Write an argument essay in which you argue that driverless cars are good or bad for society. State your claim clearly, along with three supporting reasons. Use specific details and examples to support your claim and reasons. Include specific commentary to explain your supporting details and examples.


Answer 1


Driverless cars are good for society.

One reason why driverless cars are good for society is that they can improve safety on the roads. Because driverless cars are able to sense their surroundings and make decisions based on this information, they are less likely to be involved in accidents than cars driven by humans. For example, driverless cars are equipped with sensors and cameras that allow them to detect other vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles in the road, and they can use this information to avoid collisions. In contrast, human drivers may not be able to react as quickly or accurately to potential hazards, and this can increase the risk of accidents. By reducing the number of accidents on the roads, driverless cars can help to save lives and prevent injuries.

Another reason why driverless cars are good for society is that they can reduce traffic congestion. Because driverless cars are able to communicate with each other and coordinate their movements, they can reduce the need for cars to stop and start, and this can improve the flow of traffic. For example, driverless cars can use sensors and algorithms to determine the most efficient route to a destination, and they can adjust their speed and position to avoid congestion and maximize the use of the available road space. In contrast, human drivers may not be able to make these decisions as effectively, and this can lead to more traffic jams and delays. By improving traffic flow, driverless cars can help to reduce congestion and improve mobility for everyone.

A third reason why driverless cars are good for society is that they can provide greater accessibility for people who are unable to drive. For example, driverless cars can be useful for people who are blind or have limited mobility, as they can provide a safe and convenient way to get around. Driverless cars can also be useful for people who are unable to drive


Related Questions

Scythe Anastasia mentions "Scythe Lucifer" in her journal entry at the end of the book. What inferences can you make to determine who Scythe Lucifer is? Explain in 2-3 complete sentences.


Rowan Damisch is a former scythe apprentice and vigilante known as Scythe Lucifer. Scythe Faraday chose him for apprenticeship along with Citra Terranova. Then later taken on by Scythe Goddard. He is the main male protagonist of the Arc of a Scythe series.

Which of the following options saves you time in the research process?

Conduct research on social media.
Don't do research and just write what you believe.
Look at subheadings, highlighted words, and the table of contents.
Look at the only the first few items on a web-search.


Answer: Look at the subheadings, highlighted words ect. ; Look at the first few results. (They are often the most accurate)


   Subheadings and highlighted words often are the key points as well as the table of contents. You can usually find just what you need and will save time than if you read the whole thing over. On a computer (I have a Mac), you can use the shortcut: command, f. A black box will pop up and put the words you think will lead to information. It will give you options and you can go through them!

Looking at subheadings, highlighted words and the table of contents options saves you time in the research process. Thus, option C is correct.

What is research?

Research is defined as "creative and methodical activity done to improve the body of knowledge." It entails gathering, organizing, and analyzing data in order to understand a subject, and is distinguished by a focus on minimizing bias and error causes.

The table of contents, together with subheadings & marked words, are frequently the essential elements. Most of the time, one can quickly locate what one need without having to read the entire document.

The table of contents, together with subheadings and marked words, are frequently the essential elements. Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about research, here:


How does the writer develop the claim in paragraph 2? A. by using data to compare the salaries of a college graduate to someone with high school degree B. by telling a personal story about finding a job after college C. by using data to show the rising number of jobs that require a college degree D. by listing the top paying professions college students should pursue





I'd say A. because it seems more reasonable, but i'm not sure because i don't know the article.

Read the excerpt from the text.

(4) Each day they got worse; soon it became clear that mere adjectives could not convey any idea of their terrors. Therefore I devised a mosquito gauge. I held up a bare hand for 5 seconds by the watch, then counted the number of borers on the back; there were 5 to 10. Each day added to the number, and when we got out to the Buffalo country, there were 15 to 25 on the one side of the hand and elsewhere in proportion.

How does this paragraph further develop the author's idea about the Northern Territory mosquitoes?

By using his gauge, he shows how swarming the mosquitoes are as they travel north.
He explains how the mosquitoes terrorized him and his crew during their field studies.

The author is directly contrasting his data with Dr. Howard's New Jersey data.
He describes a gauge he developed in order to track the speed of the mosquitoes.




Tne answer is, A.


