If you have a cube-shaped with 6 sides and each sides 4 cm in length and width what will be the Surface area? Volume? Ratio of surface area to volume?


Answer 1


The surface area will be 96 square centimeters(96cm^2), and the volume will be 64 cubic centimeters(64cm^3). The ratio is 3:2.


To find surface area, you find the area of one side of the cube, which is length x width. For a cube, the length and width are the same, so it was 4x4, which gives you 16, and then you multiply that by the number of sides, 6, to get 96.

To find volume, you multiply length x width x height, which are all 4cm for the cube.

To find the ratio, you compare the surface area to the volume similar to a fraction, except side by side. I simplified 96 and 64 by dividing them by 8, which gave me 12:8, and then I simplified that by 3 which gave me 3:2.

Hope this helps!

Related Questions

what kingdom does eubacteria belong to



Like archaebacteria, eubacteria are complex and single celled. Most bacteria are in the EUBACTERIA kingdom. They are the kinds found everywhere and are the ones people are most familiar with. Eubacteria are classified in their own kingdom because their chemical makeup is different.


Do we think we treat soil like dirt ?



no we do not

Explanation: we treat them both differently


No because people buy soil to plant things even tho there us dirt everywhere

pls mark brainliest

Change to hypothesis

What effect does the water temperature have on solution rate?


As the temperature of the water increases so does the solution rate as the atoms gain more energy therefore there will be more frequent collisions.

The speed of an object at a particular moment in time is known as the........
A. instantaneous speed
B. instantaneous velocity
C. Speed
D. Velocity


Answer: It would be A. Instananeous speed

Explanation: It is measured in metres per second

explain how pH and temperature can affect enzyme activity
Please help has to be due in 20 mins. Thank you for helping me.



Enzyme activity depends on many factors such as Substrate concentration, enzyme cofactor, enzyme inhibitors, pH, and temperature. pH and temperature are two important factors that directly affect the activity of an enzyme as follows:

1. pH

Each enzyme has the specific optimal pH that allows it to perform its function to its fullest. The enzymes are the protein made up of the interaction of the hydrogen bond in the side chain of the protein. if there is any change from optimum pH, the enzyme activity decreases until it stops working.

2. Temperature:

Each enzyme has its own optimal temperature. Any modification or change in temperature results in the activity of an enzyme, and it also leads to the denaturation of an enzyme as it is made up of protein.

1 point
5.) No two organisms of the same species are exactly alike. This
may ____allow for some members of the species to______
if their environment suddenly (or gradually) changes.


I think the sentence should read “This variation may allow for some members of the species to adapt if their environment....”

Meiosis has
cell divisions, while mitosis only has?


Mitosis involves one cell division, whereas meiosis involves two cell divisions.

Write a scientific explanation that explains how oxygen and carbon dioxide travel within the seed and the egg.


The two membranes pull apart a little and create a small pocket or sack of air. As the developing bird grows, it breathes in oxygen from the air sack and exhales carbon dioxide. Several thousand microscopic pores all over the surface of the egg allow the CO2 to escape and fresh air to get in.

Please mark brainliest :)

Carbon dioxide and oxygen travel within the seed and egg to break the energy or food inside the seed or egg. It comprises schematic steps which are responsible for these functions.

What do you mean by Seed?

Seed may be defined as the unit of reproduction of a flowering plant, capable of developing into another such plant.

The oxygen enters the seed and gets absorbed by the seed coat. It makes the seed coat wet and soft due to oxygen absorption. This oxygen now combines with energy that is stored inside the seed. The level of carbon dioxide increases when the process of photosynthesis will be initiated.

Therefore, carbon dioxide and oxygen travel within the seed and egg to break the energy or food inside the seed or egg.

To learn more about Carbon dioxide in plants, refer to the link:


Excess exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer due to mutations in the DNA of your skin cells. Which of the following explains why this type of cancer cannot be inherited by the offspring of someone with skin cancer?



The mutation occurred due to the environment

Positive feedback is a control system that sends a signal to ________ a response.





hope this helps you :)

Which two body systems are interacting in the diagram?



Where is the diagram pls?

which 3 statements of these are true? ( I put a picture attached to this ) please help I will give brainliest if correct



The name of the element is carbon, there are 6 protons, and nitrogen has a smaller atomic number.


The atomic number of carbon is 6, not 12.

The atomic mass of carbon is 12.01g, not 12.

It does have six protons, it has a larger atomic number (6) than nitrogen (5) and it is called carbon.

Place the following elements in order from MOST to LEAST reactive:



Carbon is 6
Iridium is 77
Helium is 2
Sulfur is 16 ( not sure)
Hydrogen is 1
Sorry if I’m incorrect.

1. List five organelles eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not have.
2. Explain how the following organelles ensure that a cell has the proteins it needs: nucleus, rough ER, vesicles,
and Golgi apparatus.
3. What is the main difference between rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
4. Describe the three types of vesicles.


Answer:   1 Lysosomes and peroxisomes, Microtubules, Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria

2 The role of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is to control the cell. Because it contains most of the cell's DNA, which is encoded with genetic instructions, the nucleus controls which proteins the cell makes.

3 The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on its surface. This is what give the RER a "rough" appearance.            The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) does not contain ribosomes. The Smooth ER looks more like tubes. The SER helps in the storage of proteins and lipids.

