if your fixture contains a 60 w bulb at 120v, and your local power utility sells energy at 8 cents per kilowatt hour, how much will it cost to leave the bulb on for the whole month


Answer 1

The cost to leave the bulb on for the whole month $3.46 is

How does a circuit respond to an increase in current?

When the voltage rises while the current stays the same, the resistance also rises. Alternately, if the voltage is held constant while the current increases, the resistance will decrease.

Energy is characterized as having the "ability to do work, which is the capacity to exert a force sufficient to move an object." Despite this unclear definition, the meaning is actually quite straightforward: energy is simply the force that moves things.

Energy = power × time

Energy = 60w × 1month × 30days/1month×24hrs/1day ×1kw/1000w

Energy = 43.2kw.h

Cost = energy × rate

Cost = 43.2×$0.8kw/h

Cost = $3.46.

To know more about power visit:



Related Questions

an intergalactic spaceship arrives at a distant planet that rotates on its axis with a period of t. the spaceship enters a geosynchronous orbit at a distance of r.


The answer is M = 4π 2 R 3 /GT 2 M = 1.35 × 10²⁸ kg.

A geostationary orbit is a low-inclination prograde orbit around the Earth lasting 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds. A spacecraft in a geostationary orbit appears to move north and south but appears to stay at a fixed longitude on Earth. A geostationary orbit is a geostationary orbit.

A geostationary satellite orbit is an orbit around the Earth that intentionally has an orbital period of one sidereal day equal to the Earth's sidereal rotation period, with the satellite returning to the same position in the sky after each sidereal day. Geostationary means that the satellite orbits with the same angular velocity as the earth.

Learn more about A geostationary orbit here:- https://brainly.com/question/19862046


A student observed a white light bulb while looking through three different sheets of transparent plastic. The student recorded the observations in the data table.

Which explanation do these data best support?

Each plastic sheet refracts the wavelengths of light from the blue light bulb at different angles.
Each plastic sheet absorbs one wavelength of light.
Each plastic sheet changes the wavelengths of light from the light bulb in different amounts.
Each plastic sheet transmits a different wavelength of light.


The correct explanation is that; "Each plastic sheet transmit a different wavelength of light." Option D

What is light?

We know that light has to do with the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can be able to see with the optical eyes. This is the part of the spectrum that we can be able respond to due to the fact that it is capable of creating an impression in our eyes.

The other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are invisible to the eye even though the effects of those parts of the spectrum can still be felt from time to time.

Given the fact we can see different colors as we look through different kinds of plastic, it means that what we can see is the color that is transmitted by that particular plastic while the others are absorbed.

Learn more about light:https://brainly.com/question/15200315


red light of wavelength 633 nmnm from a helium-neon laser passes through a slit 0.390 mmmm wide. the diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 3.45 mm away. define the width of a bright fringe as the distance between the minima on either side. part a what is the width of the central bright fringe?


The width of the central bright fringe is 1.41492×10^-2 m.  The width of the first bright field on either side of the bright fringe is 7.075×10^-3 m


a) According to Bragg's law

d×sinθ1 = m×λ

(0.390 ×10^-3)×sinθ1 = 1×(633×10^-9)

θ1 = 10.667×10^-2°

x = s×tanθ1

x = 3.45 ×tan(10.667×10^-2°)

x = 7.0741×10^-3 m

Now to get the width of the fringe you need to add x and x together

W = 2×x

W = 2×7.0741×10^-3

W= 1.41492×10^-2 m

b) For the second bright fringe

d×sinθ2 = m×λ

3.8×sinθ2 =  2×(633×10^-9)

θ2 = 21.33×10^-2°

y = s×tanθ2

y = 3.45 ×tan( 21.33×10^-2°)

y = 1.4149×10^-2 m

The width of the first bright fringe on either side of the central bright fringe is given by:

w = y - x

w = 7.075×10^-3 m

To know more about wavelength of light visit:-



A 4 kg box sits in the back of your 1,400 kg car with a
coefficient of static friction between the box and your car
of 0.4. The car is traveling at 15 m/s. What is the minimum
stopping distance that can be obtained without the box


The minimum stopping distance for a vehicle, d = v2 / 2 µs g . so, is the minimum stopping distance that can be obtained without the box sliding is , 180 m.

