How does a new DNA molecule ensure that it has the same nucleotide sequence as the original DNA?​


Answer 1


This strand contains nucleotides that are complementary to those in the template sequence. Base pairing ensures that the sequence of nucleotides in the existing template strand is exactly matched to a complementary sequence in the new strand, also known as the anti-sequence of the template strand

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What is the specific heat of a substance if 690 J of heat are required to raise the temperature of a 100 g
sample by 15°C? You must show your work





3 complete paragraphs on Static Electricity


Answer: Employments of friction based electricity incorporate contamination control, Xerox machines, and painting. They utilize the property that inverse electrical charges pull in. There are different utilizations including the properties of aversion and the making of electricity produced via friction flashes

friction based electricity is an awkwardness of electric charges inside or on the outside of a material. The charge stays until it can move away through an electric flow or electrical release.

In view of similar kinds of examinations like the one you performed, researchers had the option to set up three laws of electrical charges: Inverse charges pull in one another. Like charges repulse one another. Charged items pull in nonpartisan articles.

Al hacer reaccionar 5g de cinc con ácido sulfúrico se observa que la reacción ocurre en 20s. ¿Cuál será la rapidez de la reacción? Masa atómica del cinc 65,37g.



0.0038 mole s-1


La velocidad de una reacción se refiere a la rapidez o la lentitud con que avanza una reacción. Se mide por la cantidad de reactivos que desaparecen por unidad de tiempo o por la cantidad de productos que aparecen por unidad de tiempo.

Número de moles de zinc = 5g / 65.37gmol-1 = 0.076 moles

Velocidad de reacción = 0.076 moles - 0 moles / 20 s - 0s = 0.0038 mole s-1

Older stars get smaller and cooler and are called white dwarfs.









A student dissolves 10 grams of sugar in enough water to make 25 ml of solution. What is the concentration of the solution


Answer: The concentration of given solution is 11.68 M.


Given: Mass of solute = 10 g

Volume of solution = 25 mL

Convert mL into L as follows.

[tex]1 mL = 0.001 L\\25 mL = 25 mL \times \frac{0.001}{1 mL}\\= 0.025 L[/tex]

Number of moles is the mass of substance divided by its molar mass. The moles of sugar (molar mass = 342.3 g/mol) is as follows.

[tex]No. of moles = \frac{mass}{molar mass}\\= \frac{10 g}{342.3 g/mol}\\= 0.0292 mol[/tex]

Molarity is the number of moles of solute present in a liter of solution.

Hence, concentration of given solution is calculated as follows.

[tex]Molarity = \frac{no. of moles}{Volume (in L)}\\= \frac{0.0292 mol}{0.025 L}\\= 11.68 M[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that the concentration of given solution is 11.68 M.

What is a synthesis reaction? a reaction that occurs when two or more reactants combine into one product
a reaction that occurs when one element within a compound is exchanged with another element
a reaction that occurs when a substance combines with molecular oxygen, releasing light and energy
a reaction that occurs when a single substance breaks apart and forms two or more new substances



A synthesis reaction is a reaction that occurs when two or more reactants combine into one product.


A reaction that occurs when two or more reactants combine into one product is called a synthesis reaction.

A reaction that occurs when one element within a compound is exchanged with another element is called a single replacement reaction.

A reaction that occurs when a substance combines with molecular oxygen, releasing light and energy is called combustion.

A reaction that occurs when a single substance breaks apart and forms two or more new substances is called decomposition.

How do ecosystems change overtime



Ecosystems, the interactive system of living and nonliving organisms in a specific location, change slowly over time. When new plants and animals arrive in an area, they either thrive or struggle. Thriving species sometimes displace native species. When this happens, the system as a whole begins to change.

what is the chemical formula for sugar ( in water)?


I think.....
Tell me if I am wrong

21. An object appears blue when seen in sunlight. The same object is illuminated by a mixture of equally bright red and green light. It is also viewed through a blue filter. What color does the object appear to be? A. Blue B. Cyan C. Black D. Green


Answer: Green.

Explanation: Because object appears to be blue in sunlight, it absorbs counter colour of blue, also orange-red colour. So, when illuminated with

red-green colour, red light is more absorbed and object appears to be green.

Propane is an alkene. Describe the test for alkenes. Give the colour change in the test.




One test for Alkenes is testing with bromine water. This test can be used to tell the difference between an Alkanes and Alkenes. On a normal, any Alkene will turn brown bromine water to colourless because the bromine reacts with the double carbon-carbon bond. Also, the reaction takes place with unsaturated compounds that contains the double carbon-carbon bonds.

Conversely, when Alkanes go through the same test, there is no reaction with bromine water.