4 Secretory vesicles contain materials that are to be excreted from the cell, such as wastes or hormones.

Transport vesicles move molecules within the cells.

Vacuoles are vesicles that contain mostly water.

hope this helps


sheeeeeeeeesh I agree with the other person

have a good day :)


In guinea pigs, the allele for short hair (S) is dominant over long hair (s). If two heterozygous short-haired guinea pigs mate, what percentage of their offspring will have long hair?​



75% long hair


If you use a table and put Ss for one parent on top and Ss one the side for the other parent you get the result of SS Ss Ss ss which means 75% long hair.

why is intensive system the most EXPENSIVE system​



The intensive farming looks at increasing the yield in the given limited land space with a high dependency on fertilizers, labor, and machinery. ... But as extensive farming is remotely located, the labor cost, the production cost is higher. Also, the output calls for much more care and takes a while to yield the crops.


Does papa love mombo?​


I’m not sure what this means please elaborate

Maria claimed that she could not see through the safety goggles and wore them on top of her head rather than over her eyes. While pouring an unknown chemical into a beaker, she accidently splashed some of the chemical in her eyes. What should Maria immediately do next?



She should immediately rinse or flush her eyes with water.


One of the most important precautionary measure to be taken when working with explosive chemicals in the laboratory is the use of safety goggles. However, in this case, Maria claimed that she could not see through the safety goggles and wore them on top of her head rather than over her eyes.

Maria accidentally splashed some chemicals into her eyes while trying to pour it into a beaker. The primary or initial response to this happening is to immediately FLUSH OR RINSE her eyes with water. This will flush away the chemical from her eyes before it can have its detrimental effect.


proceed to the eye wash station, open her eyes, and rinse them for at least 15 minutes


What are several ways that humans alter the natural habitat?



cuting trees, killing animals, and pollution.


"Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water."


sources: nationalgeographic

Many movies have shown scenes where explosions can be seen and heard in outer space. Which statement BEST describes why these scenes are not
A.Sound waves are unable to travel in outer space.
B.Light waves travel too slowly to be seen in outer space.
C.Light and sound travel at different speeds in outer space
D.Light and sound travel in different directions in outer space.



A.Sound waves are unable to travel in outer space.

can someone help me pls


I pretty sure it’s A.

Why don’t we include viruses when we discuss reproduction?



Viruses latch onto other cells (host cells) in order to reproduce. They do not reproduce by themselves. Instead, they use another cell to repopulate.


I hope this is correct. ;w;

Give an example or describe how WATER QUALITY can be impacted by the Water Cycle in an Aquatic Environment



the water cycle can cause some waters that come from a polluted source to be cycled into aquatic enviroment lowering life quality for the inhabitants.   at least i think so


why is it important to grow plants in the same part of the garden? (for an investigation) why not scattering the seeds anywhere?​


each plant needs a certain amount of room for their roots and leaves to maximise growth.

In the laboratory, scientists remove the gene for insulin from human chromosomes. They insert the gene into the DNA of bacteria. This causes the bacteria
to produce human insulin. The insulin is used to treat diabetes in humans. Which of these describe this process?
A. Recombinant DNA
B. Reproductive Cloning
C. Gene Therapy
D. DNA Fingerprinting



A. Recombinant DNA

Recombinant DNA is created by a process called genetic recombination. In this process, we insert a exogenous gene to let another organism, a bacteria in this case, produce a protein that can not be produced otherwise

why is the late Cambrian thought of as the period of the greatest evolutionary change in life forms on earth's history?



The Cambrian Period marks an important point in the history of life on Earth; it is the time when most of the major groups of animals first appear in the fossil record. This event is sometimes called the "Cambrian Explosion," because of the relatively short time over which this diversity of forms appears.

Help! Easy question
Which of these are not true?
a. Combustion is faster process than Respiration.
b. Combustion occurs at a higher temperature than Respiration.
c. In Combustion, energy is released in several steps, whereas in Respiration it is released in a single step.
d. Combustion can occur anywhere but respiration only occurs in living cells.

Thanks in Advance!



(c) In combustion, energy is released in several steps, whereas in respiration, it is released in a single step.


Combustion releases energy in a single step in the form of light and heat. Whereas in respiration, energy is released in steps and is stored in the form of ATP.

Hope it is helpful...

How are mid-ocean ridges formed at divergent tectonic plates?

The plates are moving in a zigzag formation, creating shallow earthquakes which forms a mid-ocean ridge.
Mid-ocean ridges are not resulting features of ocean-to-ocean divergent boundary zones.
The plates are moving towards each other, which causes the crust to buckle and push upwards or sideways which forms a mid-ocean ridge.
The stretching lithosphere is pushed up as the plates move apart.



The stretching lithosphere is pushed up as the plates move apart.


Mid-ocean ridges are basically underwater mountains that are created with the help of lava convection (which causes the rising of plates) and the diverging (the pulling away) of tectonic plates. This is also how ocean floor spreading happens.

I know that mountains are formed by the converging of tectonic plates, but ocean ridges are NOT created like this.

Hope this helps :)

Biology True or False need help ASAP














here you go u think it should be right

Which best describes the end result of meiosis?
O A. two diploid cells identical to the parent cell
o B. four haploid cells identical to the parent cell
C. two diploid cells different from the parent cell
D. four haploid cells different from the parent cell


D Four haploid cells different from the parent cell
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