What does the four second stopping rule mean?

Count the seconds it takes you to get to the same point on the road after the bumper passes a road sign or a wayside object like a telephone pole. You are following too closely if you pass the marking or item in less time than four seconds.

Is stopping distance the same as the 2-second rule?

The rule is more of a guide for reaction times than it is for safe stopping distance. Under ideal conditions, the two-second rule indicates the bare minimum distance that must be maintained between vehicles. The two seconds provide a safety buffer to give the driver in front of you time to react.

Learn more about friction here:



tarzan grabs a vine hanging vertically from a tall tree when he is running at (a) how high can he swing upward? (b) does the length of the vine affect this height?


Tarzan's initial energy will be Ei = 1/2 mv² so that he can swing upward.

Kinetic energy is the energy that moving objects have. Tarzan possesses kinetic energy when he runs at v mph. He swings by grabbing a vine. When his kinetic energy is totally turned into potential energy, he climbs to a maximum height of h.

Create an expression to represent Tarzan's initial kinetic energy Ki.

Ki = 1/2 mv²……(1)

Tarzan's mass is m, and his velocity is v as he grabs the vine.

If the gravitational potential energy zero is on the ground, the initial gravitational potential energy Ui is given by

Ui = 0 ……(2)

Tarzan's kinetic (Ei) energy and potential energy are added together to form his initial energy.

Ei = Ki + Ui ……(3)

Write an expression for Tarzan's initial energy using equations (1) and (2) in equation (3).

Ei = 1/2 mv²……(4)

Learn more about kinetic energy here:



when the lobes of two p orbitals are in the same phase and overlap side-by-side, the orbital that is formed has a _____ dissociation energy compared to the σ∗ molecular orbital formed from the out-of-phase direct overlap of the two p orbitals.


when the lobes of two p orbitals are in the same phase and overlap side-by-side, the orbital that is formed has a bonding dissociation energy compared to the σ∗ molecular orbital formed from the out-of-phase direct overlap of the two p orbitals.

What scientific theory describes how covalent bonds develop when specific elements' valence orbitals overlap?

Bonding arise when two unique atomic orbitals on different atoms cross across, generating an area where the two atoms share one pair of electrons, according to the theory of valence bonds. When orbitals intersect over an axis containing nuclei, a bond is formed.

A covalent bond is formed by two atoms that share a pair of electrons. The atoms are held together because the electron pair is pulled to both nuclei.

When two atoms exchange one or more pairs of electrons, a covalent connection is established.

Learn more about valence bonds refer



A tennis ball is hit with a tennis racket. Compared to the magnitude of the force of the racket on the ball, the magnitude of the force of the ball on the racket is.


The force of the racket on the ball compared to the force of the ball on the racket is the same.

The  force in physics is defined  as ;

The push or pull on a mass-containing item changes its velocity.

An external force is an agent with the ability to change a body's resting or moving state. It has a magnitude and a direction. The application of force is the location at which force is applied, and the direction in which the force is applied is known as the direction of the force.

Every time one object applies force to another, the other object applies an equal and opposing force to the first.

According to Newton's third law,

Action and reaction are always equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

In other words, interactions lead to forces. So, the force of the racket on the ball compared to the force of the ball on the racket is the same. So according to the question option 3 is correct.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

A tennis ball is hit with a tennis racket. The force of the racket on the ball compared to the force of the ball on the racket is

1- smaller

2- Larger

3- The same

To look more about force click here



What is the wavelength of a radio wave with frequency 8.95 x107 Hz?


The wavelength of a radio wave is 3.352m .

Planck himself originally imagined it to be the constant of proportionality.

Like every other wave, electromagnetic radiation consists of a frequency and a wavelength, and the product of these is continually identical to ​c​, the speed of light.

Electromagnetic waves are all round us, and in addition to visible radiation, different wavelengths are generally known as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

All of these varieties of electromagnetic radiation have a similar basic type as defined by using Maxwell’s equations; however, their energies range with frequency (i.e., a higher frequency means that better electricity).

As he knew from Maxwell, the energy of a wave is proportional to its frequency.

So E ∝ v

Inserting the constant of proportionality gives: E=hv

Using this equation, we can calculate the energy of only single wave particles: photons, electrons, protons, neutrinos, muons, etc.

The Frequency of radio wave is 8.95 x 10⁷Hz.