If an amine functional group is added to an organic compound, the name of the compound will begin with


Answer for a apple it would be happle


During which phase of the moon does a lunar eclipse occur?
first quarter


last quarter



full moon
A lunar eclipse can occur only at full moon. A total lunar eclipse can happen only when the sun, Earth and moon are perfectly lined up — anything less than perfection creates a partial lunar eclipse or no eclipse at all.

4. Based on their placement on the periodic table, which of the following is more
A.Sodium (Na)
B. Magnesium (Mg)
C. Barium (Ba)
D. Neon (Ne)


Ur answer is A! Sodium

A car travels at 24km/hr to the north. Then it travels 24km/hr to the east. Which is true about the car's acceleration?

The car accelerated because it speed increased.
The car accelerated because it changed direction.
The car did not accelerate because its speed did not change.
Only the velocity changed, not the acceleration not the acceleration.





TEACH ME how to do question 2 through your explanations.




The first two are easy:

H2O, H3O+ and OH- all exist in an equilibrium

[H3O+] = [OH-] = 10^-7 M

HCl is a strong acid so 1M of it will disassociate completely

[H3O+] = [Cl-] = 1 M

The third one is also an equilibrium as HNO2 is a weak acid. Ka is given so [HNO2] and [NO2-] can be calculated.

The fourth one is a buffer solution so its pH can be looked up to give the concentrations.



H20 has pH of 7

1st reaction [H30+] = 10^-7M

[OH-] = 10^-7M

1M HCl has pH of 0

2nd reaction [H3O+] = 1M

[Cl-] = 1M

given Ka = 4.6x10^-3 = [H3O+]x[NO2-] / [HNO2]

and [HNO2] + [NO2-] = 1M

each concentration can be solved

beaker D is a buffer solution n requires more info 2 solve

If an atom has 8 electrons and 8 protons and 9 neutrons then what is it's net charge?"


The answer is 0. Protons have a +1 charge and electrons have a -1 charge. Neutrons are neutral.

Which reaction type? *

combination (synthesis)
single replacement
double replacement


Single replacement.

Mg replaces the H in HCl to become MgCl2.

_Ch7H16+_O2=_CO2+_H2O balancing the equation




Explanation: hope this helps!

2.28 Global Warming’s Negative Effects Worksheet

Watch this Video and to answer the following questions.

What type of human activity increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere?

Explain how climate change affects our oceans

Explain how climate change affects our weather

Explain how climate change affects our food

Explain how climate change affects our health

What can we do to prevent the negative effects of climate change?



Human activities that increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere include, the burning of coal/ other fossil fuels, cement production, deforestation, and other landscape changes.

Climate change causes the oceans to absorb more heat, resulting in an increase in sea surface temperatures and rising sea levels. This change in ocean temperatures and currents brought about by climate change can lead to alterations in climate around the world.

Climate changes affects crop growth, meat production, fisheries, and other fundamental aspects of our food supply. This is because if our climate is constantly changing our Earth will no longer be able to sustain the adequate necessities of food production.

Climate change cause health issues. Change in climate can cause existing health problems to intensify and new health issues to emerge. Climate change can influence air pollution, allergies, disease carried by vectors, food and waterborne diseases, food security, mental health and stress-related disorders, floods, temperature extremes, and wildfires. All of these factors can have negative effects on ones health.

To reduce the negative effects of climate change we can speak up about climate change, use renewable energy, weatherize, invest in energy-efficient appliances, reduce water waste, make less food waste, etc.

Magnesium (used in the manufacture of light alloys) reacts with iron(III) chloride to form magnesium chloride and iron. A mixture of 41.0 g of magnesium and 175.0 g of iron(III) chloride is allowed to react. Identify the limiting reactant and determine the mass of the excess reactant present in the vessel when the reaction is complete. Select one: a. Limiting reactant is Mg; 7.4 g of FeCl3 remain. b. Limiting reactant is Mg; 46.5 g of FeCl3 remain. c. Limiting reactant is FeCl3; 1.7 g of Mg remain. d. Limiting reactant is FeCl3; 37.8 g of Mg remain. e. Limiting reactant is Mg; 134.0 g of FeCl3 remain.



Limiting reactant is FeCl3; 1.7 g of Mg remain.


From the question;

The equation is;

3Mg(s) + 2FeCl₃(s) → 3MgCl₂(s) + 2Fe(s)

Amount of Mg = 41 g/24.31 g/mol = 1.687 moles

The limiting reactant yields the least amount of MgCl2

3 moles of Mg yields 3 moles of MgCl2

Hence 1.687 moles of Mg yields yields 1.687 moles of MgCl2

FeCl₃ = 175 g/162.2 g/mol = 1.0789 moles

2 moles of FeCl3 yields 3 moles of MgCl2

1.0789  moles of FeCl3 yields 1.0789  * 3/2 = 1.61835 moles of MgCl2

Hence FeCl3 is the limiting reactant

3 moles of Mg reacts with 2 moles of FeCl3

x moles of Mg reacts with 1.0789  of FeCl3

x = 3 * 1.0789  /2 = 1.61835 moles of Mg

Mass of Mg reacted = 1.61835 moles * 24.31 = 39.342 g

Mass of excess Mg = 41 g - 39.342 g = 1.7 g








In your own words, describe how the moon’s gravity affects the tides.



