weeks. The puppy now weighs 16 pounds. Model this situation here.
Which equation represents this?
A 10x + 2 = 16
C 10x - 2 = 16
B 2x+10=16
D 2x-10=16



the third one (I don’t know if you put it as b on purpose or not that’s why I’m calling it the third one)

Step-by-step explanation:

it’s says the puppy gained 2 pound for x weeks so you know that the variable (x) will be associated with the 2 and it already weighed 10 pounds so your adding from there.


B (2x + 10 = 16)

Step-by-step explanation:

initial weight = 10 pounds

2 pounds per week for x weeks, so

2 multiplied by the number of weeks

= 2x

It now weighs 16 pounds in total

so, 10 added to it's weight per week

= 10 + 2x

= 16


2x + 10 = 16

Margaret''s parents gave her $40 to spend on video games. Used games are $8 and new games are $14.



so? what is your question here?

Step-by-step explanation:

At midnight, the temperature was -8'F. At noon, the temperature was 23'F. Which expression represents the increase in temperature?


[tex]-8+x=23\text{ Expression}[/tex]

increase= 31° F


Step 1


let x represent the increase in temperature,then

[tex]-8+x=23\text{ Expression}[/tex]

now, to find the increase, solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} -8+x=23\text{ Expression} \\ \text{add 8 in both sides} \\ -8+x+8=23+8 \\ x=31 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so the increase is 31° F.

I hope this helps you

Estimate the cost of putting up a decorative border in your family room if your room is 28 feet long and 16 feet wide and the border costs $8.95 for a package containing 10 feet.The estimated cost is $___


The cost of putting a border around the family room is $ 89.5 .

Dimensions of the room = 28 feet by 16 feet

Now we have to find the perimeter of the room to calculate the length of the border.

The room is a rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is exactly given by  

2 × (length + width)

perimeter = 2 × ( 28 + 16 ) feet

Perimeter = 88 feet

Cost of 10 feet = $ 8.95

Boxes needed = 88 / 10 = 8.8 boxes.

Now boxes cannot be taken as a fraction.

Therefore number of boxes required = 10

Cost of 10 boxes =$8.95 × 10 = $ 89.5

Therefore the cost of putting a border around the family room is $ 89.5 .

to learn more about room visit:


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P = $2500, r=3.95%, t = 8 yr Te luture value ore vesmen we erst is Compouleu annually iS J400.29 (Type an integer or a decimal. Round to the nearest cent as needed.) b) The future value of the investment when interest is compounded monthly is $3,427.30 (Type an integer or a decimal. Round to the nearest cent as needed.) c) The future value of the investment when interest is compounded daily is $3429.02 (Type an integer or a decimal. Round to the nearest cent as needed.) d) The future value of the investment when interest is compounded continuously is $ 3429.08 (Type an integer or a decimal. Round to the nearest cent as needed.) e) Find the doubling time for the given interest rate. T= yr (Type an integer or decimal rounded to two decimal noon PLEAS HELP ANSWER ASAP The slopes of a quadrilateral are -1/2, 3/2, -1/2, and 3/2. What conclusion about this shape can be made?A. 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Graph the polygon with the given vertices and its image after a reflection in the given line.J(2, 1), K(3, 5), L(6, 5), M(5, 1); x = 1 Christine ran a video game competition and recorded the scores of all the contestants. Score Number of people 426 4 572 1 859 2 900 1 1 951 2 X is the score that a randomly chosen person scored. What is the expected value of X? Write your answer as a decimal.