The speed of light wave is 3 x 10⁸m/s


y=3 x 10⁸m/s/8.95 x  x 10⁷Hz=3.352m

To find more about neutrinos -



which phenomenon that goes unexplained by lewis structures is solved by applying molecular orbital theory?


In terms of combinations of the atomic wave functions, the Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory defines how electrons behave in molecules. All of the atoms in the molecule may be covered by the resulting molecular orbitals.

A molecule is stabilized by the presence of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals, which are created by in-phase combinations of atomic wave functions. A molecule becomes less stable when electrons are located in antibonding molecular orbitals, which are produced by out-of-phase combinations of atomic wave functions. MOs are atomic orbitals that are situated along an internuclear axis. S orbitals or p orbitals orientated end to end can be used to create them.The electron density of orbitals, which are produced from p orbitals positioned side by side, is on the opposite side of the internuclear axis. By using the valence electrons of the atoms in conjunction with molecular orbital theory, we can describe the electronic structure of diatomic molecules.

Although there are two unpaired electrons in the molecule's molecular orbital description, the electrons in the Lewis structure are all paired. As a result, by examining how a magnetic field affects oxygen, we can test the predictions of these theories.

To know more about Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory



what is the potential difference across the headlight bulbs when the starter motor is operated, requiring an additional 39 a from the battery? answer in units of v.


The starter motor's potential difference across the headlight bulbs is 38.45V, requiring an additional 39 a from the battery. Voltage, also known as potential difference.

It is sometimes described as the amount of work needed to move a test charge between two sites, expressed as a unit of charge. Volt is the potential difference's SI unit (V). We only take into account the charge between the locations P and Q when current moves between them in an electric circuit. Electric potential difference between two sites is referred to as voltage, also known as electric pressure, electric tension, or (electric) potential difference. an electric field that is static.

Vh = I*Rn

Vh = 39/5.476*5.40v

Vh = 38.45v

Learn more about voltage here



Which type of energy is associated with the position and motion of an object *?


Mechanical energy is associated with the position and motion of an object. Potential energy is associated with the position of an object, and kinetic energy is associated with the motion of an object.

Potential energy and kinetic energy are two kinds of mechanical energy. Potential energy is due to the position, shape, or height of an object. For example, the energy stored in a coiled spring, the energy stored in a water tank at height, and energy in charges due to their relative positions to each other.

The kinetic energy in an object is due to its motion—for example, energy in flowing water and blowing wind.

At a point of time, the total mechanical energy in an object remains constant. Potential and kinetic energy transforms into one another and thus keep total mechanical energy in an object constant.

To know more about mechanical energy here



What is the best description of the order of events in the animation? the viewer travels through the electron cloud, then the protons, and then the nucleus. The viewer travels through the nucleus, then the electron cloud, and then the nucleus again. The viewer travels through the electron cloud, then the neutrons, and then the protons. The viewer travels through the electron cloud, then the nucleus, and then the electron cloud again.


The viewer travels through the electron cloud, then the nucleus, and then the electron cloud again

what is nucleus?

In terms of genomics, a nucleus is the organelle within a cell that is membrane-enclosed and houses the chromosomes. Certain substances (including proteins and nucleic acids) can selectively move through or out of the nucleus thanks to a variety of holes, or pores, in the nuclear membrane.

The viewer travels through the electron cloud, then the nucleus, and then the electron cloud again.

The electron cloud and the nucleus make up an atom.

In an atom's nucleus are protons (positive particles), neutrons (neutral particles), and electrons (negative particles), which are found in the electron cloud.

The atom's nucleus is located at its centroid, and an electron cloud surrounds it.

To learn more about nucleus checkout  https://brainly.com/question/17704494


a baseball playe rhits a ball that soars high into the air. after the ball has left the bat, and while it is traveling upward, what is the direction of accerlation


The direction of acceleration of the ball hit by baseball player is downwards.

When an object is launched at an angle, it follows a curved path, which is called the trajectory under the action of acceleration due to gravity. At the center of the path at the maximum height, the acceleration due to gravity is g. The particle's velocity is always tangential, and at maximum height, the vertical component of the velocity is zero.

The air resistance opposes the relative motion of the object in the air. It depends on the mass and velocity of the object. After ignoring the air resistance, the ball would travel on its own. Thus, the direction of acceleration of the ball is downwards.