The paragraph further develops the author's idea about the Northern Territory mosquitoes by explaining how they became worse over time, and the correct answer is: "The author also devises a mosquito gauge to count the number of mosquitoes on his hand, which shows the increasing severity of the mosquito problem as they travel further north." That is option B.

What is "refining ideas"?

In this paragraph, the author is describing the severity of the mosquito problem they faced during their field studies in the Northern Territory. The author explains that the mosquitoes were becoming worse each day and that the situation had become so dire that mere adjectives could not accurately convey the level of terror that they felt. This suggests that the mosquitoes were not just a minor nuisance but were actually causing significant problems for the author and his crew.

Hence, the author also devises a mosquito gauge to count the number of mosquitoes on his hand, which shows the increasing severity of the mosquito problem as they travel further north. That is option B.

Learn more about the refining ideas here.


Which statement is a main idea of the text? Responses Before Carver, cotton was the only crop African Americans farmed in the South. Before Carver, cotton was the only crop African Americans farmed in the South. Carver makes peanuts popular by inventing new products made of peanuts. Carver makes peanuts popular by inventing new products made of peanuts. Carver uses his knowledge of plants to teach classes at Tuskegee University. Carver uses his knowledge of plants to teach classes at Tuskegee University. As a young boy, Carver discovers that peanut plants help restore nutrients to the soil. As a young boy, Carver discovers that peanut plants help restore nutrients to the soil.


Before Carver, cotton was the only crop African Americans farmed in the South.

Who was George Washington Carver?

Every American schoolchild is familiar with the stereotype of George Washington Carver: a slave by birth, he toiled to educate himself and become a scientist, he taught at Tuskegee Institute, and he rose to fame as the Peanut Man, discovering a variety of uses for the humble bean. The story is obviously not that straightforward. No one can dispute Carver's contributions to finding new uses for Southern agricultural crops and imparting techniques for soil development to underprivileged Southern farmers, despite critiques of him. George Washington Carver carefully guarded his reputation. He did not write substantially about his adolescence, but he did leave behind fragments that briefly describe his challenging upbringing. These texts describe a fragile and frail orphan who hungered for scientific discoveries while thirsting for information. Although Carver's early years were challenging, he appears to have exaggerated his weakness. For instance, Carver said that as a child his "body was very feeble and it was a perpetual conflict between life and death to determine who would get the power" in a historic sketch he wrote in 1897, just as he was starting his teaching career at the Tuskegee Institute.

To know more about carver, visit:


Using your knowledge of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" by Nathaniel Hawthorne from the lesson, which text from the short story supports the universal theme that "To truly care for someone or something means to accept it for what it truly is"?

A And so it was. Even while the party were looking at it, the flower continued to shrivel up, till it became as dry and fragile as when the doctor had first thrown it into the vase.
B "I love it as well thus as in its dewy freshness," observed he, pressing the withered rose to his withered lips.
C Inflamed to madness by the coquetry of the girl-widow, who neither granted nor quite withheld her favors, the three rivals began to interchange threatening glances.
D With a shuddering impulse, that showed her a woman still, the widow clasped her skinny hands before her face, and wished that the coffin lid were over it, since it could be no longer beautiful.





Answer:  "I love it as well thus as in its dewy freshness," observed he, pressing the withered rose to his withered lips.


D&F sneakers is a sneaker manufacturing company. Recently they have introduced a wide
range of sneakers made from recycled plastic waste, especially from ocean plastic. For that
purpose, they made a contract of raw material with an organization working on stopping
plastic waste on beaches. They are focused on environment protection, saving ocean wildlife
and building good brand image.
Q1: Which marketing concept/philosophy is used by D&F sneakers? Justify your answer with
valid arguments.
Q2: Write down the benefits of marketing philosophy used by D&F Sneakers.


D&F is using the social marketing philosophy/ concept. Aside from building their brand and making their money, D&F is also considerate of the environment.

What is marketing philosophy?

Marketing philosophy is a guiding principle that goes into the development, communication, and fulfilment of customers needs. There are various marketing philosophy, like;

Product philosophyMarketing philosophySocial marketing philosophy

In Social marketing philosophy, organization/ companies are not interested in their brand, and customers needs. They are also see themselves a having a social responsibility.

D&T see themselves as having a responsibility to the society aside meeting their customers needs. This influences their decisions making in product development.

Their philosophy comes with any benefit which includes;

Reduction of plastic waste in the ocean and cleaner environment.Better brand image for D&T because their philosophy appeals to customers.