It makes them splash more.



Tidal force


The moon's gravitational pull generates the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth, more specifically Earth's water to bulge out on the side closest and farthest from the moon. These are high tides.

hope this helps:)

Balance the Chemical Equation. Fill in the Missing Coefficients. GeF3 + Cs = CsF + Ge


1GeF3 + 3Cs = 3Csf +1Ge

Which part of the scientific process is a proposed answer to a question?

1. observation
2. experiment
3. hypothesis
4. results


Scientific processes are the steps that are done to research and draw conclusions. The results of the experiments are the proposed answer to a question. Thus, option 4 is correct.

What are the steps of the scientific process?

The scientific process initiates when there is a question that needs to answer and presented with observations and facts. It includes defining the question and making observations.

From the observations, the hypothesis is formed and an experiment is designed and conducted. From the research, the conclusion and the results are drawn.

Therefore, option 4. the proposed answer is called the result.

Learn more about the scientific process here:






Hypothesis is an educated guess as to what the answer to the question is.

(*) Sorry for my late answer but I hope this helps others that are looking for this.

I got 100%   ;)

What product is formed when sodium and chlorine undergo a synthesis reaction? sodium chlorite
sodium chlorate
sodium and chloride
sodium chloride


Sodium chloride is the answer
Sodium chloride is formed

Kinetic energy is a measure of a particles what?

A: Size
B: Motion


B is the answer because it is

Describe how nucleic acid basis pair up


The rules of base pairing (or nucleotide pairing) are: A with T: the purine adenine (A) always pairs with the pyrimidine thymine (T) C with G: the pyrimidine cytosine (C) always pairs with the purine guanine (G)

The nucleotides in a base pair are complementary which means their shape allows them to bond together with hydrogen bonds. The A-T pair forms two hydrogen bonds. The C-G pair forms three. The hydrogen bonding between complementary bases holds the two strands of DNA together.

Rahul sits in a chair reading a book. Which force is equal to the force Rahul exerts on Earth?

Rahul’s weight
Rahul's mass
the sum of the weights of Rahul and the book
the sum of the weights of the chair, Rahul, and the book



rahul's weight



The force is equal to the force Rahul exerts on Earth is Rahul's weight.

What is Force?

Force is that thing which cause a change in the motion of an object

What is force Rahul?Since Rahul sits on the chair, his weight exerts a downwards force towards the Earth which is the attraction of the Earth on Rahul. Now, Rahul also exerts a force of attraction on the Earth which is also equal to his weight, since according to Newton's third law which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So, Rahul exerts a force on the Earth equal to his weight.

Thus, the force is equal to the force Rahul exerts on Earth is Rahul's weight.

Learn more about force here:


Each element emits its own unique wavelength of light which can be used to determine the identity of that element. The packet or light wave emitted is called a





The simplest description of a photon is to consider it as a bundle of electromagnetic energy.

In the context of wave - particle duality, light is considered sometimes as a particle. Each bundle of the particles of light wave is called a photon of light.

The wavelength of a photon of light emitted by an element can be used as a tool to identify that particular element.

What are the only types of metals that be magnetized?


Iron, nickel, cobalt? I’m not really sure. Hope this helped a little bit.
iron colbalt and nickel is the answer

A 6.23 g nugget of pure gold absorbed 282 J of heat. The initial temperature was 30.4 degrees Celsius. What was the correct final temperature of the gold nugget if the specific heat of gold is 0.129 J/gC



Final temperature, T2 = 381.28°C


Given the following data;

Mass = 6.23 g

Initial temperature = 30.4°C

Heat capacity = 282 J

Specific heat capacity = 0.129 J/g°C

To find the final temperature;

Heat capacity is given by the formula;

[tex] Q = mcdt[/tex]


Q represents the heat capacity or quantity of heat.

m represents the mass of an object.

c represents the specific heat capacity of water.

dt represents the change in temperature.

Making dt the subject of formula, we have;

[tex] dt = \frac {Q}{mc} [/tex]

Substituting into the equation, we have;

[tex] dt = \frac {282}{6.23*0.129} [/tex]

[tex] dt = \frac {282}{0.8037} [/tex]

dt = 350.88°C

Now, the final temperature T2 is;

But, dt = T2 - T1

T2 = dt + T1

T2 = 350.88 + 30.4

Final temperature, T2 = 381.28°C

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