To know more about Acceleration:



the overall length of a piccolo is 32.0 cm. the resonating air column vibrates as in a pipe that is open at both ends. (a) find the frequency of the lowest note a piccolo can play.


The lowest note a piccolo can play has a frequency of f = 535.94 Hz.

Which note can a piccolo play the lowest?

The piccolo, which is the smallest flute family member and extends the range of the flute, is pitched in C or Db. The range is D5, the fourth line on the staff, up to C8, three octaves higher, sounding an octave higher than written.

The formula can be used to determine the frequency of the lowest note a piccolo can play;

f = v/2L


v is speed of sound in air = 343 m/s

L is length given as 32 cm = 0.32 m


f = 343/(2×0.32)

f = 535.94 Hz.

To know more about frequency visit:



How does mass affect the amount of kinetic energy in a moving object? Explain how you know by stating your claim, the evidence for your claim, and your reason why this evidence supports your claim.


A moving object's kinetic energy is inversely correlated with its mass and inversely correlated with the square of its speed.

What is the impact of mass on kinetic energy?

If all other variables are maintained constant, mass and kinetic energy have a positive relationship, which indicates that as mass grows, kinetic energy increases. Accordingly, an object with the same mass and speed as another object will have twice the kinetic energy, and another object with the same mass and speed as another object will have four times the initial kinetic energy.

It is more difficult to move and stop heavier objects (i.e., items with more mass). Greater mass, or heavier items, resist change more than lighter ones do. Using a bicycle or a Cadillac while being pushed, or stopping them once they are moving. The difficulty of starting or stopping an object increases with its mass (or inertia).

To know more about inertia please click here https://brainly.com/question/1140505


Find the binding energy of carbon-12 per nucleon. The mass of a proton is 1.007276 u, of a neutron 1.008665 u, and of carbon 11.996706 u.


The biding energy of carbon-12 per nucleon is 5.34 MeV.

What practical applications exist for carbon-12?

Given that it serves as the reference point for calculating the atomic masses of all other nuclides, carbon-12 is particularly significant by definition, it has an atomic mass of carbon 12.

Where can you find carbon-12?

Numerous naturally occurring substances, including rocks like limestone, coral, as well as the shells or animals like clams, contain carbon-12.Coal and petroleum, two significant fuels, both contain carbon.

Binding energy of C-13 - BE of C-12

= (7.5 * 13 ) - (7.68 * 12)

= 97.5 - 92.16

= 5.34 MeV.

Therefore, the binding energy of carbon-12 per nucleon is 5.34 MeV.

To know more about carbon-12 visit: brainly.com/question/7666959


which of these stars will take the shortest time to go from the earliest protostar stage to the main sequence?


a star ten times the mass of our Sun.

Which kind of star will remain a star for the longest?

A star ten times as big as the sun will last for just 20 million years just on main sequence, compared to the sun's about 10 billion years.When compared to the known universe age at 13.8 million years, the red dwarf, which has half the mass of the sun, has a lifespan of 80 or 100 billion years.

What kind of star does have the lowest atmospheric pressure?

Stars with very low masses called red dwarfs.They therefore have low fusion rates, low pressures, and consequently low temperatures.

To know more about protostar stage visit:



treasure searching pirates walked due north for 2 hours through 4 miles of swamp. afterwards, they stopped for an hour of rest before continuing eastward for another 4 hours to cross 5-miles of jungle. calculate the average velocity in miles per hour of the above pirates. do not enter the unit with your answer.


The average velocity of the pirates is 1.44 miles/hr.

A vector quantity is an average velocity. The change in position or displacement (x) divided by the time intervals (t) in which the displacement happens yields the average velocity. Depending on the sign of the displacement, the average velocity can be positive or negative. Meters per second (m/s or ms-1) is the SI measure of average velocity.

total time = t₁ + 1 + t₂

T = 1 + 1 + 3

T = 5hr

Displacement = AC = √(4² + 6²)

S = √16+36

S = √52

Average velocity = Displacement/ Time

v = S/t

substituting the value in the above equation, we get

v = 7.2/5

v = 1.44 mile/hr

Thus, the average velocity of the pirates is 1.44 miles/hr.