Learn more about product philosophy here;


Read the sentence.

Having fallen out of the nest, the bird was insensible at first, but then flew off.

To decipher the meaning of the word insensible, break the word into
the root insens and the suffix -ible.
the root inseni and the suffix -ble.
the prefix in-, the root sens, and the suffix -ible.
the prefix insen-, the root eni, and the suffix -ble.



The prefix in-, the root sens, and the suffix -ible


Article Wealthy Teen Neraly Experiences Consequences.

What is one sentence in this article that struck you as particularly funny? Explain why it struck you that way.​


One sentence in Article Wealthy Teen  article that struck you as particularly funny is:

"Amazingly, Mr. Wentworth did not experience a single repercussion for consuming alcohol under age...local police chief Marvin Taylor said. "He is a very lucky boy."

What is the Article Wealthy Teen about?

This text's main argument criticizes and exposes the fact that affluent and privileged members of our society can breach the law without suffering the proper repercussions.

"Wentworth veered over two lanes of traffic and struck a family of four," reads the text. In other words, he killed several individuals simply because he was not in his right frame of mind. Most people would think that he would go to jail for such crimes.

But, as the article explains, "a team of high-powered attorneys saved him from the brink of personal accountability." There is no repercussion for Charles Wentworth's conduct. The narrative mostly accomplishes this by portraying this man humorously as a victim while actually demonstrating how it is problematic that he escapes retribution.

Lastly, In Wealthy Teen Nearly Experiences Consequences, the author employed comedy (sentence above) and satire to illustrate the main point: those who are wealthy frequently escape the negative repercussions of their detrimental wrongdoings.

Learn more about Article Wealthy Teen from

I was thinking it was D or C but I’m confused, please help!





I was so tired from work, when i got home I collapsed into my bed

Answer:A colapsed.

Explanation: Colapsed means fell or stumbled into. if i were to collapse into bed I would be very tired.

1. Summarize Thoreau's overall claim- what is he saying about government?


They must end its unjust actions in order to be able to gain the right to collect taxes from citizens

I have always tried to buy American-made cars. I like to buy American products. It makes me feel good to support my country.
Which phrase below best describes the overall theme of this passage?


Patriotism through consumerism phrase below best describes the overall theme of this passage.

What is the passage?

The length of a passage varies depending on the context and the goal of the extraction. A passage can be, for example, a sentence's clause, a few phrases, or it can be a few pages.

The emotions of love, dedication, and attachment to one's nation are known as patriotism. This attachment might include a variety of emotions and words that are connected to one's own country, such as ethnic, cultural, political, or historical elements.

Therefore, Thus, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the passage here:


What do the following lines from Chapter 1 mainly reveal about Huck?
I asked her if she reckoned Tom Sawyer would go there, and she said not by a considerable sight. I was glad about that, because I wanted him and
me to be together.
A. He feels self-conscious because he does not know how to play the harp.
B. He does not think that hell sounds so bad if it means getting to hang out with Tom
OC. He is a bad influence on Tom because Huck wants to harm people.
OD. He does not believe anything that Miss Watson tells him.


C. He is a bad influence on Tom because Huck wants to harm people.

Huck briefly explains how he and Tom acquired $6,000 each at the conclusion of Tom Sawyer. Huck now resides with the Widow Douglas & her sister, Miss Watson, after Judge Thatcher took Huck's money & invested it with daily interest payments of $1.

Huck is particularly restless because Miss Watson and the Widow are often nagging him to behave better. He declares out loud that he wants to go to hell when Miss Watson informs him about the "evil location" for a change of scenery. This declaration sparks a commotion. Huck comes to the conclusion that he'd much rather not go wherever Miss Watson is going, but he keeps his thoughts to himself so as not to enrage her further. He queries Miss Watson as to Tom Sawyer's eternal destination. Huck is relieved when Miss Watson informs him that he is headed to Hell since it will allow him and his friend to be reunited.

To know more about Huckleberry Finn, click on the link below:


Final Verdict- Analyzing How Character Action Affects Plot and Theme


In the act of "The Crucible" Miller had his characters make the choices they did, but there was a pause because there were various lies being told, But in the end, he wanted to be honest.

Explain the character of proctor?The final act of the play demonstrates that the judges do not want their reputation to be tarnished. The justice system is a divine and respected organization, and the judges do not want to jeopardize its status by accepting false hangings. They devise a plan to force Proctor to sign a confession that he is a witch. The judges' hypocrisy is contrasted with Proctor's refusal of this act and his heroic death.From the beginning to the end of The Crucible, John Proctor's character evolves in that he is initially hesitant to accept blame for his unfaithfulness to Elizabeth and his affair with Abigail, but in the end, he is willing to do anything to save Elizabeth, including confess to his adultery.

To learn more about "The Crucible" refer to :



Do you have the answer for this still I need it please?

Write a scientific report in a few sentences.



In the 1980s, the term hypernova was used to describe a theoretical type of supernova now known as a pair-instability supernova. It referred to the extremely high energy of the explosion compared to typical core collapse supernovae. … See more


Hypernova are now widely accepted to be supernovae with ejecta having a kinetic energy larger than about 10 joules, an order of magnitude higher … See more

A hypernova, also known as a collapsar, is an extremely energetic supernova. The two are not to be confused, even if their formation is very similar. In a supernova, a star shears off its outer matter but leaves a new star at its …

Hypernova is building cutting-edge technologies to enable satellite constellations to commercially operate in Very Low Earth Orbits (VLEO) to achieve next-generation performance in Remote …

What is the difference between a supernova and Hypernova?

A hypernova, also known as a collapsar, is an extremely energetic supernova. The two are not to be confused, even if their formation is very similar. In a supernova, a star shears off its outer matter but leaves a new star at its center, often a neutron star. In a hypernova, the force of the explosion tears the inner star apart too.

What happens to a star during a hypernova?

In a hypernova, the force of the explosion tears the inner star apart too. Hypernovas occur in stars with a mass greater than 30 times that of our Sun. Like in a supernova, as the star runs out of fuel it can no longer support itself under its own gravity. It collapses and subsequently explodes, ...

A hypernova, also known as a collapsar, is a highly energetic supernova resulting from the core collapse of a massive star. While it is similar to a supernova, it is far more powerful and exudes …

A hypernova is a very energetic supernova thought to result from an extreme core-collapse scenario. In this case, a massive star collapses to form a rotating black hole emitting twin energetic jets an…

They're basically supernovae on steroids. Hypernova are about 100 times more powerful than garden-variety supernovae, and only occur with stars that are about 130 to 250 solar masses. Hypernova are much rarer than white dwarfs as stars that 30+ solar masses nearing the end of their lifespan aren’t that common whilst there are 10 billion white dwarfs in the Milky Way alone. The sound wave with the largest energy ever detected is the one that comes from a supermassive black hole in the Perseus galaxy cluster, about 250 million light years from Earth.


it's about a hypernova

Felicia is sitting down to plan her speech about immigration legislation. What is the FIRST step she should take when planning?
O A. Develop a list of questions.
Evaluate her research.
O C.
Gather materials to research.
O D. Develop a theory.



it should be c


you should gather you materials then plan your speech

If Circle is the name of a class, which of the following statements would create a Circle object named myCircle?
myCircle Circle;
myCircle Circle();
Circle myCircle;
Circle myCircle();
None of these


statements would create a ,circle object named myCircle is option C which is Circle my Circle.

What exactly are constant member functions?

Const member functions are those that are declared as constants in the programme. The object referred to by these functions cannot be changed. It is recommended to use the const keyword to avoid accidental changes to the object. Any type of object can call a const member function.

In C++, what is a member function?

Member functions are operators and functions that have been declared as class members. Operators and functions declared with the friend specifier are not considered member functions. These are known as classmates' friends. A static member function is one that has been declared as static by the user.

What are C++ operators that change one of their operands?

The operators ++ and — stand for increment and decrement, respectively. ++ adds one to the operand, whereas — subtracts one. a++ raises the value of a variable 'a' by one, while a— lowers the value of a by one. Similarly, ++a raises the value of 'a' by one and —a lowers the value of a by one.

learn more about C++ Operators visit:


What do you think of the approach this society has taken to achieving equality? harrison bergeron


Yes, the approach this society has taken to achieving equality. In "Harrison Bergeron" a dystopian authoritarian society is being portrayed that guarantees the physical and intellectual equality of all Americans.

The required details for  Harrison Bergeron in given paragraph

In general, equality is achieved, but at the sacrifice of one's prosperity and independence.

Who is Harrison Bergeron?