Learn more about average velocity here:



The threshold of hearing is defined as the minimum discernible intensity of the sound. it is approximately 10^−12w/m^2. Find the distance d from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned. assume that the windows are rolled down and that each speaker actually produces 0.06 w of sound, as suggested in the last follow-up comment.


The threshold of hearing is the minimum intensity of sound that can still be discerned and is approximately 10^−12w/m^2. Therefore the distance from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned is 6x10^11 m.

Calculate the intensity of the sound at the car:

Intensity = Power/Area

Intensity = 0.06W/1m^2

Intensity = 0.06W/m^2

Calculate the distance d at which the intensity of the sound is equal to the threshold of hearing:

Threshold of hearing = 10^−12w/m^2

Intensity = 0.06W/m^2

d = (0.06W/m^2)/(10^−12w/m^2)

d = 6x10^11 m

Therefore, the distance from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned is 6x10^11 m.

Learn more about Intensity at :https://brainly.com/question/17583145


What event made it possible for photons to begin to travel freely through the universe when the universe was about 380,000 years old?


The event which made it possible for photons to begin to travel freely through the universe when the universe was about 380,000 years old is the universe hаd expаnded аnd cooled enough for electrons to combine with nuclei to form neutrаl аtoms.

How did the first chemical element appear in the universe?

The universe begаn 13.8 billion yeаrs аgo, аnd the cosmic microwave background (CMB) dаtes bаck to аbout 400,000 yeаrs аfter the Big Bаng. Thаt's becаuse in the eаrly stаges of the universe when it wаs just one-hundred-millionth the size it is todаy, its temperаture wаs extreme: 273 million degrees аbove аbsolute zero.

Аny аtoms present аt thаt time were quickly broken аpаrt into smаll pаrticles (protons аnd electrons). The rаdiаtion from the CMB in photons (pаrticles representing quаntums of light, or other rаdiаtion) wаs scаttered off the electrons. Thus, photons wаndered through the eаrly universe, just аs opticаl light wаnders through а dense fog.

Аbout 380,000 yeаrs аfter the Big Bаng, the universe wаs cool enough thаt hydrogen could form. Becаuse the CMB photons аre bаrely аffected by hitting hydrogen, the photons trаvel in strаight lines. Cosmologists refer to а "surfаce of lаst scаttering" when the CMB photons lаst hit mаtter; аfter thаt, the universe wаs too big. So when we mаp the CMB, we аre looking bаck in time to 380,000 yeаrs аfter the Big Bаng, just аfter the universe wаs opаque to rаdiаtion.

For more information about the Big Bang theory refer to the link:



the moon has a mass of 1×1022 kg, and the gravitational field strength at a distance r from the planet is 0.001 n/kg. what is the gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet?


The gravitational force exerted on the moon of mass 1×10²² kg is 1×10¹⁹ N.

What is gravitational force?

Gravitational force is the universal force of attraction, which is acting between objects.

To calculate the gravitational force exerted on the moon, we use the formula below.


F = mE............... Equation 1


F = Gravitational  force exterted on the moonm = Mass of the moonE = Gravitational field strength of the moon

From the question,


m = 1×10²² kgE = 0.001 N/kg

Substitute these values into equation 1

F = 1×10²²×0.001 F = 1×10¹⁹ N

Hence, the gravitational force exerted on the moon is 1×10¹⁹ N.

Learn more about gravitational force here: https://brainly.com/question/27943482


What activity is a good way to measure your muscular strength and endurance?


We can use push-up tests to measure muscular strength and endurance.

Muscular endurance is defined as the potential of a muscle or group of muscles that have the ability to have sustained repeated contractions against a resistance for a longer period.

Muscular endurance can also be seen in the number of repetitions of a single exercise that can be done without stopping and resting.

Doing push up tests the whole body and muscle groups everywhere in the arms, chest, abdomen, hips, and legs. Doing push up requires the body to be tight, like a plank with toes and palms on the floor. So, push up is considered the best test for muscular endurance.

To know more about push up here



What is K in elastic potential energy formula?


k in elastic potential energy is the spring constant. It is also known as a proportionality constant that describes the relationship between the strain in the spring and the force that causes it.

Elastic potential energy is the potential energy stored by stretching or compressing an elastic object by an external force such as the stretching of a spring. It is equal to the work done to stretch the spring which depends on the spring constant k and the distance stretched.