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. wrote a story titled Harrison Bergeron. In the narrative, Harrison Bergeron is viewed as a threat to society because he defies the restrictions imposed on him by his authoritarian society. Due to his physical and intellectual dominance over others, he refers to himself as the emperor and developed a complex conspiracy to destroy the government. He is a hero of rebellion and revolution who assisted most citizens in realizing their full potential.

To learn more about Harrison Bergeron, use the given link:


Is it correct to say this. "A thousand splendid suns is a book which disperse on a vast of different themes such as the power of friendship, hope, going through hardships and much more to it."​



A thousand splendid suns is a book that disperses many different themes, such as the power of friendship, hope, hardships, and much more.


Fixed grammar and sentence structure.

Join the following sentences using a transition preceded by a semicolon. Tomorrow is my last day of high school. I sure will miss it here.

A. Tomorrow is my last day of high school; that being said; I sure will miss it here.

B. Tomorrow is my last day of high school, that being said; I sure will miss it here.

C. Tomorrow is my last day of high school; I sure will miss it here.

D. Tomorrow is my last day of high school; that being said, I sure will miss it here. 10202042290666 AUTIS​





the semicolon is there to indicate a pause between 2 main clauses

so this would be correct

Review the research plan.
Research question: Why did California decide to
return a 280-acre island to the Wiyot tribe in 2019?
Additional questions: Who are the Wiyot people?
How did the land come to be owned by California? How
does the Wiyot tribe view this decision? How is this
decision significant to Indigenous tribes?
1. Research the topic and take notes
2. Evaluate the research questions
3. Develop an outline
4. Draft the essay
5. Revise the essay
6. Turn in the essay
What should be added to the research plan?
the date the essay was assigned
the target dates for completing tasks
the selection of the final topic
O the development of the thesis statement


The Wiyot people, for whom Duluwat Island serves as the physical and cultural core, are receiving the island back. This study investigates the repatriation of holy tribal land in the context of the Wiyot people receiving forty acres of Indian Island.

After years of community agitation, the city council of Eureka, California, decided to provide the federally recognized Wiyot access to 202 acres of Tuluwat Island. In 1860, the Wiyot Tribe was expelled from Duluwat Island in California.

The tribe had lobbied for the Eureka City for decades. Gold was discovered in the Bay in 1849, which led to white immigration there and the eradication of the Wiyot people and their culture.

To learn more about wiyot from given link


what is the difference between a contraction and a possessive




Possessive pronouns don't require an apostrophe.

Which detail in the text best connects to the project goals conveyed in paragraph 2?
(10) Caron said that even though most roads have culverts, many are not appropriate for all species due to their location, size,
or surrounding habitat. Many underpasses are unusable for wildlife species because of siltation blocking the culvert or walls
associated with the culverts blocking access.
(11) Though NPS is still in the middle of the post-construction study, it's clear that the mitigation is having a large impact on the
permeability of the roadway for local wildlife. Some culverts that had almost no use prior to the retrofitting of ramps are now
seeing wildlife use almost daily.



prior to the retrofitting of ramps are now seeing wildlife use almost daily


The two main objectives of the mitigation project are to prevent animals from becoming roadkill and to provide habitat connectivity for a variety of wildlife species.

What is mitigation project?The ten-year partnership resulted in the remodeling of five drainage culverts to make them accessible to wildlife and the addition of fencing to direct animals to them. Overall, the endeavor included a year-long analysis of animal movement, mortality, and crossing use, followed by the funding for the retrofits, construction work to modify the culverts and add fencing, and lastly wildlife monitoring after the work was completed.Wildlife biologists are currently utilizing remote cameras to monitor the retrofits, which are largely finished, to see how effectively their efforts have been successful. Remote cameras can take up to 10,000 photos every month.According to Justin Brown, a wildlife biologist with the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA), a division of the NPS, "if we want to keep a diverse wildlife community in these areas, we need to help them cross these roadways or eventually we're going to lose species that are not capable of crossing."Brown defines wildlife crossings as places where animals approach roads in a natural fashion, such as where riparian habitats meet them. In the area, many of these crossings span various types of transportation, such as freeways and motorways. When vehicles strike animals trying to cross the road, the animals suffer the repercussions.

To Learn more About mitigation project refer to:


Immediately after the liberation, what did Elie think of more than anything else?

his home



his father


revenge Immediately after the liberation, what did Elie think of more than anything else.

What is immediate?

The word "immediate" essentially means "immediate." There is no delay if action is taken right away. You cannot wait for aid if you require it right away. As was previously said, "instant" is an adjective. People these days anticipate instant results when they click on a link. Immediate family is used as an adjective.

After being freed from the concentration camp, Eliezer feels completely liberated. Eliezer is freed from the concentration camps, but the ongoing association of his boyhood with death keeps him mentally imprisoned.

Therefore, Thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about immediate here:


i need someone to make a 200-300 comic like book about ACTIVITY: DIALOGUE IN CREATIVE WRITING


A decent general rule is one page of screenplay (including captions and conversation) if you are doing full-script, which involves drafting all the labels and dialog in advance.

What is creative writing, in your opinion?

In order to transmit meaning by the use of image, narrative, and drama in creative writing, which is a kind of artistic expression, the writer must employ their imagination. As opposed to analytical or pragmatic writing styles, this. Poetry, fiction (works of fiction, short story collections), screenplays, scripts, and creative non-fiction all fall under this category.

Examples of creative writing and what it is.

Creativity writing is a type of writing where the focus is on using the writer's imagination, originality, and innovation to convey a tale using powerful written images that elicit strong emotions, such as in poetry or short stories.

To know more about creative writing visit:


Who/what is the archetype in each 5 acts of Julius Caesar? Please provide the scene. What is the dramatic irony in each 5 acts of Julius Caesar? Please provide the scene.


Brutus embodies the tragic hero archetype in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

The tragic hero Brutus is killed in Act V, Scene 5 of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. After asking each of his devoted troops and slaves to put an end to his life, Strato finally consents to do it on Brutus' behalf. In addition to promising to treat Brutus's body with care, Octavius & Antony ask Brutus's troops to join their forces.

Brutus in The Awfulness of Julius Caesar matches the paradigm of the disastrous narrative. This type is typically depicted as a person of noble birth whose character flaw, when combined with external factors, leads to his ruin and often his death. The criteria for this definition are met by Brutus. The Guiltless Their mother abandoned them when they were little. The homeless children who had been abandoned by their mother lacked a companion. The legend/champion was brave, reliable, and competent.

To know more about archetype in each 5 acts of Julius Caesar, click on the link below:


How can you identify the author's claim?
Please explain in detail.




Show full text. Legal.Look for evidence in the text. Understand what your article is about. ... Be able to identify any fallacies and rhetoric styles the writer uses. Understand the writer's purpose. You must know what the writer's main intent is, in order to find the claim. ...

Based on this passage, which statement best
summarizes Roosevelt's reasons for supporting the
O She supports it even though its authors should have
compromised more.
O She supports it even though its authors composed
the document quickly.
O She supports it because it provides everything her
delegation sought.
O She supports it because it brings together the ideas
of different authors.


She supports it because it brings together the ideas of different authors.

what is Roosevelt's goals in the passage?

The passage's goal is to persuade the general assembly to pass the UDHR at the fourth session.

Which statement best summarizes Roosevelt's reason?

It would convert the UDHR from a document of

principles to one of obligations.

How is the contrast created by word choice effective in persuading Roosevelt's audience?

It demonstrates to delegates the distinction between broad and narrow terms in the UDHR, as well as B)specific examples of people who would and would not

What was the topic of Eleanor Roosevelt's speech?

In 1958, Roosevelt gave a speech in Paris titled "The Struggle for Human Rights" in an attempt to persuade UN member states to vote in favour of the Declaration. Roosevelt's speech was aimed squarely at the Soviet bloc, which had criticised the Declaration for emphasising individual rights over collective rights.

learn more about roosevelt visit:


Which statement is an example of a metaphor?
her heart was pounding like a jackhammer"
"her heart was a jackhammer"
"her heart skipped a beat"
"her heart beat wildly in her ches


“Her heart beat wildly in her chest”

I hope this helps!

What are the lessons/morals from 'The Phantom Tollbooth' written by Norton Juster?


Education and boredom are the lessons/morals from 'The Phantom Tollbooth' written by Norton Juster.

What was the author's purpose in writing The Phantom Tollbooth?

Juster wrote The Phantom Tollbooth instead of working on a grant-funded children's book on cities. In general, everything you write for enjoyment will always be better than something you think is more important, required, or expected of you.