The spring constant is the measure of stiffness of the spring. The spring constant tells us, how many newtons of force it takes to stretch the spring by one meter.

The spring constant depends on the stiffness of the spring material, the thickness of the wire from which the spring is wound, the diameter of the turns of the coil, the number of turns per unit length and the overall length of the spring.

To know more about spring constant:



a particle, mass 6 kg, moves along the y axis with a speed of 2.4 m/s. it experiences a force of 12 n directed along the x axis. what power is imparted to the particle by the force


The power is imparted to the particle by the force is 28.8 Watts.

How can force be converted into power?

Power is calculated as force times the distance traveled while applying the force, or force times velocity. (However, this only functions when the velocity is constant; that is, when the force is not the resultant force on the moving object).

The amount of power produced for a given mass of a substance or machine is known as power per unit mass, also known as specific power. This is referred to as the power to weight ratio when applied to an engine or vehicle.

Power = F × v

Power = 12×2.4

Power = 28.8 Watts.

To know more about power visit:



Currently failing the class

Distinguish between vector and scalar quantities providing examples of each



Distinguish between vector and scalar quantities providing examples of each


A family car has a mass of 1400 kg. In an accident it hits a wall and goes from a speed of 27 m/s to a standstill in 1. 5 seconds. Calculate the force involved.


The force involved is = 25200 Newton

Given the values in the questions,

Mass = 1400 kg

Speed or velocity of the car = 27 m/s

Time is given = 1.5 seconds

According to the formula of force,

⇒ Force = Mass x Acceleration

⇒ Force = 1400 x Acceleration ----- equation 1

Now to calculate the value of acceleration we will use,

⇒ Acceleration = (Velocity or Speed) / Time

⇒ Acceleration = 27 / 1.5

⇒ Acceleration = 18 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex]

Putting the value of acceleration in equation 1,

⇒ Force = 1400 x 18

⇒ Force = 25200 Newton

Therefore, the force involved is = 25200 Newton

To learn more about Force,



A nurse applies a rightward horizontal force on a bed with a mass of 152 kg. What is the magnitude of the normal force acting on the bed?.


The magnitude of the normal force acting on the bed is 1489.6 Newton.

The nurse is applying a rightward horizontal force on a bed which has a mass of 152 kg.

If the mass of the bed is 152 kg then the force of gravity on the bed is,

W = Mg

M is mass of bed and g is gravitational acceleration.

Putting values,

W = 152×9.8

W =  1489.6 N.

The normal force is always perpendicular to the surface of the bed so, the normal force on the bed will be equal to the weight of the bed which is 1489.6N.

So, the normal force on the bed is 1489.6N.

To know more about Normal force, visit,



a simple pendulum consisting of a bob of mass m attached to a string of length l swings with a period t.


The new period of oscillation if the mass of the bob is reduced by half is [tex]\frac{T}{\sqrt{2}}[/tex] or T/√2.

Look at the attachment for a complete question. The period of oscillation of the simple pendulum

[tex]T \:=\: 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}[/tex][tex]T \:=\: 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{L}{g}}[/tex]


π = 3.14m = the mass of the bob (kg)k = the rope constant (N/m)L = the length of the swing (m)g = the acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)

If we change the mass of the bob and didn't change the rope, the period also will change but the rope constant will not. The ratio of the period between the two condition

m₁ = mT₁ = Tm₂ = 0.50 m

T² = 4π²m/k

T₁²: T₂² = m₁ : m₂

T²: T₂² = m : 0.50 m

T²: T₂² = 1 : 0.5

T₂² = 0.5T²

[tex]T_2 \:=\: \sqrt{0.5T}[/tex]

[tex]T_2 \:=\: \sqrt{\frac{T}{2}}[/tex]

T₂ = T/√2

Learn more about simple pendulum here: https://brainly.com/question/14005974


two planets have the same surface gravity, but planet b has twice the mass of planet a. if planet a has radius ra, what is the radius of planet b?


The radius of planet B is  [tex]\sqrt{2[/tex] times the radius of planet A.

What is Law of Universal Gravitation ?

Thus it states that bodies with mass attract each other with a force that varies directly as the product of their masses and inversely as the square of the distance between them.