Milo learns from the Mathemagician in the realm of Digitopolis that verbal communication is not necessary for all forms of communication.

Thus, it is Education and boredom.

For more information about purpose in writing The Phantom Tollbooth, click here:


Other Questions
Read the following biographies:Biography A "Marie Tharp grew up in the 1930s, wanting to be a surveyor like her father. Although she helped him in his work, women werent welcome in the sciences, so she went to music school instead and waited for a chance. When colleges emptied of men during World War II, she was allowed to get a geology degree and then another in mathematics. "She wanted to investigate the ocean depths, but women werent allowed on research ships. So she waited again, this time in a basement office, for her male colleagues to send back data. Working slowly and precisely, she turned those numbers into the most detailed map of the sea floor ever made. "Marie wanted her colleagues to understand that her depictions of sea floor geography were powerful evidence for the theory of continental drift, but they dismissed it as 'girl talk.' It took almost a decade for her work to be accepted. Shed wait many more years to get full credit.Biography B "Rosalind Franklin decided she wanted to be a scientist when she was still a teenager, but her father didnt believe in higher education for women. She eventually did enroll in the University of Cambridge, but when she graduated in 1941, women were not considered full members of the college and were ineligible for higher-degree awards. "She went on to conduct groundbreaking work exploring the structure of DNA using x-ray photographs. Although her work was excellent and her research was published in major scientific journals, she had to fight against lower pay and slower promotions than her male peers. At times, others in the lab treated her more as an assistant than a fellow scientist. Franklin also had difficulties collaborating with her colleagues because women were not allowed in the university dining rooms or clubs where theories were shared and debated over meals and drinks. "Franklin continued her work regardless, capturing the first clear images of DNA in what were later called 'the most beautiful X-ray photographs of any substance ever taken.' Before she could publish her results, however, a male scientist in her lab showed her photographs to two rival researchers, James Watson and Francis Crick. Watson and Crick used what they saw in Franklins photos to help them develop their famous model of the double helix of DNA. They were hailed all over the world for their discovery and received a Nobel Prize for it. Rosalind Franklin received a small footnote in their paper."What is the common theme of both biographies?A Most men did not want their daughters to become scientists.B Scientists used to steal research from one another in order to get ahead.C Women made good scientists because they were patient and worked hard without complaining.D Women often struggled for acceptance in scientific fields. Briefly describe one major difference between sinns and pfaelzers historical interpretations of immigration to the pacific coast of the united states during the 1850s and 1860s. which term means using your knowledge and training to perform your responsibilities to the best of your ability at all times? I need to find the measure of the arc or angle indicated and assume that the lines that appear to be tangent are tangent the following four graphs (figure 16.15 a, b, c, and d) display the number of customers in a queuing system (y-axis) over a long period of time (x-axis). which of the following is most likely a stable system? when explaining the difference between anxiety and fear, the mental health nurse shares what? select all that apply. How does crossing over lead to genetic variation ? dr. hamilton is performing surgery on kinsley and is very concerned about how the surgery will affect her ability to form new memories. this is because the surgery is near kinsley's: Why was the Texas capital moved from columbia? anderson video - solenoids 4 of 5 review | constants first, launch the video solenoids. after watching the video, answer the follow-up question below. select to launch video part a a solenoid with 200 loops is 60 cm long. it has a current of 4.2 a. what is the magnetic field in this solenoid? the serving size for the granola that ted likes to eat for breakfast is 3/4 cup. how many servings are there in a box that holds 13 cups? (what operation should be used here? solve the problem.) What term is a word expression that has a precise meaning? Explain how Holden tries to be a "catcher" for the following people.- Little Kids (Museum, Roller Skater Girl, etc.)- Sunny- Phoebe- Jane - The nuns- Other Students (Ackley, James Castel, etc.)- Any other examples? you have a suspension of chloroplasts with thylakoid membranes that are permeable to protons. which stage(s) of the light-dependent reactions will not occur in these chloroplasts? (check all that apply.) When = 28 , which equation can be used to find the distance from point a to point b? What gas occupies 22.4 at STP? Kyle buys a mobile phone that weighs 310 g to 2 significant figures.He puts the phone inside a protective case that weighs 15.6 g to 1 decimalplace.Work out the smallest possible total weight, in grams (g), of the phone andcase combined. please help, answers only!! I need help with this plssssssss a firm has the least amount of control over external causes of supply-chain dynamics. external causes include