The surface gravity of a planet is given by

g =  GM/R²


G is the gravitational constant

M is the mass of the planet

R is the radius of the planet

For the two planets in the problem, we have:

gA=gB  (same gravity)

MB=2MA (planet B has twice the mass of planet A)

So we can write




→ RB = √2RA

so, the radius of planet B is   √2 times the radius of planet A

To know more about Law of universal Gravitation , visit:



Noise cancelling headphones are a kind of headphones which decrease the amount of background noise that get into your ears when you wear them. On what physical phenomena do these headphones depend on?


The theory of destructive interference underlies the operation of noise-cancelling headphones.

The process of using passive and active noise control techniques to reduce undesired background and ambient noises is known as noise cancellation.

Active noise cancelling (ANC) adopts a different strategy from passive noise cancellation by "neutralising" incoming sound waves from your surroundings. Passive noise cancellation reduces ambient noise by erecting a "physical shield" to mask sound.

Small microphones built into ANC headphones send out sound waves that interfere with incoming sound waves from the environment, cancelling each other out. It's comparable to adding +3 and -3, where the result is zero (silence).

Both inside and outside the headphones' walls are picked up by the microphones.

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What are the transitory emotions of the Santa Rasa? The height of the cylinder is 25 inches and the radius of its base is 5 inches. What is the surface area of this cylinder, in terms of n (pie) PLS LOOK AT THE PHOTO AND HELP ME OUR, IM GETTING TIMED What were some disadvantages of being a medieval king? From the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates?Group of answer choicesThin skinLots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivFrom the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates?Group of answer choicesThin skinLots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivityAs small a surface area as possible given the volume of the animal.Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivityThick skinAs large a surface area as possible given the volume of the animal. corporate governance is a system of . multiple choice question. related and unrelated diversification legal and ethical issues inputs and outputs checks and balances 7+2x/3=5 need help aspa pleassee I need this as soooonnn as possible At the grand opening of a store, the first 18 customers will randomly draw a gift certificate from a box which contains twelve $10 coupons, two $50 coupons, and four $20 coupons. How many $20 coupons would need to be added so that the probability of drawing a $20 coupon is 1/3 ???? circle $c$ has radius 10 cm. how many square centimeters are in the area of the largest possible inscribed triangle having one side as a diameter of circle $c$? TRUE/FALSE. except for in certain prohibited areas, licensed individuals can carry concealed handguns on the campuses of public colleges and universities in texas. the robinson family and the wong family each used their sprinklers last summer. the water output rate for the robinson family's sprinkler was per hour. the water output rate for the wong family's sprinkler was per hour. the families used their sprinklers for a combined total of hours, resulting in a total water output of . how long was each sprinkler used? Draw the three alkenes, each of formula c5h10 , that will form 2methylbutane upon hydrogenation. I have a 87% (B+) as my history grade right now and I just took a test thats 30& I need someone to calculate 18-20 and 25 if my grade will go up or down or stay the same the pressure of a gas is measured in an experiment. the measured pressure is less than the pressure predicted by the ideal gas law. which of the assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory are not valid under these conditions? jose is starting a mexican restaurant. he plans to borrow money to buy a building to house the restaurant. which of the following will jose most likely use to finance the building? on the basis of the information below we: * 1 point captionless image a) can say that the firm's labor supply curve is upsloping. b) cannot say whether the firm's product market is purely or imperfectly competitive. c) can say that the firm is selling its product in a purely competitive market. d) can say that the firm is selling its product in an imperfectly competitive market. A school gives every student a sandwich for a picnic on the last day of school. The school has 1,821 students. Each sandwich has 2 slices of bread, and there are 21 slices of bread in a loaf. How many loaves of bread are needed for all the sandwiches? 3. compare and contrast the democratic and republican parties of the late 1800s in terms of: (a) their leadership, (b) their position on issues, (c) the constituencies to whom they appealed. complete the electronpushing mechanism for the reaction by drawing the necessary organic structures and curved arrows for each step. make sure to include all nonbonding electron pairs. greg strongly believes in supporting the youth in his community so he volunteers weekly at the local boys & girls club to support their after-school program. greg has positive feelings toward his volunteer time. he regularly tells people that it feels good to help the youth in his community, which reflects which component of gregs attitude about volunteering? a lump sum cost will do what to the average total cost